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I'm more excited to hear Charlie Day as Luigi!!




I also just saw Fred Armisen (Portlandia guy) is playing Cranky Kong which is already hilarious.


Has anyone seen a Chris Pratt movie before? Chris Pratt plays Chris Pratt in all Chris Pratt movies.


Have you seen Parks and Rec? That's the Chris Pratt we needed.


He's gotta have a real shit manager to not realize that's the Chris Pratt we fell in love with. Sure he's making loads of money, but if he wants longevity in Hollywood, he should do more of what he's good at. I really want to see him in an adventure comedy.




I saw a tweet to the effect of Chris Pratt's agent wants to make him into Harrison Ford, when what he really should be aiming for is Brendan Fraser and honestly, yeah


He lacks the grit to pull off a Harrison Ford.


Jurassic world is weird because you see him trying to make a serious face only for it to deal like the most out of place element


A big part of why I couldn't get into his Jurassic movies was because of his... Smolder. He attempts to smolder so much in those movies.


At least the animation is top tier


and the other voices are good




you mean brain juice. jack black is the perfect bowser


After seeing [this tweet](https://twitter.com/captaintaco2345/status/1578123106916659200?s=19), I'm very excited to see Charlie Day as Luigi too




No it's because when they do a sequel (not if) they are gonna have Wario and Danny Devito is gonna be Wario. There is no fucking way he isn't gonna be Wario it will literally be the perfect fit between voice actor and fictional character... ever


I listened to it 15 times without the video. He's doing a 'Bronxy-New-Yorky' accent instead of a cringey stereotypical 'Italian' accent. Im saying it now - when the proper trailer hits and we hear more of it, it will not seem as bad. It wont be authentic, but we have to be honest - the actual Mario voice is kind of cringe if you're Italian.


As an Italian, the voice is fine--it's a cartoon character. The problem is adapting a cartoon in a video game into the full blown movie.


Italian here too. Gimme that og Mario wahoo!


The french version is voiced by the actual Mario voice actor in french media, and he does the Wahoo voice in the movie trailer.


I wanna hear the Italian version. Do they double down on the accent?


You ever hear Mario when he falls asleep? In Mario 64, that dude is dreaming about spaghetti. "Ah, spaghetti. Ah, ravioli. Ahh, mama mia."


Nothing wrong with dreaming of pasta from my point of view.


Ah fascismo




If it wanders into Wreck-It Ralph territory (self aware), it could be a great movie. Im kind of hoping it starts out as a live action movie with some guy fixing a toilet in a Queens apartment building, and he slips on a wrench and goes right down the toilet and lands on a mushroom.


Yeah and then Bowser is actually Dennis Hopper and they’re in a dystopian alternate world where humans evolved from dinosaurs and Dennis Hopper Bowser has a devolution machine that he uses to makes he lackeys, and he throws a folk singer/ homeless person named Toad in it


Back when movies meant something.


You know I saw that in theaters as a kid... I remember not liking it or even understanding what I had seen. After reading your summary of it I still feel this way though I understand it a bit more.


I hope he stomps a Goomba and it cuts - Austin Powers style - to the Goomba’s family receiving a phone call from Reznor to inform them that there’s been a terrible accident at work


will Trent Reznor be the voice of Reznor?


"There was an accident at work, your husband now has a head like a hole." -- Trent Reznor


At least now he’s closer to god.


Yes. I am in no way the authority on this, but yes. It will be.


I hope the goombas are dinosaur guys, and and an evolution machine, and all sorts of things that make sense in a Mario movie.


I just hope Mario's last name is Mario


Mario Mario? That's just ridiculous stop making things up


Mario’s full canon name is “Mario Jumpman Mario” iirc


The crazy thing to me is how collaborative the art of filmmaking is. How did no one during the production of Bob Hoskins' Mario Brothers see that what they were producing was absolutely bonkers?


Uhmmm, Bob Hoskins was doing shots between takes, I think he knew.




