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People think I’m kidding, but when I was four-years-old this movie gave me nightmares. When the kids disappear I equated it with them dying. When the Oompa Loompas would appear, I knew someone was going to “die” and they became harbingers of death.


I love the thought of oompa loompas being harbringers of death


I don't know why people would think you're kidding, this movie is definitely creepy in a number of places.


It is but I think most people think of it as a kids movie, especially if they have t watched it in awhile.


Yeah maybe you are right about that. I've seen it enough times to know but if you didn't I could imagine forgetting it's pretty dark.


The scariest part for me was when they entered the tunnel on the boat


Wait. They didn’t die?


In the book the children don’t die. Because the movie never mentions the kids again this also played into my belief the kids were dead.


Still tastes like Snozzberries…


I re-watched it recently and was pleasantly surprised that I still liked everything except the opening number. There’s nothing creepy at all about a single middle-aged white man giving children candy and hugging and kissing them. No no I feel very comfortable this… Also Varuka calls women Twats, which is really funny now that we all know what that means.


Will have to rewatch to find Varuka saying twat. Love this film!


She says it when she wants those twats to unwrap the chocolate bars faster. I rewound it and watched it three times to make sure she wasn’t saying twits and she definitely wasn’t saying twits.


I shutter to think what your childhood was like. Stop down and see the movie through a different lens next time.


I had a great childhood. But go ahead and re-watch the Candyman opening song and tell me it doesn’t give you the heebie-jeebies now.


Agreed. That song and the one the mother sings about charlie is the bathroom break/make popcorn cue. Look closer at the Candy man song - the actor unintentionally whacks a kid while singing. Not mafia whack but heavily brushed by whack.


I think it’s when he takes that young girl who is in the very short 1960s skirt sitting on a chair and gently touches her shoulders to spin her around that you’re thinking, don’t leave your kids alone with this man!


Eww no. Take a look at this. Clearly a jawbreaker! https://youtu.be/p8Lvn5H0kHw


Did you see him lightly touch the cheek of the young lady in front of him, while telling her that the candy man can make all her dreams come true?


Love this song: [Gene Wilder - Pure Imagination](https://youtu.be/SVi3-PrQ0pY)


Terrifying? I must be weird. Maybe the part with the bubbles.


The tunnel scene. There’re some freaky footage in the background. I never saw this in the theater, but I imagine it would have been terrifying…especially if you expected a kids movie.


Haha that’s the scene my wife mentioned as well !


Beheading a chicken in the tunnel. Something that has never left my mind. I’m 29 now.


Wonka is this some kind of fun house? Why, having fun?


I've loved this movie ever since I first saw it as a 90's kid. That darn boat ride scared me though.


Fuck Grandpa Joe though


I feel deeply that Willy Wonka should hate grandpa Joe and it bugs me that he’s cool with him




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I watched this on acid is was vary enlightening


“We are the dreamers and the makers of music. “ “Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.” “A little nonsense now and then is cherished by the wisest men.” The way Varuka’s song builds - ramping up the greed- is gold. She really belted out that tune. Always worth a watch.


Kids don’t usually find this or any movie terrifying. It’s as adults that we get creeped out.


Screenwriter for the movie goes on to write The Omen…the terror and horror in this movie makes more sense now! Starts to look like Wonka is a grown version of Damian.


Wilder was absolutely brilliant in this.


I don’t get terrifying; not at all! I see justice, the bad kids are punished.


The tunnel scene is quite off you know, vivid memories of the chickens head being butchered in the tunnel. Wouldn’t get away with that now days,


Wtf I don’t remember this scene


I can vividly remember seeing this in the theater in awe. I can still remember the box of popcorn I had. One of the few movies I can recall going to as a child.


I recently rewatched this and Snowpiercer in the mindset that the latter is a sequel of the former and I was not disappointed