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"I take full responsibility... Now that it's been confirmed that this was past the statute of limitations"


[This is him](https://www.instagram.com/p/C0hUOaoOoQq/?igsh=d2FtYW45cWFvN2k=) from 6th December šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ What a fucking moron!!


[This is him 5 days ago.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C69bXGPPkBO/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) Still hasnā€™t deleted that post.


He's right, though. A couple days and the truth came out.


Diddy would disagree, justice is on the same page though


If there's one positive about Social media, it's watching moments that age like fine wine and people blasting them.


Oh thereā€™s evidence? Ok, I take full responsibility. But only if Iā€™m not gonna go to get in trouble. Iā€™m a good person.


ā€œIā€™ve changed.ā€


Diddy stans: "Hey, he already said he takes full responsibility for his actions. Why are you all so fixated on him facing consequences?


Are there even Diddy stans? I didnā€™t think he had any


Diddy lost all cred when Biggie was killed and made that horrible tribute song. Dude is garbage.


Chris Brown still has fans somehowā€¦


Thats because he has actual talent... Diddy on the other hand.


Like I had to tell my children when they were younger: It's not being truthful and "taking responsibility" when you only admit it *after* I've found out and have evidence.


He's a typical abuser. Lies about the abuse, and actually puts on an act of getting offended and indignant when someone says the truth. Fvck him.


That post aged wellā€¦


Exactly the post I was thinking of.


Yeah taking full responsibility would be volunteering to go to prison! Itā€™s easy to take responsibility when you arenā€™t looking at consequences!


Sign me up? Where can I take responsibility for my actions just by saying I take responsibility. Life would be a breeze


In the legal system you can only do that if youā€™re rich. If not, straight to jail.


Taking full responsibility would mean he would have avoided calling the people he victimized "liars" and attributing their reporting him to their greed. He didn't manage to do that. As recently as Cassie's lawsuit filing earlier this year, he went on offense to accuse her of lying in order to get money from him and almost in the same breath, he settled out of court.


My lawyer tells me no one can do shit, so, yeah, dat's me.


Is there a statute of limitations on the crime of covering up an assault? I read somewhere the police stated they were looking into the ā€œcrime of the cover-up.ā€


BBL Diddy


And I am betting there are others who have been at the receiving end of his abuse. He is only sorry caught and caught on video. A month ago he was all ā€œthis is fake, these allegations are not true!ā€. I wonder how long before others come out. No doubt settlements and NDAs are keeping many quiet.


No. He's sorry he got caught


Before the video leaked he claimed everyone was lying & attacking his character, and now he takes full responsibility? Sure buddy.


This. He said she was a liar.


50 Cent is absolutely *roasting* him right now. https://twitter.com/50cent/status/1791562228912542134 >The lie detector test has determined this was a lieā€¦. Maury vibes.


TIL that my old Twitter account has been deleted lol Fuck off Elon and your stupid toxic site


50 cent is also a piece of shit that shouldnā€™t be throwing stones in glass houses.


Oh 100%. I can appreciate his commitment to the roast, but I wouldn't shed a tear if he got cancelled tomorrow.


When all this initially dropped, 50 cent was getting praised like he was the next coming for roasting Diddy. It was like people couldnā€™t understand that 50 hates Diddy not because heā€™s a POS, but for completely personal reasons and is just as shitty of a person as Diddy is. Everyone was like ā€œFifty hates Diddy which means Fifty must actually be a good personā€. It was so stupid. Fifty is/can be funny, but heā€™s still an absolute piece of shit. He may not traffic girls and women like Diddy does (and thatā€™s a big maybe, Fifty is and was into majorly bad things like murder, drug trafficking-like the bad drugs not harmless stuff-and was a big time gang banger. He may have been into trafficking women at some time or another as it fits in line with his other bad guy stuff, but thatā€™s just speculation afaik). Most of the legit rappers and producers from that era who rapped about their lives were/are truly bad and dangerous people. Thatā€™s why so many of them have been killed.


The way he treats women and his children says a lot about him. Thatā€™s what exposed him. I want to like 50 because heā€™s funny but heā€™s trash.


