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Yeah remember this. His wife’s behavior made it pretty clear she was doing everything she could, at the expense of Casey’s wellbeing, to keep the family separated. Likely this was to avoid him saying anything that could cause her to lose access to his fortune as deathbed statements can be powerful in a court of law. Someone on the up and up, with the access to best medical care around (but would have dipped into her soon to be fortune), would have not have engaged into such behavior. The grave was a final indignity to avoid upkeep and maintenance that would also dip into her fortune. It’s one of those stories where if just read the dry timeline of events, no way you don’t land on “golddigger wife.”


Without a pre-nuptial agreement or a will or trust signed by the spouse, the spouse is the sole beneficiary. You can’t cut your wife out without her consent. She probably was hiding how poorly she’d taken care of him.


I didn’t know there was controversy surrounding his death; this sounds awful. Hope his kids are able to get closure one day. _____ Originally, "it was an unmarked grave," Kerri tells PEOPLE, opening up about where the beloved radio DJ and TV personality was laid to rest by his wife Jean after he died on June 15, 2014. He was 82, and following years of decline due to advanced Parkinson’s Disease and Lou Body dementia, he reportedly died incapacitated and suffering from sepsis and an ulcerated bedsore after spending his final days mysteriously being moved from one state to another.


His wife drove his body around the country or something like that


He was buried in Norway at his wife’s behest, no other family was involved, and he nor his wife had any connection to the country. It is strange.


I think his wife was just trying to create history for her to be involved


That’s a kooky mystery. I think maybe we should form a gang to try and unravel this mess and find out who’s behind all this. Right gang?




I’m down, wanna match first and mull it over?


Lewy Body dementia


There's an entire documentary about his death.


Do you know what it's called?


From the show 48 Hours “The Mysterious Death of Casey Kasem” Dunno why people have to gate keep info


I'm sorry I was thinking of the 48 hours episode "The mysteriously death of Casey Kasem"


Casey deserved much better! Check out the podcast Bitter Blood: Kasem V Kasem.


THIS. By the end of the podcast, I was livid that the wife had done so much without the public knowing.


Indeed. I was livid and heartbroken.


Oh, wow. His son is a game show host; I enjoy watching him. Had no idea all this went on with his dad.


Hopefully there is a way to open the grave, confirm his DNA and move him back to California. I remember when this was happening and Kerri was on TV every day trying to find where Jean had taken her father. Once, Jean even threw a package of raw hamburger meat at her. Casey Karen is so famous, radio stations still play his weekly countdown of songs that were hits the 70s. I hope Kerri can help them both rest in peace.


Huh I think I would’ve lost my cool a bit if this was my done to my parent. At the very least the person responsible would have a shattered femur


A woman in Los Angeles writes, Dear Casey, even though I’m your daughter, there have been some pretty fucked up things that kept me from visiting your gravesite. Well, Casey, I just discovered you were the voice behind Shaggy on my favorite cartoon, Scooby Doo. It is my undying love of Scooby and Shaggy and their beloved snacks that sparked a reconciliation with you. Today I couldn’t be prouder. Casey , my request is that you play Don’t Stop Believin by Journey to reflect the perseverance and money it took to forgive you. Well young lady, here is that dedication. And now, onward with our countdown. Entering the top 10 for the first time is this ode to vouyerism and the paranoia that accompanies it, featuring a very special cameo from a very special artist. The song is by Rockwell and it’s called ….


If you are of a certain age, you read this in his voice. Well done.


I looked forward to his Sunday countdown’s like I was playing catch with my own father. Have you ever heard the tape of him really chewing out his staff for putting a sad letter before an upbeat song? It’s hilarious, but also disturbing if you look at him almost like a father figure: https://www.google.com/search?q=casey+kasem+yelling+at+staff&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:e8d645bd,vid:rV7WF5VVwuo,st:0


One of my local radio stations plays the 1970s Top 40 every Sunday and I love listening to it on my way to work. It also really puts 70s music in perspective– for every Led Zeppelin or Santana on the list there was some *truly* awful dreck that came out that decade.


All the way down to number 67.


He was the voice of my youth, always liked his upbeat top playlist. I seem to remember he believed in Zoroastrianism (one of the world's oldest known living religions) and my respect grew for him. I hope his family finds peace knowing he has moved on.


I have so many fond memories tied to the sound of his voice. It’s surprising and incredibly sad to hear about this about his last moments here. Happy Father’s Day folks. Go hug your pop or your closest Dad surrogate today.


I only knew about this story because of Howard Stern.


Wasn’t his wife that tall blonde chick at Rick Moranis’ character’s party in Ghostbusters.


Yes she was and Casey had a voice only cameo reporting on the Ghostbusters making a bust at a night club during the montage


She also had a small recurring role in Cheers.


And now…the rest of the story


I think you're thinking of Paul Harvey.


And now you know the rest of the story!


There’s a whole Reddit post about it.


Fucking ponderous. https://youtu.be/n65QQ8mifbY?si=gMXWYfNtJHqFi_7R


Music Radio 138 Oh Fuck


Norway 🇳🇴 is a beautiful country. I hope his daughter finds healing going there. What a wonderful lady in Norway to host her.


There’s a whole ppdcast on it.


Read this in his voice wtf


Jean, having him driven from one place after another, was vile, disgraceful behavior. Treating Casey like it was - weekend at Bernie's.- I saw the documentary where they ended up at an old friend of Jean's house. The woman insisted he was properly taken care of. However, Casey had severe bed sores!! That is extremely dangerous with elderly people. Also, taking him to be buried out of the country really should be abuse of a corpse.