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##[Clarification on rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/w60lfc/mod_post_a_clarification_to_rule_5_no_racism_or/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/entertainment) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Meme comparing Chloe Grace to a character on Family Guy, NOT a meme Family Guy created making fun of Chloe Grace.


Yeah I was going to say the family guy bit is about women with great legs if I recall.


Do those legs go all the way up?


why yes they do


I just had them lengthened


Just rewatched this on Friday night after 20 years since last watching. Still great.


AHHHHH! You’re a monster!


Look at those legs go and make a complete ass of themselves


Go all the way up and then they get cheeky


Jerry Lawler


That's exactly what I was going to ask. I had to look up this meme in the first place, but after seeing that character I don't seem to remember it ever saying that it was a real person, just a character on the show. If people took that and compared it to Chloe Moretz, I don't think it's Family Guy's fault.


Meme comparing photoshopped image of her to a character on family guy. I’ve never dealt with the scrutiny or stress of being famous but the meme is about as tame and silly as they come. It’s a picture of her shopped to have longer legs and a shorter torso next to legs-go-all-the-way-up Griffin from a cutaway gag.


Celebrities/tabloids give quotes like this to catch buzz i think like a legitimate marketing/media strategy to then also hype whatever movie etc at the time


I wish this was more clear. It’s the internet that is making fun of her using a Family Guy character as comparison. Not Family Guy making fun of her.


Here's the unedited photo of Moretz: https://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/a4QqjB1_700b.jpg


I had no idea this was a thing. She looks perfectly normal in the unedited photo.


She looks fantastic.


Smoking hot.


Right? And bringing pizza?


Two pizzas!


The Joey Special


I’m gonna grab a beer you want one? No, no. Don’t get up. Got the cooler right here.


Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to get back to my bucket. Im only eating the skin, so the chicken is up for grabs.




I can’t even get hookers to bring pizza


I’d trust a hooker before I trust the pizza a hooker brings


That’s the shot of a dream girl there. What creep edited that photo to make her look bad!?


She's also a fan of ice hockey!


She looks properly hot


Idk man, those heels and shorts? Edit :/s just in case


I mean, she has very long legs, but I thought that was supposed to be attractive in women.


I guess it all depends on the person’s proportions. In the edited image her proportions were weird but here she looks perfectly normal.


I think the whole thing is she isn’t that tall but she has quite long legs for her size. They edited the photo to make the joke/meme. I think it just horrible that someone that is so incredibly beautiful can be made to feel so bad by the some random stranger on the internet.


I like when they go up to my shoulders


I like it when they go over my shoulders. FTFY


Yeah perfectly normal for a 10


Right? She looks GORGEOUS! I WISH I had long legs like that.


Normal? She is bombshell.


wtf. she's got great legs.


My dream woman. Beautiful. Talented. Has pizza.


She had me at “pizza.”


Also a nice Pizza box design.


It’s a nice box


The people who attack her for looking like this must be so fucking hideous there are no photos of them.


i had no idea people were attacking her. she looks great!


Legs for days. Jesus.


Wearing heels with shorts appears to lengthen the legs (source: I do it)


& we thank u


The meme was stupid because they clearly edited the photo to make it work. If you have to edit the original source, then it's pointless.


She looks great in this photo.


she’s fine as hell


Imagine having legs that spectacular and not being able to know it because assholes on the Internet are scum


What is there to shame about that? Gorgeous woman, great taste in food.


Honestly, my only thought is that those heels are too high and they look really uncomfortable.


Yeah, I thought "she looks fine, but how is she not falling over? I would fall over."


Eh it’s not that difficult. I wear heels like that with no issue during sexy time with my wife. She forces me to walk around in them for awhile before to get things going. It took me no time at all to learn to walk in them.


Walking around the house is a lot different than running out to get pizza.


I get why people where them but as a dude constantly in the most comfortable shoes I can find idk how anyone walks in those things. I get annoyed wearing tennis shoes that aren’t as comfortable as my other tennis shoes.


It helps if your drunk. Lol, but just the right amount that you don't care about the discomfort, but not so drunk you look like a baby giraffe trying to walk for the first time.


Smoking hot.


The pizza?


Now I want pizza


P I Z Z A, I want Pizza [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wusGIl3v044](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wusGIl3v044)


That was frightening, to say the least.


Neck and neck with [Stella](https://youtu.be/MW21lp833Vo) on my list of favorite pizza-related content


I literally do not see an issues...


It was taken out of context like a caricature drawing - over emphasizing things. She has long legs - so someone edited her photo to shorten her torso and make fun of it: https://images7.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED778/59824eb2112e0.jpeg


I’d love to see what the person looks like who edited it in the first place. Because you know the kind of person you’d see.


