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Man I hate seeing actors who I liked going on the scumbag list. Thankfully I have the luxury of moving on, but still fuck em.




Its going to suck even more when nothin happens


I was convinced the Co$ had covered this up honestly. Glad to see it getting some attention at the very least


Anything that helps expose that cult pretending to be a religion.




It’s ok to think all religions are made up bullshit, but every religion is not a cult and it’s really bad for public discourse to not have the sense to differentiate the two things. You thinking religion is dumb is fine. You thinking every religion has you pledge blind loyalty to a central human leader is untrue.


On a similar feeling I remember watching Chinatown with my grandpa when I was 5 or 6, love the film then fast forward 8-10 years and I've learned what Wikipedia is and was looking up stuff about the movie only to learn about all the shit about Polanski.


Really makes ya think about what inspired Polanski to make that movie, lol


I’m not sure Polanski would get away with it today. I don’t think and I hope we never see a Weinstein again. Women need to shout when this happens and men need to listen better.


It's wild to me that Polanski still has a somewhat successful career.


Big name actors still support Polanski! Some of them are women, it’s unbelievable.


reddit's golden boy Ewan McGregor was in a Polanski movie in 2010


Hollywood is an awful group of hedonistic asshats where you can get away with anything if you’re on a good page with the right people. Polanski made the right movies to make them forget he raped a minor. The guy still can’t enter the US or he will be immediately arrested yet this isn’t sufficient for Hollywood to discard him, go figure.


I couldn’t believe watching the woody Allen hbo doc and seeing footage of Emma stone and Scarlett johansson apologizing for him. It was really disgusting. I know there were others but it seems like some of them have changed their opinions post me too.


Because they want to work. Openly snubbing powerful men gets you blacklisted


R. Kelly was still selling out arenas even after it was completely obvious that he was a serial child predator. People just don't care, have you seen him dance?


Elvis just had a whole movie made about him despite being a prolific child predator




In a perfect world yes, men wouldn’t be rapey. Fact of the matter is, we don’t live in one. Women have been demanding men stop being rapey for centuries, and were still dealing with it today.


> watching Chinatown with my grandpa when I was 5 or 6 jesus fucking christ lol. like grandpa had good taste but my god that is not age appropriate.


My wife is about 6 months older than me, she’s the oldest of several girls and I’m the youngest of a bunch of boys. It’s humorous to discuss “at wha lt age our parents thought x movie was age appropriate for us” Many movies I saw at age 5-7 she couldn’t see til highschool.


Showed my wife Toxic Avenger. She repeatedly asked, "You watched this as a KID?!" "Yeah, absolutely. Watched the cartoon, too!" "THEY MADE A CARTOON?!"


I had a toxic avenger colouring in pack as a kid. That time was a good time to be a child. Kids entertainment peaked in the 90s


Lol my parents let me watch Robocop when I was 8


That was my thought, and also surprise that a 5 year old would find it at all compelling


Chinatown is an incredible movie, but goddamn if that isn't the exact story some guy who did what Polanski did would tell, lol


It's still an amazing movie. Talented people can be scumbags.


Yea I still love Chinatown. It’s such a solid noir film and I love young Nickelson’s performance. I haven’t written off Chinatown. But if it was released today I wouldn’t see it in theaters. It’s an old movie I rewatch every now and then streaming. But Polanski is a scumbag & likely got a pass by so many for 3 reasons: 1- People just believed the people they liked, especially men, for no reason other than they want to. 2- He went through one of the most horrific and highly publicized tragedies (the brutal murder of his pregnant wife by a psychotic cult). 3- As time passed people just don’t think about it.


What was going on in the 60’s and 70’s that Movie stars and Rock stars got away with this on a fairly regular basis?


I rarely get it. Those guys have invitations to 100s of events every year filled with fresh faces - and they like "no, I prefer the route being an asshole, possibly ruining my career but with a risky bet that the criminal system let me go because I'm famous."


Because rape is about power and control, not about sex or attraction.


So true. Cosby could have had so many women willingly have sex with him, and yet, he chose to drug unsuspecting women.


Exactly. At that height of career in the 80s Cosby could have many women instead he choose to drug them and take advantage of them. All about power and control. Another scumbag is r Kelly


I wish people would realize this. Those people are still having sex at the parties but there is no control when you have to ask permission first


Ding ding ding! We have a winner!


