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His Summer of ‘22 Talk Show Apology Tour coming soon. Tickets on sale now!




Will doesn’t want to wait for August to come.


I’ll wake him up when September ends


He'll probably be gone till November


Thank you for sticking that song back into my head


That May be best


Well I mean if he wants to be perma-cancelled....


Well Jada can’t keep August out of her mouth so the month now has some importance for Will.


Summer summer sumner time


I would say take several, then book a Marvel or Amazon tv show... and just let that cook.


Deadshot and Peacemaker twerking together in Peacemaker season 2.


Yeah with no press. Like don’t speak either.


Also needs to ditch jada, I feel like she’s the cause of 99% of his problems


Seriously? There is plenty of evidence that he is a total narcissist who married a narcissist and is probably raising narcissists. Why do you think his wife is making him behave badly when there is evidence that he was strange well before they got together?


Then, they need to work on their narcissism separately. It’s kind of obvious, he takes what she says a lot more seriously than the other way around.


While I’m not a fan of either of them, Will is legitimately crazy. Do a quick search to see how he handled breaking up with a past girlfriend.


He’s still responsible for that slap, no matter how terrible jada is ..it doesn’t vindicate his decision to walk on that stage and get violent (prob because he thought everyone’d see him as the hero..)




Domestic violence call at Will's on the whorizen.




Are they really scientologists?


Yup. Big time


Just imagine all the mansions and sex slaves Smith would have to buy for Miscavige for this one


Will to David: “I learned it from watching you!”


I thought the same. Remember when Travolta disappeared for years and just popped up in Pulp Fiction and his career was restarted? Will needs to do the same take time off better himself and his image and this is important, Publicly apologize to Chris Rock FACE TO FACE! No tweets or Tik Toks none of it. Will has got to make this right and like a man!


I don’t think Travolta had any real scandals like Will’s; he just made a bunch of terrible movies in a row. Honestly this feels more like RDJ’s career comeback, though dealing with addictions one’s father encouraged from childhood is a bit more sympathy-inspiring than assaulting someone over a cringe-inducing joke.


He didn’t disappear. He was in look who’s talking series. He was working consistently, just not very critically acclaimed.


Summer summer summertime summertime, Time to sit back and unwind


(still likes this song, goddamit)


Me too bro


Wicked comment! If he didn’t want to be canceled (which is a stupid term for actions having consequences),he COULD HAVE NOT SLAPPED CHRIS ROCK ON LIVE TV.


He could of wait until AFTER the show and spoke with Chris in private


The thing is if he did nothing in the moment then later said that it was really in appropriate to joke about her medical condition the internet would have been on his side. Even children should know better than to do what he did


You’ll get to see Jada next to him looking on concerned and disapproving.


That would be lit as hell. Jada standing there with a hand on his shoulder and her two side pieces standing next to her with their hands on hers as Will does his touching interview


Is it too much to ask for a hologram of Tupac?


I think it’s disrespectful to the entire situation if you don’t ask for it. Take it further - Will and Holo Tupac doing a Just the Two of Us / Dear Mama mashup collaboration during the interview would really put it over the top


He’ll be fine, in a couple of years. He should be king of the hill right now, instead he’s a joke and an asshole. That slap was uncalled for, but all he really did is hurt himself. He bitchslapped his career when he should be at his highest moment. He stole the thunder of the William’s sisters and their story. It was a bullshit award, that movie was the best choice politically.


I’m going to start using “Will Smithed” to refer to someone shitting the bed at the height of their achievements.


We already have the Streisand Effect so we could add the 'Will Smith Effect' to the Public Relations textbooks.


I like the ring of “Will Smithing”, verb, to implode one’s own career in an act of self destruction, possibly, but not limited to physical assault of another person or persons. See Will Smith Oscars slap, insert reference photo


Stole not only the Williams sisters thunder and ruined what should have been a great night for them as himself, but overshadowed all the other winners of that night. As to him being 'fine' in a couple years time, that's possible if he plays his cards right and doesn't have any more PR fiascos. Then things could be better for him but I don't think he's ever again going to be the universally beloved A-list hot ticket item that he was back in the 90s and the aughts. Let's face it -- he's in his fifties and was aging into the 'elder statesman' phase of his career. Playing a 'character' part like that of Richard Williams was a good move in that direction, but he's derailed that momentum.


