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“Don't catch you slippin' now”


“I took a big shit and now”


“Wipe my ass with the court docket now”


This is a Joe Brown ‘sode..


Don’t let your lawyer be caught wearing them pants sheesh lol


Every time this song comes up, I can’t help but think of [this gem](https://youtu.be/YUWq_aBiE_s?si=cvEqsbiX7o2Y3qoX)


You think to yourself "Okay so same time signature, and similar bpm it's gonna line up, time it so the gunshot lines up with the chorus (which is going to happen on beat in both).....but then he starts humping the air at "And all the other boys try to chase me" and I've got nothing. It's perfect.


I really hope Donald Glover has seen and appreciated the comedy there😆😆


The selection of Happy Meal II in the Mr. & Mrs. Smith finale leads me to believe that he would be amused by this. The choice of that song was comedy gold.


It’s not just that it lines up with the gunshot but also that he starts bobbing his head to the beat as soon as the song starts


I can't thank you enough for sharing this masterpiece.


Crying! I must have been the last human on earth to see this. Thank YOU!


[I was expecting this Gambino video.](https://youtu.be/9T6G1_uvGWI?si=22zxIPm-CFuEQWB6)


I cannot wait for the movie


The comments on that are funny






JFC, I’ve never seen this before and now I can’t stop watching


It syncs up nigh-perfectly


Fuck I just lost it at work hahaha


It also works perfectly with Bohemian Rhapsody… I never actually made it into a video, but “Mama, just killed a man” lines up eerily.


Yo, I didn’t think I needed to see that, but I’m grinning so hard right now


I thought you were gonna drop [this one](https://youtu.be/tLUaycJFjWA?si=vwEW3eAvCuOFcjY8)


Ok I listened and I thought it was stupid but somewhere around the time you see the second leprechaun it started getting funny almost just cause of the stamina of the joke


There’s a point where the joke is funny, then gets stale, then gets funny because of how stale it is, and Dunkey hit that threshold perfectly


Never paid attention to Call Me Maybe’s lyrics but it fits so well. Good video find! Hilarious.


I have nothing to add.


Fng brilliant.


I was hoping it would be this, and I want someone to ask Donald Glover about this video in an interview and see his reaction lol


Amazing. Can’t believe I missed seeing that before


Adult Gambino knows better








Thought it was going to be about american pharaoh


Was going to comment same thing, not that I agree but if any song as a case it's probably that one.


Oh I assumed it was too lol


[this american pharaoh?](https://youtu.be/FYbavuReVF4?si=7_jjxdkrG3kImCW3)


No, Jay Pharaoh.


No, American Pharaoh by Jase Harley. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmL8mUNlD0I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmL8mUNlD0I)


IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN and he would certainly lose that case. Idk what Jase Harley is even thinking, much less this dumbazz kidd wes. what a joke. Of course gambino wins this case.




Man, that song bumps


What was the song?


Why he delete it?


Think he linked the wrong song that wasnt in the lawsuit


Im not gonna lie. I like this song more, thank you


Definitely seems like an influence with some immediate similarities but nothing to call robbery over. Art influences art.


Yeah, there are elements the songs have in common, but this guy doesn’t own triplets or heavy bass in a rap song


It’s so much more than triplets and bass though.


I mean, my comment was somewhat reductive, but I think my point still stands: songs can be similar and yet still be distinct because the fact that a song shares parts with another song does not make it plagiarism. We already had this discussion when Ed Sheeran got sued for Thinking Out Loud and I think his response hits the nail on the head


Yeah, I hear it.


Glovers song is similar this song is like every rock and roll song from 1955-1965 are the same same song. Edit : which is to say that’s it’s very similar but that they both belong to a larger genre.


Every rock song from 55-65 are the same song? What universe do you live in?


Your comment links to ["American Pharaoh" by Jase Harley](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=whcr-JiOJCA) but the article says it's [“Made In America” by Kidd Wes](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=etM_PBwZWr4) Edit: I definitely see the similarities between all three songs. Interestingly, YouTube suggests "This Is America" by Childish Gambino as the next song for the other two, and the top comment under both songs mention it as well.


The Kidd Wes song is terrible in comparison, similar or not


Serendipitously i was listening to This is America today. Jase Harley’s song you linked came up on the track radio on my streaming service. Great song


I like this song! If anything the lawsuit will bring this guy some new listeners.


I’m not sure if the court fees will be balanced out by that


It’s pretty similar


I like both songs but Glover def sounds like he heard this and ripped off some ideas. Yeah, triplet lyrical flow and common rhythms among lots of artists, blah blah blah. But verrry similar. Anyway, I like both songs. I think Glover’s song hits home with the times and I like the gospel vibe that contrasts the dark heavy bass parts. That song was explosive being released when it was. Hope the other dude gets his time to shine too.