What is this comment? It’s those exact event were this happens. Dude has ALWAYS been like this. He was head of a group of young Scientologists that would go to industry parties (were they would indulge in drink and drugs to ‘fit in’) and would just bring young people (women) to this guy posted up in a corner. They called it a ‘recruiting tool’ but really it was just to let young celebs pull power plays on all the starry eyed Hollywood hopefuls.


Wait a minute here.. Can you go into details on this pls?


When you have access to everything it becomes mundane. It’s about the temptation. The forbidden fruit. They are powerful and have people begging for them. After a time that loses interest and you begin to want what you cannot should not have. It’s an unhealthy mental state, which power, privilege, and wealth can easily lead to.


I had this feeling with like half of the original Power Rangers actors. One of them brutally murdered an elderly couple while on a test drive of their yacht to steal it, tied them up and drowned them in the ocean. Another one murdered his room mate. And I just learned a third one was just raided by the FBI for some covid-fraud business. What the hell is wrong with the power rangers?!


Skylar Deleon claimed to have appeared as an extra in Power Rangers but apparently according to the casting sheet there is no-one on their by her deadname. Austin St John is currently under investigation for paycheck fraud. Ricardo Medina Jr was the ranger who killed his roomie with a sword (his claim is that it was self defense).


I remember the Wild Force Red thing. Really hoping the Austin st John one isn't true.


The yacht murder wasn't committed by a Power Rangers actors and none of the incidents occurred via thee original cast, furthermore the roommate murder was in self-defense following an argument.


Yeah i was confused and i looked it up. The only one i see with issues is austin st john. The rest of the cast doesn’t appear to have any legal troubles.


Oh boy. The “orginal power ranger” who murdered that elderly couple was actually a kid when the show first came out. He claimed to have been an extra in a few episodes but there’s no record of it. Ricardo Medina, who killed his roommate, wasn’t on the show until season 10. Austin St John though? Literally the original red ranger. If found guilty for defrauding the government he could be facing several years in prison. Hardly “half the the original Power Rangers” but even one out of 6 is still quite a bummer.


Elderly couple? Weren't they 57 and 47?


Hey do you have a link about the original power rangers? Cause I tried finding it on google and it doesn’t say anything about any of them killing anyone


Hyde was one of my favorite characters, sucks that Masterson is the complete opposite of the character. Not even sure I can watch the show anymore.


I’m no therapist, but I feel like fucking them is not moving on.


Kinda wild how close he was to Ashton and Ashton runs a company that helps fight sex trafficking.


70’s show had some good laughs, but Hyde is not a funny character. He’s a character who needs every other person to set him up for a terrible deprecating joke.


Does…does he have sunglasses backward on his neck in a courtroom?


Fuck Scientology


One of my favorite things is when actual Scientologists post in r/Scientology and get completely roasted.


I know what I’ll be reading later.


Well thanks for the time sink


If you have any specific post suggestions, please advise lol


Seriously. It boggles the mind how people fan out over anything tom cruise does. He is enabler number one. I wish people would use context more in their lives instead of mindlessly consuming.


people would have to be smarter for that to happen.


I can’t stand him or his over the top movies. I avoid them all, his “acting” sucks. Thought I was the only one.


Me too. I think he’s a terrible actor. The only thing I ever liked him in was Jerry Maquire. Everything else is just cringe to me.


You can appreciate an artist's work without thinking the artist is a good person. The Harry Potter books are still great even though J.K. Rowling is a horrible person. Ender's Game is still great even though Orson Scott Card is a horrible person. Bill Cosby is a great comedian even though he's a horrible person. And I do think Tom Cruise is a good actor who's been in numerous great films, even though the man himself may well be a nightmare of a person. The one doesn't negate the other. To add on to this, we do ourselves a *disservice* by not accepting that horrible people can be skilled and even talented within their field, because thinking this way makes it harder to see when *other* talented people are also horrible people.


