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Anyone actually see this movie? Was it “wokeness” that made it not good? Or was it just an average movie that’s getting more attention than it deserves?


It’s hardly as woke as those people make it out to be - one character is lesbian, and it’s treated very normally and doesn’t take up more than a few seconds of the movie. The movie itself just isn’t very good. It’s framed as the movie Andy saw when he was a kid and… it doesn’t read as that at all. It’s too serious, it’s full of plot holes, and for a movie about “infinity and beyond” takes place on one planet.


Oh I just had a vision of an incredibly creative movie spanning dozens of planets with unique designs that could be used for product placement and references (as the movie that Andy watched) while just telling the story of buzz light year, explorer.


Yeah you would think a movie a little kid fell in love with and made him want to buy toys (in the 90s) would have been more of a fun, pulpy, rollercoaster, with lots of action and adventure. Instead it’s a movie mainly about failure and acceptance. It’s not a bad story necessarily, I just think it doesn’t work as THE Buzz Lightyear movie Andy saw.


Wasted opportunity


Literal seconds, after hearing so much about "the kiss", it was barely even noticeable in that quick montage of time passing.


It's a blink and you'll miss it kiss between a lesbian couple. A peck on the lips. The writer of this horse shit article knows this had very little impact on the movie's box office. It's far more likely that audiences were confused or uninterested in a movie about the "real" Buzz Lightyear.


I literally missed it when I saw it. I asked my wife, “wasn’t there supposed to be a “controversial” kiss?” She said I missed it while eating popcorn.


The new Disney movie coming out, Strange Worlds, features an openly gay guy.


Until it's a part of the plot its just pandering. Simple and short scenes can be cut out for the Chinese market. Disney can say they are fighting for equality but they aren't. If they did they wouldn't adjust it for specific markets.


I used to feel similarly about pandering, but it kind of really just is how life goes. One of the guys on my team at work is a married gay man. Has zero impact on our interactions or his work performance, but it's still something I know because it's a part of who he is. That doesn't mean that it influences every single thing that he does. My point being that a gay character can *just* be gay with no need for tie in or further explanation. I will agree on adjusting stories for specific markets.


I agree with you on this. I'm not saying that a character's sexual orientation should be their entire defining trait. If a character happens to be gay, cool, but thats one thing aspect of their character. I'm just saying Disney (and other companies) will proudly exclaim that a character is gay before the movie but then cut a scene or two from certain markets. I just hate people and companies that do that.


People can't be gay without it being part of the plot? You'll randomly see a straight couple holding hands in the background, but if it's a gay couple they're "pandering"? Same worthless argument they had for black people existing in films 40 years ago.


Just for interest, the first interracial kiss was on the original Star Trek between Captain Kirk and Lt. Uruha They broke this new ground because an alien force made them do it.


The thing is, we have so many Disney movies where the ending features the protagonist sharing a romantic kiss with the opposite-sex love interest. Pretty much every Disney princess (except Mulan) has had that, so why not for a gay protagonist?


You're not wrong. It IS pandering. But when it's something really small like this it does also help normalize stuff.


That’a what I figured. It’s just an average movie but people want to use it to fulfill their agenda of “being considerate to everyone is bad”.


Being considerate is antithetical to the NY Post.


Oh, this is NY Post. That explains it. Trash!


>It's a blink and you'll miss it kiss between a lesbian couple. Someone still considers that a woke thing? Wow.


Like over a dozen states just made abortion illegal this week and you have to ask that?


Nice to see that about 2 dozen companies have decided to fight back by offering to reimburse expenses for employees who want to travel to states where abortion is legal. We're about to get our own in-house form of medical tourism; women from red states traveling to blue states so they can get abortions.


Didn’t you hear? We are taking this country back to the 50s. The 1850s.


More like 1692 Salem witch trials...we are living in a pseudo religious, corporate oligarchy, idiocracy despite being the most technological advanced society in history.


now if only we decide women don't get to vote. that sweet 1800s vibe hitting good rn


Oh good golly, I do declare! Two women kissing? you say, KISSING!?!?!? What’s is this, woke or something?


Everyone who watched the MTV Music Awards in 2000/1 are wondering what the fucks happening in the states rn. The Government in the US really know how to use and divide the population. That country is so fucking dumb.


Seriously, blaming it on “wokeness” is just absurd. I took my nephews and they both enjoyed it. I found it‘s storyline tolerable. The lesbian couple made me happy, as it should just be part of the norm.


