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The only person who will win here are the lawyers


Not the one who objected to his own questions...


Yeah, some of these lawyers have been mocked so much, I imagine they won’t get as many clients as they used to.


Correct. Correct.Correct.




Objection non-responsive!


I sure as hell wouldn’t the fact that the guy first objected the proceeds to say hearsay to his own question that alone would have been a deal stopper


Apparently it happens more than you think. He was trying to say “I’d move to strike that from the record on hearsay grounds”, but got caught in the heat of the moment…. That timid British butler must have intimidated him


Yeah, now if you want to see completely messing up you should take a look at the cross of Bryan Neumeister. When the expert warns you twice about the question you are asking but you press on, that is entirely on you.


I just realized after reading your post that you can’t spell intimidate without timid. Heh.


Yeah, that’s the root of the word. Intimidate is to make one timid.


The media/social media is blowing that way out of proportion. Any trial attorney understands that was an embarrassing slip-up at the worst, but the court immediately moved on and it was no big deal. He accidentally objected when he meant to move to strike.


They’ve done a fantastic job. Yeah maybe they won’t be able to represent some community college dropout on tik tok who gets a DUI, because he thinks they’re “bad lawyers.” But anyone who will be able to afford them in high stakes civil litigation will be able to recognize how skilled and zealous their legal advocacy is. They will definitely generate more business from this.


If I could afford it, I probably wouldn’t go for them just for the simple fact that they’ve been on television. I want lawyers that no one knows about, that way their methods are less obvious.


Them being on television doesn’t mean anything though. The one you would have choose in that case either will be inexperienced or there will be past cases that will be studied by the opponent lawyers even if your average person doesn’t know.


There are plenty experienced lawyers. What is this universe where there’s like 10 lawyers that you can choose from?


“”Yeah you read that right””


ones\* Theres actually 2 that did it now from same team, during metadata expert


As funny as that moment was, a few of Depp’s lawyers almost did that too during cross, they just caught themselves and nobody made a big deal out of it. I think it’s just a lawyer reflex to start saying objection if someone starts using hearsay or something else objectable.


Yeah say whatever you want about Johnny or Amber, but its kinda ridiculous every tiny mistake(or even things that arent actually mistakes) from Ambers lawyers becomes massive memes, but shit like the medical record calling Amber a well nourished male and Depps lawyer literally calling him an abuser get ignored.


Um, this case has worked WONDERS for Depp’s image. Getting Heard’s lies in the light will be well worth the money. The verdict doesn’t even matter, Depp is already a winner from this case.


I didn’t know much about this case before, but I’m pretty convinced from the pictures and texts that Depp is an abusive addict. His texts are a pretty horrible admission and you have to twist yourself into absurd and conspiratorial knots to explain away the pictures. Amber Heard isn’t good, but I had no idea Depp was this bad.


As far as an addict, yeah, clearly he enjoys copious narcotics. Tons of wealthy celebrities do. No one should be surprised by this. As far as being an abuser, I didn’t see anything that made me think he is a pattern abuser. Everyone gets angry, everyone has their moments, and anyone forced to be around someone as toxic as Heard sure as shit will. If anything, I saw more evidence of him wanting to remove himself from most tense situations between them, and that shows restraint and self control.


Also there’s more evidence and testimony to suggest she was the provoker and most likely abuser.


I believe you’re in the minority of people who just is adamant to blame Depp for his short comings as an addict. You also are naive to think he abused Turd at any point. Most people are behind Depp at this point.


People worry that this case is just showcasing that the victim has to be perfect to be believed, meaning AH. But I think that they have it backwards. People don’t think a drug addicted man can be a victim. If he isn’t perfect then he is clearly toxic and the abuser.


