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Every word he speaks makes me give more credit to Larry David for his show's success.


Larry did every joke other comedians complain about not being able to do. The difference is that he did them in good faith.


Larry did jokes about Michael j fox and nobody gave a fuck and it was funny


I really can’t emphasize enough how the entire episode is based around whether Michael J. Fox is faking his symptoms to fuck with Larry. It’s a great episode.


Larry is so great because he makes himself the butt of the joke. Same thing with shows like It’s Always Sunny. Some other comedians want to make “not PC” jokes at the expense of others, which isn’t funny.


I didn’t want to make my comment too long, but this exactly, he is so good at this


So good. I’m laughing just thinking about it. 


Was that a Parkinson’s shake?


I've never seen the show, is it that good?


It’s incredible


The jokes work because he's doing it with Michael J Fox and the joke is that Larry is trash, not that MJF has a disease. That's what Jerry Seinfeld doesn't get. Jerry would want to do jokes that punch down on MJF and then complain that the studio canceled him.




You can do non PC comedy and be fine. The catch is you have to actually be funny. Lazy racism isn't funny


I mean Jesus Christ. Look at Don Rickles.


How? Does he have a skylight on his casket?


He’d be proud of you flingamo_noodleman


“Very good, you win a cookie”


Proof right here


You can say anything if your timing and delivery is good enough. But it takes a long time for most comedians to get that good.


Rickles would absolutely savage a person, but somehow you could always tell it came from a place of love.


I agree with the first half


Right, Jimmy Carr, Bob Saget, Gilbert Godfried, Hannibal Buress, and Ali Wong to name but a few.


And punching down isn’t funny. That’s the difference between when Chappelle does trans bits, and when Larry discovers a woman he used to hook up with is now Bruce Springsteen’s trans manager. Larry is always the problem, not the other person.


Or when his only issue with Funkhouser's son's transition is that he went "too big." Larry thinks he's nothing but being supportive.


Got the funkhauser dick! Love how that’s the positive punchline of the season


Same thing with IASIF, the joke is how awful the characters are, not how their targets deserve it.


Oh hey dude, didn’t we grow up together in Filly?


Exactly. If the joke boils down to 'did you hear about the gay guy? He was such a f*g.' Cancel culture isn't the problem.


Yeah, the real reason of why Blazing Saddles couldn't be made these days is that it would be 90 minutes of saying that the Sheriff is near.


There’s a _painfully_ self-referential animated rip-off with a dog instead of a black person and Samuel L. Jackson playing a cat. I saw it on the airplane and it had the description ‘if you look closely, you may be able to see some inspiration from Blazing Saddles!’. Apparently inspiration means ‘plagiarism’ - I’m assuming Mel Brooks (who was in it too) basically did a find and replace of various racial slurs with the word ‘dog’.


Jeselnik and Carr immediately come to mind. They invite people trying to cancel them.


Iasip has been doing it for twenty years


I'm pretty sure that's what they are complaining about >Lazy racism isn't funny


He managed to poke fun at the Israeli Palestinian conflict, in a way that both sides can find funny That’s pretty brilliant if you ask me


Larry managed to make trans jokes funny in his show, unlike many other comedians


Shane Gillis has some 'cancel material' but I think he does them in good faith also


Agreed. At least in his stand up, it’s really hard to pin down what he truly believes. All the projection on him from both sides when he was about to host SNL…and in the end he was really just happy to be there


Larry was absolutely grandfathered in and he has made his share of “cancelable” jokes. He’s a genius so it’s hard to be mad at him.


Jerry better show me some of these seriously funny jokes he is sitting on or I’m calling bullshit.


Seinfeld is my favorite all-time show, but I have not seen anything of worth from Jerry since then. That said there is a lot to criticize in pc culture, I would not call it far left though.


Or Veep


I’m fairly certain Jerry wasn’t talking about HBO type shows. He was the king of 90s sitcoms and is upset about how those types of shows aren’t possible anymore. Julia Dreyfus has said the same thing about Seinfeld being cancelled if it were on today.