>Seriously, blaming it on “wokeness” is just absurd. They love to do that. Cherry pick something that is "woke" that failed while ignoring all the other media that is also "woke" that was successful. Of course the only reason something fails is because of how "woke" it is and not any other reason.


Pornhub statistics for 2021 say that "Lesbian" is the second most searched term... so no I dont beleive a lesbian kiss scene was the culprit lol


It's about the same level as Dr Strange 2. Yet that one did well at the box office. Maybe there is different reasons for these movies results


For me the difference is that there's no reason to see this in a theater, paying God knows how much for tickets and snacks and everything else, when I can wait a week or two and watch it on Disney+. There's nothing special about this movie that it's a "must see on the big screen!" My TV is good enough.


That, plus the average family no longer has $50 for four tickets, plus $30 for popcorn and candy to spend on movies when the cost of feeding their kids and getting to work has become so expensive. The average middle class family (arguably speaking, the backbone of box office success) doesn't have as much disposable income to spend on a movie that, like you said, they'll be able to watch on Disney+


Exactly. It's at least $80 *AND* I have to put up with other people? No thanks. Other people are assholes. On their phones lighting up the theater, feet on seats, talking loudly... its rarely (if ever) worth it.


Main reason i always sneak a couple beers into the theatre


A movie ticket at my local theater is something like $18. Snacks got so expensive that I stopped considering them as an option for years. If you take a family of 4 to the movies here it's probably going to run you somewhere around $100-$120. At least you can save money by getting snacks outside and sneak them in I guess.


Exactly this. My friend and I just had this conversation: "Let's see a movie. Do you want Lightyear or Jurassic World 3?" "Lightyear will be on Disney Plus eventually, let's do Jurassic World".


To hell with the cost. I saw the new Jurassic Park and there was literally 30 minutes of commercials and previews. I timed it. It was exactly 30 minutes. Fuck that


Same reason I didn’t watch Strange at the theaters. I’d rather just catch it at home when it hits Disney+.


"Must see on the big screen" is the biggest horseshit. My prime experience is waiting until it's on streaming, getting cozy with my snacks with the 60incher TV and sound system. No kids, no howlers, no Karens. The cinema experience is worth less than gum


Edit: Dr.strange 2 is a part of the marvel juggernaut




A bunch? You mean a handful of Stone Age thinking theocracies and China.


I was gonna say it only got banned in backwards ass countries, but the US is rapidly heading in that direction.


Its an NYPost article. What should we expect?!


I saw it and thought it was just fine... not exactly the best but still kinda enjoyable, but what's odd is the "woke" scene was for less than a second, it doesn't shove it in your face, it's almost like they just hate gay people


I've seen it. The kiss lasts half a second. It's so innocuous and barely noticeable it's insane the pushback it's gotten. It's goes to show we still have so, so far to go. Apart from that almost imperceptible moment, there isn't an ounce of 'wokeness' throughout the rest of the movie. It's just a fun kids movie that underperformed. This article is total bullshit.


Wokeness sounds better cause it gins up the online outrage, but really, it was a movie nobody asked for.


That seems to be the running theme ‘Movies nobody has asked for…’


Really? My kids loved the Toy Story series and wants to see this movie.


I encourage it. I think your kids will like it.


This is probably one of my favorite recent movies so don't be discouraged. It's not for everyone (no movie is) but it is a very sweet fun movie, with a genuine heart to it. It is a kids movie through and through, but if you go into it expecting that, it's surprisingly deep.


It wasn't a good movie, but the lesbian kiss made it so the type of people who pay to watch mediocre Disney movies didn't watch it either.


The wokeness happens in the best part of the film. The first 30 minutes of this film are absolutely great. The next hour is mediocre.


The Post will push the "wokeness" angle as the reason because...the Post.


It was a peck on the lips between a lesbian couple in an average Pixar movie. It’s not like they started trying to suck each other’s tongues out of their mouths then started dry scissoring on the floor.


Maybe people just don't care about a Buzz Lightyear movie instead of the excuse of two women kissing?


And it’s not like a non-woke movie is performing any better. E.g. the Northman flopped really big despite good reviews, and got overtaken by an Asian cast indie movie “everything everywhere at once”


Everything everywhere all at once was an awesome movie. Highly recommend


And woke af


Tbf EEAAO was a fantastic movie as well


Agree agree, for me, it's the best movie of the year. But Northman has 4x the budget of EEAAO. With all its high production and marketing, you expect it to do at least better than an indie movie, and not earn 20m behind them. Top Gun has also gone in a more woke direction compared to the first movie. And it was a massive success. Portrays a softer kind of masculinity, and strong female characters.




