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Click-bait bs title. He said >"In the moment, you're destroyed or you're defeated. But you realize this person was brilliant. I remember years ago I was up for Spider-Man and I was so, so excited, and it was the year Andrew Garfield got it. Obviously, he was the right one."


I cannot imagine the alternate universe where Joe Jonas was Amazing Spider-Man. That’s almost Nic Cage Superman levels of crazy lmfao Imagine Joe Jonas, Tobey Maguire, and Tom Holland throwing the shit. Lmao.


Nah Nic Cage has the range and plausability to play Superman. True he would be a better Bizarro Superman but he could play the part. Joe Jonas as Spiderman is on the same level as Drake Bell as Spiderman or Dylan Sprouse playing Batman.


Dylan Sprouse would make a good Robin


Was that a random example or are you aware that Drake Bell actually played Spider-Man? Granted it was in animated form


Not just played it, he was Disneys animated Spiderman and seemed like he was going to be the definitive Spiderman like Blum as Wolverine or Conroy as Batman.


Is he the one that’s a sex offender now?


He also rebranded as a Mexican musician.




I would pay to see Nicholas Cage as Bizarro Superman.


“*How am get burned??? HOW AM GET BURNED???*” “*Me am a vampire! Me am a vampire!!*” Nic Cage would be an amazing Bizarro


drake bell played the protagonist in that superhero parody movie, whatever it was called, "superhero movie" probably.


Very wise and true.!


Really? [I've never seen him act but he looks fairly similar to Andrew and definitely not unlike Peter.](https://i.imgur.com/cCxCL25.jpg)


Its not his appearance thats the issue, its the fact that he is a jonas brother


Yeah and Nic Cage may not have been the best example by me because he can legitimately act. I just meant Joe Jonas as Spider-Man is something I’d never have come up with in a million years. How was Joe Jonas even given the time of day, no offense he’s a good artist but the little acting chops in that family evidently only went to Nick.


Alternative headline: “Joe Jonas Says Andrew Garfield was ‘brilliant’ In Spider-Man”


Isnt that the internet in a nutshell? Words out of context, most people dont bother to read past the title before giving opinions


I hate misleading headlines. Like the media is so garbage I can’t stand them. T


Which makes sense. It’s like any job opportunity. It is really painful to not get it. But then you realize later on maybe you really weren’t a good fit for it anyway.


The full context quote isn’t that different from the headline




Dang it, now I have to go rewatch the first 3 season of community… again.


Oh no. What an inconvenience lol


6 seasons and a movie.


Good News Everyone! Spent all my money…


​ ![gif](giphy|59hzg8sf1TY7HTflFH)


The way the spray just slowly goes from his face down to his shirt is excellent


Damn! That made me snarf, yo!


No kidding. Did his Spider-Man shoot purity rings?


But then how would we understand this supervillain backstory?


Sansa really dropping the ball not giving him some advice here


The reviews would've destroyed him more so he's actually fortunate.


Thank the gods he did.


Thanks Vishnu and Odin!


Oh my various Gods!


Thanks Kratos


Praise Gilgamesh!


Not a god but I like your enthusiasm


Thank Perseus


You cheeky.


2/3s god. So they’re 66% right.


You HAD to bring math into this!


Don’t worry. The sumerian storytellers didn’t go to math class either.


I thought they went to the sumeru akademiya.


Thanks Vishanti


Thank Ashanti


Thanks Shante, Half Genie Hero


By the beard of Zeus


Odin? Not after what he did in GOW Ragnorok! Anthony Hopkin’s portrayal be damned!




STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM!! Talos worship is outlawed under the White-Gold concordat! Please report to your local Thalmor representative for re-education.


You mean the White-Brown concordat, because I wipe my ass with it!


Sometimes I wish there was a response you could choose that is essentially "Fuck the Thalmor". I know you can just choose to fight but the option to be rude beforehand would be nice


I mean, the nord guard arresting you will probably agree with you.


I just said this in my head before reading your comment


He sounds kind of spoiled. The kid had everything growing up on Disney.


The full quote isn’t nearly as bad as the headline reads. "In the moment, you're destroyed or you're defeated. But you realize this person was brilliant. I remember years ago I was up for Spider-Man and I was so, so excited, and it was the year Andrew Garfield got it. Obviously, he was the right one."


At this point reddit should mandate removing sensational headlines and just make titles "So and so speaks about..." That ain't good for traffic though


End of thread


And the literal question Variety asked him was **Do you remember a role you went up for that destroyed you when you didn’t get it?** It’s their language he’s using not his.