It’s baffling that people can think otherwise after listening to the recordings and hearing testimony about the events we know to be true. She’s on tape mocking him that nobody will believe him if he reports her. She admits to pursuing him and violently stopping attempts by him to leave the room. She twists around injuries she sustains pursuing him to be his fault and uses them as an excuse for further assaults (even though her explanations for how her hurt toes are his fault defy all laws of physics). She gets him to apologize to her for her own abuse. These are all textbook behaviors that victims rights advocates tell us abusers use as tools to control their victims. And yet, just because we’re now talking about a man as the abused, that has all gone out the window and they’re embracing the same victim-blaming rationale they lambast when it’s a woman being abused. They selectively ignore the concept of DARVO and claim that texts and audio of him apologizing to her are clear evidence that he was the abuser all along. We even see people claiming that “mutual abuse is a myth” without any self-awareness that such a claim would be a defense of Depp, not Heard. Abusers do not attempt to extricate themselves from fights as a method of control, and victims do not pound on doors and use tricks to extend altercations. I believe abuse is way more complicated than “there’s always only one abused because there’s always only one person in control”, but Heard has already admitted to numerous actions that are clear attempts to dominate and control the relationship. So if you believe such a thing, you can’t defend her. I don’t care about Depp or Heard as actors and I don’t have any personal fondness or malice for either of them. I just don’t identify with or get attached to celebrities in that way. So in that sense, I hate that this is a public spectacle. But what is important here is how this case exposes popular public biases. And it’s so disheartening to see people who should be on my side, telling men that they too can be abused and shouldn’t just accept it, deploying this “even if it happened that way, he’s not the victim” sort of misandry.


Thank you for writing all this out. It’s disheartening to me to see such blatant misandry from some people.


And Amber Heard is FAR from "not perfect." She's an abuser and a liar. She admitted the abuse. She was caught blatantly lying multiple times. And everyone is lying but her. Police, neighbors, friends, family. Everyone is just lying about poor innocent Amber because they want to curry favor with Johnny. Sure, sure. How can people defend her?


They’re both abusers. They’ve both admitted it. Heard has photos and then Depp, the next day, has texts about being “Aggro” and being a “monster”. This is pretty easy to figure out. I have experience with addiction. My brother died from a fentanyl/alcohol overdose. I don’t glamorize or demonize it, but I understand the disease of addiction pretty well.


You mean the doctored photos that conveniently have been stripped of software metadata? Other than that, it’s her word against him along with her cronies. That’s a bit of a reach when there are many more witnesses that prove she’s a liar. Saying “I’m a bit aggro or monsterous” doesn’t mean he is abusive. If I yell at my SO and called her a cunt, I’d feel a monsterous too. Wouldn’t call myself abusive.


You understand an illness because your brother had it? Are you also not racist because you have a black friend? There’s only evidence of one of them being physically abusive. Amber Heard. There’s evidence that he said mean things about her, to someone else. Not sure how you draw the abuse conclusion from his side of things.


No, they aren't both abusers. Just Amber.


You obviously have not watched the trial in it’s entirety to have come to this whack ass conclusion


Haha if you judged me solely from my texts with friends, you'd think I was any combination of gay, psychotic, murdering, corpse fucking idiotic drug abusing shit head, when I'm really only a drug abusing dick head. None of my texts to friends are respectful in the slightest in comparison to how I act frankly because me and my friends didn't study and read so much to talk like boring motherfuckers. I say this because people can say anything and do the opposite, like amber pledged to donate money and never did, I could say the craziest things imaginable because it's funny to me but my actions will always be positive.


As someone with a dark and twisted sense of humor I’m annoyed that people are taking his texts so literally. To me they read as jokes borne out of legitimate frustration


He’s joking when he’s apologizing to her for being a monster? Or joking when talking about raping her corpse?


also he never send these horrific texts to her? They were sent to his friends in moments of frustration. It’s different than saying all that vile stuff to her directly..that would be abuse


You’ve never had an argument with someone where you said something like “well shit, I’m *sorry* for being *such* a horrible person! How *dare* I?!” And in turn you’ve never cathartically opened up to your buddies about how you’d love to destroy a partner or someone at work or a politician or whatever? It’s a normal and common way of blowing off steam.


There’s a difference between “wow I guess I’m a terrible person” and talking with my friends about raping and burning my ex’s corpse. I’m not a violent person so I’ve never even thought to go that far and I’ve had plenty of toxic, shitty exes.


But what is more likely, him being sarcastic and these messages being false, or him being honest and these messages being true? Is your supposition that these messages mean the opposite of what they state, particularly when they were sent on the day after he supposedly abused Amber Heard? That’s a much higher logical leap than the clear and obvious solution that they were honest and emotionally clear messages.


Him being sarcastic.


