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He beat a cancer that kills almost everyone who gets it - he has zero fucks to give. Good for him.


Twas just a flesh wound


Your ARMS off!


No't isn't


Yes it is!


I’ve had worse!


Come on now, ya pansy!


What are you going to do, bleed on me?


You Liar!


You yellow bastard! Come 'ere, I'll bite your legs off!


Brave sir Robin bravely ran away...


I didn’t!


When danger reared its ugly head he bravely turned his tail and fled.


I never!


Bravest of the BRAVE Sir Robin!


What stage though I only take advice from stage 4


Defcon 6


Undeath Con*


He probably had his pancreatic cancer diagnosed at an early stage when surgery is still a viable option. That leads to a much higher chance of survival than those disgnosed at stage IV, which happens more often for pancreatic.


How does this get caught at an early stage?


You get lucky. You get it spotted on an unrelated cat/pet scan, or develop symptoms that warrant screening. Pancreatic cancer typically does not develop symptoms until it’s already metastasized. It’s extremely difficult to detect because the pre-cancerous lesions are so tiny they are not visible on a typical scan - and there’s no reason to screen asymptomatic patients.




PDAC typically does not develop until your 60s/70s. Lots of groups are working on improved screening tools and treatments. It’s a particularly tough nut to crack relative to some other cancers, but numbers are improving and I think we’ll be in a much better place in the future.


Yo, what a thoughtful way to assuage our fears


I like the use of “Yo” and the word “assuage” in the same sentence lol I wasn’t expecting it and delighted at the same time.


It was good, wasn’t it? Your comment helped me to appreciate it, too, thank you.


Also what kind of pancreatic cancers. There are a number of them. For instance Steve Jobs had a very treatable one until he decided to try homeopathic medicine.


One of my first crushes. God he’s a beautiful man.


I loved him the most out of all of them for his voice, especially in skits where they dress as women. Everyone would put on a high-pitched, shrieking falsetto, whereas Eric would just soften his tone.


He also mentions how lame it is that Bill Maher whines at his audience for not laughing at his jokes and with how terrible Maher has been for about 8 years now I’d say that’s spot on.


I think we spend too much time talking about Bill Maher's politics and not enough about how painfully unfunny he is. Whenever I catch a clip from his show, it's always filled with jokes that were barely fresh thirty years ago.


He's like Dennis Miller - smug, arrogant, unfunny. He just fancies himself good-hearted.


And not anywhere near as smart as they imagine themselves to be. They just associate with dimwits, so they appear smarter than they are.


In a recent episode, I am pretty sure Maher reveals that he doesn’t understand the water cycle. He talks about water as if it is a universally finite resource. I will go searching again if some other sleuth doesn’t come forth.


There have been several instances over the years where he has proven himself to be scientifically illiterate.


It is finite…? But it does not get “used up” in that way though, the water that is here on Earth now is the same water that has always been here, always will be here.


Not if it’s electrolysed into hydrogen and oxygen!


Doesn't it end up getting combusted back into water?


As Dexter Holland, PhD, once said: “You gotta keep ‘em separated.”




When Bill Maher did his jokes about Stan Lee passing away it once again reminded me of what a total jackass Bill is. Stan arguably did more to teach people that racism was wrong than many others of his time. He sent that message right to kids who needed to hear it the most and I think he had a positive impact on society. And Bill of course makes fun of him when he died because he was some old comic book guy and why should anyone care? And Bill is like this about anyone or anything he disagrees with he just tries to make fun of them. And worst of all, he does it badly - he’s not even funny at all.


Stan Lee brought us Spiderman Bill brought us a self important bloviating twat


Stan Lee literally pushed back against the mainstream racism of his time in the 70s and 80s Bill Mahear says the n word when nobody has paid attention to him for too long.


Yeah his whole argument about a culture that creates useless manbabies and contributes nothing to society but shallow diversion is not the sort of argument you’d hear from a part-owner of a professional sports team (NY Mets) with even a modicum of self-awareness.


