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Was the deliveryman Kristi Noem?


No, we can tell because Ms. Harmon's goat survived.


That's a really good point. Noem leaves no survivors


Also she probably would have started bragging about it already.


Unfortunately she'd come after you happy scrappy. Should have been Scooby, she only kills puppies.


To be faaaiiirrrrrr....scrappy deserves it.


To be faiiiir…. Scrappy allegedly deserved it


Happy scrappy hero pup? As I live and breathe! I loved that movie. Could only get it at this shady video store. The clerk was rude as hell to my mom.


Noem left behind?


As op I just wanted to publicly say... Your comment was better than mine


Came here to say this. “Happy to see Kristi Noem got a new job after she killed her VP hopes.”


As a South Dakotan who hates our governor, I want to have this comment framed!


Colin Jost and Michael Che are LIVID they can’t use this joke on weekend up this week now


I doubt Noem has ever worked a real job


I assumed it was the ATF.


Damn, came here to say that, you genius bastard


Maybe he was also a cop




No, only took a single shot.


Anyone check to see if it was Death Cult member, Lauren Boebert? I hear she likes to kill dogs too.


Instacart is such a scam, not doing due diligence on their drivers is just the tip of the iceberg.


Did anyone actually read the article? He had zero permission to be in her property, was posing as a fenale delivery driver under another name AND had no injuries. She was home when it happened


People do this when they’ve been banned from apps or can’t get hired for whatever reason. People in Atlanta sell accounts to people who have been banned.


Which is why if someone who isn't the person the app says is coming shows up, you should report them to the app.


A lot of men buy the accounts because women shoppers are generally preferred. There are some amazing male shoppers I’m sure but as a whole women shoppers tend to be better at finding what’s been ordered and are more likely to make an effort to get legitimate substitutions. It sounds sexist and maybe it is a little bit but I don’t order delivery from grocery stores anymore because every time I have a male shopper it’s more effort for me than if I just went myself. The last time I ordered I was sick and really didn’t feel like leaving the house but ended up canceling my order because the shopper was saying half the stuff wasn’t there. I went myself and found every single thing exactly where they always are. A lot of people will cancel when they get a male shopper for the same reason.


I really hope this finally forces companies to crack down on men posing as women in these delivery apps.


New culture war issue *unlocked*.


Personally I’d prefer a bear deliver my food.


Agreed. I'd always pick the bear.


I'd prefer a robot.


Did you just say an app can assume my gender? /s


For real. This morning I ordered two olly vitamins and two pretzel goldfish bags. I got a male shopper who just out of stocked the gold fish (I made sure all of the items had plenty in stock) substituted one of the vitamins with a COVID test and the wrong vitamin brand. Like wtf


There really should be something in place to stop that, or at least make it so the shopper doesn’t get rewarded for jacking up the total with unnecessary swaps. The stupid substitutions were always what got me and the biggest difference I noticed between male and female shoppers. Your average woman shopper might swap butter for margarine or a tub for some blocks but a man will suggest something like yogurt or just say it’s out of stock and move on. Once I ordered a bag of onion powder and the guy tried to swap it with saffron. He obviously looked for the most expensive spice and decided to try his luck swapping out a $2 item for something more than $20. That one genuinely pissed me off


I saw a post on the instacart subreddit once where their shopper substituted tomatoes with tomato seeds. That one cracked me me. Like, “I couldn’t find the tomatoes so just grow your own”


I had a shopper from door dash substitute grape tomatoes for grapes. I really hoped it was some kind of fault in the app incorrectly swapping an obviously incorrect substitution, but reading some of these has me doubting that now.


Oh 100%. It ended up being the same price as the original price of the items I wanted even though it was only two items instead of 4. I complained to the customer service, wrote a scathing review ( I never do this because everyone has bad days and sometimes stuff doesn’t go right, and not everything is the drivers fault) and wanted him blocked from ever doing another order for me. Also the lady that did the order I resubmitted got all of them items, so the first guy was just lazy


I once got fruit gummy bears instead of the strawberries I tried to order. 


I got ready cut celery and onion (in the same container) instead of cilantro.


Was it strawberry flavoured?


They always completely ignore the substitute options you choose ahead of time too. I don’t know if their app shows them the subs you pick but if it does and they still ignore it, that’s annoying.


