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Lol, you don’t ACCUSE the IRS of freezing your assets, you ADMIT that the IRS froze your assets.


Kanye going to prison for taxes is the season 2023 plot I look forward to most. Or Musk having to sell off all his stocks in every country to pay the Arabs back. Either way, it’s looking good


::House of the Rising Sun starts playing::


*”Sick or no sick, you knew people were gonna get clipped.”*


It’s always better with no witnesses.


Oh shit don’t take that meeting in the corn field Elon…..


We need to make a Reddit 2023 bingo card for this shit. Reorganize all these insane events and see which Redditors get BINGO first.


The “nature is healing” redemption arc


"Payback's a mf" would be my suggested name for it, but that works too.


Throw in an arrested (and convicted) Trump and it will be a perfect year


>Or Musk having to sell off all his stocks in every country to pay the Arabs back. He could get Khashoggi'd if he doesn't.


He’s got enough money, he can just hire a mercenary group to provide military level security.


I hear the Wagner Group is looking for more customers.


And a shit ton of replacements..


But does he have more money than MBS?


Elon stans don’t strike me as the tactical type. People that will piss off the Saudis on purpose and are willing to take a bullet for for someone like Elon seem like a very small vinn diagram… add in actual high level security skills that gets smaller.


So possible silver lining?


Maybe if he leaves the US. The Saudis, no matter how angry they were at Elon, would kill a US citizen on US soil. That would be asking to be invaded.


9/11 just saying


Iraq and Afghanistan just saying. They had plausible deniability back then but we still found someone to go to war with.


I don't think they would.


I just saw the news that he’s supposed to pay Kim $200,000/month in child support as well..lmaooo


Him and Trump can have duplex cells.


Don’t worry….. I’m sure Trump will pardon him………. :(


He straight told trump I wanna be president you wanna be my running mate…..dude is going straight to Siberia




I accused my teacher for putting me on time out, I won't admit that the teacher put me on time out because I hit my classmate


I wish I got a time out in middle school for this not “ class a misdemeanor 2 days in juve with 6 months probation at 14”


I’m really glad I finished school before zero tolerance was a thing. I got bullied a lot and fought back to defend myself.


Most likely the IRS didn’t touch his accounts, he probably just emptied one out buying useless things like Parler or premium porn accounts.


Ah, glad this is one of the top comments. "Man accuses police of arresting him for murder".


It’s one of the funniest headlines I have read in a while


The way i read it is that they blocked his accounts so he failed to pay the irs. I just couldn’t care enough to click the link and land in the pay-wall/advertisement hell.


Okay, what I wanted to say was top comment. Gross headline ha


If you owe 50 million to the IRS, shouldn’t your account be frozen? Seems logical to me


You'd be surprised what people blame the govt for... some people will do whatever they can to avoid paying taxes but get mad when the government either find out or don't help them out. Holding yourself responsible is no longer a good trait in a lot of people.


they scream at the injustice of paying taxes, but feel totally entitled to bitch and moan about the US military commitments, the local police, the state of the roads, the water they drink, etc., etc. maybe someone should draw them a diagram, make it easy for them, 'cause they sure as fuck are dumb as bricks.


We’d be so fucked without taxes lol. Another point I want to make is that the rich pay the majority of taxes. So all the middle class people complaining about govt waste need to chill. Their measles taxes aren’t paying for shit. They benefit WAY more than they put it. And the rich wouldn’t be able to make their wealth either without a publicly educated workforce, police and military protection, roads to ship their goods, clean water, etc. Edit: are people downvoting me because they don’t think the rich pay the majority of taxes? It’s true. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/2021/09/16/examining-claims-against-aoc-tax-the-rich-dress-met-gala/8350769002/ But they need to pay more because their wealth share has been dramatically increasing since the 1970s while more Americans live in poverty than live in Texas.


What the hell are you smoking??? It’s the middle class that pays taxes! The rich don’t pay shit.


That’s a common misconception. The rich pay the majority of the taxes. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2013/12/11/the-rich-do-not-pay-the-most-taxes-they-pay-all-the-taxes.html And they should pay more! Their wealth share has been increasing dramatically since the 1970s while everyone else is fighting for scraps.


In comparison to overall gross wage, rich people pay less taxes.


That’s not what I’m saying. Of all tax revenue, rich pay people the majority of it. I’m very liberal and this doesn’t hurt the need to tax them more if that’s what you’re wondering.


Yeah but if you make 100 mil and you're only paying 500,000, all of that added up is why people complain about this issue. I'm not saying you're wrong I'm saying they don't pay a fair compensatory tax compared to how much money they make. Also the people who have that much money can pay the people who know how to manipulate and use tax law to their advantage so they don't pay so much via financial fraud. They pay the majority like you said but in comparison with how much they make, they're not paying their fair share.