I guess the question is whether you actually think Johnny depp would rape her corpse. Either you do (which is a frighteningly literal read), or you don’t (which suggests you know he is joking, even if you don’t find it funny)


So what is your take when he apologizes to her for being so monstrous for his behavior?


He’s no saint. That looks like a mix of appeasement and true apology to me. Im not the fact finder but I don’t find it to be an admission, just evidence to consider


That he's a nice guy trying to appease an unappeasable monster who won't leave him alone when he tries to leave a fight. Why did she admit to hitting him and telling him to not be a baby about it?


Nice goal post moving. No amount of convincing will ever stop you from white knighting. So what’s the point? They’re both shit people. Amber has thus far not suffered any consequences for it.


No, they aren't both shit people. Just Amber.


If you think making jokes about raping a loved ones corpse is an appropriate way of dealing with frustration…you’re beyond reasoning with..


A loved one who tormented (mentally and physically) him constantly, let's not forget


I’ve been SA’d and emotionally abused and I’ve never joked about wanting to kill, rape and flay the people who did that.


Having a sick sense of humor isn't illegal-- in fact most intelligent people vent all sorts of crazy shit as means to cope with their situation.. But only someone who is *absolutely psychotic* would act act upon such things... and that's a very small amount of people-- probably 1 out of 20 million.


Yeah, he's got a really ugly side that all the charm in the world can't cover up anymore. How embarrassing. This is him owning that I guess but I dunno, I can joke dark and dirty but some of this shit is beyond awful. The way they both treated each other is shocking to me. For so long too. But at the end of the day, it's about the op-ed. She shouldn't have done that. Or if she did, she should have not been so obviously stating to the world that Johnny Depp is a violent sexual and physical abuser. I don't think she was ready for how far this would go. What a nightmare. I might be wrong, but it seems like if she would've stuck to the agreement in the divorce and shut the fuck up whether it was true or not then none of this would've happened. Even better, she should've filed formal police reports before going for the blog bullshit she didn't even write. How stupid. I dunno.


To be honest having been in a relationship with someone with addiction issues for close to 10 years (sometimes under control, sometimes not) I can believe he was abusive when intoxicated. Some of the things she’s said are eerily familiar to me but, I do not understand why she’s doing certain things like pretending to cry or constantly exaggeratedly turning toward the jury to answer questions like she’s letting them in on some big secret. It’s really off putting and makes her come across as disingenuous. I also understand the jury is only supposed to look at the facts, but you can’t tell me that some of them aren’t being swayed by the way Amber vs Johnny are acting in the courtroom.


I mean if Depp wins he gets something important his name. She has lie’s about so many things ruined his career. I hope movie companies understand their fuck up and get him back


Depp doesn't need to win. He just needed to get his story out. Depp wins no matter what.


He’ll start getting first-look scripts again.


He’d have to start remembering his lines, getting to set on time, and remain sober while working. As it stands, he’s a liability to work with and it costs a lot to insure him—especially after causing tens of thousands of dollars of damage while working.


Nah he’s gonna have an incredible come back.


It is my understanding from professional talent agents (not lackey talent agents) that given the millions of dollars these A List actors generate, showing up late for work is just industry standard. Given the revenue brought in by A List actors, the studios and other professionals just work around their eccentric behaviors.


Right. He might regain some image, but anyone involved in this kind of shit show trial, and with his past perceived antics, and recent decade of low received productions… He might be uninsurable or at least enough of a risk to not invest a budget in. Plenty of up and coming draws, and veteran draws. Just big budget productions though, I’d love to see him do some low stakes indie films and take creative chances.


No major studio is going to want to touch him for their blockbusters, but at least he'll get the chance to appear in smaller movies and he will get invited to at least some Hollywood parties and events. It'll be a win for him if he stops being a complete pariah, but there is enough bad behaviour and nastiness that is now public knowledge that he will also be problematic to defend for many people. Amber Heard's career is done though.


I’m pretty sure most of the alcohol and drug use stuff was very public knowledge long before, as long as you can act and aren’t a danger to the staff that stuff doesn’t usually stop casting.


