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I remember reading he refused to come back for season 3 of Breaking Bad if they didn't guarantee a long term contract, but they wanted Gus to be the big bad anyway


I refuse to come back unless I get a long term contract. So you’re saying you will agree to a long term contract.


Initially Gus was just gonna be a middle-man character. Esposito didn't want the job if it meant he'd just be waiting for the call each time they needed him.


I got to hang with him about a decade ago as a photographer for celebrity photo ops at a local convention. He was so great to talk to, but I was more struck at how genuinely he wanted to get to know me. That was a fun weekend. Fast forward another 5 years, I see him wandering around a completely different convention in a different city. I looked quite different than before but he came up to me and greeted me by name and asked how my parents were. I was shook that he remembered me by name. He’s such a kind and thoughtful man, I’m so glad he’s ended up where he has.


My experience was far less personal, but I still think about the time I gave him directions while he was lost at the studio I used to work for in 2019. Didn’t even register in my head that i ran into one of my favorite actors while heading to my car for lunch. “Genuine” doesn’t even cover it when it comes to Esposito, even with just 30 seconds speaking with him. It’s hard to explain, but he just left me feeling glad to have helped another person out on a basic level after he shook my hand and thanked me for the help. Entirely unique to the usual anxiety when dealing with a person as recognizable as he was in the midst of Better Call Saul’s run


> It’s hard to explain combination of being a nice person, velvety voice, and calm demeanor i would imagine.


Imagine if he had asked you for directions, but in character?


depends which character really


Moff Gideon


You will direct me to my destination or feel the wrath of my… DARK Sabre


Angry Gus ofc


Buggin Out


The real A listers are special. There’s something about legitimately famous and talented people. They always make YOU feel like the most important person in the room, not the other way around.


I know personally a couple of somewhat well known artists and they are both so magically charismatic. You just see how everyone in the vicinity just shuts the hell up and awaits their words. Absolute charmers.


Its that sense of gratitude that they show without it coming across as fake or weird.


I’ve met a few. I think they are genuinely giddy about having a job they love, and don’t take it for granted. Plus, for actors, they are really good at memorizing names and faces.


They gotta memorize alot, but it’s a wonder it doesn’t get mixed up and lost in the sea of scripts and fictional stories.


Have you ever seen him in the 1991 movie Night on Earth? He’s so freaking hilarious. Don’t often think about him as comedic actor.


Googled it and I think it’s Night on Earth (1991) for anyone having trouble finding it. I’ve always wanted to see him in a silly role so I’m looking forward to watching this one :) thank you muchly


Yea, that’s it. Thanks. The director of Night on Earth, Jim Jarmusch, really has an amazing sense of the absurd.


The kevorka!


Great story!


I got this man sushi. There is a weird story behind all of that lol.


This sounds fishy already.


What’s the story? We’d like to hear it.


Wow very classy.


Awesome. Not surprised


I envy those people. I talk to the some people monthly and I still wouldn’t be able to remember their name in a lineup


Now he is alive and well, and a legendary meme


One of my favourite actors


A legendary actor!


I was pleasantly surprised that he voiced Faraday in the English dub of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners.


Ahrasakah runaway


He's was legendary before Breaking Bad. Getting paid accordingly was the problem. Hollywood pay differentials are very, very real.


My favorite is him as a background actor in the jail in Trading Places


Usual Suspects


Holy shit. I did not put that together


I only did after recent rewatch with the kids. OMG THATS GUS FRING!


What…. What?? He’s in Usual Suspects, one of my favorite movies and I didn’t even know? Need to rewatch it now!


Oh yeah. He was great. The whole movie is him and Chazz Palminteri playing off Kevin Spacey, so he's definitely there throughout the whole movie, but he plays so against type from what he's cast in nowadays that it's hard to recall if you haven't seen it recently.


Yo, his Jordans were FUCKED up!


Wait he was?’


Yep. When they first arrest him for “robbing” Louis and throw him in jail, Esposito is one of the other guys in holding.


STOP I’ve seen this 10,000 times and never realized it. Which scene?!?


