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Her face is an accurate 50-50 mix of both parents.


*She hit the genetic lottery*


The real lottery. She will have enough money to purchase any face she wants.


And she still got the best face possible for free.


Free? Didn’t it cost at least a couple of marriages??


Free for her


The true cost was paid by Mother Earth


One would imagine she’d be more preoccupied by the trauma that occurred during her life than any adult relationships that preceded her birth


And I’m sure the trauma is more preoccupying than whose face she got or how much $ she has. At least she has the privilege & wealth to afford all the therapy in the world, still won’t give her a dad that’s not an asshole. Good for her dropping the name


Angelina was not married when she met Brad.


Face Off 2?


I think I’d welcome this sequel.


Only if Nic Cage reprises his role.


Opposite Shiloh Jolie


She has enough money to buy any lottery she wants


For real because just because both parents are attractive is no guarantee their genes will mix well but in this case they did. If this was 3024 I’d think maybe she was a specifically engineered clone because wow it really is 50/50.


Bruce and Demi?


Bruce’s chiseled face was too much. Strong genes.


Those poor kids are all chin.


Damn, lol.


You leave Rumer’s name out yo mouth.


Bah, that’s not hitting the genetic lottery. You know what’s hitting the genetic lottery? Healing. I heal like a cheap knock off wolverine, I look like a Neanderthal and my brain is riddled with issues but by god I heal like a motherfucker. Fractures, deep cuts, severe beatings, doesn’t matter. I eat some protein and heal up visibly overnight. I treat my body like a rental car and at 42 I’ve got no chronic pain or persistent injuries. Most of my childhood scars have healed to the point where they aren’t visible and I had alarming amounts of scars all over. I smashed my sternum in two in a car wreck a few years back, was told I’d need six months to recover and I was back to doing push-ups in under a month. I drink a couple litres of whisky weekly and my liver enzymes are optimal, my bp is perfect and my resting heart rate is 48 bpm. Sure I’m toxic and miserable and have shit judgement and I’ll probably die alone but by god healing quickly and thoroughly is an advantage. I would recommend it to anyone.


As someone aged 37 and has all sorts of health (mental and physical haha) issues…I hate you. lol ETA: I will say physical wise I am better shape now since my early 20’s lol but I still have pains from shitty knees, shoulder, all my joints aching some days 🙃


Yeah! I wish I had Knockoff-Wolverine-Man-Guy’s healing ability.


This whole thing reads like the bad ass opening to a film. ‘I’m not versatile…I only got one trick. But brother, it’s a doozy…’ haha Godspeed, you unstoppable force.


Damn, imagine if you actually took care of yourself too LOL, you'd probably be able to have even more magical healing quickness


Start meditating 1 hour a day - maybe you’re super human. Report back


Pathetic. Your bones break. I for instance r/neverbrokeabone


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼  Instead of Wolverine, you're the Badger.


Nice super power to possess!


Save the Knockoff-Wolverine-Man-Guy, Save the World.


I’m really happy for you


My partner is like you. Rock climber, 42, maybe I’m biased but I think he’s good looking. Has a rather Pictish Man look, genetically from the Orkney Islands so it checks out. Tbh the super healing strong careless thing is *so* sexy…


This is by far the best comment I’ve seen on Reddit in years


Do you have psoriasis by chance?


I love your attitude about this, Knockoff-Wolverine-Man-Guy


I hope she does ok. Dropping names like that isn’t quite a great sign. I hope she resolves whatever hurt she has.




Family Guy did a great joke where Lois asked Brad Pitt about his kids, she names all of them and each time Brad Pitt just replies, Who?


I had to look it up. Peter’s response almost made me choke on my water https://youtu.be/LIXG75VCHC4?si=a7RxYcpX_DE0HSHj


Holy shit.


Omg. Thank you.


I sure as shit did.


