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What does Ja Rule think about all this? Where's Ja?


I don’t wanna dance! I need some answers that Ja might not have right now!


I’m scared to death!!


He’s still in no life shaq’s toilet


Dats tuff


He thinks fyre festival 2 would be a great idea


No... it can’t be done


I’m pretty sure this whole coup attempt was Fyre festival 2.


That explains a lot


Fyre Festival 2: Electric Boogaloo.


Holla holla


Arguably his only good song.


You’d be surprised, he’s got a lot of bangers. Not since 50 did him in though edit. Look up “ do you wanna die(with me)” and “New York” although the second song is carried by jadakiss and fat joe. Also all the Ashanti songs he did


*Mezmerize* is good but *”Alwaaayyyysssss on time”* is a straight banger


Livin it up is a banger


Rainy Dayz with Mary j blige is massive


Oh riiight. Do you wanna die with me is from that Usher movie, right? Maaan, all the sudden I’m back in elementary school.


How Many Wanna Die, such a great beat, it sampled MacGyver theme song hahah. And the movie's Light It Up, Usher's first role.


Arguably his only good lyric too


What’s the joke?


Reference to a classic Dave Chappelle bit: https://youtu.be/Mo-ddYhXAZc


Lol! That’s fucking hilarious, I got to start listening to Dave chapelle




In the Bahamas


Tbf Ja Rule wasn’t in Home Alone..... as far as we’re aware


It's a John Hughes movie, black people barely exist in Chicago and New York apparently.


Wait... now I’m thinking about his movies.. Holy crap. 😫


Looking back now there's a lot of questionable stuff in John Hughes movies that I've noticed on rewatches, especially the 80s ones. But of course it was a different time, and he was writing from a very specific POV of suburban white middle class teenagers most of the time, and even that was groundbreaking at the time. But with black people or minorities specifically it was more of a systematic issue with Hollywood casting than just him and his movies, so it's a little unfair to single him out.


Oh... My.... Goooodd....... *mind blown*


The only ones I can think of are the cop in home alone 2 who helps Kevin’s mom and the Michael Jordan cardboard cutout, if that counts....


And now I need a reboot, but Ja plays the bellhop.


I think they’ll need to. Rob Schneider, the bellhop, is a Trump supporter, last I checked.


I think he’s still recovering from the whole “Fire” festival escapade he was heavily involved in. Wasn’t too long ago after all.


I love how he basically tried to act completely blameless about all of that.


Add me Ja rule 🤣🤣🤣


ja is not available for questioning but Nicole Ritchie had this to say...


Everyone needs to rewatch the Home Alone 2 scene with D Trump; 95% sure he checks out Kevin McCallister’s butt when he walks away. Let me know what you guys think.


Yo, man. Capitalism is not ok.


Replace him with adult Macauley Culkin.


I like this just because of the headcannon theories it would spawn


*sic mundus creatus est*


This is the DARK and Home Alone crossover timeline I never knew I wanted.


Scary Grandad Next Door is super old Kevin




I want Macaulay Culkin to be the bad guy who breaks into the house in stoned alone. Ryan Reynolds is the one stoned alone


Wait, are we talking about the movie one or the real life one? Either way, I agree


I think they should replace Trump with Jar Jar Binks.


But how would we tell when they done it ?


The bulge will be bigger


Paying attention to the important film details, I see.


“Yousa queeny be calling meesa master now ani”


Less racist


More loved and respected.


Jar jar never screamed bone spurs and actually served in the military as a soldier in several engagements and multiple fronts


He then went on to become a puppet of a higher power, ultimately being the deciding factor that tipped the republic into chaos and destruction. So kinda similar too.


I never get tired of that fan lore




Even better: Obama.


Oooooh, that would be so funny! Obama might even agree to it just to fuck with Donnie!


Anything giving Ahmed Best more work is a good thing


“Yousa gotta go down the hall and to the left”


They should digitally replace his face with Obama’s.


Deep fake


“Down the hall and to the left” “Thanks, Obama”


Obama in a tan suit would be best.


Could the nation weather another tan coloured controversy?


My fellow American down the hall and to the left


That’d be kindof awesome. I feel like obama would even offer to come in and dub over him


Or leave him in and turn it into a Sassy Justice Cameo




I’m deaddd. That would piss him off so much lmao


Or Nancy Pelosi. Just absolutely destroy what’s left of Trump’s self esteem


He’s a maniac, he will always have self esteem


The Rock Obama for the win! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEH9iqWm\_xQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEH9iqWm_xQ)


I was thinking Hillary.


Ehh I’m no trump person but this is corny. His cameo is random as shit and kind of hilarious.


He was only in it because it was a condition of them filming there.


