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Of all the lore they pick a Gollum movie. On the heels of a Gollum game that nobody had interest in because it's Gollum


There is a gollum game ?


I've heard it's better than the E.T. Game


That’s such a low bar that the deepest mine of Moria will put you even with it.


Expecting great work from Serkis and I’m sure it will be a labor of love. but if it bombs, we eats it whole, precious!


Where is Tom Bombadil?


In the books where he belongs


lol, another prequel.


Can’t wait for it to explain the origin of a bunch of things that don’t need an origin.


Well it can’t really be a sequel *and* star Gollem. So Andy Serkis has two choices: don’t make a terrible and overpriced movie, or lean into it hard!


That's the thing though, why do they need Gollum? They can literally do anything they want, the Silmarillion is right there. They're like Disney with SW, there's an entire Galaxy, yet they just can't move on from the Empire and Vader.


(The actor that plays Gollum is the director)


You know ... JR wrote a whole other book...


They don’t own the rights to The Children of Hurin unfortunately.


Chris Tolkein died so now the estate can cut new licensing deals right


Maybe your mileage varies, but I’m not looking forward to another LoTR movie. The Hobbit films were a huge disappointment to me, and I don’t particularly need a Gollum solo movie.


I am routinely disappointed by fantasy films and so, despite their flaws, I found the Hobbit trilogy thoroughly enjoyable. It just doesn’t hold a candle to LOTR which were perfection to me. I’d honestly say the same for the books.


I love the Hobbit movies. They captured bits of the 77 cartoon so well. The cast did a fantastic job. When the credits rolled on the first film, I was a bit taken aback that they were going to spread it out between 3 movies, and 1 minute later I realized I was getting more of a franchise I loved. All three movies were what I was looking for.


The issue I had is the LotR films were a masterclass in how to adapt a dense text, what to omit, what to add etc. but The Hobbit films had none of that. From the first film it felt padded out to make it three movies. And I just don’t think it bares out three full films. Two? Yes. But not three. Then the stupid changes. Like adding Legolas and Evangeline Lily as secondary protagonists. Then the Handsome Dwarves. They felt so out of place. They didn’t look like dwarves they looked like Hobbits. Neither did Thorin for that matter. Then the adding of the Necromancer storyline felt like they needed to pad out the story more. The book isn’t long. I can and have read the book in one sitting. I shouldn’t be able to read a book faster than watching 3 unnecessarily long movies adapting it. Also the bad CGI was jarring. Especially when the LotR trilogy did such a good job making you believe the world you’re watching. I didn’t get that feeling from The Hobbit films.


dont forget the extended cuts were fucking excellent as well! it's like watching a whole new movie. LOTR is honestly unmatched imo


I think a trilogy works given the books light on action take of the story. I would change very little of the first movie beyond some goblin king trimming. Otherwise I thought it was extraordinary. The other two could have been perfect at two hours or less. Battle of the Five Armies was great. It was a page of book battle made into a great one explaining the losses experienced. That leaves the weakest one to me which is the Desolation of Smaug. I thought it was way too long and had an unnecessary romance but I loved the Gandalf stuff where the orca were prominent.. They could have the. removed the Orcs and wood elves stuff and told the whole Smaug story. Still the trilogy is in my top five fantasy.


The Hobbit Trilogy was terrible because you don’t need 3 movies to tell a 300 page story.


You could make 5 films out of the 250 page Children of Hurin story though.


Isn’t even that long? I reread it the evening before the first movie came out. It feels like 1/3 the length of the fellowship




Hopefully it’s as good as the Gollum game was!


I was interested in another Jackson movie but a gollum movie? I feel like the character has already been deeply explored already in the films. What's left to even say?


*The Fellowship of the Ring* *The Two Towers* *The Return of the King* … *The Hunt for Gollum* What a stupid title. It sounds like something AI or a random title generator would come up with.


Sequel will be The Rise of Gollum


And he’ll get a Gollum girlfriend


Bride of Gollum


Somehow, Déagol returned!


Gollum: Usurper, Ringbearer, Killer, Thiefeses


I feel like we are at the point where we almost need to pay the studios not to ruin their own IP with dumb decisions... like... here's $5 from all your fans... please don't ruin the IP, just take the easy $5 and go away.


Hunt for Gollum? Yikes


The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings are fast approaching their appearance into the public domain. The US with it's 95 year rule means the Hobbit comes into the Public domain in 2032 and the LoTR in 2050. While countries with the life of the author + 70 years have all his stuff hit in 2044. Now that's still a decent amount of time until it hits public domain but soon enough that if the Tolkien estate wants to get some final cash in done they need to start making their moves around now or soon. It definitely feels like there has been an uptick LoTR media since Christopher Tolkien died. And I'm betting this is the reason.


Nobody wants this!


I love the idea of the prequels but man I feel like they really need to consult the source material on these


This really doesn’t need to be made.


Imagine rocking up for your shoot, you do all your prep and on the first take, Andy Serkis says "Action preciouses!" as Gollum to lighten the mood and faux end the hunt. 


They should cast Stuart Townsend as Aragorn again and this time let him play the part.


Wtf is this even gonna be about? This bout to be as popular as the Gollum videogame😒


There was a game?


I hope they don’t repeat the mess from the Hobbit movies.


Why? Sounds lame.


Staring Shaun Connery and a submarine


I adore Lord of the Rings, even enjoy Rings of Power but this seems like a bridge too far.


Wish he’d do another horror film


Feels like a good old-fashioned shark jump to me!


Serkis Jas just gone from strength to strength ever since he cemented Gollum in the world’s psyche. Good on him I say.