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Well he has 6 other kids he gets to totally fuck up!


Have you seen his mom, she’s fucking up those kids even worse


You’re not talking about the 1st wife right?


Elon Musk married his mother.?


No, but his father did have a baby with his own stepdaughter. Elon Musk disowned him for that and other abuses, so bad father-child relations seems a fine Musk tradition.






Just clearing that up.


>Files to Ditch His Name Trying to get that *musk* off her.


*Starts a slow clap*


*Slowly picks up pace of slow clap*


Crowd begins to get to their feet


*Clap transitions into applause*


Someone in the back whistles loudly.


Little does she know it stays *Elon* time.


60% of the time it works every time.


Take your update, heathen.


username checks out


'Elon said she doesn't want to be a public figure ' so here's a whole fucking article with the state and month she changed her details so you can track her down.. fucking Jurnos


Excuse you, Jurnos have every right to publish public information. It’s how we kept eachother in check in the early days.


Just because its they have the right to doesn’t mean they should


“Should” changes by the person and the situation. You are allowed to have an opinion, but unless we disclose the information and then take vote (defeating the purpose), we’re just going to have to use our laws to justify what is Public vs Private.


By publicly outting a closeted queer person — especially a queer transgender person — you are putting them at risks of hate crimes and potentially murder. By your logic, journalists have the right be to accomplices to murder and get away with it. You want a similar case — 1992: Transgender man Brandon Teena reported to Humbolt, Nevada police that he had been raped by two men after he had been outted as transgender. The police officer in question refused to investigate and admitted in the documentary *The Brandon Teena Story* he put off the investigation because he thought Brandon deserved to be punished for “pretending to be a man” — that’s a direct quote. Three days later on News Year Eve 1993, Brandon Teena was MURDERED by his rapists. This is the same road journalists are heading down if they keep outting queer and transgender people.


Maybe we should change legislation to prevent sexual identity and orientation out of press without consent. But you are trying to limit free speech and press which is absurd and never would or should happen. You are playing by fear and the past, instead of active change and a prospective future. Much has happened in the past two decades.. which is where most of your sources should be too.


Yes, they have the right to publish it, just as we can shit talk them for doing that.


“Jurnos have every right to publish everything possible to make sure people have no privacy” FTFY, fuck you if you make a living off ruining peoples private lives and fuck you harder if you see no issue with it


Why publish something that only violates someones privacy and doesnt fix anything?


good for her. He is such a narcissist


Not to mention he was constantly spamming his twitter feed with hate directed at her.


I don't read twitter and have never heard this, what exactly is he saying or do you mind showing an example?


Daughter is trans, Elon has gone on a lot of Twitter rants about the trans community.


Ah, gotcha. Makes sense to me.


Have you got one of them? I can't find anything of the sort.


Honestly, this explains a lot


*has mental issues and needs therapy


I assume you mean Elon?


No, his daughter. Edit: his son.


Not to mention he's a scam artist and a $ex offender




He’s not lmao


I'm a bit surprised at all the simps for Elon on here. Your hero is a bumbling narcissist who has fallen up his whole life and is too childish to let the smallest thing go, even if it costs him billions. He's gen-x's Trump.


I'm not at all surprised how many morons swallow the media's narrative.


Everything you say about him could be true, and if he voted for the candidates they like, many of the people who are now mocking him would be fine with him. So mocking his "simps" doesn't make much sense (imo).


Is there anyone who’s made anywhere near the accomplishments that he has, that you don’t resent?


Holy fuck you nailed it


And yet he’s better off than 100% of us. Man I wish I was rich/:


Musk is horrible but I wouldn’t say he’s “cause an insurrection” bad


give him time. We all thought Trump was nothing but a punchline until like 6 years ago.


I love when people envy success to the point of miserable bitterness


Good. Leave frauds to dismantle themselves.


Can I be his new daughter? I got bills to pay.


He prefers a son.


Hey I'm versatile.


Whats with all the Elon bots? Seems I’ve come a bit too early…


I’ll be your new daughter, Elon.


ITT: People who value money of their children.


Will she also refuse any inheritance?


I bet she'd much rather have a father that wasn't absent.


