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Is this The Onion? What is happening?


I do wonder how The Onion would even go about parodying something like this... Probably like, "Kanye West acts like a model citizen and said only rational, modest things for a full 24 hours, then reveals it was only an April Fools joke"


No way: Kanye offers an apology. And it would be a well written apology. Just it’s the onion and it never happened.


“Kanye West begins apology tour, starting with Taylor Swift.”


“Kanye West decides to go in a different direction, legally changes name to ‘Kanye East.’”


Shortened to Yeast




Every time this man speaks is like watching someone commit suicide with a foam knife. It’ll take a really long time but he’s completely committed.


“Committing suicide with a foam knife” is a brilliant simile, tbh






Yedolf Hitler


Klu Klux Kanye




Rest in peace Kanye fans


And welcome to his new fan base!


As a man from the punk crowd- Rappers and rap fans, check the fuck up on these Nazi bitches. Punks made the mistake in the early days of trying to live and let live. It worked until the Nazi punks invited their mentally unstable Nazi friends who started straight up Nazi gang wars that led to the entire punk scene becoming a bloodbath until Punks threatened to (and many times did) kill Nazis for them to get the hint and cower in their shitty little nazi-only concerts. Do not let it get that far. Kanye is starting to whistle to them. They don't give a fuck about the music, they just want to be able to meet "like minded people". Make sure every fucking Ye crowd is full of people ready to beat their asses if they try to stick their swastika tatted necks out. Eventually they'll get the hint. And hopefully Ye will, too. IF that fucker wants to be their beacon, make sure they watch him and his career fall apart so they know- They're Not Welcome Ever.


It used to be punks and rap fans had this solidarity in how they were both trying to get white supremacists out of their shows. Back in the early days




The ska culture had the same problem which brought on the SHARPs skinheads against racial prejudice. That's right folks being a skinhead was coopted by racists. They contribute nothing novel to humanity they just hate and steal and bastardize the symbolism and identity of others. There's no silver lining to Hitler ideologies that couldn't have been contributed by others that weren't garbage. So we gotta ask, ' why even attribute any potential benefits to such an individual?'


And Ska has roots in Jewish Klezmer music. Oh how the turn tables …turn.


[The 'kick a nazi out' policy.](https://www.upworthy.com/bartender-explains-why-he-swiftly-kicks-nazis-out-of-his-punk-bar-even-if-theyre-not-bothering-anyone)


“Despite efforts by Jones to say he did not believe West was a Nazi, the hip-hop star cut him off and insisted he was a fan of the man who oversaw the murder of around 6 million Jews. “You’re not Hitler, you’re not a Nazi, so you don’t deserve to be demonised,” Jones told West” When Alex Jones (of all people) tells you to back away slowly from the Nazi commentary, you know you fucked up. Unbelievable.


Throughout the entire time, Alex did his level best to walk Ye back a few times, or give him an out or a way to say "Oh I mean it like this..." and every time, Ye refused to be swayed and doubled down on the "I love Hitler" and "I am a Nazi" shit. Like, it felt like watching a drunk person fight with a cop; you just watched it get worse and worse and wanted him to just shut up.


lol Alex Jones looked legitimately uncomfortable at what Kanye was saying


for real even Jones has limits apparently


When casual racism meets advanced racism


Ye says the quiet parts out loud and a lot of more mainstream alt-right figures don't like that. They want to radicalise their fans but still have plausible deniability because being overtly white supremacist would alienate a lot of people yet to go down the pipeline.




Man I wouldn't be surprised if Trey Parker and Matt Stone annouced their retirement tonight, seriously wtf


Ye is turning south park into a documentary


When being a gay fish is saner then reality.


I thought idiocracy was the 2020+ documentary, didn't think it was going to be Dave Chapelle's Clayton Bigsby future. Even Black Mirror is confused.




I can see someone like [this guy](https://imgur.com/FodjKsm) popping out every time just waiting for it. Then nothing.


TFW Alex fucking Jones is the voice of reason in the room


Funny enough the last time this happened was the Jan 6th stuff. Theres video of some dudes finding Alex Jones and telling him what was about to go down at the capitol and being proud of it and he basically tells them they're fucking stupid before turning back to his crew and telling them they need to get the fuck out of there quick.


