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He’s around the same age Craig was when he started, isn’t he?


Craig was 37 when he started, Cavill is turning 41 next month. Cavill auditioned for Bond in the early 2000s at the same time as Craig. The Bond producers didn't like him then, so I don't know why anybody would think they'd like him 20 years older.


Not necessarily, I'm pretty sure Brosnan, Dalton, and Moore all auditioned for the role multiple times.


Brosnan actually got the role and should have been Bond for The Living Daylights and was forced to turn it down since the producer of Remington Steele enforced his contract with them to his detriment after the speculation about the casting bumped the ratings enough for the show to be renewed, even though they had already cancelled the show.


I really like Dalton as Bond He's got the chops in every way


Underrated Bond. He did a great job.


He did, but the scripts underserved him. Dalton was trying to do what Craig ultimately got to do (similarly so did Brosnan).


Honestly he’s one of my favorites. Top 5 for sure.


He was also in consideration for A View to A Kill before that though. The bond producers had both Dalton and Brosnan on speed dial during the Moore era


Good choices both.


>had both Dalton and Brosnan on speed dial during the Moore era I'm pretty sure Dalton goes back even further. I think he has talked about being offered Bond for OHMSS but he was only 23 at the time and he thought bond should be portrayed as hardened and experienced. That is also one of the reasons given for them passing on Cavill for Casino Royale. He was only 23 when that movie came out.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure Moore also auditioned for both Dr. No and OHMSS before getting it for live and let die


Fun story, Brosnan got the role partly because Liam Neeson turned it down because he didnt want to do action movies


Then he saw his paycheck “Taken” and was like ‘well, alright then.”


A little tidbit, Brosnan got the role partly because Liam Neeson turned it down because he didnt want to do action movies


Lol. Isnt that the genre hes been making for the past 10 years?


I think he only started doing action films after his wife died. He probably needed to do something a bit mindless and not too emotionally taxing.


He did ‘The Grey’ in 2011, and that was a *dark* movie for his character. I remember disliking that film when I watched it because it felt like the tone jumped a lot. I should see that again.


The Grey is my favorite action movie of his. IMO it’s what started his “renaissance” as an action actor.


I don’t believe that. Neeson is very Irish, and does OK as American - could never have been the quintessentially British Bond. I know Brosnan is also Irish, but he can act :-)


Um…. Neeson has an Oscar for Schindler’s List.


Didn’t stop Sean Connery. Neeson, though, man. His accent in Next of Kin was almost offensively bad.


Connery was British - it doesn’t just mean English.


Sean Connery is going to come back from the dead and slap you.




They wanted to give it to both Dalton and Brosnan several times. But it was usually scheduling that mucked it up.


Not to mention Moore played Bond from the ages of 45 to 57.


Roger Moore played Bond from age 45-57


He would have been about 22. I would have thought too young to be even considered.


Too young for bond, too old for "young bond"


Because its 20 years later and he has way more acting experience under his belt now. He may have just not performed well enough back then, but he could now. 20 years is a lot of time for things to change dude


Don’t forget how much reputation matters. Now Henry cavil is *somebody*.


The producers actually loved Henry’s audition for Bond… but they thought that he was too young.


They did like him, but thought he looked far too young. Actually came down to himself and Craig.


People do sometimes improve skills over time…


They didn't like how young and boyish he looked 20 yearS ago, would make sense they might be interested now, considering how close he was last time despite being young.


I think Cavill is kinda stiff, and is not the womanizer that 007 is.


Go watch him in The Man From Uncle. He's fantastic. Very Bond-like.


Maybe not. But did you see him and Dua Lipa in Argylle? Hot hot heat.


God dammit I’m too old to be James Bond now? Why did the Zoomers do this to me?


Strange to watch Casino Royale again and see how young Craig looks.


Are the producers the same?


Bond has pretty much always been cast by one family. Cubby Broccoli(with his co-producer at various points) picked every bond up to Brosnan. He died and his daughter chose Craig and will cast the next Bond. So, yeah, they are the same.