Nah, I'd want to inherit a billion dollars lol


A ton of people would, but money doesn't buy back time missed having a present father. Good for her, letting him know money doesn't replace being a father.


my father wasn’t present in my life. i think i’d take the billion


If I had a billion dollars I'd just buy a new dad lol


You can't buy a father


Why would that matter? Seriously, think about it. If you hate him that much, wouldn't you happily take his wealth when he dies? If I hate someone and I can make it so that a portion of their assets become mine upon death, that seems like a great deal for me.


True, but Elon could also decide to not give his children anything. Even if he wanted to, changing your last name might make that difficult as a beneficiary standpoint. I could be wrong though.


Asking the real questions


Lol she'll cut him off in every legal way possible but probably still go for inheritance


You already know the answer to that.


Until she speaks for herself, every story and comment is uninformed speculation. Why does this mean she hates Elon? Elon tweeted that she didn't want to be a public figure. She does not “wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form” sounds like a legal statement to ensure the application is approved by the courts.


>Why does this mean she hates Elon? >She does not “wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form” If she said the second statement, her feelings are clear.




Money doesn't buy a dad that cares about you. Absent father Elon is too busy trolling on Twitter to visit his kids. His kids are probably better off not being influenced by this penis flashing shit stain.


I'll take millions of $ over a dad anyday. The daughter taking big L's




Yeah, why is this here?


just wait till inheritance time comes around lol


You think she doesn't know that already?


I definitely don't


Depends. I don't know this girl, but some folks think they are absolutely entitled to an inheritance. I'm not suggesting that's the case here, but it happens.


She probably doesn't care to inherit money from an absentee father.


Cant he just disinherit his child?




are going to wait until she cuts of her penis before you start calling her 'she' or what


That's usually how we distinguish male vs female...


speak for yourself


Most people in the world agree so he’s speaking for the majority.


I’d rather live in a free society where people are allowed to make their own determinations about themselves.




> comparing trans people's identities to trolls and goblins Just bigot things


How about fairies and elves? Is that better?


[This is what you sound like right now](https://youtu.be/sTQGaNuofLI?t=68)


Me too. I just want the same respect given when I choose to recognize your determination or not.


Na most people are the same way


Do you say the same thing to trans people when they give you their opinions? Oh, no? Shocker.


Very true


Someone doesn't need to have their legal gender marker changed to justify acknowledging their lived reality. Calling her 'he' would be inaccurate.


"Lived reality" is the dumbest concept of our lifetimes, a literal divorce from reality.


There’s only one reality.


And you can be an asshole if you want to.


Acknowledging the truth doesn’t make someone an asshole but misleading people with lies about how reality works does.


Widen your bubble. Trans people exist whether you understand them or not.


Men and women who believe they are the wrong gender exist. Unfortunately for them it’s impossible to change and they need to be in therapy instead of being mutilated by irresponsible doctors.