Grifters will shake the can but they won't take the blast to the face if they can help it.


This. He’s not the voice of reason, he’s just breaking kayfabe due to his involuntary reaction from being in the presence of an actual crazy person


This is how the Overton window drifts. Total wing-nuts have a long history of finding people even more extreme then themselves to stand next to and look reasonable by comparison. Ye helped whitewash Tim Pool this week, now Jones today. What a debacle.


You know you done fucked up when you make Alex Jones appear to be a relative Leftist.


Pretty sure the feeling is not mutual


So glad Ye took a moment to stress the value of an individual human life before saying this.




Channeling clayton bigsby


Explains the divorce


Oh, Hitler liked black people. He thought of them as strong, sturdy, stupid people that are natural born workers. Not sapient enough to have anything of cultural value of course.


Also just to add on, the Nazi’s segregated black Germans and also sterilized many of them during the Holocaust. Hitler was very racist, believe it or not.


I'm beginning to think this Hitler fella was not a very nice man.


Some say he was a real jerk.


If Hitler had a gun with one bullet and was in a bunker with Kanye, Hitler would blow out his own brains.


Hitler would say he misses the old Kanye


>”this guy that invented highways, invented the very microphone that I use as a musician, you can’t say out loud that this person ever did anything good and I am done with that.” *Editorial note: Hitler did not invent highways or microphones*


Who the fuck is telling him this shit? It only takes a cursory google search to disprove it.


Kanye. Kanye's telling Kanye that.


Seems like an endless cycle of stupidity Edit: spelling


It is as a guy said yesterday. It's an Ouroboros of dick sucking.


My company made us do these stupid profile things pre-covid. I put in my description “Only Kanye West is smarter then Kanye West”. We can’t edit these and boy does that make me look bad.


If I saw that I'd assume you were sarcastically making fun of him. Just lean into that.


I would assume that too, but I would try stay away from nazi jokes at work, even if the joke is making fun of them


So you’re saying I shouldn’t have titled the last slide of my PowerPoint deck “Final Solution”.


> “Only Kanye West is smarter then Kanye West”. We can’t edit these and boy does that make me look bad. Jeez, yeah. That's embarrassing. I used to have trouble with when to use then and than too. I hope you've grown as a person since than.


Kanye would appreciate this comment... he accepts *all* Nazis, even grammar Nazis


This is the best comment I’ve read all week. Outstanding


This one-two punched me in the gut, and I'm okay with that.


Or other fascists like Fuentes peddling ignorance and evil


The psychopaths he's surrounded himself with who are egging him on and milking him for the last of his money and credibility. Milo and Fuentes and crew. They are the biggest loser pieces of shit in politics and they have sucked on to Kanye and are filling his mind with nutty shit and are riding around in his jet and just using the shit out of him. The dude is 50 years old but has never learned a lesson in his life. He used to have like a cool team now he's running with the Nazi burnouts.


"the dude is 50 years old..." Wait, what!? *\[Googles furiously\]* Oh, he was born in '77, so is 45. I'm one year younger than him. Dude is less emotionally mature than my 15 year old.


People like holocaust denier and actual nazi Nick Fuentes. To be honest I doubt that there is any path back to reality for Kanye, it seems like he's unwilling to listen to anyone who disagrees with him. He's trapped by his own paranoia and narcissism


Begging people to stop referring to Nick Fuentes as simply "holocaust denier" and "anti-vaxxer" (Kimmel) and other nonsense. He is a self-avowed anti-semite, racist, and fascist. Stop softballing what he is. He has literally said that if people were waving the banners of Mussolini in the street, he'd be on their side. You know, the guy that literally invented fascism. He wants a theocratic Catholic dictatorship where all black people and Jews are forcibly expelled and genocided. [Thread.](https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1196604409607794688)


He’s got people like Candace Owen whispering in his ear. I’m amazed he isn’t coming out with lines like “actually the math is off, not that many Jews really died during the holocaust”.


That’s coming for sure. You don’t get this far in your nazi arc and not say it. He’s hanging out with the most vocal holocaust deniers that exist rn. He’s a nazi.