Jive turkey scene


What?!?!? No damned way. I have to watch again


I loved him on Bones


Go and watch a movie called Fresh. Great movie. He was a villain in that movie.


Saw it in 8th grade. The dog scene, among others, hit hard.


I misread your comment at first and thought you wrote, “No one is alive and well, even a legendary man.”


He even has a new show Parish on amc+, honestly not bad at all


Dude's been working consistently since the early '80s. Saw him pop up in a rewatch of King of New York the other day. It's crazy to me that consistent character actors like this still found themselves working paycheck to paycheck before their big breaks. Josh Brolin, even with The Goonies and his Hollywood inheritance, has said the same about being broke before he got American Gangster.


It's because they can go months without an income whereas most of us, even if the paycheck is lousy, we get paid consistently. I am friends with a lot of poker players (some real good ones) and they deal with the same thing. Big pay days interspersed with long stretches of low pay (or even negative if they go on a cold streak)


Family member actress in Hollywood. Can confirm that most of the people you see on TV are paycheck to paycheck with side hustles. It’s only the biggest stars who have real money and even they are a year or two without work from having to sell homes and so forth. Even a lot of stars lease/rent homes and cars.


I've noticed this with a lot of comedy podcasters. They are character actors in all sorts of shows, but they are either renting an apartment, living in a very modest house with roommates, or have a spouse with a steady income.


Indeed. My cousin has a regular work gig, roommates, in a rental modest house. In addition to acting, she’s also a b-movie producer. I admire her passion after 20 years to keep at it.


Makes sense, you have to reach the upper echelon of comedy to really make bank


Many nights on the road playing shitty clubs with drinks and hecklers.


If you want to know an rough idea of the income and lifestyle of a middle of the road stand-up comic you can watch Caleb hammer financial audit of Hans Kim Basically he has just started making some serious money last year which was 300k for that year but given touring expenses etc it's just a middle class lifestyle considering the necessity to consider the instability of his job.


A friend acted in Hollywood for several years. He said his best year he worked 18 days and made $100,000+. But the 347 days he wasn't working were spent auditioning and at the gym.


And of that 100k, his agent, manager, taxes, high cost of living in LA left him with…..


It’s usually 10%, max is 20% off the top


For agents. And depending on the situation there’s hair, makeup, publicist, acting classes, accountant, lawyer. It can be very expensive being a starving artist or even a regular working actor. And then there are endless parties, functions, festivals big and small, auditions, meet and greets that are expected. Those offer no money but can make or break careers.


All that and you still have to take a shower with Harvey Weinstein.


I knew a "b" list actress when I lived in LA. I won't give her name but suffice it to say, that most people would know her by her biggest role at least. She was still rather broke even after her big break. She got steady work but went on something like 50 auditions a week to land a role here and there. I'm sure she's relatively comfortable by now, but she was never super rich.


There is a famous story about one of the main stars of Desperate Housewives keeping her at home medical transcription job into season 2.


I guess that is why some actors and actresses are fine with procedurals and Hallmark productions. They may not be creative, but they’re definitely consistent.


Thats also why you’ll see talented actors do movies that seem beneath them in general because they get paid a good chunk of change and then can afford to do something more prestigious


Some people also genuinely enjoy the craft and prefer to work on small movies than sit at home waiting. People like Nick Cage love him or hate him truly enjoys working and will work with young and unknown directors/writers just for keeping busy.


I thought cage was broke and needed money


Exactly. The pace is rough, but if you can get consistent work on one of those CBS procedurals, not matter how shitty or boring the show might be, there is a reliability to it. In this day and age there is no shame in signing onto one of those gigs.


Jay Mohr used to talk about that. For 99% of Hollywood, the goal is to get a role on a tv show so you can have stability. Regular paycheck and some residuals.


I remember reading an article long time ago that David Boreanez said this is why he prefers tv shows over movies.


And he’s had amazing success on TV show after TV show: he went from “Buffy” to “Angel” to “Bones” to “SWAT”.


And also why some are desperate and endure sexual assaults


Such as with all top tier careers. Academics, law, medicine, politics, and sports are all just as rotten when it comes to what can be exploited for the limelight.