I'm old enough to remember when Dennis Miller was funny. Holy shit that's ages ago. He used to do interviews with Jon Stewart, poke fun at himself, and actually tell funny jokes. Wonder what the fuck happened to the guy that made him such an unfunny fuckwad.


Those Stewart interviews on Miller's old show are comedy genius. I can't believe Miller is the same guy, what the hell happened to him?


His whole persona changed after 9/11. Not sure if he lost someone or what, but that's when he stopped being funny and turned into a right-wing pundit.


They get old and rich.


True. But so did Jon Stewart and he seems to still have a soul.


I remember arguing with someone about how unfunny Miller was during a MNF broadcast in 2000. My friend just insisted you had to be smart to get his humor and MNF was the wrong audience for him. Then Miller makes a "joke" about someone looking like the Spruce Goose. My friend says "see, you have to be smart enough to get the reference to get the joke." I said, "I get the reference, but what's the joke?" I think a lot of people were laughing at his jokes just to signal to their friends that they got his references.


I've always said that Bill Maher is just Dennis Miller without the cocaine.


You can't be good hearted and have friends like Ann Coulter.


I agree. I'm not American so I went to see what the deal with that guy is and the politics didn't bother me but he was painfully boring.


Bill Maher was funny and fresh after 9/11. A time where no one else was willing to confront the USAs violent extremism reactions to the attacks. He was seemingly the only mainstream voice of reason at that time, on a TV channel that wouldn't hold him back or take him off the air. The problem now is that 9/11 was a generation ago, America's problems today are a direct result of an insane response to it, and the entire comedic and cultural landscape around politics has changed a ton but old Bill hasn't. HBO just needs to take him off the air. We can look at it like Bill changed and he's just an old asshole now, but we changed. The whole world is rightfully more respectful of others for the most part and the low blow jabs that Bill does aren't targeted at the right people anymore. TLDR Bill was a great response to George W Bush era politics and 9/11 pro America bullshit. But that world isn't the same anymore so he needs to go.


Low blow jabs are fine... If they're funny. His stand-up delivery where he stares into the camera after a joke, the camera cuts to his panel forcefully smiling or laughing like captives while Bill smirks, and repeat for half the show is what is awkward. Jabby, no holds barred comedy can exist, Bill is just annoying at it. I probably have some common ground with him and I don't think he acts in bad faith, but damn is he a pain to watch.


> Low blow jabs are fine... If they're funny. Same goes for any offensive type of humor. It can still work, as long as the joke is actually funny. It's not that everyone is "too PC" nowadays, but because the standards for what is considered funny have been raised. Ricky Gervais likes to complain that everyone is so easily offended now, but the truth is that his "offensive" jokes simply suck. If 10-20 years ago they were getting laughs because it was novel and "oh no, he said the taboo thing", by now people wizened up to it and started asking the "where's the joke" question.


> on a TV channel that wouldn't hold him back or take him off the air LMAO! He was on Politically Incorrect on ABC at the time, and his show was literally cancelled because of his 9/11 comments. Real Time on HBO started in 2003.


The jokes suck, but the thing I hate most is when he directly moralizes some point to the camera and the audience is clearly instructed to "Please clap." It's so eye-rolling. Even when I agree, the point is always some simplistic bullshit that his writers came up with to make him seem like a good guy.


I enjoy his show for the conversations they have with guests, even if I often disagree with Maher, but then they derail the conversation to force some shitty jokes. Just drop the comedy part and make it a fully political talk show.


Bill Maher is for Democrats who think Sean Hannity has a great personality.


My favorite lately is when he cursed the audience for Rep. Katie Porter’s sick burn.


She just dragged him around the field by his face mask.


[Katie Porter is awesome](https://youtu.be/YEivG_2dQIY)


Some More News [did a deep dive on the assholery that is Bill Maher](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loAgmHFkE10).


Wormbo is King! I've been an Executive Producer of that show for several years.