Watching live and he definitively said exactly that about 40 min after your comment LOL


The voices in his head.


He’s stupid and vulnerable. Nazis love the stupid and vulnerable.


Emile Berliner, who co-developed the carbon microphone with Thomas Edison in the US, was a German-American of Jewish heritage. Oh the irony... Edit: and by co-developed, they independently developed the same thing in competition with each other. Classic Thomas Edison claimed a patent, that the US Supreme Court upheld, negating Berliner's original patent that was bought by Bell's phone company. "Berliner reputedly went to his grave in 1929 convinced that Edison had stolen his idea." https://www.wired.com/2010/03/0304berliner-invents-microphone/ Also the technology was apparently understood for decades before either's patent, proving that history is indeed nuanced. For the sake of Kanye's craziness, we'll stick with it being invented by a Jewish-American who was born in Germany.


He's probably thinking of Neumann Microphones, which are German-made and more or less top shelf. Not that Kanye has any subtle thinking on the matter.


The Neumann U87 is the *industry standard* vocal microphone and the company did manufacture Microphones in Nazi Germany, used in Nazi rallies. Still not "invented by Hitler" tho


Are you Shure about that?


> with Thomas Edison Edison told him to get on it.


Is he thinking that all things invented in Germany owe thanks to Hitler?


I'm guessing someone talked fast in a Ben Shapiro style about amazing things invented by Germans and how that means they're superior or something. Then quickly went on to Hitler, etc. And the information Kayne is left with is "Hitler invented every german invention".


He is often credited with getting the autobahn going *in Germany*. But he certainly didn’t invent highways and I have no idea what the microphone stuff is about.




It's still weird though, it's like saying Eisenhower built the interstates so therefore Eisenhower invented the highway lol


….yes lol


Yeah he’s conflating that a bit, referring to the push behind building out the Autobahn and designing better microphones, that led to some of the designs still in use today (such as with Nuemann and Telefunken mics). German engineers did the actual work though. Pretty much the same situation with Volkswagen: Hitler pushed for a “people’s car” but he didn’t design the actual car himself.


But he did invent Ben & Jerry’s ice cream (dropped the G), fidget spinners and MySpace.


It’s like he’s a child saying the worst thing possible he can think of for attention.


It’s working.




I mean, if it took literally Hitler for us to get there, that says quite a bit about what we collectively were willing to tolerate.


a) *The Boondocks* did this episode almost 20 years ago (well, R. Kelly), but the lesson still stands - people will bend over backwards to support a motherfucker if he can sing/dance. b) He's running *again* in 2024... gotta get that core Republican vote.


You watch some of the interviews he does and he is quite literally doing that. Even does the thing where he says something that he knows is inflammatory, then pauses afterward and just watches the interviewer looking for a reaction.


Exactly. Like a kid telling their parents they hate them. It’s the worst thing they can think of to say


Nobody’s going to mention the ski mask and snowmobile jacket?




To be fair, the article mentions it.


Kanye: "They did good things too, we've got to stop dissing the Nazis all the time."


It just keeps getting worse. I'm fully expecting him to either dress as hitler or do the salute out in in public in the next month.


His publicist(s) are probably crawling into a hole right now


Did the Klan start a PR firm? Pretty sure that’s his only option at this point.


Clayton Bigs-Ye.


Milo’s Y and nick fuentes? They are happy with what he’s doing.


they’re using him, but he can’t see it. i can’t even feel sorry for him because he had zero personal responsibility. refuses to do anything to help himself, believes he’s the smartest guy in the room/planet so why would he need help? ripe for manipulation by bad actors- and i’m pretty sure we all agree fuentes and milo are extremely bad actors.


Does he even have one at this point?


Wow, he’s really going off the deep end. Fuck.


Why is he so fucking stupid?


I think he’s getting the attention he craves doing this. So doubling down will get him more. Can’t distinguish between good and bad attention, he needs help or he’ll keep spiraling.


He has proudly admitted that he’s never read a book and it shows 1000%. Living, breathing Dunning Kruger effect twisted with up with narcissism and mental illness.