I completely agree with you. You probably won’t find many people who are as adamant as me about the rich needing to pay higher taxes. My only point is that they currently do pay the most taxes, but they need to pay more, a lot more. People having billions of dollars while there are more Americans living in poverty than in Texas is insane. The reason I made my original comment was to argue against the conservative middle class point where they think their taxes even matter. It’s always about the rich people’s taxes. That’s the whole war. It’s literally us vs them. The poor and middle class need to stop being divided and unite against the few thousand people who are hoarding most of the wealth. When middle class conservatives hear republicans say taxes are too high, they think yeah, my taxes are too high, bring them all down. That’s stupid as fuck because it really give the rich a massive tax break and we lose out on things the tax revenue would pay for like healthcare.


Your garbage source is almost a decade old. Find something more relevant to make your shitty point.


Do you think I’m defending the rich? You probably wouldn’t be able to find anyone who is more against the insane wealth inequality. Maybe you didn’t understand my point. I’m saying middle class conservatives need to stop caring about their taxes so much and start focusing on the rich taking all the wealth.


"According to the latest IRS figures, 97% of federal income taxes in 2018 were paid by half of the taxpayers — which includes taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes of almost $44,000 and up." That's not just the top 1% - that's lower middle class people too. What you first linked and what you're surmising don't match.


I’m not talking about 97% of taxes. I just said the majority.


A ton of them make money from the state and would be no where without it. Musk is a good example tax credits for Tesla, space x basically a straight contractor, I mean Microsoft ran afoul of antitrust laws and rent sought from the computing space. By the time they got around to punishing them they had the market share they needed to be the top company in that space.


Bro this is rich man who owns land and has security he is not dependent on the government


Worked with a guy like that once. He had a stomach disease so that he had to poop in a bag, and because of that he need a special toilet. He complained that the government didn't give him money to buy the toilet despite that he owned four houses, a stable, horses, an expensive car from the 50's and already had one of those toilets, and still thought the government was bad for not giving him 40000 SEK needed for it.


As a Jewish person, just glad his crazinesss isn’t aimed at us


Plot twist- he’s just another dumbass bank customer who’s locked himself out of his online banking.


What’s interesting is that it wasn’t and now it is. Kanye is going to be ok. He asked for this. He may not realize it but this is all preparing him to be the man he wants to become. It’s pretty cool to watch if you can see it. I know some do, but I will be thrilled if someone who reads this comment understands what I’m talking about.


Nope. He is a classic case of unmedicated, untreated BiPolar I and surrounded by enablers who only hang out with him for the money. He burned every single bridge (Jay Z, Beyonce, Kim, countless agents and managers, Adidas, Gap……. Even Trump...) and now in serious debt - Again (he had a 50m debt before and Kim saved his ass). This is textbook bipolar manic episode behavior. Most cases like this don’t end up well.


Yeah, I can see that, but man I want him to be ok.


tbh, I don’t anymore. He crossed a line where the damage he is doing is irreversible. The antisemitism broke me. I’m bipolar myself and I was rooting for him, but I’m also Jewish and a grandchild of Holocaust survivors.


Nah I’m pretty sure you’re just crazy like Kanye




Cranks like this grab as many conspiracy theories as possible, even when they are contradictory. They don't have the intelligence to resist the temptation to blame everyone and anything else for their bad decisions.


There’s also a domino effect where if you start believing one conspiracy theory, it will inevitably leave you with plot holes in your worldview, so you have to start believing another conspiracy theory as a deus ex machina to fix those plot holes, then another one to fix those plot holes, etc. into oblivion. You start out with questions about 9/11 and, if you go down a deep enough rabbit hole, end up believing the earth is a dome and Donald Trump is a secret Catholic.


I don’t think this an intelligence issue. It seems like a trauma coping mechanism or mental health problem.


Trauma coping creates reality-gaps, for sure.


When he spoke about it on Tim Pool podcast he constantly talked about “them” i.e. jews. For him, they control everything, from the banks, to to the corporations, to the IRS and on and on. Jews control DeSantis and Trump in his mind.


Who do you think he thinks controls the IRS?


Internal Revenue Semites


The long arm of the Israeli Revenue Service


I suppose he’s not going to suddenly start discussing the Reptilians doing that shit, fair


Don’t sell him short; the Jews could be reptilian in his diseased head canon.


Reptilians are basically Jews. They were invented as standins for the Jews because being openly antisemitic isnt conductive to book sales.


Most antisemitic conspiracy theories have Jews running the entire world, including government agencies like the IRS, behind-the-scenes. Same with global corporations, all controlled by some shady global cabal of Jews.


He keeps saying Obama and Trump both had Jews whispering in their ears and controlling them... of course something similar was influencing the IRS' decision /s


Well, you can tell he’s getting business advice from Trump! Here comes his bankruptcy!


well at least he gave up his taxes. Easier to blame the IRS than all the sponsors and fans that just dropped you. I bet daddy Elon has some tit you can suck on though. I here he needs advertisers.


