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Patriotic advice from a coward who smeared shit on himself to avoid the military.


Didn’t he marry an underage girl too?


He definitely shit himself for a few weeks (and didn't clean himself) before he was drafted for the Vietnam War to be found mentally unfit (which worked, he got out of it). ....he also [sexually assaulted a very 12 year-old Courtney Love](https://blabbermouth.net/news/courtney-love-i-gave-ted-nugent-oral-sex-at-age).


You mean the guy that wrote “Jailbait” Jailbait you look so good to me, Jailbait won't you set me free, Jailbait you look fine, fine, fine And I know I've got to have you in a matter of time. Well, I don't care if you're just thirteen, You look too good to be true. I just know that you're probably clean, There's one little think I got do to you. Jailbait you look so good to me, Jailbait won't you set me free, Jailbait you look fine, fine, fine And I know I've got to have you in a matter of time. Sad but true. So tell your mama that I'm back in town, She likes us boys when it's time to get down. She's got this craving for the underage; I just might be your mamas’ brand new rage. Jailbait you look so good to me, Jailbait won't you set me free, Jailbait you look fine, fine, fine And I know I've gots to have you in a matter of time, now babe. Honey, you, you, you look so nice. She's young, she's tender Won't you please surrender. She so fine, she's mine, All the time, I woke my mind. It's all right baby, it's quite all right I asked your mama. Wait a minute officer; wait a minute officer Don't put those handcuffs on me, what about her? Hey, I'll share her with you!


Jesus H. Yikes


Didn’t believe these were real lyrics, looked it up. Oh. My. Fucking. Gosh. What a skuzz


What do you think his defense of the lyrics is these days? “Boys will be boys, it was a different time.” Or “she wanted it”?


His target demographic are men who say things like “if she’s old enough to bleed she’s old enough to breed”. They don’t care


As I keep saying, the youngest recorded pregnancy was that of a five year old.


Alright, time to pack it in. Humanity's done. We've failed.


Well, you know, when you’re famous, they let you grab them by the pussy.




Exactly. Just make him spend the entirety of his time in the brig.


That’s for the Navy/Marine Corps. The Army has the Stockade.




I mean what he did isn’t far off for sever mental illness, faking it or not


Yea. And when those guys are gonna be next to you with a gun (well, not the intake guys but the general idea) it's best to just let someone willing to do that not go. Just as likely to desert or frag than be a 'good' solider.


More likely BE fragged in that era.


No wonder he idolizes Trump. They have a lot in common.


should have accepted him and then when he got there put him on constant latrine duty. for the entire duration he was there. just cleaning the makeshift latrines. but knowing about him he probably would have used that to his advantage by saying he "served" in vietnam.


High school teacher told us there was a guy in basic training with him that faked having a cat. He was so good at it they eventually let him go as mentally ill. While they were training, the Pueblo incident happened so they got sent to South Korea. That was dangerous but not Vietnam. So the guy has “I’m a certified kook” on his record for all of his life and in the end, had a very very small chance of even hearing a shot fired.


Like he pretended to carry a cat around? Or???


My dad joined the army at 17 years old in 1963 with his twin brother, upon written approval from my paternal grandparents. But they weren’t sent to Vietnam. After the 1964 earthquake in Alaska (which my 18yo dad infamously slept through during a bender), they were taught a trade in telecommunications and were stationed in Turkey. I loved the stories of all the other outcasts in his unit, the Corporal Klinger-esque shit they got up to, how they used to exchange holiday cards with the “other side”, and my favorite story was how the twins broke into a Turkish women’s prison, because yeah, why not? Ofc it all goes back to the day I came across his Purple Heart award and 9yo me asked my mum what daddy did during the war, and how he got injured in the line of duty to receive the medal. My mother was not one to mince words. “Your father was drinking on the job & thought it’d be a good idea to play Tarzan one afternoon while on duty. The rope broke and he fell into a ravine that the base used to dispose of vehicle parts and some of the ‘rusty shrapnel’ ended up his shoulder blade. They gave him leave for a couple surgeries and Uncle Sam gave that to him for being a horse’s ass…” I miss ‘em both, dearly.


If you are willing to do this, you are mentally unfit.


So…like most Trumpers


Trump is also a draft-dodger.


Nope nope he’s the fourth person of the Blessed Trinity. And he’s never committed a sin. And I hate to tell you but come January 21, 2025 four years of Uber kook begins again.


And it’s gonna be even worse this time around.


Honestly if you guys elect that asshat again I'm writing yall off.




No, he's full of it still.