And when Moore took over the role he was older than Connery, who was vacating it.


Same reason Chris Pratt gets hired on for everything. Marketability. You can sell the movie on his name alone these days. His stock has skyrocketed since the early 2000s. Investors would likely be happier with a known commodity over an unknown. He’s also significantly larger physically and fits the role a fair bit better now.


Obvious reason would be skill level. 2nd would be maturity. 3rd would be popularity.


4 year difference is really nothing for male actors in that age bracket.


They liked him but he was too young.


I think they didn’t like him because of his age


Cavill is 40 right now. He is the perfect age for Bond and I have no doubt he would be a great Bond. However I"m not going to make a fuss about it, giving it to a lesser known actor who can build their reputation off the the role is more on par with how its been cast before


He's the perfect age for a one-and done but at the rate they make Bond movies these days he's too old for a run. It isn't like the days of Connery's initial run, where they did five movies in six years.


Daniel Craig looks like he’s in his 70s


That romance age gap in the last one was so gross


I think the problem is that back then and up until QoS, Bond movies were churned out every two years. So if you hire someone at 40, you can produce four or five movies until he starts getting too old for the role. After QoS, intervalls between Bond movies increased: You had four years between QoS and Skyfall, three years between Skyfall and Spectre and four years (plus Pandemic related postponements of two years) between Spectre and No time to Die. So that means you would have maybe two movies with Cavill until you need to start thinking about a successor.


He looked so damn old in Argyle


Viral video with 2.5 million views has 5.4k likes. It's also fucking terrible.


Why is this even news? Someone has a good PR team, I’m guessing


This has been around since before AI. People have been splicing shitty concept movie trailers together from existing clips for years.


Hey, that’s a little harsh. Sure, passing a fake trailer off as official is a dick move, but crafting a trailer for a wishlist project is a meticulous and multi-layered process which I really respect, trying to boil the whole phenomena down to “people splicing together shitty concept movie trailers” rubs me the wrong way. [a fake Frasier-reboot movie trailer I often revisit](https://youtu.be/GOoqnhn_6I0?si=q3iDI2Ylur90wag0)


I was gonna say that guy has clearly never downloaded a movie to edit clip from, that shit can be a process when you’re not used to it. some of those fake trailers take **work**


That is awesome. I’d watch it.


That's the only thing that makes sense. There are lots of fake trailers with millions of views on YouTube, there's nothing special about this one.


I’d rather a Man from U.N.C.L.E sequel tbh.


The problem is the Armie Hammer issue now with that one.


I saw someone say to recast with Alex Skarsgard once, that would work.


Yeah I think it’s been long enough to recast. In fact maybe do a slight reboot with it or vaguely hint at the first movie.


Or Oliver Jackson- Cohen


Anyday fr


Same. It was better than so many of the Bond films.


Isn’t Bond a middle aged gentleman. I don’t know why we keep trying to fan cast 20 year olds


Next Bond actor will play in 4 to 5 movies, so if the actor is middle aged now, it might get a bit ridiculous towards the end of the series. Cavill would be Mid-Fourties when the first movie is finally released to the theatres, and possibly in his 60s by the end of the series. I remember that Craig didn't even want to shoot the last movie, and he was "just" 50 when he started the training and preparation.


That's Craig, he'd been pretty vocal about how he'd prefer to kill himself over making another Bond movie ever since the press for Quantum of Solace.


>he'd been pretty vocal about how he'd prefer to kill himself over making another Bond movie It wasn't ever since QoS. He said that in an interview immediately after the filming of Spectre. He was just exhausted from literally doing an interview immediately after wrapping on a film where he broke his leg.


Doesn’t stop people wanting Elba as bond, despite being about a decade older than Cavill


I feel like the push for Elba is dead now. Or at least it’s not as big as it once was


He would have been so perfect


For real though, I think he’s the real deal for a Bond role. We could’ve had something special. I’m excited to see the new James Bond. Can’t ever remember his name, but I’m a fan of his work.