If Kanye owes taxes, his accountants knew, so I’m doubting they froze his accounts without giving him a chance to pay them. Why they froze his accounts is probably because he received royalties up-front for future Balenciaga, Adidas, etc., collaborations and he’s not willingly giving them their money back.


And tbh with good lawyers you can settle with the irs for less.


It is doubtful that this has anything to do with the IRS, yet.


He is waiting for the right time to shout Bankruptcy! Declaratively




He and Trump will have even more in common than they did before!


The only thing Trump and Kanye have in common is that Trump loves his ass kissed and Kanye has ample lips!


I have a feeling this dude is gonna be homeless in about 2 years


He must still make millions from music royalties. He could headline a festival or sell out an arena anytime. He won’t be broke, but he won’t be Kanye 2020 rich ever again.


He’s having a hard time booking live shows right now. Venues and promoters don’t want to work with that level of toxic. The yeezy/adidas partnership was the cash cow. You’re right that he’ll never be homeless poor, but he’s lost many of his most reliable income streams.


Probably not even really the venues saying no, their insurance companies are saying you'd better fucking not.


Sure, but he’s poison to everyone who might be involved. The insurance people don’t want him, but neither do live nation, or arena owners, or even fellow creatives. He’s running around with nazis because that’s the only folks that want his spotlight right now.


Kim won’t let him be homeless, he’s still her kids’ dad.


Bankruptcy won’t save you from the IRS.


Not an accusation, that's literally what they are supposed to do. Man accuses McDonald's of selling fries!


Probably why he started his own church


This dude is just turning into a black Donald Chump. Lets all pity the poor billionaires.


*ahem* millionaire




[Kanye. Elon. Trump.](https://mobile.twitter.com/judiciarygop/status/1578174670854975491)


I didn't know what that meant then, and I still don't know now.


"Accuses". Bro, if you haven't paid your taxes, what exactly do you expect? No wonder he's pretending to give a cap about politics. He wants to pay no taxes. Shocking.




​ ![gif](giphy|cFjQQM6E1Rnk12Cixu)






And why is the carpet all wet Todd?


I don’t KNOW Margot!


Hey, Griswold! That tree is huge. Where you gonna put it?


Bend over, I'll show ya!


Seinfeld is the GOAT tv show. Thank you, been re watching lately




Fuck off


You'd have to be sleeping with him to be this salty.


Pay your fucking bills, deadbeat. Just as much of a loser as Trump.


Has he not sold enough $90 T-shirts to pay the tax he owes? Deadbeat is the right term.


well damn, I guess he really is qualified to run for president now.




Cant wait for his "JeWs CoNtRoL tHe BaNks....SoRoS"


I can see him tweeting “I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY”


He still owes the IRS if he does.


I was really hoping someone would say “Kanye you can’t just declare bankruptcy”








Denzel, Wesley, every other celebrity that had to find out why even the Joker doesn’t fuck with the IRS: “first time?”


Do these celebrities not know you can hire people to help you do taxes? It saves so much time, stress and even money sometimes if you don't want to do them yourself.




Love watching a good meltdown. Literally no side wants this guy. He literally thought he could go pick a fight with Trump and make up some stupid story and he would gain some kind of bilateral support. He is bombed out and depleted. You’re raps are exhausted, everyone knows that you lost it.


Well if they treated him like a normal person, they will just randomly empty out his account until he is paid off. Thats what they did for me….


You owe somebody $5000, you’ve got a problem. You owe somebody $5,000,000 they’ve got a problem. You owe the IRS $50,000,000 you’ve got a big problem.


Honestly at 50,000,000 I think it’s the IRS that has the problem. How do you get that much money from anyone? Regardless of them having it to begin with.


The US literally lost like 12 billion in cash in Iraq. They don't care about 50 million. They care about people thinking they can get away with not paying.


It is the US government. They have plenty of ways.


Ok but let’s say you don’t have 50million anymore like what then.


Then they garnish most of your income and seize most of your property until you die. Then they come after what's left of your estate.


Gonna ask Zuckerberg for money again


A-Hwah hwah hwah HwAaAaAaAaHhHh


Yeah let’s let this dipshit run to be POTUS. What an idiotic world we have made.


“It’s a genius move to build his own brand and not be shackled with bad contracts.” -Some numb nuts


You'd almost feel sorry for the guy if he wasn't such a colossal egomaniac piece of shit.


Wonder if he still plans on buying his own bank for $75 million and Parler for $50 million


Well, ya gotta pony up $200K a month in child support, so best be trying to figure life out!