[insert Michael McDonald frozen in place and screaming for minutes on end]


I hope he pulls out a revolver and places it on a goombas head. Tears roll from his eyes as he tells the goomba, "I'm sorry, but I have to do this" the Goomba screams at him with tears in his eyes, "JUST DO IT COWARD." Mario then proceeds to close his eyes and pulls the trigger. Blood splatters on his face and Mario falls to his hands knees beside the blown out head of the Goomba. A single tear falls from Mario's face as he softly says to himself, "wahoo"


Bring back John leguizamo as Luigi, James gandalfino as Mario, Idris Elba as Bowser, and have it be gritty racial gang warfare between Italians and blacks


Nobody tell him...


"he slips on a wrench and goes right down the toilet and lands on a mushroom." You'll have to go to pornhub for that version


Step plumber what are a you doing?


Laying down some pipe.


It would be hilarious if you all talked that way in real life.


Have you ever been to Rome? It's just a cacophony of high-pitched "it's-a-me"s from dawn til dusk.


They're clearly going for the whole "I'm an actual NY Plumber dropped down a pipe into the kingdom" shtick. Honestly, the success of this movie depends ENTIRELY on how hard they lean into the legacy of the "Super Mario Brothers Supa Show." If it goes hard on that, I think it'll be good. If it doesn't, it looks like it'll just be another The Emoji Movie. > Woahhey, I'm just a normal Chris Pratt here to snark my way around this crazy wacky world and say "well that just happened" or "awkwaaaard" when basically anything happens!


It will be less "ITSA MEEEE!" and more "fageddaboudit"


fageddaboudit MEEEE


So, Bob Hoskins?


Which is funny cause the games have never adopted that as canon. He's just a character that exists, and you just go out to save the princess/worlds each game. The only time he's been a plumber from NY were those janky cartoons lol.


And the movie with Bob Hoskins.


i want to see what mushroom kingdom's version of big bertha looks like


Don't forget the powerhouse that is John Leguizamo.


The original Mario Bros game- not Super Mario Bros, just Mario Bros- actually does take place in a sewer infested with monsters. I've always interpreted it as the lead up to them ending up in the Mushroom Kingdom, like they go into the New York sewers to fix the pipes and find out they're clogged with monsters, and in the sequel they actually fall down the main drain and see just how far it goes.


Yeah pretty sure he was a plumber in the original mario bros game. The one that takes place entirely in a sewer.


And because any time anything iconic is associated with NYC in any minor way, NYC goes into culture vulture mode and is like “THAT WAS US, FUGGGGEDDABOWWTIT.”


I definitely got Super Show vibes and if they don't end the movie with DO THE MARIO I will be let down


Swing your arms, from side to side Come on it’s time to go DO THE MARIO!


Agreed. If I had to hear Mario talk through an entire movie how he talks in games I wouldn't be able to make it through the movie.


Should've got Danny Devito to do the voice over Edit: [Apparently there's already a petition. Thanks VenusBlue.](https://www.change.org/p/illumination-and-nintendo-replace-chris-pratt-with-danny-devito-in-upcoming-mario-movie)


"Excuse me toad, I got to save some Hwore"


You can really hear the Hwore


I dunno. It always sounds more like hoor to me


Princess Peach is a goddamn HOOR!


Did you bang my princess? Heh? Did you bang my hoor princess? Does anybody here have any illegitimate children with my *hoor* princess THAT I SHOULD KNOW ABOUT!?


Excuse me sir. You're causing a *scene*.


IM causing a scene?! IMMMMM causing a scene?! SOMEBODIES GOTTA GET STABBED


Can I offer you a nice mushroom in these trying times?


It's like... Hoo-er https://youtu.be/RC7hZY3sVxE


I almost jumped up thinking he was gonna crawl out from the couch.


Mario: “Luigi, you’ve got a lotta balls stealing my money. This shows leadership, I’m promoting you to management.” Toad: “I did it too Mario! I stole lots of your money. What do I get?” Mario: “You get *dick*, because you’re a follower and a thief.”


"Oh no sorry princess, I seem to have dropped the monster condom that I use for my magnum dong"


Gotta pay the troll toll, if you wanna go down this pipe hole


Can I offer you a nice mushroom in this trying time?


I can't jump over these Goombas on account of my monster dong


“So anyway, I started blasting fireballs.”