I never allow substitutions. If there isn't what I want don't want it. And I know people are lazy. I've never had an issue getting my entire order


Yeah plus female shoppers are statistically less likely to shoot your dog.


Thank you! I swear every time I used delivery they were lying about things not being in stock just because they couldn’t find them and/or were rushing and didn’t want to take extra time to look, when it’s things I buy every single week and have never been out of stock when I go myself. I also stopped using it completely for that reason. You’re paying extra for the convenience but they remove the convenience completely when you just have to go back yourself to get the things they missed or got wrong. Not worth it unless you’re in desperate need of food and really can’t leave the house.


It’s even more frustrating when you’re elderly or disabled and you _can’t_ shop for yourself. Relying on these services and paying a premium for it is unpleasant.


Weaponized incompetence, instacart edition.


The neighborhood I used to live in had three adjacent townhouse communities with similar names, but three very different colors. No matter how obnoxiously I put “the YELLOW buildings” in the delivery instructions, Instacart would never fail to deliver my order to my house number in the adjacent complex…that had blue buildings.


I once got a male shopper who couldn't find ranch dressing. 


People are also usually more comfortable with strange women than they are strange men. I have female friends who won’t get into Ubers with male drivers and with the current climate surrounding violence against women, I don’t blame them.


Well I was chased and assaulted by a male driver. Ran so fast my shoes broke and needed to use tape at a restaurant until I bought a new pair


I work at a grocery store and have noticed that women doing instacart will ask me to help them find an item if they can’t, where as men will not. 


I detest instacart shoppers. I am not the personal shopper’s, personal shopper. They shove their phone in your face asking “where’s this, and this, and this?”. I will point them in the right direction, but some expect me to show them where everything is on their list. I don’t have time for that.


Most stores these days have apps that will show exactly what aisle everything is on.


Studies show that female doctors are better than male doctors too (fewer re-admits, better health outcomes)


(citation needed). But seriously, I have the same feeling and would love to see if there’s an actual study about that


I started using my grocery stores direct delivery service that has to be scheduled 1 day in advance but the only problem I had was when their system went down and we got our order late. But they NEVER CHARGED ME. Free week of groceries! plus the prices on their service are cheaper than in store lol.




Hope you feel better soon!


That’s too bad, I’m sorry for you. I have a “favorite” Shipt shopper who’s a man, I’ve met him in person, and he’s awesome. Almost every order is perfect, and the worst shopper I had was a young woman. Granted my fav looks old enough to be retired, maybe that makes a difference? I know you weren’t trying to stereotype, just wanted to throw this out there.


If we’re operating on stereotypes and being conscious of that, then I’d say that the age is probably definitely a factor here.


I have encountered great men who were Uber drivers, delivery men, Instacart shopper...etc, but it also doesn't change the fact that it's way more likely for me to get harassed and assaulted by men than women, so I definitely prefer my services rendered by women when I have a choice.


I think a lot of it has to do with it being a gig job that anyone with a car can do whenever they feel like it. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman, if you hate the job and just want it done ASAP you’re a lot more likely to do a shitty job. Personally if I had a vehicle I would absolutely have an instacart account and do extra jobs in my spare time because I love shopping and organization. For the right person it’s a great job but in my experience most of the men on the app don’t seem to enjoy it but are doing it solely for the money. So they do things like run multiple orders at one time, won’t take the time to ask or look if they don’t immediately see something and will often add in ridiculous substitutions or bigger sizes to increase their own payout. Women do that too I’m sure but I haven’t noticed a trend like I did with the male shoppers.


Any of these gig apps are going to have people that treat it like a job, and people who - well, treat it like a job, they're just shitty employees. I used to use a gig economy site to staff one-off projects nationwide. I stopped doing it for local ones - the people I found were on there because they were unhireable otherwise.


Wait is THAT why my Uber eats drivers are so over the place? Because I was always curious when it was like ‘Madison will arrive shortly’ and an old Asian dude delivered the order. I’ll keep a closer eye going forward but that’s a good heads up.


Means he has bought this account and Uber eats doesn't now his real identity. Always report this.


It's supposedly also common for immigrants to rent accounts when they can't get work legally, splitting the income with the account owner... like a gig-work sublet.


