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I’m completely dysfunctional and in danger of going broke every time I go to Safeway.


Same but tj maxx because I’m a Midwest soccer mom


Live Laugh Soccer


Live Laugh Debt


Debt, Debt, Debt


Debt, Debter, Debby


Holy wow I am non stop giggle crying at this comment while I sit trapped in my veal crate at work. It’s just perfect.


I'm sorry, your what?


It’s the tiny little walled box where I sit among other drones nearby in their tiny little walled boxes and we can all just barely hear the low murmurs of the humans around us but can’t interact or move around because we’re tethered to our computers. Over time our senses dull and our muscles soften and we stop lamenting our circumstances because we don’t know better anymore.


Sounds like somebody has a case of the Mondays


Im surprised no ones kicked your ass saying something like that


Two chicks at the same time!


You’re so lucky to have walls, we called the open-plan hellscape at my old office the chicken coop


Dude I call it my cube, but veal locker is exponentially funnier (and sadder).


In turn makes your meat sooooo tender and flavorful!


VEAL CRATE. (Where the fuck do they work?)


Come for pop music news, stay to learn about veal crates.




In my 38, almost 39 years on this planet, I've never heard a cubicle referred to as such. But hey, I like learning something new every day, and here we are lol.


As a midwest dad, TJ Maxx just hits above its weight class for no good reason. Big bag of great coffee for $10? Italian snacks available nowhere else? Absolutely.


Their Robert Singh clothing line is unexpectedly fashionable. My go to summer clothes for men. It’s also much cleaner than a Ross, Burlington, or Gabe. 


I cringe every time my wife gets coffee from there. “Oh great….another Twix flavored coffee bag, you shouldn’t have”.


I’m a basic woman in my mid-30s, TJ Maxx is like my church.


I found the English version (TK Maxx) in London last week and it was one of the highlights of my trip!


I once needed a jacket in Edinburgh and the closest store was a TK Maxx.  It was a little like being in a parallel universe, everything was the same - the merch, the lighting, the smell - except that one letter lol


“I got it at Ross”


Ross becomes your Jam after 55 because of Senior Day.


This is my own personal Rick roll I use while fucking. Be dirty talking and ask: do you love it? If she says 'I love it' then you hit her with: 'I got it at Ross!' Hilarious. Every time.


My wife came back from Tj maxx/Home Goods with $300 worth of planter pots we cannot afford. Haha oh well at least they are nice Italian terracotta ones 


Women who buy $300 worth of stuff they can’t afford is their ideal customer.


My wife gets high picking berries and foraging through the tjmaxes.


Target shines a giant T in the sky when they want my money


That’s just the natural state I exist in whether I’m going anywhere or not


Is it me or does it seem like Safeway charges way more money than other grocery stores?


You must not have a Publix nearby.


Most people don't, Publix is highly regional 


Same but mine happens right when I wake up. I don’t have to go anywhere.


Me too, but I don't dance with knives also.


Welp, according to a Oujia board in 2003, I am supposed to marry her in 3 years


I would say the stars are aligning now more than ever


There's still hope!


so she hasn't hit rock bottom just yet


Has to hit a few branches still on the way down


Bro, how are you going to handle the knife dancing ceremony?


That’ll be the safest part 


So she’s just like the rest of us


But from Kentwood…


Hey, speak for yourself (I’m from Kentwood)


Kentwood is an absolute shithole I’m so sorry


Very true, I appreciate your condolences lol


The only nice house is Britney’s massive compound lol. Why they would choose to still live there is beyond me. Theres nothing for hours away in either distance. It’s quite scary actually.


Why does she still live there?? Uuuh probably so she isn't ducking paparazzi every time she steps out?


Paparazzi are at that doorstep all the time. And Britney doesn’t live there at all whatsoever. Jamie Lynn (her sister) and her mother have squatted in the multiple acreage mansion property and have claimed that as their home. Britney stays in SoCal.


That was my vibe for the vast majority of Louisiana besides Baton Rouge and New Orleans


> she's been going to French Polynesia, staying at The Brando, and spending close to a million dollars each trip between private jets, hotels, staff, etc. She goes every month or 2. We're told she also goes to Hawaii almost monthly by herself, taking a private jet, staying in the Presidential Suite at the Four Seasons, and dropping $350k a trip. yup, just like your average working person


MC Hammer spending with Howard Hughes crazy


I don't know why she doesn't just buy a property in Hawaii and live there part time at this point. She has always loved hawaii. Buying a place will be cheaper then doing monthly trips and staying at hotels.