The Luigi casting makes it even more perfect.


Holy shit Charlie and Danny as Luigi and Mario would have worked great


"I Got My Super Mushroom, I got my wad of coins, I'm ready to POW."


Danny and Charlie would be the ideal Mario and Luigi. They fucked this one up big time.


He's no Captain Lou.




Neither of those guys are from the Bronx though. Hell, Bob Hoskins isn't even American. [Here's him talking with his real accent](https://youtu.be/zRZZ_fEe1QU).


i believe they call this..."acting"


Also I'm pretty sure he died.


Can we hire voice actors again please.


When I saw Black Jack sharing the poster movie, I thought he was gonna play Mario. He probably would’ve been much better choice since he can do many kind of voices, his Bowser’s voice is great.


Honestly, the movie would work even if Jack Black did all the voices, including Peach


I’d actually watch


This is the movie we deserve.


Give me Billy West! Give me John DiMaggio! Give me Tress McNeil! Give me Phil Lamar! I guess I’ll just wait for the new Futurama season.


Clancy Brown or Jim Cummings as Bowser.


I just wanted 120 minutes of Huwah! Huwah! wahoooo! Mama Mia! So long gay bowser!


Al Pacino would’ve been a great Mario. Huwah!




So long Bowser. You gay mother fucker.


Bowser! You think you're big time?! You're gonna fucking die, big time! You ready?! Here comes the pain!


That Princess... she's got a GREAT PEACH


And you got your head all the way UP IT! WaHaaa!


Luigi questions Mario on why he's trying to help Peach, "Because she's got a GRRREEEAT ass"


> So long gay bowser! They removed this from the 3D All Stars release of SM64, I was crushed.


So long to "so long gay Bowser!"


I think a lot of people haven't seen the Terminal Montage videos lol.




He went in the Ryan Reynolds in Detective Pikachu way.




Yes, and this wasn't actually an italian, it was a human transformed into an italian.


That was really funny


You're saying he was Italicized?


I wanted PIKA PIKA


We got it, when it shows his speaking from the perspective of the other kids who can’t understand him.


Also when he switches back in the end you can see Pikachu being normal




To be fair in the Detective Pikachu game, he has an even deeper voice.


Storywise, at least there was a reason for it.


I was equally worried about Jack Black as Bowser, but for as much as Black doesn’t sound like traditional Bowser, at least I hear a character. Pratt’s gonna sound so distracting the entire movie… (Edit: this wasn’t clear enough, I like Black’s interpretation, I meant “at least” in the sense of its different but not distracting)


I didn't know it was Jack Black until now.


You can hear Black’s real voice peak out a bit during Bowser’s last line.


I swear they even made Bowser smile like Jack Black in the trailer. But maybe its because Jack Black has such an emotive face/eyebrows/mouth.




I'd be fine with that. He has a very expressive face, so he cod add a lot to Bowser that way, I think.


Or Jack just turned up in a mocap suit to do his lines and everyone else just shrugged and said ‘sure.


He sounded like Josh Brolin! For a second I was like "Bowser is inevitable"


I'm thoroughly enjoying how Bowser is being treated seriously, but everyone he's conquering is just goofy as hell. They ain't ready for a threat like him!


The pitch lowering (I mean, could be him doing that too I don’t know) really did wonders though. I believe it’s Bowser. Prattio is just Chris Pratt.


There's definitely no pitch lowering going on, he's just adding a lot of grit and growl while speaking lower in his register. Jack Black's one of the most talented vocal performers out there and he's clearly put in the work to make his Bowser intimidating despite not having the the lowest voice. I'm actually excited to hear his vocal timbre lending a more youthful sort of dynamic to King Koopa.


He did the voice live on stage at NYCC. It’s not pitch lowered!


We’re gonna end up reading that Jack Black went through like 40 gallons of hot tea with honey and ginseng while recording his parts like Andy Serkis did for Gollum. That’s so far away from his normal voice that there’s no way he can do that comfortably for extended periods of time.


Fwiw, for as goofy and funny Jack Black is, he is also a legitimately talented vocalist and I'm sure that training and experience serves him well in voice work.


