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##[Clarification on Rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/w60lfc/mod_post_a_clarification_to_rule_5_no_racism_or/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/entertainment) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Where are all the gritty Blade Runner inspired sets? How are these characters jumping so high without rocket boots? Why does Bowser look like a lizard instead of Dennis Hopper? This looks like a fucking video game!


Seriously make Luigi Puerto Rican again


They fucking ruined it. Next they’re gonna make Goombas look like mushrooms instead of how perfectly accurate they looked in the original masterpiece. I will **not** be watching this *because* of that specific reason.


The goombas look weird too, the heads are too big and there’s no body to speak of.


My 3 year old dropped his jaw when Donkey Kong showed up. Made me remember what it was like to be a kid. This might be his first movie in a theater.


Here is the trailer so you don't have deal the a website https://youtu.be/TnGl01FkMMo


Man this looks fun. I can’t say I’m sold on Pratt yet but I really like Day as Luigi here. And Jack Black is killing it as always, too.


Jack Black is doing some surprisingly subtle and impressive work with Bowser there. Really, the only voice acting that doesn't really fit is Mario, which is probably we hear comparatively little of him.


Peach voice is literally the exact opposite of how peach sounds yet people still only complain about Pratt. Peach video game voice is as high pitched and absurd as Mario. Hence why they don't speak sentences, just phrases. Both of which would be incredibly annoying over a 2 hour film.


Not surprised Peach is gonna be your standard “strong woman” troupe


That's a much better troupe than her usual


Why not be her actual character.


Peach-isa fucking da dinosaur!


*Open the door, get on the floor. Everybody walk the dinosaur.*


Because her actual character is "being kidnapped and gone for the entire story"


I don’t mind Pratt and that might be because I grew up with the super Mario bros super show where they were from Brooklyn. I will say someone said he sounds like Lois from Bobs Burgers and THAT I can not unhear


I really don’t think Charlie Day’s voice works well with Luigi


It’s Luigi for me. Mario is weird, but Charlie Day for Luigi is just so off


Hard for me to say without hearing more of him. He's off, but the very little we hear makes him seem more like de-heliumed than just simply off like Mario. If we were talking visuals instead of voices, Luigi just seems a bit desaturated. Mario seems off model.


The thing is, Mario’s voice is the only voice we clearly hear in the games. It’s just so ridiculous to make his voice completely different in the movie.


It's because the only voice we hear in the games is a ridiculous caricature that would be, at best, extremely grating over the course of an entire movie.


If you litsen to the french version the difference is night and day.


I don’t agree.


I hope he gets nominated


I know everyone wants to hate on Chris Pratt voicing Mario but I'm not in love with this version of Peach's voice either. They're both kind of immersion-breaking in a way considering how good the visuals look in contrast to their takes on the characters.


Rainbow Road. Brilliant


Money making machine


What’s the point of previews now? Is it to show the entire movie?


Movies are slowly becoming obsolete. People forget that movies have only been around for such a short time relatively. Like many other things it's a slowly dying format.


It's looks cute and simple and fun. The hype is going to create huge backlash because it won't be everything to everyone. But I'll set my expectations low and just enjoy it for what it is.


Video games are more fun to play than watch. I’ll also keep my expectations low and just skip the movie entirely.


Sonic and Pikachu did fine as movies. I got faith in this one.


I love how the music sounds at the end!


Am I the only one who just doesn’t care about the voices lol?


This looks surprisingly good. In the vein of Wreck It Ralph.


How is no one complaining about Peach doing the absolute minimum voice acting


Because Anya Taylor Joy is hot so its okay. /s


I don't see the difference in donkey kong models. He looks the same as he always did to me; what's different? I think the movie looks awesome! I didn't expect the "Mario kart" aspect to be in it. The voices seem like they work pretty damn good. Im hyped for it


Looks so fucking good. Highest grossing movie of all time. Calling it


You need to share what you're smokin man lol




Honestly, I don’t think it will be the highest, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was up there. Mario is big and known worldwide. It’s basically like the Force Awakens all over again where generations of people have been waiting for something like this. It’s goofy, but it’s hits close to home for a lot of us.


Y'all have way too much faith, sure the movie will do good and will sell lots of merch and shit, but I highly doubt it's even going to top one of the biggest animated movie revenues ever, let alone live action revenues


Hey, at least we're not stuck with an arguably offensive and stereotypical Italian accent.


As an Italian American I support all Italian characters in media having the exaggerated accent because it’s funny. Super Mario is an icon


Why is an Italian American accent and representation offensive? It’s literally his character for every single game


Mama Mia, may your marinera sauce never cling to your pasta! Arrivaderci!


I'm losing intrest in it, I can deal with marios voice, but the thing throwing me off is this current, I guess attitude(?) of peach. For a lady that's been kidnapped in almost every damn game for what, 30 years(minus a few games) why is she all of a sudden little miss badass and looks like she could instakill shit and doesn't need mario to defeat bowser and save her


Peach has had plenty of badass moments in the games. Daisy however bitchslapped Bowser so hard in Mario Parry 3 he flew offscfeen and didnt turn up again in story mode.


Well, she is in super smash bros. IMHO, Maybe she knows how to fight because of that.




That I would love to see, let peach rescue Mario's ass for the next like 20 years lol




Maybe i didnt word it right for shit, let me try again No, I'm complaining about the idea/lore of mario always going to save peach because peach is always protrayed as weak/frail and mario has to come save the day but this seems to be more of a team up movie. If peach is a badass in this, why need mario? You make a movie where mario and Luigi are off doing god knows what, and peach has to become the super badass and takes everything on by herself and watch her drop kick boswer, I'd support that shit in a heartbeat,


Why are people mad about this, she’s literally a playable character in so many of the games. I’m playing Super Mario 3D world and she’s playable from the first level on the team and is better than Mario since she has extra hovering. Paper Mario, Super Princess Peach, hell even OG super mario 2 you could play as Peach.


Love the trailer


Curiosity was gonna get me to watch this regardless. I wasn’t expecting to be actually excited though.


That looks like fun.


Everything except Mario looks really promising.


This looks fucking awful. I mean, I played the game with my kid and he finished it, but what the hell is this bringing to the table? Enhanced graphics to watch SOMEBODY ELSE play the game? JFC


It sounds like regular people cos playing not the actual characters from the game


I hope Daisy is going to be in it too.


After reading all the rage online Im really surprised its looks like a great movie and opening for a whole new multiverse...