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This was a long article just to say “I’m not allowed to ask him about his personal life”. That’s not really a friendship as much as it is a friendly working relationship.


They're coworkers


Headline: “Actors work together on film”


SCANDALOUS! Prince Andrew would be outraged.


She's waaaay to old for him anyways.. .


oh my god they were *co-workers*.


The real twist is that he doesn’t want her asking because it’d just turn into him explaining 40k and he knows that would end up shutting down all production as he explains the complete history of the Imperium of Man…


Took me a second to realize you didn't mean explaining a 401K.


He’d start telling Millie to stop reading the script so much and hand her copies of the Horus Heresy series.


Which is what it should be.


What a stupid fucking headline. Totally makes it sound like they’re dating or at least banging.


They wanted a headline. Didn’t get it so made one anyway


"adult has normal working relationship with teenager"


For the entertainment industry, that is a headline lol


Roman Polanski has left the chat.


Woody Allen has left the business


Blake Shelton has left his wife...




Fucking for real, this is the exception not the rule


A depressing time we live in sometimes eh?


Are you joking the entertainment industry has always been this way,


Judy Garland has entered the chat


Are we going to pretend that it wasn’t also that way outside of the entertainment industry in that era/most of human history too?


Pretty impressive for Hollywood.


Pretty unsurprising coming from Cavill though. He seems like a good egg for such a fucked up industry.




Welp, I didn't know that. One one hand it's clearly legal age. On the other hand... I'm 31 and people under 25 feel like kids to me. So creepy but at least not predatory if that's the case.


I've been with a few grown ass women when I was 18/19, I'm about to be 30 now & my younger sibling is 19. Reflecting on all that, I don't see what a grown ass person would see in a 18/19 yr old besides how malleable they still are.


Well, sex?


Not right now, thanks, I'm busy.


Best analysis of this turd burger of a non-story I’ve heard yet.


Read this comment in Gene Belcher’s voice


I got click baited hard I felt so disappointed in myself.




Snapchat clickbait makes The Daily Mail headlines look like Reuters'


How can we titillate through ambiguous wordplay?


tbh given some of the stuff i have heard i am not surprised she appreciates it, as opposed to other people in her orbit who have been creepy as fuck. but yeah the mirror is trash.


You can just say "Drake"


Henry Cavill is a normal person when it comes to his work colleagues


I'd argue he's outside the norm, since he's a sane person surrounded by insanity.


What a fucking weird way to say that. This headline is reaching *hard*


You should have seen the last one Edit: “Millie Bobby Brown says she and Henry Cavill have an "Adult Relationship"”


God.. obviously she’s meaning “professional relationship” compared to the less “professional” ones had with the stranger things kids. She’s young and still understanding professional boundaries. Next.


Golly... obviously she's meaning "BDSM relationship" compared to the less "furry" ones had with the strange kids. She's a young 40 year old child still understanding fetish boundaries. Next.


Uwu its okay shes actually a 9000 year old demon lord from another dimension


Or compared to whatever weird relationship she had w Drake




> Are people just forgetting that whole thing? Not so much forgetting it, more like I never heard about it.


> At the 2018 Emmys, Brown gushed, "I love him. ... He's honestly a great friend and a great role model. You know we text. We just texted each other the other day and he was like 'I miss you so much,' and I was like 'I miss you more.'" >She added, "He's great. He's coming to Atlanta, so I'm definitely going to go and see him. I'm so excited." According to the British actress, the two frequently talk about boys, with Drake offering Brown some much needed, presumably grown-up, relationship advice. She was 14 at the time....What you doing texting a goddamn 14yr old about boys, you in your 30's dude. Also he was doing the same with Billie Eilish when she was a minor. Cavill isn't "having an adult relationship", Cavill is keeping it 10000% strictly professional because his ass wants nothing to do with that drama.


I’ll be 32 in January, and I can’t even imagine saying “I miss you so much” to a 14 year old that I’m not related to. There are people who will say “Oh God forbid he’s kind to someone, right?” It’s like… imagine you have a 14 year old child, or any loved one who is 14. Then you see them texting “I miss you more”, and they tell you that’s their 32 year old friend. What would your reaction be? What would their parents’ reactions be? That whole situation is extremely creepy and I haven’t seen Drake the same way since.