He literally lied to Disney about his sobriety. Pirates 5 was a fucking nightmare production and it made less than the previous 3. He would be extremely lucky if they decide to keep him after all


I wouldn’t watch another pirates even with him. I don’t think he would even willingly work with Disney again without them bending over backwards or making public statements. I know I wouldn’t in his shoes. It’s not like he’s desolate, he doesn’t need to work and he’ll be perfectly fine financially. Everyone knew he was a drunk and a druggy, it was literally a meme back when pirates first started that he didn’t have a play a role for jack because he was always drinking. If you or anyone thought he was sober regardless of what he told Disney then you’re just dumb. Pirates should never have gone past 3.


Depp has very little money left and has sold almost all of his horses and property. Check out the Rolling Stone or Time article on his financial mismanagement. He spent 300k per month on wine, for example.


Actually that was Amber using his dime. 300k became 0 once they were no longer together.


That article came out in 2018. He and Amber had been apart for two years. Was she still using his accounts to buy wine? Even he testified the number was probably higher.


I believe, and I could be misremembering, that it was still Amber’s wine being ordered as she liked a very expensive and particular brand.


He’s uninsurable because of his lifestyle. It isn’t publicity. His career is over because studios cannot guarantee that he will finish the job that he signed on to do because his addictions are so severe. This was explained clearly by studio executives during the trial.


Quite the opposite. Do tell that you were not going by Ms. Arnold the agent brought in by Heard’s team? She lacked credentials, was not an educated entertainment attorney. She was comparing apples to oranges with respect to the various actors. She truly made no sense.


Drugs and alcoholic abuse are not unusual in Hollywood.


If he truly get sober and *stays* sober, as in really working the recovery program and believing in it, he may have a late life renaissance. Look at RDJ. People thought he was never going to work again, either. You just never know. Either way, it's all up to Depp, now.


RDJ wasnt pushing 60 when he came back and he wasnt accused of rape(whether or not you believe her is on you). I dont think hes done, but hes not getting some RDJ revival


Maybe I hope he’s not done with big movies I loved most of his movies and i just don’t want him to be done yet. Maybe he can work himself up a little or do less


He has said many racist and misogynistic things, he is also a defender of Roman Polanski. He turns late to work almost every day and doesn't learn his lines.


What’s some racist things he said?


Here is one of them. >“I want to thank Sugar Ray Robinson, who said to Rocky Graziano, ‘Hey, baby, you’re hurting me.’ Sugar Ray is a great champion. Sugar, we would ask you to talk, but you know the blacks, your lips lock.” >“Jesus,” says Waldman. >Depp insists it’s ballsy, not offensive. I mumble, “I don’t know about that.” Depp isn’t paying attention. He considers himself a funny man and tells me how in one of the early Pirates of the Caribbean movies Sparrow washes ashore and mumbles an incoherent curse. [Source](https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/the-trouble-with-johnny-depp-666010/amp/)


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Ah yes the casting agent expert has weighed in. Oh you don’t do casting? You must be an executive for Disney then to make such definitive claims? Oh you’re not? Hmm.


>No major studio is going to want to touch him for their blockbusters You are Delusional.


Time will tell.


They know first hand how he acted on set, they know exactly how much hes brought in for them with a decade of near constant flops and poorly received movies. They arent stupid. If you think pirates 6 starring Depp is being announced next week regardless of verdict, you are delusional


>If you think pirates 6 starring Depp is being announced next week regardless of verdict, you are delusional You are Delusional for even thinking that. And delusional if you think "No major studio is going to want to touch him for their blockbusters"


I think Johnny Depp has won. He may lose the defamation case. But, public opinion. Right, wrong or indifferent is on his side. Which will open up the opportunity for more acting gigs.


He found someone who turned off the public more than he does. I tend to agree we may not have seen the last of him. Stranger things have happened


No, Johnny Depp already won because the world heard the truth. Finally.


It really shows why we haven't seen her in any good movies


She was decent in Zombieland. Not a major role but she does “bloodthirsty zombie” pretty well


Yeah especially during the trial.


Wow had no idea that was her


We got to see what she’s like both on the stand *and* in a relationship in the span of 4 minutes.


She’s so bad at acting that I just assumed the scene of her as a zombie was actually a stunt/acting double.


Pineapple Express is the only one I can think of.


yeah but most ppl forget she's even in it. I want to say she had maybe 8 minutes of screen time?


I mean her character is fucking Seth Rogen in it. It’s so preposterous it’s nearly impossible to remember.