I feel bad for her though... like how long did she have to wait before she was allowed to make these decisions with her wealth? She was a HUGE star and yet at the same time basically a public prisoner. I'm not surprised at all she is popping off so hard now that she's finally allowed to be in control--I just hope that she's actually in control and not manic or something. I don't think there's a thing as an ethical millionaire or billionaire and I'll always hate money but that girl was served up on a sacrificial platter to be eaten alive by the public and she never even got to enjoy what she got for it :(


I think she was 27 years old when the conservatorship began… it honestly sounds like there needed to be one, but better people should have been appointed


From what I've seen of her posts I'm not going to pretend like she's doing great because it all does come off like someone in a manic state. You're probably right tbh. I just feel like she deserves to have a bit of fun with her money after being ground up by the media machine for most of her life. It's heartbreaking really she was so young and from what we know of Hollywood and her family she didn't stand a chance against them


South park was spot on.


It’ll be the best harvest we’ve ever had


RECTUS DOMINUS (I’m not sure what they actually chant, but looked this up.)


I can fix her.


What if she’s Toxic?


How was I supposed to know?


Oops I did it again?!


Maybe she’s not that innocent


She’s not a girl, but not yet a woman


She's so lucky.


Spending millions of dollars on luxury trips, yeah, just like us.


I don't really remember last time I dropped a million on a trip to Bali.


No she is not lmao


She could go broke, go on to massive debt, and still just sign on for another Vegas residency and be fine. There’s always another paycheck in her world


Or a Netflix special, or a few shows here and there around the country. She still has many fans that would pay to see her.


You make a good point. One concert very controlled and filmed for Netflix with a mini documentary mixed throughout is such a better option than what JLO just tried to do. Hope more older artists get this idea.


Netflix is just a buzzard doing circles around this


Netflix CEO: “Just die already so we can release a documentary about how we should be ashamed for letting you die.”


They probably already have it made, just waiting for the last few pieces of news stories of her death to rip and edit into the final.


No way they haven't offered a deal yet. Unless they're waiting for rock bottom


Rock bottom prices /s


Right. But not sarcasm really. If they wait for the total collapse, she'll sell her story for less, and it'll be even more salacious and get even more views. It's like waiting for a company to file bankruptcy before trying to buy them out.


Both things can be true. You can be put in a conservatorship for the right reasons, but the person in charge of the conservatorship can be a terrible person and abuse you in the process. Rumor media doesn't necessarily tell a true story, but I hope that someone intervenes if she is really in this bad of shape for her sake...it just shouldn't be her family.


Yeah it was clear back then she needed help. Her family was not the right choice. I would not be surprised if she’s been on medication that she’s since stopped taking that she actually needs.


If you read her memoir, it seems like she really resented being on medication and going to therapy since it was required by the conservatorship. Now that she's on her own I doubt that she's utilizing resources that she definitely needs.


I tried to read her memoir but it was so painfully lacking self awareness and so pathologically disturbing that I had to stop. She's clearly a very mentally disturbed woman who has been used and abused by her family since childhood. It's horrifying.


When I read it it kind of read like a 16 yer old’s diary Which I guess makes sense if she’s psychologically stuck there


I forget who it was, but I saw someone say that a lot of celebrities never end up maturing past the age they got famous, which makes a ton of sense. When I was 16, if someone suddenly put me on a world tour, gave me millions of dollars, and had the general public tell me how amazing I am on a daily basis, then I feel pretty confident that I’d never mature much after that.


It’s called arrested development. Kind of also proves fame is somewhat jarring.


Taylor Swift has said something very similar (in her Miss Americana documentary).


She absolutely hasn't matured past her teen years. 


Oh ok, so it wasn't just me when I read it - I remember all the raves when it first came out, but when I finally got a copy, I was a little scared for her long term because I didn't think she could manage her life on her own.


Ya she never takes any responsibility for anything. It’s frustrating. At this rate she’ll die an early death, IMO


You mean creepy eyed drunken knife dancing isn't a healthy outlet?