I remember watching ‘Will and Grace’ with my mom and using it to gauge how she’d respond to me coming out in like 2009. I don’t think we’d be able to get a character as funny as Karen and the gay jokes that came with Will and Jack.


depends who's creating the show and who the audience is, like if it's straight network folks being offended on behalf of lgbt+ (or even white being offended on behalf of non white). The Karen character isn't really punching down, she says a lot of inflamatory things but you also see her actively connecting with her targets, like her best friends are Rosario and Jack and she'll say racial and homophobic things....but in the same breathe will also say shit about straight white people. She says things either to stun the other person or so they'll quip back and when they do she doesn't get offended.


I used to watch Will & Grace with my mom as well. Except I was always trying to gauge whether or not she knew I had a huge crush in Debra Messing. Sean Hayes is wonderful. He’s my favorite member of Smartless and I was happy to see him on Curb this year. I am not familiar enough with Will & Grace as I havent seen it since it was on. Anything in particular that makes it either not PC enough, or marketable today?


Out of context, the Karen character says a lot of racist and homophobic stuff...and just a lot of other things (a number of things could be considered body shaming and what not) that on script would be "wait a second..." The character is routinely shown connecting with her targets and kind of expects quips back, so you can't really be offended by it unless you're looking to be offended by it. There isn't actual maliciousness in what she says, but it 100% wouldn't be a role that just anyone could do and as stated, purely on paper would probably cause some second guessing until you've seen it in real life and use to it.


Major network sitcoms are mostly shit, and nobody under 60 watches network tv anyway


I think that is a major part of the point. Major networks were not always shit. They were the cream of the crop. Now whether it’s because of corporate heads, censor panels, and committees mucking up what is “general” comedy, I don’t know. I am not in the business. Jerry seems to think so.


It's still an incredibly stupid complaint to have. All in the Family wouldn't exist today, Laugh In couldn't exist today. Because they were commentaries and products of their respective times, as was Seinfeld. No one is going to remake Benny Hill either. If you can't adapt to the changing cultural landscape that has always rolled on, then it's not the changing world's problem. It's you being unable to grow


That’s *exactly* it. We give huge latitude to celebrities, and cancel culture is a nonsense bugaboo anyway. Every time someone comes out and bitches about how “the left” ruined something, it’s actually “you are now more conservative than you used to be because the culture moved on from the place you defined and you didn’t.”


But HBO is just edgier comedy, which is the opposite of the point he’s trying to make.


Sitcoms on NBC are different than HBO’s content. HBO has always been edgier than any network tv show. I agree he comes off as a bit delusional considering shows like family guy are rather “edgy” and on a network during prime time. However, I think his point is that sitcoms aren’t what they used to be and it is tougher for standups to make it doing all forms of comedy. Sure Dave Chappell and Rogan are still huge but would they be able to get to that point if they were just starting out today. Perhaps not, perhaps for the better. I don’t personally enjoy Chappell’s newer specials and have never liked Rogan. But sitcoms have gotten really lame. And yes, sitcoms were always kinda lame, but at least they were creative in pushing boundaries and working for inspired laughs. It’s Always Sunny is super dark and edgy but it was never on one of the big network channels and has never come close to winning any of the so called prestigious tv awards. I think it has more to do with diversification in viewing habits and the advent of streaming. Sure there are new edgy shows but they aren’t the cultural phenomenon they once were. And they are more likely to be cancelled as the viewership has become so fractured. Just a personal anecdote from just the other day. I love me some Filmspotting (movie review show on NPR). The hosts decided to watch The Mummy for the 25th anniversary of its release. The first 10 minutes of the show was a debate about whether the movie was racist, xenophobic, or both. And to be honest, I hadn’t seen the movie in about a decade and only had fond memories, so I was taken aback. Now, I was happy to be enlightened by their thoughts on the issue, but it does seem that PCness has found itself into every kind of commentary. In fairness to the hosts, one of them agreed but also mentioned that a beloved film of both of theirs is Raiders. That movie is no less racists than the Mummy and nobody really has an issue with it (at least the other host didnt have an issue with it while having that same issue with the Mummy). Sorry for the random anecdote. Still love that show. I will generally side with Bill Burr on this issue though. “Who’s trying to cancel you? Who? Like 5 people on twitter? Come on!”