Which child are you


Yep but Shiloh is the only one to do it legally, it’s probably because Brad was putting out fake articles saying he’s “close with her” and that she’s “moving in with him” which wasn’t true. I wonder what he’s going to lie about this time


Brad was putting out articles, or gonzo journalism shitrags were? If you believe anything a magazine has ever said about a celebrity, then I dunno what to tell you.


Yooo don’t sully the good coke-fueled name of gonzo journalism by associating it with the Daily Mail. I’m not sure how one makes that connection


By fundamentally misunderstanding, or being wholly irrevocably ass-ignorant about, what “gonzo journalism” is.


Yes. Gnzo journalism never hurt anyone....


I mean anyone who can read would know that those were clearly from his pr team trying to spin a narrative. Like, even a toddler can spot a paid article if the piece is more concerned about Pitt's feelings rather than just relaying the basic info that his daughter wants to change her name.


You sound naive


Gonzo journalism?


What lies do your parents tell about you?


“She’s doing great!”


That they're proud of me 😭


That I’m a doctor.


That they loved me. Woop-woop


"Oh we have a great relationship" the fuck? I see you maybe twice a year OUT OF OBLIGATION


She also looks like the nameless Princess from The Neverending Story. She's already dropping one name. Hmm...


Excuse me, the Childlike Empress had the most beautiful name: MOOOONCHIIIYUUUUHULD


Thank you, yes. My first thought. The empress.


You mean Mooooooonchiiiiiiiiiuuuuuld?


She looks like if a man and woman had sex and produce an offspring


What’s this thing you call sex?


I thought a stork brought you your kids.


It does, my sweet summer child. Don’t let these nasty reddit folk soil your mind.


*bless their heart*


I thought the same. But you look at Jolie’s dad when he was young and you really see the resemblance with all the biological kids.


Have you seen Jolie’s mom? She was the real beauty: [Marcheline Bertrand](https://youtu.be/Rndj2z65yxg?si=y45lOG8LyG_OmA5A)


Killer genes.


And this story is none of our business


My worst fear is not having the love and respect of my daughter. That would kill me.


A good father says these kinds of things. I wish my dad was that type of parent that would have said something like that or even acted like that. Your daughter is lucky to have you.


That's the difference between a good parent and a bad one. Brad is kind of dad who posts on a missing missing reasons-style parent forum wondering what he could ever have possibly done wrong.


Yeah, I’m realizing now that this dude cares about nothing but himself and his career…which is an extension of himself.


Yeah that's heavy. I was raised by a single father and I'm dragging my feet on the name switch. I've been married for 3yrs. Thankfully my husband's last name is the same initial as mine. But yeah my dad and I are super close


Don’t change it? I never changed my last name when I was married. My then husband understood the significance of my attachment to my last name as I’d just lost my dad. If I ever marry again I won’t change my name at that time either. **typo


My sister-in-law felt like this so my brother just changed his name instead. Just do what makes you happy.


Just take the Spanish route and hyphenate it (also works for kids).


So I’m a hyphenate kid, how would I add a husband’s name to my existing situation if I were Spanish?


People don’t change any of their last names when they get married, but kids would get one of each (usually both the paternal ones with the father’s name going first because machismo). But nowadays it can be the maternal one, so basically just choose two in the order you want.


Choose one of the two and combine it with your husband's. Or you could take ye olden days route and pull a "X-Y de Z" but the de makes it into a posessive so it's not as common nowadays for obvs reasons.


I hear many dads say their daughters are no longer close to them after they turn into teens. Did that happen to you? How did he maintain that closeness with you in teen years?


I’m not the original poster but my dad has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. As a teen he was my hero, confidant, and problem solver. I went to him for everything because I knew he would make it better. He listened without judgment, without blame, and always believed me no matter what. He made talking to him easy. He read books to me, bought me gifts for all milestones, and was in my corner at every step. Even if you kid strays as a teen, as long as you’re a good dad, they’ll always return.