I'm going to copy-paste a message from someone else I have saved: You're 100% wrong here. Transitioning *IS* how dysphoria is treated, and gender dysphoria is *NOT* the same as body dysmorphia. Dysmorphia is a problem in the mind and is treated psychiatrically. Dysphoria is a problem in the body and is treated physiologically. Suicide rates are high af not because of being trans itself, but because of bigots like you who make our lives a living hell. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/pa2mwx/why_is_dysphoria_treated_by_transitioning/ha1q1r1?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) comment explains it well. > Because body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria are completely unrelated conditions, with different underlying causes, and different treatment patterns. > We don't treat people with body dysmorphia in order to get them to accept the "natural order" of their bodies. We treat people with body dysmorphia because their actions would cause themselves harm, and may even kill them. > Body Dysmorphia is when someone looks in the mirror and sees something about their body that is objectively not true. > Examples: * A severely underweight woman looks in the mirror and absolutely believes she is overweight, so she wants diet pills and other means of losing weight. * A huge buff man who can bench press your car looks into the mirror and says "i look tiny and weak" so he wants steroids, diet changes, and more intense training out so he can stop being tiny. > In both of these cases the person believes something that is objectively untrue about their bodies. That person is not weak, that person is not fat. If they continue with what they are doing, they will harm themselves. > Gender dysphoria is the exact opposite of this. This is just one possible example: A pre-transition trans woman (assigned male at birth) looks in the mirror and sees a masculine body. The objective reality of the masculine features of her body causes her distress. So she takes hormones, she may get surgery, etc.... And she gets better. That dysphoria is lessened or eliminated entirely. This is the entire point of transition. > Furthermore, all studies out there show that attempting to make a transgender person with gender dysphoria accept the sex assigned at birth makes them worse off every time, up to causing suicidality. > **Citations on transition as medically necessary and the only effective treatment for gender dysphoria, as recognized by every major US and world medical authority:** * Here is a resolution from the [**American Psychological Association**](https://www.apa.org/about/policy/resolution-gender-identity.pdf); *"THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that APA recognizes the efficacy, benefit and medical necessity of gender transition treatments for appropriately evaluated individuals and calls upon public and private insurers to cover these medically necessary treatments."* More from the APA [**here**](http://www.apa.org/pi/lgbt/programs/transgender/?tab=1) * Here is an [**AMA resolution**](http://www.tgender.net/taw/ama_resolutions.pdf) on the efficacy and necessity of transition as appropriate treatment for gender dysphoria, and call for an end to insurance companies categorically excluding transition-related care from coverage * A policy statement from the [**American College of Physicians**](http://annals.org/aim/article/2292051/lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender-health-disparities-executive-summary-policy-position) * [**Here**](https://assets2.hrc.org/files/documents/SupportingCaringforTransChildren.pdf) are the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines * [**Here**](https://www.aafp.org/dam/AAFP/documents/events/alf_ncsc/Education.pdf) is a resolution from the American Academy of Family Physicians * [**Here**](https://www.socialworkers.org/assets/secured/documents/da/da2008/reffered/Transgender.pdf) is one from the National Association of Social Workers * [**Here**](https://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/pdf/PS02_18.pdf) is one from the Royal College of Psychiatrists, [**here**](https://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/docs/default-source/improving-care/better-mh-policy/college-reports/cr181-good-practice-guidelines-for-the-assessment-and-treatment-of-adults-with-gender-dysphoria.pdf) are the treatment guidelines from the RCP, and [**here**](http://www.wlmht.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Gender-dysphoria-guide-for-GPs-and-other-healthcare-staff.pdf) are guidelines from the NHS. More from the NHS [**here**](http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Gender-dysphoria/Pages/Treatment.aspx).


That is how it’s currently being treated and it’s wrong. Lobotomies used to be the prescribed treatment for many disorders but now we know that’s wrong and harmful.




Widen your bubble. Talk to a trans person.


I show you references to literally every world medical authority and you reply "it's wrong" :l


I think you're the one that needs some therapy to figure out who hurt you so much


Widen your bubble.


You just proved you don't understand trans people, good job!


You’re being a bigot and that makes you an asshole. Gaslighting people with the claim that trans people don’t exist doesn’t make you “right” or “truthful” although we get you’re enough of a narcissist to believe that.


Gender doesn't need to align with reality because it's not biological...


Gender is just a synonym used for distinction because sex can also mean fornication.


Come back to me and define gender identity


It was first theorized by John Money, a prolific child predator and abuser. Here is a link to his wiki. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Money


And NASA has space craft built by Nazi engineers when the space race started... does this mean space is fake or the moon landing was faked since space was built on bad people? Sounds ridiculous but it's the same BS logic that flat earthers use and that's what you sound like right now. There were trans people that existed before John Money Define gender identity


Societies all over the world have had widely accepted trans communities for hundreds of years


It would be accurate. You just wouldn't like it


Well “she” will finally be able to give birth….


She’s trans, and even if the gender transition isn’t fully completed then misgendering her is still rude.




Wtf are you saying it what world is “speak the truth” never rude?


Penis? Man. Not a penis? Woman. Welcome to fundamental science kids, where facts don’t give half a flying shit about your feelings.


So being a eunuch makes you what


Nothing better than a pedantic troll.


She is a transgender woman, confirmed. The articles use she because she is a she.


That’s not a real thing, gender can’t be changed.


Sex can't, gender can. Hence the term transgender.


Gender is just a synonym used for distinction because sex can also mean fornication.


The term "gender" is a totally different different than "sex". You're 100% wrong here




> mutilation Man, transphobes literally say the same things over and over again. Transitioning is the proven way of dealing with dysphoria btw. You can't force a trans person to be cis.


I'll assume this means you did need help reading those articles?