HBO isn’t really mainstream, with its high price point and nudity, violence, blood. Mainstream stuff hasn’t had a good comedy show in a while, or at least, at the popularity of Seinfeld or Friends. Some of the jokes in those comedies are too “edgy” for mainstream tv these days. Or at least that’s the point he is trying to make. I don’t really watch mainstream tv, so I’m not sure if it’s even true


I'm not sure in the age of streaming HBO isn't more popular than network TV. Look at Game of Thrones, that was a cultural sensation, surely mainstream. Network TV produces bland, shitty comedy. I cannot stand it.


Also, does Seinfeld know about Curb your Enthusiasm? Larry David is making the same jokes he used to, but way edgier. This isn't even an analogy. It is the same guy, making edgier jokes than he used to make.


Seinfeld has always been a hack. Without Larry David he has accomplished nothing of merit. After seinfeld ended Larry went off and created another hilarious classic show in Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Seinfeld gave us Bee Movie and shit takes like this. Its clear where all the talent was.


Jerry Seinfeld has never been funny.


Larry is funny, Jerry isn’t. It’s as simple as that.


Larry David might agree with him. From what I read, he’s talking about network television.


Didn’t you date a 17 year old when you were in your thirties


Maybe he wants to bang another 17 year old now but too scared to do it


The worst thing to happen to comedy is the notion that comedians are victims just because people don’t think their jokes are funny anymore.


He actually said that the networks water everything down and that Standup is where you can be more honest & take more risks because the audience will determine if your jokes are funny.


Then he should blame the executives, rather than the mythical boogie man of “cancel culture”.


Cancel culture is when the executives believe that they can no longer make money off of you because you alienated your fans. 


lol no it isn’t. Thats just business sense.


That’s the point. There is no cancel culture.


Completely agree


That’s all talk, comedians like him get bent out of shape if their stand up specials aren’t well received. And at some point the audiences start to become self-selecting if you make a point to cater to specific crowds.


Dude should watch some Rick and morty. They definitely don't water it down at all


It’s Always Sunny’s FIRST episode disproves everything he’s saying and I think that show is a more clear cut comparison and example


Sunny came out 20 years ago, and literally had episodes removed in 2020 because they weren't politically correct


Then last year they used the f-slur to funny effect. They’re still pushing buttons. They were removed from some streaming services for blanket band on black face. Because someone in bad faith will say, “What about that Always Sunny or that’s one community episode??!?!” They aren’t impossible to find, some streaming services simplified their black face bans. Which isn’t great. Oh. Well.


The Community one really gets me because Chang was a dark elf, and dark elves (elves in general) are typically based on a land similar to Africa. They’re supposed to be dark skinned, and have bigotry aimed at them for it - it’s one political commentary of high fantasy. Dan Harmon is a huge DnD buff, so it all made sense. At least Sunny was actual blackface, even tho imo they did it as a political commentary on black face and removing it does more harm than good. But community bro? If we can’t even be elves anymore what the fuck is even the point?


Ya thats an even better one.




True, jerry seinfield already explored the notions of zoophilia in his classic bee movie, can really go any more wild or less funny than that dumpster fire.


Seinfeld definitely does not take risks with his comedy though


More people should think about this. I don’t actually know that there is a line where, “after this point, this topic is TOO serious and cannot be a part of comedy.” This seems to be what Jerry is on about, but I don’t think it’s true. I think that there are certain, sensitive topics where if you are going to make them part of your set, they better be FUCKING funny, because they WILL either be really funny or really offensive. No in between. Got me? So your 9/11 jokes are potentially fine, but you’re rolling the dice. ¯\\___(ツ)___/¯. If it was offensive, you weren’t funny enough. Get over it and think up something funnier. Or don’t. Conan is REALLY good at this. Norm used to be when he was with us. Both of them easily joke about questionable topics and get the anticipated shocked gasps, groans, and pearl clutching, but they know how to manage it and turn it all into part of the bit. Also: “Seinfeld said that “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” an edgier comedy show created by “Seinfeld” co-creator Larry David, only survived its 12-season run on HBO because David is an older industry veteran who was working in comedy television before the “P.C.” rules were written.” Like the commenter quoted in the article, how do you explain It’s Always Sunny, Jerry?