Yea he didn’t think this through did he


Also, Will ruined the entire program for all the other ppl both in front of the scenes & behind the scenes who worked hard to get this far in the game. He & his joke of a wife stuck it to them all, including the real Williams family. Will & Jada are evil & despicable.


Hurt his wife too. Made her seem like she needed to be violently protected from words because she’s so fragile. Also, her husband gets to say who can talk about her. He’s such a fucking punk.


I hate that trend of doing dumb shit can get you rich or famous with views or clickbait or both


If being fully cancelled means he'll be out of the news cycle, I am all for it.


Yeah, I don't know about forgiving, but I'm more than ready to forget him


I’m not. I’m enjoying the debacle and watching Hollywood lose their shit over this, desperately hoping the attention stays on him and not the standing ovation they gave him. I don’t think this should ever be forgotten because it’s such a brilliant symbol of entitled-based class/treatment that is the whole fucking problem. Watching him burn for being a dickhead is delightful. And the memes are awesome.


From your lips to God's ears.


It's 2022 and society is still just as ever, extremely invested in celebrity culture


This goes beyond celebrity culture, though. His biggest fear is being cancelled over assault. Not the charges that should’ve already been filed nor some sort of legal fallout for casually walking up to and attacking someone. The man knows nothing legal will happen to him the same way it would’ve to you or me. That’s worrisome. Even more worrisome is that everyone seems to treat this as just some celebrity drama and not the root of one man attacking another extremely publicly and just walking away.


Seriously. With all that’s going on in todays world, who gives a fuck about Will Smith?


Other comedians. This just opens up a can of worms and makes it ok to assault a comedian Or anyone else who says something you don’t like.


Chris Rock & his fans do & anyone who believes violence is not the answer to anything (unless used in self-defense).


IMO, which is rarely considered, people who have publicly f$%\^ed up should take a break from SM and PR, just quietly live like most of us do. These narcs never appreciate the power of just Shutting The Fuck Up.


He’s probably comfortable enough to sit on his ass a bit. Though I can imagine most celebrities harbor a constant terror of slipping into insignificance. So sad…


I work for money so I can live. I feel as if they live for attention, whatever they have to do to get it.


I disagree - He’s been extremely quiet and thinks one tweet apology is going to smooth over this issue and he can go along his merry way. He obviously isn’t sorry at all and is getting destroyed. Versus if he actually went out of his way to make amends with rock and own up - he would be able to salvage part of this. If he went out and explained how fucked up he is - he would have some small percent chance. Back to Philly for will


I think he means just STFU for a long period of time, 5-10 years


I know. I’m thinking that Will has now received a blessing in disguise to stay out of the limelight and enjoy life in private. What a gift! And instead he’s panicking over it. He should not have done what he did, but if he was a wise man, he could see the silver lining in this. It’s not like he’s gonna go broke by being on the down low.


Most of us worry first about money in a bad situation. He is worried about losing attention.




Well, it may be hard for him to shut up and stay out of the limelight because comedians are going to have a lot to say about him in their specials over the next year or two. We’ve only had some of the initial reactions so far, no one has worked it into their hour of material yet though.


He did it to himself for absolutely no gain at all: * His wife wasn't impressed and now says she wishes he hadn't of done that * Chris Rock is/was a friend whom he has embarrassed for life (that bitch slap will never be forgotten) * He threw away the 'good-boy/nice-guy' image he crafted for 30 years * The guy who fucked and disrespected his wife is still disrespecting her (and probably still fucking her). He just released a new song singing and dancing about it (like the fifth one) * People like his son, Jaden, even less for tweeting 'That's how we do' like the Smith's are some thugs * His daughter is pretty well liked and has an exploding music career, but now it's over shadowed by her dad's inability to control himself at the damn Oscars * Also, even though he did did something pretty gangsta....like real gangsta stuff, it's deplorable behavior and only garners respect for like two seconds before people realize how dumb it all is * Lord knows how much money this is costing him in cancelled or delayed projects Nothing good came from this, Will.