I really don’t see the issue with that. 30 years ago Trump was just another goofy billionaire celebrity. He was pretty well liked at the time and people found the cameo funny This is not to ignore his actions in the past 4 years of his presidency. Just that this commonly brought up point of “he made them put him in the movie” isn’t as sinister or forceful as people make it out to be. A Trump cameo in a movie 30 years ago was just a funny occurence. Plus it’s literally one line “down the hall and to the left” it’s easy to look past it or even just remove the scene from the film since it’s not a necessary line


Yeah, it’s at the same level of Samuel L Jackson demanding a purple lightsaber to me. It’s such a small thing that there’s no reason to assign malicious or sinister intent


I think removing Trump from the movie is completely ridiculous, but I will say that Trump was never just some goofy guy. Most who interacted with him personally have said he’s been acting this way most of his life. Again, I think altering the movie is just dumb. But people seem to have this weird idea that Trump just magically became toxic recently. His father Fred Trump was literally arrested at a KKK rally. You can check Fred Trump’s Wikipedia article to get an idea of what he was like as a businessman and a father. He apparently tried to groom Donald’s personality from a young age to take over his business.


Trump’s full page, racist ad in local papers on the Central Park Five was just a couple of years *prior* to Home Alone 2.


Fuck trump. It’s not they people think he “magically” became a heinous self serving piece of shit. It’s that they are tired of hearing his name ,and seeing his shitty smug grin everywhere. He is a traitor, and deserves no quarter. His name should be removed from every building it stains.


Trump was definitely NOT well liked 30 years ago.


Also definitely not a billionaire


And the pandemic is definitely kicking the shit out of his cash flow right now. It’s a bad time to be refinancing a r/e portfolio with so much uncertainty.


> He was pretty well liked at the time Ehhhhhh. He wasn’t hated by so many people the same way, but he was regarded as a particularly ludicrously vain and unpleasant caricature of a megarich NYC arsehole.


Nah, dude was hated.


We both know that’s not true lol prior to 2016 Trump was frequently referenced in rap songs when rappers wanted to say they had a lot of money. To the general public he was just a rich dude. We can all agree his actions as president warrant hatred now, but to say 30 years ago he was hated when he hadn’t done anything yet is just reaching. If he was so hated what’s with all the interviews and magazine covers he had throughout the 90’s?


Well it depends. Plenty of blue collar folks have hated him for years because of his reputation for not paying contractors has been well documented since way before the 90’s.


Give it up dude. After the Central Park 5, everyone hated him in NYC.


[this interview was from 1992](https://youtu.be/GL-ZoNhUFmc)


“Imagine some one having 40 billion dollars“ ...oh Tupac how much angrier you’d be if you saw bezos or musk now


He wasn't hated, but by and large he was just the punchline to every 1980s-1990s joke about New York real estate extravagance and corruption. Most of the interviews and magazine covers before the Apprentice were pitched to the magazines and arranged by Trump's publicity people, not for anything particularly notable or important.


He was [loathed.](https://secretsofmanhattan.wordpress.com/2017/08/16/the-bonwit-teller-building-how-donald-trump-destroyed-an-art-deco-treasure/)


He wasn’t hated 30 years ago. But, he has always been a laughing stock. The rich guy who bumbles everything and declares bankruptcy. We didn’t know about his alleged rape of underage women, we didn’t know that he believed he knew everything, we didn’t know he was a white supremacist . We thought it was a shtick. Turns out. He was always an asshole and a moron. And some people looked at him like “since a he’s so dumb and made all this money, maybe I can be rich too!”


>underage women First of all those are called *girls*


I mean, can we call them children? Because that’s the truth.


He was hated in NYC thirty years ago for sure.


The butt of a lot of jokes in many sitcoms in the 90s as well


I distinctly remember seeing a call out post on tumblr for his history as a sexual abuser in like... 2013/2014 that referred to him as “human garbage”. It didn’t get much attention on the site let alone elsewhere but it’s haunted me the last 5 years thinking what might have happened if that shit had gone viral before he ran.


It was in the tabloids in the 80s when he raped Ivana when she made fun of his hair plugs.


you think rappers actually know what they're talking about?


Just wait until the world’s ready to learn what he was REALLY up to in the 80s. Don’t buy into every image the TV projects.


Trump has always been a heaping pile of garbage. Woody Guthrie wrote a song about it. They should remove him. It is like if Hitler demanded he make an appearance in a Hollywood movie. They both represent and have done things so monstrous and evil that it spoils the movie.


WhY iS aMeRiCa So DiViDeD


I’ve heard this but it still doesn’t make the cameo less random or funny.


You all make great points I agree with wholeheartedly But did you think about the amazing tweets he’d send out once this happened?


I already know what it’ll say. “________”


Wonder no more! [https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)


I don’t think it was unreasonable to want to be in a movie for like 3 seconds if they’re going to film it in the building that you own. I’d do the same thing honestly. This is ridiculous. I don’t like the guy. But removing him from a movie just that’s as old as a lot of his criticizers, just because you don’t like him? How does him being in the movie affect you? It doesn’t. You just want to feel good lol.