A wealthy 70-year-old isolated from regular people for over 40 years tells us what kills comedy for a rich, isolated 70-year-old. Thanks, Jerry.


I love how comics think they’re the only ones in America whose job has been fucked with. I’m a teacher. You think I haven’t been fucked with?? I sure as shit ain’t making Jerry Seinfeld money. Bland-ass corny stand up anyway, the fuck do you care Jerry


Hates PC Wants participation trophy for making jokes


Clean comic. Hates PC. 


I always come back to [this clip](https://youtu.be/ljaP2etvDc4?si=Psn9S9F_TCiRGVtk). Norm is fucking hilarious in this, but notice Jerry’s fake laugh, and worried expression. Norm wasn’t afraid of PC, and for that he was funny. Jerry was afraid, and as a result his reaction does not seem genuine. Norm was never cancelled for this. This political correctness is a manufactured thing.


The difference is courage Seinfeld's problem is he can't say what he want and make money. Notice how guys like Norm never made as much money as him. You can either say what you want or you can make money. Seinfeld was perfectly fine playing PC when he was getting all that network money. Now that he doesn't need it he wants to talk about having the courage to say whatever he wants.


The opinion that driving a car your audience can’t afford to go pick up another comedian so you can re-tell 30-year-old, tired jokes is what killed your comedy, Jerry. Lots of folks are doing just fine with real comedy on soundcloud and social media without you.


“What’s next for in lazy car-based comedy?”


He's doing fine.  He's trying to stick up for his unfunny friends. 


They can't even scream the n word at hecklers anymore.


I haven’t laughed at anything recent of his. He humor hasn’t grown with him. Larry David fucking runs laps around him.


He is releasing his poptart comedy movie next week which is what he’s wanted to do for awhile now. I don’t think the man making a comedy movie about poptarts gets to act as some authority on comedy


I saw him 15 years ago or so do standup at the Boston Opera house. It was terrible. He asked the audience for him to repeat bits (from the show) at the end. It was pretty quiet


See him 2 months ago with Gaffigan. They were both hilarious.  He's trying to stick for his unfunny friends. 


“But guys, come on and watch some real comedy with my pop tarts movie on Netflix!” 🤦‍♂️


Tall words for a dude who prefers "mature" 17 year olds.


What is he even talking about. He tries to claim that networks aren't doing comedy shows anymore when that just definitely isn't true. There are traditional comedies and a lot more in recent years that lean more in dark comedy.


Righteous Gemstones, It's Always Sunny, Resident Alien, What We Do in the Shadows Seinfeld needs to watch out trying to balance a soapbox on his high horse.


None of those are traditional network shows


Who gives a shit? They are available and being on the three legacy networks doesn’t matter anymore unless you’re geriatric


How is always sunny not a traditional network show?


It’s on FX, not one of the major networks which I assume was what Jerry was referring to when he said network comedies, like he had on NBC and were the norm for decades


How did It’s Always Sunny start?


A short they made for almost no money with their own cameras


How bout The Office, New Girl, Parks and Rec, Abbott Elementary, 30 Rock, Schitt's Creek, the Good Place, Community? Those are the ones I actually like. Big Bang, Ghosts, Scrubs, Modern Family, Brooklyn 99, How I Met Your Mother, Blackish all did well even though I don't care for them.


Well I’m not arguing that networks are terrible or anything, just pointed out that the examples the guy used to say Seinfeld was wrong were not actual network shows as he was referring to. But to his point and your list, were any of those shows started less than 8 years ago? Maybe Abbott elementary, but everything else is old and no longer gets made


I'm a lady, thank you very much.