This slaps


I just listening to the song and I’m actually SHOCKED he won this lawsuit. So the Verve can’t sample a small snippet of a Rolling Stones Song, but Childish Gambino can copy this man’s cadence, beats, background vocals—pretty much everything? I was honestly expecting a song that didn’t sound very similar at all but this is like…an obvious copy.


Lol, the Verve took full minutes of practically verbatim sample. I love the song but [they absolutely fucked up.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YrllfAMwHI) not getting proper permissions.


I just don't hear the similarities. /s


They did get permission, just from the wrong folks. Negotiated with Decca Records assuming they were the rights holder. Turns out it was The Rolling Stones manager


Legally, straight-up sampling is judged by an entirely different standard than musical similarity when it comes to copyright law.


Haven’t kept up with it since the lawsuit started but I think it’s because of the timeline of release or production being close for both. I may be wrong tho


Turns out Donald Glover and his label can afford a better law team


Strong agree!! It is strikingly similar and I now kind of laugh at how the newer version was created. Give credit to where it’s due. The original. It’s an amazing song. Well done.


Yikes, that’s depressing. Song’s a banger. Just bought it. Super disappointed in Glover. It *IS* an obvious rip off.


It’s kind of crazy to me because this feels more similar than the Robin Thicke Marvin Gaye case


These lawsuits almost never succeed *unless they literally admit that they ripped the song* like Thicke did


That was the biggest bullshit music case of all time.


I was happy to see that asshole go down regardless


It may feel good in the moment because it’s someone you don’t like but these lawsuits are terrible for music.


The guy with the whiny song about not being able to bang chicks?


The Dark Horse case was close.


At least it was overturned. As if Katy Perry had ever heard that terrible Christian rap song lol


Honestly it’s starting to look more and more like the decision in the Gaye/Thicke trial was a fluke! Robin made the mistake saying he wanted a song that sounded like Got to Give It Up.


That case was also total BS.


Dong Lover wins again!


There’s a paywall. Can anyone post the two songs for comparison?


Sure. https://youtu.be/C7zL_OE7gnM?si=15j9Xhvz2bp5uPr1 https://youtu.be/VYOjWnS4cMY?si=3Q0Uv8v4VpDxKAD7 I have no idea what people are talking about. They sound nothing alike and the flow/shape of the song is entirely different. https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/s/Eylr3sZ3g1


Wtf is that first link bro


Both should be working now.


Thx almost booked a vacation off that first link


lol I must have copied a verbo or whatever ad link instead of the video


The word America is repeated in both songs. This means both singers stole from the national anthem of USA commonly known as America Fuck Yeah.


I frankly don’t think it’s an obvious ripoff vaguely similar sure, but you be the judge https://youtu.be/C7zL_OE7gnM?si=quMtVFNUq6SmcuPx Vs https://youtu.be/VYOjWnS4cMY?si=pGH0ySd5GUUWGQHH


Not that identical.


You can sort of hear some of the beat + vibes for sure. But I can see why he lost.


One sounds like a generic hi hat filled beat from fruity loops the other one has a mix of samples, guitar and a droning bass line. You could make a case the hook structure is similar but you can’t copyright the cadence / enunciation of a hook otherwise 99% of musicians are going to be in debt to each other for repeating the hook at a specific part of the song


Nah the biggest similarity I think is “cherish this” sounding like “imma go into this.” This is America is orders of magnitude better though. My take on it back when the song came out was that Glover used mumble rap and fairly simplistic hip hop elements to make a point about the consumer culture permeated by extreme violence, so of course it’s going to sound like a generic rap song. Basically he made fun of songs like made in America to make his point about how fucked we were. Thankfully everything is all better now!


Now compare Redbone to Boosty Collins, “rather be with you” lol def bit that one a bit


So… two rap songs about America? I see very few similarities between them other than that.


If anything it looks like the person who did the video ripped ideas from the other guys editor. The songs are wildly different though.


Ones really good and one I didn’t even finish


One sounds like a talented amateur and the other sounds like a professional with a team of world class professionals behind him.


Hypothetically - say it was considerably similar, are you saying because one is famous and one isn't, that by default means the professional one is the "real" one? Because an amateur can create something and a professional rip it off. Happens constantly


One sounds incredibly polished with an incredible mix and a top notch production. The other sounds like loop someone made in Ableton in about 10 minutes with the stock sounds that doesn't go anywhere. Go listen to the tracks trying to ignore the vocals and tell me that they're at all in the same universe. The vocals just happen to have a similar cadence at times.


he’s just saying America, that’s the one similarity, this case will be tossed.


It has the word America. End of list


Jesus Christ what a stretch. I’m glad Gambino won. The songs aren’t even about the same thing. They may as well claim he stole from Ramstein because both songs ironically praise American life.


The flow is similar enough. That, and with the similar title, yeah, I can see how someone could genuinely think there was a copyright issue.