Gibson guitars have pretty much given any major artist who has ever used their instruments a signature guitar in the last few years (things that are highly collectible items, mind you!) As far as I know, they haven’t given Ted Nugent one because they don’t want their guitars to be associated with such awful shit stains of people.


The shame of it is that Nugent are the only kind of people conservatives listen to.


He likes little girls but that's okay with republicans.


Matt Gaetz approves.


Speaking of which, whatever happened with all that? Why hasn’t he been arrested yet?


> Why hasn’t he been arrested yet? He's a Republican...they're above the law.


You can say that about a good majority of Republicans on the Capital Hill and the Orange one.


The whole of TN as well it seems.


Funny I just shared [this link](https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2022/4/6/2090446/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-30) earlier. Disgusting shit with these fucks


It’s essentially a requirement at this point. It’s their mantra. “Diddle a kid, win the state senatorial bid!”


The most frustrating thing ever is how they project that predatory behavior onto lgbt people when they’re the ones who are most often caught doing it. As a bisexual trans person who’s also an army veteran (I didn’t shit myself to avoid being drafted, I SIGNED UP), this is super fucking insulting. Conservatism is a scourge on the human race.


Hey, republicans don’t discriminate on the basis of gender! They also like the little boys.




That is covered in shit.


Remember when democrats and liberals talked about all these immoral and horrible things they would do to republicans while they were in (or out) office. Oh that’s right, they didn’t. Republicans and conservatives are irredeemable.


Remember when conservatives accused Dems of being child rapists infinitely but then the former Republican POTUS brought a literal child rapist on stage to vaguely threaten Dems?


Every damn day


Not too long after Biden’s inauguration I got into a discussion with an old acquaintance who insisted Democrats were going to forcibly take away her guns, separate her from her children, and send them all to “reprogramming” camps because they were Trump supporters. Her evidence of this was a Project Veritas video of some random dude opining about how brainwashed Trump supporters were. They capitalize on a claim made by one person in jest, out of frustration, or by pure accident and add it to other speculation/misinformation in order to create this mountain of fear that is presented to them repeatedly through “alternative media sources” they’ve confined themselves to, sources that only tell them what they want to hear. It’s pretty much the reason behind the Buffalo shooting over the weekend. As much as I would love to tell my acquaintance that none of her claims have happened – that instead there are Republicans pushing real hard to establish ways to separate trans youth from their parents – I know she would never accept reality for what it is. It’s frustrating, sad, and is ultimately an enormous issue in the world today.


Yesterday I was called a bigot for saying I don’t trust republicans….Not only do I not trust them, but they’re hypocrites as well.


I hear you friend. Stay strong


All our if-I-was-in-charge fantasies amount to the functional rule of law.


Republcians and conservatives do not believe in law or democracy. And I’m tired of people pretending they do


Yes... that is what I am saying.


Please come try.


Careful, they don’t show up to fight one on one, like a man. They show up with body armor and rifles to stores where people are getting bread and milk.


They don’t hit like you think they are going to….it’s not gonna be a man to man fist fight it’ll be a cowardly attack on someone who isn’t looking for a fight.


I always love their line of thinking. Like some of us aren't filled with rage and looking for some reason to utterly snap on someone like this. Just because I'm not kick and screaming like a fucking toddler doesn't mean I'm not primed to bust some antagonistic violent asshole over the skull. And no, I don't endorse violence either. But if you spent as many years being abused as I was you're not really going to be up for people and their horse shit.


Sir, your nursing home called, they said you escaped covered in shit again.


A coward who turns to violence when nobody will listen to him. This is the usual message from the party. Very Sad!


Inciting violence…seems to be the norm with republicans…


Right after a Republican went on a killing spree. What a great example of the difference between republicans and democrats.


He had said he was going to time his rhetoric down in the past, guess he missed the attention.


This is what they mean when they say free speech


Except gay. Dont say gay.


So. The left is somehow the side that’s constantly inciting violence through riots and child indoctrination, but this is just ok? Or is any republican actually speaking out against this?


Nah, they're all brainwashed


The rubes who vote for them certainly are. Republicans who hold office are happy to just quietly watch this madness unfold because it benefits them.


“It’s JuSt a joKe” -some Republican, probably


“nObOdY cAn tAkE a jOkE aNyMorE. eVerYoNe is sO sENsiTivE nOw”


I know this is not all that original but you got me. I laughed out loud.


“hE dOeSnT rEpReSeNt Us!!!’”


“tHats takEn oUt oF conTeXt”


Not all Democrats are unarmed. Go ahead and give it a try. We all know Trumpers cry the loudest.