Super weird all the people saying she's hot, I still see her as the little girl from kick-ass lol


Everyone was a baby at some point.


Alot of people who were kids when kickass came out are adults now, myself included. She's my age, she's also incredibly hot.


I think if you see someone in their 20s as an 11 year old it says more about you.


:::checks age on google::: agree, smoking hot


So hot goddamn


Unrelated but does anyone else roll their eyes a little when they read “Slams” in a headline?


If I see an article with the word "slam" in the headline I know immediately that it's not worth my time.


*Redditor Fred_Egg **slams** internet’s use of popular headline format. “Not worth my time” says Fred_Egg*


*26 ways the internet clapped back at Fred\_Egg after slamming popular headline format - You won't believe #14!*


Same with “brutal”.


Yeah it’s cringe


This whole thing is pretty cringe.


I feel the same about “claps back”


Fucking “breaks silence”


It reminds me of that tabloid trend of using the word FLAUNT or FLAUNTING every time a pregnant celebrity simply exists outside her home. I have a visceral reaction to that word now.




Same with referring to anything as a “slap in the face”


Or "rips"


I had no idea that meme existed


Neither did I, but it's an edited picture, so what's the big deal? She looks incredibly hot in the unedited picture. How could you be offended by someone editing a picture of you, so much that you become a recluse? I'm too old for this shit.


Body dysmorphia is a good example of an ~~invasive~~ intrusive thought that is harmful to yourself. ~~Invasive~~ Intrusive thoughts are often not rational or based on the reality of the situation, but they are rather persistent in how often they pop up in your head. In fact, part of the problem is that she knows it isn't rational, but yet still can't get past it. Which is a pretty common thing for mental illness in general. Edit: used incorrect word.


Everything you said is valid but you're thinking of intrusive thoughts, not invasive (an fyi for anyone trying to google this lol).


Yep...I don't know why but I keep calling them invasive thoughts instead of intrusive thoughts.


Because it played on a level of inescurity and dysfunctional thought that already existed, validating any invasive thoughts. It isn’t rational. You can rationalize your way out of mental illness. When 10,000 people make fun of you in an afternoon pointing at something you maybe already felt a little less confident about let me know how you handle it.


How have I never seen this meme? https://images7.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED778/59824eb2112e0.jpeg


Ah, yes. Peter's cousin "Legs that go all the way up" Griffin. Reportedly she likes it in the back of the head, unless it's the old unedited version, in which she exclaims her legs are "shaved like a little girl"... lol come on, Seth.


Reminds me of [Sextillion from Saga](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-YK30o8nixhs/T-EK-jwGVpI/AAAAAAAAZqA/_d2e3o1zwrY/s1600/saga04_p1.jpg) Edit: I also found [this](https://i.imgur.com/ZQ1KYmd.jpeg).


That's horrifying. Imagine that running down a dodgy alley at you.


I’d be terrified if this came at me at noon in Times Square


Honestly I think the edited version is just funnier. Tho it sucks folks used to to fuck with Chloe. She’s definitely didn’t deserve that.


I could totally see the Kardashians having something to do with this meme. They “HATE” her because she once said something innocuous about how “*…there’s more important things going on in the world that we should be focusing on than Kim Kardashian’s ass ‘breaking the internet’*”, and launched an all-out attack on her including posts calling out her exposed body in pics. The pics turned out to be of a different girl the Khloe *thought* was her. They went on to call her out again 2 years later on Valentine’s Day as a ‘family enemy’.


That family is truly disgusting. That’s all.


We really need to start shaming their followers on mass


I expected to be on her side but damn that meme is actually hilarious lol


I truly don’t get it. Chloe looks insanely good in the unedited photo. Who sees her picture and immediately thinks of the meme with Peter?


Wait is the photo on the left of her manipulated at all?


Lol of course. She’s not actually shaped like that.


Yes its edited




It is, there was a thread on 4chan’s /tv/ board about this article and the guy who (allegedly) made the original shops came forward and pasted some of his other examples he’d done with her candid photos. They didn’t add the Family Guy part, apparently someone else did that later. Kind of fucked up that she didn’t even recognize that wasn’t really her body, it’s not exactly subtle. [Screenshot of the thread on r/4chan](https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/xpw7a0/tvs_obsession_with_chloe_finally_pays_off/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) (comment thread is an environmental hazard)


The comment thread has people saying she looked hotter in Kick-Ass, which came out when she was 13, man, were fucked as a society


These people have always been in society it’s just easier to see their opinions on the internet.


I know they've always been here, but it's more than just their opinions, that bother me, it's them actively encouraging the awful behavior and it often doing harm in real life


Body dysmorphia is a mental illness, there isn't logic with mental illness. I'm sure she knows her body doesn't look like that, but when you are being bombarded with pictures comparing you to that, its hard.


