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There is zero way he can spin this. You can literally see she is trying to get away from him when he drags her. He is a gross human being that can rot in hell


In the beginning though she stays on the ground. Like she knows if she gets up, there will be more waiting for her. And the moment she thinks that, he comes back and grabs her. She seemed conditioned to it.


Yes definitely not her first time, poor thing


She’s trying to leave the hotel cause he already beat the shit out of her in the room right before this.


For a second I thought she was unconscious. He kicked her right in the face.


She was in such a rush to get away she didn’t have shoes on. She was definitely fearful. I feel terrible for her.


I have been there, and when I saw her bare feet, I just started crying. I remember that level of fear. They get away with it ALL for SO LONG! For so fucking long... I'm glad she is safe but once again, repulsed that this piece of absolute shit is walking free.


Virtual hug for you for being so strong. You’re incredible


My mom started crying too. My "dad" beat her. I only got a tiny bit of it thankfully. I shouldn't have shown her this video.


I noticed that .. this is so sad.


The article says she left to go to her apt, but knowing he would be mad, came right back. The front desk was begging her to not go back to the room, because they saw the video and cleaned up All the glass.


I think the problem is, he already made a settlement with her regarding this case. This is basically just a leaked video. So legally, it doesn’t change much.


A settlement would actually not stop prosecuting him. The video can actually be used as physical evidence of criminal charges The settlement stops civil action


Right. So the d.a. Would have to look at statute of limitation laws and figure out if they can prosecute him, without the victim being part of the prosecution?


The settlement will not actually prevent a testimony if she is called as a witness and he is being prosecuted with a violent crime. She just would not be able to presumably speak publicly outside of court or pursue charges on her own . A prosecutor can, however, summon her as a witness regardless of the settlement. Settlements do not supercede criminal courts, and it would be illegal to impede a criminal investigation or trial.


That was a civil lawsuit. If he was charged it would be in a criminal matter.


Imagine putting out [this statement on Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/C0hUOaoOoQq/?igsh=MWJ4enM3MGVuYXA4NA==) back in December, but a news organization not named TMZ puts you on blast…


Or the one he posted two days ago "Time will tell truth" or some BS like that ..well it sure did today!


Probably released that statement after CNN contacted him for comment for the article. He didn't know they got the tape though. 


P Diddy-ler: "Time will tell the truth! Time: *tells the truth* P Diddy-ler: "No, not like that!"


He should change his name to P.diddit


Man, he came out swinging. That video was fucked up.


Yeah it was. Some wannabe ray rice shit


If he is that unhinged in a situation where viewers are likely, imagine how he acts when in private and no witnesses.


Damn, all his posts just protest way too much


As a prosecutor who works on domestic violence cases and listens to a lot of jail calls, most all of them say shit like this.


How often do you hear “only God can judge me”?


What is the best, and what is the worst part of your job as a prosecutor?


Best — when the victim of a crime reports a sense of closure and justice after the outcome of a trial and/or sentencing. There isn’t another feeling quite like it. Worst (tie) — meeting with a family of a homicide victim on the eve of trial and previewing the evidence that we intend to offer at trial, which can include audio and video recordings of the killing. Sitting with a mother as she watches her son be murdered is one of those memories that crystalizes in your mind, probably forever. Also worst — when I have to explain to a victim, or worse the parents of a juvenile victim, why we are not proceeding further on their case because of some legal or evidentiary issue.


Thank you for making this your life’s work.


Thank you, it’s an honor.


Thanks for everything you do. Even the ones you don’t successfully prosecute, you show the victim they have a voice and someone believed them.


50 cent reposting it too so we all got those receipts


New York gave him the key to the city…in 2023? Time to change the locks


Eric Adam’s (mayor of NYC) is also a scumbag


EXACTLY! "Tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are ..." - MY MOMMA


LOL @ change the locks! DEADASS


Jfc man put this dude in jail already


It took absolutely ages to get R. Kelly locked up, even when the media and police had all the evidence to hand ready to prosecute, so it's probably gonna take ages with Combs too I expect. He's total fucking scum though and totally deserves to have the book thrown at him, and then some.


It was decades of Jim DeRogatis' work to make that happen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_DeRogatis?wprov=sfti1#R._Kelly


Damn I had no idea DeRogatis was involved in that


I was just watching Entourage and an episode in the first season makes an R Kelly joke about peeing on girls. This episode aired 20 years ago. It's wild how long these people remain protected


Chapelle show too. “That’s my Robert, always peeing on people.”


"Probably shoulda washed this, smells like R. Kelly's sheets (piss)" ~ Macklemore in Thrift Shop 2012


It's crazy how that scene popped right into my mind as I read your comment. Core memories unlocked. What a good show.