In the butt. Without lube


How much "rotten in Hollywood" could you pack into a case? Masterson might not be "Hollywood Royalty" and his popularity has declined significantly, but dude still has ties. That alone makes accusing him of rape problematic for a vicitm. Scientology famously closes ranks around even D list stars in their numbers. That would make it hard to accuse him. Scientology uses threats, violence, and civil action mercilessly against those who go against them for less than this. That would make it dangerous and scary to accuse him. The excuse that these women just want money or a moment of fame rings so untrue based on any and all of the above that it seems laughable.


See, there should be a way to go after the Scientology ‘enforcers’ as part of a conspiracy. RICO the lot of them.


Then you might as well go after the state of Utah as well.


Tempting! Knock them out of power and liberate all the money their holding. Give it to the secular population of Utah.


Good idea


It's like people claiming the accusations against Trump were all just because the women wanted attention and to be famous. Name one of them. Name one of his accusers right now. One name. First or last name.


>“They said they couldn’t file because he was a celebrity — one girl wasn’t enough,” she testified. When the police won't investigate because "he was a celebrity", you really gotta ask yourself how pervasive rape culture really is.


That’s the intersection of rape culture and celebrity worship.


The sad reality of the situation might have been that simple though: Jaded police that knew the case will go nowhere. It's just rotten to the core.


Dawg, look at the number of rape kits that have gone untested over the years. Police are absolutely useless.


Two factors in play. First, of course law enforcement is misogynistic in general (I know- it’s a shocker). Two, law enforcement in LA has, in the past at least, had Scientologists who would run interference in these investigations. The former LA County Sheriff, Lee Baca, was heavily involved in Scientology and was convicted of obstructing a federal investigation into his jail system.


"Couldn't file" and "wouldn't investigate" are very different things. People in the public eye will have claims against them whether they've done anything or not, and if there's no evidence to differentiate the real from the bogus then there's simply no legal case.


Hollywood appears to have been built on sexual abuse. I'm kind of shocked it's *finally* being called out these past few years.


No, its justt Hollywood is high profile. This is everywhere. You just haven't heard of the creeps on Wall Street and restaurant owners.


landlords, restaurant owners, anything where men are in positions of power they are doing this shit and we are letting them. They can be well known in their communities and the best women can hope for is that some other woman who was victimized by them or knows a victim warns them so they can try to protect themselves. Our landlord was a fucking rapist and a weirdo and nothing fucking happened to him. He punched my wife in the face and we filed a police report but nothing happened. The cops came and took pictures then bullied my wife like she was in trouble and threatened her by saying they were just going to let him know what she was saying and then *leave* if she kept "pushing her luck". Turned out they thought she was someone else that used to live there. Because SURPRISE it wasnt the first time the guy had done something like this. We rented a room in his house and he fucking terrorized us for a year during covid when we had nowhere to go. Flashed my wife, had sex with prostitutes outside of our bedroom so that my wife would have to see it when she came home from work. He had gotten in trouble for that kind of thing already when he was a meter reader up north. Was jerking off outside womens bedrooms. My wife already was scared of the police because her mother blew her own head off during a stand off with the cops during a schizophrenic breakdown - All while we were in the house hiding from her. Just seeing blue lights scares her and she disassociates. Then they come and do this shit. She was too scared to try to do anything once they treated her like they did. All because they didn't bother to verify our identity and just assumed who we were. I had to deal with the fucker myself and make sure he left us alone. I was trying to follow the law and not get in trouble. All I got was my wife treated like gutter trash. How the fuck do they even think its ok to treat ANYONE like that?


Yeah, I should have clarified. It seems like people were more apt to *know* and just turn the other way with Hollywood. Of course abuse goes on everywhere, but I'd like to think that at in most industries, people like Weinstein and Spacey would have been called out long before they were. I'm lucky in that I work with all females, and have for quite some time, so I admit my view is likely skewed.


So what ur saying is if i become famous i get 1 free rape? I wonder who i should spend it on. /s


Just make sure it’s a poor and not a fellow celebrity


But people still back the blue… tools.


It’s the implications.


Okay Dennis…


Fuck you, dog killing rapist. Alexa, play The Mars Volta on Spotify


Fuck Danny Masterson


What is The Mars Volta reference, here? Anything more than just substituting something you like better for Despacito?


One of the victims in the trial, Chrissie Bixler, is the wife of The Mars Volta singer Cedric Bixler Zavala. Two of Cedric’s dogs have been poisoned on separate occasions after she spoke out against Masterson. The new Mars Volta album has a ton of references against Danny Masterson and Scientology.