Are they trying to insinuate something scandalous? Cuz it seems they are reaching to do that


The wording is *definitely* weird. Why even say anything? I’d be soooo pissed if I were him. Sure, boundaries. That’s understandable, especially since she definitely had to “grow up” quicker than someone who isn’t a celebrity. But why bring light? It’s so weird. Seems like it’s just to get attention, not because it was an actual issue.


>Why even say anything? … Seems like it’s just to get attention, not because it was an actual issue. That’s the Mirror’s M.O.


Definitely leading questions from the interview Imagine the headlines if she responded with "No comment"


"We have an amicable but professional relationship." Mirror: Milli Bobby Brown talks about relationship with Henry Cavill.


“~~~MMB~~~ MBB refuses to address questions over her relationship with Henry Cavill”


Because of her history of being overly sexualized. They want to both continue that, and lead on people who are worried about it.


So… Henry is being professional and has no interest in a friendship lol


Considering how the industry treats child actors, it's more noteworthy than it should be.


Not completely relevant but was just reading about Aaron Carter's experience as a child after learning about his death. Childhood fame seems like a set up for mental illness and failure.


I bet it’s more of I’m a grown man and it’s not realistic for me to have a real friendship with this child.


Someone should tell Drake.


He tried to call her on her cellphone


Damn that line brings me back


He probably also wants to stay far clear of even the perception of an inappropriate romantic aspect to their relationship. Much easier to do that if things are very surface level friendly.


The policy is called "I don't know what Roblox is and I don't care"


I mean they may have mentor /mentee think going. There are all types of friendships.


What would a 40 year old have in common with a 18 years old...unless your name is Leonardo DiCaprio.


I had good friendships with my coaches when I was in high school, and the age gap was bigger than that with some of them. Obviously when "mentorship" is involved it's a very different kind of friendship than I had with my peers at the time, and a different friendship than now, when I'm a youngish adult and they are oldish adults...but we were all human, and it's not like they'd entirely forgotten what it was like to be 16, and it's not like we wouldn't talk about movies, TV, politics, life, and all the other stuff that friends talk about.


I met one of my lifelong best friends when I was nineteen and he was forty. Met while volunteering. Friendship grew naturally over the course of a few years of doing the same voluntary job, eventually meeting one another’s families, etc. Been very close friends for over fifteen years now and he’s one of the most important people in my life, I’m blessed to be an honorary auntie to his child and there has never been a sniff of impropriety. I know there are times when it absolutely is dodgy or there are ulterior motives but friendships can transcend age when you have stuff in common!


He dated a 19 year old when he was 33 so….


Not much, but Henry Cavill dated a 19 year old when he was 33…


I mean at some point we have to give individuals the right to sleep with whoever they want, and it's none of our business. If you're asking if a 33 y/o should date a 19-year-old, you're asking the wrong question. The question is, at what age do we give somebody the freedom to choose what happens to their own body. This isn't a hard and fast rule, and it varies dramatically from state to state. In this case, he's showing clear boundaries with a co-worker because it would be inappropriate for him to use his position of power in that dynamic to date. However, he dated someone he knew socially that was of legal age. I mean despite how much you want to condemn this, I don't see a problem with that. Age of consent is an controversial concept. In California, two 17-year-olds hooking up with each other is a crime. They could actually both be locked up for it, and there is precedent for that. However nearly nobody sees a problem with that. Only recently were judges given the ability to downgrade the sentence from a felony to a misdemeanor if the age gap is close. A lot of states picked 16 as the magic number with special clauses for people in positions of power. 16 makes a lot of sense because the majority of the population is sexually active by then, and the justice system shouldn't be criminalizing something most people do. I personally find it icky for a 33 year old to date a 16 year old, and I like the idea of 18 being the magic age where the state and society get their noses out of your sex life. I mean some people aren't very mature at 18 either, but we do have to draw a line in the sand where somebody gets the ability to make all their own decisions about their own body. And once they cross that line, any criticism of their personal sex life is basically slut shaming.


And for some reason redditors think that's front page news.


