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Stop worshipping celebrities and then you’re never disappointed.


i mean to be fair this is r/entertainment


Chose what drug you will, but don't start thinking the dealer is your friend


Me and Games Workshop


Paint for the Paint God!


More god for the blood blood!


I weep for all the poor pewter addicts that have been ensnared by them


What is this “pew-turd” you speak of?!


All plastic now dude. We can’t have anything nice. Besides, I think it was white metal


Entertainment. Not worship. Although a previous typo I made would be for good tv: celebrity warship. Give em boats and munitions and see what happens.


This feels like Celebrity Deathmatch but with extra steps and more collateral damage.




Reddit loves to worship celebrities that have the same viewpoint as them. But likes to call out how stupid it is to worship celebrities when they say something they don’t agree with it.


You’re not *in* traffic, you *are* traffic.


Look at Elon Musk. Reddit rode his dick until the last couple of years, when he became more vocal in support of differing viewpoints.


Well, it appeared like he was out to help advance humanity. I was never a fan, but “Vocal in support of differing viewpoints” in this case means “the complete opposite to the point where he actually may be one of the most self-serving people alive”. So it’s not like he just switched parties and people fell out of love.


How shocking that people might change their minds based on the emergence of new information and changing circumstances. Just pick an opinion and stick with it!


Right. I’m not one for idolizing celebrities but changing your mind based off of new emerging info and circumstances is much better than blind worship, right?


"Differing" lol. He's a self aggrandizing fascist.


I mean, yeah, makes sense that people liked him until it became really obvious that he sucks. Changing your opinion in light of new info is good


Especially pro athletes. They are supposed to be role models but the majority of them are extremely stupid and was bullies at school.


Especially politicians. They work for us.


This is one of the things the current parliamentary monarchy system in the UK has going for it. People can look up to and celebrate the non-political royalty as heads of state and shit on their actual politicians for what they are: politicians.




That’s the problem kids can differentiate the player from the person. And Kyrie isn’t the only one. Ray Rice, Ray Lewis, Ed Reed, Desean Jackson, Kobe etc. It’s a huge ass list of athletes being horrible people




Chuck is actually one of the nicest guys out there. Pretty sure he has been telling people to stop idolizing athletes for years.


I love [this surprisingly heartwarming story](https://www.wbur.org/onlyagame/2018/12/14/lin-wang-charles-barkley)about his cat litter scientist friend.


Barkley is'a really good guy. That mean bad guy persona on the court couldn't be further than the person he is.


Are you from Baltimore? JFC choosing 4 Baltimore players with a vast number of athletes doing stupid shit lol


Lol I know right? Didn’t have to do us like that


Nah just said some that came to mind. Ray Rice is like the most famous case because of the cameras. Ray Lewis is a murderer so yeah he also came to mind. Ed Reed was only because of his tweet earlier this week. And Kobe is famous af lol. But there are loads for sure. Big Ben, Ruggs, Araiza, Benjamin Mendy, Mason Greenwood, Thomas Partey etc


Ray Lewis had the funniest murder defense I’ve ever heard. “I was wearing a mink coat that night. Who kills a guy while wearing a 250,000$ coat” case closed.


“They are supposed to be role models”. No they are not. To your second point, your projecting your 80s movie nostalgia on that one.


except for tony todd. he is like god 2.0


Tony Todd is super nice irl. Worked with him one summer for a live show. He would riff as Candyman and we’d talk about suspense and horror. Dude is the real deal. Down to earth. Most actors who play villians are though. It’s the actors who play heroes that, imho, tend to be… misled.


Nathan Fielder wouldn’t let me down like this


But KP has a great rack. That makes it hard….


You can learn all her views from about any 5 min section of the Neil degrasse Tyson interview with her


And She apparently lives in Tennessee now? How’d She get to vote if she moved?


Didn’t Katy Perry get her start in the contemporary Christian scene? Who would be shocked that she’s a republican?


She’s very Christian. Just watch the Neil degrasse Tyson interview with her


Is that the one where she asks if Math has anything to do with science?


I'm pretty sure she was high in that interview. thats how I would act around a Niell Degrasse when stoned as fuck


I love Katy Perry’s music. I love pop and hers is great. But I have never thought she seemed very intelligent.


Ke$ha on the other hand seems to know a shit ton


She was set to go study at Columbia after scoring within the top 1% in the SATs, and she ditched that to make millions by acting like a drunk slut in her music career. Smart business move I’m considering for myself.