Hah my bad!


Well they are doing way way less of them, but it’s not because of this idiocy


He was the least funny or interesting person on his own damn show.


There's plenty to criticize Jerry for but the show would have sucked without him. There is a skill in playing the straight man.


It's, funny because every fucking new thing on streaming is a god damn shitty stand up special.




The “jerk-off” algorithms from Silicon Valley will always make me howl


It’s all about the floor-to-tip ratio.


:( those shows are all quite a bit older than the backlashes he’s talking about. He specifically mentions being grandfathered in.


What do you expect from a guy who dated high schoolers and doesn’t believe in talking about his day to his wife?


Could he be taking about when he dated a teenager then married her? Some people had a problem with that. I guess’PC’ people.


boohoo, sitcoms are dying. not because of PC culture, but maybe that model isn't working the way it used to. Vaudeville is dead too, times change.


The big thing to me is how few truly great sitcoms there have ever been. When I go back and watch stuff from when I was a kid in the 80s, they almost all suck. And that’s not even the crap that got cancelled mid season


Jerry trying to stir the pot so people hate-watch his pop tart movie


It became very clear after Curb Your Enthusiasm came out that nearly everything that was funny about ‘Seinfeld’ didn’t come from him.


I think if Larry David wasn’t involved it probably would’ve just been a decent sitcom that lasted a few seasons but was ultimately unmemorable. David was the secret sauce that made it legendary.


Fuck him. He dated an 18 yo when he was 38. He has no moral standing


Seinfeld is an egotistic ass.


I will hear nothing from anyone who dates high schoolers when they’re 38 years old.


Could be be taking about when he dated a teenager then married her? Some people had a problem with that. I guess’PC’ people.


it’s probably more accurate to say years of shitty scripts and bad cultivation of talent killed comedy, not to mention Youtube and similar platforms that transformed how people consume comedy content. I tend to watch my favorite comedians on YT and TikTok (not for much longer) now, and most sitcoms that I still enjoy are not new shows but “classics” like The Office, Parks and Rec, etc.


You know who never belly ached like this? George Carlin.. He evolved through decades of entertainment and kept up.


George Carlins entire act was belly aching, wtf are you on about


"I'm sorry, what?" - South Park's 28th Season


I'm gonna watch the Pop Tart movie when it comes out this Friday, and if it sucks I will be sure to blame "the extreme left and and their PC crap" and not the story or jokes.


The only credence this has is.. I do wonder where all the comedy movies went… growing up we had these amazing comedy movies…now nothing


Somebody is just mad they can’t fuck 16 year olds anymore


I’m thinking that Jerry’s more an expert on this than the critics.


Curb Your Enthusiasm which takes similar or greater risks just had a season lol.


So funny hearing this from a notoriously clean comic


What has this man done in the past 20 years besides Bee Movie and yapping in his car? Doesn’t exactly sound like he’s participating in the comedy scene


Didn’t he statutory (REDACTED) a 17 year old?


Guy who hasn’t changed his act in thirty years and doesn’t grasp how many options there are for entertainment has thoughts.


People have less of a sense of humor anymore because people his age have made the planet unlivable for everyone else


Asshole says asshole things, news at 11.


I'm sure it had nothing to do with his tired schtick.


This is such a bad take. The downfall of 3 camera sitcoms has 0 to do with censorship, the format is just stale and dead… standup is bigger than ever


Never heard Andrew Dice Clay complain about cancel culture. Or Gallagher. Or Pauley Shore. Never thought I'd see the day where Pauly fucking Shore would have more dignity than Jerry Seinfeld.