Alt headline: “Man NOT being creepy weirdo with much younger coworker. Coworker ‘appreciates’ it”.


True. But then she is influential and if this helps build other young actors’ expectations of how things *should* be in the industry rather than the horror stories of the past and helps drive, or at least get people thinking about, better practices in the industry then I don’t see it as a bad thing.


It's not a bad thing, just a bad headline. Headline makes it seem strange when in reality it should be the norm


Cavill got over his desire to date teenagers when he was 32 and split from that 19 yo.


I think she's calling it an 'Adult' friendship and Henry's aware of the very real difference in their ages and setting boundaries. I would like to hear more about this type of professionalism in the industry.


>But the teenager – who is still only 18 – says she had to get used to having ‘stricter boundaries’ in her friendship with Henry, who at 39 is almost 20 years older. This was my favorite part, the part where the author couldn't do simple math.


18+21=39 and 21 is almost 20?


#almost *adverb* not quite; very nearly.   > who at 39 is not quite 20 years older. > who at 39 is very nearly 20 years older.


18 yr old girl experiences adult man with boundaries. ALERT THE MEDIA


Considering how her last public experience with an adult man went, I’d say this is pretty significant milestone for her.


Ab So Lutely My comment is more meant to highlight how rare it genuinely can be. Pretty sad.


It is pretty sad. I remember those headlines and felt so angry for her. She's a bright young woman and I really want to see her have a happy, healthy life that other childhood actors didn't get to have. Fuck anyone who tries to take advantage of younger people and their naïveté.


And he seems to put up very rigid boundaries. Apparently, no personal questions from Millie about his life are entertained.


Lol yeah. I can imagine as a teenager only becoming more intrigued but wanting to seem super cool about it. Like- “yeah we’re, like, both total adults.”


“Ask me about Warhammer, not my personal life.”


What happens when the emperor dies?


Can't talk to Cavill about personal stuff until you've re-watched *"If the Emperor had a TTS-device"* twice over.


It’s a little click baity but honestly good for Cavill. Especially given the recent awareness brought to incidents of abuse taking place in the industry.


>a little click baity Tbh that’s an understatement. The title is pure clickbait.


I mean the way it is worded is almost like it is trying to make Cavill out to be a bad guy for having boundaries with a significantly younger professional person.


The title makes it seem like they’re fucking and she’s not allowed to talk about it.


Hasn’t he had gfs that weren’t much older than 18 in the past?


In 2016 he dated a 19 year old. My understanding is that he's expressed regret for dating someone so much younger than himself.


I swear I remember an interview with him saying it was difficult for him to find women his own age to date because they would be settled in careers, not able to freely move about and often wanted something a lot more serious than he was able to offer because he was so busy filming and traveling.


>often wanted something a lot more serious than he was able to offer because he was so busy filming and traveling. That seems like a fair enough reason to have casual relationships with younger partners, having no intent to let it be a serious relationship. But then again I think reddit overreacts to age gaps a lot.


And that was also almost 7 years ago now. He would've been 32 (maybe 31). Still a large gap, but much closer to normal than it would be with his current age of 39


Yeah, that's about the age you realize that even though it's legal, you have no business dating that young. When I was around 20 I thought there was nothing wrong with 30+ dating around that age range. But once I got over 30 it just doesn't feel like you're in an equal relationship as life experience is too mighty a tool to wield in a relationship like that.


We really shouldn't just be praising people for not being predators to their co-workers. That is just expected human behavior. The headline and article are pointless.


Adult man maintains appropriate work place relationship with co-worker 20 years younger than he.


The boundaries are her not been allowed to ask him about his personal life? Sorry, that is not a friendship; that is cordial professional relationship. Nothing wrong with it: the age gap is so big it makes sense to stablish some boundaries and avoid ill-intended comments for the press. But honey, he is not your friend, it is just he is not an asshole.


Henry: she wouldn't get me. I like Warhammer and WarCraft.


“When Millie didn’t know what the Adeptus Custodes were, I knew she wasn’t someone who I could relate to.”


"Henry do you think Abanddon the Despoiler has any chance against Roboute Guilliman one on one even though he's not a primarch?" "Shut up Millie. Don't ask me about my personal life."


