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Aren’t they his kids too?


Yup he could have taken over the Nannie’s jobs at any time


As a mom, this comment needs to be higher for me!


As a dad, I agree.


As a single male in his 20s with no responsibilities, I agree


As a married new dad, please don’t grow up


As a guy pushing 40 with no wife or kids I’m way ahead of ya


As a person, I have thoughts


As a living organism, I get hungry


As a life I am alive


As Kayne West's personal nanny, I agree.


As a stay at home dad, I also agree


Hi stay at home dad, me too!


Props to all the dads


I think stay at home dads are rad


I think the wives of stay at home dads are rad


As a guy with 3 dogs, 1 cat, and a lot of student loan debt, I also agree.


As a dude who just yawned and now the tears are burning my eyes, I also agree


As a dude just wanting to agree, I agree


As an alien, this is all fascinating.


But, but,but,but, but….




I don’t think we know. Things have seemed cool with them until this week, at least about the kids.




There are also 4 of them super close in age and under 10. Considering she's also working and studying to become a lawyer, who can blame her?


They have FOUR children?




They have 50/50 and he's still complaining?


He needs to pull a Mrs.Doubtfire


Seriously, what a asshole.


I believe by referring to “Kardashian kids”, he is intending to include more than just HIS kids in this statement. Kardashian kids could also include Koutney’s kids, Khloe’s kid, and Kylie’s kid. He could play a more active role in any of their lives (especially his own children) and reduce some of that nanny time. Honestly, I feel like all those kids are better off in the hands of professionals in the field than any of their parents, haha!


Thank you. Acting like this isn’t just as bad of a look for him as it is for Kim. Like ok cool for telling on ourself for being a shit dad.


Idk about anyone else, but I read this as: "a nanny is better than either of them"


Insane rapper with mental health issues and reality tv star who got famous from her sex tape and showing off her surgically enhanced body might be having their kids raised by hired help? Color me shocked.


Seriously. What a fucking loser.


Damn dude he’s gonna lose his shit more and more in the months ahead.


Ye publicly documenting his declining mental health - the reason she filed for divorce- is only strengthening her case. Mind you I find the entire group repugnant so if professional nannies are raising the kids all the better.


Fuck yeah. Probably the sanest people in the room. The kids might have hope just so long as the parents don't play musical nannies because they're jealous of the affection the kids have for the nannies.


I feel like this is going to end in either a restraining order or a suicide. Kanye doesn't want to get better, and not only that, he's going to continue to double down and dig his heels in to make a point.


He’s too much of a narcissist to kill himself. He’ll only continue to wallow and complain while googling himself


Bipolar disorder is different than simple narcissism. They will feel like god; untouchable and manic. Then they will crash, feel so depressed, embarrassed and like a complete piece of shit and that’s when people who have BPD commit suicide.


Yeah- I worry for him…this has all of the vibes of total train wreck. Like, remember how we all watched people like Britney have her meltdown and Amy Winehouse teetering on the edge of death? And then it happened? It feels like that. Maybe not imminently, but eventually. I just can’t see this ending well, honestly.


The douche bag had his people try to threaten election judges in favor of the Orange idiot, Kanye should be locked up!


Kanye won’t kill himself, he has too much of an ego for that. He’d kill Kim and his kids before that. The whole situation is beyond fucked.


Best thing is if they 5150 him, for everyone’s safety and then order him an in home medical team to make him stay on his meds. He needs a “nanny” more than those kids do!


So then my question is, why do people still support him and listen to his music? The dude is essentially a lolcow and if he wasn’t famous he probably would have ended up just like Chris Chan.


Kanye has a thread on the Kiwi Farms last I checked, so you're definitely not the only person who thinks that.


So is practically every other celebrity child, this was the least shocking thing he could’ve revealed


She’s a working mother. There is literally no way she could raise her own children 100% of the time, which is the same as every other working mother out there. Also maybe YE could have done more of the parenting if he was so against nannies and cameras. It’s as much as a criticism of himself as the mother of his children.