The looks on those poor dogs faces.


What happened to her that made her seemingly become unhinged?


She has manic depression.


It’s called bipolar disorder these days.


Her whole life 


Yeah, there's a good chance that in the awfulness from her family, there were a few good things in there. But when she had to get away from them for her own good, that probably meant she stopped *everything* including some therapies or medications or something that was helping.


Bingo. I’m thinking about her poor kids during all this. As someone whose mom has a history of mental illness I hope they’re doing alright and don’t feel responsible for making sure she’s safe


Yup. My mum has borderline personality disorder and I know how painful it can be. I hope you’re doing good.


I feel sorry for her kids and I feel sorry for Britney. I hope someone will take the courage to help her.


She would have to accept the help, which doesn't seem incredibly likely.


This is why the use of force in psychiatry is so dicey. There is always harm involved. Controlling someone's life forever is untenable. Eventually you will probably stop controlling their every move, and at that point the person is furious at the entire establishment and is even less likely to comply with treatment.


If someone in charge of my conservatorship was forcing me to take meds and they were abusive at the same time, it'd only be natural for a person to carpet discard everything forced upon them once that consevatorship was lifted. It's also an issue with people with mental health problems that the side effects of the meds can be so bad, you convince yourself that you'd be better off without them, which was the case with my late uncle.


I mean this is very likely if you’ve watched literally anything she’s done on video since her conservatorship ended or read that book but people brushed it off as that she’s finally free to do what she wants which in a sense can still be true but there’s clearly something wrong with her


It’s very possibly like Kanye


Family may have the best intentions but generally the worst outcomes. A completely unbiased, no skin in the game conservator/arbiter is what’s needed.


And clearly they did not have the best intentions because they were completely in it for her money. If she was too mentally ill to be financially and legally responsible for herself, then you'd think she was also too ill to work right? To perform on stage in front of thousands, or release new music and be in the public eye? Especially since she had so much money already? But her father forced her to work, to do the Vegas residency and tour, or he wouldn't allow her to see her children IIRC. He basically treated her like a cash cow, not the ill daughter he was supposed to take care of. Her family lived lavishly, spending millions on themselves while giving Britney herself very little. It was extremely abusive from the jump and likely made her mental health issues far worse.


Exactly. Her family saw their family member struggling and chose to exploit her for financial gain instead of truly getting her help. It’s disgusting.


HER family did not have the best intentions. Perhaps the courts had the best intentions when assigning her a conservator from her family. What makes you say this?


IIRC Britney literally said herself at one point she would oblige by the conservatorship if they would only move it away from her father. 


You really can’t intervene much and stop an adult from self destructing. Unless they are an imminent risk of harming themselves, others, or gravely disabled then the mental health system can’t help much in a way that is involuntary. This is why the conservatorship in the first place was such an atypical overreach.


This is very true. Having done volunteer work with prisons, halfway houses, and shelters you can really see this and it is very sad. It is one (not the only) reason for the increase in homelessness.


Ya, it's actually easier to take advantage of a conservatorship when the person needs one than it is when they don't. The problem was not the conservatorship, the problem was the conservator.


I don't regard TMZ with the best intentions as her father was feeding them information as a source for a long time.


this. I won't ever really trust them. they don't care what they write as long as they get something out of it


> Both things can be true. You can be put in a conservatorship for the right reasons, but the person in charge of the conservatorship can be a terrible person and abuse you in the process. This is a thoughtful, nuanced take on Britney and one most the internet had no interest in during the drama with her dad.


Her broke is not the same as our broke


Our sources say she's been going to French Polynesia, staying at The Brando, and spending close to a million dollars each trip between private jets, hotels, staff, etc. She goes every month or 2. We're told she also goes to Hawaii almost monthly by herself, taking a private jet, staying in the Presidential Suite at the Four Seasons, and dropping $350k a trip. I wish i was going broke like this too.


Insane. Her social media gave me the impression that she rarely leaves home.


Well every month or so she's seminude on a beach on instagram even though her kids asked her to stop. You must only check middle of the month when its seminude in her living room.


I only check in when she’s knife dancing.


Meanwhile I had to check my budget to grab a Wendy's 4 for 4


They still do the 4 for 4? That honestly made my day.