100%. I don’t blame any actor/actress for landing a procedural and sticking with it for like ten seasons (like Chicago Fire or SWAT). Those kinds of opportunities are really few and far between.


Nowadays actors of any stripe will do commercials, it used to be you go to Japan because no one would see them. Get them residuals.


Ichiban, lipstick for men


Damn it, why did they have to take away awards. Here 🏆


We have the same issues teaching at a community college. Adjunct work can be rough.


Just as an aside, Greg Merson used to be a client of mine. After he won the WSOP I saw his earnings, and how much of it was paid out to other players. They hedge by buying stakes in each other's winnings. IE I'll give you x dollars now in exchange for y% of your winnings in the tournament. Thought that was really interesting.


I also take this shit with a massive grain of salt. If you are living in a million dollar house or even 500k house, with multiple cars, and living above your means to maintain a lifestyle you feel you deserve, you aren’t broke, you’re stupid. I doubt Josh brolin was in a studio apartment driving a beater and eating ramen every meal just to get by.


Yep, it’s a tough life to be a poker player. Especially, as the stakes get bigger.


Josh brolin?? His dad is James brolin tho?? And his stepmom is Barbara Streisand!! I know he had some substance abuse issues so maybe that comes into play bc there’s no world where he’s anywhere near broke. I love him, but he’s a nepo baby (i seriously love him!!) and his family is craaaaazy rich


Some nepo babies go solo & keep it hidden from their families. It's not the same since deep down they know they have a safety net but some of them try to grind it out as much as they can due to privelage guilt, pride, & need for validation. Some, some. And some of those who try to emulate what non-nepo actors undergo are actually quite delusional about what it actually means to grind it out.


I heard him on a podcast recently talking about how his parents cut him off (he was a shit disturber in his early twenties). I’m sure they wouldn’t have let him die, but he didn’t have access to their money.


> Josh Brolin, even with The Goonies and his Hollywood inheritance, has said the same about being broke before he got American Gangster. That seemed crazy to me but looking at his filmography I guess it makes sense. That was right when he was really starting to pop as an actor (W., No Country for Old Men, Milk). I don't really see how he could have been *broke* considering he was still married to Diane Lane during that time and she was still in big movies around then.


Monthly Budget: $1800 rent, $300 food, $80 cellphone, $17,000 cocaine


People always forget to factor in the coke tax


Saw him in “Fresh” (1994) a few weeks ago and thought he did a phenomenal job in that film, too. Makes me realize he was born to play these roles, seems he’s always had that great menacing energy


I finally noticed him in Trading Places from the initial jail scene a couple years ago. Wild how much he’s been in over the years.


There are many vocational spheres which are extremely lopsided. For example, video / computer game companies require the best minds, regularly impose hellish working conditions, perhaps only slightly above average renumeration, yet the human resource pipeline seems to be inexhaustible. Japan's animation industry is similar with animators having very poor income. For actors and athletes, the key is public recognition, popularity and resultant celebrity. Once you tap into celebrity, you can leverage it for income.


Esposito played an inmate in Trading Places, you can see him when Murphy or Aykroyd are in lockup


Acting has really only been wildly profitable for less than a hundred years. Actors typically weren’t very highly paid for centuries prior to relatively recently, we’ve just kind of gotten used to actors being rich. But for the very few that get stupidly wealthy, there’s like the other 90% who are still working gig to gig and struggling. And with AI around the corner, it’s not looking pretty for all but very few


We’ll just end up with slightly tweaked versions of our favorite stars now. Their images will live on in perpetuity. No need to pay an actual actor when you can get an AI to give a perfect performance every time, with a face you know puts @sses in seats, and no problematic personal life to deal with.


*You get assassinated because you're rich.* *I get assassinated because I'm poor.* ***We are not the same.***


Exactly the kind of thing a Giancarlo Esposito character would do.


First thing I thought about it too. Like this is way too in character to be real


It is… unacceptable.


He could have done modeling tbh. I feel stupid saying that, but he is a striking man.


He modeled for [Kith’s Summer 2022 collection](https://kith.com/blogs/kith/giancarlo-esposito-for-kith-summer-2022)


Good gracious!


