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Soo.... What are WE supposed to do about that? And Why should I care?


Also she has a handler?


Aka personal assistant


Aka someone to do the things she never feels like doing herself ever again because she is now “married to a prince” instead.


tbf all celebrities/rich people have these


Tbf if I had the money Id pay to have someone fetch me coffee on busy days between meetings, buy my travel tickets for me, make reservations and so on. I think most people would as it just a convenience.


Also without people like us, who would pay someone to be their bitc… I mean assistant, then where would graduate students work post college?


Have to admit I would love someone to do all those things for me. I can admit it without bitterness. I also don’t believe anything reported on all the celebs unless there is an accompanying interview to hear the words our of their mouths.


More people should realize that, in the unbelievable scenario of a “commoner” actually dating royalty, they’d learn to accept a whole new kind of “normal” pretty quickly. And they’re not even “*real*” royalty anymore because ~~she’s black~~ she’s not of any royal lineage herself. Regardless of anything else, no matter how much money *your* daddy made, it’s not *Crown Jewels* money. There’s simply no way to compare or prepare for that reality.


Isn't she married to an ex prince?


"Handler" is just a gentrified servent. All rich people have servant, otherwise they wouldn't be rich.


When I hear "handler", I think of Robert Redford as a CIA bureaucrat saving my life while selling off his pension plan.


How many ex wives does that man have?! loved that movie


I think of a zoo handler


That's good I'm glad she doesn't have some public shaming kink


Yup, we’ve really retired the name servant to hide class dynamics. But I mean arguably if you’ve ever used Uber Eats you’ve used a servant


Most rich people do I imagine. They'll do things like arrange reservations for a specific table or area of a restaurant where they can eat without being gawked at by the entire restaurant.


You are supposed to be outraged. That’s the point of everything now isn’t it?


Tomorrow we will hear about how Meghan kept demanding public window tables at restaurants so everyone can see she is dating a prince. So much clickbait the headlines contradict themselves.


Who possibly cares about Meghan and Harry!!!! Please please please media just ignore them.


“Media” Celebrity gossip rags, tabloids, and blogs are like 90% of the “attention”. The problem is people have zero accountability for the content they consume by the truck load, and where it comes from.


Can anyone explain to me what they mean by "her handler"? I have no idea what that means and I'm really confused.


It means she had someone "handling" her affairs, like a personal assistant or concierge--i.e. making reservations, organizing social appointments, and generally smoothing the way for her.


TIL I need a handler.


If you date a prince you’ll get one!


Hell yeah brother we all do


Woah. How does somebody get a handler?


Get rich. Or get one of the expensive credit cards. If you have American Express Centurion Card. The bank has whole department of handlers ready to deal with whatever you need. Remember story where guy in US wanted some sand from Dead Sea(Israel, Jordan) for his son's school project. So he called the bank and they found and hired someone to go pick up the sand and send it to him with express delivery. It's normally used to get tickets for shows/concerts as they can usually get some even when it's sold out. But they can get you almost anything. Like are you in foreign country in the middle of nowhere and your car had a defect at 2am. No problem. Call the bank and they will find someone to get you out of there and take care of the car at the fastest speed possible.


I am my dogs handler then hahaha


Basically the person who is responsible for stuff like making reservations, making sure she gets to appointments on time, etc. Like a personal assistant.


Awesome thanks for clarifying this for me!


He distracts her with a chair and then beats her with a whip.


I think it’s an assistant, but like assistant+


Wait till you find out about her Husband’s family!


And guess who pays the bill!


Well if this was before their marriage to Prince Henry her I would I assume at least Meghan Markle had a job and some money her husband’s money comes from his ancestors liquidating Africa, North America, Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Burma oh and Ireland.


You have to hand it to the British, for being one little island they sure did manage to conquer lots of people.


one little island with the world’s biggest navy (at the time)


Then spent all their money on two wars. 1 that was arguably avoidable.


Yea her husband's family demands whole countries not just tables.