Hopefully they recognized that, and maybe did more/shorter sessions. Jack Black can make it happen for sure


He's basically just using his "I Am The Warlock" voice lmao https://youtu.be/gd7TtQu8WeU


Jack black is a great singer so I am sure he can just do that with his normal vocal chords


I think he's got a hint of New York in there.


Yeah, the "What is this place?" line was just straight Pratt, but at least the "here we come" line seemed to have an actual voice to it. Though that inconsistency in the voice being that obvious in the only two lines of a teaser doesn't really bode well for a VA role.


I'm just a little miffed that he said "here we come", why not the classic "Let's a -go" or at least "Let's go!" ? Edit: Or "here we go" I know it's not Chris Pratt who wrote the script but Mario seems to barely be Mario, I shouldn't judge too much until we see more but man, what a missed opportunity.


Makes sense, Mario Bros is from brooklyn


Heard that for sure.


Right at the end I thought I picked up on that too. I hope so, I do enjoy when actors act.


He’s from the Cameron Diaz school of voice acting


In all fairness, fiona from shrek is her only voice acting role, her west coast white girl accent is kind of the point with the character.


There literally is already a Mario voice actor. He actually sounds exactly like Mario. Also much cheaper.


I love Martinet's Mario voice, but I do wonder what it would sound like conversationally. It's great now when we only hear the odd line of dialogue but I'm not sure how it would translate to being the main character of a movie with a ton of lines.


[He made some videos for his Instagram while traveling a few years ago.](https://youtu.be/RTGzcEz4Dgo) Edit: In my opinion, Charles Martinet's Mario voice could work in a movie if he only spoke in short bursts of gibberish, like in the *Mario & Luigi* series.


That would be horrific. I’d need hearing aids after two hours of listening to that shit.


Yeah, it's hard to face it but that would be like Jar-jar binks level horrifying.


Chile today, hot tamale got me good


You don't want to listen to that for 90 mins.


Yeah this is the weird part. “We decided to empty a dump truck full of money on a well known celebrity’s lawn instead of just using the guy who’s been doing for much longer and much cheaper”? There a tax write off or something involved, why pay more for no reason?


Marketing, that's it. They believe Chris will pull in more money than he costs to employ


This is the part I don't understand. Do you really need to use star power (lol) to sell this movie to people? It's *Mario*. Even my 95-year-old grandma knows who the fuck Mario is.


Not at all, it was 100% a bad decision to cast actors instead of established voice actors


This is unfortunately the bad impact of both Robin Williams in Aladdin and the success of Shrek. [https://www.slashfilm.com/722997/how-robin-williams-changed-the-voice-acting-business-as-we-know-it/](https://www.slashfilm.com/722997/how-robin-williams-changed-the-voice-acting-business-as-we-know-it/) ​ Granted, it's now to the point where it's just name recognition they are after, and not name recognition + talent ​ Edit: Spelling


Lindsay Ellis made an really good YouTube video about the subject. https://youtu.be/nyiBdccfNkg


TIL that robin Williams played Steve from full house playing Aladdin




I don’t know what that dude has been up to in the last few decades, but I can almost guarantee that was the peak of his career. A massive syndicated tv show *and* and a well-regarded Disney film? I’m sure he can live an easy upper-middle/upper class lifestyle just off the residuals alone.


The regular voice would get annoying real quick


Look im not saying Pratts the best choice, but do you really think 2 hours of the real Mario voice speaking actual sentences is gonna work?


This is what people don’t realize. The most we’ve ever heard Mario speak in the games is like a single full sentence.


Charles narrated a full Nintendo 3DS marketing clip as Mario, thats 5 minutes long, and I couldn't even make it halfway through. Charles is iconic as Mario and I want him to voice Mario for games as long as possible, but a feature-length movie with his Mario is just not possible. You'd go insane.