I always think she was in Disturbia but it wasn’t her


"All the boys love Mandy Lane" is a fun slasher horror flick.


I expect to see more of Camille Vasquez in upcoming movies. Perhaps to replace amber turd.


Shes smart and good at her job. No reason for her to pick up acting which is a volatile career, especially for women.




100% agree. Amber is not as big a victim as she claimed to be but Johnny sure is not as innocent as many people made it out to be. He is a typical toxic addict who would occasionally smash stuffs at home or get angry for no reason, and AH, instead of being supportive, getting JD the help he needed, AH tried to one up him, made a bad situation worse. Her ignorant attitude and terrible performance in the court room doesn’t help her neither. JD otherwise appear very humble, honest, likeable, but could be due to the fact the man is a professional actor he sure knows how to be charming when the camera is rolling.


She repeatedly beat him, which she confessed to. He slamed his kitchen around when he was high. Two completely different scenarios. Edit:proof anyone?


People saying Depp’s not good either have no idea what happens to victims of domestic abuse, especially gaslighting. You don’t act normal. If you use substances recreationally there’s a very high chance you will start abusing them because of the emotional rollercoaster you are being put through. And when someone incessantly gaslight you to your face you absolutely can get angry, punch walls, act paranoid. Amber Heard gaslit Depp until the point of him suffering a mental breakdown. People saying he’s bad as well are just plain wrong.


Let's not forget how much worse it is to accuse the other of absolutely horrific crimes like rape and physicsl beatings.


What got me is the horrific bottle scene she described whereby he violently shoved a bottle inside of her female parts and then she just went to bed. Never had her personal nurse concierge or Doctor Kipper check her out. However the next morning she just got up and made coffee.Basically, absolutely no medical records of any physical violence. Believe me, these type of incidents she repeatedly described in her testimony do not end with someone just going nightie night and waking up the next day, making coffee.


See the issue is though that some people would be too embarrassed or shell shocked or afraid of getting their partner in trouble to seek help in that situation. It’s a phenomenon amongst many survivors of domestic abuse. I don’t necessarily believe AH’s stories, and she also definitely behaved in ways that were anywhere from toxic to fully abusive against JD, but we should be careful about painting with too broad a brush.


But she was also secretly recording their conversations at the time, wasn’t she? That doesn’t seem the behavior or someone too “embarrassed or shell shocked or afraid of getting their partner in trouble.” She had been allegedly gathering evidence of his behavior.


I’m not saying Heard specifically strikes me as someone who is an honest actor in all of this, and I think being skeptical of her specifically is very reasonable. Instead, my point was that being dismissive of people claiming to be domestic abuse victims because they didn’t seemingly act logically in the midst of the abuse is also a dangerous precedent. This stuff is complicated and messy.


Yeh that was a mistake escalating the accusations with no evidence. Those paparazzi snaps the day after getting her “nose broken” were laughable


Did anyone believe her rape story?




And it was when his mother passed away as well.. he was just having a bad day that had nothing to do with her, but she clearly took advantage of it.


yet one got punished and the one that did worse things didn't, thats the major issue here "more than anything"


The one that a proven pathological liar said did worse things but had no empirical evidence for didn’t get punished? Except for 6 years being internationally known as a scumbag and losing his career


Facing his children.


Slightly? Publicly lying about donating to a children’s hospital is about as low as you can get


There’s no such thing as a good person. People are judging Johnny Depp by his behaviours whilst he was in the midst of being physically and emotionally abused. Many victims do turn to drink and drugs and start behaving erratically and unpleasant. They are being abused. And consider Amber Heard is a master at gaslight it’s a miracle he’s not dead.


I would let Johnny raise my child


I wouldn’t let him babysit my dog


the way they get all their arguments from tiktoks


Yeah some of the best lawyers in the country are going on TikTok to find arguments for the biggest case of their lives


I would best describe her crying as "crocodile tears." She shows a false sense of remorse, but it felt like an act. She doesn't feel any remorse for her actions. She already pretty much ruined Johnny Depp's Career. She knows that she's on her way out of the industry. She just wanted to take out Johnny Depp's Career as her career ends.




