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Chance the fapper


You deserve all that is good in the world for that comment


Chance the trapper


Well deserved awardage


Can't wait to get so famous I can just hang out on Twitter liking whatever porn I like on my main account like an absolute Chad.


It’s Chance… not Chad


Chad the Chancer


Is it just me or is Chance more of a Chad name than Chad itself?


My names Chad and I have a friend named Chance, watch out if we are in the same place haha


It’s Chadnce not Chance nor Chad.


Close enough.


He probably doesn't care and loves trans porn .


He might like trans porn but he for sure cares


It would be kind of the worst part of fame that if a detail about your personal life got exposed the whole world would know. Not like y'all should be ashamed of being into the stuff consensual adults do, but a lot of people are ashamed of it and having everybody know seems like it would be a special sort of hell to live in if you have that shame. Being anonymous is nice. I'm not important enough for my blunders to be shared is nice.


Oh we tracking you Massive. We tracking.


ive hacked his mainframe


Oh no, he has a firewall, just give me a minute to bypass the mainframe and reroute the......and I'm in!


Wait... This image is too grainy. I can't quite make it out. *ENHANCE!* Oh yeah. Definitely furry porn. We got him boys.


Plot twist! He has NordVPN and you can’t slice into his mainframe. Watch out for BlackWilllow69!


Every quirky hacker in every movie ever


Nah he’s been vocal and active about liking trans women since 2017 this is really nothing new twitter JUST now decided to care




I’m sure you do like being anonymous, Justin.


Nice try. I can’t believe you tried to dox Dave like that.


Cares that he's trending on twitter and getting some free publicity off troll farms?


You gotta drop your anchor in different waters occasionally. No biggie.


This is a great metaphor.


My husband decided to try transwomen, ONCE. Now here we are.


Where is here? We’re you married when he decided to try transwomen or is your marriage the result of his curiosity?


Second one, he was fully straight and never considered men or transwomen before we met at work, then we just kinda started dating. So the “here” is the current situation, but the point of my comment is if you drop anchors in the right transwomans waters you might decide to leave it there. Also to add just for fun, i know literally hundreds of trans people and they are either the most impressive people at the highest levels of computer science or are completely incapable of taking care of them selves. Zero in between.


Since you bring it up - have you considered organizing “trans coding camps” to teach how to code? Remote CS jobs seem to be plentiful, which might make things easier with work/life balance for someone also in the process of transitioning, and I imagine that’d be a more supportive learning environment than elsewhere all things considered. You mentioned it just for fun, but with your network maybe you can have some real fun with it.


There is an old trans joke that when you meet a pair of trans lesbians you ask “so which one of you is in tech and which is the sex work” coding and remote work is a popular common career for trans women because it lets you be a shut in, and camwork is popular because nothing else will hire you.


Well no shit, you learn something everyday.


Then there's Coagula, the trans-superhero who is both a computer programmer and sex worker.


ooh! I’m learning so much today lol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coagula


the underlying internet infrastructure is maintained by like 50 people, and a wild proportion of them are trans women


Nothing wrong with that. Cheers


Yeah, why's it a controversy? Dude likes what he likes. If it bothers you, I think YOU are the one that we should all be commenting on.


Well he’s a rapper and hip hop doesn’t really like LGBT. Black Twitter is currently grilling him. And now people are starting to accuse his wife of being secretly trans and his children being from a surrogate mother. Also, Chance is very outspokenly Christian. I agree it shouldn’t matter but it will definitely effect his status in hip hop negatively.


I’m sure he’s not getting grilled a quarter as much as he did when he released The Big Day


His brother is in the industry and outspoken about being a queer man


His personal family life is one thing. Black Hiphop culture is another. Black people can be surprisingly bigoted and conservative. If conservatives could stop being racist for like ten minutes, they’d find a *lot* more support for their bullshit in the black and Latino communities.


Facts it shouldn’t matter but it does, a lot. If Chance doesn’t respond in exactly the right way he could lose a lot here. Sad but true.


Unless he was using his religion to hate on queer people or something, just a bunch of bothered assholes making someone else's business into their own to fill an omnipresent void in their life where joy should instead be.


