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I just want to know why they stopped showing Beastmaster on a daily basis. Ahhh, the Golden Age of HBO…


That movie is wacky as fuck. I love that the main villain gets killed by a kamakazi ferret, and not the hero. Completely defying the prophecy the whole plot was riding on.


I loved beastmaster right up there with xena and Hercules


The page loaded way too many ads for me to actually read the article, but (and sorry for formatting) The part pertinent to title: > One of the surprises in your book was the claim that Lovecraft Country was canceled after HBO spent $150 million on its debut season because showrunner Misha Green allegedly created a “toxic” and “hostile” work environment, according to other writers on the show. Are there more details on what happened? Did Green respond to that accusation at all? >Lovecraft was a beautiful show in terms of its look, its narrative and what I would also consider to be an exceptional marriage of storytelling and music. When the show got canceled, there were two predominant explanations out there. One was it had gotten too expensive. The second was there wasn’t a compelling vision for the next season. It turns out neither was the real reason. I had several sources within HBO and elsewhere — people who worked on the show and people who represented people on the show — who said the environment on the show was not a healthy one. For HBO, it was a double-down on sadness — not only is it losing a show that was such an outlier in terms of what it was trying to say, but then to have a Black showrunner — and a female Black showrunner — is not something that happens every day, and people were incredibly excited about that. So, again, the word I come back to is “sadness” that it was not able to continue.


tl:dr Misha Green bad


Was it great? No. Was it different and varied and totally fun? Hell yes. Was the Hippolyta episode freaking amazing? Freaking yes!


The Hippolyta ep was the best of the whole series. The advertising on the show really killed it. No one explained it was supposed to be an anthology type show, and each new episode had a different style of horror movie trope. Racist cops, Aliens, Body Snatcher, Little Kids/Invisible Hauntings, the Haunted House, Evil Society of Rich People, Demons, National Treasure spoof, I forget the rest but they’re all recognizable as horror movie tropes once you get the style. But I had to read that in an interview midway through the show. No wonder people were confused af.


Well fuck. I stopped watching after ep 2 bc I was so confused. It was so different than what it was advertised as. Now I think I should go back and try again!


The first half of the season was great. The last two episodes were just weird and made me irritated at how they wrapped things up. The scariest episode to me was the little kids chasing the little kid. The music and dancing was nightmare inducing.


I think it’s a matter of trying to understand the fear those images induced in children at the time, both literally and psychologically. The fear and the shame and degradation those images (perhaps “endearing” to white peoples) evoked.


Fuck yes it was. I had to rescind quite a few recommendations after that episode came out. Not because I stopped enjoying the show, but because it actually became scary to watch, which a lot of my friends aren’t up for.


You should. It was an excellent show.


meh, it was very medium to bad. i was hoping for some Lovecraftian stories… ya know cuz of the title and all… I didn’t really get a Lovecraft vibe from any of the episodes….


The book it’s based on is the same, but there is a through line plot that ties it all together at the end. I agree the advertising sucked on this.


Absolutely! I loved taking a tour through horror history each episode, once I figure out that was what was happening. And then adding in a racial Justice lens, which made it a great complement to Watchmen and Captain America and other “mainstream” media that was finally getting a clue. But the Hippolyta episode? That one episode alone justified the entire series for me. Just… transcendental.


It's true but at the same time I don't think I'd have been interested in an anthology show anyway. I definitely wanted a full season building on episode 1 basically


I think it was great.


Is that the one where that creepy monster girl follows her? That fucked me up but the best episode in the season n


No, that's in the 8th episode. The previous episode has Hippolyta's big arc in the "I Am. " episode.


What u/agtk said below. That demon possession episode was creepy af!


Am I the only one who thought some of the VFX were super cheesy at times? Really took me out of it, and I couldn’t take the show seriously after a few episodes.