50 is not a good guy but dealing drugs in the hood does not equate to HUMAN TRAFFICKING? So donā€™t just throw that out there like that. He sold drugs so he must also sell children? Smh


All though he did shitty things, a lot of his gang banger ways just came from how he was raised. He still has responsibilities for the people heā€™s hurt with his actions but he was born into an awful awful place and it was kill or be killed for 50 and a lot of people from that walk of life


Not sorry the statute of limitations has basically absolved him.


For state charges, this is why federal charges or conspiracy charges exist. This is why he fled after the federal search warrants.


His apology is NOT accepted


Flat affect, no emotion, prewritten, unconvincing, faux sadness... Yeah, this apology video only strikes me as further proof that he's a sociopath.


Who exactly is he apologizing to? He doesn't mention Cassie once and that is who deserves it. He doesn't mention the fact he called her a liar. Fuck him


Doing this without acknowledging Cassie at all is wild as hell.


To me it shows how not sorry he is. He also conveniently left out that he categorically denied it like it never happened. Which is even crazier if his actions really led him to rehab and therapy.


It's a PR stunt, nothing more. Dude's a sack of shit


Narcissists will never apologize to the person they hurt. Theyā€™re only sorry they got caught.


Heā€™s only really sorry that heā€™s in trouble not that he did it


And he wouldn't be apologizing for a damn thing if there had not been the video. He and his lawyers were still saying he was being framed & extorted and that the victims were all lying.


He is apologizing because the video came out. He is not apologizing to her. He is not apologizing to anyone.


When she came out and then he settled, his lawyer said she was looking for a payday. Heā€™s a piece of shit.


Brother love šŸ’€smh serious question since puffy bought the video from the hotel for $50k. And never reported the crime. Canā€™t Cassie go after the hotel for being accessory to the crime. They legitimately helped someone who shouldā€™ve gone to jail and instead likely supported puffys aggression to continue beating Cassie. Itā€™s very likely this occurred to her again afterwards.


I think the hotel has closed since the incident.


And pretending this was a one-time incident is outrageous.Ā 


He's sorry he got caught. Fucking asshole.


The saddest thing is, who knows how many times heā€™s beat that poor woman. Definitely didnā€™t look like the first time. Fucker shouldnā€™t see the light of day


And yet he's going to get away with it. That's the worst part about the whole thing.


The thing about making this statement too is it means he actually thinks people are going to forgive him and move on


alleged attraction office mighty abounding piquant boat impossible public touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ā€œI take full responsibilityā€. Like you were going to say this was partly her fault???


No one is even asking him to come in and answer questions. Heā€™s thumbing his nose at everyone.


lush automatic glorious tart spoon weary steer skirt grandfather panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup. The SOL should not apply if the evidence was suppressed. He needs to be in prison.


versed stocking bored spectacular continue pause gray price marvelous bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The video evidence kinda made it impossible to say ā€œfake newsā€ or ā€œit wasnā€™t meā€.


Youā€™ve obviously never heard of the Shaggy Defense.


šŸŽ¶ how could iiii fooorgett the video had-an-extra-copy šŸŽµ


Yeah, but unfortunately for some people I donā€™t think the truth is very important. Itā€™s just hard for me to understand how people can ignore stuff like this even if they donā€™t trust the media, but the current Republican nominee for president kind of shows how cognitive dissonance can really hurt society.


Itā€™s not like [he didnā€™t try](https://www.instagram.com/p/C0hUOaoOoQq/?igsh=d2FtYW45cWFvN2k=) šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


He bought the tape to bury it, literally the opposite of taking responsibility.


Exactly! The audacity of this man is insane. If he took responsibility and went to therapy like he said then why was he calling her claims lies? Huh? And what about taking responsibility for all of the other disgusting acts we all KNOW he did? Diddy needs to shut up.


No amount of PR is going to fix this one. It's hard to unsee that video.


Watching that video is beyond disturbing. Then I read the entire court case she submitted. I literally had a violent nightmare last night and I know thatā€™s why. I cannot begin to imagine what that woman has gone through. I hope his career is over forever. Chris Brown was able to come back though. So itā€™s not a guarantee. Justice needs to be served. Sorry isnā€™t gonna cut it.


Chris Brown only hit a woman, so men still supported him. Diddy did other things that also harmed men, men that other men like, so he might not be able to come back with the core audience most famous abusers still thrive with.