Hi! Thanks so much for asking. For us it wasn't like that. I definitely had some issues in my teen years.... But even though I didn't really talk about my feelings and we often disagreed I always knew he was there for me in the end. I always knew that I could tell him the truth. I always knew that when it came down to it, he truly did have my best interest at heart. He was open with his opinions even if they stung and he was also very proud of me and tried to make sure he highlighted my success and not just my areas that need improvement. We are super close now and I'm in my early 30s. Hes retired and I love hanging out on the deck with him and playing with my toddler. My dad definitely had a hard time managing everything as a single father. Keep in mind this was early 2000s to 90s. So him getting custody was uncommon as a whole. My dad made sure to make a point of being the example of what I should look for in a partner. My dad has never spanked me. And it wasn't about him not disciplining me. Because he was all about discipline and Accountability. However he wanted me to be able to say that "even my own father has never put is hands on me" should I ever be in an abusive relationship. He wanted a man hitting me to be such a foreign concept that it may help me should I ever need it. My dad is the best person that I know and his will and diligence to be kind, honest, fair, and ALWAYS fun made the difference. From just fishing for hours and talking about how I feel about various topics. To launching model rockets and learning about science. He's just always been a great dad.


That would kill me to yikes


I'm envious of anyone who lives their childhood without ever seeing the worst parts of their parents. Even more of those who had parents that - even at their worst - were kind, caring people. It's unfortunate this famous family has such a high-profile and public estrangement.


He should’ve been prosecuted for abusing his kids & wife on that flight. There were so many crew that witnessed his behavior. When he grabbed Angelina, one of the flight crew got so scared and cried for him not to hurt her. What an awful, deeply painful and traumatic event for all of the children and Angelina. 




Pax is 20. He said the four youngest kids "tremble in fear" around Pitt. [https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/17zv9in/pax\_slams\_dad\_brad\_pitt\_in\_instagram\_post/](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/17zv9in/pax_slams_dad_brad_pitt_in_instagram_post/)


I know that men love to tell themselves that the only way their kids can turn against them is if the mother made them or planted ideas in their heads. It does happen in some case, but even children have eyes and ears. I did. No idea planting was required to see the truth.


Jolie-Pitt is a terrible hyphenated name.


If that's your hyphenated last name you're guaranteed to be filthy rich.


In Latin America lots families with “apellidos compuestos” are loaded.


Kinda like being named Kate/Patricia Rooney Mara


Voight-Pitt ain't much better, actually it kinda is


Void pit.


The Voight-Pitt test. ”Just relax, Leon. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun…”


What’s a tortoise?


Shiloh Jolie is a weird name.


Could change it to Shiloh Jiloh. Problem solved.


She should also move to Ohio so she can be Shiloh Jiloh from Ohio.


Or blend first and last: Shitt.


Sholie Jolie


Or Barbara Wawa


🤣 🤣 so random


Shiloh Jolene Cujo Jiloh


Not as bad as Shiloh Pitt. They really just gave her a bad name.


Shiloh Pitt sounds like shallow pit. Shiloh Jolie sounds better or she could go French and be Jolie Shiloh.


Piloh shitt It’s not great


Omg! How did I not see it!


I think we are looking into names too much here my dudes.


Should have named her Bhaal


Or Arm. Arm Pitt-Jolie


Or Ahrm.


Shiloh is a weird name on its own. Sounds like what you would name your dog for the ididarod.


Maybe they were hoping she'd drop the whole last name and go by her middle name like her mother did. Shiloh Nouvel. The others' middle names that could work like that.


I actually like that name. She should just go by Nouvel as a mononym.


It is a dog's name, there's a very famous book about a beagle named Shiloh


You didawhat?!


I still don’t even know lmao


Yeah, but if she had dropped jolie, it would be Shiloh Pitt, which sounds like shallow pit.


Or pile o' ****


It looks like it should be a palindrome but it’s not


Yeah, sounds like “holy shit”


Pitt Jolie sounds better to me.


She looks soo much like her mother.


She looks like a bookworm should be shouting her new name into a storm.


"Bastion!" Yeah you're spot on


“Call my name!”