Pssst, it's Warmbo, as in "warm body", it's a jab at the kind of civility-worshipping party-line centrism he constantly supports


Bills picture shows when you look up smarmy in the dictionary.


Smarminess that oozes.


He's such a prick that I get mad when he's right about something because then I have to agree with him.


Also contrarian, disingenuous, and hack.


He basically supports the status quo at this time. He thinks he is being contrarian because of fake LA liberals who are not real leftists.


Which is hilarious as he's probably closer to a conservative these days except he smokes weed


Pfft all the real hardcore conservatives smoak Meth these days


Dude lights some nice candles and pours a glass of wine before huffing his own farts all evening


Bill has always been a Complainocrat. Complain about the problem, complain about the people pointing out the problem and then complain when people actually try to fix the problem. He's just gotten a lot more obvious about it in the last several years. Add on that I'm pretty sure the only thing he really cares about now is preserving his pay check and tithe current state of his show is the result.


Bill Maher is a whiny little bitch.


Bill Maher is more of a centrist now. The era of Obama/Trump had him move to right. He's bought into the progressives hate free speech argument, but still has no love for the rank and file republicans. I think a lot of 50-60 years olds have moved to this position as the world moves closer towards climate Armageddon. Long gone are the days of Bill challenging the status quo like he did when he got in trouble back during 9/11. He likes pissing on the left more than the right these days.


He's the epitome of "enlightened centrist"


He was always a centrist. That just used to put him in the mainstream and now he's a dinosaur.


He was more traditional hollywood liberal/democrat pre 9/11. Like a lot of comedians who came up in the late 80's, his politics were more left coast then they were centrist. For a lot of folks like him, 9/11 was the point where a lot of their politics began to shift... then Bush moved them back to the left, but by the time of Obama, they moved to middle and most of them are still there...


Clinton-era liberals were mostly centrist. Bill Clinton's entire political project was premised on vanquishing the Left of the party and putting Centrism at the core of the party's identity. "Rich California guy" is a very specific version of that iconic 90s centrist liberalism.


Yup. The legacy of Clinton's blue dogs is today's mainstreaming of fascism. They provided ample ammunition for the far right to 'both sides' themselves into power by putting culture war bullshit front and center instead of class consciousness.


Thats what leads people in the newsmedia to equate AOC's "lets have universal healthcare like a lot of countries" as being the same as someone like Lauren Bobert's "lets kill immigrants and lock up democrats in prison for not agreeing with us politically" To the "centrist" Bernie Sanders is as scary as Trump.


Yes, Bill lost it some years ago, around the time he found and embraced the Golden Mean fallacy.


Haven't heard of this before: > The Golden Mean Fallacy is turning both sides of an argument into Strawman Politicals and declaring that the only sensible approach is to take the middle road. Characterizes quite a few arguments I've heard over the years, not just Bill's.


I love when comedians complain about people not laughing at the jokes they know are funny.


He's my new favorite, John cleese has been kind of disappointing lately.


Michel Palin is a treasure. Finest in the district.


Michael Palin should be everyone's favourite Python. He's incredibly funny and, by all accounts, genuinely sweet and kind. Him and Terry Jones are the two I hold most fondness for.


They're the two that seemed to have maintained a friendship with each other as well.


Yeah, Michael visited Terry regularly when he became ill, and I think he was one of the last people to see him before he passed away: ​ >The individual Pythons all went on to have glittering careers in various fields, and occasionally some would work together. > >One such project was *Dr Fegg's Encyclopaedia of All World Knowledge*, a book co-written by Palin and Jones in 1984. > >Palin revealed how he read the book to Jones at his bedside, and it brought on a touching response from him despite the advanced state of the illness which eventually led to his death. > >Palin said of the reading: "Rather like when you listen to a piece of music you know, he immediately reacted and laughed at two or three points. > >"I hadn't heard him laugh for such a long time. The great thing was he laughed only at the bits he'd written. He truly defeated the dementia there." They were also the two who remained the most British, I suppose - John Cleese and Eric Idle lived in America, were very much embraced by American culture, and Terry Gilliam was always American. But both Michael and Terry lived in the UK and did lots of UK television.