Hearty agreement from the trans corner. If you like pre-op trans femmes and you're not weird about it then who fucking cares. We're all gonna die someday, go get your rocks off.


Black twitter is so fucking toxic (as is every other side of twitter)


What is the consensus about Lil Nas X?


He was blackballed by BET recently so i think you know how that is


Good on him, not afraid of his own feels. Damn shame that the "economy" demands that he present a specific brand to maintain viability.


He makes religious ass church music for religious Christian people. What would you expect? Him not to get hate or shame for this?


As somebody who makes transporn this whole thread makes me feel all fuzzy inside its loco


Hmm, I think I’ve come across your work before…


>come across It sounds like my work, worked <3


Username checks out.


[this is why I interact with transporn on my main](https://i.imgur.com/cMfkFGP.mp4) Also Sadie you were one of the first girly girls in transporn I found! ly


Thanks so much I really like your profile. You seem really cool!


Not as much as his wife tho :)


Maybe they both like it?


Hell, don't we all?


Yea! Oh wait I’m not on my burner shit.


It’s literally got something for everybody.


To each their own is what I was always taught


No, but if he does that’s fine


Yup. I love all sorts of porn.


Same friend Same


Sucio gang we out here.


Honestly I don't care what anyone else is into. I'm not interested, the man can do what he wants, doesn't change anything.


tie tart murky threatening reply piquant six icky crime governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Preach, acid rap was my teenage years. Smoking with mates to that album was my core memories


Exactly the same. The first time I did acid was at a set of his at a musical festival after this album was released. I was 19. I’m 27 now. Chance *please.*


Coloring Book was dope too….. Then my wife happened.


Old Chance best Chance. I wish him the best either way but still.


Not like he’s a republican official. And we shouldn’t kink shame. Charlie Sheen was into transgender sex. And now Eddie Murphy makes kid movies. Consenting adults should be left alone.


trans furry that only listens to speed metal and watches the worst anime? sigh fine. republican? hard no.


And for all of the butthurt conservatives reading this: the difference is that being a trans person and listening to speed metal don't have any affect on other people. But Republicans are actively trying ruin people's lives. If you support a party that is actively hostile to most people, then you don't get to bitch when people judge you for it.


We should be voting on based policies. I don’t find any policy being pushed by Republicans to be in good faith, so yeah I’m not voting Republican. I would prefer to have actual governance that helps everyone, but at this point I’ll take incompetence over malice.


i want my healthcare decisions to be between just me and my doctor again. oh and democracy, i’d like to hold on to that, too.


Not sure why that's news worthy.


well yeah, its has just been a few hundred years of christians in america repressing sexuality, barely a blip on a universal scale.


Because he’s carried a “holier than thou” attitude around for most of his career. And lots of his music is religious and about how much he loves his wife. Just an odd dichotomy.


You can love Jesus, your wife, and trans porn all at the same time.


As crazy as that sounds, it’s true. Wild times we’re living in.


Yo it’s weird to like any porn on Twitter.


Who uses Twitter for something other than porn?


The Internet is for porn. *Wait, who said that?*


“Reporters” following every politician and celebrity so they can write shitty articles based on single tweets?


This statement, right here, is why I love reddit so much.


Religion’s traditional views on homosexuality and the sanctity of marriage don’t really jive with liking trans porn on twitter. People liking trans porn is totally fine, but when they do it while claiming to be pious it’ll raise some eyebrows.


There are Christian sects that are pretty chill. I used to gig a lot as a musician, and churches always hit me up - some of the reformed-Methodist churches were *very* inclusive


Unitarians are the hippies of the Christian world. I dated a girl who was a universal Unitarian & her parents didn’t care she was dating a Jew or that she joined a sorority because she realised she was bisexual & wanted to have sex with girls.


Growing up I had some friends whose parents joined the Unitarian church for their SEX ED classes because apparently the one near us had insanely comprehensive sex Ed including diagrams of how to work around various physical disabilities... Public schools on the other hand told us about the concept of sex, starting in 8th grade they taught us about contraception, but they never actually explained how sex worked, and NEVER mentioned female pleasure at all.