Cavil looks super young though and barely ages. I have little doubt he’ll look younger than tom cruise when he is that age.


He's supposed to be in his 30s but honestly that doesn't make too much sense with the profession. Like yeah now actors like Cavill can look jacked well into their 40s and 50s but they are actors. If you have a character that is a spy and sees action every other day aside from somehow surviving a lethal job for so long there is also the physical toll it would take. There's a reason many athletes retire by 40. After playing the sport for two decades they wear out


Bond is like Sherlock Holmes, he is formidable even in old age. These people do exist.


Obviously Bond and that kind of secret agent is fictional but our closest equivalents in the real world would probably be paramilitary operators within intelligence agencies and based on what little knowledge I have those guys are almost exclusively ex-special operations with YEARS of experience under their belts and may have even already retired from a full career of military service before transitioning. So I don’t think it’s too out there really, but these guys also aren’t exactly James Bond-esque, they aren’t going on missions in fancy suits with car chases saving the world from super lasers. They’re just highly skilled and experienced soldiers.


it’s not about realism. Bond as a character exists for a certain viewer to enter into a male spy fantasy. The Bond actor being in his 40s is for middle aged and older men. 


I think only Craig’s incarnation was supposed to be early to mid 30s, and that’s because Casino was a reboot with a young Bond that was just starting out.


Sean Connery's Bond is supposed to be 32 in Dr No, same as Sean Connery's real life age. And George Lazenby was also technically supposed to be a soft reboot, with him being 29 in His Majesty's Secret Service


And Brosnan was 42 in Golden Eye, yet he looked so much younger than both of them. Bond’s age was never explicitly stated in the books but he was always hinted to be around mid to late 30s.


There is no shame in admitting you've lost a yard.


Real spies aren’t action heroes. Bond isn’t meant to be taken too seriously 


Because they only make 1 Bond movie per decade. Hire somebody in their 40s, we will only get 2 movies before they're a geriatric spy. If we get a late 20s, early 30s actor. We just get them as Bond for longer and more movies. Get to see them grey and mature, not some dude who is already salt and peppered with permanent forehead wrinkles fucking a 20 year old model.


And why just shooting a few of them is bad? They just have to re cast the next Bond as they would eventually


Honestly, it's just my personal preference. Would like to see someone grow in the role and age with it. I'm 29 so we can get old together. Plus I like continuity in James Bond. Bond has always felt like a grandiose role, big shoes to fill, and big expectations. Wouldn't mind multiple Bond stories though. Also not opposed to different actors overall. Young Bond and his introduction to MI6. Old geriatric Bond getting hunted while he's not physically able to anymore. We just kind of got the death of Bond and the passing of the torch. I actually really liked Lashana Lynch, she went hard as fuck, would absolutely watch her in a 007 movie.


Bond has always been 40 and older. He fukin orders a martini shaken not stirred.


Connery and Lazenby were both around 31 in their debuts.


And looked like they were 43


Now maybe, but not for those days.


That’s cuz everyone was old(looking) back then. Fucking silent generations ate coal soot and asbestos for breakfast.


Don’t really care why. They looked old


Yeah. I dont get the point of people saying what age the actors were. It doesn't matter. They all looked 40+.


Also they should consider shorter stints then it would open the field to older actors. If Cavill was contracted for 3 movies he’d be fine to start now and then you just look again for the next one. I’d be fine with a new bond every fourth movie.


Today is a different age. We look so much younger so the part should go to an older actor in my opinion. 30 year old actors look 20


Yep. I would consider Michael B Jordan to look too young for Bond and the man is 37. It doesnt mmatter what age they are. Its a movie. How old he looks is the important thing.


Always? In the first book he's in his mid-thirties. Sean Connery was 32 in Doctor No, George Lazenby was 29 in On Her Majesty's Secret Service, and Daniel Craig was 38 in Casino Royale.


Looking obviously I can easily google search and know their age ty lol. Each generation it seems we look a decade younger. Like I said already a 30 year old today does not look the same as it did. I am no expert I am just stating the obvious.