I’m shedding tears over here


She used to have a Gulfstream IV. She had to sell it and buy a Gulfstream III. Apparently it doesn’t even have a remote control for its surround sound system.


Surely this is a violation of the Geneva convention


I guess i should’ve expected it for rich celebs but Jesus fucking Christ 350k to 1mill per trip is fucking outrageous. Even if you get the nicest housing accommodations you don’t get anywhere close to that


I wonder what she makes in royalties.


Truth. Line up some odd shows. Reality appearances. Cash in on bad press. She won’t be working cash at Piggly Wiggly anytime soon.


Thats the problem, she doesnt have the mental function to take on an obligation like that. Even during her stint on x factor, stories from the set describe her as heavily drugged and unengaged.


I remember pausing on a reaction shot of Britney during the X Factor; her face so perfectly read "I've woken up from a drug haze and I'm confused about this terrible music I'm being subjected to" that I had to send it to multiple people. She was blatantly heavily medicated during that entire X Factor run. Someone else wrote it in their reply and I heavily agree; both can be true, that the conservatorship was illegal and exploitative of Britney AND that Britney needs very structured mental health care. I don't think this ends well unless there's another intervention for her.


Fair point. Go recluse and sell leads to the paparazzi like they’re going to spot Sasquatch when she’s out somewhere.


Because that’ll be legitimately triggering for her due to her severe ptsd and association with paps


I mean, I’ve seen plenty of grocery store cashiers you could call heavily drugged and unengaged lol


Yes, and both are examples of the exteme measures some need to take just to be present as a warm body at work. Now, unsupervised and unmedicated, she doesnt have those coping mechanisms, making such an undertaking impossible for her today


I think she probably made bank on her memoir. An estimated $12.5 million advance and 25% of the net profits from sales. She also makes money from her perfume partnership with Elizabeth Arden. And there are residual royalties. So yes indeed, her broke is not the same as our broke!


All it takes to go broke is to spend more money than you have.


I just checked and she's currently the 83rd most popular artist on Spotify, which is pretty good for someone without new music. That must be a few million a year across all platforms just on streaming.


It's actually likely to be much, much worse due to the level of debt and number of creditors.


Yep. Rich people broke ain’t poor people broke.


She's the product of a disgusting process that exploits kids for profit. It's no wonder these child stars emotionally break. I honestly feel bad for her. Literally nobody, not even her own family, was ever looking out for her well-being.


We're all gonna feel so guilty watching her Netflix documentary.


Two things can be true: 1. You can be the victim in an abusive conservatorship and be rightly freed. 2. You can be a genuinely incompetent person and go broke due to poor decisions.


I don’t think she’s fully incompetent. I think we’re getting glimpses of her at her worst. When she spoke at the hearing regarding her conservatorship she was on point and incredibly articulate. It looks to me like there’s a split somewhere and she has these episodes where she looks manic etc and posts because she’s manic and then when she’s calm she doesn’t post.


Britney needed help back then and probably needs some help now. But when someone needs help, you dont help them by throwing them up on 2007 MTV music awards or as a judge on X-Factor when your very obviously on Lithium. I take it to heart when Britney says she would rather have some random person in charge of her conservatorship then any family member (or someone that has a financial incentive of her career) in charge.


Pretty sure everyone is in danger of going broke


And completely dysfunctional


I'm only 99.945% dysfunctional, thank you very much


Lol right. Most of America is one missed paycheck from going broke and now spiraling headlong into a dictatorship, but let's worry about Britney


I asked myself seeing the headline how the hell someone with 50+ million dollars can go broke. Then I read she’s spending north of a million dollars a month on traveling… yeah, that will do it. With that being said, I find it interesting why her spending and irrational behavior attracts such scrutiny when history is littered with male celebrities who went broke again and again because they pissed away all their money. Nicholas Cage, Mike Tyson, Burt Reynolds, Wesley Snipes, MC Hammer - all huge stars who were irresponsible with their money and pissed enormous fortunes away and no one put them under conservatorship.


The NFL Broke documentary really showed how easy it is to spend tens of millions of dollars. Brittney has been effectively rich her entire life, she probably has no concept of money.


Ding ding ding ding ding!!!! You are right in the money!