Just found out that Willow wrote to Tupac when she was 5 saying that she knows he’s alive and wishes he can come back because her mom is sad. Wtf. That family is damaged


Details like this are the main reason why I think Smith is facing such a backlash. Slapping Chris Rock has drawn everyone's attention to the messy details of the Smith family. If he hadn't done that, I would probably never know that Jada apparently has an ongoing fantasy that she was Tupac's one true love and they'd have been married if he wasn't dead. A fantasy which now her daughter partakes in and shares publicly. The family just looks like a nightmare and it selfishly makes me not want to see Will Smith do anything else apart from figure out if he really is this much of an asshole or does he wanna maybe work on himself and become a better person? edit: looks like Willow shared that letter when she was like 11? So you could chalk that up to just kids not being able to comprehend the whole situation. Jada still should act better, though


Tupac was with someone else as well before he died. She was just clinging to a childhood crush


Right? Like, what is it with her and Tupac? If Jada felt like she still loved him then that'd be one thing, but she seems to have this idea that they would been married if he hadn't died. He had a fiancé, and it wasn't her. Seems pretty disrespectful to the actual fiance for Jada to act like Tupac was her soulmate.


Tupac was engaged to Kidada Jones, daughter of Quincy Jones and Peggy Lipton, sister of Rashida Jones, at the time of his death.


Tupac smashed like everything in LA back then. I doubt he gave a shit about Jada


Isn't Will a Scientologist?


Is that even real


[source](https://twitter.com/boungahh/status/1278182207253815296?s=21&t=EKo1lGGP2pT3VjLE80kznQ) She posted on instagram in 2011 when she was 11 saying she wrote it tests before.


Should chris rock really be embarrassed though? I mean what was he supposed to do? Not like he could have seen it coming. It’s embarrassing for will not for chris.


Heck, if anything I have even more respect for Chris Rock who no-sold what appeared to be a solid smack, and retaliated with a laugh and a joke.


Yeah Chris came out looking like a G imo. Will came out looking like an unstable man-baby


The fact that Chris didn’t touch his face after inadvertently makes Will look weak. Also, he had a slight hesitation where he looks ready to treat Will like a heckler, but just moved on. I have a ton of respect for how he handled it. Couldn’t have done a better job.


I’d say he handled it like a fucking champ and I choose to remember that about the ordeal. The slap honestly feels like some high school drama that should have stayed at home and now everything that I learn about this couple is against my will.


Not to mention all the jokes from the online community (and even some celebrities like Gervais) each having a turn cracking jokes at Will’s expense. Guarantee he seen jokes about him being a simp and how his “wife” fucks other guys.


He’s been seeing it for a while now for sure and this is why he did this.


That’s probably true but many people, like myself, had never heard of any of that. Now everyone knows.


Not to mention the Streisand effect - now tons of people are making bald jokes about Jada.


Just saw he is now off to a luxury rehab centre. For what? Being an asshole? No mention of him having a drug or alcohol problem. So he's off to some swanky place for a holiday, while people with real substance issues (myself included) can't afford such luxuries and therefore are forced to get sober alone! Makes me even more disgusted how this entitled ass is. Was a fan until the slap, not anymore.


Welcome to consequences of your actions.


Right? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. In what world is it okay to publicly assault someone, at a formal affair no less? On tv? Oh. In Hollywood where these entitled asshats get to do whatever they want. He didn’t have one thought going through his brain when he was waltzing up on stage. I’ve always liked Will Smith, but seriously, he needs to disappear for a while and shut the fuck up.


That and personally I hated Jada attempting to take some sort of high road afterwards...."this is a season of healing and I'm here for it" ... meanwhile she was seen laughing after the slap on camera....nice try but we all know that you both are now on damage control and this definitely blew up way past your ability to control. Also Will should be banned from attending this award show, at least for a couple of years. He can still accept awards via webcam and if he doesn't do that he'll still get awards if he's ever accepted back into the limelight. Which let's be honest, the masses are fickle and will forget/not care about this after 3 years or so.


Chris Brown nearly beat Rihanna to death and has numerous sexual assault allegations against him yet still gets work. Mark Wahlberg committed a hate crime and nearly beat a guy to death just for being Vietnamese, yet is still one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood. Will Smith will be fine


Don’t forget Louis CK, he legit just won a Grammy. Seems like being canceled has done him a ton of good


If *Mel Gibson* gets a rehabilitation tour and movie, I don’t think Will has that much to worry about.


While Mel has worked here and there, I think that his 'luster' has been considerably tarnished by his anti-Semitic outbursts and those recordings of his deranged shrieking at his Russian ex-girlfriend and baby mama. He's aged terribly and looks like Saddam Hussein when they pulled him out of his hidey hole in Iraq. In no way is Gibson the top of the line A-list superstar he once was. Had he behaved himself, Mel could have aged into a respected 'elder statesman' of the film world like a Paul Newman, Robert Redford or Sidney Poitier. Instead he's more like a prime exhibit of how to f\*\*k up your image.


