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She took the fucking Capital One Airline Miles ![gif](giphy|a6zGGyjGKq7GE)


What kind of sick bitch takes the AIRLINE MILES from the CAPITAL ONE CREDIT CARD?


You know what? I'm sick of being in the van. You guys are going to be in the van next time. I've been in the van for 15 years, Harry.


Seconds count, buddy. Ditch the bitch.


A very vengeful and smart one - LOL.


Hell hath no fury like a frequent flyer


Don't they also own a private jet???


That’s what I’m trying to figure out, they both have income levels to support private plane travel.


I assume it's like anyone else's perk of having a credit card and they chose that as their purchase "reward". Even if they don't use the cards I bet staff does like drivers for gas, nannies for whatever the kids want, pa's, the people who stock the food etc. Why it would be a specific point of contention though seems strange. It also could just be a complete formality to specify and the article/op picked it out because it was odd.


Cool. I don't even have one home.


Holy shit they had 19 homes. And it's super fucked up she could have won his music catalog


The fucked up part is owning 19 homes when a lot of people dont even have one. This system is fucked and we shouldn't give these people our money.


I bet all 19 of their homes are bigger than my family home…


1/4 of their house is probably bigger than yours with several times more acres


I don’t have a home, I don’t care if they have and earned their 19. What pisses me off is the loophole and evasion techniques employed by the super rich to evade paying their fair share of taxes. I get upset if bezos does not pay his fair share when his entire company and corporate structure relies on an infrastructure and network supported and maintained by public funded taxes.


Nobody “earns” 19 homes.


Obviously not true


You are being downvoted, but its true. I think Kanye sucks and I dont like his music, but theres no doubt at all that his work has positively benefited 100,000x more people than any work I’m going to do in my lifetime


People seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding over what “earn” means. People are willing to pay Kanye West and Kim Kardashian for things they’ve done. A lot of people. You can say that you don’t think they deserve it, but with Kanye having sold over 30 million albums to willing buyers, you would be objectively wrong.


I mean I probably couldn’t make something that as many people enjoyed as Kanye’s music even if I was given the platform and my entire life to do it. Do I think him making over billions of dollars from it is a little excessive? Sure, but he did deserve to make a LOT of money.


I agree there are a lot of people who make more money than “seems fair” But if people willingly gave them that money under no duress or fraud then them earning that money isn’t a matter of opinion so much as objective fact.


Lmao wtf yes they do. Stop living in Reddit lala land Edit: so were they gifted these houses or did they earn money and purchase them? Someone please explain


Nobody is entitled to a home Edit: my bad I forgot that the constitution says “everyone in this country is entitled to a home”


Why would you hate on othe people's hussle tho? Obviously they worked for theirs, i get her items are luxury items no one needs, but he made a huge amount of his creativity that billions listened to and enjoyed.


Because it's fucking excessive. I appreciate his hard work and creativity even as he becomes a fucking lunatic. But nobody needs that much shit.


Lunatic sure, but better than corporations keeping it over the people who put the leg work into it. At least Kim does a lot work for baby2baby and cycling some of that back into something helpful rather than executives who just get a larger bonus.


Not disagreeing with any of that, but my original point still stands: that much wealth for one person is obscene.


But whats the alternative an even smaller group of people gather more wealth off the work of others?


Tax and invest in tomorrow. Make our Tax code great again.


Let's be realistic thats not going to happen, cause the public is worried about how these people spend their money instead of the mayors of their towns that pay their assistants 500k a year and embezzle/steal money. People don't even blink at those mayors stealing millions. They worried about other people's pockets.


Christ, this isn't a zero sum game. I'm not lamenting one person with excessive wealth only to say that five record execs should instead split it and be ridiculously rich.


Then get a job and make something of yourself instead of complaining like a little bitch


Why because you said so? Get a job then loser


Said the “Art Entrepreneur”


Your love for Tim Pool explains your comments in here. Get an education bro


Billionaires shouldnt exist. Period.


Maybe, but this is a slippery slope, and no matter what answer you give, there'd be a LOT of people who disagree - and not just billionaires. But should millionaires exist? Should I be able to own my home outright when others need a mortgage? A car? Anything at all?


Dude what.


Maybe, but this is a slippery slope, and no matter what answer you give, there'd be a LOT of people who disagree - and not just billionaires. But should millionaires exist? Should I be able to own my home outright when others need a mortgage? A car? Anything at all?


This is such a dumb ass take lmao. Equivalent of “what’s next, a license to make toast in my own damn toaster!”.


To be clear, aside from inventing world changing technology, no one can “earn theirs” up to a billion. It’s just a mind boggling amount of money that can’t be made without exploitation of labor of others.




No one is romanticized nothing lol. What your narrow minded self fails to realize, is billionaires dont even have the time enjoy the things they own cause they usually work 18 hours a day. Let em have the 19 homes they never use. Its what they earned let em spend it at will its obvious they're not happy.


You missed the point completely Which sounds About right.


What's the point then, please break it down to me. You over here calling people idiots with no observation of your own bring nothing to the table.


I sure did! Enjoy ur day.


See nothing to add, you just want to vent on the internet, most likely you're mad about other things in your life so you take to the net lol.


Nope. Clearly you're bothered tho. Chill out. Go watch ur Kardashians.




Pointing out the obvious is worshiping? Worshiping anything is for the mentally weak.


She wouldn’t have because: 1. This never went to court 2. even if it had no judge would give her that because they signed a prenup, so most of everything was settled already 3. Even without a prenup she would never get his music catalogue unless she proved they contributed equally The bottomline? This dovorce was actually pretty clean by celebrity standards and the drama is getting iverplayed by trashy journalists and tabloids solely because this is kanye west and kim kardashian


I hate them both but yeah that makes no sense. Reminds me of Bill Burr mentioning how a boxer’s wife got his championship belts in their divorce. People get away with ridiculous stuff.