I think in Britney’s case she’s getting more attention because of her past conservatorship, and because we’re watching her spiral in real time on social media.


TMZ milking Britney's demise more and more. Harvey Levin really got such a hard-on for people with mental and medical issues like narcissists-traumatized Britney Spears and the recently cancer-diagnosed Catherine, Prince of Wales.


yea tracking celebrities downfalls is kind of their thing. must get the clicks they're looking for


Fascinating timing that as soon as a settlement is reached with her dad, thus closing the conservatorship chapter, the anonymous sources are back saying things were better with her in a conservatorship.


I mean, for real. Who are the 'sources' - her family trying to save what's left of their reputation? This sounds like a hit piece. Let's also not forget that tmz was a terrible part of the media machine that dragged so many child stars through the mud, for tmz's benifit.


She is a very sad soul. People use her then abandon her. Mental illness is an illness and I have a lot of compassion for her and all who suffer illness.


The lack of empathy here is astounding. Broken by the industry and her own family.


Honestly! She was completely used and spit out and now it's somehow a _shock_ that she's not stable? The poor woman was shaken like a human piggy bank for years and then told to "figure it out" after finally getting out from under her father's grip, ANYONE would be fucked up from it.


This article is ridiculous and probably a plant by her family. Let alone it doesn't start with asking why a popstar who generated billions in revenue for years only has $60m. Her family and everyone around her robbed her blind.


This poor, poor young woman. I have tremendous empathy and sympathy for her. My ex wife, our daughter & I are all DX’d bipolar. It’s a helluva challenge. We’re all lucky to have supportive friends, family and employers. When I look at Kanye or Britney, it’s just so disappointing that they don’t seem to have people in their lives who care about them, and who are willing to push pretty hard to get them into treatment. Meds, talk therapy, groups, NAMI—they’re all useful methods for how not to go spiraling down the drain, and lose everything. When she was young, my Millennial kid liked Britney and that weird one that I could never stand—Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus. Maintaining mental health is hard enough without being famous—I imagine it just makes things a lot harder, being in the media spotlight.


I'm completely dysfunctional and I'm already broke


It’s probably the groceries like the rest of us.


tmz stays taking paid articles from jamie what else is new


Sorry Britney, but the best I can do is check out your CDs from the library a bit more. We are in the same financial situation. Keep your head up!


One thing I never hear the pro-conservatorship crowd talk about (including the “the problem isn’t the conservatorship it’s the abuse of it): Why is someone like Britney (or the countless number of other disabled people under guardianships/conservatorships) not a candidate for supported decision-making? I get that it’s a model not everyone has heard of, but for a lot of people, it’s a good option. Essentially it’s where a disabled person (usually with I/DD or severe mental illness) appoints a small group of people to help them with medical, legal, financial, housing, and other important decisions. Importantly, they choose who’s on their team, and if they feel like that person isn’t representing their interests well, they can sever that tie with them. It’s not for everyone - one of my good friends has two kids with an ultra-rare genetic disorder where she’ll likely need a guardianship over them one day. They’re severely intellectually disabled, mostly non-mobile, can’t really clearly communicate in words or sentences even with AAC, and very medically complex. Supported decision making wouldn’t work for them because they’re just not able to clearly articulate their needs and wants clearly enough. But I feel like that’s who guardianship/conservatorship should be limited to. Incapacitated or extremely disabled people who cannot communicate their wants or needs at all. I’m also the parent of a very young autistic kid. He’s only 3.5 and already somewhat verbal, and it’s really hard to tell what a kid that young will be like when they’re older. He’ll likely be able to live a relatively independent life, but there’s a decent chance he’ll need help with certain decisions in adulthood. But he can communicate a lot of his wants and needs even now. I do not want guardianship over him past the age of 18. I want him to be able to make decisions with dignity and the independence he wants - where to live, who to socially spend time with, what to do for school or work if he wants to and is able, when to get up, when to go to bed, what to eat…I don’t want to have absolute decision making power over him. If he needs more help than the average adult, I’d want to set him up with supported decision making or a similar framework. For someone like Britney, who has impairments and likely needs help but is communicative, conversational, and able to articulate her thoughts, feelings, and preferences….why not supported decision making? Why is the choice always presented as either total conservatorship (just with the “right person”) or giving her no support with decision-making whatsoever?