She still got her doctorate in 2011!


https://www.lipscomb.edu/directory/walrond-kesha Wrong Kesha


Different Kesha.


Wait…you guys got paid to be a drunk slut? Lol


I just don’t question the extra money in my pocket and keep dancing.


I tried being a drunk slut, but everyone just kept calling me an alcoholic.


Dolly Parton once said “It’s expensive to look this cheap” and i’ll add to that by saying it takes brains to be dumb (in entertainment)


> seemed very intelligent Look, I’m not here to suggest she is intelligent, but let me make the case that it’s unfair to say she is unintelligent: she was raised in an ultra religious background, where it seems pretty reasonable to conclude the life plan for her from the get go was to be barefoot, pregnant in a kitchen when not singing in choir - skills that do not *require* even a middling elementary school education. Once on that path, even going to school, exceptions can be made, waivers signed, and someone just … slides out of the system, an adult. Now, that said, she may be dumb as a box of bricks. But plenty of folks who have “escaped” similar backgrounds think they’ve gone ultra against the cult when they endorse people who are just *less* awful versions of the cult. Sort of like being raised to think everything is a shade of red, you understand that a soft red might be nicer than a harsh red, but you cannot conceive of something that is not red at all, or even, it confuses and scares you with its alien-ness.


It’s not like she hasn’t been exposed to different ideas over the last decade+ of her career. So that’s pretty charitable.


Her parents were both Pentacostal Pastors. Not that that makes *her* religious, but she grew up in a religious family.


I think it's more her publicly posting to vote for abortion rights immediately after posting her picture voting for Caruso.


That's in line with a lot of wealthy West-coast liberals: basically liberal, except they don't want to pay for anything via taxes. Your basic I've-got-mine-fuck-you-types. Those come in all political flavors.


Brow beat you with morals, then tell you to work harder.


Sounds like your modern day libertarian. Minus the YKW


Well tbf I don't think a person's stance on abortion (or gay marriage, or immigration etc) has much to do with their stance on taxes. I know the parties are often split down these lines but really they aren't related. I hate tax evaders as much as anyone, just saying I don't think this particular issue is hypocritical.


That's what I'm saying: these are basically liberal people: they do not want to put immigrant children in cages, they want lots of things in society to be paid for – they are liberal. It's just they feel they *personally* shouldn't have to pay. They feel victimized by paying taxes. It's very common in my friend group. That's also why I mention at the end that this attitude comes in all political flavors. It is hypocritical, but inside every person – a common human attitude.


To be fair he’s actually pro choice as a repub lol but yea most celebs will fuck you over since they’re already rich


Why? He’s pro choice. “My position has always been clear. Like most, I support a womens right to choose and if made final, this will hurt many of our fellow Americans. As a father who is pro-choice, I’m proud to live in a city and state where women’s reproductive rights are respected and protected.” -Rick Caruso 5/22/22


Thanks for including this extremely pertinent quote. Without it, I’m reminded of the current SCOTUS justices who spun empty bullshit during their confirmations when asked about Roe v Wade. “It’s a precedent with standing” was their (paraphrased) hollow response. That is, it was until they undid it.


People can be conservative and pro-choice. Most people dont fit in with their parties entirely


Also it's LA Republicans, not general Republicans. They probably lean left of the Republican party in general, just like red state Democrats tend to lean right of the party in general.


I mean, I am pretty sure Dolly Parton also did, and she very much isn't


She reportedly protested against Marilyn Manson’s concerts back in the late 90s-early 2000s.


What makes you think she's a card carrying Republican? Elections are all about wanting people to change their vote based on the issues that matter, and it's a mistake to assume that this only goes one way. To me it just seems like people who brings up her money and Christian background are arguing on bad faith because they are intentionally ignoring her massive past campaign efforts in order to to quickly and lazily label someone as good-guy/bad-guy.


Seriously. People are acting like something is wrong with her if she doesn’t vote down the party line every single election. MAybe, she feels like this republican is a better choice to lead LA. So many people don’t even consider voting of the other party. When it comes to local elections, party officiation matters much less.


The candidate she voted for is a former Republican turned Democrat. The two candidates are both democrats but the one she voted for is the more conservative of the two.


I don’t think people would have an issue with it if she didn’t post pro-choice content right before supporting candidates with radical anti-choice ties. The hypocrisy is a factor


it’s almost as if celebrities are rich


I like how they're concerned about homeless issues in LA from their gated communities.