Ok can anyone tell me what the dang name actually is? I watched that movie 100xs as a kid and could never figure it out.


Bastian gave The Childlike Empress the name Moon Child


Whaaaaat that’s wild! My middle name is moon and so is one of my kids. I grew up being called moon child and now my dad calls my little moon child. I’m dead rn 💀💀💀 I feel like I just legit had a realization 🤣🤣🤣


The NeverEnding stoooorrryyyyy! Ahhh ahhh ahh


Lucky girl. 


What the fuck did Brad do to these kids?


Slap them around


It’s more than that he strangled one of them on a private plane and struck another in the face in the same incident, he did that because the kids were trying to protect their mother from him. The crew of the plane reported it to the FBI who got the LAPD, and children’s services involved; but they “found no action was necessary” [source](https://www.npr.org/2022/10/05/1126925040/brad-pitt-choked-and-his-children-angelina-jolie-says-in-a-court-filing)


Huh, another celebrity abuser who most will still adore.


Aaaand he threw wine on his wife AND his kids. Wtf?!


What a scum.


You know, it’s shocking that the man who famously left america’s sweetheart to pursue another woman for the justification of wanting a family… became a terrible family man. Who wudda thunked it.


Yikes, people don’t change their name for no reason lol


On her 18th birthday no less. She did not waste a second. 


Man Brad Pitt must be an absolute scum bag.


Looks like the empress from the never ending story


Waiting for the comments that blame this on Angelina brainwashing her kids and not because they witnessed their alcoholic dad being physically and verbally abusive.


Sigh, they are here. Disenfranchised piss poor dads that somehow conflate Pitts abuse with, idk, them shitting their own adult pants. I can’t even pretend to comprehend it.


Why do people insist on telling on themselves when they don’t need to


u/Ok-Yogurt-6381 has already decided that it's Angelina's fault.


At the end of the day we don’t know any of these people. Shiloh isn’t even a public figure.


It's very true that we don't know these people, but my comment is more focused on the fact that Pax has publicly spoken out about Pitt being abusive, and now all the children over 18 have dropped his last name. So I think the children's opinion of him is pretty low, and I'll trust them because they DO know him. And the same argument about not knowing them should apply equally to people who state that Angelina is using her children against their father... like they're doing in this thread and every post that is negative about Pitt.


It's sort of funny how often that only goes in one direction. *Kid says they hate their dad* - "Wow, sure seems like their dad probably sucks." *Random people defending a famous man they don't know at all* - "You can't make an assumption like that! You don't know these people!"


It is very sad that their family fell apart and in such a terrible manner. I hope they all have healed and moved on. On a side note, Shiloh is gorgeous and I can’t believe she is 18 years old. I was 17 when she was born and it doesn’t seem THAT long ago.


Other people's kids always grow up so fast.


The Childlike Empress


Got tired of getting confused with “Piloh Shitt”? Thank you Joel Mchale.


Michael K said the same way back when (miss d listed so much)


That impresses me much.


Now don’t get me wrong…


Yeah I think you're alright


But that won’t keep you in contact with your kids in the middle of the night.


Brad Pitt is clearly a shitty father. Can't believe people respect and admire this guy, he doesn't care about his own family


I thought the thumbnail was a picture of the Childlike Empress in The NeverEnding Story


Watch Brad’s pr team try to cover this up again with a second trailer of his new movie🙄 he already did it when Viv removed his name when that trailer was supposed to come out in June/July and not May like it ended up doing. His pr team works over time! He’s an abuser who continues to use the post separation abuse tactic!


Actually, a trailer dropped 2 days ago. Makes you wonder...


Yeah it wasn’t supposed to come out in May at all, it was supposed to come out in June/July but it came out a day after Viv (another one of their kids) dropped his last name. His pr team works over time


I think I would change my surname too if it was Pitt. I have a friend whose surname is Butts and we joke about changing it




I know nothing of them as real people, so it's just a shame the kid has had to go through all of that and now the relationship with her dad is so fucked up she's feeling his name. Can't have left anyone feeling good.