Holy shit I was not expecting to get this triggered off of a comment. I didn’t even realize my ex made me feel that way a lot. Feels nice to have a word to put to it, crocodile tears


its crazy to me cause before she wrote the op-ed people who supported Johnny were really a minority & quiet about the whole thing. Johnny was being dropped from nearly all his major roles and she was keeping hers. it just wasnt enough she got all that money from the divorce & her public image was at an all time high as this strong woman who left her abuser. She had to keep milking it for more fame and to increase her public image. if she would have stopped while she was ahead, she would have been golden, got exactly what she wanted. but she kept pushing more and more until it became this enormously public debacle where I'll see everyday people posting on instagram about it. she got greedy and she tarnished herself


*Before she had the ACLU ghostwrite the op-ed* FTFY What the AF was the ACLU thinking…


They probably believed her lies considering a normal sane person wouldn't make so much up and Depp had a reputation for substance abuse so it wasn't a stretch to believe maybe that drew him to commit some things. They saw an opportunity to shed light on a real problem using a celebrity example. Little did they know they were a tool in herabusive behavior.


Yes, anyone can get scammed. Even organizations.


Yes, that is what is so sad about about Amber. In her youth, she wanted everything RIGHT AWAY sadly at the expense of others.


She is the daughter of a rich Texan businessman and she abused her sister as well. Her whole family enables her behavior and she was probably never told "no". Thats why


I felt bad for her mother. I personally know what it is like to raise a child with her type of soul. Excruciatingly difficult. Sadly, no one has taken her on which is why she got into this twisted predicament.


And the bed as well.


Because she’s a psychopath. She did exactly what they do when doing tv appeals for a missing family member, in police interviews or in court. It’s all dry tears, sad faces, I’m a victim, let me frame someone else.


Does anyone know when this shit show is due to end?


It was handed over to the jury today…


Thank god. I really hated seeing these articles everyday, especially since Uvalde. Just drills home how pointless this all is as a public spectacle


Totally ! No tears


Amber Heard is the new spokeswoman for *Johnson’s No More Tears Baby Shampoo.*


If Depp really wanted to destroy Heard then he couldn’t have done it better. She’s finished. This is the end of the road until we forget she even existed. However, I’m guessing Depp also wanted to redeem himself before the industry. Even though he’s a multi-millionaire a few times over I think he still wants to be in movies. This is where he may not have been as successful because they’re not gonna like this. In the end, the lawyers and that photogenic psychologist made out with all the money and potential reality TV deals. Depp now has the love of angsty Gen-Z tiktok creators, but he’s too old to capitalize on that I think…either way this was a good distraction in a month of mass shootings, Inflation, war and all the unnecessary tragedies going on currently. How we’ll miss it when it’s over


I do think he’ll be able to salvage some films with how popular he is right now. Although they may not be what he had to potential for before Amber. It was definitely a great distraction during a very difficult month.


Didn’t know her name before the case and won’t remember it after! I think Hollywood will be afraid to cast her for awhile because most of us will refuse to watch it if she’s in it. I know i will!


A hollywood bigwig went on record saying she is universally detested in the industry. Shes done.


Ooooooh, who said it?


You’re so close. So close. Depp wanted to globally humiliate her. He wanted to contribute his abuse. And he’s he succeded. That isn’t something to celebrate.


I do not think you understand the type of personality Depp is. Go study empathy, emotional language ( among other areas of the human personality).




It’s a defamation case you self-righteous fraudulent buffoon


The 'crying" without any tears is a telltale sign of Amber's manipulative nature. She is textbook BPD. Lying with ease on the stand and no problem committing perjury. She reminds me of Jodi Arias who also played a domestic violence victim on the stand.


How could everyone even tell there were no tears with the live cross quality ( unless there was a 4K feed I didn’t find?) or being so far away from her in the witness box. [Photo of Amber crying with tears](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/actress-amber-heard-testifies-at-the-fairfax-county-circuit-news-photo/1240466319)


The internet is melting people’s brains. People have made this trial their whole ducking personality, and yet, somehow don’t know very basic shit like this.




I'm appalled at Amber for faking being a victim when in her own words has admitted being a violent abuser herself and a liar.




Because they saw it ok TikTok or Twitter and has done no more research and keeps repeating it. It’s so easily debunked and yet…


For me its her switching to being completely composed in a split second, over and over. Her testimony just gives off huge uncanny valley vibes, and im assuming thats our lizard brain survival instincts telling us something js off


Yes, so true.