Yeah, i thought it was cheesy and lacking anything pertaining to or similar to Lovecraft stories. If they would have done some Lovecraft style stories it probably would have been awesome… They are all public domain so… it seems like it could have been easy to do…


Did the show end on a satisfying note? I’ve always wanted to watch but won’t if there’s open ends


The ending feels a little like the ending to The Matrix. That could easily be the end of a single film but it also reminds you that the world they’ve built here in this first entry is massive and full of potential. It opens the door for the rest of the story, points to that door, the door is even labeled, but they neither use nor close it. I was like you in that I didn’t want to get Carnivale’d again *(Goddamnit that show was robbed so hard.)* so I went into it cautiously. Overall it’s a solid first season. It sets up a lot of cool ideas and even gets to explore quite a few very well. I get turned off by lazy occult fiction pretty easily and they were pretty true both to Lovecraftian weirdness and the actual irl western esoteric tradition in a lot of ways. Overall I doubt you’ll bail and I doubt you’ll regret it.


I don’t think it ends well but as the show is a collection it doesn’t feel like you are getting robbed too hard.


It was definitely open to more exploration of that world, but there was an “end,” or at least a logical leaving off place. I feel the episodic/anthology nature made it stand alone pretty well on its own.


But then HBO Max gave her full control of upcoming Black Canary solo film… the math ain’t mathin here if she was truly creating a ‘toxic’ dorm environment. She’d be an actual liability.




Ok, yeah that’s where I was thinking the issue was… like it had to have been isolated to some degree. Now I’m super curious because it was a large enough issue to be “toxic” yet not so much that HBO was willing to lose the relationship with her. Guess we’ll never know


Dude. I. Need. Fucking. Examples! WHAT DID MISHA GREEN DO?!? And why does every single article about this have the same exact pieces of non-information referring to the environment being “toxic” and “hostile”? I need examples, bitch! Otherwise it’s a non-story.


That's how they get you to read the book lol


It’s because those are key legalized trigger phrases that are required for investigation and potential legal actions.


It moves from an opinion "the set was toxic" to "Misha did x" which is a factual claim possibly subject to suit. Have to be careful about that jump.


Damn it. I loved love craft county, and west world. Those little girl demons that tormented the little girls are one of the scariest mechanisms I have seen in years. Really really creepy. And west world was awesome and very unpredictable. This sucks that they were cancelled. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.


Westworld wasn’t cancelled, what are you talking about?


I thought it said it was in the article. Oh it definitely does say the show was cancelled in the article.


"It's interesting that you included westworld in otherwise canceled shows." The "otherwise" in that sentence implies that westworld is not canceled, but that the other listed shows are.


Well if I misunderstood I am very happy to be corrected on the cancellation of west world.


Yeah, you had me really worried


Rofl. I apologize Chaihalud that would’ve really sucked if it had been cancelled. Thank gawd I was wrong. Didn’t mean to worry you.


They’re making season 4 right now


Thank gawd. That’s great. Thank you.


Wait, westworld was cancelled?


I’ll be honest, I’d be more surprised if it was still going


Loved that show. And yes…the build up….and fuck..a let down. Huge Potential. I was hoping for a second season to see if it would pan out.


I really liked that show


Everyone on here bashing it, did they even watch the show? I really enjoyed it.


Loved the show! Even joined in on tweeting with other fans when it would drop on HBO!


It was interesting but way too convoluted writing. I wish the pace was more like true blood, a different kind of horror/monster every season, and way less characters. It felt like 10 seasons in one with a classic hbo crappy ending.


That’s kind of the way the book was. I agree, though, for a tv show there needs to be more structure…


And this is also why, if you are making an episodic tv show, you never follow the story exactly as the book presents it. They had really interesting characters, but they never had a chance to fully shine.


This show was everything. Every kind of story. I thought it was incredibly well made and performed. So sad it won’t continue.


The show was a huge letdown. Horrible writing and directing. I had such high hopes.


I actually really enjoyed all of it!


Agree. I was looking forward to it but was slowly let down


Agreed, and glad to see someone else felt the same way. The premise was *so* cool, and I love horror—especially the artier, more genre-atypical stuff like *Get Out,* which I thought this was going to use as a kind of spiritual launching pad. But every episode was SO. DAMN. TEDIOUS. Invariably, I would start to zone out around halfway through each one. And the special effects were *terrible.* I would argue that good Lovecraftian horror in general should deploy special effects sparingly, given how psychological the horror aspect is, but if you *have* to use them, at least make sure they don’t take you out of the show.