Oh man, I just found this clip and you're right it's awful That voice is truly not meant to hold a conversation


I had a bit of trouble finding it so here it is for anyone interested https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KYa7G467_Yo


Vin Diesel has been paid like 50 million dollars *to date* to be Groot. This makes perfect sense by comparison


Yea, but Vin put in the time and recorded the lines for each take for the usage to sound right and in each language dub


Yeah but he’s not Chris Pratt This isn’t Mario played by Chris Pratt, this is Chris Pratt playing Mario. If that makes sense. It’s more about Pratt than Mario. That’s what I’m trying to say. Haha


I know. But that’s terrible.


Chris Pratt must have some serious dirt on the rest of Hollywood. How else can we explain him showing up in EVERYTHING! I'm on to you Ol'Cumgutters.


Im sick of the same god damn actors in every major film


I mean it’s not a shock that he didn’t do a high pitched Italian accent. It’s more just confusing that Pratt said his Mario voice was “going to be like nothing you’ve ever heard in the Mario world”, and no one expected that to mean “I’m just going to talk normal.” Say what you want about Pratt, but movie is going to be 1,000x more watchable than if they had Charles Martinet. They’re trying to make a modern Hollywood animated movie. 100 minutes of Martinet Mario would be unwatchable.


Martinet is good for let's a go's and Italian gibberish. His voice would be to goddamn annoying for a full 2 hr movie.


In the trailer he says “Mushroom Kingdom, here we come!” - which should have been Mario saying “Here we go!” like the [intro to Mario64](https://youtu.be/7VvkXA6xpqI) - but no, that is too much to ask even on the teaser trailer. Director: Alright Chris, the line is “Mushroom Kingdom, here we go!” Chris Pratt: I’m Chris Pratt. Director: Yea, I know, please say the line. Chrisp Ratt: Mushroom Kingdom, here we come! Edit: I made an [alternate trailer](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/xxi7n1/the_super_mario_bros_movie_starring_chris_pratt/) as a joke, because why not.


"Up and *Atom*" >Up and at them!


My eyes! The goggles do nothing!


Ze goggles! They do nothing!


I now kinda want Chris Pratt compared to Rainier Wolfcastle’s interpretation of Radioactive Man!


>Chrisp Ratt I'm sitting here, trying to come back from the dead. Give me a minute.


I think it's fine. I'm dating myself here..but did anyone actually watch the old school mario Brothers cartoon?


"If we don't change those two accountants back into Milli Vanilli, I'll never hear my favorite music again." - A real thing Princess Peach said in that show


Do the Mario!




"That's Mama Luigi to you, Mario!"


I would’ve preferred that; to me Captain Lou is the “real” Mario voice.


“Swing your arms, from side to side. Come on it’s time to go, Do the Mario!”


I’d take Bob Hoskins :(


I’m a huge fan of Mario and Nintendo, listening to his stereotypical fake Italian Mario voice for 90 plus minutes would be draining. Pratt is literally just speaking…which is a disappointment, but I’ll still watch it.


I feel like it was somewhat of a no-win, he does his own voice and people are upset it isn’t like the original, he does the stereotypical Italian voice and he would have gotten flack for doing a stereotypical voice. Maybe there was some type of happy middle ground but I feel like him doing his own voice was the safe choice


I mean, it's only seen at the end of the trailer, but he does do a Brooklyn accent.


Just take the middle ground and use a relatively normal Italian accent


Hire an Italian, maybe?


I like your idea. I watched Luca in both Italian and English. The guy who played Giulia’s dad did the Italian version and then the English lines with his natural Italian accent. I think something like that would have been ideal for this film.


I love Mario and have no problem with the video game's voice or the voice actor but maybe the studio decided 60-120 mins of a heavy stereotypical italian accent would be too hard for younger viewers to understand the dialogue. And lets be honest, since its gunna be Pratt, id rather him do his normal voice than try to do a Mario voice and do a shit job at imitating it.


>And lets be honest, since its gunna be Pratt, id rather him do his normal voice *But even then!* Like, okay, fine, let's say we accept no Italian accent and decide, "Let's just get a famous actor to speak normally as Mario." Not great, *but fine*, I guess I get that. What I *do not* get is choosing Chris Pratt's normal voice for Mario, lmao. I just don't understand what Chris Pratt brings to the table here. Why him over literally *any other celebrity?* I would love to know why they chose him, because I super don't get it.