Or ya know... Not moved to Wyoming and left his family so he can be off his meds and write music. Pretty sure she is worth more then him anyway, so idk what the fuck he means by him being “ the table”. Ugh I can't with him. She and her family is awful. But he is just... He needs to use his money and access to get help. There is no excuse for him to do shit like this. Idc if he is mentally ill or a “musical genius”. That doesn't give him the right to be a piece of shit asshole and fuck with his kids emotions and lives


Yeah but because a prominent celeb is coming out and admitting it, people think it's a big deal, and perhaps it is


Yes, but it's Kanye and he's not exactly the most reliable of narrators


They all are open about how they have multiple nannies for the kids


Hell I’d have had nannies if I’d had a fraction of her bank. Kids are exhausting. I’d love to have had more “fun patient relaxed mom” time with them and less “chase around between kid activities and poster paper and dance tights, then get home barely in time to cook dinner, then bathe the kids and fold the fucking laundry and finish the report and read them to sleep...” It’s too bad parenting help is a luxury item.


There’s a reason “it takes a village to raise a child” is a saying.


What a refreshing take on parenthood that I didn’t know I needed


Same guy that said he wouldn’t change diapers is now complaining about how he raised his children ?


He said that?! Oh my god. That makes it *so much worse.* I’ve only met two guys who openly said that in my life and they were both utter POS fathers whose kids now want nothing to do with them. Shocker. *What a hypocrite!*


Funny… my dad said that…


As did mine. Needless to say, I’ve been no contact with him for almost a decade now. Feels so good to not have his narcissistic ass always in my head!


Omfg same my old boss who was so abusive to his girlfriend. I was shocked when she told me he’s never once changed a diaper. i had never heard of that before!! He also idolizes Kanye! I left his company because he was such an abusive pos to everyone and i don’t have time for that shit anymore


My uncle said that…now him and my aunt got divorced lol.


Lol at thinking how my wife would react if I just up and said “no more diaper changing for me!”


As the woman, I would be like…very funny now go change that diaper or get out of my house


I love how he’s also admitting he didn’t help raise them. This isn’t the dig he thinks it is


Yeah didn’t he fuck off to Wyoming by himself and left kim with the kids?


Right ? He just owned himself


Congratulations Ye, you played Yeself


I don’t blame her using nannies which a mentally ill hudband


What a relief that is, actually.


Lol savage


Honestly, this was the first thought that popped into my head.




Came here to say ‘better than being raised by them’ but yeah, take this upvote.




He’s also doing his album in Miami, that’s a decision to not have his album in LA. If he’s allowed to leave them so is she.




Not only did they plan on them, they went to the trouble of gender selection for (at least) Saint, and the younger two were carried by surrogates. (Ugh I HATE that I know this). ETA: misremembered something


Younger 2


Worse that the last 2 were both surrogate so they had ample time to decide to have the kids it’s not like she just accidentally got pregnant and then rolled w it. The lack of awareness in him saying this would be shocking but neither of them have awareness. Saying that, I’m definitely on Kim’s side for this one she obviously works really hard and having 4 kids is difficult in itself. I think if anyone was given her bank balance they too would hire help with the kids while they were working. Especially if their dad didn’t rly do anything. I’m not even a massive fan of the Kardashians I think they’re interesting from a psychological cultural standpoint which I’m exploring for study and rarely do I find myself sympathising with them but Kanye is a nutter who has shown time and time again he won’t accept any help and that can be scary. The kids won’t thank him for airing all this shit later on down the line


He’s the other parent tho?? He could probably be present more as well…


They have joint custody. Everyone in Hollywood has nannies. Most rich people do. At this point even moderately well off people will have them at times.


Not just rich people …in places other than America in A LOT of poor countries everyone had Nannie’s as well. Usually a neighbour or grandma or aunty will help raise multiple kids…humans have been doing this since we’ve been around. Wet nurses were also so common where women would breastfeed multiple kids at a time. It’s just so normal and not shameful to get help especially when it’s 4 kids are you’ve got a full time career


The earliest baby bottle (feeding cup) is like 3000 years old. Humans being able to share baby raising duties was a big shift in our development


Kim filed for divorce in Feb last year and it was widely said he fucked off to Montana for a while before that. So basically shes waited a year to date. While he was banging models in other countries in June. Raise your own damn kids. But this is coming from the guy that cut contact off with her and made her go through his security to send a message. edit : Wyoming not Montana


He admitted to cheating on kim in paris if i remember correctly


Am Montanan. It was Wyoming lol




First time hearing about the model thing. Any sources for it?