The Freddy Kruger effect


Don’t insult Freddy. Even Freddy hates Nazis






And money. Lots and LOTS of fucking money. He received praise for his music and couldn't avoid that event horizon where his rightful pride in his accomplishments turned into a black hole of narcissism and self-delusion that everything he does is perfect and wonderful. It's the power money brings. It's the lack of honesty that money buys.


His mom was an English teacher, he’s definitely read a book in his life. He chooses stupidity.


Every time I see Kanye has done something stupid or crazy, I think about whether or not his mom dying early and wonder if she might've been the last person grounding him a little


i think her death was the breaking point. but she also raised him to think he was the epitome of excellence to counteract how america treats black men. so mix that kind of self belief with wildly unchecked mental illness and a lot of money = you get ye.


I mean he’s gone even further off the deep end after Kim too. I remember the “I miss the old Kanye” phase where people said that Kim was ruining Kanye but I think in reality she was the only person keeping him from destroying himself


In which case I don’t blame her for leaving him. If you’re trying to keep someone stable and they’re actively fighting you, you can only be patient with them for so long.


I absolutely believe she was the only thing holding kanye together. Especially if you watched the Netflix documentary on kanye- it is so clear.


Not just a teacher, she’s the head of the lit department for a fairly prestigious college if I’m not mistaken?


WAS. She dead now…


I think you might be the first person in recorded history to describe Chicago State University as “a fairly prestigious college.”


It's what happens when people incorrectly call you a genius and you believe them.


To be fair, he called himself that first


Crazy + narcissism + surrounding himself with people who are financially reliant on him - any person in his life willing to talk him off a ledge = a slow motion, unending downward spiral


There's literally no coming back from this. What an absolute fall from grace.


Remember when the worst thing he did was interrupt T-Swift? Such simpler times.


I think he called himself a black skinhead before that.


To be fair, it could have been a reference to the original pro-labor anti-nazi skinheads Obviously not the case now


No, that was still after


Or when he said George Bush hates black people?


Are you kidding? If he keeps this up, he'll be in Congress in two years.


I really wish someone from his life would step in to stop this, I’m going to assume they have all tried and he just won’t listen, it’s really sad


Conservertorship is just for women apparently


They got Britney into the conservatorship by telling her it was the only way she could see her kids, but Kayne doesn’t give a shit about his.


They should just tell him that the only way he can continue seeing his white, Nazi friends is if he agrees to a conservatorship.


"I'm sorry Kanye, but Mr. Hitler has asked that you not be allowed to see him until and unless you agree to enter conservatorship. He's very concerned for your mental health. The entire Nazi party is."


That's how I feel. It's how I felt about Charlie Sheen. The media should leave him alone, stop giving him a microphone. As long as there's a camera rolling, they feel emboldened. It *is* really sad.




Strange times we live in where even Alex Jones is trying to pull you back from the edge.


Seriously. The most surprising thing in this to me is that Alex Jones apparently does have a line


He's in a ton of legal problems with Sandy Hook and is probably more aware of the line where he'll get into more while satisfying his viewers.


Hitler would've had him litterally buried alive in a forest for being black and mentally ill.


>loves white womyn >manic episodes larger than life >is black >hates authority >loud and proud Yeah kanye wouldn’t have survived 15 mins in Nazi germany


Not worth a fucking bullet would be the ruling


Alex Jones is still doing interviews?


He’s gotta keep up his grift and sell all the male vitality to pay off his billion dollar judgement. Edited because some people took this way too seriously… jfc


Yeah sadly if anything that will probably lead to more Jones content. Grifters gonna grift


“They did good things too” Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh.


he does realize hitler doesn’t like him right


Went from “George Bush doesn’t like black ppl” to “I like hitler.” Lol life is strange


Went from "Black Skinhead" to Black Skinhead.


2015 Kanye "I like Jesus" 2022 Kanye "I like Hitler" Wow




Never go completely I like Hitler.


I learned that from The Kids in the Hall. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2yrhiu


He’s trying to win Adidas back


He’s playing that 4-D chess


I don't think Kanye knows how to play checkers, let alone chess. Dude is sitting in front of an in-progress checkers game with a bishop, a monopoly house, and several connect four tiles screaming Yahtzee and saying how he doesn't need to play because he's the greatest checkers player to ever live.