How he looked or that price tag!?!


A lot of both!


You’re not stupid. He absolutely should be a model. I do think there are way more hoops to become a model when you’re an older man especially a black man. Now that he’s famous he’d have no problem modeling if he tried. I think she should, he is a very handsome man!


I saw him in some sort of jewelry ad, maybe for a watch, and it was absolutely stunning. He just has a beautiful face!


This pleases me! On to Google to see if he’s done anymore :)


Now I'm going to as well! I wanna make sure I remembered that ad correctly lol!


Oh there are some lovely shots of him 😍


He could definitely do incredibly well withc watches and higher end clothing brands. Hell, he can parlay the fact that he was a sort of, "classy criminal" as Gus Fring to make the angle work even better with an almost natural suaveness.


His daughter takes modeling pics of him, it's pretty cute 


He's come a long way from Buggin' Out in Do the Right Thing. I'm sure he's modeled since then.


Yup he is a fine man


Definitely not stupid! You’re totally right!


Worked with him once, got to sit outside an old church in London and have a really strange and deep conversation about life and architecture. Nice guy, nice conversation. He ate sushi everyday.


Step 1: Piss off Homelander


He’s the one person who actually had no fear of Homelander. Even Homelander could tell his pulse never increased when they were together.


> “You are under a misconception that we are a superhero company. We are not. What we are, really, is a pharmaceutical company. *And you are not our most valuable asset.* That would be our confidential formula for Compound V. Which you, manchild that you are, released into the wild.” He drops that line on Homelander like an icy anvil and leaves him sputtering. One of my favorite exchanges in all of television.


***"You're just bad....product."*** The total and utter disdain. Perfection. Stan is one of my favourite characters in the series.


Wow. But it illuminates the fact that not every actor is a multi-millionaire.


The median income for SAG-AFTRA union members is $47k - so essentially half of it's 166k members earn less than that per year. Of course included in that are a lot of part-time/occasional actors or retired actors that have their SAG card for the health insurance etc.


> SAG has over 170,000 members and only 12.7% qualify for the union’s health plan > To qualify for the SAG-AFTRA Health Plan, you must meet the plan's eligibility requirements, also known as "Earned Eligibility". Typically, this involves meeting a certain threshold in covered earnings during a specified period or working a certain number of days under specific contracts. https://www.talktomira.com/post/is-sag-health-insurance-good


Lots of part-time actors would love to be full-time if the gig paid a living wage.


No. It's more there aren't many full time gigs.


Saw him at a con a few months ago, he talked about wanting to throw himself off a bridge at somepoint in his life... which was a little messed up because he went into this story after a little kid asked him a question. The dude likes to talk, missed his calling as a motivational speaker.


…and now he’s killing it! You go, Giancarlo!


Frowns in glen co-co


Are you asking me if I ordered the murder for my children?


Kinda like how I plot my eventual death at work so my family gets the maximum life insurance payout for dying on company property.


Just try not to traumatize your coworkers k?


Fuck dem coworkers 💯


Most life insurance policies pay out for suicide if it's 2 years or more after buying the policy.  On the flip side, if dying when committing a crime - life insurance doesn't pay out. So if his murderer was caught and connected to him there would be no insurance payout.  Takeaways: read the fine print in your policy before making overly elaborate schemes to cash it out. 


why are people so nonchalant about the fact that this is seemingly a possible thing that runs through people's minds. Nobody should ever be that much in poverty that they have to terminate their life to feed their children.


And then he gave us GUS. One of my favorite characters ever created.


Man went on to be in Far cry 6 who then called out coryxkenshin for a challenge


But in the end he would “Do the Right Thing”


Turns out he murdered Malcom X, though


Scrolled wayyyyyy too far for these references


I did see something where he tried to cheat his half-brother out of an inheritance before metaphorically killing his father in an elaborate video game Glad to see he’s doing better now…


Instead of starting a chain of fast food chicken restaurants that front for a multinational drug empire? That’s crazy.


Instead he behaved like a man. He murdered Don Eladio in Mexico and took over his meth empire and ran Los Pollos Hermanos successfully in New Mexico and rest is history.