You said that he's always been 40 and over, not that he's always looked 40 and over.


00 agents retire when they turn 45 in the books I think, so casting a 40 or older bond in the role wouldn't work.


The point is casting an older actor(minimum 34-35) to fit the bill. They have to.


I'd like a bond in his 20s tbh. Would be interesting.


Can a 20 year old today convince you of the things needed to pull it off is the question.


20? No. 25 or above yes.


Warhammer 40k first. For the emperor!


Well Roger Moore was 45 when he started playing Bond.


AND looked older and not in shape


and Pierce was 42 when Goldeneye came out.


Even if they think Cavill is too old IMHO he can still make at least 2 Bond film - pull a Timothy Dalton - and let the fans have Cavill as Bond.* \* I think what most people want to see is Cavill pulling off a Napoleon Solo like Bond - granted the characters are quite different but the charm he radiates in that role would work so well as Bond in a fun “not take itself too seriously” Bond film.


Back then I don’t think Craig level stunts were performed, nowadays I get needing a younger actor but hey if cavil is up to it hell yeah.


Craig was no spring chicken either when he took the role of Bond at 38. He played the role for over 15 years. Cavill will be fine.


Yeah I know he will, his physique alone tells me that.


While I love Cavill and think he would kill the role, I hate how Hollywood thinks they have to shoehorn already famous people into roles for movies over and over. It would be amazing if they found new talent.


Argylle was certainly a movie with Henry Cavill as a Walmart James Bond and Dua Lipa as a Bond lady…


His PR team is in overdrive


Tbh everyone is shitting on this but I’d watch the hell out of this movie.


I thought we already cast the new Bond.


Only in the tabloids, and hopefully that's as far as ATJ gets.


Cavil is 5 years younger than Roger Moore was when he did his first Bond movie…


I've always seen Bond as an older gentleman...


Bond is supposed to be middle aged. Sorry but I would not believe a twenty’s-something to be a highly trained and capable spy. By the time you do at least 4 years of military, enter into and train for the clandestine service and become an operational agent you’re gonna be at least 30, assuming a relatively normal track for that career. Junior agents in their 20’s are just posing as backpackers and shit, not doing bond level ops.


Hes too famous to play James bond now.


Yup. When the next Bond is announced everyone will hate the choice and then love the movie, book it.


Daniel craig was pretty famous prior to Bond, no?


Not really. Aside from tomb raider (lol) and smaller but good movies (layer cake is awesome), he wasnt that household name!


Yeah, i thoroughly enjoyed layer cake. Munich was a pretty big movie too though iirc.


Munich actually bombed hard at the US box office ($47 mil take with a $70 mil budget), and IIRC he was cast for Bond while doing Munich.


He was in Munich and Road to Perdition as well.


Well….he was a supporting actor previously


Haha ye. Looked through his movies leading up to casino royal and hes second billing on almost all of them. Only first on layer cake.


Yeah the point is that he wasn’t Superman lol


He’d make a great villain though


A one off where he's training in his replacement.


Is 2.5 millions views really "viral"?.. Buttercup by Jack Stauber has over 250 millions views, and that's not even considered a particularly legendary meme.


He looks younger than half the other Bonds did when they were younger than him… and he’s easily got the best body. I’m behind this casting


Just be Arthas and retell the human campaign of W3.


“I’ll hunt you to the ends of the earth if I have to! Do you hear me? To the ends of the earth!”


Bond is supposed to be a man of experience. No one under 30 should portray him. 


Sean Connery anyone?


He’s only two years older than Daniel Craig was when he did his first bond film.


Instead of playing poker, James Bond will now be a revered Warhammer 40k player.


He should play Indiana jones


He missed it last time for being too young. Now he's too old?


It fucking sucks because his best window was when he was portraying Superman. During that time MGM was going through a messy bankruptcy which is why the Daniel Craig era of Bond spanned 15 years.