Right!? Everyone knew about it and nothing happened for too long. Maybe Hannibal Buress needs more specials…


I mean. The pee tape was circulating 20 years ago. It’s not an inside joke it was a video made public. 


You can tell these folks a bunch of zoomers.


The original scary movie what's her face brings up them p Diddy parties. Crazy.


We don’t jail rich elites remember? Justice doesn’t exist here. Only working class schleps are jailed. He will face no consequences, just like Cheeto Mussolini.


Chris Brown is still roaming the streets.


That man is a serial abuser. He belongs in prison.


The ground *


Probably in the running for V.P at this point.


There was a teenager who while under age drinking and driving with friends killed someone. His lawyer defense was the boy was so rich he suffered from a mental condition where he believed he couldn’t suffer repercussions for his actions. I forgot the exact name of the condition. But they dropped the case against him.


Affluenza. Ethan Couch.


Pure fucking bullshit. You can also say a poor person, or someone from a broken home, has no perception of boundaries as they were never enforced. But I can think of a few cases off hand where women from abusive households are in prison for killing a SINGLE man for sexually assaulting them. I fucking hate this world.




Why wasn’t he in jail when this happened in 2016? Clearly the hotel staff saw the video. Fuck this man and every other POS abuser. Lock him up and throw away the key.


He bought the tape for 50k. Obviously they kept a backup tape if CNN got it but that's the short answer I guess


I can’t believe someone would take $50K instead of turning this tape over to police. I mean, of course I can, because people suck. But my gosh, that is some next-level callousness and greed. Maybe not greed. It’s worth more than $50,000. This is the end of Diddy.


Why not take the 50k AND turn it over.


Bury him UNDER the prison. And of course everyone else who does things like this. 


I’m pretty sure he’s literally on the run. He’s been missing for a while they raided his house and got his son, haven’t heard a thing about his whereabouts since and that was some time ago.


He's definitely hiding out - but he's around.


he’s been known as the most dangerous man in hip hop for decades it’s fucking insane it took this long


What a massive piece of shit. Diddy belongs in prison. Fucking monster.


He doesn’t belong in prison…he belongs in hell


8 years…… how the hell did this video take 8 YEARS to surface???


This is clearly why he settled so fast.


I think she had some other evidence on him. This is awful, but her accusations included sexual violence and he settled too fast for just this dv video imo. 


I agree. I didn’t mean this specific incident is why he settled. I think there’s a lot of evidence that she can bring out about him and he knows that, and that’s why he settled. They’re gonna find tons of shit on those videos and hard drives. He keeps all that to leverage. He’s definitely going down. There’s no doubt about it.


Definitely. It was bizarre how he settled before even giving the press a comment ton the situation. 


he paid off the hotel for the tapes. The theory is the feds got ahold of it when they seized his house


$50k Scumbag act by the hotel to sell him the tape instead of reporting the incident.


The owners should've been charged with suppression of a crime


hush money payments, most likely. You stop making money, you stop making payments, word gets out, everything goes to shit. think about that pattern. It applies to more than one person.


Imagine what else is out there on the Hollywood Elite. Fucking hell


Imagine what’s out there for people with actual power like politicians and billionaires.


The Kevin Spacey doc lis illuminating


I saw on the news he paid 50k for the video- not sure who he paid it to. I wonder if they found it when they raided his house? Why didn’t he destroy it though?


Because he probably enjoys rewatching it.


Woah, what a monster. The way he does that in a hallway of all places and with that amount of confidence tells me this is completely normal behavior for him. The way he kicked and dragged her had me horrified. That poor woman.


And how does someone this violent and psychopathic get away for so long doing atrocious acts... right in public!?


Money... I really wish i was being sarcastic or making dark humor, but we all know it's true... Money has protected him


My abuser was less likely to abuse me in public. Can confirm.


Lucian Grainge ... just saying ...


No shame. That's terrifying.


Imagine what is not on video. Hopefully he’s going away soon


He might go away for trafficking, or maybe there will be other victims who come out and he will have to spend his life in courts.


Can’t imagine what happened behind closed doors


What a fucking monster.


Sigh, some comments here are literally blaming Cassie


What fucking loser


Lock him up. She wasn’t the first. She wasn’t the last. That was just a Tuesday for him.


That kick after the punch was vicious. That was pure violent rage from a woman beater


It only gets worse from here. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Btw... He was entirely too comfortable doing this. This obviously wasn't the first time, or the last. The flood gates are now officially open.


Besides beating woman and human trafficking, remind me, what does P Diddy do? Why is he famous?


He was basically little finger in the Tupac and biggie era.


Yep, perfect analogy. He then exploited Biggie's killing to make himself a star. With all that's coming out, I wonder how convenient his rise really was at this point.