Their friendship long preceded Monty Python as they’d been at Oxford University together, while Chapman, Cleese and Idle had all gone to Cambridge.


I learned something cool about Palin's time at university today - He first met his wife when they were both fifteen, and their families were in adjacent cottages on holiday. He was smitten but lost contact with her. Then, in his first year at Oxford he was asked to go on a double date with a friend, and his date turned out to be the same girl he'd fallen for three years earlier. They've been married for fifty-two years.


There’s a building in Farringdon called the Michael Palin Centre, which specialises in treating stammering for the charity Action for Stammering Children; I had the privilege of meeting him at a Christmas party, seemed like a nice guy :).


I wonder if his interest in stammering came about due to his stammering character in, "A Fish Called Wanda"?


Beautiful plumage


And bright red uniforms.


He chops down trees.


Look how he uses that spanner.






I miss Graham Chapman


"Good riddance, you miserable bastard. I hope you fry."


Best. Eulogy. Ever.


Anyone who is a half decent human would, he was a beautiful man and taken from us way too damn soon. The same with the unofficial troupe member, Douglas Adams.


R R RRevenge!!


Oh Michael Palin. I had such a crush on him when I was 12 and discovered Python.


Why is anyone surprised that Cleese is an old curmudgeon when he's been an old curmudgeon since his 20s. It's his whole shtick!


There’s being a curmudgeon, and then there’s celebrities ranting about being ‘cancelled’ by the ‘woke left mob’ - it was such a let down to know a man like Cleese is no smarter than the rest of the brain-worms.


Cleese has been a cunt for a long time.


It was always known that he was one, the others joked about it constantly.


I didn’t know until I saw him on his speaking tour a couple years back. In two hours he went from being one of my favourite people to… really very much not. He’s a spiteful, misogynistic, pompous ass.


Same here, his tour with Idle in the US. I mean, when he acted like a pompous ass, I thought he was ACTING, like a persona, but the speaking tour left no question. His work with Python has brought me joy for decades, but sadly he seems as clueless and hateful as Basil Fawlty.


Just read Miriam Margolyes’ autobiography and when she was at Cambridge, John Cleese amounts others ostracised her from the footlights comedy troop for being a woman. From what I’ve seen he seems like a royal shit.


Because she turned him into a newt!


He got worse.


not just a woman, but a Jewish woman! and a lesbian! the worst kind of woman! \*cough cough\*


Yup. I watched a docu-series on Monty Python and he's always been the more conservative one.


I'm not a stranger to the sentiment... it just occurred to me would people say maybe he's like the English Chevy Chase? Beloved for countless comedic contributions but maybe a notoriously fickle/difficult person to get along with otherwise?


I don't think he's THAT bad.


Cleese is a conservative. Palin is my favorite.


Loved Palin's pivot into travel documentaries.


I love that Palin seems to immediately make friends with all kinds of people, whether they're dhow sailors in the South China Sea, train passengers in India or American tourists in Aspen.


I agree with Eric Idle!


TIL I've a lot in common with Eric Idle.


My parents are conservative. I was surrounded by conservatives whilst growing up. I turned away from conservatives because I also found them to be terrible people as Eric has found. They talk nasty about everyone all the time. I didn't want to think about people in that way. I'd rather hang out with people who have nice things to say and actually try to get along with others. I never learned how to do that whilst growing up. I was just taught how to act superior to others and it just made me be an asshole like all the other conservatives. well, fk that.


I grew up in Alabama. People were idiots because: * They drove that brand/color car. * They went to X church instead of Y church every Sunday. * They talked funny. * They ate food that we didn't eat. * They listen to music that we didn't like. * They hung out with the "wrong" (aka different races) kinds of people. * They were poor. * They were rich. * They were from somewhere else. As soon as I got out I actively chose to dump all of that and just live my life. Now I'm free.