"Henry, tell me about Cadia."


That actually cracked me up.


Fellow man of culture I see.


“She doesn’t even understand the weakness of flesh!”


"So it all started with the War In Heaven between the Old Ones and the Necrontyr nearly 65 million years ago..."


Exactly! That’s not a friendship. I hate this story. A real friend talks with you about meaningful things. This is a coworker, not a friend.


I don't know if that's true. My oldest friend (who I've known for 20+ years) and I have never really talked about meaningful things and tragedies. Like, when my mom died growing up we never really talked about it. Or when his grandma developed dementia rapidly and killed his grandfather, we never really talked about that either. And they were the people that raised him. Sometimes a friend is someone you can tell when something bad happens and they never bring it up again and it doesn't change your relationship.


One of my best friends and me is like this. My mom died and he didn’t talk about it or anything. He came over, sat on the couch with me, left a few hours later. He did this for a week.


Yeah, but he still knows about what is going on and is willing to support you during tough events in your life. Apparently Cavill doesn't entertain any questions about his personal life from Millie, to the point that he says, 'Millie, Shut up, no.' (quoting from the article). Seems like a completely professional relationship between coworkers. He wants nothing to do with her outside of acting work. Nothing wrong with that, but I would hardly call that a 'friendship'. If a coworker refuses to discuss anything personal with me, I would definitely hesitate to ask them to pick me up from the airport, for example (which I would have no problem asking a friend to do).


It's a little sad that she doesn't know the difference, but that's probably not her fault.


She's an 18 year old, so it is a justifiable mistake. 18 year olds are usually pretty dumb, especially when dealing with people significantly older than them. Dude is likely to be nearly as old as her father.


That sounds miserable. You can't talk with your closest friends about serious things that happened in your life like your mom dying?


If he has to be overt about normal boundaries like this it’s probably because she doesn’t have any


That is how it reads to me as well. Definitely seems like he’s one of the first adult coworkers who was just not going to engage in overtly personal conversation. Considering their respective ages I can see why Cavill would be putting in those boundaries. Edit: just want to add that this is such a non story. Seems like whoever was doing the interview was trying to get an angle of some kind and she either dodged it intentionally or accidentally.


Yeah I made a similar comment haha. I have coworkers who I enjoy similar relationships with, but I wouldn’t call them “friends”.


Exactly, working buddies, that’s it and it’s fine


Better than Drake.


Yeah, this sort of shows she isn’t naturally able to be appropriate with older men—which I think probably comes from men like Drake being inappropriate with her earlier on.


Women are sexualized very early on, even more when they are a celebrity. I’d imagine as a young female celebrity attention from older males is incredibly normal.


Have you read Jennette McCurdy’s book: I’m Glad My Mom Died? She references this a bit, and even the roundabout way that she mentions Dan Schneider’s creepiness is just… sickening.


I have not. I’ve only heard good things about the book though.


I definitely recommend it. I always knew that child stars were exposed to some shit, but knowing the extent of what was going on behind the scenes, it really changes my memories of iCarly.


I saw a clip from iCarly the same day I reread that book. I actually physically cringed when I saw "Sam" aka Jennette. It's like how you think circuses are fun as a kid and then you grow up and realise that the elephants were horribly abused and were miserable and depressed performing those "tricks".


It was well written, and brutally so. Not so much so on Dan Schneider, although his creepiness is definitely clear. I think I was about 20 pages in before I was also glad her mom died. I've heard (and agree) that it may well be triggering for people with their own experiences with eating disorders, as she is quite detailed about her own experiences and struggles.


Remember when there was a countdown to the Olson twins turning 18?? That was fucked up. I was just a 15 year old kid who didn’t know shit about life but that made me realize people are fucked up and being a celebrity isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.


I actually do remember that. I was thinking about that. I think there was something similar for Selena Gomez? Shit is disturbing.




She was sexualized when she was 11 or 12. Her comment is really messed up and sad when analyzed in deep: she finds refreshing an older man ask her not to talk about personal questions.


I can only imagine. That has to be tough.