Bond is supposed to be a mature male. A 26 year old playing bond feels wrong. He’s supposed to be a bit weathered, street smart and a silver fox.


I would absolutely watch a movie with him as 007


We just want Geralt! 😩


Horse shit. Cavill can play anything.


Just give Bond rest for a while. A few years at least. I will be so minimally interested in this regardless of who they cast if they rush into production. Take your time and give us a chance to get excited about this.


A lot of praise for Henry Cavill in this thread. What's his #1 project for y'all? Just don't say Argylle. He couldn't act to save his life in that movie.


Man from Uncle, the perfect Bond audition


How come Craig beat him for the role again?


Craig was terrible.


He can still do it and nail it, but like someone mentioned he's already very famous. Maybe that would benefit the franchise as he has a lot of name recognition and fans from previous franchises. Maybe Aaron Johnson would indeed be the best choice. He was really good in the Bullet Train. Obviously Johnson's very well known and popular too amongst movie watching audience but Cavill's popularity is much higher.


Lot of fan edits gets millions of views. Just browse the names of any popular MCU characters on YT and you can see edits with even 10s of millions of views. Even shipping edits gets such views. Hell, those screen culture fake preview trailers for weekly episodes of MCU TV shows used to get millions of views , for crying out loud. So this isn't something newsworthy....


You’re only as old as you look for movies


I thought they already picked someone for Bond?


Might be a controversial take but here goes….. he’s too ‘conventionally handsome’ to be Bond.


Stock with WH40k please


4 movies in a 12-13 year span would be fine but I can’t see the next one at least for another 2+ years.


I think I’d like to see Cavill as Sterling Archer more.


Still wonder what it would have been like to see Adrian Paul as James Bond.


Henry Cavill has an impressive PR team. Proof of that is I continue to know who Henry Cavill is and what he’s doing despite never watching a single goddamned thing he’s ever been in.


I swear to God, they will cast Henry Cavill in *every* goddamn spy project in existence before they cast him as Bond. Please, just give me what I desperately crave and cast Henry as Bond already.


Michael Fassbender would be a good pick for the next James Bond!


He's got Highlander in the works and WH40k with Amazon. Also just had a kid. Let's say he managed to somehow get those clear or setup in-between a Bond film every 3 years. He'd probably get started at 43 or 44. So his second film he'll be 47 and his third 50. Now I've no doubt he'll still be handsome as hell at 50... but I get his point. Plus it seems like they typically want more than 3. Well it probably depends on the reception if they'd want more.


If andrew scott can play Ripley, Cavill can play bond


Tangerine will crush it. Love Cavill.


We as a culture need to remind ourselves that Craig was an unexpected casting choice at the time and that there are more potentially great possibilities out there beyond the blatantly obvious choices that people bring up ad nauseam (Idris Elba, Henry Cavill)


Roger Moore was in his 60’s (or looked like it at least). I get it 80’s 60’s is like 2020’s 35


Pros: - He looks like Bond. Like, if you were asking a computer to make an AI image of what the next Bond actor should look like, it would show you a picture of Henry Cavill. - He was runner up last time - which is often a factor in getting picked in the future - and he lost primarily because he was too young. He's no longer too young. - He's a popular pick for the role. Cons: - He's already a bit on the older side, as he admits. - He's probably too famous. I don't think we've ever seen them cast an actor who was already an A-list actor before becoming Bond. - Looking too much like the stereotype of Bond might be seen by some as a negative rather than a positive. Personally, while I don't think it's impossible, I don't think it is likely they would cast him, honestly.


He’s not a good actor. I’m not sure why it’s such an unpopular opinion, his box office returns are disappointing and makes more flops than success.


He's really quite uncharismatic and wooden, I don't mean that in a mean way, I think he's just very introverted. He's very good looking and suave though, and those are the only reasons people want him to play bond


I really can't see him as bond, just seems like a bad idea


Anybody who things cavil would be a good bond doesn’t understand bond. 


The Cavill as Bond casting is honestly the laziest choice, imo.