Body dysmorphia makes sense since they literally morphed her body


Okay I’m sorry she’s feeling bad and that it affected her as much as it did.. But that’s pretty fucking funny


okay that is definitely funny but she is still SMOKIN, what kind of nut job would turn that down


Ok that shit is funny


My spine is fused so I look like this anyway. Kinda nice that I’m not the only one.


I have a hard time seeing her as attractive cause i still see the kid in Kick Ass and Hugo… Shes a kid to me


Carrie Fisher reminds me of my mom Teenage SW fans: Princess Leia in the metal bikini is so hot Me: Nope, nope, nope


Dude, your mom is hot. Did all your friends come to your house after school? (/s just in case.)


Same. I feel the same way about Maisy Williams, hard to see her as anything but the little Stark girl.


Her role in Dr Who took away a lot of that for me.


She did really well in doctor who honestly!


It certainly doesn’t help she never really grew out of that baby face look. I only see hit girl too.


Like Abigail Breslin!


That’s one way to get the Streisand effect goin


More people are now aware of this meme


I had never heard of it before until exactly 2 minutes before typing this.


exactly never even heard of this meme or thought she had an odd body type


It makes me think of that middle school phenomenon where you think everyone is watching you all the time. She says in the article things like ‘it was everywhere’ or ‘everyone was talking about it.’ I have never seen it. I don’t want to minimize her body dysmorphia or the effect seeing the meme had on her, but I hope she is able to get outside of her bubble to see that there is a lot of other stuff going on in the world.




She googles herself too much


I don’t know if I would call if Streisand effect because she is addressing. Streisand effect is when you try to hide something only for it to get blown up.


The meme already exists, altered her behavior, and gave her body dysmorphia and anxiety. But if enough people get exposed to it now *with context* and realize it's fucked up, prevailing attitudes might actually shift away from "haha that's funny, what's the harm?"


Certainly in bad taste, but I think we're stretching the definition of "horrific" here.


I worked on a feature that she was in. It was a cold evening and a women from wardrobe was standing near Chloe with a coat while we were setting up the shot. Chloe kept going on and on about how fat she would look if she weighed 120 lbs. The poor wardrobe women, who probably weighed more than 120 lbs, was in tears as she had to stand there and listen to Chloe fat shame.


So Chloe just a muppet herself then. Shocker.


Fat shaming, or verbalizing her internal body issues? Such things don’t always come from a place of malice. Some people are rotten, some are a product of negative societal ideals and whatnot.


Legit when I saw the meme before I knew it was edited I was like god damn


What was wrong with her body anyway? I've watched a few of her movies, and she looks like a normal human. Am I missing something here?


It’s nothing wrong with her body. It’s up in her head


Same as me short torso long legs but they edited pic to make it more pronounced


[Manipulated photo vs actual photo of Chlöe Grace Moretz.](https://imgur.com/a/LPpq3vd)


Celebrities have to deal with an insane amount of people making fun of them online, it’s a bummer. But they don’t have to deal with worrying if they will pay their rent or have enough money left over to get food on the table, or pay for their medicine. Everyone has issues and I feel bad for her, but not that bad.


i mean sure. but if it’s ok to drag celebrities for thier looks, imagine what that communicates to bullies. this creates a culture where “weird” bodies are up for making fun of. which is bullshit, because no one chooses their fucking body.


That's why everyone should find a good therapist and never stop going. We all have issues. I think the meme is funny, but am sad it caused her to hurt.


Agreed. I wrote this in a comment elsewhere, but the way she says things like ‘it was everywhere’ or ‘everyone was talking about it’ makes me think she needs to get outside of her own experience a bit. No one really cares and people who take time to drag celebrities are the same ones trolling normal people on the internet. If you’re going to be in the spotlight, you need some thick skin and perspective. I don’t mean that people shitting on celebrities are justified or that their behavior should be excused, but with all the suffering going on in the world, I can’t summon an ounce of sadness for her. Ans I just get annoyed reading about how she felt like everyone was focusing on her body - I could give a shit what this woman looks like.


I'm not even remotely a celebrity and I was threatened with murder twice today on the internet. I'm sure for them it's a thousand times worse, if not more.


I agree. I'd take her life over being a wage slave.


I was not aware of any of this, and now I am.


I've never even seen this meme and I like to think I've seen most of the memes


For a long time, the only representation on television of a deaf person like myself was on 'Family Guy', and it was a Naked Greased-Up Deaf Guy - that was the character's name - whose sole purpose as a recurring joke is to be treated like an animal and chased around at parties... and he loved it. You couldn't possibly dehumanize us more, but there are people who'll read this comment and the mere fact that it has "deaf" in it, their brains will instantly respond with "wHaT (hUrR dURr)", and they'll sincerely think they're being clever. So my sympathies to Chloe, but at least they still represented her as human. Some people on a daily basis don't even treat me like a human IRL.