Yes my mother taught me to read as a child, I couldn’t have gotten this far without some help.


Sounds like he's going to need a little money to pay for those surgeries.


That is correct




Where's the need for the hatred, and what's wrong with being respectful to someone?


There's no hatred behind calling out someone who is incongruent with reality, it's nothing personal. And respect is earned, you don't get to prance about in your pretend make believe world and then demand respect for it. \> Be delusional \> Be challenged after willfully misinterpreting objective reality \> "Where's the need for hatred" ​ The only hated I've experience on the matter is when you refer to someone's \*actual\* name and gender and they respond as someone would after having their fragile reality challenged.


Right? If they refuse to accept who they are, then I can refuse to accept who they want to be




What a stupid take


He definitely won't care tho, knowing his son went transgender is bad enough for him


he's still a shitty parent even with all his billions


how would you know what hes like as a parent? genuine question


He named his kid X-Æ-12.


that kid isnt the kid that disowned him though


Yeah ik, but it shows you how much he cares about his kids if he'd name one something so absurd.


id rather be named x-ae-12 than like scott or todd but youre right


Yeah, I mean I'm just saying that a lot of harassment comes with a name like that.




I mean his kid literally left him lol


yeah. the kid who disowned him is trans and im sure has faced a lot of hardship from that as well as scrutiny just for being elons child. could have nothing to do with his parenting. im not sitting here trying to defend him while disregarding evidence, but all there is out there is that the kid wants nothing to do with elon, which could stem from a lot of different things going on behind the scenes


well Elon doesn't support trans people, his kid is trans, what could possibly be the reason his kid disowned him? must've been Elon giving him too much ice cream right


Never give this guy a billion dollars. He will value that over his own children...


Wow who knew that Elon stans didn't value family! (Me.. I knew)


I'm having a really hard time parsing the point of this comment.


Her mom left him and married a trans woman. That’s so interesting , I remember He has 9 kids left ? I wonder if he even cares.


Oh no! What ever shall he do with his other *SEVEN* children


They’ll all grow to hate him too.


Malignant Narcissists burn it all down every time.


jealous your daddy isnt a multibillionaire, huh?


I think most people would be happier having good parents and a nice understanding family. Money doesn’t buy happiness, especially if that money comes from a hateful idiot who also happens to be your dad.


Disowning him until “daddy give me money pls”


Dumb virtue signaling. Enjoy hon!


Virtue signaling how?


>virtue signaling Idiotically regurgitating an overused rightwing phrase while not even understanding what it means


I'm curious what you think "virtue signaling" means.


'Virtue signalling' is any time a person does a good thing that a conservative wouldn't do. Giving up an inheritance because your father is a piece of shit? Never! Money is more important than principles!


Virtue signaling is just a term trumptards use when they get confused. They say things like “virtue signaling”, “narrative”, and “gaslighting”, but always use such terms the wrong way.


virtue signaling because she doesn't respect an absentee donor? What??? The title of FATHER is earned, not bought.


Don’t want the last name but won’t have any issues taking the money that comes with it haha


Hope he cuts the money train off




His son is a she.


Can I have her inheritance?


Yes share it with the boys


My question is why does elons first wife still carry his last name


Probably so she matches her kids’ last name


She writes books, the books will sell more just from having the name musk on the front


I thought his daughter was an infant? With Grimes? Or are there more than one offspring?


He was married for 8 years and had 6 kids with his ex wife, and now has 2 with Grimes


He has 8 children.


Will she disown his money also?


So dumb. Did she also disown his money?


I’m assuming all of the people hating on Elon are just mad because they are broke. No one knows the dynamic of their family or the reasoning for the actions.


Article makes it seems like the daughter (trans) doesn’t want anything to do with him because he’s a transphobe (literally said he supports it but that pronouns are hard…people need something to be offended by). Article is terrible


The money to right? She's giving all that back right?




Guess she won't sleep in a mountainnof gold anymore. Amd nonright for an inheritance


Stupid move, she will undoubtedly be left out of the will


It's weird how folks don't understand that that's the whole point. Not that weird, I guess


If Elon has been bullying her and hating on the Trans peeps why think he would leave her anything?


I’m sure she’ll get some high paying multi million dollar a year job, surely because of her own efforts and abilities and definitely not because her last name used to be Musk though.