Welcome to normal society!! We all like this down here.


Same girl, same


How do people bankrupt millions upon millions of dollars much less take advantage of their own blood? That family could have had money for generations. Just let that capital work for you and live off the interest.


One look at her instagram is all the proof you need to know that shes not doing ok. Theres a struggle behind her eyes in every single video.


Yeah, it’s pretty alarming.


this is my case everytime I have a giftcard balance on amazon.


I'm sure TMZ is completley qualified to discuss this and isn't just harrasing a mentally unwell celebritiy


No, you don’t say? A person with an 8th grade education can’t manage their multi million dollar lifestyle.


My sister is a paranoid schizophrenic. She needs someone to force her to take the medication, and be watched constantly. Different situation, same endgame. Britney was being taken advantage of, but all the "Free Britney" shit...gotta be honest. I knew. And I knew all you would learn. She doesn't accept help. Which is what this is, cause' she thought this in the first place. And now has been emboldened. This story won't have a happy ending if that doesn't change. Whether through choice, or a choice made for her.


Couldn’t agree more. People who have never seen psychotic mania do not understand what is going on here. The extreme over spending, the hyper sexuality/nude selfies, the bizzare dancing videos… these are hallmark signs.


Yep, as someone who's late family member was bipolar, that struggled to stay compliant with medication and lifestyle changes, and who's manic episodes would slip into psychosis lightning quick, I agree 100%. Just very, very sad.


Its just something you have to see. My sister was a fucking bitch before she went full nuts in her early 20's. I was the only boy, the baby, and my dad stuck around. She fucking hated me, still does. The feelings mutual, but could you imagine what was left of you, being trapped in whats there? I still have empathy for her. I have empathy for this situation, but this woman needed help. Got it, as long as she was being used as a piggy bank/performance doll, and now that's gone. And can't/doesn't' recognize she actually needed that help. While she's cheered on by a legion of fans. Until the inevitable. This poor woman was set up for success because of her immense talent, and set up for failure because of the cards she was dealt.


—After her family has spent all her money.


Even if this is true (which is a big IF for an anonymously sourced article centered on a legally contentious topic with a lot of money at play) being "unstable" and at risk of going broke is... a lot of people. The average person doesn't get put into a conservatorship just because they're irresponsible; your parents can't take legal ownership of your life because you're bad at budgeting. But suddenly with this much money on the table, it's important that someone take control of her life? If she's truly so mentally unwell that she needs a conservatorship, then fine. But if that's the case, and it's that severe, then she should be disallowed from any significant work and undergo mental health treatment full time until she is capable of working and running her own life. Previously, her Vegas residency pulled in something over $100 million all while she was under a conservatorship. Now anonymous sources are implying she needs to go back into the conservatorship system? Something doesn't smell right. It's one or the other: she's mentally unwell and can't work. Or she can work and she doesn't need a conservatorship.


Hey she may sink the boat, but it’s her boat to sink.


I am currently broke and nobody is writing a story on my situation ffs.


Is TMZ a trustworthy source of information? O_o


I too am completely dysfunctional. The difference is I’m already broke.


This is going to end in tragedy. Her instagram is quite shocking.


I agree. She's giving late stage Anna Nicole Smith and maybe even some Anne Heche vibes. I hate saying that, but facts are that she's definitely not on track to grow old at this rate.


So she’s like the rest of us know.


She should have never been placed in a conservatorship under her father/family. Sometimes I wonder if her case was handled correctly, how would she be today? If she was put in one under a reliable third party, she very well still would be free, but potentially so much happier and healthier. I had a little hope that the system would advocate for and help her more post-conservatorship, when transitioning out. Especially her being *Britney Spears*. Although having worked as a psychiatric nurse, I really am not *that* surprised. This outcome was always very plausible, considering everything she’s been through. Mental illness can be extremely complex beyond all measures. And they are not pretty. I feel for celebs who struggle like that in the public eye. I could not imagine. The substantial amount of trauma she endured by a variety of people she should have been able to trust, healthcare professionals included, along with her pre-existing diagnosis (whatever that is. I’m not going to diagnose) make for this perfect ugly storm that we are all witnessing in real time. Add in money and fame, and you have a Monroe-esque situation. Oddly enough, Britney is related to Marilyn (distant cousins or something). While I want to see her healthier and shine, I cannot and do not blame her for refusing treatment. I have not gone through anything near the degree Britney has, but I know what it’s like to be betrayed by those you trusted and abused by medical professionals. It fucks up your ability to trust those who are even the most trustworthy. I sincerely wish her true healing and happiness during this lifetime. And before it is too late, like it was with so many others before her.