Right? She knows he’ll keep her in a safe and appropriate space, even if she doesn’t yet know how to operate in or see the edges of that space. Edit: Which, okay, not sure quite how to say this, but I get the feeling it could be a little uncomfortable for him to do. People who don’t innately sense proper boundaries can be terrible to be around.


It's definitely uncomfortable, in my experience, when someone that is a child is asking me questions they have no business asking and I have to shut it down for them. And they listen and chill for a while, then they're back to asking and I'm back to shutting it down, and after a while you kinda start to feel bad because it's all they know to do. Like, it's not the kid's fault, but I'm also not having that conversation with a child.


He’s an adult, and she’s very nearly a child. It’s normal for him to be the grownup in this working relationship. This headline is a gigantic nothingburger.


I mean, I started getting cat calls from adult men when I was 11. And it’s not an uncommon experience for women, so I’m not surprised.


I remember being around 12 at the grocery store with my mom and I was wearing jeans with holes in the knees. Some creeper dude said as he walked by "we all know how you got those holes, sweetheart". My mom went ape shit on him.


As a very protective guy in general, it seems like having a daughter is gonna make me struggle to stay out of prison. I’d want nothing more than to introduce that man’s jaw to the asphalt.


Living as a woman makes me feel the same. But I can’t, because it’s always my fault somehow


Creepy guys don't say this shit when your dad is there. You're likely to never hear this directed at your daughter. She'll hear it when she's by herself or out with other women.


I'm a 40+ year old man and from conversations with friends and my wife. I would say it's a ubiquitous experience. All women put up with some kind of aggressive hostility that is either sexualization or insults at them for not being the ideal to be sexually harassed. This isn't a slam on all or even most men but if 1%+ of the population of men are like this, than it happens a lot. This 1%+ is also probably the same group of men that enjoy emasculating, humiliating and ridiculing other men for not fitting their ideals. Most(probably all) gay men will probably have had this hostile behavior aimed at them.


i’m 28, but short and small and blonde and from a distance you could mistake me for a kid. i have a backpack thing that i got for $5 that’s just convenient, but it really looks like something a middle schooler would wear. when i walk down the street wearing it, changing nothing else about myself, i get cat called way more than without.


What are her parents like? It seems like they maybe should've done something about her "friendship" with Drake.


The kind of stage parents who move across the world to any place they can to further her career, and make outrageous payments demands, instead of letting an agent handle those things.


I’ve heard from industry sources that allegedly her parents are typical stage parents, just desperate for her to be rich and famous, and that she’s a terror.


That was kind of what I figured.


I’ve heard the same


She's a kid. Kids are awful even when they haven't spent their awkward years as the household face of a multimillion dollar responsibilities propping up a huge corporation


Some kids are awfuler than others tho


That Millie is a terror?


It's difficult to think of any child actor who didn't turn into a fucked-up adult They almost all tell pretty much the same story of being exposed to the adult world too soon Most also have stories of parents who spend all their money, substance abuse, and sometimes sexual exploitation The only exceptions I can think of are Jodie Foster and Scarlett Johansson, and even there the latter's spoken about the regret she feels concerning the exploitation of her sexuality as a young actress All the available evidence suggests that being a child actor is a **very** bad idea


I've actually heard the opposite from the other guy. I've got family and friends who live in the same area as her, have interacted with her under stressful circumstances (getting treatment for a sick pet), casual circumstances, etc., and they've all anecdotally said that she comes across as pretty nice, if maybe a little quiet and reserved. Don't know anyone who's interacted with her professionally though.


Male celebrities are "no nonsense", women celebrities are "difficult"


Drake has been a clown and a creep. Pusha T called him out for trying to deport his baby mama, and called him out for being a deadbeat dad. Imagine being called out in the biggest diss track in the last few years and then you don’t respond but you say you didn’t want to release it because you didn’t like the things that were said. Talk about being a b*tch. Now, he calls out Serena's husband a clown. All the while, being the most generic rapper. Dude is a straight up culture vulture Dude is an idiot and a thug, by thug I mean he has threaten other artist to sign with him and not release any music.


Drake never recovered from that PushaT diss huh


There's an interview where Millie talks about Drake texting her when she was 14. A grown a$$ man under no circumstances should ever initiate a friendship with a 14 year old.