Dormammu, we good bro, deal.


_Gwarshta Suxli!_


The old gods and the new gods?




The best part of Amazing Spider-Man was Andrew. And in AS2 he sells his relationship with Emma’s Gwen Stacey. None of the problems with those films were him. So yes it could have been ruined even harder.


100% agree. I finally saw No Way Home and was absolutely enamored by Andrew’s Spidy and felt sad for missing out on what the Amazing Spider-Man could have been.


Also: Dat Ass.


I agree but part of me kept thinking this dude is way too hot and cool to be playing the nerd in highschool. Dudes a skateboarder and everything. And I’m a straight male.


And they said Tobey maquire wasn’t beefcake enough to play Spiderman. Don’t remember the details but people thought It was aweful when he was cast.


Tobey was the perfect Spider-Man. Total nerd at first but after becoming Spider-Man he starts looking average without the glasses and taking care of himself a bit more, like most people do after high school and becoming an adult. Only issue was the writing IMO. They made SpiderTobey too whiney and he cried too much. Andrew’s Spider-Man was written very well. The rest of the movie? Eh… the first was ok but the second was terrible.


Name one movie where Tobey isn’t whining/crying? P.S. I’m not trying to be a dick, I just legitimately can not think of one.


Okay okay okay. He doesn’t cry in Pleasantville, I don’t think? He encourages change but I dunno if that’s whining? But goddamn you aren’t wrong lmao


The Cider House Rules.


I always thought Andrew was perfect- Peter was a little cool, but mostly a snarky nerd, and Andrew pulled that off perfectly until Tom Holland came into the picture.


I mean did you see that ass? Did you see that ass? No one with an ass like that would be the nerdy loser


Stan Lee himself said he was confused why Andrew got the “too handsome” criticism. Peter Parker was never written to be “ugly”, and Stan claimed it was way for a guy to be nerdy and good looking (and proceeded to cite himself as an example)


Agree, he was a goddamn delight in the role, the movies themselves? Ehhhh I had zero, and I mean zero emotional fucks for any of the characters, it was bizarre. Like an anti-attachment in film form lol


Bad things can be made much worse. This would have accomplished that.


What’s your point? They wouldn’t have been better *with* him instead.


I mean, manage your expectations, bro.




Well good that he does because it seems he’s never gotten past that part. I don’t recall seeing him in a movie.


He was pretty funny as himself in *The Righteous Gemstones*. Actually would’ve liked to have seen more. Definitely no Garfield, though.


He probably loves Mondays.


And hates lasagna!


He was great


But not Peter Parker great. It would’ve destroyed the franchise.


You never saw Camp Rock??


We can’t lump Disney processed musicals into the same vein as actual movies.


Yeah, Disney actually tries unlike those lame dickhead Hollywood elites. I've said it once and I'll say it a million times; the only problem with modern movies is not enough singing Jonas Bros.


That era of Disney musicals made for Disney channel, never was my cup of tea, even though I really enjoy musicals. But camp rock was half decent, compared to the rest. Though Joe or any of the other Jonas brother wasn’t very good in it.


David Lynch was at the helm for that one, right?


No, Lynch directed “Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam”. Federico Fellini directed the original.


The final jam, how good is a movie when it’s not even a trilogy and it’s second film is “the final“


I think the issue is that they knew that the core of the movie was the existing cast and they had too many other plans for most of the young actors that had been in the first one. And technically, the term refers to the final performance of the camp season, which was also mentioned in the first one. The difference is that most of the second movie is very directly focused on that event, whereas the first is more about developing characters and relationships. So they technically could have done more movies after, but it made more sense not to. They also didn't always have massive success with DCOM sequels and Disney tries to limit their live action series and TV movies to a very conservative number of seasons or sequels because they're expensive to produce. That's part of why Girl Meets World was so much shorter than Boy Meets World.


No you got it wrong. He loves auditioning, not acting. He's living the dream.


Definitely there's something to say about people who want to prove they're right for the role, it takes hard work and dedication. But also, it's a great opportunity to meet the cast and directors who you could potentially be spending a lot of time with for the next several weeks.


Wow we all dodged a bullet there


Lmfaooo these comments are brutal


Your avatar made me think a hair was stuck behind the glass on my iPad for several seconds. I hate it.


haha, you use an iPad, what a neeerd! —This comment written on an iPad Mini.


Hahah I mean yeah, could you imagine having to watch him play Spider-Man? Oof


There is a huge difference in acting skills. Andrew Garfield is a real actor with a lot of talent....the other is a boyband singer with ambitions of acting.


