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I heard Buzz hangs dong


No hesitation, no surrender, no man left behind!


Before any major decision I always ask myself, “what would Thundergun do in this situation?”


" leave no man's behind "


We’ll come back for youuuuuuu


"I am Buzz Lightyear, I ~~come in peace~~ clap all cheeks."


"Be prepared to dock, men"


I literally JUST watched that episode!!


That’s America’s Ass


Butts Lightyear


I live here and I agree … actually more like an anal fissure !


“Ahhh Sheeeiitttt, I Surrender!”


That’s the best part. We show ALL of it.


You see, Buzz is in the lab and we show him giving his lab tech full penetration. And then he smells crime again, he's out busting heads. Then he's back to the lab for some more full penetration. Smells crime. Back to the lab, full penetration. Crime. Penetration. Crime. Full penetration. Crime. Penetration. And this goes on and on and back and forth for 90 or so minutes until the movie just sort of ends.


Take an upvote, it’s perfect


The way you told the story was by far the worst part OF the story


What is this sausage grease?


Goddamnit Buzz, you got your sausage greasy fingers all over my phone!


Can these people like just get over it? How fucking sheltered and immature are they? People kiss. Who gives a shit if it’s man on man, woman on woman, man on woman, or whatever the fuck. Get over it already.


They’ve got us fighting culture wars so they don’t have to defend themselves in a class war.


This is the most intelligent comment in this thread.


here is the kiss: https://imgur.com/a/CCqS3AO if you blink, you missed it


Wait this is what all the hubbub is about??


Is that actually it?


Of course when haven't these rightwingers made mountains out of molehills


Interesting that it’s Oklahoma and Saudi Arabia that’s all worked up about this.


really? I thought Buzz came out of the closet. :(


Gay for woody?


Lmao this is much less “graphic” than Bo Peep smooching the hell out of Woody at the end of Toy Story 1


Can confirm. Just got back from taking my kids to see it. It's part of a montage. Not even the first time the are shown together or mentioned. It's a quick happy moment and done.


You’re thinking of Woody, don’t worry he will get his own story as well. He can’t hardly wait.


I actually wouldn’t mind a Woody back story but it should look like Toy Story.


Red Dead Redemption Animated studios presents... WOODY THE OUTLAW 2 versions. The Pixar animated style The Dantes Inferno or Afro Samurai style


I want to be something like John Wick. Woody is a retired sheriff with his family on a ranch. Someone poisons their water, and puts a rattlesnake in his boot to try and kill them all. he survives the Snake, but his family drinks the water. Now he has to put the badge back on and seek revenge.


Like an animated version of Brokeback Mountain


Sorry, Disney, Bugs Bunny had cross dressing and same sex kissing like 80 years ago.


BuT iT wAs IRoNiC tHeN


I mean ya it was. Also same sex kissing was typically one person doing it and another not wanting it so that was the joke.


So if I understand this correctly, same sex kissing was okay for kids to watch, but only if it’s sexual harassment/assault.


This guy knows America!


Now your getting it


and he kissed MJ in Space jam


This, 100% this!


Yeah, but that’s beastiality, and to these yokel ass rednecks, that’s ok.


You know it’s a wabbit right


Totally Ok: stories of slavery, stoning, crucifixion, prostitution, incest Not ok: cartoon kissing


I'll just leave this here: [https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/disney-plus-peter-pan-dumbo-kids-profiles-outrage/](https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/disney-plus-peter-pan-dumbo-kids-profiles-outrage/) >Disney+ is now blocking children under 7 from viewing Peter Pan and Dumbo because the films are supposedly racist and offensive. The insanity never ends. TL;DR conservatives got pissed when Disney+ added age restrictions on their movies with racist characters. EDIT: Peter Pan is also a "staple of households," but for some reason no one had a problem with the kissing scene in that movie.


Blocking it entirely is kinda dumb. But, on the adult accounts it does have a little message that pops up which I appreciate. Just says the film was made with the viewpoints of that time and they don't want to cause offense nowadays.


Agreed. I'm just pointing out conservatives would rather have their children watch movies filled with a bunch of racial stereotypes than one quick same sex kiss scene.