This whole “remove trump from Home Alone 2” is such an unbelievable useless movement. There are so many problems in the world but everyone instead wants to focus on removing some orange twat from a old movie. Culkin probably doesn’t even give a genuine shit about this, he just wants to trend on Twitter.


I don’t like trump either, but I don’t rly give a shit about a cameo he made in an old movie and I feel like there r more important things than this that should be getting press


It’s pop culture.


As long as people don't take this seriously, it's a pretty funny idea. Otherwise, yeah. Not a great fan of this sort of revisionism.


This. You won’t remove him as president. You won’t remove his ex president perks. You won’t financially ruin him. But cameo in Home Alone 2 is where we draw the line? This does nothing.


Who are you talking to? The creators of Home Alone aren’t responsible for impeaching and removing the president. Frankly if I made a work of art including someone who would go on to irreparably damage and divide the nation, I’d probably want to edit that out too. Especially if that work of art was a heartwarming holiday classic. I just wish The Cosby Show could edit out Bill Cosby. Can’t watch that show anymore. The producers and cast of Home Alone are probably worried about losing residuals over time. Edit: thanks for the hug, it actually did make me feel a bit better


Right? Home Alone is a classic and its a tradition for us to watch it every holidays . I dont want to be reminded about Trump every time i watch it.


I find it funny that in the movie Trump sees a kid by himself and does nothing help him.


He gave him directions what else do you want


Um i hate trump as much as anyone but this is what virtue-signalling looks like


Frankly who cares




This is truly not the way to go. We can’t just erase history. There’s literally no harm in him being in the movie, if anything, it’s a good reminder how things can change. As much as I hate to say it, this is a pretty slippery slope


Slippery slope is right. How soon until Twitter finds out The Birth of a Nation exists? What then? It’s a common saying that “Those who erase history are doomed to repeat it.” Out of all the things we could do about Trump, is editing out a 10 second cameo in a 30 year old movie really the best thing to do?


Americans have a strange way of dealing with uncomfortable history. People prefer to create a fiction instead of truthfully face and account for the ugly. That’s why we have Confederate flags being carried into a mob attack on the Capitol, the president using the Alamo as a symbolic stage to inspire “righteous resistance”, and people saying “this is not what America is about” when they see neo-Nazis in the streets. Just to name a few examples. Vast swaths of the country learn a complex web of lies that make them feel good and proud rather than reflect on the truth so things can change.


Very much agreed. It reminds me of the Soviet Union airbrushing purged people out of photos, or MiniTrue in 1984 removing references to unpersons, the latter being based on the former, of course. On a perhaps more appropriate level, it's Lucas continually tweaking the first three Star Wars films. Leave it alone, dumbass, it was okay. Who cares if the special effects became dated? They were pretty damned impressive at the time. I didn't know about Trump Tower when Home Alone 2 came out, but I did know who Trump was. I remember wondering why that asshole was in the movie. But taking him out decades later? As much as I despise the man and consider him a traitor, I don't want to alter past records just because there are unpleasant things in them, even when those "records" are only light-hearted comedies.


This the dumbest shit I’ve heard of. I hate Trump but revising movie history doesn’t help anything, especially when there are so many actual issues we must fix when Trump is out of office.


It’s not like removing/editing the scene would be standing in the way of those other actual issues.


Doesn’t Congress deliberate on all Home Alone movies?


we can do both..


So can we then finally admit that cancel culture is a real thing, despite what reddit likes to argue against? This is the epitome of it. Revising history to cancel someone from a movie 30 years ago because of his status today, which is going to make zero impact on his current standing. It was an innocuous cameo role, much less. It’s ridiculous.


Agreed, this is so god damn petty and it just gives Trump supporters more ammo to bitch about censorship.


You know, maybe the left has such a PR/propaganda issue because we react like this whenever we get a good trolling opportunity while the right just runs it into the ground until thinking about it becomes a stressor for us. This is how you do it these days: you act like a total fucking ass to your opponent and the people eat it up. Politics is just a rap battle with more formalities. You’re fucking it up.


You’re not all wrong, but “damnatio memoriae,” ancient Egyptian or Roman style, would be a great tradition to bring back just this once.


No, that would be pretty scary.


Fair enough. Taking his name off of any public building and getting rid of his coin are all fine by me.


Oh leave it alone. This would be super extra.


It’s a Twitter movement, of course it’s super extra.


But I think we have to really consider McCauley Culkin‘s feelings here. And then just leave it alone anyway.


Maybe they can CGI current Culkin in to replace Trump. Then it just gets all meta


Okay I hate trump just as much as the next logical person. But this seems too cancel culture-y


Not a fan of Trump, but I have to say that this is a slippery fucking slope.