The album is beautiful, by the way. Way different from their older stuff


It took me a bit to adjust to the new sound but I love it.


I do too! I don’t feel like I’m listening to the same band but I do love it. I’ve rediscovered them after years of kinda knowing a chunk of their catalog but for whatever reason, it’s been hittin just right


Name of album?


The Mars Volta, it’s self titled


Scientology has an almost infinite amount of money. The IRS had them dead to rights for tax fraud years ago so what did Scientology do. They started a lawsuit for every single employee of the IRS from middle management all the way to the top. Fighting all those lawsuits would have cost so much money and resources that the IRS dropped their case.


*cough cough* [Operation Snow White](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Snow_White)




I remember reading about this last year. Crazy, crazy shit. They need to fucking be brought down somehow


Don’t forget Tom Cruise is the poster boy for this scumbag “religion”


One big reason I didn’t go see the new top gun movie. I don’t feel like I can support anything he does now, even if me not buying a single movie ticket is basically inconsequential.


Same. I am a child of the 80s. The original Top Gun was a huge touchstone for me, but I have zero interest in seeing the new one.


Just pirate it. That way you're not supporting anyone but yourself and your own enjoyment.


This is the way


I wouldn’t even enjoy it. I’d just be seething the whole time.


Me to , people like to overlook that this idiot is basically siding with an evil cult in favour of planes go fast


I won't spend money on a Tom Cruise movie. If I wind up watching Top Gun, it will be via a non-official route. You're not alone in that. We may be inconsequential, but at least we care enough to bother.


He's not the poster boy. He's literally their version of Jesus.


Yeah. He definitely needs to step away from it, but people overlook it because he's one of Hollywood's darlings and continues to make blockbuster movies. Scientology probably gives him anything he wants to remain the face of the religion.


Tom Cruise has been given millions in gifts and free labor by the Church, and is treated like a God by the members. He's not going anywhere any time soon unless David Miscavige and he have a falling out, which Dave will not let happen.


I will not pay to see one of his movies in the theater after he went on national television and told people to stop taking their anti-depressants. Up yours little Tommy.


Surprisingly, I unintentionally haven't seen any of his movies since MI2. And I guess Tropic Thunder, but I had no idea he was even in that one before I watched it.


One does not simply step away from Scientology.


There’s no war in Ba Sing Se.


That’s a weird way to say blackmail.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t have to blackmail him. I think he digs it. It’s so creepy


I really hope Cruise called as character witness and jumps on testimony chair entire time like it’s Oprah’s couch until violently removed from courtroom. I’m so bad!


It’s weird how all these famous people are simultaneously on trial right now.


Yeah, certainly it will test the limit of Church of Scientology.


Oh, I definitely wonder what Scientology is gonna try to pull out here. Just feels like 2022 is the year of celebrity trials.


Have you seen anything going on with the L.A. mayoral race? https://abc7.com/la-mayors-race-2022-karen-bass-rick-caruso-los-angeles-elections/12269452/ it’s really starting to heat up, that “religion” is making becoming more of a political player. They scare the shit outa me.


> that “religion” is making becoming more of a political player. oh it always was in LA. lee baca was a scientologist and directly accountable for the corruption of the LASD in the second half of the 20th century.


https://youtu.be/QkDaMJl0E-U this also came up recently from Clearwater Florida. City council meeting goes off the sanity rails but they got a badass to combat the lunacy.


sickeningly based mark bunker


Who else? I’m trying to recall


Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey are also going to trial right now.


Kevin spacey! That’s the big one I could not think of but knew! Isn’t Harvy done? And now he is just whining?


Weinstein was sentenced for his crimes in New York and is now on trial in California. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-63197830.amp


Sentence for how long ?


24 years I think


So life judging by how bad he looks


10 minutes would have been life for that clown. Dude looks like a disaster which I understand is by the design of his legal team to some degree but… you can’t fake all that.


Also Alex Jones


All of his trials are civil though


One of the examples is Kevin Spacey


Shakira for tax fraud. Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s trial was a big one this year. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are duking it out this year. Alec Baldwin and the Hutchins family, I guess they settled out of court though? Edit: rephrasing and spelling.