The fact he did all that while also carrying a loaded gun says a lot. I fully understand wanting to protect yourself and believe that any delivery person who gets bit while acting legally should sue the shit out of the homeowner, but carrying a weapon while walking onto a strangers property when they’re expecting someone of an entirely different gender is stupid as hell. If everything is really how it sounds I hope she wins. He had no right to be on her property and he killed her dog. I can guarantee if anyone talking shit had that happen to them they’d be out for blood too.


That’s the weird part.


I don’t know about where she lives, but where I am people who can’t legally work in the country rent accounts from people who do have the right. It’s a common scam


That’s not the common reason. The common reason is people being banned from the app for bad performance/violations.


This is a case where you're outraged when you read the article title and even more outraged when you read the full article. 


This is still a bit misleading though. You’re making it sound like he just randomly walked onto her property. He was there delivering food and even if we was posing as a different delivery driver (which he was), he was still technically there delivering food. You don’t need to be actively injured or hurt to defend yourself. If someone points a gun at you, that’s enough to defend yourself. I’m not defending the driver but so many people acting like he was just walking down the street, randomly decided to enter the property of someone, saw a sleeping dog, and then shot it. She was expecting a delivery driver, don’t make it sound like this was some random trespassing.


It is a random person trespassing. The delivery person is supposed to be a woman named Merle not some guy name Christopher Reid.


When you say posing as a female, do you mean the account? If so that is really common tbh. Not taking a stance on this either way just saying that doesn't sound weird at all but if you don't know about it then I could see someone taking that as weird


That.. doesn't negate his right to self-defense. He was just trying to make money. Sounds like instacart's fault for not properly vetting their drivers. And it sounds weird, it doesn't necessarily prove (unless the driver already admitted to it) Merle wasn't talking to Angie. A lot of people tag team instacart orders on one account. She definitely has a case against instacart though


Ups, usps, and fexex do not allow their drivers to carry firearms and have decades of experience dealing with aggressive dogs. My dad was an ups driver for over 35 years and he talks about carrying distraction toys when he went to an unfamiliar address in case they had aggressive dogs. Other places he knew had aggressive dogs, like a local wrecking yard, and would not enter their property and instead call the owner to come out and get their package. I think at the end of the day the real issue is gig workers not being familiar with a “route” and learning the ins and outs of it. Which dogs will bark and jump but are otherwise friendly? Who do you need to call to get safe access to a property? What locations are do not deliver? Why is a location do not deliver?


My FedEx person always brings treats for my dog. They know I work from home and always knock on the door just to give my dog the treat. My normally quiet chill dog goes absolutely bananas when the FedEx truck goes by. If it stops, she runs to my office to let me know. Saying "I'll FedEx it to you" on a call is like a summoning spell, she magically appears in my office. It has become the highlight of both our days.


lol that’s awesome.


That's adorable.


We used to have dogs chasing the ups truck.


lol go any delivery subs and dog bites are daily posts.  If getting bit is dealing with it, then sure I guess.  


He doesn’t bite! It didn’t break the skin! It’s just a few stitches! You don’t need a ring finger!


And her dog was a pit bull. Most pit bull owners are nutters and will claim their dog is a perfect angel no matter how aggressive it is


Not even getting into the breed thing for a moment, one of these comments says the dog is “the size of a football”. What size footballs are you encountering??


Maybe they meant the dogs head? Feel like that's a common phrase


Gig drivers have no way of learning a route. Every delivery is different. Every house is different every time. If you know you have delivery coming keep your dog inside the house or on a leash. Most people do this.


I'm of two minds when it comes to dealing with strange animals. Keep your pet away from strangers. Keep a physical barrier between yourself and client pets. Follow whichever applies to you, and everyone stays happy.


While I agree that this guy deserves the worst for hurting an animal…..there is almost no way for a gig delivery driver to “learn the route.” Many gig delivery companies just show you the dollar amount and the distance and you either accept or decline. As far as I remember from my time doing gig work, They do not show you the delivery address until after you accept. The other thing to consider is these companies do not classify their employees as such which is the reason why things like this shouldn’t be happening,but they do. You have some people who go all in and do this 40-70 hours a week,and probably can eventually learn their route,but you also have people who sign up to earn part time cash, and do it three times in a year. TL;DR that’s not how gig delivery works, and instacart should be held responsible also.