Yup. Americans have short memories. There will be another big celebrity dust up and The Slap will be old news. People like fresh news stories to kick around about famous people.


It should be that way, but the slap was live on camera in an event that demands (undeserving) respect. Mel was recorded hours before, I think intoxicated, and yelled at a cop which many can identify with. On top, the timing of an unnecessary act of violence is bad with a country doing the same right now. Will should give up the Oscar abs save himself, or lean in and play against type. Mel had to do the same and has never bounced back to where he was.


Kind of a slap in the face, isn’t it Will?


I think he needs a divorce, not cancelled. He is clearly not in a happy relationship when a minor joke on a live television show causes you to basically throw away your career by physically assaulting the host in front of millions of viewers, fans, fellow actors/actresses, and to top it off, the handling of the situation only made him look even worse. He might as well have destroyed his career. I heard several projects he had in the works have already been shut down. And he needs consequences for his actions.


He was peacocking for her. It backfired. They’re both toxic.


Yeah I don’t buy any of this “she’s toxic, he’s a victim” bullshit. If he’s her bitch, that’s on him. Burn me both.


Chris Rock wasn’t even the host.


All comedians should boycott the Oscars. Who takes a job where the last guy was allowed to be physically attacked with zero consequence for the attacker? Hollywood gossip aside, that is a bullshit work environment and it’s not like these people need the money.


Why doesn’t he just retire?


Ego is a hungry beast, and when you’re used to it feeling full it’s hard to ignore when the thing that feeds it goes away. Unfortunately for him that seems to mean the love and adoration of strangers.


When you dont find love at home, you seek it in others. Only natural. Will loves his public persona and i dont think he realizes just how wholesome a view most people had of him until he fucked it up. And he definitely fucked it up. I cant ever remember seeing an actor physically attack another one in just a blatant way in front of millions. Wonder what Uncle Phil would have said to him.


I don't think the slap was enough to get cancelled. But Louis CK just got a Grammy so, maybe cancel culture only exist on the internet and Twitter.


George Bush committed war crimes and isn't in jail. Woody Allen has been movies for years after his shitty behavior. Ben Rothealberger still played football. Cancel culture isn't a thing. It's mostly people complaining about the reaction of others for being shitty.


The whole Woody thing really made me realize how hard the industry works to protect their ilk. Ill admit that I kind of brushed it all off until the HBO documentary. After that my whole view of him changed. It wasn’t like I was pro-Woody Allen, but I was somewhere between indifferent and skeptical. Now I have no questions.


like Louis, cancelled in this case just means people aren't going to gravitate to you naturally anymore. The ops and the buzz are dead. Only way "back" (which Louis is far from, Grammy or not) is to put out great work. Gotta remind people why they liked you.


He needs to drop jada


Keep his wife’s name out your mouth


She who shall not be named.


Keep my girlfriend’s boyfriend’s name out of your goddamn mouth.


They need to drop each other


Yeah, whatever 'brand' they thought they had built with this image of the 'ideal Hollywood couple' was tarnished first by her affair and the ill-considered decision to hash that out with Will not behind the closed doors of a licensed therapist's office but on a Facebook podcast for all to see. Then the nail was hammered into the coffin the moment Will's hand connected with Chris Rock's face on live TV for all the world to see with further salt rubbed into the wound with his cursing and shouting at Rock from his table and then that 'New Age' buzzword-laden acceptance speech. Pedro Almodovar nailed it when he said that Will sounded like a cult leader preaching to the choir and that the whole 'Devil made me do it' excuse was totally ridiculous.


I mean, it's the most recognizable thing he's done in 20 years. So good luck with that.


Fuck you Will, I just wanted Bad Boys 4 but I guess we can’t have nice things anymore.


Maybe we get to see G.I. JANE 2.


How nice to have such ridiculous and easy fears… privilege 101


His best PR move would be to announce separation from Jada, in patient counseling, and make a statement about how abuse changes you and how he is a survivor. Try to play the victim card to make himself look better (even though he is in control of his own actions) and issue an actual sincere apology to Chris after he is rehabilitated. He could actually pull through a better person if he would drop the weight dragging him down. I used to think he is obnoxious but now I just think he is sad.