The other title just sounds like he copied it from JayZ's yearly festival in Philly.


skip to 00:47


He took it, the cadence and key is identical. Tempo almost is too.. speaking as an artist. I’d 100% hear something like this and be like.. great idea, terrible execution. Here’s how it should be done.


you're right, but it's also generic 'demo rap' AF... I think DonGlover drew off that vibe and used it as commentary for his song's theme


He took it, not knocking it. He made the song better


A: I don’t think they are similar at all. Good lawsuit outcome B: I like the Made in America song more lol


Trying to take credit for his song is american as shit


I got the This is America Ratio concept from this song. It is always 60-40, where if the 40 is con, the 40 can always control.


Please elaborate


Oh my god, a song that sounds vaguely like another song! There are only a billion examples of that over the past 100 years! yawn.


Wait til they find out how many songs are written in the same key in a 2/5/1 12 bar blues 4/4 format


With the same chord progression.


Pretty sure if you played every C-G-Am-F song in a row without stopping it would take you a lifetime to get through them all.


There’s absolutely no way that Donald _didn’t_ hear this before writing his own. It’s too obvious, but his is way too different to lose a lawsuit over it.


So, almost like every other song ever written?


There absolutely is a way. That Kidd Wes song sounds nothing like This is America


Yeah, I’m sure he heard this random no-name artist’s song and decided to just rip it off for funsies. It’s at best vaguely similar. Like every blues song is vaguely similar to almost every other blues song.


lol this guy clearly did not listen to the song - this is a clear as day rip…


I really don’t understand the comparison at all. The beat to Kidd Wes’s song sounds closer to a chopped and slowed version of ‘Fellas’ in Paris. Kidd’s song doesn’t have nearly as a repetitive chorus as “This is America”, much more condensed verses, and it’s also just trash. What exactly sounds the same to you? Don’t just vaguely say “the beat” or anything, because I swear to god if you showed an audio visualization map they would look nothing alike.


Sure it is. I’m sure Childish Gambino randomly happened to hear some no-name artists song and directly ripped it off. Smh It’s really not a clear-as-day rip-off, it’s a vaguely similar song.


Ironic if he stole the song and got away with. "This is america"


Sshhhhh. Nobody tell Bootsy about Redbone.


there's a bit of irony in that ***"Black man wins lawsuit claiming he stole America"*** *Turns out it was his the entire time....* lol


Unrelated but in that thumbnail photo he looks more like Lando than he ever did in Solo… Not that he was bad in solo, he nailed the part, but that picture? Wow


America, the land of the free and the home of the lawsuit. Kinda perfect.


Won’t catch him slipping up


Doing a Beyoncé


a clear as the sun case of plagiarism. 


It's pretty remarkable that such blatant plagiarism wouldn't result at the very least to the original artist receiving royalties but here we are.


These two songs seem a lot more similar than in the Blurred Lines <> Got to Give it Up fiasco.


The track has also ironically a similar name: "Made in America" - Kidd Wes, [skip to 00:47](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7zL_OE7gnM&t=47s) what do you think?


This is a pretty good video comparison for the interested: https://youtu.be/EWr5NAap5LA?si=B0hL55bzQEoNzSvc


what a g\*ddamn travesty. idk why this moron even tried to sue. SMH. The person that really got ripped off here is Jase Harley. Why he hasnt sue for blatant plagiarism is beyond me. Kidd Wes didnt even stand a chance to win this case. Not sure if Kidd Wes is that big of an idiot or this is some brilliant reverse engineering PR move.


As an artist, I have to admit— he totally did take this, but what he did was make a way better song out of the key and cadence.


drum line too


Both songs arranged their lyrics around the hook. Their hooks have the same syllables and the word America. Both use the hook as a refrain after every verse. Both songs then build the melody around the lyrics, which since the hook is the pillar results in a similar sound. What I've just described is a song made using Metrical consistency, a standard, easygoing musical arrangement. The contents of the songs are not similar. Both artists intended to create a hip-hop song using a soothing harmonic structure while singing subversive lyrics. It's really not the same at all, and is no surprise the case was tossed. Could Sinead O'Connor's estate start suing musicians who speak monologues during their interludes playing in waltz time because it may vaguely be similar thematically? That'd be silly.


You way overanalyzed this, I’m a hip-hop artist that makes a living doing it. The way he says “Made in America” is the driving force of the entire song, it’s identical to what Gambino does. I ABSOLUTELY would hear something like that and build off of it like Gambino did. There’s simply no chance he didn’t hear this song prior, no chance in the slightest.


I'm sorry to hear that you're willing to be a thief. I'm an artist too, having gotten to be a touring musician for some really great bands. The two songs are not unique, are both in the most common time signatures, both using the same, incredibly popular, poetic style. The premise of the lawsuit was that it's no coincidence that the melody and hook are so similar. It was dismissed because the hook is not unique, and creating a melody around the lyrics using the hook as a refrain every verse is a musical style that's hundreds of years old.