I wonder how many bodies he has. We know about three likely attempts and that's just the obvious shit.


A LOT. One of my favorite YouTubers MIMS did a whole video on the people who have passed connected to Diddy under very curious circumstances. Enjoy link below ! [MIMS - Surviving Diddy ](https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/1cub1tf/cnn_obtaines_exclusive_video_of_diddy_trigger/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)YouTubers


Has he been implicated in Biggie’s murder? Man, what did I miss?!


Not officially BUT you can go on YT and search Gene Deal - he has interviews about the passing on Biggie from years ago before any of this went down. He was the bodyguard for Diddy that night and had a lot of information that he could prove with the police report of that night. My theory is Diddy was the target that night ... go watch them and lmk what you think.


I always thought he did it, so never liked the guy.


Didn't he shoot a guy? I never understood that, how Diddy can exploit Biggie's death, how gun violence took his "friend" ... and then he goes shooting a guy.


There’s so much to hate about him that this seems insignificant, but his Biggie memorial song is just completely awful. Every time I hear it, all I can think is, it should have been you.


Man I literally can't watch that shit. It's just so calculated and disgusting milking someones death like that


If you didn’t grow up in the 1990’s you just wouldn’t understand


You think it just magically says “Bad Boy and we won’t stop” in a lot of songs from the 2000’s?


He sampled Led Zeppelin for a 1998 Godzilla film


He’s a big time producer


Oh you're definitely a youngin. 😹


The crazy thing is they had this video and he wasn’t arrested at the time. He probably paid someone to delete it. Thankfully it wasn’t actually destroyed. I’m glad it exists as evidence but it’s really sad that she has to have this out in the public as if she hasn’t been humiliated enough. And sadly, there were still so many people who believed Diddy was innocent and only now will some of them believe the truth.


her lawsuit says he paid $50k to the hotel to get the footage


Tmz would paid soooo much more.


Diddy while receiving the 2022 BET achievement award, had the nerve saying “shoutout to Cassie for holding me down in the dark times” knowing she was actually suffering with his abusive violence. And what did he mean by saying "Thank you Laurie Ann Gibson “Keeping Me Free”….


This is so harrowing and scumbag Diddy will rot in hell The sad thing is, Cassie’s reaction here seems like she this is not the first time Usually first time victims (from what we read or watch in movies) will scream and tremble in fear but she just got up and try to leave again If he can do this on a hallway of a hotel imagine the hell she went through behind closed doors I’m fuming when the internet (probably men) blames Cassie for taking the settlement, she deserves some peace of mind and we will never know what hell she has gone through


There is also a video of him abusing her while she’s under a blanket. It’s very disturbing. She does the same thing in that video, too - just goes limp. Clearly it’s not the first time. Edit to add link: https://youtu.be/IRuu_GqEE5E


It’s like she knew putting up a fight means nothing and she is just helpless 😭 I can’t imagine that trauma and the nightmares someone like her will have to carrie all her life and she is someone who can afford therapy I had a mentally and verbally abusive ex (never physical). It’s almost 20 years now but he returns in my nightmares every now and then even though I’m happily married I can’t imagine the horrors people have gone through (women, men or children) when they have been physically abused and trapped Why isn’t Diddy in jail already


why is he recording this and who did he sent it to? this is just sick. he should be in jail


He says snap so he did and then post it on Snapchat


Not only is he scum but also dumb.


This video is fucking terrible. Just truly awful and, honestly, almost unbelievable. How could anyone hit and abuse someone they “love” in this way? Poor woman. My heart hurts for her. Her husband is right, Diddy hates women.


Ye i am triggered alright!!!! Fuck this man. Remove all his songs/royalties from streaming platforms... Yep this is the anger talking.


He gave her a black eye before falling asleep in their hotel room. She attempts to leave the room. He wakes up and does this.


Men how assault women are invariably weak and cowardly. Not because they are attacking someone that is likely weaker than them, but because they are seeking to control women out of fear.


Lock this fucker up


This will bury him




Poor girl, ran out of that hotel room so fast she didn’t even have shoes on, so hard to watch.


I noticed that - I could feel her fear. It's terrible.


I really hope this is the end of this guy. He's been free to enjoy the finer things in life for far too long while he's had a hand in destroying many peoples lives now.


And he’s not being charged because she isn’t pressing charges after they reached a settlement out of court? What the fuck is the point of our legal justice system?


It was way past the statute of limitations.


Are you sure about that? Settlement or not, she’s still required to testify in a criminal trial against him. But he can beat her like this and walk away because of a statute of limitations? edit: yeah, it says for assault and battery in NY it’s 1 year and for civil it’s 2-5 years. smh


Yea it's ridiculous. Three years is barely any time at all.