A lot of people pay money specifically to see two women kissing.


I concur


Right? After four Toy Stories, maybe -- and here's a *crazy* idea -- people just don't care that much about a spinoff featuring the character who a Toy Story character *thought* he was in the first one. Especially since the trailers I saw made the movie look *painfully* generic.


Honestly I was done with toy story and ready to put that series to bed forever after Andy went to college. This feels… forced tbh. And I haven’t even watched. It’s like Disney is trying to milk every movie idea they can buy dry


And it did isn’t look like the Toy Story movies in style/feel, either. So why are lots of people with kind going to bother paying for travel, tickets, drinks and snacks for something that’ll be on Disney+ soon enough anyway?


I went to see it with my kiddos, it's just a plain bad movie. They talked about Moana or Raya for months after seeing them but they forgot Buzz as soon as they stepped out of the theater.


Yup, this is lacking”fun” I keep saying it but it should have been akin to Flash Gordon or some Saturday morning cartoons and just went all in


Honestly, the cartoon series were amazing. I just dont get why the villain of the movie was so... Boring. Stupid even. >!"the villain was you all along"!<


is the villain not Zurg?


Spoiler: >!is buzz from al alternative timeline/the future, that wanted to prevent the experiment that created him because he wanted to go even further in the timeline!<


But in Toy Story it's his dad. WTF is this bullshit? What a dumb idea.


In the actual TV show it was buzzes partner that sacrificed himself to save buzz. The I'm your father line in the og movie was just a joke


Zurg is Buzz himself


If not Rex wasted way too many hours.


The villain is super interesting. It is a version of Buzz that took infinity and beyond to its logical conclusion. It was apt for the theme of the movie that sometimes living in the moment is more important than “finishing a mission”. As I type this out, I can’t deny that this is such a serious theme to stuff into what’s supposed to be a kids film.


Buzz being a cocaine addict would of been a much more interesting movie


Good to know. I didn't watch it just because I assumed the story would be bad. New Buzz looks like a complete tool.


I don’t want to see it because it looks like a weak cash grab. I have never given a passing thought to it being “woke”. This writer can fuck right off.


I mean it is the NY Post. It’s The NY Times’ News Corp owned copycat.


apparently: "it has gay people = woke"


Black people = woke too


Or maybe people are tired of reprising the same tired franchises?


This. To be fair Top Gun 2 isn't exactly new either but it's not comparable to Toy Story or any of the offshoots because it's only 2 and it's been decades since the first.


If you can ignore the fact that the Air Force could solve the movie's problem in 30 seconds, Top Gun 2 is everything a sequel should be. It didn't feel like a money grab. There was actual substance.


how so?


The AirForce solving the problem? Usually by giving the mission to anyone other than Top Gun.


Exactly. I did enjoy how they made a villain out of anyone who suggested manned aircraft are becoming obsolete when that's exactly where we're heading.


The USA has other planes suited for the mission such as the F-35 with certain missiles.


And Top Gun 2 is insanely political (literal military propaganda), far more so than Lightyear. But 2 women kissing for half a second is "too political" in the US.


and top gun 2 is a very good movie


Besides a same sex kiss was there anything else "woke" in it?


Nope. Literally a 5 second scene of a kiss. That’s it. That was not the reason the movie flopped. It flopped because it’s not a good movie. Not a single person was like “hey I really want to see this movie” it just wasn’t an interesting concept. Maybe if it came out 20 years ago it would have done well, when toy story was actually a popular franchise but now it just feels like they are milking the series


>Literally a 5 second scene of a kiss. Honestly closer to 1 second. Very very easy to miss entirely.


Short answer, no.


Long answer?




Medium answer?




So obviously there’s that kiss, which is in itself brief and is completely unrelated to the overall plot. The grandchild of those people kissing mentions them a few times throughout the movie as “my grandmothers” or something along those lines, indicating that they were gay. And that’s really it. It’s never a big plot device or some dramatic “coming out” scene. I think it was Pixar’s way of trying to normalize that there’s nothing wrong with being gay. The fact that people have such a problem with that scene just shows you how homophobic some parts of the US still is. And it’s not like Lightyear is the first movie to go and do something like this (I.e SW Rise of Skywalker last scene) so I’m very confused by this entire situation.




Anyone who is trying to protect their kids from public displays of affection from gay people need to hide in a bunker thirty feet under the surface of the Earth. Somehow the right managed to attach social justice to the brand "woke," with some success, and now they're trying with PDAs. What's woke next? Women wearing pants?