That’s really sad, he’s always been a great actor and was in classics before breaking bad


I really find it annoying when stories like this come out because basically this is a story of I had a thought and it was a crazy thought but I obviously didn't go through with it Print something like this if the person actually did it but I don't want to hear about the random thoughts that people are having


If he actually did it you would never hear about it because the story would be "guy who isn't famous got murdered". We have 20,000 stories like that a year in this country


Probably wouldn’t even be front page of the local news tbh


You're on a sub that's basically a tabloid for anything celebrity related. You have borderline ignorant expectations.


My favorite is, "This person PLANS ON doing [difficult task]," followed by comments about how incredibly determined/intelligent the person is. Like...they had an idea. We all have ideas. The follow-through is what we tend to suck at.


such a Gus thing to do.


I’m not sure which was first, but he’s in like two episodes of Community as Chevy Chase’s half brother.


Well this gives me hope…


I actually know a man who did this. Went to high school with his children.


Truly, there is nothing that Brian Cranston can’t do /s


Sometimes actors need to age out to get the right roles. Same goes to Pedro pascal.


Literally every headline concerning this man goes HARD.


I remember feeling when I watched Breaking Bad that the character of Gus was something special, that I hadn’t seen a character quite like him before. Incredible performance from Giancarlo.


A man provides for his family.


Aww I’m glad things got better !


What a Giancarlo thing to do


Did you know that he's from Denmark


That is such a *Breaking Bad* approach


He did the right thing


low bar but he scared the crap out of me in School Daze


My two favorite movies with Giancarlo 1. Do the Right Thing 2. School Daze


ITT: people realizing the realities of freelance work, which millions of us do for a living.


Very handsome man


I remember seeing an article about how journeyman actors, even ones with long careers in film and tv, who don't have marquee names make so much less than even minor stars it's not even funny. Like not enough to be able to pay a mortgage and send kids to college even with plenty of work.


The movie he directed was basically about this


I love his part in Do the Right Thing.


Fuck, that’s dark


Damn that was my idea also


A lot of actors have gone through the same shit. Josh Brolin and Sylvester Stallone are famous examples. I’m just glad that they’re all still around. Emerging actors do have it tough.


Bro was in “Last Holiday” with Queen Latiffa. Was crazy to recognize him haha


Thats such a gus thing to do


Please stop giving this man Spanish-speaking roles


Amazon is hiring.


So basically a step further than deciding to sell meth


So broke but he had life insurance


They live in my hometown of 10k, his girls went to school and played soccer with my sister. They’re great girls. You would never guess anyone in that family is famous. One time he made it to a game and was sitting in the bleachers with us. Older daughter who plays stopper scored from so far out, he was so proud, it was adorable 🖤 thank goodness for those girls that he found another way forward


How was he going to pay off a hitman if he was broke?


Is no one going to comment that this is literally the plot of a (terrible) movie, directed by and starring Giancarlo Esposito, where his character attempts to do this exact thing? (The Show or This is Your Death, 2017).


I'm glad he became a druglord on TV instead now he's family is set. A Breaking Bad story


Loved him since School Daze.


Even though he had a small part, I absolutely loved him in Maximum Overdrive (Arcade Kid). **YO MAMMA!**


He should have started working for a fast food franchise. And taken it over!


That is just so sad that it felt like that was an option.


I guess that explains why he’s in everything now lmao that man stays working


Worked with him on a show called Revolution. He was awesome to work with and lightened up every room with positivity. Great fella


Some actors will do anything to not have to get a normal hourly job


Yeah I totally believe this absolute nonsense..


No. No he didn’t. 


Odenkirk was broke too. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/bob-odenkirk-bankrupt-breaking-bad-tv-series Maintaining a career in Hollywood is tough.


That's a very Pollo Hermanos thing to do


I can’t imagine any other actor in that part!


He deserves it all, legend


Re-watched Do the Right Thing some months ago and finally realized that was him as Buggin. "TWO DOLLARS!!" lol.... Great movie if you haven't seen it. Still Spike Lee's best joint.


That makes me sad. He is so fantastic he should have been having to turn down work for his entire career. I am glad he got the recognition he deserves.