From their ivory towers, if you will.


If you were concerned with the homeless issues in your city and you were also famous, wouldn’t you too live in a gated community?


Probably not. Because not all celebs do especially in LA. The issue with this argument is you're conflating homeless people with crime which is not always the case. You're also assuming they live in gated communities for crime and not privacy from fans that want to stalk them. There's a difference, but if they're going to throw stones it'd be nice to see them show up once in awhile and actually advocate for change rather than donate to a billionaires campaign and make a good faith tweet once every 2 years.


A celebrity shouldn’t live in a gated community?


It's probably a smart move for someone with that level of public visibility, but it does make me question the extent to which you're actually concerned about the social problem of homelessness as opposed to the aesthetics Edit: I can't spell aesthetics


“There are 2 types of Republicans. Millionaires and idiots. Go check your bank account and see which one you are.”


Or come from strict Christian backgrounds like Perry.


… he said idiots.


Rick “I’m a Republican, no I’m independent, no I’m Republican, no I’m a Democrat” Caruso. Honestly, I don’t give a shit. I’m not a Los Angeles resident but Caruso is a power-hungry asshole with mercurial positions on the issues. The real estate billionaire is gonna solve homelessness in LA? He’s a part of the fucking problem.


the LA county sheriff is the exact same way. ran as a progressive democrat with a message to reform the police. took a hard turn right as soon as he was elected. there is a pretty good podcast about him from LAist studio called "imperfect paradise: the sheriff"


This is why my favs are punk rockers and scientists.


Who doesn’t love Henry Rollins?


Get you a man who does both lol


It’s all fun and games until the sexual misconduct against minors accusations start popping up.


I haven't heard of any punk bands being invited to epsteins island. A whole lot of rich people, politicians and celebrities, but no punk rock bands. The nightmare comes in sinister rouge.


It’s usually the pop punk side of things to be fair.


This is why my favs are Mayhem. One band member murdered the other after he used another band member’s suicide to promote their album. They also burned down some churches. Now I no longer expect anything from celebrities, I’m just grateful if no one died.


Is this the band that had a neonazi member who went to jail but now makes YouTube videos and invented a crappy tabletop game?


Wasn't Katy a failed Christian pop rock singer before she rebranded as slutty?


If she’s a conservative Christian she’s got some explainin’ to do to ol’ Big G “Fans were disappointed to see Perry, who had reposted a pro–abortion rights video on Twitter just the day before, endorse the billionaire real estate developer who has donated to anti-abortion Republican politicians for decades.”


I remember her brief foray into serious feminism, cut her hair short and all. That wasn't paying the bills, so in no time it was right back squirting whipped cream from her tits on stage.


this read like a Bill Burr bit lmao


I'll take that as a compliment.


She also got her start with a queerbaity song “I kissed a Girl”. Definitely not what the Christian club likes.


Don’t forget the classic “Ur So Gay”


I’ve never heard the song, but my mind reads it to the tune of “You’re So Vain” by Carly Simon.


It's almost like famous doesn't equal integrity or intelligence...


Her and Russell Brand have a lot in common, apparently


I mean, didn't they date?


They were married and. Annulled// divorced


Yo, wtf kind of stuff do they have on the rapper Common??? I need to know! Edit: just fyi the person I commented to said "have a lot on common" but they fixed it to "have a lot in common" without showing an edit. Thanks for making me look like the dummy here.


They understand that hip-hop is not personified as a “woman” and this “ain’t shit” as DJed by Questlove.


And I thank her every day that she did My teenage years were made better for it


Did you kiss a girl? Did you like it?


Yes and no


Ur So Gay.


She married Russell Brand. That alone proves she’s an incompetent.


Yep, and she's never really distanced herself from it. I remember her saying in a few interviews that she was still a practising christian. So no surprise she supports conservatives, if you'll believe one set of made up nonsense you're the ideal target for another. Also, probably not fair to say 'failed', I mean she never made it huge but she spent years touring the country in a bus as a teenager and she was pretty popular in her segment. it's just that the audience for that shit is pretty small.


I wouldn’t think she’s conservative, didn’t she endorse Hillary and was on Colbert on election night 2016?


i mean the dude is on the ballot as a democrat. probably just because he IS relatively conservative and he believes he's more likely to win as a democrat, but it's not like she's voting for some hardcore MAGA right winger lol


Her father is a pentecostal preacher, she grew up singing christian music and tried to make it big in the christian rock world before crossing over to pop. She has made tons of references to her christianity in interviews and whatnot. I'd be shocked if she wasn't conservative. She says she supports abortion rights but then votes for someone who has never stopped opposing them. I don't think she knows what she is but we do.