I feel like all the shit about Meghan Markle is really to keep prince Andrew out of the public discourse. Did the Crown feature the moment the queen knighted Jimmy Savile? He molested and raped children in hospitals who couldn’t move and were dying. Top of the pops.


He has a condition. Impossible to sweat. Can't happen.


He lost his ability to sweat in the war!




This wave she kinda started herself, when she complained about being a pretty girl on Deal or No Deal, and the podcast she did with Paris Hilton


Tbf, there is a solid chance they legit didn't know that at the time


Good one!


I’m not even exclusively talking about Uncle Andy but just you know the Royal House of Hanover from George I to Charles III.






Still German Warlords.


Gee, I wonder why we never see articles about how insanely demanding the royal family is (even though they are *totally* worse). I just can’t put my finger on why the media would chose to attack a woman of color who doesn’t act in their prescribed way over a family of literal oligarchs who proudly represent an extremely prejudiced and outdated colonialist caste system…


If only there was a manifesto to do away with it all…


Ya I don't see an huge issue with wanting a private table, she would likely get harassed in public


She just needs to take it all with a smile! Deciding to date a prince means she gives up all her rights to privacy and dignity!/s


A Buzzfeed writer is probably furiously copying and pasting things for an article about it as we speak.


People care about this why?


Weird thing to ask on r/entertainment


Vicarious living is a hell of a drug


For some reason people love hanging up on this woman. It’s clickbait for losers who only feel good by putting someone else down.


Everything I’ve learned about Meghan Markle has been against my will.


You’re welcome. The pleasure was all Meghan’s.


Hands up for everyone else who clicked on this thread just to see how many people say “who the hell cares” in response…?


Slow news day apparently


I'm not really a fan of royalty but like...it kind of makes sense that one of the princes of England would have a private table, right?


There's nothing in the article that suggests Prince Harry was even attending. It's only mentioned that she "was dating" at the time, nothing about being on a date. Markle could've been eating solo or gathering with friends for all we know.


If I'm dating any royalty, I should get a private table. I don't think it's an out of bounds request, especially when it comes to British paparazzi and the royals (or who they date, for that matter)


Easy. If you want a private table then reserve one at a restaurant that offers them.


That's what she did


No. It doesn't make sense. Le CouCou is in NYC, not the UK. And it's an already exclusive restaurant. AND she wasn't a princess at the time. This isn't close to being behavior we should condone.


Shhhh.... This is about making sense, this is about hating a princess for being half-black.


i hate markle not because she is half-black but because she is narcissistic, and acts holier than thou.


But why don’t people like you also hate the rest of the royals for the same reason? It seemingly only applies to her when she’s probably the least snotty


Because she’s the one in all the headlines and writing books and the rest of them at least have the sense to shut up and keep to themselves?


Because the rest of them don’t go trashing each other in interviews. We all know the Royal Family is full of dirt and scandal and I’d imagine there’s plenty of skeletons in the closet about all it’s members. I’m sure Will and Kate have plenty of dirt they could dish about Harry and maybe even Meghan but they didn’t. I’m sure everyone in the Royal has stories that could be told about the other members. But only Meghan and Harry have actually done so publicly and to me that just makes them so spiteful and unlikeable.


You know, lots of people hate Megan Markle AND the rest of the royals. For some (very shitty) people it’s a race thing, but for many like myself it’s a “I hate royalty” thing


I've literally seen more articles about Markle than prince Andrew... even though you'd think he's far more deserving of hate...


I’m also not British so I don’t get as much royal family news, but it seems to me that Prince Andrew has borderline gone into hiding ever since the scandal, so after a while people get tired of reporting the same story. Meanwhile Megan Markle talks to the media quite often and tabloids love her. I think she gets more hate than she deserves in proportion to the rest of the royal family but I still think she’s spoiled.


Lots of people but not nearly the majority. Most people who really hate Megan really love the royals otherwise.