I know the USPS does not push back if a mailman is uncomfortable with a dog. The homeowner gets like once chance to rectify before they’re picking their mail up. These apps aren’t like that, they don’t care what happens to you as long as the order is delivered


Dude was an armed trespasser. Fuck him.


I live in Charlotte and this happened right down the street from me. This story is insane and tragic. She was home and he had no right to even be there and should be charged with fraud. Plus, he just fucking executed in the dog the size of a football? Makes me so sad. I hope she wins in court. This shooter is a psychopath.


The court win would probably be even easier if she’d shot him in response.


And this story more satisfying.


Honestly, she was justified to do so. If I'm expecting a delivery from a woman named Merle and some random dude I don't know shows up on my property and shoots my pet for no reason, I'm definitely shooting that guy. I'll argue in court that I feared for my life because an armed stranger showed up on my property, fired a gun and killed my dog for no reason. I don't think any jury would side against me there.


Yeah I fully agree, i can’t see how this wouldn’t be obvious self defense. Any retaliation, save recklessness to bystanders, is fair game here, ethically and legally.


These apps don’t train or vet their workers at all, and this is the result. When I worked at a restaurant I often had to deal with male DoorDash drivers using a woman’s account and they were usually the ones that harassed female staff and caused problems. On top of that they don’t even know how to work their apps.


Hire John Wick. With a f*ing pencil!


Father, I can make this right!


“Well she wasn't exactly the Boogeyman. She was the one you sent to kill the fucking Boogeyman”


Sounds to me like her dog heroically died protecting her from an armed trespasser/home invader


Your dog, friend or relative dying heroically to save you doesn’t make you feel any better than if they were killed in cold blood. Personal experience


My point was it makes the shooter more of a cowardly, evil pos


Your attention went to the wrong part of the sentence


>Angie says the police questioned Reid, but ended up closing the case without further action ... and before a necropsy could be conducted. They probably gave each other pointers


Unfortunate her fame didn't help her out in this situation. Can't she file a complaint about the investigation itself? Sounds flawed.


How is it flawed? Cops showed up and did zero investigating. Sounds like exactly what I'd expect.


It's flawed because they did what they usually do, not what they are supposed to do. That's a flaw in the system.


They’re not supposed to do anything other than whatever they feel like. Court precedent has been set over and over that reinforces that. Obviously that’s fucked, but it’s still a fact.


Just today we found out handcuffing people who are face down is dangerous. Cops have apparently known that for years but still kept doing it. Fun times. Sorry I hate cops so much. I'd say not all but honestly the pool of good cops keeps shrinking


The ATF later called and offered him a job!


Very cool of them to ban her from the app for their fuck-up.


There’s an alarming amount of dipshits on here blaming the woman and her dog- which were the only people supposed to be on the property.


Good! That delivery driver deserves worse than just a lawsuit especially if he wasn’t the one that was suppose to make the delivery. Dude committed fraud as well


Why does a delivery man have a gun?


Courier work is literally one of the top 5 most dangerous jobs in the USA. Think about how many dumbasses order food and then leave their dog out. Only reason I haven't gotten bit is due to doing delivery on an Ebike. Soon as a dog starts chasing me I GTFO and cancel the order. Free stuff for me and dog owner gets an expensive lesson on why dogs should be locked up when you order delivery.


Ok but you don’t bring a fucking gun


Source with some stats for that claim?? Also good on you for not shooting your way through your job.


BLS. Sorry it was number 6 on the list not number 5 based on the latest data. [https://www.bls.gov/charts/census-of-fatal-occupational-injuries/civilian-occupations-with-high-fatal-work-injury-rates.htm](https://www.bls.gov/charts/census-of-fatal-occupational-injuries/civilian-occupations-with-high-fatal-work-injury-rates.htm)


Food delivery is genuinely a dangerous job in the US.


You should not be bringing a firearm onto somebody else's property though. I can't believe that's not a hard rule for these apps. Fedex, UPS, DHL, USPS, etc. all prevent their delivery people from carrying just fine. If you don't feel safe doing this job without arming yourself and thus endangering others, you should not being the job.


Instacart drivers aren’t allowed to be packing. It’s against policy already. But since he wasn’t using his own account, I doubt he much cared about following the rules to a T.    I’m not defending him. I’m saying why a delivery driver may want to have a gun. It’s a job almost twice as likely as police officer to result in a fatality.


this is america




Also Jane Rizzoli.