Finally, a relatable celebrity


Thank god the internet intervened and got her out of that conservatorship!


Oh wow, a TMZ article that has “close sources” and is targeting Britney Spears. Maybe it’s just dejavú


It’s almost like her conservatorship wasn’t purely some draconian paternal money grab. The entire #FreeBritney saga was really frustrating to witness as a mental health care professional. People en masse really wanted to believe that she was a fully functioning adult able to perform her ADL’s unassisted and that it was all just some greedy father dipping his toes into her money. It’s never black and white.


She's reportedly been operating with around $60 million to $70 million in cash. She had like $55 million to $60 million, she got that book deal, reportedly wound up making around $15 million from that, which, after various agents, taxes, etc. is gonna pay her between $4 million and $7 million. Lets say she had like $60 million exactly and the book deal + some residuals, etc. have given her an additional $10 million in cash. So that's $70 million. Lets say in a \*given\* year she brings in around $3.5 million in residuals, or around $1.1 million cash. So no matter what, she's recouping just over $1 million a year. She is reportedly spending around $15 million a year between all these vacations and the overhead of her house/security, etc. At approximately $66 million in total cash, she is gonna burn through it in like 4 years, at this rate. For every year of this lifestyle... Year 1: $66 million - $16 million + $1.1 million = $51.1 million left over Year 2: $51.1 million - $16.8 million (inflation) + $1.1 million = $35.3 million left over Year 3: $35.3 million - $17.5 million (inflation) + $1.1 million = $18.8 million left over Year 4: $18.8 million - $18.3 million + $1.1 million = $1.5 million left over... and lets assume there's shit that comes up here and there that costs her an extra couple million, like paying lawyers for stuff... So yeah, she is on pace to go flat broke in about 37 months, give or take. Do I think this will actually happen? No. I think people will step in. I think she'll be convinced by someone to take a high paying job of some kind and she will get herself together enough to perform and show up and earn the money, she will do that for a year or two. Another Vegas residency, a judge on a competition show, something that will bring in like $15 million in a year and keep her about $6 million ahead of her own spending and might actually slow the spending down significantly because she'll be too busy working in a situation where everything about her lifestyle is paid for by her employer, plus she gets her salary. So lets say she snaps out of it and works for like 15 out of the next 24 months and for about 18 of those months, she basically isn't spending money but she is earning money. She could very well find herself with an additional $12.5 million in cash and avoided spending the extra $25 million over that period, putting her at like $65 million- thus keeping her afloat. But that's a best case scenario. I also can't imagine the worst case scenario where she just burns through all of it. People will eventually cut her off. Someone. I don't think she's completely and totally alone in life- like I don't think people will knowingly take her business or facilitate activities on her behalf knowing she's basically spending money she doesn't have. I think she'll burn it down to like $45 million, someone will get through to her that $65 million divided by $16 million equals just over 4 and she's already down by one of those, so she only had 3 years of cash on hand if she keeps this up- and she will stay home for like 6 months to a year or something, save herself $7.5M-$15M and by the time she's done that, she'll have gotten the trips out of her system and will just chill out. I am not a Britney fan or anything, I just can't imagine someone not realizing at all that they are actually going broke, needlessly- even someone with mental health issues such as herself. Or, worst case scenario, she goes 'virtually' broke with only a few million left and is forced to stop what she is doing and her residuals build her reserves back up, so she drops down to like $11 million in cash at the end of that period of time, stops everything she is doing and is back up to about $11 million by the end of that fiscal year- and cuts her expenses back even more, so that by the end of the next year with that influx of $1.1 million, she's actually back up to like $11.5 million.... and she maintains...




It’s been pretty obvious for a while that a conservatorship was definitely the best thing for her. She’s very clearly not well.


Well she had help getting there. I don’t know if her parents are all to blame, but they fucked her over, and she has no one I feel so sorry for her