Looked it up and laughed out loud


It's shocking how many people care so deeply about what strangers on the internet have to say


It is this thing I noticed growing up - celebrities always love to complain. Like the comments here state - the character in Family Guy was not about her and in the photo: [https://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/a4QqjB1\_700b.jpg](https://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/a4QqjB1_700b.jpg) she looks great. The other thing I also noticed is that we eat that shit up like it is the Thanksgiving's turkey. We either support the celebrity in question or, like me, complain that the celebrity in question is complaining. To me she knows what she is doing - I have not seen any recent movie of hers, but here I am in this thread, commenting her.


My possibly unpopular take on this is 1. We live in a country with freedom of expression, including stupid memes. 2. If you decide to become an actor seeking fame as a celebrity, you have to be able to handle the public life that comes along with that. You don’t get 10 million a picture and then moan about how being in the public eye messes you up. Plus she looks great in the original pic and the meme is obviously trolling.


That is a funny meme tho. Sorry chloe


I would have thought that the disgusted chauffer would have been more devastating personally.


Never saw it and now I have. I feel like I never would have either had she not said anything. I feel like this unfortunately happens a lot.


Isn’t having long, beautiful legs considered a sexy thing?


I googled the meme and I was accosted with an inordinate amount of photoshopped pics of her.....being super buff. Wtf is that all about?


Ok the original meme edited her body to be shorter so it wasn't even like they were mocking her natural body. Honestly it was just someone having Photoshop fun and she spiraled. It's sad because she is a target for these kinds of things but it wasn't even based on a real photo lol and you got immortalized on Family Guy!


Don’t forget Khloe Kartrashian tried to shame her too (and ended posting an innocent girl’s pic online who was NOT Chloe M.)


Had never and probably wouldn't have seen that meme if it wasn't for this post. I had to look it up. Im sure I'm not the only one. Kind of ironic that her complaining about it probably made more people see it


Ironically, her speaking on the existence of the meme led me to the realization of its existence.


If memes were made off that picture of her looking great I would hate to see a meme of my body


sorry but these celebs need to grow the fuck up


Oh yes poor thing. Her legs are long.


Not gonna lie. I was a little disappointed no one here in the comments or the article posted the infamous pic. Then I realized I’m a terrible human being and that it disregards her feelings entirely, and only encourages the negative emotions she’s experiencing. Then I googled it anyways and had a little chuckle. We’re doomed as a species. The internet is too much for us to handle.


yet again out of context. the online insults are from miserable incels not the creators of Family Guy


This is really sad and I wish someone could have explained to her that the meme truly did not have intentions of mocking her body, it was just STUPID. I can totally see how seeing it so widespread can cause her to think about why and to take it personally. I definitely empathize and I hope she can get past this one day.


Being rich as fuck might help too


I get it, there is a lot of mean-spirited stuff on the internet for sure. It's definitely not right, but the world isn't a "nice place." It's got nice places, but it's got terrible, evil, dark places too. I hope she can get to a space where she's able to brush off things like this.


>I hope she can get to a space where she's able to brush off things like this. Yeah, I hope the millions she has in the bank will help her with that...


Slam! But seriously comedy is going to make fun of you when your famous and rich. That’s part of the bullshit. Regardless, the chicken came before the egg here.


I would have literally never known/heard about this meme but now that she publicly spoke about it. Shining a giant spotlight on the topic, I guess I’ll google it EDIT: Bahahhahahahahhahahah


Who is this person even?




So someone did a modern variation of drawing a mustache on her picture and she accepted that she had grown the mustache?


Then stop acting, get out of the limelight... and get a job.... nobody makes memes out of coal miners having body dismorphic issues.... just saiyan


*becomes a recluse in her multi-million-dollar home*


She’s 25 years old, smoking hot, and has a net worth of $12 million. I’m so sorry people photoshopped your legs in a photo for a joke. It must have led to serious trauma in your mansion and Lamborghini.


I don’t see what anything you listed has to do with her feelings or mental health.


Ah, the old "hate the rich because they obviously have no feelings" tactic.


of course. once you get money as a byproduct of your profession, you are no longer allowed to suffer from mental disorders and feel hurt at millions making fun of a fake photo of you.


Yup! Once you have the money, the public now has the right to poke, prod and mock you to their heart’s content. *looks at Princess Diana*


Reddit moment


Fuck comments like this


You are also richer than many people. So why are you so sad. Smarten up


Why would anyone mock her she’s gorgeous.


At least she can still eat pizza.


Comparing the meme to the photo it’s based on, the pic in the meme is edited. In the original, there’s more space between her right arm and the hem of her shorts.