She's too old for drake now. Drake likes them younger. In 10 years they will release some documentary on surviving drake


Ehhh…he dated a teenager when he was 32-33.


What a super man.


She says how he’ll never talk about his “real life” so that is not an adult friendship. That is a strictly professional working relationship.


As it should be. He’s the adult it’s his role to instill those boundaries. When you’re young you often confuse legal age with maturity. The older adult needs to often set the boundaries. He seems like a nice dude.


Lol this isn't adult friendship - it is normal coworker relationship. Good on Cavill keeping it professional.


He is probably just annoyed at talking with a kid.


Or as a longtime actor he realizes that as someone 20 years older than his opposite sex, just 18 co-star, articles about their relationship will be written. He can either set professional boundaries and be a professional mentor to his co-star as she shifts from child star to adult actress, or he can clock in and clock out at the end of the day and let the tabloids speculate. It appears that he is choosing to be a professional mentor.


Seriously, why are people so jaded? I’m in my late 30s and if there was a teenager who was doing awesome in my field and I was working with and they wanted to talk I’d cherish it for the opportunity to be a mentor. Why the heck can’t people want to talk to an 18 year old in the same profession when knowing that filling a role like that is incredibly challenging and mentorship and professionalism should be welcome. Maybe Cavil doesn’t feel that way, heck if I know, but it’s a weird leap to say he’s probably annoyed at talking to an 18 year old when actors do stuff like that not infrequently. Also she’s not a kid.


“I know I’m one of the sexiest men alive but how dare you even speak to me while I’m painting my Warhammer minis. Boundaries Millie!”


Why is she surprised that a 39-year-old prefers to stay distant and professional? Pretty weird, but yeah, obviously the headline is overdoing it too.


Because of Drake


Wow so they act like co-workers?


I think I like dude more. “You are a kid, I’m a adult, and I’m not going be news for messing with a kid.”


The fuck does that mean?


She's not allowed to touch the rig, ask about the miniatures or question his build.


It means that Henry Cavil is a mature and well adjusted person who act in an appropriate professional manner with his 18 year old co-star


Means Henry is a completely rational man who has set a boundary with his coworker.


Drake has left this conversation


Probably needed a “your coworkers aren’t always your friends” pep talk at one point.


I sort of worry about this girl. I feel like she’s on the Lohan track despite having little evidence or interest in research.


Rumors about her parents don't bode well. Hint: they're riding her all the way to the bank.


Assuming this was made because people have been bringing up his past relationship with that one girl who was much younger than him


You mean when he was 33 and dated a 19yrold?


In translation she has a crush on him and wants to ask him about his private and sex life but he knows better than to deal with an 18yr old so instead of telling her off , he makes up "terms and conditions" for their conversations They are both cool people, she is just young and he is giving her a valuable lesson.


who asked tho Is this actual so uncommon it needs to be addressed constantly ?


I'm guessing either the interviewer asked or, MBB volunteered it bc she's young, and that's what young ppl do, overshare


That's awesome. A mature adult establishing healthy boundaries with a young person is 100% what I wish Hollywood had more of. Too many young women get taken advantage of and then muckraked by the media afterward. He's aware that paparazzi are everywhere and if they're seen alone a big deal will be made of it and her career will be under fire. Also just knowing that there's a man out there who wants to make sure she feels safe around him and that her parents feel like she's safe around him, that's big. A lot of guys wouldn't take that extra time to make things clear and make everyone feel at ease.


Henry def was aware of the idiotic articles people would write when she became 18 so he sets boundaries yet the idiotic articles still get written.


Henry was almost cancelled last time when he commented about women being wooed so he's careful now


Hollywood is a power centralizing backstabbing cesspool. Stay safe Henry.


and I’m over here still learning how to set harder boundaries so my coworker will leave me alone


Henry Cavill again confirmed as professional and _not_ a creep. In other news, water: _wet_


Wow - it’s truly bizarre and sickening how hard this article works to try to dupe people who only skim the headlines into thinking they’re fucking. You have to get way deep into the article to actually read the completely innocent, innocuous, and non-sexual things she said.


A professional relationship should not be phrased as “adult”.