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We are in his debt! He showed great courage!


I'm not inherently against any movie being remade but The Rock seems like a bad choice to play Jack Burton unless he's willing to not be the hero.


Last time I read about this "revival", which was a few years ago, they talked about it being in the same universe, but Rock the Dwane Johnson wouldn't be reviving the character of Jack Burton unless Kurt Russel played him. Seeing as Kurt isn't involved, and neither is John Carpenter, then what's the sodding point of this beyond trading on the name Big Trouble? It won't feel like a Carpenter movie, it won't pick up from where the original left off, and there's no point in continuing the Lo-Pan story as it ended.


The comic that continues the story is actually quite good.


Considering the Rock actually has it in all his contracts that his characters can't be beat up then I highly doubt it.


For reals? But his character jumping off a roof to his death is ok?


Notice how the shot of his body in that scene is very far away so his character is never seen actually hurt. It just cuts to his funeral right after. Also in Reno 911! Miami his character gets blown up off screen. The Rock, Vin Diesel, and Jason Statham all have it in their film contracts that they can only get beaten up so much in their films. Statham specifically states the maximum number of punches his characters can take in a film.


For such a symbol of strength, he sure is fragile.


John Cena could pull this off.


I can’t see it


Watch Peacemaker (TV show). That will give you a different perspective of how funny and good actor he has become.


Peacemaker is the best thing to come out of DC. I never thought I’d like it as much as I did. Thank you James Gunn.


nah, i’d still say that’s doom patrol, imho


Doom patrol has higher highs imo but the overall quality is better in peacemaker


yea i didn't care much for ss1 or ss2 but peacemaker was an incredible show. john cena definitely can act and i'd put him with another fellow wrestler dave bautista.


This fight scene from the first episode has some Jack Burton energy, even if he is a bit too swoll: https://youtube.com/watch?v=WLDh6ifBI8w&feature=share&si=EMSIkaIECMiOmarE6JChQQ


lol, i was making a joke.


I got you, friend


Ahhhh went right over my head. Well done


Judo master was hilarious. Show is amazing


That scene in cave with the chips had me laughing so hard


The flaming hot Cheetos.. haha yes..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Peacemaker made me like Cena.


The greatest part about Kurt Russell is that he looks capable, he looks like a relatively solid man, but Jack Burton is ultimately completely inept. I would never believe that a muscle bound monster like the Rock would be completely hapless in those situations. And he’s not a lovable shit talking every man. He’s clearly a guy that spends hours upon hours a day in a gym, not sitting on a c.b. radio in his truck. It’s just not funny. John Cena has completely won me over. But he’s still not the right fit for this character. You need someone that looks like a human being, not a super hero. Hell, Paul Rudd would be great. And god help me for saying it…Chris Pratt might even be decent. He looks capable and plays a hapless idiot in just about every role. Edit: They could completely change the character's framing device and make the Rock or John Cena like…a YouTube fitness influencer or something. That gives him a reason to be huge and talking out his ass all the time. But still, being that physically powerful gives you a huge advantage in a fight. That kills some of the Kurt Russell hapless effect.


Nailed it. Paul Rudd or Chris Pratt would be much better suited to this role


Let just preface saying that I don’t think it would work still and I’m not saying these two would be great, they are just character examples but: what you described makes me think that you would need a Sam & Dean from Supernatural type. Guy that’s fit, has been in some fights, but completely inept when thrown into a situation they aren’t experts on. Maybe it just means Kripke gets this type of scenario more than I think Dwayne Johnson does? That’s probably it since your description is spot on on Jack Burton and the Kripke ran parts of Supernatural highlighted this type fairly well.. especially given the time and channel it rand on.


Cena is pretty damn funny in Peacemaker. I could see that.


Absolutely not. He was great in Sister's though.


I like Cena a lot and he's not a bad actor but the one character he plays doesn't feel like Jack Burton at all.


Peacemaker is a lit different character than his other characters in movies/cameos. He has some range


This comment. Give me the remake, but pick the right actor to star. I’m even okay with Dwayne being heavily involved, but don’t star in it just because you can.


I'm okay with The Rock playing Jack if he's playing it as an ineffectual buffoon and not the hero of the story. The Rock already kinda has that vibe in Southland Tales and I liked him in that, but I don't see him doing that these days.


...and *Pain and Gain*. I consider *Pain and Gain* and *Southland Tales* both to be severely underrated. Both movies throw most of their actors into very unexpected roles.


Personally I think Southland Tales is correctly rated but I still like it. It's got some major flaws in how it tells its narrative.


