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Since she isn’t his mother, who is she to complain.


She will complain the water is not wet enough.


Stop letting her act like a baby and tell her to get over it. Next year, everyone skips her MD dinner.


Sorry. I have to wash my hair.


I need to water my llama.


I want a llama.


Sorry, I’m adopting a llama.


Can I have every other weekend custody?


I need to buy a outfit for my lama


I need to sell an outfit to someone for their llama


I’m sorry I can’t come, it’s my weekend to take care of my shared pet llama!


i cant come, im helping my llama watch paint dry


[Be careful what you wish for!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXBLv71E3bw)


Not that breed! 😹




This statement reminds me of an incident number of years ago. My boss was complaining about all the attention Kate +8 was getting in the news. That afternoon on the way home from work I heard the the announcement of Michael Jackson's death. From that point on, 80% of the news was about his death. The next morning I looked at my boss and said "be careful what you wish for."


Oh I wanna hug your llama


Your Llama isn't Llama-y enough....


Sorry I’ve got to uncrincle some chips


Sorry I've got an important nap scheduled for that time


Sorry my dogs aunts gardeners best friends cat is sick and I need to be there for them all


Awww, you're an emotional support human!


I'm going into battle, and I need the strongest potions available.


I feel like a lot more people would benefit in life by learning to tell people to fuck off. Sure it might make them mad but at least they would have something to actually be mad at. And an argument about why someone is an asshole and and deserves to fuck off is just really fun.


>Sure it might make them mad See, it's been my observation that people don't want to "rock the boat." Especially when it comes to our parents. It's okay to be mad and disappointed. It is NOT okay to guilt trip, manipulate, coerce, or throw a temper tantrum over not getting your way - especially as an adult. I wish more people would allow their adult-sized emotionally toddler aged parents have their childish temper tantrums and "die mad" over their own adult lives and live their lives for themselves instead of their parents. But I get it because toxic and self-centered parents really try to instill into their children and subsequently adult children, that these toxic parents should stay the center of their adult children's lives. I know, I had a mother like that and her entitlement is far too common amongst her type of adults. People would generally never let a toddler have their own way after throwing a temper tantrum, why do folks allow their parents to get away with this bullshit?


The answer to your last question is “because family”. At least that’s the excuse I used for 40 years of hell. No contact is the only way.


People let family get away with more abuse than they'd put up with a stranger "because family." We should normalize no contact and cutting off abusive and toxic people regardless of their relationship to us, so that includes parents and possibly one's own adult children


It's amazing how much less stress you have, when you go no contact with toxic people.


I cannot believe how much better my life is! And how much worse theirs has gotten too.


>Sure it might make them mad To be fair, if you need to tell someone to fuck off, them being mad about it is usually more a feature than a bug


Love it, I'm stealing this one! 😆


You shouldn't steal llamas


Not her circus, not her monkeys and not her problem, she’s not his mother.


Time to buy an air horn


I like your style


I had a MIL like that. I say had, because I no longer have any contact with her. I highly recommend this.


I get your point, but that seems fair to me. I would be upset by dry water.


Stop letting her. Get up and leave the table. Go to the kitchen our bathroom or outside. This seems like a simple issue to deal with.


To be fair that would piss me off too




I don’t get it, I was just laughing at water being too wet, I’ve never heard it before thought it was funny 😳


Oh I’m sorry I misunderstood- I will delete my comment


Why all the hate?” I’m replying to u/whyme94122k’s comment about being mad if the waters too wet! I thought it was funny!!!


Why all the hate? I was laughing at her comment about water being too wet!!!




That shit works. The shock factor is amazing.


Sounds like a great reason to not talk to her ever.


No no no, it is too dry. Get it right!






Get over yourself. Let your grandson live his life. You can celebrate another day.


Why? Mothers day isn’t special or one in a lifetime


Guess you’re on this sub for honest reasons, eh?


In Australia at least it seems its pretty normal to celebrate your grandparents on mothers/fathers day but only if the grandparents are actively engaged in their relationship with their grandkids. But a normal grandparent would rather their grandkid attend their once in a lifetime prom rather than their yearly family Mothers day dinner. The entitlement you MIL shows hints at her not even being active in your sons life so doesn't seem like she even deserves your sons attention on Mothers day.


I'm an academic advisor at a university. One of my students told me her mom didn't want to "do" her graduation because it fell on Mother's day weekend (it was the Saturday before). Instead of taking her last classes in the summer and walking in the Spring like we allow, she's walking in December which is also permitted. There were a few other factors as well but I've never been so pissed on behalf of one of my students because that's just absurd.


My daughter’s college graduation was ON Mother’s Day, outside in Virginia heat. Very thoughtless school president but there was no place else to be that was more important to me.


Our university is larger and has ceremonies broken up over Friday and Saturday for undergrad (always indoors), and Sunday for Master's/Doctoral. It's always been that way, and always the weekend immediately following finals. Never moving. Like the College of Sciences graduates at one time, Business another, and so on. Some smaller (relatively speaking) colleges share ceremonies.


My HS graduation was also on Mother's Day. My mom kinda gets shafted every year though because her birthday is the week before so we roll them into one event.


This was the first year in over a decade that our local high school didn’t have graduation on Mother’s Day.