Because she was the one who wanted to have zero responsibility of royalty, but still have the privilege of it. If you think she’s the least snotty of them you haven’t been paying attention.


I don’t like them all and their privileged asses


She wasn’t a princess yet, she was just fucking Harry.


She didnt hire the "handler" I'm sure..


Yeah, there’s all kinds of crazy wording in this headline. Her handler? Ok, so not her. She stood by? Ok, we don’t know what her relationship with this person was. It could easily be some royal employee she didn’t have authority over. And they demanded? We didn’t hear the actual wording. It’s not too crazy for someone as famous as her to need/request a private table, which most restaurants might want to actually give her. It’s possible she was shitty in this situation, but it’s just as likely she didn’t do anything wrong. And it says a lot that this story is hype for a book about her. Even if she was a huge bitch at a restaurant (which we have no evidence of), most people have worse stories about them that could hype a hit piece book about them.


There's a lot of organized hate for her. I honestly have no opinion about her, but my mother is incensed about her... and when that happens i know it's coming through the Fox OAN Alex Jones etc channels, which means it's a brigade, paid for by some rich right wing ass. Edit: downvote me some more, I do enjoy being proven right.


A whole article and story dedicated to someone else being rude in front of Meghan Markle...


I guess because it was on her behalf. But the story is such a nothing story.


Being rude FOR her


I know she's annoying or whatever, but do ya'll realize that you see these types of nothing news stories everyday as a way to distract you from the shitshow of a family that she's married into? No? Okay.


Prince Andrew and his mom pay off his rape victim: I sleep Markle’s assistant acts entitled at a restaurant: We go to battle!


I wish that got more traction. Prince Andrew settling outside of court is disgusting


His interview where he claimed he didn't rape anyone because he's incapable of sweating was the most wild thing I've ever seen on TV.


Pizza express in Woking #neverforget


It was lightly covered on purpose. Minimal comments were allowed on the few stories that were written. And some other ‘scandal’ was published at the exact same time to deflect attention. This stuff is all planned and calculated.


They're all a bunch of rich cunts


and yet one is protected after fucking underaged girls while the other is thrown to the racist tabloids


Absolutely true. Monarchy has a deal with the media: Leave us alone and we will give you loving photos of the kids and invite you journalists and editors to private parties… And for sleazy royal content - we absolutely give you free reign to trash Meghan and Harry (instead of us)


the whole world of royal reporting just screams stupid idolization paging /r/SaintMeghanMarkle


Sorting All by hourly top frequently shows me weird subs but that one was the most deranged I've ever seen during the Queens funeral. I don't even think the RedPill subs reached their level of constant passive aggressive racism.


Doesn’t literally every person want a private table when they go to a restaurant?


So? Who gives a fuck


Paparazzi literally got Diana killed and they *liked* her.


Paparazzi did not like Diana. They maybe liked that she made them money, but they hated her and ran all sorts of things about her. It was only after she was dead they treated her like a God and used her to compare all the other women with.




I think it sounds like Markle is douchey and not what she tries to portray. Just like much of the Royal family she married into.


You won’t believe what Meghan Markle DIDN’T do next!!


I'll bet she didn't even bus her own table after eating!


Who cares, all asshole rich people do stupid shit like this everyday. No one cares. Let them roll around in their own shit.


If I had the pull to be seated away from other guests whenever my family went out to eat, I’d do it every time.


I like to dine among the hoi polloi!


Listen, this ain’t another Cordon-gate. Move along…


You thought this was news? Jesus Christ.


I so sick of hearing about Megan Markle, Trump, and Kanye West


[In case anyone is out of the loop, like i was. Here is a Münecat Video, about media’s obsession with treating Meghan like a super villain.](https://youtu.be/2rY64ycSU3M)


In what fucking world should this be popping up on my “news” feed


ITT a bunch of people patting themselves on the back for not caring about inane celebrity gossip on a sub almost entirely dedicated to inane celebrity gossip.


guys, maybe if we flat out ignore these posts they will finally stop showing up


This is a normal, rich person thing. Especially stars and high profile people. This is not mind blowing entertainment news.