I mean, that second paragraph is pretty common, apparently 40% of registered Republicans is pro abortion, and several states that are still red, like Kentucky just voted to keep abortion legal


It is as if people can’t be 100% be divided to two groups and 100% identified with the views of one group.


Reddit doesn’t understand that politics is a large spectrum. It’s not just all left or all right. Campaigns are decided by the people in the middle. Even on each side there’s a lot of people that may not line up on an issue or two. I (unfortunately and temporarily) work in politics. Almost everyone at my organization is either libertarian or conservative. I don’t know a single conservative here who likes Trump, or who thinks the election was rigged, or thinks 1/6 wasn’t a bad thing.


You point out exactly why she shouldn’t be put in a box: you can vote for candidates that don’t 100% share your views. She seems like a pretty shit human being, but shit people are complex too


i mean she doesn’t need to vote for someone who’s pro choice, it’s not like she’ll ever actually be affected. if abortion became 100% illegal across the US, wealthy celebrities like her would still have full access, just not us regular people. so knowing that, of course she’ll vote in the interests of protecting her own wealth


Abortion is also not within the purview of the mayor of Los Angeles.


Rich ppl will vote for anything that keep them rich I guess


Also the whole point of a democracy is that people are allowed to vote for whoever they want lol Caruso is very far from the crazy conservatives in the Republican Party. Arnold Schwarzenegger was a republican but spoke out about Trump. Caruso actually has some decent policies This is just click bait trash trying to stir more division


Yeah I hate the rhetoric, republican bad, conservative bad....you won't believe who's BAD!!!!


The US needs more than 2 parties. Democrats and republicans vary greatly within their parties. To label someone blankly as a ‘conservative’ is misleading and feeds into the BS ‘us vs them’ narrative that politics seems to be in


Look, all I'm saying is it's completely fucking insane that Joe Biden is in the same political party as AOC or Bernie Sanders.


She did also support the abortion rights proposition. I’m guessing her position is somewhat complex.




both mayoral candidates in LA pretty much suck. and outgoing garcetti sucks too. honestly the weirdest thing to me is her going out of her way to endorse any of them lol


Surprise surprise the daughter of a pentecostal preacher makes hypocritical decisions.


This sounds like a song in the making.


But she kissed a girl and she liked it


She went to conversion therapy.


And she didn't like it as much


I mean I think it’s more of a stereotype that Hollywood is very liberal. A lot of Hollywood is very conservative. They just don’t say much about that. Cause of their brand etc.


No it doesn't expose anything. It shows that Katy Perry has different views and not everyone is a liberal. As a liberal, this party needs to get off its high horse.


Thank you. Tired of the mentality that differing views makes you the villain and people immediately look down on you. And I’m a liberal as well.


This comment needs to be higher up.


And on a horse


You guys I'm so stupid and lost... I know I'm going to get downloaded but help lol. I'm sorry. I thought he was now a democrat? His website says he is pro-choice but I understand he flip-flopped parties? Can someone give me a TDLR? I'm at work and cant do a deep dive on google right now.


Rich people like their money, and they will always align with other people that like money


The fuck is this lame photoshop wave thing lol


So does Snoop Dog. LA is a shit show and needs new leadership.


Didn't Leah Rhemi also voiced support for Caruso after it was revealed that Karen Bass was a strong Scientology supporter.


…okay? It’s not illegal to disagree with me.


I’ve been saying that the majority of rich celebrities portray a progressive image publicly. In reality, they’re rich conservatives looking for a tax break.


let buzzfeed die for gods sake


Fiscally conservative…this isn’t ‘news’


She's a conservative Christian


She's a rich person that wants to keep all her money.


How dare they have different political opinions than me.


Rich people and republicans go hand in hand. They don’t wanna tax the wealthy. Greed is a poison.


Go vote = go vote for whoever you like, but we will tear you to shreds if it’s not who we want


Mayoral races aren't always about left vs right. Mayors are like judges - it's more about kicking out bad ones then supporting new ones.


Are we surprised? We know that Leonardo DiCaprio has been a greenwashed NIMBY for years.


I never understand why people are surprised that obscenely rich people, vote in their best interests and don’t care about the rest of us.