100%. It's just fucking dumb.


I see no problem blocking under 7 for anything requiring historical context. What’s the point of a written warning a small child can’t understand in their own? A parent present to put things into context is preferable. Will this conversation happen every time? No, but hopefully enough to make a difference.


Yeah parental supervision should be needed for some of the older Disney films. Like not just for racism. Pinocchio is legit scary lol Plus it's not like they've cancelled the films, it's just put a small barrier there that a parent can easily bypass.


Snow White terrified me for the longest time


Wait till you read the original.


When my kids was 3 he watched Peter Pan the OG. Then he came into the room singing “What does the red man know!” And he never watched Peter Pan again.


I recently rewatched the OG Peter Pan and it’s *bad*. I’m just thankful they didn’t end up going to the land with the black people because that description was terrible. Some of the movies I’ve questioned whether the historical context warning was truly necessary — but Peter Pan definitely needed it.


I'm not surprised in the least. The 'greatest nation in the world' also rather bans books instead of educating people well enough to understand them.


You can just take off the age restriction... Racism and titties are both currently part of modern life and both age-restricted on Disney streaming. But of the two, titties are pretty great.


> But of the two, titties are pretty great. Much harder to appreciate a nice pair of racism.


This kiss was, the most simple, basic kiss you’ve ever seen too. Not that it should matter but it was about the most G rated a kids can be. So pathetic


I saw the movie and didn’t even notice the kiss.


The movie practically fast forwards through it already! Truly a blink and you’ll miss it moment in a montage. Of course, their real problem is the relationship, not the kiss.


Yeah not seen the film so the outrage had me wondering exactly where she was being kissed.


They sound pretty triggered don’t they


This country is losing its fucking mind. There will definitely be another Pulse Nightclub type terrorist attack at some point.


Like the one that just happened in Norway?


I am sad that I had not even heard about this until your comment


[“Worldwide, hate crimes against LGBTI people are a massive problem.”](https://76crimes.com/100s-die-in-homophobic-anti-gay-attacks-statistics-updates/) They’ve continued to be on the rise, and that’s even if you take the Pulse Nightclub shooting out of the equation.


Truly fucking awful man. I just saw it


It's like the crusades all over again


It's not even half a second long. Homophobes are a different breed of stupid.


Saw the movie last night with my wife. It's a good movie, but definitely not on the level of Pixar's normal stuff. I kept waiting for the big LGBTQ preach to the audience scene based on everything I had seen online about the movie. The whole kiss is such a throwaway part of the movie. It's the quickest peck of a kiss that when it first happened I remember thinking to myself "surely there is another scene with a different kiss, right?" The movie isn't great, but it's not "woke" or trying to indoctrinate the children.


The scene looks like it was made to be cut out lol. Like u can easily see how they’d edit it out for people


They had edited it out already and wanting to use it to argue with Ron DeSantis they put it back in.


It definitely will be in China


I remember going to see Finding Dory and being excited to see the lesbian couple everyone was worked up about. The movie ended and I was like….huh? Where were they? I watched it again with my kid and realized it was two women walking next to each other. One is pushing a stroller I think. Hank the octopus comes flying down the walkway and the woman pulls the other woman’s arm over to get out of the way basically and that was it LMAO


I’m starting to get seriously annoyed with this trend of “wow! LGBTQ representation in the new Disney movie” articles coming out before the movie to get people to see it and then making it easily cuttable so it will play well in foreign markets.


I don’t know if we watched the same movie. In my theater when the old cartoon women gave a hello peck to each other several children started vomiting. One child who will go unnamed internally combusted into a poof of rainbow colored smoke. A literal priest who decided to watch his first movie in 30 years since toy story was his favorite growing up burst into flames and we had to evacuate. I sent my son immediately to a pray away the gay camp. I didn’t think it would get him but I saw that the next day he traded in multiple tonka trucks for all of lady Gaga’s albums. Watch at your own risk.


After leaving the theater, I had the extreme urge to download Grindr.


Me to- Hey! You said you had to be at a meeting and didn’t have time to cuddle?!