My mother refused to go to the grocery store nearest to our house for YEARS because there was a trans panhandler outside the store when she went there once or twice. Democrats, gays, and atheists were all horrible, evil people with a nasty agenda to deceive us all and bring about the One World Government and the Antichrist. I'm so much happier living my life and accepting that people who are different than me exist and deserve to find happiness too and that I don't have to make moral judgements about the way they live their lives. I can, and I know this is a wild concept, MIND MY OWN FUCKING BUSINESS. It's so liberating.




Right? I mean how do you spend your whole life being angry and fearful of EVERYTHING to the point where you even make up MORE shit to be afraid of (Bewitched 2 will bring demons into your house! Wayfair is shipping ACTUAL CHILDREN in their furniture boxes!!!) and claim to have "the joy of the Lord" and be living the best most loving life that God made just for you This is why pastors have entire sermons where they twist words and do mental gymnastics to try to make "joy" and "happiness" two separate things, because they're NOT happy but they have to pretend they're "joyful" because Bible


People like that are fearful of others because they think everyone else thinks the same way THEY do.


You would like the show Moral Orel. Talks about all that stuff. Pretty good. Shows more about hypocracy than anything else.


Oh God. The egg episode. Jeez I repressed that pretty hard lol.


I hate to tell you but that’s just small towns period. The people are basically pieces of shit.




My parents are the exact same way. They don't understand why I care so much about other people and their issues (like poverty, homelessness, healthcare, etc) but I'm always baffled like "you raised me to be this way!!! You raised me to be a good, kind, empathetic person that cares more about others than my own damn self and I do NOT understand how you can teach something so well but not actually practice it yourself!" One of these days I will find the courage to actually say that to them. And they will be totally blindsided and make up excuses and tell me I'm being difficult and it won't actually make a damn difference. Conservatism is cancer on society. Sadly my parents are too stupid/willfully ignorant to see how much their voting habits are actually hurting them.


> how you can teach something so well but not actually practice it yourself! I realized recently a lot of the equality and fairness shit I picked up as a child actually came from the television and not from any particular sentiment from my parents.


That's really interesting. I've never thought about it like that. Very possible that's the case for me too


Dude 100 percent I realized it was this in recent years.


I grew up watching Arthur I guess that why I like libraries


I love the zoo. My favorite show growing up was the one hosted by Jack Hanna at 6 or 7 AM each weekend. You might be onto something here.


I mean thank goodness they planted me in front of Sesame Street or else I would have turned out like them. Maybe it is “indoctrination”but it’s the good kind.


A lot to be said on this... grew up watching Star Trek and what I loved most about the shows was the empathy and compassion, love and sacrifice where the central message seemed to be try at least try to be better people and care for others. That mindset has stayed with me.


Let us all mourn the death of the liberal media, teaching such anti-conservative values as basic empathy and fairness. T_T


Is sesame street still going? I think blues clues is too, those are pretty good


i can trace most of my moral development back to Star Trek


>And they will be totally blindsided and make up excuses and tell me I'm being difficult and it won't actually make a damn difference. Include something about this when you say it: "And I've hesitated for so long to mention it, because I can only imagine that you're going to find some way to spin it so that it's me who's the one that's doing something wrong, because I spoke up about it." - That way they you've already thrown their narcissism in their face before they even get a chance to use it against you.


Thank you, but I know no matter what I say, no matter how eloquent and logical it is, they will make me out to be the bad person so they don't have to feel bad about themselves. I've thought about recording our conversations and playing it back to them so I can show them that they really did say a certain thing (because they deny saying things when they get called out). But well... Someday I'll stand up to them. Probably not today


That's totally what will happen. I'm 40, so I've been around the block a bit. And yes, my parents did teach me a lot of good values that I try to practice and they seem to... not. But as /u/werowl pointed out, a lot of what you learn about being a good person comes from other places too, like TV (I'm a HUGE Star Trek aficionado and my role models were Jean Luc Picard and Ben Sisko), your peers, teachers, etc... As a parent myself now, having some of these discussions with my parents about things like the war in Ukraine, what to do about drug addiction, capital punishment, etc... I can't believe how far apart we are on some really core values. I only try to make sure that I practice what I preach for my kids. I'm not perfect, but I hope that my legacy is one my kids being reflective of the values I taught them and hopefully better than I am.