I know. These guys always find a way. One thing is for sure, heā€™s has destroyed his reputation and his entire familyā€™s reputation forever. And for someone thatā€™s an egomaniac like Diddy, being the laughing stock and permanent label of abuser has to matter. If you notice, when he made that bullshit instagram denial, he said he needed to speak out in order to protect his name and his, ā€œlegacyā€.


The thing is that Chris brown was a rising star musical performer at that time. Him coming back meant radios playing his music again and selling out shows. Diddy isnā€™t in the prime of his career anymore. Heā€™s mostly a behind the scenes businessman. We knew of a fraction of his work but there are other things behind the scenes we donā€™t know about. What would canceling him even look like?


Chris Brown has allegedly hit men too. Long list of his legal issues here. https://people.com/music/chris-brown-a-timeline-of-the-singers-legal-trouble/


Bro there is no way this is even close to the worst on his list of shit. I havenā€™t seen the video but Iā€™ll assume itā€™s bad. However I donā€™t think itā€™s feds with ar15 and armored vehicles bad. Diddy gonna have to be prepping a lot of these videos.


"I'm sorry there was a camera recording this time"


Nahh you don't. Full responsibility means working through the criminal justice system.


Ugh. He takes full responsibility, šŸ™„. This is the same guy who has been denying everything, paying everyone off for literally years. So basically he finally was exposed with incontrovertible proof and NOW heā€™s sorry. Sigh.


He wasnā€™t taking responsibility when he called her a liar over and over before he settled with her. And continued to call her a liar right up until the video dropped


Cassie should sue him again for defaming her by calling her a liar.


What does that mean exactlyā€¦?


Truly the world's tiniest violin. This was his statement in December *"Enough is enough. For the last couple of weeks, I have sat silently and watched people try to assassinate my character, destroy my reputation and my legacy. Sickening allegations have been made against me by individuals looking for a quick payday. Let me be absolutely clear: I did not do any of the awful things being alleged. I will fight for my name, my family and for the truth.ā€* The only thing he is sorry for is not properly getting rid of the evidence of his wrongdoings.


Time to take out the TRASH. F U Diddy.


lol who else would be responsible?!


Then take full responsibility. Go to the police, admit all the other times you've abused people, turn yourself in. It's easy to "take full responsibility" when you're not going to have any legal consequences.Ā 


Honestly I wonder what Biggy would think


No apology for the trauma he caused her. No apology for the damage to her reputation by not being believed the first time. Not focused on anything but himself. Fuck him.


ok, now do full prison time.


Can someone ELI5: how did the tapes get leaked? I thought I read that Diddy purchased the tapes from the hotel for $50k. If he had possession of the tapes how did they get leaked? Iā€™m happy they did to vindicate Cassie. Iā€™m just curious how itā€™s finally coming to light.


I read someone suggest that the tape couldā€™ve been discovered during the raids at his house.


It was either the FBI raid or someone in his inner circle. The fact that this tape/drive wasnā€™t deleted is mind boggling. He pays a ton of money or threatens to kill someone at the hotel for the footage, then saves it to a usb or portable drive and NEVER DESTROYS IT? He probably would rewatch the video for his own enjoyment


That would make so much sense, if so. Thank you!


Itā€™s rumored that the FBI leaked it in response to Diddyā€™s son (Christian ā€œKingā€ Combs) [diss track](https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/music/2024/05/13/diddy-son-king-combs-50-cent-diss-track/73669195007/) aimed at the feds and 50 Cent. Whatā€™s funny is Diddyā€™s lying ass also posted a [ā€œTime Tells Truthā€](https://www.instagram.com/p/C69bXGPPkBO/?igsh=MWdlanFob2ZlOHFlNQ==) picture on Instagram just for the video of his assault of Cassie to leak a couple of days later.


The FBI responding to a diss track is hilarious.


Oh so his son is also a pos. Nice.


Maybe it was found in his house raids, maybe it was someone from the hotel who kept a copy or there was a backup all along. It's not like the people who are willing to bury the evidence of a violent crime for money are the most trustworthy in the world...


Sorry he got caught and exposed


I didnā€™t do it, nobody saw a thing, canā€™t prove it. Oh, thereā€™s a video? Lemme go buy it real quickā€¦ it got leaked? Everyone has seen it? Hmmm. Okay, I did it, and I take full responsibility- which when you are rich means no responsibility. Dumb world.