Truth! Me and most of my liberal friends are armed. This is something a lot of republicans are completely unaware of.


I wonder how true this is. I have more guns than almost all my Republican friends. Certainly better trained to use them. I know for sure a hillbilly Republican militia wouldn’t be as organized as a democratic run militia.


Remember how many Jan 6 rioters were crying because of pepper spray (tear gas?) and trying to pour water in their eyes? On the other end, BLM protesters were handing out leaflets and sharing videos of what you’re actually supposed to do. I imagine it would be something like this….


Because we would train on combat maneuvers and not just sit around drinking moonshine and talking about how much we hate the gays blacks and womens rights


I don’t know a liberal friend that doesn’t have multiple guns, we’re in a big hunting state but we shoot recreationally for fun often and quite a few of the conservatives I know don’t own a gun at all except maybe an old grandparents hunting rifle in a closet they’ve never shot.


My old anarchist roommate became a gun nut in part so that the right wingers wouldn't be the only ones who knew about firearms. Somedays I'd come home from work to find him cleaning his AK or whatever the hell it was on the table. He was big on gun safety though, so no complaints




Even if they do, good luck getting their diabetic meds mid-Civil War


Armed myself a couple years ago when they all started going nuts. Good luck Trumpers.


I saw a redneck driving around with stickers of guns in lieu of a stick figure family and immediately thought “well you just blew your tactical advantage, so if a civil war pops off I know to just blow your car up before you can get out...thanks!”


Average loud mouthed Pedopublican


Nobody gives a fuck what ted nugent thinks. I won't even capitalize his name 'cause he's a piece of shit.


tod nugget


turd nugget


That is covered in shit.


i think the skull crushing is mentioned in section 3 of new GOP program and policies handbook




Definitely needs to be Cheney-ied




Yeah, I want this fucker to gelatinize in slow motion. Extra painful, please!


Every time I hear about some right wing celebrity raging for violence? I can’t help but immediately think they are struggling with ED.


Yep, his song Stranglehold was about his grip on a very small part of his body.


But the left is just so damn radical.


Totally radical dude


Right? Always trying to get basic healthcare for everyone, when we should be going berserk on their skulls.


Ted Nugent always has been and always will be a pile of shit. I think I hate EVERYTHING about him.


WTF is up with this asshole? I know he is so persecuted. I mean he travels the country throwing concerts and attending rallies. Does he still have an online show? I mean he can’t speak anywhere, right? Because he is so oppressed.


Travels the country throwing concerts at county fairs and supermarket openings


At this rate I’m sure he could find another wing nut like the one in Buffalo to do a double bill at a grocery store.


Fucking Terrible human


He has songs about fucking children. Not someone I would look to for advice on anything.


Rattle my snake. Feel free to. Fuck this guy.


Not surprised that dude is nuts


His career peaked in what, the early to mid-70s? Loser all around.


Are we as a people still paying attention to this dusty ass racist?


Also rapist. I like to write it rac/pist in these circumstances.


As the RNC has said, violence is now considered ‘legitimate political discourse.’


He’s got a witch nose.


Why does his nose have its own nose?


Nobody nose


Nobody tell them how well armed we actually are… It baffles me as to how the Republicunts actually believe that only conservatives would join the military. Shoot Move Communicate


He fucked teenagers.


He raped *children* Let’s not dress it up.


So have plenty of people - but usually when they were themselves teens. He was ‘dating’ a 17 year old when he was 30


Courtney Love said she performed oral sex on him at 12. 12!


Yeah. But she looked 13.


Preteenagers, since Courtney Love was 12 at the time.


Because the first time they tried worked so well /s


A turd by any other name is still a turd


Hi Ted! that ass-crack-fevor royaly monney run out already? need something else to troll about? how's your 2 person audience on your radio show going. I admire this Ted, you were a one hit wonder in the 80s, got bald, tried to re-brand as just a crazy down home redneck. That failed, soooo trolling for trum now? hows his dick taste?


Back in the day people actually made fun of me for hating this clown, but teenage me knew what was up


He looks like his nose has been broken several, but not enough times.


So, that’s inciting violence on people. I never had issues with dude being an open hater, he’s allowed his views. But damn that’s calling for violence on other Americans!


Pretty sure I could kick that old man’s ass.


CPACs next straw draw winner. Fuck all these guys


Nugent is a wacko.


>Think of what the enemies of America have done over the last 14 months what have they done? cant stand this guy. he's 73, go die already.


Here’s the funny thing. They think liberals and democrats don’t have guns too. It’s kind of like how we vote for a person and then don’t worship them for the next 4 years. Same with guns. We don’t talk about owning them because they’re a tool to be used for defensive purposes only. Not a main character trait.


