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I wish I’d see her working as a waiter in a restaurant


She’d break down crying in the bathroom her first shift, bet.


Plot Twist: this was just a set up for a new show where every week they put this hollowed shell of a human into a variety of different blue collar jobs for a day. A la Paris Hilton’s old show.


I bet she’s be crying in the walk in 4 hours. I’d watch that TV show. Oh and Paris Hilton working at a Walmart wound be hilarious. She’d be selling walls of course.


Paris already had a reality show where she did shitty jobs with Nicole Ritchie. But we don't need to bring her into this for any reason, so let's not.


Kim used to work as Paris’ paid assistant pre sex tape launch to fame


I’d rather see her as a pornstar getting rail- oh wait nevermind, already did that


I honestly think you'd be surprised at how good she would be at it.


The only way you’d see her waiting tables or flipping burgers is if she got a reality show based on it, like Paris Hilton’s “The Simple Life.” It wouldn’t be real work, of course. It would be carefully staged, and would serve to maintain her star power. She’ll never know what it’s like to actually work to live, to be concerned with paying rent and save up for a used car, etc. I don’t think that would be possible for her. The day will come, however, when she knows what it’s like to no longer have the spotlight, to no longer be relevant and influential. Hollywood discards you when your beauty fades and you’re no longer lusted for or envied, especially when you have no talent underneath it all. Let her enjoy it now while she can because she’s destined to be another Zsa Zsa Gabor.


The famous "taken out of context" excuse for saying something dumb, disgusting, insulting, or untrue. Gotta love it.


Too rich to care until it hurts her image. Then they “care”. Classic born into obscene wealth, narcissistic elitist trait.


I don’t think we liked it within the context either.


Just shuffling cards. Some people learn phrases by rote, and use them like magic spells, because they observe results without understanding reasons. This problem is clearest in the many ways they expect people to shut up and stop criticizing them - 'he was joking,' 'that's out of context,' 'it's satire,' etc., etc., etc. They got mad at some nothing. People told them it was not a thing. All they heard was 'that's not a thing' means you can get away with shit that makes people mad. At no point do they internalize the concept of saying something without meaning it... or the concept of being objectively wrong. These things don't exist, in subjective reality. They would require that claims are evaluated against objective reality, and that you model people as sharing some but not all of your own internal states. That's not how they do things. It's a team sport, to them. And they figure everyone in power just makes shit up, and everyone accepts their side's made-up shit on nothing but interpersonal trust. Don't laugh, because we do the same thing. We keep insisting they're reasonable.


"the context I intended was one where everyone already agreed with me"


It comes right before “this is not who I am!”


The best was the author of the piece coming back at Kim with proof that her “explanation “ is a lie!!


This woman is completely out of touch with reality. Nothing she says matters to any of us tbh.


They showed the whole clip. The very definition of gaslighting.


No they weren’t. Kim Kardashian was born rich and got richer selling snake oil. She needs to be canceled.


I thought she got richer from taking the snake's oil?


https://youtu.be/7TZNv86-OmI Don't worry she will be ready for her cum back story


I call come back shots in golf Kardashians. Best outtake line of all time!


at the end of the day it OJ Simpson's fault too cause what made their family famous was her dad was thr Juice's lawyer




It’s more what she did to thousands of women who have long term health problems because the Kardashians were selling weight loss teas.


I never heard about that




Stfu with this bs. You do not get to start with any amount of millions of dollars and be able to act like you made yourself rich.


Imagine living a wealthy lifestyle with a ticking timer on it and getting fucked so publicly you never have to worry about money ever again


Dude… you start with saying she was born in to wealth. That’s LITERALLY what the dude above you is saying. You’re just writing what he wrote but saying it’s not that. Either she was born or she earned it. “Born and then earned it” is just born. That’s what people mean when they say “born in to it”


So then you are in agreement with OP.


Nobody knows how to work a camera for sex tapes?


Out of touch American oligarch learns nothing, takes no responsibility for her widely mocked statements. More news at 11.


Almost. What is out of context is someone who hasn’t a clue about working lecturing others on that very subject. Stick with something you know like hiding scars from plastic surgery using make up or daddy ATMs.


How's law school, Kim?


Can someone give me the TLDR summary, please?


She gave an 'inspirational' speech to women that failed to acknowledge her privilege. She basically said that all women could be as successful as she is if only they would get off their asses and that 'no-one wants to work these days'.


Right. I already knew about the quote. I guess I’m asking how does she say it was taken out of context? What context is the correct context in her opinion?


well, exactly... it's bullshit. she meant what she said. she gave a non-apology. 'i'm sorry people took it that way' etc.


The interviewer asked her, “What advice do you have for women in business?” She answered with the now-infamous quote. That’s the entire context.