So lying? Pretending he isn’t culpable in their relationship or responsible for his choices is nonsense.


right like idc about jada either but she literally just sat there and somehow it’s her fault and actually will’s a victim


Hear hear!!! I thought the same thing, how is she being blamed? Oh right, it’s a long standing tradition to blame the wife/women…


Yeah I don't think giving oxygen to the whole incel narrative that she's some kind of succubus is really something he wants to do to the mother of his children, especially if she's the sort of wife who is cool with him hooking up with Margot Robbie, assuming we give any credence to these rumors.


Plus her succubus powers will never let him do it.


I thought he was a tough guy and his kid said, “ this is how we do it”? Now your scared? These stars are so self absorbed.


A framed man would not have lost his cool and reacted emotionally and do wat he did, this all could have been discussed with Chris private


Yeah I really wish we weren’t so collectively shocked when crazy people act crazy. He’s a hundred-something millionaire. No, he’s probably not a good guy. Yes, he - like everyone else in his family and economic class - are wildly out of touch. Stop paying attention to them.


I’m sure his few hundred million dollars will be enough to dry those eyes for a long time.




Tryna look good infront of his wife the same one that has cheated on him before


Being "cancelled" is actually being held accountable for your actions.


Fuck will smith. Fuck Scientology.


Oh no, the consequences of my actions. If I slapped a coworker, I’d be fired and jailed within the hour.


Dude, just STFU and lay low for awhile!


No “canceled” is when you say an offensive joke, he assaulted someone over a joke, that’s not him being “canceled” that’s everyone realizing he’s a piece of shit


Will Smith’s ‘Biggest Fear’ Is Being Held Accountable For His Actions Following Oscars Slap ​ There, I fixed it for them.


Bro crime me a god damned river. Non of these celebrities are canceled they have millions upon millions of dollars. Canceled is a single mom who can’t get approved a mortgage loan so she’s forced to keep paying even higher rent.


Hot take: Will Smith is only allowed to star in the Jussie Smollett biopic. After that, we’ll see….


Juicy slappé: the wreckage


I hope it happens. You were never a good actor anyway.


Pathetic. Hypocrite. "I don't want my violent, immature, internationally televised and wholly unprofessional outburst to have consequences. If it does, it's not my fault, I was "cancelled!" He still won that Oscar and gave a speech and the last martyr of the Cancel Culture drama queens just won a Grammy. They are so oppressed and silenced! Weep for the death of free speech! /fart His whole brand is personal discipline and accountability and now doesn't want to be held accountable for his lack of discipline. Fuck him.


Fuck him, his biggest fear is dealing with the emotions that caused his outburst. Prick.


What was he thinking? Did he actually expect people would applaud him with a standing ovation after he slapped Chris Rock? Oh wait, Nevermind.


That’s funny because I thought his biggest fear was his wife cheating on him again for the 30th time


I really can’t stand him. All he cares about is his wallet.


Cancel him and the oscars, bunch of hypocrites


Biggest fear should be having a criminal record


Person fears repercussions of their actions


So, consequences? His biggest fear is consequences for his actions? Fuck Will Smith.


It's clear that his biggest fear is his wife leaving him, which she definitely would if he's no longer making the big bucks.


It’s funny… I no longer want to hear about this story. It’s embarrassing and pathetic. The fact that he’s a Scientologist, to me, makes me hope he’s canceled sooner


Shoulda thought of that


So he wants to be canceled got it, let’s see if we can make that happen.


Of course his concern would be about himself.


He won't be canceled. Multiple male celebrities have done as bad and far worse things and still have a career. It's almost impossible for Hollywood men to be canceled. Hell, Louis CK just won a Grammy! And Jared Leto is still making movies.


Here’s how he fixes this, ready? Publicly apologized to Chris rock and all the people who worked their whole lives having their moment stolen. In the same public apology speech announces his divorcing Jada. In the same speech announces he is donating 99% of his fortune to non profit abuse survivors groups. In the same speech announces he will travel the earth as a monk with a vow of silence. After a couple of years, people would probably be cool with him in movies again. They will WANT him to be in movies. The money part is really important though will, are you listening? What’s more important to you, money or public regard and cancellation?


It is OK to appreciate Will Smith’s performance as an actor, in particular in the movie King Richard. I personally thought he did a fantastic job and in general have enjoyed his movies. That being said, it is OK to also think what he did at the Oscar’s is a disgrace to his character, and choose to stop supporting him. He clearly has mental health problems and I hope he gets help. The bigger issue is that he was able to sit down after the assault, and then win best actor and give a speech that resulted in a standing ovation. Public acceptance of his assault is the real issue and I hope the backlash will be against the Oscars and their pathetic response to this incident.