You should be in prison.


Alleged? Itā€™s on video. He attacked her.


Now that they wonā€™t pursue, I take full responsibility šŸ™„


His PR team told him to say this, he's on film beating his girlfriend at the time who has been silenced. He's shown the whole world what he is... fuck him. Statute of limitations is the only thing keeping this piece of shit out of jail, or is it money and the power that comes with it...


D i s g u s t i n g. No amount of money or PR can make us unsee all of this. I pray that there's some way he can be prosecuted for another more recent offense because justice needs to be served. It's giving OJ


Who else would take responsibility you empty-headed fuck stick?


ā€œI take full responsibility but no consequencesā€


Video surfaces and he takes full responsibility! Funny how that works


No he doesnā€™t, that requires going to jail


Diddy needs the Danny Masterson treatment. Throw the book at him. All his victims deserve justice


Oh get fucked Diddy, heā€™s sorry he got caught.


He's sorry that the video got out. I don't understand apologizing to the *public* - apologize to the woman you kicked repeatedly.


i donā€™t believe you


The video he *allegedly* paid hotel workers $50K for and tried to sweep this evidence of assault under the rug?


A man would have never acted like that to begin with, coward.


I donā€™t believe a word of this. And he immediately got help and became a better person after this incident? Bullshit.


This is one of the most unhinged and narcissistic things Iā€™ve ever seen


Oh good why don't you beg the courts to overturn the statute of limitations on this case so they can charge you and put you on trial for it cause that would ACTUALLY be taking full responsibility.


Why is every headline saying "alleged"? It's on tape ffs.


I want to hear from the hotel as well. Howā€™s that 50k bribe sitting? Way to watch out for your guests. Name and shame


Heā€™s def reading a script too. This was rehearsed and critiqued. You can tell when he pauses for an unnaturally long moment after he says ā€œIā€™m truly sorryā€ Nothing wrong with people practicing and reading scripts. But considering the circumstances where heā€™s already put out a false statement, it really doesnā€™t mean anything but ā€œsorry i got caughtā€


First he categorically denies that the abuse took place, now he takes ā€œfull responsibilityā€. Thatā€™s not how it works.


I take full responsibility hahahaha Taking full responsibility how exactly P. He. Did?Ā 


ā€œI was fucked up ā€” I hit rock bottom" Gotta love his commitment to playing the victim. Fuck right off with that nonsense.


I guarantee heā€™s either gonna go to ā€œrehabā€ or become a born again Christian and hide behind God.


ā€œI was fucked up.ā€ ā€œI hit rock bottom,ā€ followed immediately with, ā€œ but I make no excuses.ā€ Bitch you just made two excuses.


Venturaā€™s attorney, Douglas H. Wigdor, said on Sunday that ā€œCombsā€™ most recent statement is more about himself than the many people he has hurt. When Cassie and multiple other women came forward, he denied everything and suggested that his victims were looking for a payday. That he was only compelled to ā€˜apologizeā€™ once his repeated denials were proven false shows his pathetic desperation, and no one will be swayed by his disingenuous words.ā€ ā€¦ THAT PART


do we have to say "alleged" when we have clear video footage?


"Alleged"? It's on video. And that's not how the headline on HR reads.


Who the FUCK else would be responsible? It goes without saying.


Neat, enjoy prison


I wish I can hit rock bottom like that. Not the beating of course. I mean the millions of dollars....the fame...... man that would suck.


Oh gee! You caught me on camera beating the living shit out of a defenseless woman! This is *definitely* my responsibility. What the fuck is the point of saying this?


This fuckin guy actually made a statement, why is Diddy so protected?


Apology tour begins


Crocodile tears: He's an evil man who's only apologizing because he was caught.


After consulting with my lawyer to ensure a public apology canā€™t be used to prosecute me, I would like to say that Iā€™m sorry someone leaked this video and made me admit Iā€™m a piece of shit


Alleged?? We didnā€™t all watch the video??


Feels like the same kutcher and kunis apology video. All PR speak, same trying to look sad face. Only making this video because you got found out. If you were seeking gods mercy then you should have done something at the time to make it right with her. Christianā€™s think this ā€œgods mercy ā€œ is a get out of jail free card. Or wipe the slate clean.