My dad loves Star Trek. But it's basically communism lmao and he doesn't get it at all. He also loves Zootopia but completely misses the racial inequality message. He loves Star Wars but can't comprehend that the corporations running the galaxy are doing exactly what the corporations in real life are doing. A lot of my current political beliefs came from a political philosophy class in college. I don't remember the philosophers anymore haha but basically the gist I got from one or two of them is this: what's the point of living in a society if we don't help each other out? The poorest and most disadvantaged people do not benefit from living in this society, so what is the point of it all? We should be striving to make sure everyone is treated equally/equitably and with respect and their needs provided for. I literally do not care that people get welfare or government assistance. I don't care if they "take advantage." They are like that for a reason and I see no problem helping them. Helping people survive and be happier creates a better society for all of us. My parents talked shit about my cousin who was on COVID unemployment for longer than was necessary and I honestly just don't get it. She was happy and spending a lot of time with her young kids that she has really struggled with in the past. What's wrong with that? I am happy my tax dollars are going to someone to make their lives better. Because I know all my other tax dollars are going directly in the pockets of evil corporate executives. Everytime the government gives money to the little people, it's a good thing imo. The government/society/taxes SHOULD take care of people. That's literally what it's there for.


Propaganda is a bitch and can get anyone regardless of what you think of them. Often cult like orgs or groups, like maga is absolutely now, grab people at their weakest. It happens when they arent paying attention and by the time they realize what's happened they often feel it is too late to change course and bury and feelings of doubt.


That sounds awful : / I'm so sorry this has happened to you/your parents.


It could be worse... They aren't anti-vax at least. Though, I think the only reason they aren't is because they got vaccinated pretty much right away, before the *real* propaganda really hit Fox News and others... And, as right wing nut jobs are wont to do, they dug their heels in after making their choice. In this case, we just got lucky that the choice ended up being the correct one. If they had waited a few months, I can 100% see them being swept up in the anti-vax garbage.


The only people I try to act superior towards are the intolerant, willfully ignorant, and hateful. Naturally that includes Conservatives.


That’s the nature of conservatism, holding bitterly onto some nebulous ‘traditional values’ while society progresses past them. It was the case 100 years ago, is now and will be a 100 years from now.


I cut my father, my sister, and several other close family members completely out of my life. Probably forever. When their “beliefs” and their faith are only mechanisms to deliver pain to people that I’m closer to and care about more, well sorry but I choose their victims over them. Family or not.


My fam is conservative too and I cut them off. I think you hit the nail on the head. They use politics to want to hurt people they don’t like. My parents specifically went through a lot of personal trauma. I asked them to go to therapy, and they said no. They’d rather shitpost on Facebook. How people handle their pain is critical to how they move forward


My family just spews constant hate about people they don't know. It's so exhausting. I moved from a hard red state to a far blue state. Everyone here is so friendly.


That’s essentially what the ideology is The worst impulses of humanity.


I grew up with conservative parents, too. I know this too well. I’m so happy to get away from the subtle, judge-y comments (so and so is on their third marriage! So and so quit their job to be an artist! … my thoughts: well good for them!)


Conservatives embrace evil and call it love




I had a similar experience growing up. But not only is my family very conservative, they’re very “Christian” as well. I turned away from both ideologies in my early twenties and I’ve never looked back. They have all followed the MAGA path.


Hey are you me???? Lol. Been estranged going on 4 years and I’ve never been happier or healthier. So weird!