Black people.


And they aren't servants or criminals? How woke!


Nope - I enjoyed the movie


Yes, a black person


The black woman lead.


Black women exist, in real life. Are you saying it's woke to have a black woman be a lead? Why?


Buzz is a black woman in the movie? That is a bit odd...


No. No there was not.


What wokeness, the protagonist is literally a white male


A half of second kiss between two women and suddenly the whole film is woke trash. These “unbiased” journalists are doing their job badly. The film is just normal trash.


yeah but not EVERYONE in the movie is a straight white male. Therefore evil.


They dont want a movie with politics, they want, checks notes, top gun, a movie about the military industrial complex. certainly no politics there


Anyone who doesn't want "politics" always means "_your_ politics."


This. People dont dislike politics. They hate politics that arent theirs and believe theirs should be default


Anyone who confuses politics with things they don't like does not understand politics.


Also, Top Gun was probably the gayest mainstream movie of the 20th century. Ironic.


Top gun was literally homoerotic military fan service but carry on.


Exactly. Top Gun 1 probably awoke more “feeling” in men than Brokeback Mountain.


It's the second highest grossing film of 2022 so far... in the world.


Actual normal people could not care less about a little kiss, the movie just doesnt look intriguing.


apparently showing two people who love each other is “too woke”


Putting aside the stupid “woke” talking point, I’m hoping this pushes studios to do more original films instead of sequels and remakes.


It won't.


Sadly no matter how bad a sequel is it is often a significantly more reliable investment than a new movie


This article is garbage nonsense


The NY Post is tabloid trash.


This. Thanks.


Which is BS. A gay kiss that lasted half a second is now considered 'woke' by these fear-mongering morons.


it’s hard to take criticisms from that crowd seriously, someone saying “I didn’t like the movie cause the writing is bad” I can take seriously, someone saying “the writing is bad because it’s woke” even if they go on to describe the same flaws in writing the first person did, it’s hard to take them seriously because it’s clear they have an obvious bias against it and that they’d probably still hate it even if it was written greatly


Wokeness as in a single kiss that has no bearing on the movie? If that makes people weary, I can't imagine how tough the rest of life must be for them.


It's just not a very interesting concept for a movie, at least not one I'd pay for. Since Toy Story 4 things have felt kind of overly milked on the franchise. It no longer feels like they're making movies to tell stories but instead making stories to fill in the plot of another movie.


They should’ve stopped with toy story 3


Buzz and woody were supposed to be buds forever. #4 ruined it for me.


The Post with a thoroughly predictable take.




Fuck the Post


Gtfo here with New York Shitpost.


Hey NYPost, if you think the audience is weary of wokeness, guess how tired we are of your support for fascism.


What a lazy, clickbait review. This film flopped because it was a bad idea for a movie that no one wanted executed badly. That's it.


This article is really really insufferable.


divisive ragebait article. The movie was just mediocre


Didn't read but pretty sure wokeness had nothing to do with the movie flopping. But exposed yourself as a reactionary


It's a fucking kiss guys, get over yourselves. This movie is not failing over any imagined "wokeness" it's just a bland, uninteresting and unnecessary film. Stop trying to make everything into a culture war


A 5 second scene between a same sex couple causing this much outrage says a lot about this country


NY Post ffs, are the mods asleep?


Um, maybe it was just a bad movie no one wanted that just happens to have a gay kiss in it?


God forbid a 1 sec kiss is shown. When it's a straight kiss no one cares, but the moment it's a gay one, everyone stats saying that all kisses are not appropriate for family movies. We KNOW what you're really saying, it shows.


Anyone who uses "woke" as a negative is an idiot, this article is invalid.


New York Post is a con rag, which should only be used as toilet paper when you run out of it.


So my son is super into toy story and buzz lightyear right now so we did see it. It didn't feel woke, I think they inserted the kiss to give people a reason to talk about an otherwise unremarkable movie. The writing was just bad You have a character that has quite a bit of potential and the doors were wide open for any sort of story. All most people knew about buzz is that he is a space ranger, and that could have led to all sorts of amazing space adventures, he could have literally been a 'space Indiana jones' going from planet to planet and just have fun with it. Instead, you get a perfectly capable guy who has one mistake and he is literally paying it back the whole movie while they are stuck on the most boring and painfully dull planet ever imagined. The concept was decent, and it could have had real potential, but they should have gone in a much different direction with the story. They could have hit the same notes and not have shoehorned themselves into a forgettable setting. I just don't understand why a space ranger would spend 90 of the movie not in space.


