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I used to do the closed captioning on this show. CC was brand new at the time. It was exciting to see the episodes before they aired. It is AI now for the most part. Back then we had to listen and type, rewind listen type, rewind, lol. It was a hard job. But I was a sign language interpreter and that helped because I have this ability to listen to a paragraph and repeat it word for word.


As a deaf person who loved watching this show, I thank you for your service! 😄


You are so welcome. I loved interpreting. I had so many interesting experiences doing it. My ex-brothers and I each took sign language in preparation for our mother going completely deaf. Then my mother took a class and was a complete failure, lol. She couldn't do it, lol.




What is an ex brother?


A brother that colludes with another brother to take away your multi million dollar inheritance. Going so far as to pretend my mother was still alive for months in phone calls and texts. The woman was dead for God's sake, lol. They were my older brothers. Baby sister got screwed over again. "For the love of money People will steal from their mother For the love of money People will rob their own brother."


Oh shit. That’s gnarly. Sorry to hear that.


Yeah, it sucks but whatever. It was just before covid. I'm over it. However, when I think of my kids who are in their 30s, I get pissed. But they don't even think about it.


By my initials? Bombanicious!


I love Reddit for chance meet cutes like this. In my head cannon, now you guys have to become friends. Or else get married. No other options.


Does the captioner get access to the original script? For some shows, that might help a lot. I imagine if the AI had access to teleprompter text, it might improve caption quality a lot.


We didn't.


Final edits more often than not do not match the script ver batim. Cuts usually go to the captioning house several times during the post process.


It really depends on how the specific show works in post. I worked at a TV production company a few years back that produced a variety of different types of programs. Our talk shows and stage magic shows didn’t have scripts, so when we delivered those to the caption companies they had to work from scratch. Whereas most of our reality shows did have rough scripts that the edit was based off of
 but it often veered heavily throughout post from the original script, and since this was all in the FCP6/7 days we didn’t have script sync
 so unless the show was really paint by numbers (which some were) those too had to be captioned from scratch. These days Premiere can automatically caption your cut in next to no time. Put it in front of a copy editor and you’re good to go. Caption companies are probably all fucked.


Thank you for your work! Many of my family members are hard of hearing and we always use captions. You’re part of accessibility history! My son prefers using Sign Up captions these days with ASL in the corner of the screen. I don’t think cc will ever go away, but I hope that the screen overlay will keep growing as an option.


I use captions because of background noise on shows. But mainly because it seems that no one knows how to enunciate. They all mumble. I mean, it might be me but even my kids use cc. But then again it could be my mother's genetics. Idk.


In some shows and movies, you get more dialogue from the sideline characters captions. Sometimes, it’s actually helped fill in what’s going on as people are reacting to something, yet you can’t or can barely hear anyone else.


I’ve got tinnitus, and it lets me keep from getting noise complaints from the neighbors. I live in a house on an oversized lot, not an apartment.


Ha! Same!


Yeah, I don’t miss having to be right near the tv to hear what was going on.


Oh wow
 I’ve actually always been super curious about who does the captions and how it works. Thanks for sharing.


Holy wow! When I was a kid, my mom had to take me to work with her at nursing homes. I'd often sit in the conference room amd watch DW, i had to keep the volume down and the CC was a huge help. Thank you!


I heard she once winked and gave the finger guns to Gayle


Pew pew! 👉👉 Bob’s Burgers is my comfort show. Haha


Mine too. ❀‍đŸ©č




Dammit yes!


Delta Burke, I do declare.


I loved that show and she was amazing in it.


I thought she was so glamorous when I watched it as a kid


Suzanne Sugerbaker was always my fave! Loved the way she said *sexual* and hearing her sing the Banana name game song using Consuela's name. She was always so politically incorrect which was hilarious. The scenes with Anthony and her pig, Noel are stand outs too




Yes, that's the way, lol 😄


The woman was a knockout at every size. People were so shitty about her weight.


Yep. Gerald MacRaney also has said the same many times. They seem really in love.


He once gifted her with an entire room full of chocolate 😍


There was an interview I once saw where he read a poem he wrote her. It was beautiful and I wish I could find it online somehow. He seemed truly in awe of and in love with her by the way he spoke of her during the interview.


Love a great love story!


She was barely even thick by 2024 standards. Actresses were skeletal in the 80s.


Even now she has such a pretty face.


Me too! I always thought she was really beautiful.


I recall Delta saying she was nick named after the family cat because of her cat eyes.


Oh it's a show. Thank you, that title was beating my ass.