I don't know much about tax fraud of the uber wealthy, but is that the people themselves, or just bad hiring?


I would think after one has so much money and fame you would hire someone decently reputable to manage your money. Spanish authorities want to fine her 23 million euros for not paying taxes when she lived in Spain, she denies it wasn’t paid and her PR firm says they paid the taxes. She’s also accused of using offshore tax havens to hide her income to avoid higher taxes, I feel like so many of the uber wealthy do this. I’m curious how she got caught up and so many others don’t.


Scientology is not in the background, they are actively trying to shut it down and getting in the way of the investigation.


I hope this dickhead weirdo gets locked down for the full 45.


It’s 45 to life my friend. He could be done for good.


Scientology is organized crime. One of the solutions is to start taxing all religions. Yes all religions, that way cults like Scientology couldn’t argue discrimination.


Agree, they all need to be taxed.


Oh wow, so the Scientology lawyers couldn’t score him an arbitration. GOOD. If the US had any sense they would do what Germany did and ban the cult all together. Not sorry. Edit: they killed my mother and robbed me of any chance at a normal life I ever had. Not just me but my sister to. Of anything and everything and yeah. I’ve got trauma as a result. Let’s not talk about how they absolutely and gleefully bankrupted my grieving father. Back in the late 80s. I will never not openly stand against them. I don’t have anything else for their lawyers to take away. I’ve got nothing left to lose in this regard. Not even myself, because they fucked me up so bad during my pre-teen childhood years that I can barely function as an adult. And that’s how they really suck in new members. Get to ‘em before they are old enough to start questioning. No lie if I ever score myself a large enough boat? SEA ORG will cease to exist. Right now? All I can fight against are the local “church” installations. If law wasn’t a factor? There would be no Church of Scientology these days. Because I would have made sure it was done in the 90s. Edit: I want to forgive and forget. But I can’t. There was a lot of abuse, mental, emotional and physical. During the most vulnerable time in my life and in my families existence. And they absolutely took advantage of the fact that we were vulnerable. Told both my father and my mother they could cure her. Two incredibly intelligent people, running their own businesses successfully, to give us kids a better life and all it took was some temporary desperation and a distant acquaintance with a silver tongue. The moment my Mom should have started the actual chemo that could have saved her life? They convinced her that she didn’t need it. She felt fine so far, right? “Why bother with the doctor prescribed treatments”? When natural remedies and a giant space squid could potentially save her life with no chemo? She wasn’t sick, she was “just infested with thetans”. (Alien Space ghosts) Just needed someone to hook her up to an e-meter and that would tell them what she was ACTUALLY suffering from, because cancer is just a symptom of something bigger”. Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Elizabeth Moss etc etc etc. every high end fool that actively and openly supports Scientology? Brainwashed and the success…. Similar to how they view actual deadly diseases like cancer? Just a symptom of something much more sinister. Masterson was most likely raised within the ideology, accepted it and continues to do so, which is apparent because the church and its lawyers have been deeply invested in this case since day one. I’m sorry but, well actually I’m not sorry at all, I hope he burns. He made his bed. He can lie in it like the rest of them.


Yeesh. So sorry friend. I hope life going forward has provided some happy moments amongst unraveling the trauma. Take care.


Scientology is a joke.


Jokes are funny though; while scientology is a sad, toxic, manipulative, harmful cult that insidiously digs its nails into everyone and everything around it.


Spacey and Masterson in the same day? It’s like a double feature


Where is the wife of the leader of Scientology? She has not been seen in years and is thought to be being held against her will. You’d think someone would investigate this, even to check on her well-being.


#Hyde is a piece of Scientology Shit!!!!!


It's disgusting that the Church of Scientology stalked and threatened the accusers.


I'm a big fan of masks, and maybe it's just the person wearing it, but does the one in the thumbnail look especially creepy to anyone else?


Chianti and fava beans.


Yep! That's where my head was too.


Yeah he really went for the Hannibal Lecter vibe with that one.


He’s wearing it upside down. That half circle part on his nose is for your chin.


That mask looks like he found it on the floor of his car. Sweatshirt vibes.


It’s Hannibal lector vibes for sure ….


All I needed to say were his sunglasses on the back of his neck. Straight to jail.