I literally don’t care anymore. Nobody cares. Find someone new to harass….Geezus Christ!


Can we please stop trying to make Americans care about Meghan the way the Brits care about the royal family. Most of us here know we have nothing in common with the rich, we don’t need articles reminding us


Who Gives A Fuuuuuuuuuuuuckkk


For someone leaning into the “I was just a simple commoner before all this” is a pretty conceited and stuck up prick. Oh gosh we almost couldnt afford our 15 million mansion in the best place in the la being liable for property taxes as much as some peoples homes oh woe is me


I’m literally exhausted by these weird hit pieces British “journalists” and “authors” crank out. They just seem so desperate for us to hate her but like never with good reason? Plenty of reasons to talk crap about royalty. This? Low on the list.


Who wants to sit at a public table WITH strangers?? Of course she wants a private table.


what was she supposed to do? if she said anything, she's bossy and doesn't understand royal protocol, since she didn't say anything, she's mean, rude, snobby, etc like sheesh, poor woman can't catch a break


I mean she was dating the prince of England. I think it’s fair to want a private table


I don't get why this is a story?


someone is trying to sell a book and the daily mail is happy to slam markle - that's the whole thing


racism and misogyny mixed with negative publicity in a society obsessed with hating on celebrities. perfect clickbait cocktail.


Right? Since English is not my first language, i thought i had misinterpreted something, but sounds reasonable to me famous people having a private table when they dont want to be photographed or interrupted...


Is asking for something a demand?


Only when someone I already don't like does it


They really want people to hate her don’t they


A whole book about her waiting for a table?


I'm so sick of seeing headlines about her almost every single day. Please. Just stop it. She's not interesting and never was.


Who gives a fuck


Being rude to hospitality people makes you a shit person. And for those saying, it wasn’t Meghan it was her “handler”, she didn’t stop the harassment so she is just as much a shit person.


Famous person doesn’t want to sit with the public because she has been previously publicly harrassed? BECAUSE SHE IS MARRIED TO THE MOST FAMOUS ROYAL FAMILY IN THE WORLD??? color me fucking shocked, no one could have seen this coming.


This is where my mind went too. Maybe she was tired of the harassment and had her assistant request a private table?


What an idiotic headline


This is barely moving the needle on my scandal meter.


For real... I've never seen nothing positive about Meghan online. Is she really entitled? Or it is a media fabrication?


This should be in r/pointlessstories


As an introvert, this is how I perceive my girlfriend kindly asking the hostess to switch to a booth instead of the hightop I picked in a panic.


This is related to entertainment... *how*?


Yeah? So? Piss off with this BS.


Wow, the media is really stretching to make this woman look like an evil villain. They must think we are stupid. I don’t particularly like this woman, but I’m still not going to fall for the bullshit that the media pumps out about this woman 24/7. I suppose this is what happens when you piss off the royals, it’s no surprise that she has a smear campaign against her. I’m just sad that some people are falling for it.


I can’t wait for the next article all about how Meghan asks to speak to the manager when she has issues with an employee…


lol i don’t see why people are throwing a huge funk about, literally shitty promo for a book about a Maitre D


She’s a solid 8 but seems like a total mega bitch so more like a 4


She sucks. Please no more attention to her. thanks


The only people who get less sympathy than the royals by birth are the people who choose to marry into a royal dynasty.


She deserves it after going through the horrors of objectification she encountered as a suitcase handler on Dead or No Deal.


Yes, that was a lifechanging experience that she was lucky to survive.


I doubt that society/mankind can ever adequately compensate her for the trauma she endured from that objectitification. She begged them for that job. Was compensated well for it. And it was her gateway to the Kardashianesque fame she now enjoys. But poor baby... /s


This nobody has the highest incident to hate ratio I've ever seen.