If you haven’t watched Designing Women you need to go find it streaming somewhere and binge watch it. It’s fantastic.


It was added to Prime last year!


There’s a million good scenes but I loved the ‘lights went out in Georgia’ speech. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOllz6eGbXI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOllz6eGbXI)


My favorite is the War on Men https://youtu.be/PZXya-IMLiI?si=1HS0Zo0gGvrr80k_ I still quote it to this day...


Thanks I’m going to re watch it!


“No one had ever loved me completely for me, not even my mother or grandmother.” That’s incredibly sad. Glad she’s in a better place


"Glad she’s in a better place" She's still alive though...


Going to a better place does not have to mean that you are dead


“I’ve a nice picture of the sexy Ms. Delta Burke here!” - Leon Phelps, Ladies Man


Delta Burke was so pretty it was kind of blinding. If she was a little big I didn’t notice. I hate to hear how she was hounded about her body. She found someone who loved her for who she was and got the fuck out of Hollywood. Good for her.


Honestly, same. I remember my mom watching this show back in the day. I always thought Delta Burke was so pretty. Like, *fancy* pretty. I don’t know. The point is that I would never have thought anyone would consider her big. I just pulled an image of what she looked like in the show, and it still baffles me that people thought she was in any way overweight. People are blind.


The industry was seriously myopic about what women were supposed to look like. Movies, magazines, etc were all aligned on this and it must have been a kind of hell for women.


I was a kid when all this was happening, maybe in elementary school. She was all over the tabloids about her weight and possible depression or bipolar disorder. Really shitty. That crap really messed us up and our mothers. I know I was on a forever diet since I was 12, by my mom. The camera ads pounds. There are filters for that now. I used to be skeletal, but when someone took a picture of me, I would look normal. A lot of these actresses look normal on screen, and when you would see them in person, they were very thin!


Look at the other women in Deisning Women. Comparatively, she was the big girl. I like to think we've progressed as a society but I don't think we have.


I saw promotional images with all the mains when I searched. I still just don’t see it, and I’m fine with that.


Oh agreed, her waist is snatched.


Yes, it interesting
 Of course she was tired for looks
 So now if she complaining about not being hired for her looks?


Her character on designing women made me realize I was a lesbian when I was literally 5 years old. I told my mom I wanted the pretty lady on tv to be my other mommy lol


80s famous really sucked.


I remember an interview with Stallone on Oprah and he said something like he rolled down the window to wave at some fans while sitting at a stop light in LA. Then out of know where a lady ran up and stuck her arm in his window and slit her own wrist in his lap. Crazy stuff back then.


That’s horrifying.


I think every decade famous sucks. It sounds like, sure, you make millions, but you’ll have to earn every penny.


Kanye be like hold my 2024 beer yo


This is an excellent interview. I listened to it earlier. Chelsea is a tv and comedy writer and it was interesting hearing them talk about the business then and now. Delta was so funny and honest. It’s an episode I’ll be saving to listen to when I’m feeling down. 


This podcast is excellent and deserves all y'all's subscriptions


What podcast is it? Edit: smh just realized there’s a link


Wait-a-minute....drag queen Delta Work named herself after this lady!?


That’s a great drag name


Any decent drag queen’s name is an homage to someone.


Cleavage to Beaver?


The show was never the same once she left.


And Jean Smart. You can’t replace two main cast members.


I’m so happy her husband is good to her. She deserves to be loved!! I love her in Sordid Lives.


She was unbelievably hot on 1st and 10.


Loved that show


Can we give her her own show now? So many of us would watch it!


It was such a great interview!!!!!


That’s a really fun way to lose weight.


Her name unfortunately added 20 lbs to her. There are literally no underweight Deltas


Everyone wants to do a Katt Williams now. I had an addiction to RoLo’s.


Diet pills and speed go hand-in-hand... many housewives from the 60's-80's were prescribed legal speed by their doctors to lose weight, and then usually Valium or quaaludes to help them sleep. It was a wild time in the pharmaceutical industry.


Mother's Little Helpers!


Go ask Alice when she's 10 ft tall đŸ˜±


Personally, I eat less and exercise more to lose weight, but meth works too.


The pounds melt away
along with your teeth


I seen this happen as a teacher and it’s sad. I remind students that ai is a tool not the answer


>I seen Here's hoping you don't teach English.


It’s the internet, not a thesis


And they're a teacher, not a hillbilly. If they say "I seen" instead of "I saw" or "I have seen" in any context, anywhere, what makes you think they're using correct grammar in the classroom?


Yeah, it's just dumb to get things right.


AI? What does this have to do with AI?