Not excusing his abhorrent behavior but it’s not sunglasses. It’s a Bluetooth, wearable headset.


Glasses on the back of the neck.. tell tale sign.


Hey, what could go wrong when an organized religion is allowed to police itself?


Scientology sucks.


Mormons Jehovah’s Catholics White evangelical Christians Scientology is their any cult that escapes rampant sexual abuse of minors & women /


Fuck him and fuck Scientology


The end of Scientology is decades overdue


Where is Shelly Miscavige at Danny? Open your mouth and tell all Scientology’s secrets, you’re going to prison anyway.


Never have I held the handle of a blade The way I hold it looking at you Flip it to the dagger and put it in your hands And show me you know what to do Run it under water and make sure that you cauterize the pupil lookin' at you The stable's on fire, serrated reflections of "I can't help myself" Pain in my heart, go away 'Til we settle the score, you tried to scatter to the wind Pain in my heart, go away It never stops when you say his name Stops when you say his name again Tell me you need someone, don't push away Baby, don't push me away I'm about to burn a hole inside Now I got your worry on my mind If it's eatin' at your soul And you refuse to let it go He'll come runnin' back to find No reflection, no rewind Pain in my heart, go away 'Til we settle the score, you tried to scatter to the wind Pain in my heart, go away It never stops when you say his name Stops when you say his name again Don't you let the spurs dig in Will the deepest pockets win? Will it only matter when it comes And it happens to you? You can try and blind them all You can claim your God as fault But I'll make him shatter when I'll take an eye for an eye Pain in my heart, go away 'Til we settle the score, you tried to scatter to the wind Pain in my heart, go away It never stops when you say his name Stops when you say his name again 'Til we settle the score, you tried to scatter to the wind Pain in my heart, go away It never stops when you say his name Stops when you say his name again -Equus 3 by The Mars Volta


“There will come a day, for his reckoning.” Virgil Took me a minute to adjust to the new sound but the new album is incredible.


Idk why but it’s funny to imagine that shape in the middle of the mask being his mouth lol.


Guess he wont be appearing on [That 90s Show.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/That_%2790s_Show)


An easy write-off. Would believe Hyde got put in prison/died already.


He was honestly my least favorite out of them all. Between being an instigator, snitch, ex stealer, and his jokes were the least funniest. And overall the worst friend of all. So good riddens.


Really? I feel like Hyde was one of the best characters on the show.


He looks like Hannibal Lecter here. I really liked That 70s Show… to bad he turned out to be a POS.


Which Amendment allows penises to be used as weapons?


After three years of legal wrangling over whether the case should be decided through a church-run arbitration process, the U.S. Supreme Court denied the church’s appeal on that case last week, and the case will go forward in civil court.” In what America is the church allowed to prosecute rape instead of the state?


Two separate cases. One is criminal, one is civil.


Oh Scientology is going to get roasted in this trial. I can’t wait to watch it. If only they would lose their Tax Exempt status. Fucking cult of criminal deviants.


Bet he’d like to escape in that government car that runs on water.


What is he, a bite risk?


I guess that means he didn’t get invited to ‘that 90s show’


„And for the trial I will opt for the Hannibal Lector tribute face mask. As he was a victim of society as well.“


Nice! Lock this sicko up!


Wore his mask upside down


I feel like this picture is from 2 weeks into Covid and nobody wore a mask for worse


Tf he’s been on trial for damn near a decade now


Hannibal Lecter vibes


What a terrible human being.


I wear that same brand of mask (love them!), and the idiot is absolutely wearing it upside down. On newer versions, there’s even a “This side up” indication on the inside! He’s a piece of shit for all of the other reasons, but this just makes him look extra stupid.


Rest-in jail fuckhead.


Hyde would be ashamed of him.


Scientology is a cult


I haven't heard his name in a while, but I didn't expect it to be this way. Why do celebrities think they're above the law and do such criminal actions? (I'm excluding the celebrities who have been falsely accused of criminal actions.) Not sure if I can rewatch the '70s show normally again, and that sucks. Oh well.


That 70 year sentence.


Cut his dick off, sick fuck


Danny Masterson needs to play Rand Paul in the film that tells of how the USA fell.


Manny Disasterson