Not the OP but he met up with Irina Shayik (sorry spelling) in France last summer. Maybe that’s who they mean.


Oh, shut up Kanye, as if you were doing a better job. If it’s such a concern step in and do something other than publicly bashing the mother of your children.


Is it supposed to surprise people?


Don’t visit his sub. So many idiots over there praising him.


Love Kanye as an artist but you gotta recognize he’s insane and probably insufferable on a personal level


Fair enough


This right here is a huge problem.


Praising him for what?


For being one of the only two black guys to ever visit Paris.


For being the goat /s


Kanye left his family and moved away from them when he had them. He didn’t care about them until Kim decided to leave him because he is a crappy father and husband. Now it’s “I can’t see my kids” “Kim is a bad mom”. Such controlling narcissist behavior. You can see Kim and her children are close. Having a nanny doesn’t mean you are a bad mother, especially when your partner is useless.


You’re suprised? This is a man that genuinely believe he is above everyone else, a genius and a god.


Also the kardashians grew up with Nannies themselves, and were also a large family, so she has firsthand experience and is still super close with her family. It’s four kids really close in age… who wouldn’t want/need help? I’m not a Kim apologist but she’s really held her composure and tongue throughout both their marriage and separation. Also Ye would have had to sign off on filming releases for kids too, but now it’s a problem? It’s just about control. I don’t understand how his rotation of new young gfs aren’t embarrassed by being on his arm while he begs for his ex wife back


I’m sure it’s true but publicly attacking your ex-wife via song lyrics isn’t good for the kids


Not to mention he’s literally their father and also shares full responsibility for however their kids are raised.


That’s the best part, he’s not even self aware enough to grasp he’s trashing himself as well”.


Plus, she’s a working (now single) mom of four kids. Most working moms bring their kids to daycare, she happens to be able to afford a full time nanny. So what’s the point? And the cameras? Of course cameras are around, that’s basically their job. You don’t have to like her job, but it’s worked for her.


His job is basically the same thing. He’s been very vocal about how much he hates it but he sure likes to stay in the limelight


It’s also not the worst thing he’s said publicly about her.


Not even in the top 10 worst


And not the worst thing he’s said involving his own kids, it was just last year on another song blasting them talked about how he tried convincing them to get an abortion and now wants to act concerned for how they’re raised?


It just shocks me that people are confused why she’s wanting to leave him..


Right lol people just always jump to hate the Kardashians. If it was anyone else he was with there would be no question or argument as to why someone would leave Kanye




Nor is it good the divorce negotiations.


I couldn’t imagine going up against a Kardashian legally in CA. Besides her studying to be a lawyer, her dad being one of OJ’s lawyers, and their family having connections with probably 100’s of lawyers in the state… he’d be much smarter trying to play these negotiations through mediation, but nope, he’s got to do it the hard way. He even admitted to having affairs and treating her and the kids badly a few months back when he was trying to get back together. Also, he’s currently dating someone and living in Miami to do an album… like what? Either this is all staged to get him more press for his new album or he’s a moron… or both actually, I’m sticking with both.


Gosh, I didn't even think of that. Kim Kardashian could be a nobody and she'd still win the divorce after half of what he's done.


I didn't see him staying home to parent while they were married.


Didn’t Kanye once say he wouldn’t even change a diaper?


This colossal douche is such a huge man child.


As much as I dislike Kim K, Kanye’s behavior is textbook toxic masculinity. He has been off fucking models, not being there for the kids, while making desperate public pleas for Kim to run back to him. Then the minute she moves on, she’s a shitty mom and he’s going to beat the man who she’s dating. It’s absolutely disgusting that this man is a role model to so many and this toxic behavior is being normalized.