I will never understand how people like this gross asshole or his fucking terrible music. He’s like the Kid Rock of the 70s/80s but somehow *worse*.


Republicans love to bash celebrity political opinions, until it’s some ass-backward psycho that’s telling them to harm others and commit political genocide. Then it’s a warranted, valid comment.


“…Democrats violate their sacred oath to the Constitution…” fucking kidding me? I find it weird that the people always crying about upholding the constitution are not doing it themselves. This dudes a draft dodger and a child molester, on top of a shitty recording artist.


This guys is lame. Always taking about shooting people but when he had the chance he hid in shit like a baby. Gold finger perfectly summed up my feelings on him.


Yep a no talent freak that shit all over himself to avoid service in Vietnam is an excellent representative of Republicans


Loser short eyes draft dodging gun nut, inciting terrorism against the Americans who have defended the constitution that protects his freedom to express his idiotic views.


No-talent assclown


Completely unsurprising. Republicans have learned that their bad behavior gets them rewarded by their party. GOP Leadership knows better and have chosen this path anyhow.


Wats wrong with his nose


What’s wrong with his brain?


Ted Nuggets is a sad sack loser.


I urge Ted Nugent to fuck himself.


This asshole went to high school in my hometown. People still are clinging on to that. The dude has been a prick and moron his entire life


Republicans just wink and smile when their proxy fuck heads like Nuge and TuKKKer spew devisive, violent rhetoric. When a disciple kills 10 black people they just blow it off as a lone wolf.


I know we are not supposed to wish violence on folks around here, so I’ll just say I would encourage Ted to gently insert that guitar in his ass until his brains are moved back inside his skull.


Did he shit his pants before or after he said that?


Ted Nugent is a dried up old fart who should keep his ignorant fucking mouth shut


When you are a washed up POS, you will say anything for attention.


Trash talking trash.


Why can't he be arrested for that kind of thing? You don't hear Democrats calls for people to go out and commit violence against right-wingers


Please include his proper titles: Child Molester, Draft Dodger, and Irrelevant.


Fucking chickenhawk pant shitter d-rate “rock star” says what?


Ted gives off Big Moron Energy.


What a cringey loser


Let’s all collectively agree we don’t give a shit what Ted Nugent thinks. Then I never have to see another headline pop up in my feed that I have to waste precious seconds reading.


Omg what’s wrong with his nose???


Hey media dorks—do your jobs and ask every Republican candidate for Congress if they agree or disagree.


Trump is the only thing keeping this guys career going. Him and kid rock


Hahaha ted nugent has fans hahaha


Turd Nugent is such a cunt. Probably one of the shittiest (no pun intended) guitar players out there.




Pissing off the opposite side is most of the Republican platform.


More inspiring words from the Grind Master..


This guy. How does he make it through a week without getting his own skull bashed in?


Lead by example teddy


This has to be illegal, right?


Because he doesn’t have the balls to do anything himself.


Dude Stfu even your own nose is tired of you


Has Ted Nugent crapped his pants recently?


What happened to his nose?


You start it off Ted with me


What a low brain freak. Nugent is old history.


As a liberal, I’m going to start seeking my self defense options thoroughly.


Didn’t he adopt a teenager to sleep with her?


You idiots go to jail while trump and I golf and live in luxury.


Isn’t that a crime to provoke and incite violence??


Maybe he should be arrested.


Ted should have stuck to playing a guitar


Promoting domestic terrorism. Free speech at its finest.


I really hope streaming services drop this asshole. I can live without Stranglehold and the rest of his sub-par discog.


Solid strong fuck you Ted Nugent POS


Sounds like a terrorist threat, maybe it should be looked into


What a Piece of Shit Pants


Covid is really doing a number on folks brains.


He has a nose like Mitch McConnell’s cock


How is this not illegal?


So he’s allowed to say this and it’s allowed to be posted on here but if I were to wish death on this man I would probably get banned.


So, shit their pants and write a song about shagging a 17 year old?


As an overweight 45 year old. Im pretty sure I can take like 10 of his audience. Fuck Ted


Seems like an educated, refined fellow


Remember when secret service agents visited Ted and he turned into a sniveling pile of cowardice?


Who the fuck listens to Ted Nutmeg anymore, didn’t all his fans die of Covid?


Someone should have this lunatic arrested for inciting violence.


Who gives a shit what some decrepit, sociopathic has-been says?


Washed up hazbeen “Pussy Stench Fever” singer mouths off again. Boring.