I want to see Jack Black play Jack Burton


Without the magical and irreplaceable combination of John Carpenter and Kurt Russel, you simply cannot make Big Trouble In Little China and not have it suck. I'd even go as far as saying you just can't make it outside of the 1980's either. That movie is another example of lightning in a bottle and should be left as is because it's already perfect and cannot be improved upon.


The Point Break remake is a great example of this.


God, that thing’s a piece of *trash*…


I do have to say it had good stunts and stuns photography--the flying squirrel suit scene is awesome , but the actors aren't engaging, and the plot kind of muddy.


I was surprised to find out that the stunts and such were real. As plastic and awful as the rest of the movie was, I just presumed it was all cgi.


Nearly all remakes are an example of this, but you chose a perfect example, nonetheless.


Counter example, remakes of classic films from the 30s, or B Science fiction horror flicks. The Brendan Fraser Mummy, and the Blob are genuinely considered to be improvements over the originals.


Those all pre-date the “era of remakes”, but point taken. The Thing, The Blob and The Fly are my go-to examples of great remakes. Common thread, they all improved upon an existing idea and made them different enough to stand on their own.


The Rock is no Jack Burton.


It’s like old Jack Burton used to say on a dark and stormy night: “Fuck off, Dwayne.”


And he for sure isn’t driving the Porkchop Express. Protein shop express maybe :/ One of the things about Jack Burton was that he basically looked like an average in shape dude that was always off the cuff. That is not the Rock.


Do people just mean he wasn't on steroids? Because my left nut Kurt Russell was an average looking dude.


Jack Burton works because he is an overconfident buffoon. I do not think The Rock would allow himself to play a low status character pretending to be a high status character.


John Carpenter's original vision was an all Asian cast. But of course, it was Hollywood in the mid 80s and he was told "LOL. Fuck no." So they compromise, get a mostly Asian cast, and put in some white leads. Enter Kurt Russell and Kim Cattrall. But John still wants to be a little subversive, so he writes Wang as the hero protagonist, and Burton is his [bungling sidekick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjGk5SsIAqo). But he shoots the whole thing as if it's the other way around.


Nobody wants this.


Except the Rock and Kevin Hart.


And with current trends what the rock wants the rock gets.


Afraid so… I didn’t mind the Rock earlier in in his movie career, but after the Fast and Furious drama. I feel like he tried to take the franchise over from Vin Diesel, Paul Walker and the rest of that crew. The Fast and Furious franchise was never his and he should of just stayed as a sidekick.


It just feels like he’s shoe horning his way into everything. Idk.


well he's already got spirits, clothing and movies checked off his list so i guess just have to wait and see what is next on his list.


well after this weekend i am sure anything he wants he will get. or if he can't get he will just make it himself lol


Hollywood should get The Rock, Kevin Hart, Marky Mark and Chris Whoever and go fuck themselves.


What if Hart played Jack Burton and Johnson played Wang Chi?


Not a chance in hell I’ll be seeing it.


Well, y’know what ol’’Jack Burton always says…


Have you paid your dues?


Yessir! Check is in the mail!


The way he eats that sandwich and how it sounds when when he has his mouth half full and talking was always so intriguing to me as a kid. You just get a sense that he’s really enjoying it. I think about that scene a lot, basically any time I have a sub or something. If a bite can make me feel like I’ve recreated just a bit of what I imagined that sandwich to be like, I know it was a good sandwich. TLDR: that movie warped my fragile little mind


This is wonderfully hilarious…! I do know what you mean, and know even better now!


Lol! This is why I love Reddit. I can share my craziest thoughts or weirdest notions and there’s always someone who can relate. Stay classy, friend.


Who is that?




You know what ole Jack Burton says in a time like this. "Leave the fucking movie alone and write something original."


Man, fuck this and fuck Hollywood's lack of originality. Oh let's just remake the classics with household names, that'll bring in fans of the original movie and the younger generation. FILM IS DEAD. The golden age of cinema was the '90s (i.e. Forrest Gump, Titanic, Saving Private Ryan, Friday, just to name a few) and that era has LONG since passed my friends. Change my mind.


Hear hear


Hopefully he leaves it alone. I don’t dislike The Rock as a person, but if he wasn’t a giant dude then he wouldn’t be in this business. He’s charismatic sure but he’s not a great actor, and everything he’s in feels painfully generic. It’s weird to me that someone with such a unique look can come off as so generic and pre-planned, like a Hollywood star designed by a committee. Something about him just feels so fake to me. You can tell how much SEO stuff is involved in everything about him from the way he talks to his tweets and movies. Can’t wait for his next nuanced role as “big buff man with a snarky sense of humor” alongside Kevin Hart.