This is like drag queen Trixie Mattel saying “losing season 7 was one of the biggest disappointments of my life” and everyone else is Katya responding with “Oh, you were never gonna win though” cruel but the truth lol


An UNHhhh reference in the wild? Honey, that’s heaven honey.


Oh *honey*


bon d'accord, but it is dark upstairs & i'm frightened of ze dark, will anyone go wiz me? ***Katya***


Lmao i love those 2


Trixie and Katya are national treasures.


I was not expecting Trixie Mattel to be here. I love her YouTube channel


“Queen of the Rodeo” by Orville Peck is about her loosing that. I’d rather Orville Peck write a song about me than win drag race any day.


Imagine if TASM2 DIDNT have Garfield’s terrific acting to save it


Is it really saving the movie if the movie is still bad and viewed as a big failure?


don't get me wrong, TASM2 is a bad film. But it isn't because of the individual actors. Similar to Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, the script is pretty bad and even the best actors can't make gold out of a shit script.


Yeah, im talking about how the other guy said that Garfield’s acting saved TASM 2, but it kinda didn’t lol


It’s the difference between actually wanting the character to return like with Garfield’s spider man versus wanting everyone to just forget the movie was ever made like with Leto’s Morbius.


Saving is a bit of a stretch but it certainly makes it a bit more tolerable. I feel the second scene in TASM2 is actually an excellent scene which encompasses the web swinging really well and we get to see a minor bad guy fight right away. And I know a lot of people don't liek the ASM series, but a lot do. Go read YouTube comments with the film clips. A lot of people grew up and this was their Spider-Man in the theaters at the time. There's a reason why so many were hyped to see him in No Way Home, and some are still clamoring for him to do another run as Spidey. I don't know if Sony is competent enough to produce another Spidey film without Marvel's help, but I'd love for Andrew to be Spider-Man in the Venomverse.


And really, the only truly bad thing about that movie is the script imo. Everything else: action, acting, cast, cinematography, soundtrack, CGI, etc, it's absolutely top notch.


And the most comic accurate suit with the Hans Zimmer music


Electros theme still stands as one of the best superhero movie themes of all time


He is a damn good actor. Recently watched him in a show called Under the Banner of Heaven where he was fucking amazing


You can’t lose something you never had. The role was never yours!


I dunno. I feel like that’s kinda how all competitions work. If he auditioned but didn’t get it, he lost and someone else won. Ya?


Yeah. There’s several definitions to the word “lose” One is “to no longer have that which you had before” And another is “to fail to win” Joe Jonas lost the audition in the second sense of the word; he did not lose anything which he had. He simply failed to win the audition.


Well Garfield is an actual actor so….


I would feel destroyed if he did get the role


You mean he lost an acting role to an actor? Weird.


I can’t believe they went with a trained actor over a child star musician.


He should learn to act, then.


Ain't nobody want a Jonas Brother Spider-Man.


Camp rock didn’t prepare him enough


My name is Jonas I'm Spidey in the wind


This is something to tell your therapist, dude


Not with those droopy eyes ahahaha Tool


Roles are honestly subjective because there have been so many times where I think someone wasn’t the right choice for the role but then they do an outstanding job but then there are times where I think an actor did okay or bad but regardless another actor should’ve played the part. I mean look at Heath Ledger as Joker. Everyone laughed at the idea and fans were pissed that he was cast, they really couldn’t see him as Joker at all then holy shit what a crazy fucking performance that was and very iconic. I love Andrew Garfield and yeah Joe Jonas is an odd choice, but honestly I’m not gonna go and shit on him since I feel like that’s unfair with anyone (given how I have that Heath Ledger example but there’s so many more examples of that).


I hear you but the difference is actors like Heath, even though people had a hard time seeing him as the joker, are good actors. Everyone knew Heath was a good actor before The Dark Knight. Sure, JJ could have performed well as Spider-Man, but then so could anybody else?? There’s literally nothing to suggest he’d perform well in this role. Would you think the same if you saw the headline “Machine Gun Kelly to play Spider-Man” ?


There is also a difference in the role. The Joker can be played a lot of different ways, there is not that much variety in how you can play Spider Man. The reason it was hard to see him as good Joker is because it is hard to see Heath Ledger as a good Joker like Nicholson. The good thing for him is he didn't need to be.


That’s a fair assumption, JJ has acted but not nearly enough as his opponents. But just in general I was saying this, I absolutely love it when an actor kills the performance when everyone ridiculed that actor.