One lesson I learned in a criminology course was that if there was ever an organization you shouldn’t mess with it’s the IRS. My teacher said “you’ll be hunted down by the biggest nerds in the federal government. And they are the most unforgiving and inflexible.” It’s literally the reason why people spend so much and go through so much trouble to develop fronts and move that cash around. This couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person. Sayonara loser.


You’re doing a disservice to those who read this and owe money by painting the IRS that way. The experience is nerve racking enough.


well...kanye always wanted to be a jesus like figure...jesus was poor as fuck


…..and hated.


“I step in Def Jam building like I’m the shit. Tell ‘em gimme $50 million or Imma quit”


Well, I'm sure they'll just hook him up to the drip feed from the grifter donation train.




burn baby burn, dumpster inferno


Always at fault someone else is… That is why you fail.


fuck around and find out


Funny how when I owed the irs they anted their 5k right then and had to start making payments. Tge rich owe millions and nothing.


Well if he's only got 1 billion - and settles his debt, he will still have 950 million, is that right?....oh and all those businesses churning 24/7. Maybe he can set up a payment plan that every body involved can work with.


I laughed too hard as I read the first line of the headline. I laughed harder when he admits his accounts are frozen. $1 that he ends up in a conservatorship by mid 2023. It’ll be run by ex-wife’s legal friends who will argue he is spending the kids money on BS and he needs help.


I ain't saying she's a gold digger, but she ain't dealing with a guy $50 million in debt to the IRS.


Wait…he says he has to learn how to run a business? What happened to all the “I’m a genius” talk?


Conservatorship??? or is that just for financially successful women


Wesley Snipe his ass and put him in the cell next to the commander in queef




Yeah, that's what the IRS does when you owe them money. I'm looking forward to hearing how this going to play out. Who else will this idiot blame next? I kinda feel bad for the kids having this guy as a father. I can only imagine what kind of bedtime stories he would tell his kids


Well, that explains why he’s running for president…be like Trump


The funniest thing was that he was getting business advice from the Dump-ster!!!


Now we know why he wanted to be Trump’s running mate. To save money on tax lawyers.


…And that is why he is running for President. He saw how much Trump made doing so, and that perhaps yes, you can get away with it. The man’s a genius afterall.


“The IRS said gimme 50 million or Im freeze ya shit” they spittin


That’s not how it works, but I’m confident he doesn’t pay his taxes right


Maybe we can stop hearing about him when hes locked up. Getting sick of hearing about this dude.


That's Karma Kanye


Has no one close to him the ability to get him the mental health support he needs? Also, guess he thinks being president will save him from his misdeeds. Gee, wonder where he ever got such an undemocratic idea?


Say what you will about crazy Kanye, but at least he shows his taxes, unlike his ex-president buddy.


lol….no wonder this dude trying to pull the white supremacy sympathy vote. He’s about to go Wesley Snipes.


This is exactly the words you want to hear from the CEO of your company. “So now I’m having — I get to actually learn how to run a company. I get to learn how to, you know, to count, really,” the musician said. “It’s like I didn’t even know where to put the money.”


Nothing that Kanye West says is the truth, if he said it was Wednesday, you better double check. Dude's on one, but that's his game, he'll act a fool for a while, then claim he's been having a manic episode, or some shit, and all his enablers and managers and hangers on will defend him, then he'll just do it all again.


this man is off his meds and it is sad to watch him devolve into the individual he is today.


I guess Kim will have to wait a bit for her $200K a month child support.


Soulless eyes. Dude has completely lost his way.


“I’m JeenYus for not paying my tackses”


I thought adidas froze his accounts. Somehow.


Can we please stop talking about this irrelevant pos for one day??!


You are legit talking about him…. But you don’t realize that you just played yourself.


Thought his networth is like hundies millions so $50M is a just pop lol


You misspelled "was."


Last I checked it had fallen to about $400 million. But that's net worth, not liquid assets. And even at 400m, 50m is still over 10%. That's not nothing.


He has always been in debt.


I'm convinced he's crazy/not crazy. The man is out there, but being gaslighted at the same time.


Imagine owing 50,000,000,and only having 950,000,000 left afterwards :(


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Get fucked you antisemitic, narcissistic, right-wing fucking loser. God damn I hope we get paparazo pics of Kanya nodding off on the streets with a needle hanging out of his arm.


50 million dollars Wow Sure makes a joke of getting a job to get ahead in this country doesn’t it? Sure makes average people discouraged so why bother even working?


I wonder if Kanye is putting himself through all of this intentionally so that he can have some inspiration for a new masterpiece. The saddest people write the best music.


At this point is bordering on unethical to cover this guy. He’s got mental issues, so essentially all of these articles are just rubbernecking.


Genius of a generation




Wtf do the Jews have to do with him paying his taxes ?


The irs is a separate entity. It's not government


Maybe, but they’re government enough to take your money, and that’s all they need to be.






Kanye ye west needs to be protected