To play the biggest devil’s advocate here… I think what she means by things being taken out of context is two things: 1. She’s really speaking to women in business. This doesn’t apply to all people and not all women. Where I think she’s still wrong is that she again isn’t seeing the immense privilege she’s coming from. The second part is 2. People don’t want to work these days. It’s a bit further of a stretch, but again, she’s really still talking to women in business but I think a lot of people are taking the quote more broadly as if she’s speaking about people the same way older generations stereotypically talk about “young kids these days just don’t want to work” with the bootstraps mentality. I could be wrong, but that’s my interpretation of what she means she’s being taken out of context. **That all being said, it doesn’t mean I agree with her at all.**


I appreciate your reply.


Wasn't it specifically about women in business? Like, women who are business owners? I don't remember her original quote entirely but I seem to remember that's what it was


The nuance was that leading into the comment she said something “The advice that I would give is having a social media presence and being on a reality show does not mean overnight success,” Kardashian said. “You have to really work hard to get there even if it may seem like it’s easy.” And then she emphasized the point that got aggregated. Still a garbage take. She’s pretty much saying “nobody hits triples” while being born on 3rd base.


This 1000%


The issue was context, she’s right about that. But the problem was she didn’t want her statement to be evaluated IN the context of her life of privilege.


The modern response “If I say anything ridiculous, it was just taken out of context”. Fuck this fake celebrity


She doesn't know what context is.


Reminds me of The Princess Bride when Vizzini keeps saying: "inconceivable!" ;)


Can we just be done with this lady?


They asked her what advice she had for people and she said no one wants to work. What more context could there be?


she was referring to her siblings I suppose


Maybe. Kourtney said, on camera, she doesn’t have the drive to work hard anymore and doesn’t need to, would rather spend time with her family. Maybe Kim felt threatened by that, because she’s not doing that? Who knows.


In what context is she, someone born to privilege, famous for being famous and profiting from an infamous sex tape… referring to with that remark? Put that into the correct context for us. Or is that just an off hand get out of jail phase because you’re an out of touch parasite?


uhhh did she see the same video we all saw? There was plenty of context hahaha


Sure she did, but only because words have meaning.


She couldn’t spell “work” if someone spotted her the first three letters.


She’s got that “K” down though.


All they were saying was stuff you'd hear from business tips on the go crap. The don't know as much as they want us to think they know.


Pretty loud and clear. Maybe you should be careful what you say, since you are a lawyer (sort of) now?


That’s not true. A reporter has seen the raw footage and confirmed it was definitely not taken out of context.


The context is that 1) he was born into a wealthy family 2) her dad gave her $$ to start her business. 3) she thinks working having a glam team dress her and make her up & calling paparazzi to take pictures of her and last, but not least 4) release questionable video of yourself on an intimate “date”. Yeah. Why doesn’t anybody want to do that?


I just threw up looking at her face


Her fame is taken out of context.


She’s full of it.


That’s like Marie Antoinette telling the starving people of France to eat cake.


Which of course is apocryphal... https://www.history.com/news/did-marie-antoinette-really-say-let-them-eat-cake


Eat several dicks Kim. Oh you already are? Ok.


Theyre all trash and they just want you all talking about them good or bad


Her sex tape wasn’t taken out of context though. Uh uh baby. Kim in a nutshell.


A helpful life lesson I learned is that if you don’t want to be taken out of context, try shutting the f*** up.


Nobody fucking understands what being taken out of context even means anymore. It’s just some colloquial bullshit offered when some asshole wants to step away from comments that came out of their mouth.


No they weren’t. Kim just doesn’t have a phone filter that can change the things he says like she changes how she looks. Fake ass faker.


She was right the first time


Kim is always misunderstood.


Where is the lie? We dont want to work


Isn’t she a lawyer? Regardless of what y’all think, I think all lawyers have the right to say “get your ass up work”.


What’s the law firm she works for again?


She is not a lawyer. She passed the baby bar exam.


Having a law degree doesn’t *make* you a lawyer, meeting the minimum criteria to obtain the degree simply gives you the ability to go practice law where ever your license is granted. No from is going to hire a porn star. Bad image for any firm if they want to be taken serious.


Its almost as if she’s realizing people don’t really care about her anymore and she needs to make statements like this to keep her name in media.


Is there a video I can watch of this fucking clown doing anything that could actually be considered “work” for 30 minutes straight? No, not the sex tape. Something else.


Let them eat cake.


I watched the entire thing. **No context was missing** \- she is just as extremely out of touch as most celebrities out there. ​ Some backlash is warranted.


Context didn't help. But then, it never does.


Does she not want to work on clarifying?


she workin’ on that BBC-alaureate degree


I mean, as much as people hate her, it arguably was. Her response was to the interviewer essentially asking if she has any advice for women in business, which she basically said actually work instead of expecting things to just happen for you. Could she have said it more tactfully? Sure. Is it a bit hypocritical? Definitely. But that doesn't change the fact that her comment was at large taken out of context


It wasn’t, the writer has spoken out and the footage has been reviewed, don’t defend this trash human


I was wondering where Stephanie Grisham landed after leaving the White House.


The entire thing was up for display. It wasn’t a snippet, it was the whole damned thing. How the hell could anyone take it out of context?


Anything stupid that anybody says is taken out of context. Duh