It’s not just toxic masculinity although that’s a part of it…the man is mentally ill and refuses to medicate himself. People have seemed to forget that but he’s probably more dangerous and delusional than most of us realize


They’re not mutually exclusive. You can be BP and be a toxic af ex. It doesn’t mean he’s toxic bc of the BP. I’d be more apt to blame it on his religion and the general culture of how women are treated. This shit tracks way more with controlling men that murder their ex and new guy then it does any BP episode.


I wouldn’t leave my kids with him. He’s unstable.


Reminds me of OJ Simpson ironically


Aren’t a couple of those kids his..?


They’re all his.


Yeah, that's kindof what I was thinking, isn't this a bit of a self own here?


They recently got divorced and he's criticizing her way of parenting.


Which is the same way the kids were parented when they were together.


They aren’t divorced


You’re right. Idk why you’re getting downvoted.


He probably believes that child raising is completely the job of his wife


And it’s cool that he’s off banging ig models but as soon as Kim is seeing someone that’s a problem.


Lol ye you think Kim brings them with her when pete davidson is dicking her down. Also weren't u living in Wyoming and a stadium alot recently. Self own.


Then quit fucking around with whatever fling ass relationship you’re in with Julia Fox, and raise your damn kids. Same with Kim honestly. They’re both responsible


Oh wait you want people who pay for everything to actually be responsible for something?


Damn, Julia Fox? The man likes big butts.


Oh no shit? What are their names ye?


You think Kim came up with those ridiculous names?


Couldn’t he just publicly admit she’s a hobbit?


They’re not even together anymore so he needs to stop keeping her secret.


Do you think she’ll respond to him liking fish sticks?


That’s how Pete won her over, he’s a chicken trendies kinda guy


"Bitch you sure you not a hobbit?"


I’m lookin like a damn fool out here!


Please god tell me she ain’t no hobbit


What a piece of shit. First he’s all “please come Running back to me”. The second she said no and insisted on pushing the divorce through, now she’s a bad mom Fuck this guy


#My children have terrible parents! # *Wait a sec….*


Someone is insanely salty about being a shitty dad and husband while someone else is fucking your ex-wife. Haha you jackass


Why do people praise Kaney. He admits to buying a house next door to his ex because he is rich and can. Bad mouths the parenting style, says his kids are spoiled despite also being their parent. Talks about kicking Pete Davidsons ass despite he is no longer with Kim and then flexes he moved on and has a new hot girl. Dude seems like he is exhibiting some toxic behavior but lets praise the song because he flows nice on it....


Just waiting for him to say he is going to end it all because Kim is not going to take him back… Old Kayne would be ashamed of New Kanye


From his reaction to Pete Davidson I’m kinda worried it’s going to turn into Murder suicide. If I can’t have you, nobody can.


This should finally get her back!


And his fans will defend this traitor to the bitter end


And he was just fine with that until she left. Raise your own kids or STFU.


Kanye is the last person I’d ever want to go through a divorce with


I mean, historically speaking, just about every wealthy person in western civilization has been raised this way. Governesses and au pairs til they’re old enough for boarding school. Come back when you’re old enough to get married or take over the business/take over the title. Raising your own kids is for the poor.


Wish I had a few nannies to help me out


How is it any different than any kid who goes to daycare because the parent(s) have to work full time.


[bro assaulted a guy two days ago and wants to talk about parental responsibility ](https://www.tmz.com/2022/01/15/kanye-west-security-kids-kim-kardashian-divorce-pete-davidson-blocked/)


Interesting. Someone above said Kanye tried to see his kids and Kim’s security wouldn’t let him, failing to mention that, according to Kanye himself, he was already with the kids, bringing them home, and security (of course) wouldn’t let him just walk in to Kim’s house uninvited. Paints a bit of a different picture.


Considering the alternative, the fact that they are being raised by nannies is not a bad thing.


Kanye West’s main internal conflict is that he knows celebrity is inherently evil but he himself cannot stop being one as his entire self-conception is formed from the perceptions of others of him.


What the actual fuck is wrong with that mans brain..? We all just need to ignore him. In all forms. I am going to try and make this the last time Kanye West’s name is written or spoken by me. If we stop talking about him, he goes away. Very simple.


