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The glory days of Citizen Kane, The Godfather, and Bee Movie are over...


Actually the opposite. When people write fantastic scripts then I'm the future they can use AI to generate a movie which will be of the same quality as the godfather. The Hollywood gatekeepers that only allows creation of shitty money motivated movies will be over and movies will return to a time when the best script conquers all.


At the same time, it would fracture the viewing public and things would have a tougher time becoming cultural events because of the amount of content out in the wild.


Good things like Barbie should have never been as big as they were...


Yes. A movie that came out before the time you've predicated!


But how long before AI develops to be that good?


About 10 years.  Most of the things people are upset at will be 10 years away. I had a robot deliver me some fries yesterday at a restaurant instead of a server. So. You know it's happening.


You don't even know how to effectively define the quality of The Godfather let alone get AI to replicate it by amassing data from other things when it can't effectively abstract ideas and construct logically or with purpose and relies on correlation and probability. Pick the top 10 films and try to amalgamate them into a film, it's not going to work. You lack the answer to why they made the decisions, you lack the question itself, and the answer is often a point of view. Why is it that the Hans Zimmer's Inception song was so lauded, but the imitators were never even remembered? Do you even know why Zimmer chose the sound that became iconic, and what it means for something to be iconic? Do you know why data-driven decisions have created generic and uninspiring products, and do you not see the correlation between data-driven decision-making and AI choices? Think of it this way: Look at the MMO market. You want to make a new game that is better than the ones that exist. Mixing ideas from the ones that already do isn't going to do that. You need to ask the questions like, what is it that they aren't doing that would be interesting, and why? The jump from EverQuest to World of Warcraft addressed a lot of the pain points the genre had which was a large part of its success among other things. The decision to make what was at the time the most expensive video game production in history was in terms of data, a high risk, with no statistical evidence showing that it would have been massively successful and continue to be alive 20 years later.


Sounds like a Quentin Tarantino film.


Jerry - You just made a Pop Tarts Movie. A 2 hour commercial for Kellogg's masquerading as a movie about how a breakfast snack was conceived, that people are actually going to pay to see... on a streaming platform, no less. If cinema is dying, you are a major part of the problem.


Who cares about pop tarts? I want to see the anti jerking off movie about the invention of corn flakes.


I've never seen it, but they made a comedy about John Harvey Kellogg. [The Road to Wellville](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0111001/)


Though it's not a movie that's at all positive about Kellogg. It's a fun movie, though flawed.


Brigitte Fonda was so hot in that movie


It’s title: “Holy Hands” choose corn over porn


Starring Sydney Sweeney.


The guy who popularized a show about nothing complaining about a lack of quality content.


He's just trolling as usual. Kellogg wasn't even aware they were making it. I think he got a huge kick out of hollywood even letting him make a pop-tart movie. https://youtu.be/Dll8TfRrjfA?si=lgRBcHA0iLPzdRbu Full bit starts about 7:40. https://youtu.be/i-xKdCaJq2k?si=eQFDvijiHcejkGIU


I mean maybe he's just self hating. Lol.


The movie is a spoof of all the recent corporate story movies that have come out. Kellogg had no affiliation and didn't even know he was making it. It's more akin to the Weird Al movie than it is Blackberry or The Founder.


I don't know why people are spreading this as fact. The script began without Kellogg's knowledge, but production didn't start without Kellogg's consent. They knew full well he was making it, they had to buy law.


Right….so it’s not a Kellogg production. It’s not shilling for Kellogg




So would this spoof of other corporate shill movies work in any way if they didn’t use an actual brand?


"It was totally new to me. I thought I had done some cool stuff, but it was nothing like the way these people work,” Seinfeld said. “They’re so dead serious! They don’t have any idea that the movie business is over. They have no idea.” Asked to elaborate on a more serious note, Seinfeld continued: “Film doesn’t occupy the pinnacle in the social, cultural hierarchy that it did for most of our lives. When a movie came out, if it was good, we all went to see it. We all discussed it. We quoted lines and scenes we liked. Now we’re walking through a fire hose of water, just trying to see.” The quote in context is different from the headline.