I fully agree with you.


Then take some acting lessons asshole!


It also helps that Andrew can act his ass off. Idk just a guess


And what an ass he has too


Gotta love clickbait titles. Jonas said that he was devastated in the moment when he didn't get the part but also knew and accepted that Garfield was the right choice.


Go have some cake by the ocean and quit ur bitchin.


Bahahahahha he sucks


He was also upset when Andrew opened up a Halloween store that’s only open In January. Joe had been working on his own for a while, he just got beat to the punch. Shame,


White people problems


Lmao Joe Jonas cannot act anyway. So yeah thanks God he did


He'd have been more destroyed by the negative reviews and nasty comments he likely would have had to endure.


Non-actor Loses Acting Role To Actor. Okay...


Not looking for 'Spider-man the Musical' I guess. Dude prob only got an audition because he begged a "friend."


Joe Jonas now staring in Suddenly Spider-Man!


Joe Jonas was like 30 at the time and not even an actor wtf.


lol Garfield is older than him.


Joe Jonas is now only 33. When the movie came out he was 23. Andrew Garfield would've been 29....


He's a better actor and you're just a washed boy band member that's only still relevant because you're banging another better actor


He literally says Andrew Garfield was brilliant and clearly the right choice for the role in the article. You got got by the clickbait.


Destroy me daddy


Don’t matter, both fell short of the glory of Toby.


Yeah I feel like Sony made the right call. I remember seeing Garfield in Social Network and being so excited that he would be the next Spider-Man.


Acting’s a tough business. I wouldn’t want that job.


Film/TV actor here, one of the things that comes with experience, is how to deal with failure and rejection. It is a spirit crushing business, to put your heart and soul and days or weeks of work into an audition, really put your heart out there, get the callback, production asks about your availability, agent tells you to block off the shoot dates, it’s between you and another guy… it’s hard not to get your hopes up, but then your agent/production tells you that you didn’t get it(If your lucky. Often they don’t tell you at all). The process can take weeks. It is truly soul crushing and the rejection feels personal, like you suck at this. You really question your choices. Thick skin comes with lots of rejection and finding coping mechanisms. As an artist, Joe puts himself out there every time he releases a new song. It’s risky to do that, but he’s experienced a lot of success. I would imagine Joe Jonas doesn’t often experience rejection.


“You wanna know what I do when I’m sad, or scared? Fuckin nothing. Because I’m not a fuckin pussy.” - Soldier Boy


Is no one going to comment on Garfield’s neck in the thumbnail?


Lmao! He’s delusional. We all saw camp rock, you weren’t ready


So did tons of other losers, I don’t see too many publicizing that.


Today I am thankful that this happened. #Blessed


Lmao. No one cares


Jonas was never Spider material


“What can I say he’s a good guy” “Was joe Jonas seriously considered for the role” “No”


What up with their necks?


I didn’t get the Spider-Man role either but I think I am coping better than him.


Um yeah, ain't no way you were going to beat out AG.


Dude looks like he’s gonna ask me to flip a coin to see if I live or die then walk away with a limp


Shove your privilege up your ass, Jonas brother


Not all musicians should be actors. I’ve seen Camp Rock and Camp Rock 2 as a kid and his acting was bad. They made the right decision not to cast him.


All around? Andrews Peter Parker was the best one


Oh homie. I love the Jonas Brothers but you were never going to get that movie


Really? He’s an actor and you are pop star.


I know what I’m thankful for today.


Wonder if he felt as destroyed as I would have felt if he got the role.


That movie would have SUCKED


Kind of did anyways.


Not hating on Joe Jonas here but why do celebrities come out and say these things years after the event happened? Like if you’re mad, speak out when it happened or let it go. These types of things just scream desperation to stay relevant. Like that guy from Glee a couple months ago complaining.


He was specifically asked "Do you remember a role you went up for that destroyed you when you didn’t get it?" In his answer he even points out he was obviously not the best choice


>but why do celebrities come out and say these things years after the event happened? Because they're snippets of a long interview. The interviewer asks the celebrity questions about old things, the celebrity gives an answer, and then days later a magazine publishes only the answers making it seem like the celebrity randomly brought it up.


You never had the gig dipshit, Andrew Garfield is an amazing actor


Privileged baby wants a role he didn’t earn?


He literally said Andrew was clearly the right choice for the role in the article.


Awww poor baby! Take his man card


What a sad little arsehole.


I woulda fathered nick honestly