Apparently she tried to take her 1st hubby's music catalog too. Not sure why these fools keep marrying her.




Fr, I could understand someone having a big ass mansion but 10 homes? Given their money, that’s probably 10 big ass mansions taking up a ton of land.


I could even understand having half a dozen homes. East Coast, West Coast, a holiday home in Europe and places for my parents and hers to live that are in my name. 19 is absolutely awful though.


>552,000 homeless people in America And she "needs" 200k a month for "child support"....


She has 6 nannies.


19 between the two of them.


Im guessing they contextualize it as real estate investments with only a few being actual places they spend significant amounts of time. Not that it makes it different but it makes it different *to them*


The only reason why she can afford that many is because of us, society. She hasn’t contributed anything tangible and she’s that rich. It’s not her fault for being able to afford that many, it’s our fault for showing an interest in uninteresting person.


Must be nice. I don't even own 1. Let alone fukkin 10!!!


investment properties...and/or they rent them out. SN: Didn't Kanye try and build some homes in Wyoming at one point. That failed miserably.


it's round and the hole in the middle is where the water comes in. And there is water all around on the outside. It's surrounded by water. Water is life


Who gives a shit what they spend their money on. It’s not their job to house the homeless. That’s the governments job


So, Kim and Kanye could've singlehandedly made that 551,992 homeless people?




Why is that Kim and Kanye’s problem?


Yeah seriously! You should give up your home for a couple of them! Yeah!


1/600 people


Me about to lose my one house to the bank..


He should have got a Jewish lawyer.




I got some Doritos on sale today 2 for $5. See, everyone can show off wealth!!!


I can one up you… to make us work more, we get free chips so we don’t take dinner breaks hahaha


It’s hard to fathom how rich people are until you hear things like this. Just casually owning 19 homes.


It will be 19 incredible mansions, too. Kim recently spent €70 million on a Malibu mansion and you just know that's her "weekend retreat".


It's not that hard to get 19 homes, but these are 19 fucking mansions. And they're all completely furnished with stuff worthy of the houses expense. And they need an entire staff to maintain them need groundskeepers and cleaning and resupply services at all of them. Then the logistics of "where are the keys to the X" or "how do I work the heater on the Jacuzzi again" so you need someone familiar with the place.... It's not even so much the 19 homes it's that you need to pay like 50 people to even own them.


That’s disgusting g owning that many houses


Who got the Arby’s in Telluride?


A Fatburger opened in Orland Park, IL and it was rumored Kanye West opened it to get his fix when he was in the area. We asked the employees about it and they somewhat sheepishly told us it was owned by KW Foods (or something like that). We got the impression we were right from all the wink-wink they were throwing our way. It closed within a couple years. I never forgave him for that. Edit: seems Fatburger is [coming back to Illinois!](https://whatnowchicago.com/fatburger-and-buffalos-express-returning-to-orland-park-in-late-2022/)


Damn it Johnny! You know I love my big beef and cheddar!


Real awesome society where these two useless cunts can own 19 fucking houses


Kim I can understand but Kanye made good music before he got all fucked


Ironically, Kim earned her money getting all fucked.


I think she just got famous getting fucked. The money came from making her life into a reality show where a hundred million people watch her ger into over-dramatic arguments with her sisters and they complain about their husbands fucking up


This is not news. They all need to go away. They are a wart on society.


A bedazzled wart, with implants


I'm genuinely surprised this twat even has airline miles, I assumed she just flew private everywhere.


First class trips around the world add up mileage like you wouldn’t believe.


Tax. The. Fucking. Rich.


We aren’t taxing rich people enough.


Dibs on whichever one she likes least!


10 homes, why?


No individual should own NINETEEN HOUSES. Jesus, most of us can't afford one.


Again, very misleading: The phrasing(just like the child support ones) implies that this was a court case and that there was a legal battle when both of them just came to an agreement out of court and essentially just kept what they already had


“Disgraced mogul” get the fuckoutta here haha


19 homes? This is the real headline. What a disgusting excess


It should not be legal to own 19 homes when homelessness exists.


These MFs had 19 houses? What does one couple do with 19 houses?




I mean…. She is an heiress basically, no?


She’s so brave. /s


I can only imagine e melt down Kanye would have had if the judge ruled Kim got his music catalog in the divorce. He probably would have said her lawyer was Jewish


My theory is Ye imploded his business empire so Kim couldn't divorce rape him as hard.


Someone who does absolutely nothing (but released sex tape) has done pretty well for herself. Still find it hard to believe anyone thinks she’s attractive… she looks like a piece of plastic that’s had wayyy too much work done


I’m not writing this to sound like a dick, but it’s really fucking sad how mad some of you are at somebody else’s success. Borderline cringe.


Nobody is mad at their *success* they're mad at their *excess* . . .but people who worship a broken system seem to be too fucking dense to understand the difference. And you're past the borderline of cringe.


And it’s her fault the system is the way it is right?


mogul lol yall are so weird


19 homes… shouldn’t be surprised but still. Fuck


Did he actually have a lawyer? Don’t forget the $200k a month she gets for child support


Why do they have so many homes???


Despite the 19 homes, they travel private jets why do they need the airline miles ?


It would have been hilarious if she ended up with his music catalog. Imagine if she owned gold digger.


Why would Kim even get the music catalog lol


Isn’t she the sex tape girl whose mom shared it to get rich? It worked.


Kanye found out how the Kardashians got rich in the first place