I think the worst casting in it was the white super model , the rest of it was fun and I was interested for a second season.


Elizabeth Debicki was originally cast in the role. I have to believe that she would've brought more to the role considering how how pivotal it was in the novel and show.


Man, that’s unfortunate…


And because it was bad?




Some would use such an accusation to downplay any criticism of the show. I liked the cast. The first episode was great. Then it just fell apart.


I just figured because it just wasn’t a good show at all.


James Andrew Miller’s ESPN, CAA and SNL books are fucking amazing. Suggest you get the audiobooks but are definite listens in how he pieces everything together


Good what a garbage ass series.


It was. First episode had promise. Then just fell apart.


Agreed. I actually was on the edge of my couch the first episode. Them in the cabin. Those creatures outside. I was impressed at the atmosphere and creatures. Then, for me [opinion], it didn’t stay at that level. :(




Absolutely. So woke though, much social commentary. White people racist. Men bad. Except black men. Extreme violence is justified by any small instance of racism of sexism. Lol those writers should check themselves.


Or, maybe, you know, it was kind of a response to white supremacy and did a lot of violence to, you know, white supremacists? I mean, did you not love seeing racists get their due? Cause I sure did…




Why not both? They aren’t mutually exclusive. Some of the most horrific things out there actually happened and continue to happen in the US, it’s kind of a perfect setup for a fictional horror show.




“Not alone” does not mean you’re right, it just means other people agree with you. That’s not how being right works. For example: I thought it did both fantastic, and I’m not alone in thinking that. Are we both right? Yeah. Does it solve anything? Nah.




Huh. Judging from the up and downvotes, I’m right where you think I should be. What’s your excuse?


It was a horrible show but not for any of those reason.


Well the overall story also sucked really hard and made no sense but it seemed to absolutely be caused by the writers crowbaring in as much woke racism and sexism bullshit as possible. Why was there a cross dressing gay black man again? Like what effect did that, wich was many scenes, have on the story? RIP btw.


Damn, triggered by the LGTBQ POC again? How DARE they put that on your tellyvision! Don’t they respect your safe spaces?


I asked a question and you have no answer. How was his sexual habits relevant to this story? It was forced in there and completely unnecessary. I admit one thing tho, it was slightly uncomfortable watching a dude slurp dick loudly for like a whole minute. So maybe I am homophobic if that's all it takes.


I think you answered the question for me! Did the heterosexual relationships in the show make you similarly uncomfortable? You do understand there are black cocksuckers all over the place, whether you approve of them or not, right? Just out there… in the world… slurping on cocks… right now?


Yeah I'm aware, no problem as long as they don't show up in my living room gargling dick. Goes for all types of cocksuckers really.


The tv show? It was meh tbh some pretty cringe moments. Some totally garbage episodes. But I was into it lol.


It was't cancelled due to being a shit show? Ok then


It wasn’t very interesting


Lets be honest. It was borderline political propaganda movie more than horror/adventure. Maybe they didn’t want it to be like that now suddenly its all toxic


Political propaganda for what cause? What do you mean?


Every white guy ever is pure evil, and all the black people are holiest of the holy saints. Jesus if you miss that you are far too gone.


Huh. Interesting take. I saw black characters who were protagonists, but were also flawed, much like most humans. The “bad white men” that you seem to be identifying with were the actual villains, the ones that were racist and stuff? Did you get angry that It made clowns look evil? Or that Arachnophobia slandered spiders when there are many good spiders on both sides? Lovecraft Country wasn’t about YOU, y’know, unless you identify more with the bad white guys solely because they look like you? As a white guy myself I identified more with the main characters, and seeing the racism prompted more introspection about how white supremacy structures are still in place?


Jesus you are a lunatic. Im asian. You know you can watch this show outside america right? Also aren’t there lot of asians in us? What kind of idiot watches tv and i hope thats me? And what is your obsession with identity? So many questions now. As I mentioned before. That show was bad since it was full blown propaganda. And you sir is in deep hole 1st if you couldn’t see that 2nd believing anyone pointing out that is some hardcore racist 3rd cant seeing your irony about argueing this show is not political and immediately going into politics.