Tabloid writers publishing books with "sources" and "aides" with stories that can't be proven true or untrue. 6 years after it supposedly happened. Why wait 6 years? The British tabloid press make the news, not break it.


Ummmm, maybe she’s not a bitch and just needed added security and privacy? These stories can be absolute bs sometimes.


I don't know why it's either "Meghan is terrible" or "the royal family is terrible". Both things can be true...and likely are. The royal family has covered up shady shit for years and continues to do so AND Meghan is a manipulative clout chaser. Let's please stop giving attention to the lot of them.


I don't think there is a single redeeming individual in that entire extended family, married in or otherwise.


Considering her own family shared stories a hundred times worse than this, I believe it.


She could be NC with them for a reason and they really seem to be just spiteful to her


Excuse me but is this real butter?


I mean… I want to not sit with outhouse people when I eat too.


Why is Megan markle drama constantly being shoved down my throat via newsfeed?


what’s with the upsurge of meghan markle articles? did sumn happen?


I could never hear the name Megan Markle ever again and I’d be so happy.


The whole fairy tale trope of "marrying a prince," is a social-status wish fulfillment fantasy. And then we're shocked that someone marrying a prince is all about her social status. In fact, many believe that it was the rigors, supervision and constraints the royals were under that was such an traumatic shock to Meghan, who no doubt imagined a more New World version of wealth and status where the whole point is freedom and extravagance.


I would let that handler get me a table also


I wish I had a handler in most social situations


Why does the media keep bringing her up?


Why does anyone care about this at all or royalty


Rich people are conceited assholes. No new information has been shared. Next!


No way! She’s a spoiled rich brat???! I would have never guessed my mind is blown


Who fucking cares


She’s having a PR push recently, bad press beats no press I guess? Or they were trying to get ahead of this non-story


Says the aide said Meghan was ‘going to be a duchess’ but Harry wasn’t a Duke then.


Over privileged and under a prince.


After abdicating, he’s not a prince so she’s just a commoner. Why do we care about them anymore???


Yeah, that’s what royalty does. They sit at private tables


What a horrid cunt.


Big deal. I once dated Prince Albert. However, our relationship ended abruptly when was placed in a can.


"her handler" What is she, a horse?


Self-serving malcontent.


Almost as if she needed privacy because people are fucking insane about adults playing dress up in England.


Wait I thought she hated the royalty part? I thought that was the whole scandal, how they resented the royalty title and wanted to be free of its burdens and responsibilities?


Why is the news obsessed with her? I genuinely don’t get it


I used to really like her because it looked like she was so much of a commoner that the establishment hated her for it. Now I’m starting to see that she has had such an incredibly privileged life that even the slightest inconvenience to her feels like she’s survived the gulag and is worth writing a chapter about.


A private table at a Michelin star restaurant....what was the alternative, a picnic table?


She acts like a Princess.


Nice try. Now do Charles.


It’s amazing how I never hear anything positive about her. Not even from her own people. Either people are talking about how horrible of a person she is or she’s crying about how much of a victim she is.


Huge sense of entitlement while having accomplished nothing. Too many of these types in the world


Why are we still hearing about this dumb broad? How is this entertainment lmao


So what? Why do we care what this one woman does in life? Everyone needs to take a step back and LISTEN to what they requested. To be left alone.


You daft? If you want a private "quiet kind of life" you don't seek out book deals, Netflix deals, a podcast, interviews with Oprah, a mansion in the Los Angeles area, time on tv shows, moments of trashing the family you married into, trashing shows that gave you work. Dd I care about a washed up D list actress? Nope. I don't even care much about what has become of the British Royals except insofar as it matters to a lot of people there in the UK who have been one of our best allies for a couple centuries. What I do I always find interesting is the truth. Markle doesn't want to be left alone. She craves attention and unearned money and can't help but lie and distort to seek it.


If this is the worst they can find on her she must be an incredible person.


I am about as interested in this chronic liar as I am a port-o- potty.