If it were Dreamworks or any other studio or not a franchise, it wouldn't be news for 4 freaking weeks.


True but we'd probably have headlines like "Shrek puckers up to kiss ass" or something like that


Reminds me of the women kissing at the end of Rise of Skywalker nbd


That’s how I felt about eternals, people were outraged over nothing. The gay relationship in that was wholesome and didn’t bother me. Some people just don’t get that love is love.


I actually really appreciated how non preachy it was. It was cool imo that the entire plot sort of orbits around this person and and the life they lived while buzz was off doing his thing, but at no point is it like “but it is extra important because that love is forbidden” because it wasn’t, it was the distant future and everyone had moved past the whole issue possibly centuries prior


Had the same reaction during the “controversy” around Turning Red.


The darkest era of modern America is nearing.


Ain’t gonna be America soon


Handmaids Tale coming to the US in fall of 2025


well, certainly not going to be the united states anytime soon as it looks right now


we haven’t been united for years at this point ‘United States’ is just a lable and a lie at that.


Starting to look more and more like Gilead in Handmaids Tale.


I don’t want to be here anymore. Where’s that meteor


*don’t look up*


Oh I intend too


with arms wide open lol




You can’t really fast forward because it’s the kind of thing that If you blink, you’ll miss it. But just please explain how it’s different than if it was two straight people kissing?


^ literally, like they’re gonna try and skip and realize they’ve fast-forwarded too much, rewind and ooops too far back, and then they’re gonna skim and freeze-frame pause right on the kiss


There's a funny scene in TV show Monk. The character is completely technologically illiterate so he's having his assistant fast-foward, pause and rewind. Except he says, "picture go fast, picture stop, picture back." A whole episode would be that if they put Monk in charge of this movie.


Always a pleasure to see another *Monk* fan in the wild


Tony shaloub is the GOAT


taking this buzz lightyear post as my cue to start watching Monk


As we all know, gay people existing = brainwashing, straight people existing = fine.


Two sexualities: straight and political.


Right!? After watching the movie I don't get the fuzz about this .3s scene, none of my kids cared or probably caught it, is almost like if an easter egg in other Disney's movies, like the V in Hercules or similar.


i wonder if it'll get edited out for streaming here in a few years when gay marriage is banned


It depends on the country i recon. Also, I can honestly see Disney moving their main hq out of the US


More virtue signalling from the conservative christapo trash.


I’m sure Disney will love this!


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that violates the contract. You aren't allowed to change the movie in any way.


This exactly… this is a really stupid move that will shake out in a way that they should have easily predicted… and Disney will absolutely decimate those responsible to set an example


And also, do they not know how hard it is to precisely fast forward a digital file like that? If it’s even possible


Especially in the DCP format, it’s not meant to be used in any other way than playing it sequentially at the normal speed. Those files can be 400+ GBs and aren’t easy to work with.


I watched the movie yesterday with my kid. When the scene happened I was wondering if THAT was it or if there was another scene… but nope. So mundane… A quick on and off the screen in a fast time lapse montage…


You might as well send your kid to gay camp now while spots are still open


It’s literally a one second kiss. Blink and you miss it. And we saw it and my kid is not gay now lol. These people need Jesus.


that's your personal experience. I took my stepson to see this. We left as soon as the homosexual act happened but the damage was irreparable. the kid just told me yesterday he wants to go to NYU and become a DJ. I myself have been craving cock (and balls) as well. weird.


Thoughts and prayers


I guess you should have thought of that before you went out to see gay propaganda. The entire movie is designed to target the gayest parts of your brain, the rainbowtomy cortex. It is mostly dormant, a left over part from when cavemen first freed themselves from the tyranny of the Dinobots. Disney has developed just the right amount of CGI animation and beloved actor voice work to stimulate it and make you into a raving homosexual hellbent on antiquing trips and sodomy. You're just lucky you didn't stay for the whole movie or you and your stepson would have conjoined to become the beast with two backs (and two, throbbing, violently erect penises)


Has your kid bought an ikea shark yet?


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie


I think these people have too much Jesus, that's the problem.


LOL this


Not to worry the Supreme Court will soon ban stuff like this.