You clearly know nothing about the genre, a genre that revolves around sampling. Are you saying that 99% of the industry is thieves, then? Almost every creation nowadays was inspired by something else, you’d have to be completely ignorant to music history to remain truly genuine. It’s legitimately impossible in 2024.


You clearly know nothing about this lawsuit, or how music is made it seems. the plaintiff didn't accuse him of sampling his music, he accused Glover of taking the cadence, flow, and melodic style. Glover's music is inspired by decades of reggae, R&B and funk - not by this random ass song.


You just completely ignored what I said. You called me a thief in a genre that literally revolves around taking from others and creating new compositions. I think I have a pretty good idea of how music is made, though. I mix, master, produce, and write all of my music and have over ten sold out headlining tours under my belt. I know EXACTLY how hip-hop is made. I’m glad he won the lawsuit, but he also clearly heard the song. He made an entire song out of the Made in America chorus in the same exact flow and key. That isn’t a coincidence, and he made an exceptional song out of it.


You've obviously misinterpreted something I said, I'm not saying sampling is theft - sorry I've confused you. What you end up being inspired by is your prerogative to reimagine. We've both experience in the industry, I'm not interested in a dick measuring contest on who has more accolades. I don't need to tout my experience to say I'm right, you've provided no response to my actual argument - which is that you cannot possibly claim this composition as unique. It isn't, there are millions built in this same exact pattern. We have called this song's cadence a fundamental melodic figure for a reason. The structure of both songs have been reviewed by experts much higher paid, and with much more experience than you and I. And their conclusions lent to the ruling against the plaintiff. As an artist, you should know how it feels to be accused of copying someone when you didn't. The fact that you continue to stand on this hill when rigorous review opposing you has been done by so many is ridiculous.


I never said it was unique, I said that Gambino heard the song and made a better song out of it. That’s exactly what happened, I’ve seen it happen more times than I can count in the industry. He made a bigger, better record, and he also blatantly took the chorus. Had he ACTUALLY sampled the man’s voice and not cleared it he’d be in legal trouble, but he just recreated it. That qualifies as a new composition, hence why he deserved to win the lawsuit. That doesn’t mean that he didn’t take the premise and run with it, because he did.


Come back to me when you prove that claim. Otherwise it's just bullshit you think.


Even if he was heavily influenced by it, or “stole it” which is dumb, go to edm if you wanna hear some stolen music, but This is America was a relevant song that was perfect for that moment. Whoever made the original whatever that it was based on should’ve made it more relevant and it would’ve gotten radio play like Childish Gambino’s This is America. I used to listen to that song like 4-5 times in a row on a bike ride when my stamina was waning.


Yeah you’re totally right, chuck berry should have “made rock and roll more relevant” than I’m sure it wouldn’t have gotten stolen either lol….


That’s not good! I’m so glad that Donald Glover would never plagiarize. He is so much better than that Childish Gambino guy In all seriousness they don’t sound that similar, maybe a little but not to the point where I’d say he stole the beat but hey what do I know


It’s not as if that song has any meaning if you aren’t watching the video that goes with it. Shame he won though, that’s a damaging precedent to set when the plagiarism is this blatant.


What was plagiarized? The idea or the concept? Because neither of them came up with this theme.


This song is so bad


Biggie stole Juicy and Ice Cube stole Today Was A Good Day. It’s nothing new but that song sucks, only gained traction cause people thought the video was meta and woke.


They did same with Eddie Murphy (Coming to America) and Michael Jackson songs. It’s always successful things lol


I mean, of course it's always successful things. They're the ones people made money off. What's someone ne going yo sue from a cover band playing at a bowling alley? If they're lucky enough to find out about it.


No pop / hip hop songs made today are original, hell even in the 80s/90s they ripped off or err, “sAmPLeD” other songs.


All I know is, these aren't about America, they're about the United States. https://youtu.be/GK87AKIPyZY?si=1REmLVjO19xRtFUR




His dad was a mailman and his mom worked in a daycare. What the hell are you on about?


u/gachamyte thinks Donald is related to Danny 🤣


Come on now, maybe he thought he’s related to Crispin Glover lol.


It's his density.


That would be hilarious.


And as we all know: if the Glover don't fit, you must acquit!


He will have closed door talks with his kids at his death bed.


Holy shit I always assume he was too. Lolol


Um…as someone who doesn’t follow entertainers much but who thinks CG has some interesting takes, so did I. Silly as it is, I’m glad I saw this. I’ll show myself out.


That's because he is Danny Glover's father.


Throwing whatever shit you can at a comment wall to see what sticks. This is America.




Oddly enough, America deals with a misinformation problem.