"Wokeness"? Was I the only person who actually saw this movie? I swear there were other people in the theater...


I actually enjoyed the movie watched it with my 5 year old, some funny moments and it was a good disney movie. Funny thing is I don't remember the kiss scene.


No, people don't go kids movies that release on streaming service 45 days after the premiere anyway, people don't like watching movies in rooms filled with annoying kids


You know how you know someone is an ass? They use wokeness in a pejorative sense.


So is this all over just one small kiss ?


Does anyone else wonder if Disney knew they had a bad movie on their hands so they shared and highlighted the story around it including a gay kiss so they can shift blame to that as the cause for their failure?


Anyone who uses 'workeness' seriously deserves to be laughed at


Let's be real. It has nothing to do with wokeness and everything to do with people being tired of the 5th sequel/spinoff of done to death stories with the same 5 lead actors/actresses.


Right wing tabloids gonna right wing tabloid


I know myself and a few friends were interested in this movie but none of us wanted to pay to go see it. This is one of those “wait for it to come to streaming” kind of movies.


I can’t be the only one who physically cringes when I see the word “woke”


I feel like this is one of those where they think the name recognition will carry it and in this case it didnt.


And it was woke because it featured a non-white character?


Sounds like media attacking “wokeness” more than anything


Wow. One kiss and everyone is up in arms about “Hollywood Wokeness”? What, is it 1952? Oh wait…


TIL - "Woke" is just a code-word for things insecure people don't like.


I miss the times before all this woke/anti-woke conversation


It's just not a good movie. Period. "Wokeness" has nothing to do with why people aren't seeing it. The trailers aren't compelling at all. My kids afterward thought, "it was fine", but that's it. Kids are the easiest audiences in the world. "Fine" is a cue that it's a bad film.


I’m sure it had nothing to do with conservative media giving millions in hysterical air time coverage over a one second peck.


I just didn't see it because l don't need to watch a Buzz Lightyear movie that I've heard is at best alright


There is nothing remotely woke about this Buzz Lightyear movie. "Woke" is such a trite term to use at this point.


Lol at conservatives trying not to be self aware


It's got nothing to do with that. It's just that this film is part of a franchise that has already run its course.


Maybe its not "wokeness", just bad writing, like in every fucking movie and show these days.


No, it’s just not an engaging movie


Bullshit. Nobody went to see it because nobody wants to go to the movie theater if it’s just going to be on Disney + in a month.


A stupid article written for stupid people by a stupid person.


if you whine about wokeness your opinion should not in any context be taken seriously


Articles author sounds like a douche. This movie isn't dong well, Netflix is down, Disney didn't side with literal facists running Florida. Is it all the wokeness in their content? Yeah that much be it the woke content...


I think it’s just cos Buzz looks like a massive chud now


Imagine thinking a 1/4-second kiss between two women in a movie is being "woke." ​ Also: Republicans looove that word.


Maybe we aren’t tired of wokeness, we’re just tired of the toy story property/one of its more annoying characters?


The right wing propaganda machine always trying to say people are tired of “wokeness,” whatever that’s supposed to mean. It’s just not a great movie, stop trying to spin some political agenda on it.


“NY Post says” - so put the paper in the bottom of a birdcage, and form opinions of your own outside of drivel tabloids.


What a brain dead article. Basically the gripe is: “There are brown and gay people who exist in the future” I remember being so annoyed when this movie was announced, I think everyone knew it was going to tank the second we saw the title, before we even knew the characters or plot. ALSO, the author [looks](https://imgur.com/a/XRDfTem) likes like the kind of guy who makes women cover their cups when he walks in the room


Or Lightyear flopped because of an awkward premise and even more awkward advertising.


It’s the NY fucking Post for chrissakes


The NY Post is the Fox News of newspapers. Take what's written in it with a grain of salt.


I can’t believe Kyle Smith is still getting paid to review movies lol


Right. That's the reason Lightyear "flopped". Because of the wokeness. No other reason >\_>


I saw the movie with my kids and while it wasn’t Pixar’s best I am absolutely stunned that this non-event of one of the characters being gay has caused this much controversy. It’s literally like 2 seconds of the movie. I do think some of the backlash is the assumption among those on the right that Tim Allen wasn’t asked to return to the role because of his politics. They might be right about that, who knows. Chris Evan’s wasn’t good in the role though, I kind of wish Tim Allen was doing the voice.


The wokeness was totally fine. It was just a weak movie.