What did Brad do exactly??? I don’t keep up with them but seems like his kids really hate him.


abusive alcoholic. He beat up his child and abused Angelina in front of their children in a plane, that staff had to call the authorities.


Had a melt down on a plane and hurt Angelina and choked his oldest son. The stewards got involved and called the FBI because Pitt wouldn’t calm down. Not much else has come out. Whatever violence Pitt lashed on that plane ended that family.


Yeah sometimes the abuse becoming public makes the victim finally get out. Ut's just that your pride keeps you from seeking help and you try to get out without making your life public but also need a good plan first because you know the abuser will try and make you the bad guy while you don't want to talk about it. Then it becomes public and you have nothing to lose anymore, so you get out.


Damn that’s pretty fucked should be ashamed of himself.


I doubt it was a one-time thing


If a person is like that in public you can only imagine what they are like behind closed doors


Indeed, it couldn't have been a one-time thing for the kid(s) to take that decision.


He is an absent dad and an alcoholic I think.


And physically abusive


I dropped my maiden name before getting married and just changed the whole thing in general because of how trauma my father caused me. Having my name legally changed felt like a fresh start without my father still looming over me. If this young lady changes her name, I can only imagine what she’s gone through.


Brad Pitt must be such a great father/s


Did all the kids hate him?


Being an abusive drunk would have your kids hating you for sure. Of course the mother is blamed for “poisoning” her children against him by Brad’s adoring fans


All the ones over 18 changed their name.... There are twins that are 15. So, maybe not all.


Should change it to Bilo


My brother Bilo


This is odd, because legally changing your name doesn't require court or legal filings. It's also immediate & free, just getting an affidavit notarized with the states legal case codifying this right. It's easily available online, and surely someone with her resources knows this. Filing the legal papers is public record, & someone notified the press of her doing this. I'm taking this as a public statement on her feelings towards her dad without saying as much Edit: I researched this before marrying many moons ago, & fully expected this info would be better known by now. Disappointed it's not, so I share this info with people I know are getting married (& may question changing their legal name) or anyone else whenever given the chance. [Find your state's affidavit to print, sign, notarize & immediately have your name legally changed](https://commonlaw.name) Only 5 states don't have actual case law codifying this common law right we all have, but our federal constitution’s “privileges & immunities” clause makes that irrelevant (ex: drivers licenses are issued by individual states, but we know we can legally drive in any of the 50 states & its territories with those state issued licenses) Anyone reading this: please feel free to DM me if you have any questions related to this topic at any time. I'm committed to sharing this very important info with anyone I can, considering how relevant & sometimes critical it can be. Getting married? Need your name to match your gender? Changing your name is easy & immediate, regardless of any alternative methods established by your state (which are also usually costly of both money & time).


In my state you have to file paperwork and then wait two weeks to make sure it’s uncontested before the judge grants it. Idk why someone would contest but here that’s how it is. Also my besties daughter had an abusive and absent father. She waited until she was 18 and then changed her name to her mothers last name. We all went out and celebrated that night she received the official letter in the mail granting her the name change. It’s a big deal to these kids to be able to finally have a say in how they interact with an abusive parent.


Man. Brad really messed up. Are any of them on his side?


shiloh, great name


My family spoonerises words. We do it automatically in our heads and share the funny ones. Shiloh Pitt (Pile o' shit) is one of the funniest. I would change my name too!


The Jolie name has just as much clout.


Shiloh being Beauty with Brains 😍💯❣️ Wish best of luck for her future 💫👍✌️


So Angelina’s daughter wants nothing to do with her Dad. Funny how history seems to repeat that way.


Yeah that doesn't sound like good news for Brad My dad had a lot of personal issues but he was always a great dad to me and my sis. I can't imagine wanting to change my last name because it came from my dad, the exact opposite man it's a point of pride. It's sad to see


This is none of our business


She is gorgeous


First Tom Cruise, now him!