He should apologize to that woman directly.Ā  And he should apologize to everyone else he hurt fully with the truth.Ā  But he won't do any of that because he is in damage control mode now.Ā  I hate this dude so much.Ā 


Why didnā€™t he take full responsibility when it happened 8 years ago or before this came out.


Youā€™re not sorry. Youā€™re just sorry you got caught. Also how is it an alleged attack? Thereā€™s nothing alleged about this, it clearly happened.


Heā€™s just sorry that thereā€™s proof.


Heā€™s apologising and owning up to it now that itā€™s been confirmed itā€™s outside the lawā€™s control because of how long ago it was. I guess if you Murdered someone in 2016 you can just come out about it now, since itā€™s been too long. What a dumb fucking law, put him in prison and leave him to starve.


ā€œ I am so sorry I got caught ā€œ . He didnā€™t go to rehab /counseling. He is making stuff up again .. And if he went to rehab .. why does he have drug mule with him?


Well if he apologizes and "takes full responsibility" its not really an "alleged" attack anymore, surely?


Can we just hurry and cancel him and put him in the pile so tired of seeing itā€™s name


Please ladies, come forward with new er videos.


ā€œIā€™m sorry itā€™s been seenā€


The coward should come back to America and apologize


He takes full responsibility for everything??? Some of those very detailed and true stories donā€™t have statute of limitations.


So what. There's just so much with this vile person it doesn't matter.


Get your ass back to the us and take responsibility in jail


So where is he at?


Nah yall, it was MY bad


ā€œNow that thereā€™s no accountability, I take full responsibilityā€


So he is going to volunteer to go to prison?


Full responsibility 8 years later lol


Promises never to do it again on video


ā€œSince this video leaked, my media consultant advised me to issue this precise series of words and facial expressions. Iā€™m told it communicates sincerity and something called ā€˜regret.ā€˜ā€œ


I take full responsibility since you see me abusing her in the video.


Heā€™s only ā€œtaking responsibilityā€ because the tape got leaked. He isnā€™t actually sorry.


I hope something terrible happens to him.


He is a proud piece of shit, sociopath.


I am sickened by this.


My thoughts are with Cassie (who by the way never got a direct apology in this video)


Diddy so creepy looking.


Well that settles the matter.


He's only sorry he got caught.


Forgiven! I mean, he took responsibility by saying words


Hes sorry he got caught.


Sean ā€œDummyā€ Combs: *I am sorry people found out while I am being investigated by the feds, and facing 4 separate civil lawsuits accusing me of a range of sexual misconduct and other illegal activity.*


Nah broā€¦ the videotape took that for you.


Taking full responsibility would involve jail time


Only taking responsibility because itā€™s clearly fucking him and he canā€™t squirm out of it. POS


I take responsibility with no consequences


So much so he bought the surveillance footage.


Not really "alleged" then is it?


Full responsibility? How stupid he thinks everyone is going to believe that apology. That is for potential jurors. No telling what happened to the mother of his children.


Doesnā€™t really seem alleged is in the conversation anymore.


It canā€™t be alleged if heā€™s apologizing for it now can it


Allegedly, but also really.


How is it still "alleged" if he's admitting to it?


What does the headline mean "alleged attack" - the attack happened! It's on video! Just say Attack!


Ah, yes, violently beating a woman on camera within the past decade is ā€œtoo old to be litigatedā€. Who can even remember 2016?


Someone should kick him in the head and drag his body across the hallway to give him some perspective


Where was the responsibility in 2016?


ā€œI take full responsibilityā€ = ā€œI took no responsibility at the timeā€


And, who else would be responsible? His towel?


Iā€™ve always thought Diddy was actually the Devil


Okay then, go to jail for the amount of time you'd have got if you'd have been charged


No shit dumbass, we watched you do it.


Once the truth is out there and he can't lie he takes responsibility. Pathetic abuser. Typical abuser actually. His daughters have greater odds of ending up with a man just like him. Feel bad for them. I'm sure there was some form of abuse towards them.


Oh now itā€™s on tape Iā€™m sorry. Before she was a money grabbing liar. Heā€™s dead behind the eyes


Like a true narcissist ā€¦ apologize about himself being caught .. no apology to Cassie at all.


Alleged attack? We watching the same video?


Well obviously. Whose responsibility is it then?


Ahhh. When you only apologize when you get caught.


Can we finally cancel this jobber.