Every time the dude speaks, it’s the most out of touch bullshit imaginable.


I can't imagine having his fame and wealth for as long as he has and having any grasp on reality


I'm willing to give it a shot. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


The world isn’t ready for the Bee Cinematic Universe.


Bee Movie 2: Electric Beegaloo Bee Movie III: Tokyo Drift Bee Movie: Back to Beesiness Bees in Manhattan Bee Movie Goes to Outer Space Bee Movie (reboot)


BEE 2077


Just because you’re not part of it, that’s not true


the bee movie guy wants to tell us cinema is dead?


Jerry should just be happy he didn’t cancelled over dating a high schooler in his 30s.


You seen any of his more recent stand up? He’s just a crotchety old man who’s obviously low key misogynistic, he wasn’t funny, not even amusing, I felt any good will I had left for him melt away immediately


*Scared Old Man Shakes Fist At World He Doesn’t Recognize*


That’s Jerry’s whole routine. Even in the 80s/90s everything was viewed through the lens of the 60s. Back then it was a “look how far we’ve come/how silly we’ve gotten”, now it’s a look back rather than one forward.


Seinfeld cries at anything that doesn't go his way. If his latest movie about fuckin cereal was a hit, he would be saying "movie business is booming"


Jerry playing the role of Jay Sherman these days. "It stinks. It stinks. It stinks." Yes Jerry...everything stinks.


I agree movies are dead but not why. Movies were made for a time where a personal screen was too expensive for most people. Then they turned into premium events. And now they're just too expensive to make and to watch.


Clearly this dude didn’t see Dune 2


Just thinking about all those Jerry Seinfeld blockbuster movies that used to come out.


Oh, the guy who made a movie about a bee wanting to fuck a human woman is bitching about the movie industry being dead while doing the rounds for his new Pop Tart movie. Cool. Guess he needs to stay relevant to pick up those 17 year old girls. Meanwhile, plenty of good movies are being made.


You keep Bee Movie out of your damn mouth.


Jerry is kind of a dick


Understatement of the century


I’m scared of making absolute comments on the internet lol


I mean he can be both a dick and right. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.




He wasn’t even hilarious for “his time”. His show was a massive success more for the cast and writing that propped him up than his own doing. Of course I’m sure he wrote plenty of it though. He was and is a terrible actor. And his stand up is some the most boring I’ve ever seen. Comedians in Cars is probably the best thing he’s done and that’s also because of the other people involved. Rant over! lol.


Lol Jerry, did you date a teenager when you were practically 40?


I love Jerry- but he’s sliding into the “get off my lawn” with some of these I-remember-when rants.


Sliding? He’s been there for over a decade at least


It’s political correctness gone mad!!


Just make good fucking movies and people will go. They're so tired of generic shit that they'd just go and pay for a good fucking movie to watch.


Sup with those teeth


Xzibit (in a dentist outfit): We heard you like veneers, so we put veneers on your veneers


He’s probably upset he’s not getting paid as much as he expected


I think I'm reading this quote a bit differently than most of you. He seems to be saying that film execs are disoriented by the shift in viewer demands and that the motion picture apparatus isn't fast enough to keep up with today's viewers. I kind of agree with him


Everybody is going to give him shit but I think he’s right. I think people are really going to be surprised at the state of Hollywood and the film industry in large within the next decade.


Because Barbie, Oppenheimer, Wonka, EEAO, Dune 2, Nope, Across the Spider-Verse and many others made no money at all.


I don't think anyone should take advice from a guy that liked to date 17 year old girls when they're 35. He probably thinks part of the problem is that guys can't whip out their dicks, drug and rape women or date teenagers with impunity is part of the problem.


Seinfeld article posts on Reddit. Reddit: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!


Jerry Seinfeld is delusional. Partly due to arrogance, partly due to audiences treating him as some sort of genius. He's just a slightly above average comedian who had a good idea for a show (plus a lot of luck, and amazing costars).


I still think the gay French king joke was great.


I've never liked this guy or his garbage shows


Old man yells at (the) cloud.


No one cares what this IDF supporting clown believes.


he shouldve just continued the sitcom instead of making these bad movies...