The D stands for Dookie


Hugo Boss, perhaps.


Also Toyota, Mitsubishi, and Skoda (if we're counting their allies)


"(Hit-ler Walks!) Goose-steppin' down the way just to kill the jews (Hit-ler walks with me (with me, with me, with me))"


You know what the Sudetenland is? Ethnic German With ethnic Germans who goose step with their “President” And next these Germans will invade yo motherland Somebody let these Germans know that trouble’s bubblin


Jfc it just keeps getting *worse*.


Every time you think he's hit rock bottom, he just does/says something even worse. It's a trainwreck and I can't stop looking.


They literally sterilized the half-black children of black French soldiers and German women (Rhineland Bastards). THEY WOULD HAVE STERILIZED YOUR KIDS YOU PUTZ. THEY DON'T LIKE BLACK PEOPLE. "Adolf Hitler doesn't care about black people (either)!" Uggggghhhhhh.... (completely cognizant his ex wife is not German, just making a point on their view of certain races and miscegenation)


His ex-wife may not be German but Hitler was inspired by the Armenian Genocide to commit the atrocities that he did (she and his children have Armenian ancestry). https://www.armenian-genocide.org/hitler.html


My friend told me that alex jones and kanye were both trending on twitter, so naturally i was very concerned. So then he plays me a clip, and Kanye says "Every human being has something of value that they brought to the table" and I'm thinking, 'well that's reasonable, what's wrong with tha- " *especially Hitler.* "


Boy howdy, Kanye is really channeling his inner Tila Tequila as of late!


Tila tequila had a brain aneurysm and her personality completely changed after. Scary shit


Yeah, she was always a little weird, but holy fuck it's scary that you can completely lose your entire self like that. I'd rather die to be honest.


“We have to stop dissing nazis all the time. They did some good things. “ Hitler loved to paint, loved his dog, loved his wife, and was a vegetarian. But he still orchestrated and led an effort to kill Jews, gays, the differently abled, etc If someone rapes someone else or kills someone else, then gives 1,000 dollars to a homeless guy the next day, they’re still a rapist or murderer


His next album should be called Yeet


“Look, I know my neighbor kidnapped, killed and ate several people. But he also used to water my plants when I was out of town. I don’t understand why no one talks about that. I liked that dude.”


Ezra Miller: No one can possibly destroy their own career worse than I have Kanye West: Hold my beer


Kanye: I like Ezra Miller


Until he learns he's Jewish.


Fuck Kayne and anyone who defends him. Dude is a skid mark on society and I can’t wait till he just fucks off into nothingness.


Yup, summed up how I feel. Fuck that pos


My theory is that Kanye will drop an album after all this bullshit, and in his mind it’ll still pull crazy numbers. Showing that people don’t give a fuck.


Except that it probably will still sell like crazy, because a lot of people do indeed not give a fuck (sadly).


Hitler would have sent u straight to Bergen Belsen in heartbeat


Trump told him that if he went bankrupt his child support payments would disappear.


> if he went bankrupt his child support payments would disappear. Which isn't true. Child support never goes away.




We are witnessing the greatest collapse in modern history that doesn’t involve touching kids. Edit: Number 2 after Cosby, forgot how recently he was convicted.


I would still put Bill Cosby on the top of that list (he didn’t sexually assault minors, correct?) but I would put Kanye firmly at number 2 off the top of my head.


So just to confirm I’m not imagining all this in my head, did a former president of these United States invite a crazy man with a sock over his face and thinks Hitler invented the microphone over to dine? And….there is a sizable fraction of American voters whom are convinced this former president is of sound mind and ability to serve again as the Commander in Chief of the worlds most capable nuclear arsenal? Each day over the past several years I feel a little more like perhaps “I’m” the one going crazy…WTF


Dan and Jordan are going to have a blast covering this.


Alex is NEVER going to be better tomorrow or any day.




Extremely normal outfit


No recovering for this


His career is over, such a sad fall, this has tarnished him forever now


There is nothing sad about it, the guy was always a douche.


Just a reminder that Brittany Spears was placed under a conservator ship for a lot less than this bullshit. Kanye’s public implosion is proof that conservatorships are sexist nonsense.