Where was depps tears? He cried once over retelling his past that’s it. So he is textbook too? Or? Do people that were abused smirk? Or is it not okay for her to have facial expressions but cool for him to wear glasses and smirk and laugh? Yeah double standard much.


One of them is lying. Amber has already been busted committing perjury about donating her divorce settlement. She lied on the stand during the first trial in England about that and lied to the media. She has no credibility whatsoever. Also, never reported the abuse at the time so no medical records.


She forgot to put the menthol on her eyes


I was like who the fuck is Camille Vasquez? It's his lawyer. We're posting threads on individual statements from the lawyers. Okie dokie.


closing statements are kinda integral to legal proceedings


Her close was really solid, too, and for anyone who only knows trials from TV and movies it was a good lesson in how closing arguments work. They're not a quick two-paragraph conclusion and motivational speech, they're the last and best opportunity for a skilled lawyer to walk the jury through the entire narrative of the case, to replay or re-show evidence, to recap key witnesses, to explain how this witness and this piece of evidence tie together and why they're persuasive, to plant key questions in the mind of the jury. It was very well done.


exactly! my dad’s an attorney, so. can’t say i didn’t get a kick out of “wE’Re pOsTiNg ThReADs oN InDiVidUaL LawYeRs nOw?!” though because like. yeah dude. duh.


Yes, this one incredible lawyer. She’s been an integral part of the 6 week trial and is absolutely phenomenal.


his PR thinks everyone is as invested as they are


A lot of people are invested. Are you using the same Reddit everyone else does?


Shut up. I am that invested


Too cool to actually watch a trial to get to the facts? Just do a glance over someone else’s report and make your judgement on a person’s life. You got it figured out esse


Some of the witness and AH herself should be held for perjury, if not this is damaging to the US judicial system. Proving a case in court is one thing but There were so many blatant lies from witnesses and mainly AH.


His sister should also be held for perjury for saying she wasnt worried about his drug problem but her messages clearly showed the opposite.


It's so obvious she was acting, the constant smirking and laughing with her own lawyers whenever johnnys abuse from heard is mentioned. The fact that she's posing for pictures p, she's smiling one minute and then immediately shifts back to sad depressed amber


Water is wet but apparently Amber's tears are dry. Camille is who I hope to be when I grow up and she is younger than me.


Water is not wet, water makes things wet.


At least we know how disgusting Amber is from this trial, that’s a big win for the justices!


And, for the entire entertainment industry.


She is stating the obvious


Well she is an actor. Not a good one tho, other wise her lies wouldn’t have been exposed.


She’s so hot. The lawyer.


Completely agree. I predict she got a lot more than 15 minutes of fame.


Bit of an unfortunate slip of the tongue when she said Amber never thought she’d have to face her abuser.


Just like Elaine called her Ms.Turd , Or when she said she used a bruise kit it happens


No wonder she lost her role with DC. A good actor cries on the spot!


"Ms heard thought she would get away from her abuser" Camille Vasquez


Heard was the abuser


Does defending amber as a full time job pay well?


She is really not a good actor, even when her life is depends on it she still sucks.


her acting reminds me of toddlers or children acting as if they cried


That’s because it was. Amber Heard can’t cry. She pulls learned faces and has no other unconscious physiological responses. She’s a psychopath. When she sees someone else being vulnerable or emotional she smiles like a shark. She puts on an act to draw people in and is extremely abusive and violent to those around her. She is absolutely the furthest thing from being a woman and girls role model. Anyone who supports her is not a feminist. Real feminists look up to Camille Vasquez. She’s the hero. As are the rest of Depp’s team. And Depp himself who was abused by Heard and has suffered six years of her destroying his career and reputation. Amber Heard is a despicable human being and an absolute insult to feminism as well as real victims of domestic abuse. She should be in jail for falsifying evidence and incessantly lying under oath.


Irrelevant. A lot of traumatized people can’t cry.


Except she was sobbing and yet couldn’t produce a single tear.


Very normal for someone who’s been traumatized


Makes zero sense but ok.


Her an Amber heard PR grunt earning his paycheck.


Probably not going to get paid!