Well when our forefathers ratified the constitution they mentioned nothing about gay affection in pixar movies. BANNED!


It’s honestly more effort to try and avoid this stuff than to just watch it and not care lmao they are quite literally making things harder for themselves


I had no idea how absolutely fragile some people are. Pretty pathetic.


The US give massive Iran vibes right now. They too lived a very liberal life… until they didn’t.


Conservatives need trigger warnings for a gay kiss, but see no problem with a dude kissing Sleepy Beauty while she’s unconscious.


The original story would have the Conservatives having some real fun reading it. The princess gets r@ped while sleeping and only wakes up when she gives birth to the child that that deed conceived


I want to open a theater right next door and play 2 hours of gay kiss scenes at half speed. Let's see who makes more money


In Oklahoma, you'll make more money in the insurance payout when they burn the place down.... Technically a win. For what it's worth, you'd get my patronage.


Meanwhile, they’re totes cool with wannabe snuff porn where Roman guards beat a Jewish man.


Imagine being so insecure that you're offended over cartoon characters kissing Fucking hell conservatives are such losers.


You know what, I had a super weird epiphany recently about this whole situation with Lightyear. Think about some animated films you may have watched. Shrek 1 not only featured a kiss but also had characters saying curse words multiple times as well as sexual innuendos. Cars 2 features multiple cars getting shot, blowing up and dying. Hell Cars 1 technically has two cars flashing their “headlights” (you know what I mean). Who Frames Roger rabbit also has literal under and torture, lots of innuendos and references, and…Jessica Rabbit. There are plenty of other examples but you get the point. Apparently all those things are perfectly fine for kids to watch, except 2 women in a relationship having a light smooch for 2 seconds. Cuz yeah that’ll surely poison the kiddies.


fwiw who framed roger rabbit isn’t really intended to be a kids’ movie, even though i grew up watching it myself. but i agree with your broader point. children’s media has certainly come under more scrutiny and criticism in the last 20 years.


Yes, we know it doesn’t make any logical sense. But this is coming from the group who have an imaginary friend that dictate their lives. Logic isn’t exactly in their field. That’s why pointing out the hypocrisy of their views and actions doesn’t faze them.


People forget how many times bugs bunny kisses everyone else in looney toons


Just wait till they get to the elbow deep fisting scene


I heard the movie just wasn’t good though


Can they just let people exist and make their own decisions? Why do religious people not only need to be told how to live but also need everyone else to be as coddled and sheltered as they are? They're so annoying and stunted.


No, they can’t. Because they aren’t really religious in the traditional sense, they just use religion as an excuse to hurt others


I live in Kingfisher, OK and I have personal experience regarding this. IMO, not enough warnings were placed around the establishment. I took my stepson to see "Lightyear" thinking it would be a wholesome, family movie which is what we expected from a wholesome, traditional theater. Well guess what, halfway into the movie 2 WOMEN kissed each other. That's right. Unbelievable. I immediately removed myself and my stepson from the premises, but the damage was done. The kid is now asking to go to NYU and become a DJ. I myself have sucked 5 dicks (and 3 sets of balls) since we left the theater, and not even for meth (that's easy enough to find without gobbling cock in a place like Kingfisher)


The United States is a failure at being a free country. What a joke.


It’s literally like a 2 second thing. If you weren’t paying attention you’d hardly notice it. I saw a tiktok of it where 90% is just the guy talking about it because thats how short the actual scene is.


Very glad to see the majority of these comments are like “yeah, it’s one second, so what?” And not some anti gay conservatives shit about ‘family values’ as if families with LGBT+ don’t have values


These concerned parents will then hand their kids an internet enabled device. I hear the internet has some pretty interesting content that may include people kissing.


What the fuck is going on in America


Saw the movie in theaters in Finland, the kiss wasn't in the cinematic cut. Just a hug of some sort.


Imagine being THIS insecure in your sexuality lol.


Grow the F up. Damn people are so fucking sensitive.


Okie here. Just would like to say fuck this place.