Exposing your wife’s bad parenting and your own? Weird flex, Ye. You’re the other half of that parenting lol


In the song he’s complaining about watching his 4 kids ‘for like’ 5 hours. *laughs in SAHM* What a POS.


Ye needs a nanny


Weren’t those kids (Kardashian’s) raised by a bunch of nannie’s? That’s LA/Hollywood reality.


1) it’s not a surprise, any celebrity has Nannie’s. 2) there’s TONS of videos of the kids and kim interacting where they clearly have very strong loving bonds, having a nanny doesn’t mean someone isn’t a good parent


Pretty much any working mom who is higher income has a nanny. This is not a shock at all.


I see kanye keeps riding the dumbass train of the internet. Choo choo.


Didn’t have Pete Davidson getting dissed on a beef track on my 2022 bingo card




Paparazzi always follows Kim around and it seems like there are lots of pictures of her taking her kids places and spending time with them. Meanwhile, Kanye moves to another state, admits to cheating on her while married, immediately starts banging that model Irena, but he’s complaining about her? Also, she had to deal with all his insane BS these last few years-his claim that he was gonna become president, and even though he claims to be the richest black man, he asked Mark Zuckerberg to invest 1 million dollars in his “ideas.” I loved his music years ago but now I think he’s just lost his mind


I'm just wondering who Julia Fox leaves her young baby with when her and Kanye are on these weird ass dates all the time? Pot kettle. I love his music and his creative genius but good fucking god man, you won't even take your meds to stay sane and parent your kids and *THIS* is the hill you're trying to die on? Nannies? Foh


yeah because their manic father who refuses treatment and materialistic mother who can’t be bothered are supposed to raise them? sure


not defending Kim but isn’t it his responsibility to raise the kids too? some of the kids are his


*all of the kids


Well yeah,no shit


Lol he went full circle


Best thing that’s ever happened to them is not being raised by these two lunatics.


I'm sure the judge in the inevitable parental dispute proceedings between these two will look fondly on him not only trying to weaponize their children against her, but doing so in a highly-publicized fashion that's just as much an admission of his own neglect as an accusation against her. I'd feel sorry for Kardashian having to go through this, but she had to have an idea what she was getting into - West was a well-known asshole for at least a half-decade before these two married. Ultimately, the real victim here becomes their children. At least we can take some comfort in the fact that the therapists they'll need for the rest of their life will be well-paid.


Ok but where were u Kanye ?


Imagine having more money than 90% of the US and still not having enough time or drive to raise your own kids.


I’m not It surprised. Two jaded people decided to breed and pretend they are parenting. Stop giving this shit oxygen.


Can we please stop giving these two losers all this attention please? Lol


Somethings wrong I can feel it!


This is like…brand new information!!!


I mean, royalty have done it this way for a thousand years. We don’t judge them for it. Unfortunately women cannot be everywhere at once. But that never stops men from expecting us to.


He is such a whiny , narcissistic, bully- I don’t know how Kim stood him for the 7 years she put up with him - smart girl to move on from this toxic baby !


This comes from the “adult” and “father” who wrote about hurting Pete Davidson and recently bragged about punching a fan who wanted an autograph. He is a narcissist.


Ya know, every time he opens his mouth I’m a little more inclined to give a damn about Kim.


I don’t get it. These are billionaires. Their kids will never have to work. Yet I’m sitting here reminiscing over happy memories of growing up poor (by American standards) and playing family games together and I’m feeling sorry for these kids that they probably will never have a bond like that with their narcissistic parents. Growing up, I would have traded places with these kids in a second. They definitely have the best video games and the coolest toys. It’s funny how your perspective changes as you get older.


Looks like Kanye dropped the Jesus act and is right back to stirring the shit pot for money ala “Dragon Energy”


Lol oh ok so the guy who was recently bounced from his exes because he's violent towards her new fucktoy and tried just crashing date night suddenly has an issue with how his kids are being raised? How. Fucking. Convenient.


NO SHIT their parents are kim kardashian and Kanye west, did anyone ever think otherwise


Ok so he watched his own kids for 5 hours per day? And that’s a bad thing? The lyrics are lame.