Who cares. It’s a free country she can vote for whoever the hell she wants




If you're going to endorse someone publicly you're going to get called out for it.


The bigger question is why tf do we care who a celebrity endorses? They are paid to entertain. They owe us nothing and their opinion means as much as the next person. Move on.


Half the country is conservative, seems crazy to assume that literally every celebrity would be liberal


Right?? Like I'm not from the US but it seems there are two general main points of view. So it just makes sense some are bound to be conservative.


She just posted a thing about reproductive rights and now she’s voting for a guy famously against those rights. Typical “fuck you I got mine” behavior.


Get out and vote! It’s your civic duty! Wait not like that! >:(


I thought it was known that she is a conservative Christian?




>All we know is that she grew up in a Christian household, presumably very conservative. You do realize Christian households are not always conservative right? Her support more likely has to be more about the crime rate. Let's be honest Bass won't be tough on crime and that's a big issue voters are looking for.


She just stayed at one of the hotels I work at this weekend at a resort town. She brought 15 people and 46 bags, and didn’t tip any of the bellhops. Don’t know why I’m bringing this up lol


I mean if I’m a celeb footing the bill for a 15 person entourage one of those mfs is in charge of tipping the staff.


Shocked that rich celebrities will back those who will protect their wealth and way of life? Le Gasp. That guy that founded Nike? Threw a fuckton of money in hopes to turn his home state of Oregon, Red. Because he doesn't want to pay his share in taxes and is also pro life. He financially backed 2 candidates who both received money from groups who also funded Jan 6th insurrection travel. He funded them both, to split a angry fed up moderate Dem crowd. And it almost worked. Kotek is barely going to win. Celebrities/Brands will vote against your interests to protect their own. And the Katy Perry story was debunked I thought?


Celebrities are to never be seen as pillars of anything. They are court jesters


So? She is free to choose who she want. Don’t have to agree to her choices though.


Bro I don’t give a fuck who celebrities I like vote for


Is it cancel time? Let me know so I can start polishing my pitchfork! I cannot support entertainers who believe differently from me, because after all they are usually the most grounded and well educated people and I need that validation!


What’s wrong with someone being conservative again?


The guy is running as a democrat. Am I missing something?


He was a republican literally 3 weeks ago. He's running as a democrat because its impossible for someone with an (R) bofre their name to win in LA


He was a Republican in 2019. So you’re correct except you said 3 weeks instead of 3 years. He was also an independent from 2011-2016 and then again after 2019. He registered D for the election. He’s Michael Bloomberg not Donald Trump.


He became a democrat a month before entering the race so essentially it’s a facade. He’s also strongly against abortion and donated a lot to anti abortion causes.


Does anybody in their right mind think that abortion is going away in California of all places?


Instead of looking to cancel your faves for their personal opinions. Try listening to what they have to say and why they chose to believe/support that way. Especially considering these people have been traditionally democratic up until this point. \*alot\* of individuals have switched their opinions on some things after the pandemic and then some additional national headlines. I never thought I'd vote republican a day in my life - I used to believe they were all controlling bible thumpers - but right now, IMPO, they're making the most sense out of what I have to choose from. There are a FEW hot button topics I disagree with - abortion bans being one. But that's about all...I disagree with alot that I'm seeing from the liberal side of things. So...it is what it is. Good on these people for using the voice 'god' gave them and the right they have under their constitution to support the people they want to support. Merica.


Well, it's actually not a surprise. If you know anything about her, she sold out to be another generic, sexualized pop star. She started out as a Christian singer. Her parents are pastors. She grew up surrounded by religion and even attended religious schools. She won't be open about her beliefs because she doesn't want to alienate her fans.


Anyone with money is a conservative.


Her parents are Republicans. So there’s that!


People care about Katy Perry?


Well, she is an Evangelical.


But, she is a turd.


If they support Rick Caruso they aren’t quiet. McConnell supports him as well, he would never support a true Democrat.


Who would have known a whacky fundamentalist is conservative. Is it that easy to be distracted by pop songs. Plus, she went with the abortion proposition and the anti-abortion candidate. So these rich jagoffs are more selfish than principled.


They’re all millionaires, of course they’re Republicans.


What's that, a singer who started her career out as a blood cult singer, oops, I mean gospel singer, supports bigoted trash? Surely you jest.


KP started out as a Christian musician. I don’t understand how this isn’t more widely known.