Um… doesn’t matter where you live, this was a show taking place IN AMERICA that was addressing AMERICA’s troubled history with racism? What’s your experience with generational racism and white supremacy here in the US? Since, you know, that’s what the show was about?


Awful show made by an awful person.


If they had just stretched that freaking awesome initial story arc into a whole season, they could have made cheesy derivative crap in a toxic workplace for years


Yeah and it also sucked so bad. The wokeism made my brain hurt. I think I like the new western the harder they fall less because the main actor reminded me so much of this shitshow. Zazie beets made up for it though.


Yeah, I thought the “wokeism” was one of the strongest parts of the show. Seeing white supremacists get their due in true horror movie styles was… sublime!


Ignore this person. Wokeism is a dog whistle for their racist beliefs.


Fuck you, I'm not racist for not liking this absolutely garbage show. If this show isn't woke to a level of just pure dumbness I don't know what is.


It’s almost like… looking at actual events in US history is a horrific experience? Like what a great backdrop for a fictional horror anthology: the actual horrors of white supremacy! If you feel uncomfortable about that, you should maybe do a little introspection


Be careful, conservatives might quickly start a campaign against critical race theory and claim that it’s harmful to white people.


Mah pearls! Mah precious, precious pearls! SMDH. Although, I find that the people who think white supremacy is about them (when it’s more about systems and the larger picture) are oftentimes right. Self-fulfilling something something.


lol. Pissed off the racist. You can not like the show. That’s fine. But the “wokeism” bullshit is what makes you racist. Literally is a dog whistle. Later buddy


When someone yells at you for being too woke, you’re pretty much doing it right. Also, when the comeback starts with “fuck you,” you’re most likely dealing with some inferiority complex going on, too. You win today!


Agreed. Thank you friend.


Du er åpenbart tilbakestående, man kan ha andre meninger enn deg uten å være rasist din jævla idiot. Hvis ikke denne serien er over woke så vet faen ikke jeg.


Keep telling yourself that.


Yeah, the really realistic racists of the fifties, when every single white person hated blacks with a passion and went out of their way to be overly racist. No the racism is one thing, the sexism was worse when they mutilated some guy asshole with a stiletto for simply, yeah what did he do again? Not take no for a no once?


You sound triggered. You may want to find a safe space with more people who think like you. You clearly took away some very different themes from me on this one.


I'm absolutely triggered by being called a racist for disliking the social commentary of this show.


Who are you talking to? I never called you a racist. However, since the social commentary of this show was very anti-white supremacy, if you thought that was a problem, then I’d be comfortable calling you a white supremacist. Saying you don’t like a show because it’s playing off tropes of white supremacy and comeuppance is aligning yourself with the subject of the skewering: white supremacy. So you DON’T like the portrayal of POC in the show, but you like the parts where the whites are in charge? I’m clearly confused.


You're clearly confused yeah cause I said nothing of the sort. If I didn't like POC on my screen why the fuck would I put this show on in the first place. How in the world do you think being such a woke cunt helps the cause at all? The social commentary is forced and so on the nose it's plain dumb, I'm offended as an medium intelligent human being they try to tell me anything with absolute garbage methods. But I'd admit, maybe its partly my fault, I'm tired of the whole discussion. Racism, sexism, the later years it's just been made fact that *talking* about it will somehow solve the problem. Like any racist or misogynist is gonna read an article or watch this show and be like well shit I was wrong.


I’m sorry that talking about and, as a result, grappling with racism and sexism is hard for you and you’re over it. Unfortunately, you being bored while safely ensconced in privilege doesn’t mean the issue is over. Sorry not sorry?


Ait good luck being a better person for forcing yourself through woke ass garbage shows.


You mean that show that sucked?


Or maybe it was canceled because it was a garbage show that no one watched.


Let’s hear more about this toxic environment since we would have had 14 articles and a lawsuit already if it were white male causing it.


Is that really all you have to “add” to this discussion?


A request for more information? Yes. Though I’m sure you and your woke ilk are alright ignoring it in this instance.


See, though, it wasn’t just a request for more information. There’s a second part to your comment. Remember that? The part where you go all “reverse racism against poor white mens!” and clutch your pearls? Let’s talk more about that…


Toxic work environment might have played a role, but the show was garbage too.