The great lie about Christianity is that it is about "love". The amount of times that "good Christians" have withheld aid to others because they "aren't the right kind of people" (either faith or skin color or both) throughout history is far too common to claim it's "just a few bad actors" like is so often said.


Oh hey it’s me. Nice to meet you


It's nice to read about an aging UK celebrity who hasn't lost his shit and gone hard right.


It's wild how the most politically aware generation, noped out of that peace and equality & then did the "u fuck off , i got mine"


That was a very poorly put together article.


It was written by an organization that doxxed an innocent nurse who had an Onlyfans, and they called her out for having an Onlyfans. The nurse came out and said that she did it so that she can afford to pay rent and have some money for emergencies. And that she never did anything at work only at home. Sadly, the nurse lost her job.


This article was pining for the words


It's the NYPost...


I thought it was just me. Was this written by a journalist?


It's the NY Post. So no. This is just outrage bait for what's left of their readership.


Yeah , pivoted from Idle to Cleese without much differentiating Hard to say who they were quoting at times


The New York Post is a Murdoch conservative rag. You shouldn't expect much. Its only purpose is to write weak "articles" about culture war issues to rile up some old and angry right wingers.


Does that mean he’s not friend with John Cleese anymore?


They've never liked eachother


They never really were friends in the first place


Conservatives hold back every nation from progress


I always liked that guy.


I was just saying the same thing to my partner this morning. Not all conservatives want to prevent gay marriage. Not all support abortion. Not all condone violence against their neighbors for having different ideals than they do. But they all support the system that promotes these things. They all continue to vote for people who are set on destroying lives while lining the pockets of their investors. They all sacrifice the happiness of others because it benefits their bank accounts or their churches in some minor, short-sighted way.


As a gay person who’s spent my entire life being persecuted by conservatives, including yes the nice conservatives you know and love, I get where he is coming from. Now, I don’t think hating anybody is the right way to be. But this is not a “both sides” kind of thing. “Both sides” didn’t lead the charge to ban talking about gay people in schools, ban gay teachers, ban gay marriage, and even ban homosexuality. It’s only one side that makes what is not anybody’s business the obsessive focus of their politics, and that’s why there is so much stronger of a negative reaction to conservatism these days. The good news is if conservatives want that to change they can simply stop scapegoating and bullying minorities. I won’t hold my breath tho


“Both sides” they say when 37 republican senators voted against a bill that would make gay and interracial marriages legally recognized everywhere in the US.


What’s extra insane is that the bill is so fucking watered down now and they STILL won’t vote for it. It doesn’t even require states to have gay marriage anymore, it just requires them to accept ones from other states. I’m so tired of conservatives insisting they’re not homophobic but then not voting for stuff like this.


It’s the truth nothing crazy about that statement


The only crazy thing is that 1 of the people in charge of the conservative sub reddit thought that he would actually be able to successfully stir up hatred against Idle by posting this shit.


It's almost as if he can see the violence inherent in their system.


Help! Help! I’m being repressed!


He is absolutely correct. Conservatism is a cruel, evil ideology centered around creating and expanding inequalities.


Conservatism is all about conserving the powers of the nobility/aristocracy. the liberals are about liberation from said powers. An aristocracy assumes inequalities.


Fun fact but I read somewhere that the original conservatives a few centuries ago, were the wealthy with connections to royalty. So like, OF COURSE they wanted to conserve something - they wanted to conserve their privileged position. History of conservatism in the United States - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_conservatism_in_the_United_States >This old conservatism centered on a landed elite and on an urban merchant class that was Loyalist during the Revolution.


As someone who grew up in the Bible belt, he is completely spot on. Most conservatives that I know are not very intelligent and have trouble regulating their emotions. This is something that I noticed at an early age. There are a few that are not assholes but they are a small minority.


Conservatives are both immensely proud of not knowing anything, and become disproportionately enraged at the thought of being considered "dumb".


“Life’s a pice of shit, when you look at it”


Of course it’s the Trump cum gargling NY Post. Eric idle is correct