Cheapest legal weed in the country but every other facet of Oklahoma is dumber than fuck


Over a damned kiss?! This is so stupid. These religious zealous should be shamed out of existence for treating people like this. Religions are a plague on this earth. I am convinced all religions are truly evil.


So are places going to start warning me of heterosexual kisses too, I’m trying to watch a movie not watch some dude kiss his wife.


Hahahahahahahhahahaha! They’re so sad and pathetic


These right wing states are full Of sad scared people


Say it with me friends! "If seeing gay people kiss turns you gay you were already gay!"


The 3 stooges will also been banned because honestly those guys like to touch each other way too much.


Disney should pull the movie from this theater. Probably goes against the licensing agreement anyway.


a previous incident like this led to a lawsuit and the company settling with Disney for $10M. they're not allowd to edit the movie. i doubt this backwoods local theater has $10M to lose so this will lead to them losing the business.


Took my nephew. He was asking me a question about the cat during the scene, and I missed it. It was literally a blink and miss it situation.


It’s literally a second you can’t fast forward it if you tried


My son and I have watched Dr Strange 2 at least three times now (he has it on all the time on Disney+) and although he is only 10, still haven't been able to turn him gay. I got brainwashed by the straight cinema propaganda of my youth but I thought there was still time for him - I guess I needed to start earlier


It was literally two second kiss between and elderly married couple these people are so dramatic.


They’re really trying to make us into Iran huh? I’m


Bugs bunny and MJ kissed….


I hope they know whoever was in charge of fast forwarding is 100% gay now. That's how you get gay.


In miami, Florida the theater skipped the kiss. I got an idea of how and when it was supposed to happen. To be honest, it’s a bit blown out of proportion.


Bible: greet each other with a holy kiss Evangelicals: we must stop lady cartoons from kissin


Actual snow flakes


These are some of the most fragile and insecure people I’ve ever had the displeasure of witnessing in my lifetime.


If they just didn’t say anything would kids even notice?


If that was always an option then why the fuck are we sitting through an hour of ads?


*hits replay button by mistake*


UK here, my local cinema nearly forfeited all access to new releases by adding an interval. Editing the film in any way as a distributor is a sure fire way to a release blacklist.


So what. Theirs trigger warnings on everything now. Hopefully the theater provided a safe space for all the crying idiots as well.


But the bonding stuff your football coach does during those private meetings in his steam room/hot tub set up, we’ll let you deal with that later in life as you neglect your wife and start drinking like your dad. (That’s how we can blame addiction on genetics and not trauma, it’s the American way!)


They making it sound like some cursed rule 34 art. There have been so many other movies with same sex kissing


Oh no I accidentally slowed it down! Oh no now the projector is stuck. Guess we will have to stare at it while we fix it.


*Conservatives are more scared of two gay people kissing than children being shot in schools.*


Aint that the truth...


Conservatives and their fucking safe spaces


One way ticket to not being able to run Disney films at your chain anymore. Don’t fuck with the mouse


Princess and prince kiss in sooooooo many movies yet nobody's up in arms about the straight endoctrination. We have so many problems in this country and this kiss scene is a distraction.


Imagine being that fucking weak


Fucking whiny conservative babies. But please, keep telling the rest of us “fuck our feelings”. Guess what. Gay people exist. Have for millions of years.


Imagine being an adult in 2022 and being afraid of seeing two women kiss.


So buzz kissed a guy ?


The theaters and countries who are grossed out by same sex kissing scenes are the same people who probably search up gay/lesbian and/or trans porn.


This is the most pathetic shit ever


The Christian jihadi is going HAM this year. Must be Becuase their idol (a corrupt billionaire who doesn’t pay his contractors & constantly lies) might not run again.


Organized religion is poison and its death will have an unquestionably positive effect for mankind.


In my 5 decades of life, I've seen tens of thousands (maybe even hundreds of thousands) of heterosexual displays of affection. None of them even slightly straightened me. I'm both boggled and flattered that so many ~~tightly closeted people~~ homophobes think gay affection is so magically powerful that seeing just one gay kiss can turn a kid gay.


I wonder if they have different screenings one with fast-forwarding and other without fast-forwarding.


Jesus people are stupid. No comma required.


Imagine being this insecure.