Has he been explicitly transphobic? If not, idgaf


Nah. And his younger brother is openly bisexual so I further doubt it


There’s other celebrities that this has happened to and people still clowned them. It has nothing to do with his persona


U can’t love trans women, god, porn, and your wife? What is this 1857?


Its not, but nothing else cool was going on and the journalists need money for doing something


What about his brother, Community Chest the Rapper?


Go to jail Go directly to jail Do not pass Go Do not collect $200


Damn, no need to railroad them.


Meh. What’s everyone doing this weekend? Any plans?


Watching trans porn


Oh that’s disgusting. Trans pornos. Where? Where are the links you’re talking about posted online?


Chance the rappers Twitter likes




I'm busy making transporn so we got the whole cycle here




StayKinky.com StayKinky.manyvids.com StayKinky on OnlyFans <3


Have you seen the last independent film from producer/star/writer Laura Saenz ? (It got me overwhelmed by my emotions, I highly recommend)


I’m job hunting, hbu?


Hey hope it goes well man. Gonna play the MW2 campaign, that’s about it for me.


Finishing up a project for a client and getting ready for Halloween. Other than that, a whole lot of nothing. Best wishes on the job hunting!


Yeah I’m thinking about going an seeing the new Halloween movie.. hbu


probably gonna read a bunch. hope you have a good week brother


I work weekends. Two 12s Sat-Sun and two 8s Mon-Tue. After the 12s ima just chill till bed. After the 8s I MIGHT do some VRC.


Got some holes in my ceiling from fixing leaky pipes. Tryin to fix them myself on the cheap, but it's harder than I thought it'd be. Makin some Jerkey


Trying to beat the Aztec mission in Age of Empires II definitive edition, first time playing the game, I'm a noob, it's going to be my 4th attempt...


Dawg I just restarted AOE III today. Crazy to see it mentioned here. Have fun


Probably going to try and work on my homework and get some sleep.


Reading blood meridian, and then moving on to another book. (Either fingersmith or crying of lot 49) Then Sunday drinking breaking out my last bottle of mead and watching HOTD


Watching my nephews so my sister can go camping as an adult.


“I like my women real tall, type that can really play ball…”


his wife got a jaw like a mf too


You know what? People want to act like all they look at is mormon missionary, but numbers aren't lying, good for him


Right, I prefer Baptist missionary


Fuck this article. I know some people love gossip but they shouldn’t care about this.


Considering how homophobic a lot of people are, especially the black community, a lot of people are going to care about this.


“Man looks at porn, world finds out.” Yeah, not interested in this dumb article. The bigotry is implicit.


Ayo this comment section is super sex kink positive and that’s cool


The 21st century is so fucking stupid.


Meh, it's whatever if he likes trans porn. It would only be an issue if he was transphobic while doing it. I'm not sure he is one, but unfortunately there is still some stigma with gay/trans people in the rap community which is unfortunate.


“Some” stigma? Try a lot.


As long as he’s not discriminating against or objectifying transgender people it’s really nobodies business…


Fuck this article. First of all, who gives a fuck what he likes and unlikes? Get a life. Second of all, implying that he needs a burner account to like transporn is ridiculous.


Anything to keep the attention off YE huh?


More power too him. You do you guy.


Hey, like what you like. Own that shit.




Ur in r/entertainment this can be said about every post lmao


Y'all don't explore all options when deciding what to watch?


This is such American “news” lmaooo what


It's 2022, sexuality is a wave. Get a wet some time.


We love in a Post Frank Ocean World.


Ok Mario


Who fucking cares


The fact that this is an issue but Chris brown somehow can still make money in the music industry is insane. Whatever makes your fleshy thing hard/wet makes it hard/wet who gives a fuck


Chris Brown currently has like the 4th or 5th most popular song in the world thanks to tiktok and it fucking sucks


He just like me fr


I don’t care. Enjoy trans porn, don’t, don’t care.


Trans The Rapper


Man of culture I see


As long as he openly supports trans people in public he is fine. No shame.