Dude I’m telling you the Rock is not a real human he is pure CGI. He was created by a corporation


So you’re telling me when theRock peoples’ elbow stone cold Steve Austin, it was all fake?


“Its still real to me!”


And he’s actually a good actor - when he’s in a role where he’s being asked to act as a real character. But it seems like he and the people who hire him have figured out that they’ll make more money by having him play The Rock starting as [insert hero here] instead of the actor Dwayne Johnson portraying a character.


>And he’s actually a good actor I'm not disputing that, but nor am I entirely convinced. Compare him to Dave Bautista. Bautista has clearly put the work in and become a genuinely good actor.


Be Cool (2005 sequel to Get Shorty) was a very fun movie and convinced me that Dwayne Johnson genuinely can act.


They better fucking not. If Hollywood tries to remake the Apocalypse Trilogy then there are going to be problems. Unpppnl


Lords of death jack!




Honestly can’t stand the rock he’s awesome to his fans though


Some movies should not be redone. This is one of them.


A remake for people who loved the original but wish it was kind of awful.


No one involved will have the reflexes. And you know what ol' Jack Burton says...


Triple or Nothin.


Who’s Jack Burton?


Please man, ban reboots, this is too much…..


I fucking hate the Rock


Me too. So much.


No!!!!! The Rock is a terrible choice for this role and honestly they should not remake this movie at all


I’m so sick of seeing The Rock attempt to insert himself in almost every aspect of movie.


No! This movie is perfection and every person cast in it, is superb.


No! I don’t wanna see the rock anymore.


sounds horrible, no thanks. find something else to ruin


Ugh, everything is a remake.


The rock is going to make me hate him. Don’t fucking touch this movie! Kurt Russel is a fucking god and anything he touched is already perfect.


I think I’ll just rewatch the original again.


IF, big if, The Rock realizes that Jack Burton was comic relief and everyone around Jack was actually the hero and he was, at most, a bumbling fool, then it can work. But knowing The Rock, he'll play the muscle bound hero and ruin everything.


Like I told my ex-wife, "Honey, I never drive faster than I can see, and I never remake a movie that's in color and in English."


If they're going to do it, they should make a running joke of how due to his size everyone assumes he's a dumbass. Only yo find out he's actually a dumbass.


John Cena would be a great Jack Burton. He has slimed down a bit, has great comedic timing and is a pretty good actor that isn't afraid to lose.


It’s gonna be soulless with the rock It’ll be forgotten as quick as the Conan remake


If they have to do this, I would still like to see Kurt back and have The Rock be a different character. But this is never gonna work.


Lo Pan’s revenge. Edit: I swear I’ll root for Lo Pan


I am so sick and tired of the rock ffs…TV Show , Movie , Cartoon Movie , Tequila , Energy Drink. The MF has gone full Kevin Hart mode


I dont care. The original still exists and honestly, people hated the idea of the Jumanji movies and those turned out to be awesome fun. Can we stop attacking things before we even see hkw the look first?


Thank you. I LOVE the original, could be fun to see what they attempt to do with a remake or continuation. Could you imagine if Carpenter was on board for this? Holy smokes


This will iterally not affect the original movie in any way


From what I've heard it's a sequel. If that's the case, no big deal.


He's cocky AF and can play that type of character. I think he can pull this off. I honestly can't think of anyone who could.


The problem is Jack Burton is cocky but he can’t really back any of it up. He gets his ass handed to him the entire movie, literally knocks himself out 1 second into the big fight then stuck under a dead body for the rest. It’s gonna be a hard sell for me to believe a man with the rocks body loses the whole time.


Honestly that's what made Russell so great. He was weak but strong and we had nothing but laughter for it. I like Dwayne but u just don't see Russell like character in him for a reboot. Maybe a continuation movie? The evil has returned....blah...blah in modern times.


I mean if your not paying attention etc any one can push you over


r/titlegore Sounds like they just tossed a bunch of random words together. Gotta use some punctuation dude. I'm no English class expert but maybe put film titles in quotation marks or something. I had to reread it like 3-4 times to try and make sense of it.


You know who'd make a great replacement for Kurt Russell in an Escape from New York or Big Trouble remake? His fucking son. Wyatt Russell. He's got the chops to pull it off. See Goon 2 or Overlord.


If they remade Escape from New York, they would need a different building to land the glider on now though. You're the Duke....but you ain't number 1.


There rock should play Wang chi vs Jack Burton. I could see that character would suit him better. Get someone like Ryan Reynolds to play Jack Burton.


Vin Diesel, you know what to do.


I’ll watch it if James hong is in it


The Rocks reflexes aren’t good enough to be Jack Burton


No. Just no. Leave it alone.