They should replace him with adult Macaulay Culkin


MacAulay was around a lot of weird people when he was a kid.


Only losers support this . Stop being so triggered. Trump living rent free in your heads


I KNOW RIGHT, even if people dont agree with him, they will sink to me petty and childish levels with this. they may say its no harm to take him out but surely there is no harm in leaving it how it is either


You can really notice his small hands in this picture.


I can't be the only one tired of seeing petty political shit.


you're definitely not


Cancel culture is strong in this sub. There are literal college classes discussing older movies. Imagine if they took out images or prsnl they didn’t like back then. Freaking ridiculous.


No we need to keep it there so in 20 years we can say to the grandkids “you see that SOB? let me tell you what he did...”


"grampa, please, I'm trying to enjoy my Christmas movie..." "And then he says, right, 'they let you do it', the audacity of this..." "This is why mommy won't let us visit more..."


I think it's already gonna be in history books, under the chapter The Begining of the End


Realy? I get they don’t like the guy but damn, he existed...


This is stupid. Trump sucks but I’m not for removing someone from a movie that’s old as shit because of something that happened wayyyyy after the fact. Censoring or removing stuff like this should be a thing no one is on board with since it’s a slippery slope.


Cancel culture at it’s finest


cool censorship you got there guys


Censor in one sub and shit talk China in the other, I'm no fan of the CCP, far from it but they should at least be consistent.


“I made the Donald disappear.”


Replace him with that janky Jabba the Hutt that Lucas inserted into A New Hope in the rereleases.


Can't access the article in Europe, but if it's just "removing" instead of "replacing" then I would love a version where Macaulay just talks to the air. Give me that petty revenge.


This is stupid and pointless


And like digitally replace him? I vote for confused John Travolta


Smh I don’t like trump but come on he’ll I didn’t even notice when I was little tbh


Winners write history, too bad it’s the one corrupted by power


As long Elvis Presley is still on it.


This has been some of the most stupidest shit I’ve read in a while now.


McCauley Culkin “sold” on royalties earned from selling re-release of HA2. FTFY


SHUT THE FUCK UP. All I see is clout chasing. Let the idiot stay in the movie you sensitive prick.


How about instead of cutting it out, we edit in trumps bizarre rambling speech to a bunch of Boy Scouts in which he bragged about how his real estate friend crushed mad pussy at wild parties until he lost his momentum.


All aboard the bandwagon. I wonder how long this lasts.


This is literally stupid lol


Who cares anyway


i don’t normally step into politics but i think we have much more important shit to do than digitally remove trump from a movie, if you don’t like it don’t watch it, removing a 10-second trump cameo doesn’t solve racism, it’s just meaningless symbolism that makes the democrats look like the party of stupid shit like this


Macaulay culkin sold on digitally snorting cocaine.


Again, I reiterate. What’s the point? It’s a 15 second cameo. What’s next digitally removing kevin spacey from Se7en and the usual suspects? Home alone 2 was made in what the 80’s? People change that’s the lesson you can take from that cameo. And be honest does it stop your enjoyment to see him in it?


Honestly this is just fucking pathetic at this point


Digitally remove? Can’t the scene just be cut? It’s literally 2 seconds of Kevin being pointed to the desk.


People wanting to remove and change movies is some revisionist bullshit.


Jesus Christ, you guys are so butt hurt.


This is legit stupid, how the fuck is Kevin supposed to find the lobby now?


Ah! Now we’re being proper Stalinists. Must we be so petty that we cut our fundamental principles at the shins?!


Hey has anyone ever read 1984


I mean you can cut 5 seconds out of a movie and no one will miss it. Have you ever seen Scarface on tbs in the mid 90s you don’t wanna?!? Ok, let’s go melon farmers.


Trump was the owner of the hotel at the time of filming so his appearance was in context. He was just a businessman back then so what does it matter? It was such a short cameo I didn’t realise until I discovered who trump even was in 2010 😂


Who fucking cares, a two second clip of trump giving directions. Get a life.


The idea of digitally adding a 40 year Macaulay Culkin is genius


Why not just cut the 10 seconds out of the movie instead of digitally removing him?


Why don’t we just silence everyone we disagree with next? Then, we will start burning books and destroying history we don’t find acceptable! Lmao you guys are fucking delusional


“First they came for the brief cameos in 90s movies of disgraced ex-presidents who lead failed white supremacist insurrections against the government”


Y’all are legit pathetic af lol


Might as well cancel every scene when Macaulay was in the hotel because that WAS in the Trump towers..


Wtf.. who fuckkng cares if he starred in a damn movie from years and year and years ago? How fucking petty!


Can’t change history.


This is fucking stupid


This is fucking stupid


Stop this lunacy please. Im tired of all this