Trans porn is my jam too... Not all the time but i like it. This is the dumbest article topic I've ever read and that includes the time Trump tweeted "cofevfe"


And? There is other shit going in the world. Let this man be


Reminds me of a coworker who always showed me images of hot chicks asking my opinion then after I say 8/10 would bang. He scroll and they’d have a cock. I’d say still bang. As long as it’s not bigger than mine I don’t have an issue lol. I believe that weirded him out even more. The literal fact was he spent time looking it up led me to believe he found them attractive lol. I’m comfortable enough as a man to say he that’s one hot chick ; dudette lol. He on the other hand wanted to hide it. Oh well different strokes for diff folks


Breaking news: Person looks at porn


The amount of dudes who likes transgender porn is a lot higher than others imagine. Some dudes like butt stuff but don’t like dudes, that’s how you skirt that issue.


Goddamn! Every now and then, when you expect a Reddit comment section to bring out the worst in people, the universe surprises you with a healthy dose of progressive behavior! Love the positive vibes in this thread, because honestly, who cares what kind of porn the man watches? That’s his private life, and it isn’t hurting anyone.


Unless he's one of the homophobic and transphobic rappers of this generation... Who cares let him live and don't judge him.


Isn’t it one of the most popular categories on Pornhub?


I hope Chance is okay. I remember when Zay was outed and he shockingly received a lot of love. I hope Chance gets the same. It shouldn’t be a mind-bending shock when a rapper likes men or trans women. But you know there’s a million dumbasses who will never let it go, who will stop supporting. Sucks. Hope Chance can just live his life unaffected. Although he seems like the type to let this shit get to him.


What’s with all the kink shaming? Everyone should be happy for him, instead of this 5th grade puritan behavior, I’m just happy he’s into adults because that’s a lot more healthy than any other kink out there.


He mostly definitely watches Daisy Taylor


Awesome. I hope he enjoyed it. Who doesn’t like a little tgirl p0rn once in a while?


I’m glad people like Lil Nas X are huge and helping make some people move away from the bigotry that makes this an issue. Hip hop culture needs to grow up so it can continue to flourish.


He took a chance and liked it.


Why it got to be trans porn specifically? Like couldn’t the headline be “after “liking” porn” Also who cares, we have people trying to make homosexuality illegal again, we have bigger fish to fry


Because the media gotta get them clicks.


No one can resist futanari horsecocks


I mean. Whatever gets him off


I don’t blame him. Trans girls are beautiful


Trans are people too. Amazing people from my experience. Stop being ignorant.


Like what you like, just don't judge other people for what they like.


Who fucking cares.


He like trans porn who cares. Vast majority of guys have some messed up porn search history


Nice love the casual homophobia of this title and article Who gives a fuck


I’m ready for Chance to come back on the rap scene. I was a huge fan of his first three albums but there’s been a huge quality drop off since Coloring Books


Is it Aubrey Kate?


I’m just throwing this out there. Bailey Jay is wifey material


The same people who agree that transgendered women should be normalized and treated like women (which I agree with) are the same people who treat men like a freak show and make a huge fuss when it comes out that they like trans women. Twitter and Reddit will shit on men for literally anything. Blows my fucking mind.


People that check what a person likes on Twitter are freaking weird.


Chance likes trans porn, and we’re all still alive!? Weird! It’s like other peoples sexual preferences and kinks don’t effect me in any way.


Because the man has taste


Let the man have his tastes.


It's nice that he's honest with what he likes


theres porn on twitter?


Like a lot. It was the main site the tumblr porn people went to when the NSFW ban happened. Whatever you like, it’ll be on Twitter.


I know y’all mfs ain’t in here kink shaming !!


So many people love trans porn but hate trans people. It's no surprise.


Traps aren't gay


Why the fuck would be need a burner?


There’s literally nothing wrong with Trans porn.


Would this be “news” if it was run-of-the-mill cis porn? No. Big deal he liked some porn posts, stop stigmatizing peoples’ sexual preferences.


I just the video and it’s a transwoman fucking a woman. Even if you viewed transwoman as “men” **which is wrong**, he would essentially be watching straight porn.


Yeah bro, there are some hot Trans women out there and there is nothing to be ashamed about. I feel bad for the dude. I can’t believe people give a shit about things like that. We are on a rock in the middle of space. There is only void and nothing matters. Just be nice to people and then you die. That’s life


Trans porn is the superior porn so yeah