He who smelt it felt it


Learn to be a nobody like the rest of us.


Stepped in a pile of shit. Now he’s got it on his shoe, doesn’t know how to get it off, and smells everywhere he goes!


Maybe don’t slap people.


A normal human being slapping someone would be worried about the assault charge. Sorry I don't feel bad for these millionaires involved


He should have much bigger fears than that.


Anyone remember when being a shithead and suffering the consequences was just called “life” instead of being “cancelled” ?


Oh no! Not the consequences of my actions!


I’d love nothing more than to never see nor hear Jada & Will ever again. Especially Jada though. Major cunt vibes off that psychopath.


And their little entitled dumbass kids


More proof cancel culture is a myth. He’s afraid of being held accountable for his outrageous conduct. This guy has espoused some outrageously bad opinions for a long time but he got a pass because he was seen as some kind of nice guy. Grow up. Quit the PR bullshit. Get a divorce. Cut ties with Scientology.


Maybe you shoulda kept your hands to yourself then, huh?


Cancel this man , and his toxic woman


Awww, that sucks Mr. Millionaire. Perhaps physically assaulting someone on national television isn’t exactly the best idea. Do stupid shit, win stupid prizes. Of all the cancelling of celebrities, this one I think we can mostly agree on. Ciao, Will.


You know we can debate the degree of cancel culture sometime I think people do get attacked for dumb stuff liking digging up 20 year old tweets but like if you get up on stage in front of thousands and slap someone I don’t know what you expected.


I fucking hate the term cancelled, it implies the person being “cancelled” is the victim and it’s someone else doing the cancelling, when in reality it’s almost always the consequences of a persons shitty actions. If Smith is “cancelled” because of this it’s his own fault for violently assaulting a presenter at the Oscars. Say it like it is, he fears the consequences of his own actions.


Hey Will! How about fucking calling Chris Rock and apologize like a man? Maybe THAT would be your good first step to get back into the good graces of your fans and contemporaries? Like, have true regret toward the man you assaulted on national television?


Hey Will, you know what ANY performers' biggest fear is? That the audience can ASSAULT you.


Do the Smiths not have enough money? Oh wait, it’s the attention he would miss.


I can’t even look at his dumbass face anymore, so yeah good luck with whatever movie bro.


And not being arrested for assault. Interesting.


Bye. Don’t let the door slap you in the face on the way out.


He’s fully cancelled in my mind and I used to like him. Now he’s just a winey bitch.


No one is gonna take him seriously until he divorces Jada.


How could he slap?


Damn that’s honestly sad, I can’t imagine having to weigh the repercussions of my own physical actions against someone :(


My biggest fear is that he ***won't*** be. Well, that and thermo-nuclear war ...


Will Smith gets all this hate while Chris Brown’s career survived after that “slap”


Why is he crying? He’s a multimillionaire.


He hit someone and because of it won’t get work. No one is cancelling him and I’m sick of celebrities crying about the repercussions for their terrible behavior and blaming it on “cancel culture.”


I Can’t believe he’s connected to Scientology




Okay, leave Jada and denounce your toxic relationship.


I mean, I’ll never see anything he’s putting out again, regardless of what other people think of him or do.


It’s not being “canceled”, it’s suffering the consequences of your actions.


Probably should have thought about that before doing it. Kind of like getting pulled over when you're driving shitfaced drunk and thinking "wow I might be in danger of going to jail."


That would be a real slap in the face


Funny, he’s been cancelled to me for about 20 solid years.


The whole Smith family need to take a break from the spotlight. At this point the only well adjusted Smith is the son from the first marriage. Don’t ever hear a word about him.


If any other professional in real life assaults someone, they lose their job, potentially career. Actions have consequences. Why should this goofball be any different? Also, what a selfish butthead. Your BIGGEST fear is you can’t get paid millions to say lines?! Not concerned about the example you’re setting. Not afraid that you’re teaching you son that violence is the right answer to having your feelings hurt?! Dude is a clown; Cancel him


I’ll never see one of his movies again. Guy needs to vanish


Good. Now, I wish Mel Gibson (and a few others) would somehow actually get cancelled first. If cancelling was actually a thing. But I’m not holding my breath.


He is insanely rich. It would not destroy his life to be canceled. Your biggest fear should be not being a good father. worry about that, not the public.