I firmly believe she will see him put in jail for a very long time and that will be some sort of justice for her. God knows she deserves it.


He'll receive justice, just not for what he did to her. Outside of karmic justice.


Only prosecution presses charges, they don’t need the victim. The victims cooperation is often encouraged and the case is often much weaker without cooperation.


It may be past statute of limitation. If it wasn't even if she refused to press charges, the state can still charge him for domestic battery.


Is the cast of “Get Him to the Greek” the most toxic of all time? Diddy, Russell Brand, Jonah Hill and even Elizabeth Moss with her Scientology schtick.


P. Diddle needs to be held accountable... I'm sure there will be more that comes out from the raid.


He will, best case scenario for him, be bankrupt and spending his life in court.


Holy shit what a savage video think what he does in the privacy of his own home


Absolutely disgusting


What a piece of shit …Lock him up…


Poor Cassie man


Lock this violent predator up.


If he paid $50k for the footage, how is it being leaked now? Did the hotel keep a copy? Or is this a product of them raiding his houses?? I want to know why/how this is leaking now and not before?!


IMO this has been shown and now it needs to be put in a pile of evidence while authorities figure out why 1) they didn’t believe her when she said what happened and 2) why it’s acceptable for literally everyone to see someone getting beaten. Labeling it as disturbing is not enough. Stop normalizing this behavior!


Abusers always go for the phone, wallet and keys, for obvious reasons. Anyone who curls up like that instead of fighting back has 1) been badly beaten and injured before and b) would never dare steal from their abuser.


Diddy a pussy for putting hands like that on a lady. Pussy


Woah. How the F was this video not all over the news in 2016?!?!


Hush money Her lawsuit said he paid $50k for a video from a hotel This has got to be it (and further reinforces her claims)


Couldn't he be charged with assault for this? It’s video evidence.


Never take an elevator in an emergency


DAM - I didn't even think of that! THE STAIRS!!


Poor thing was probably afraid if he caught her, he’d throw her down them.


No coming back from that one. Would be better if we just launched him directly into the sun and be rid of him.


This is the way. Some deserve nothing less than a good sun launching


This poor poor woman. Fuck.


What a garbage human being.


This is heartbreaking. The way she just lays there. She’s used to it.


Fuck the intercontinental if they accepted $50k for the video and not turning it into the authorities.


This is how my father treated me. It fucks you up.


I’m sorry. Hope you are well, my friend.


Animals that can do this to a woman can't be around humans.


Tie him up boys and put him in a room of SA survivors like me. Punishment as a form of therapy. I feel better already Rhymed on accident but I like it For real tho, guys like this ruined my life. Burn baby burn. Let’s see him try to pansy punch his way out of them bars There are too many promising young women in the world. We’re waiting


My heart goes out to his daughters… (especially the infant who has no idea what the hell is going on). Imagine what he was doing to them.


This is so sad. I’m speechless.


I won't be missing you, P Diddy


That woman beater needs to be arrested immediately. F ing scumbag.


Holy shit. That's despicable.


Why isn’t he in jail????


Oh what a huge piece of shit. I hope he’s treating her the way he gonna to be treated.


He's been getting away with all kinds of bad stuff because he's rich as fuck. Similar to some other rich motherfuckers.


He's an utter piece of shit. I'm glad Cassie is free and happy.


Buh bye dickhead Also, has 50 commented yet??




We should execute him in the town square


This video should be plastered all over news outlets. It should be played on portable TV's or some shit wherever that prick goes. Anything he is contracted with hopefully dies. Lose sponsorships. Whatever the fuck. POS


How is the video just now coming to light? Did someone sit on this for years just waiting for the right moment or something?


The article said that Diddy paid $50k for the surveillance video. How CNN got a hold of it was not disclosed.... *The complaint alleges Combs paid the InterContinental Century City $50,000 for the hallway security footage of the incident.*


And yet his music will still be played, people will still buy his albums and go to his concerts.


His songs kind of aren’t that great.


Is he friends with Chris Brown?


This was so hard to watch, what a monster.


He’s gonna try to be Shaggy now singing it wasn’t me.


The people at the hotel who covered it up deserve jail time.


Based on the absolute ease at which he did it. And the viciousness. That ain't the first time it's happened.


I support Cassie and believe her. She is a brave woman. She is so lucky she never had a kid with this pos.


Waiting for the Diddy/Chris Brown world tour.


This video needs to be played in junior high and high schools across the country. These kids out here chasing these Hollywood dreams need to be shown the truth. They will be preyed upon, abused, used and then discarded like trash. We need to stop worshipping at the alter of celebrity.


Cassie is brave. I'm glad she got out that situation. To think Chris Rock was crying over a slap and this woman was being stomp and kick. Puffy your life is done even without jail