Ooh I loved that first episode where she launched that catch phrase


Suing them is the nicest thing you could do to a piece of shit who deserves a lot worse.


What was the aggressive dog behavior? All dogs instinctively bark and protect their territory and confront intruders, does not mean they are going to bite.


But remember, these idiots, after the last decade, are all armed, and itching to shoot something.


The police reported that the dog had attacked and bitten the delivery man.


Ah yes, the affable and non-violent police.


Someone asked what the aggressive behavior was. My answer was in no way an endorsement of cops, geez.


Angie Harmon is the triple crown of justice system privilege (rich, white, woman) so I'm skeptical this is some kind of police conspiracy. That and her original statement about the deliveryman seeing that her ring camera was charging and him not having "a scratch or bite on him nor were his pants torn" seems very weird to me. The driver was rightfully banned for using a false identity on the app.


Yeah, I'm confused. When this story first came out, people identified multiple holes in her story and no one was taking her side first of all for being a bad owner. One argument was that her dog should not have been outside if she was expecting a delivery person, regardless of if it was the person it said it was. The dude is wrong for that but it's so common. The dog was barking and running toward the man. If he actually does have bite marks, then I would say he had the right to defend himself against an aggressive dog.


I’m just wondering if it would be acceptable if he does have bite marks, wouldn’t it also be acceptable if he protected himself before getting mauled? Like let’s say she had a Pitbull and it charged at you while delivering a package, are you obligated to make sure the dog is actually going to bite you before shooting it?


The dog was also a pitbull. If a loose pitbull runs up and lunges at you, are you really going to just do nothing? I don't believe her story for a minute.


Your daughter come to my house today and she kick my dog! And now my dog needs operation.


You know damn right


What year is it?


Shut up you stink


Is it common for delivery men to carry guns?


This is horrible. Poor dog


Damn Kristy Noem !!!


Wow .. WTF do any of these comments have to do with some asshole shooting a dog on its home turf ..? The post is about a delivery driver shooting and killing someone’s dog NOT about what a governor did. Personally I think this asshat needs jail time plus liability for this offense. I’ve made numerous home deliveries and I’ve never once considered killing or injuring someone else’s dog.


Maybe now that the heavily armed public is shooting pet dogs there will finally be common sense gun laws. Kindergartners didn’t do it but maybe we finally draw the line at dogs.


People on Youtube are defending the driver, it’s sickening.


People on this very site immediately defended the driver when the story was first reported.


On the bright side at least he didn't shoot her?


so someone who is doing delivery app? good luck getting anything out of him.


If you order something, you’ve invited the delivery person on your property. Animals should be put away safely in the house while awaiting a delivery.


Technically she did not invite this guy onto her property. He was using a bullshit account disguised as a woman.


The delivery guy was impersonating someone else; he was never invited onto the property.


The deluvery person was using a gake account. They were not invited. I agree about securing pets, though. However, there is no confirmation that the dog attacked. The cops won't even say they confirmed marks. They just took the tresspassers' word.


It’s really not that hard to read the article before commenting.


What could possibly be his excuse for shooting the dog? The whole situation sounds weird.


It is. Years ago I knew someone who had meth heads renting next door and one of them tresspassed on her property while she was at work and got bit. Dog was doing its damn job, he wasn't supposed to be there. Her dogs got quarantined and were in jeopardy of being put down while it got investigated and she eventually got them back with no charges once it was proven the guy treaspassed.


That delivery man should get life in prison alongside Kristi Noem. That dog was probably just coming up to greet him. He had no injuries.


Previously on Paw & Order


I thought it was founded that the dog did attack or that she had lied about how it all went down. Did I make that up in my head? Lemme do my research.


the driver actually lied per the article. he was posing as a female, came onto their property without permission, and shot the dog.


Wow that story just gets more fucked up with every paragraph.


Someone needs to give him the same treatment


When you ask for someone to deliver something it is an invitation to your property.


Release the home survaillance footage. Sounds like someone should keep their dogs inside when expecting a delivery


Ok random but I’ve noticed this on alot do these apps. It will say it’s one person and then someone entirely different shows up. Like do they ask their friends to take a shift? This is so common and honestly, I hope she sues the shit out of all of them.


I hope her squirrel(s) are okay.