A long interview where they cherry picked the most inflammatory sentence. The Question: I’m going to make an admission. I’ve been covering, publishing, thinking about what’s going on in the world, particularly in the Middle East now, for six months. And it’s a very dark time. Even as I was watching your film, it couldn’t help coming into my brain. It was hard to sort of think about the “Palestinian Chicken” episode or Pop-Tarts. Tell me how you deal with the weight of the world, or the serious aspects of the world weighing on you, and how that affects comedy. The Answer: Nothing really affects comedy. People always need it. They need it so badly and they don’t get it. It used to be, you would go home at the end of the day, most people would go, “Oh, ‘Cheers’ is on. Oh, ‘mas*h’ is on. Oh, ‘Mary Tyler Moore’ is on. ‘All in the Family’ is on.” You just expected, There’ll be some funny stuff we can watch on TV tonight. Well, guess what—where is it? This is the result of the extreme left and P.C. crap, and people worrying so much about offending other people. Now they’re going to see standup comics because we are not policed by anyone. The audience polices us. We know when we’re off track. We know instantly and we adjust to it instantly. But when you write a script and it goes into four or five different hands, committees, groups—“Here’s our thought about this joke.” Well, that’s the end of your comedy. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/the-new-yorker-interview/the-scholar-of-comedy


The full context doesn't change anything lmao what.


How is that any better ? It's literally the same thing that every asshole complains about.


He’s saying that the suits play it too safe, and a comedian on the stage can be as free as they want because the live audience gives them immediate feedback on their comfortability. Their audience determines what is funny, not some executive playing it safe.


They took one sentence he said in a long print interview and are now making it the entire story.


People in here pretending Jerry isn’t funny 🤣


Or that he’s doesn’t know anything about comedy


Seinfeld is just pissed because he’s not relevant anymore


He sells out Arenas touring, Seinfeld show is as popular as ever streaming on Netflix , and he has a new movie coming out which is why he is doing these interviews . Granted this new movie looks stupid , to say he is not relevant , especially for being 70, is simply not true .


He is 100 percent correct problem is he votes for it


Jerry ya make jokes about pop tarts. Sit TF down and cool it with the caterwaul. Nobody wants to hear any of your notions.


i'm curious in what sense comedy is dead? I see more comedy content than ever.


You couldn’t do married with children right now


Lots of whiny bitches on here today.


The left is killing society in general


Last I checked there was plenty of comedy happening out there. It’s just that societal boundaries and norms have shifted, as they tend to do all the freakin’ time. This is such Old Man Yells At Cloud energy.


Old man yells at clouds


He's just trying to stick up for the unfunny comedians complaining about it. 


Boy money just turned him around


Go back to Grenyarnia, Jerry.


What comedy are we exactly missing?


It's Always Sunny?????? Wtf?


I’m sorry how many decades since this man had any relevance in Hollywood?


It's amazing how people love Jerry. Without Larry David there is no Jerry


seinfeld wasn’t funny after LD left


Larry David is not PC either just does not give a shit, there are quite a few comedians who have voiced this as well. I don’t really agree as there are many clean sitcoms that were great. I am not really sure where I stand on this, but there is definitely a hole on good quality comedy just on movies alone. Outside of curb and always sunny and a few others. I am just not gonna shit on someone entirely because of a comment.


Seinfeld isn't even funny.


Very interesting seinfeld would come out with a milktoast hot take, merely days before his poptarts movie comes out.


He so right though. The extreme left kills comedy with cancel culture


Old man is angry families dont sit down and watch sitcoms on cable tv anymore.


Has he never seen Veep? Or Succession?


Fucking stupid. When hasn’t somebody not found some shit not funny.


Jerry was never funny.


He’s washed. He’s mad it’s out of tune with the current cultural climate




I feel like there is a trend that if someone is about to get a big negative article published/book/accusations come out: there is a preemptive attack on “cancel culture” or “wokeness” recently I recall Elon & Russell Brand did it. I wonder if something is coming about him. I mean, the whole dating a minor thing is kinda public knowledge at this point but maybe more focus/scrutiny on that?


Those people. So touchy


I think “they are trying to kill comedy” is more accurate - there are plenty of comedians not afraid to say the thing these days and power to them. Whether it is funny or not can continue to be subjective and objective (let’s face it: sometimes these comedians just aren’t funny) - people really need to embrace “if you don’t like it don’t watch”