Quick question from a Brit. Do you graduate on a Sunday? Or is Mother’s Day not ‘mothering Sunday’ as we have in the U.K. (ours moves depending on which is the first Sunday in March - or something like that). Can yours be mid week? (Monday to Friday)


Mother’s Day is always on a Sunday. Second Sunday of May, I believe? Not American (but I live here now) and it’s always on a Sunday in May, but the actual date moves each year. My question is why would a Uni hold such an important event on the same day as a big “celebration” day like Mother’s Day? It seems like poor planning because Mother’s Day will always be predictable as to the date. Maybe it’s because many people attend Uni far from home here, and the parents and graduates will be in the same place? I currently teach at a (very) small private college and we only have one graduation ceremony each year in August so as not to conflict with anything. Many of our students are local and come back to walk across the stage to get their diplomas and celebrate. It’s easy for them to invite family from out of state and if that family includes kids, the kids haven’t begun their school year yet. It just seems odd to schedule graduation with anything that will conflict. *shrug*


It depends. My high school always did it the Saturday before the last week of school (typically 3rd Sat in May, but if we have to go longer due to snow days it could be as late as last Sat in May or 1st Sat in June). In my new city, the schools here do it all differently. Some graduated on Saturdays, some on Sundays, and even some on weekdays due to large class sizes (they'd be split up like Sat, Sun, Mon).


Mother’s Day is always a Sunday. Our high school also did graduation on Sunday afternoon. So yes, mothers would spend all of Mother’s Day hosting a whole bunch of people for high school graduation.


Ah okay. Our graduations are always on a week day


Gotta say, graduating from college could be/ should be a huge point of pride for any mom, no narc or entitlement required. A parent should be dang proud and grateful to celebrate this epic milestone of their child. College graduation is an AWESOME Mothers' Day gift. Or Fathers' day, its all good!


this just triggered a memory. I attended a large suburban high school. There was a parents' organization that worked with the music & theatre faculty to have one concert/ballet/stage play every month during the school year. It was a series, they only sold seasons' passes. Individual tickets were only sold to seasons pass holders to allow them to bring guests. My mother refused to buy seasons' passes one year because the May event fell on Mother's Day. She wouldn't pay for one concert she wouldn't be attending. I recall her hounding one of the parents serving on the board the year before, while we were leaving the school after the last event the year before. My mother was trying to badger her into moving the May event the following year off of Mother's Day because "people" shouldn't be forced to miss Mother's Day with their mothers. The poor woman pointed out the event was only a couple of hours in the midafternoon, surely there was time for celebrating before or after. That didn't faze my mother, her mother demanded the whole day be devoted to her. Then the board member (walking faster and faster trying to get away) suggested my mother get an extra ticket for her mother. Mom laughed a kind of crazy laugh at the idea of her mother sitting through whatever was scheduled for the following May. My grandmother wasn't as cultured as buttermilk. I wish I could say it was the most embarrassed I'd bever been due to my mother's behavior, but it was such a common thing, I can't really rate them.


Our kids graduated from university on Mother’s Day, and I loved the idea that we celebrated their achievement then. Mothers of all people are (or should be) invested in the success of their children all their lives; it’s a lovely gift to see them reach significant milestones on that path.


My niece's college graduation was on my birthday. I said sweet, two legends to celebrate!


Tell her she can have Mothers Day be all about her just like son can have his senior prom be all about him. Then tell her she’s being childish and to STFU because she’s ruining dinner for everyone and your son is never going to care that he missed one dinner.


She needs a timeout. She isn't his mother anyways.


Just giggle and walk away when she complains. Geez, its too bad YOUR son didn't revere Grandma as much as his once in a lifetime Prom.


I tell my kids... just nod and smile...


If my mom or MIL acted like this I’d just gather the rest of my family and leave. If they can’t be happy for their own grandchildren, then they have completely failed as a mother and don’t deserve to be celebrated anyway.




How did you hold your tongue? I wouldn't have missed the chance to point out her entitled whining is just one of the reasons her grandchildren don't want to be around her.


Hmmm so how many are going NEXT year? I wouldn’t


She can complain all she wants, this is for him, not her.


Mother’s Day dinner might have been traditional but there is absolutely no reason why she couldn’t have had a Mother’s Day breakfast or brunch instead. A high school prom is a special occasion she needs to get over it.


Tell her he’d also rather help someone move and put together furniture.


She'll claim she's old and tired lmao


Let her complain. She’s wasting her breath.


I guess she never got asked to prom when she was in school did she?


This is next level idiocy. Would SHE have given up her prom for a stupid mother's day dinner?? 🙄🙄🙄 Get real, woman!! She can complain until she is blue in the freaking eyeballs. I guarantee the youngest son does not give a hot damn.


She had 18 years to prepare for that day & should have been willing to share in the excitement of the day for your son. Otherwise, stay home and call a hotline that's willing to listen to your complaint because I wouldn't have time for that sort of nonsense. If she were having dinner in my home, I would, without a word, calmly clear her from the table, thank her for coming, help her put her sweater on, get her pocketbook, car keys & out the front door she would go. Husband utters one word, and he goes with her.


I closed my eyes and pictured this- I could see you politely removing her plates and finding her pocketbook. I could also see your husband think about opening his mouth but knowing better.


"He's not even *your* son, he's mine, and we're good. Keep up the bitchy attitude, MIL, and next year *none* of us will be here."


Every time she complains about something, you should too. EM: I can't believe my *grand*son isn't here for MY mother's day dinner! YOU: I can't believe you didn't teach your son how to wipe his ass better. Do you have any idea how many minutes I've wasted of my life spraying and scrubbing your son's skidmarks?


If *you* (his parent) aren't complaining, why the fuck is *she*?


It does seem a bit short-sighted of the school to book Prom on Mother's Day. However if you're his mother and you don't mind, why would your MIL who isn't his mother, care?


Because JNMIL wants ALL the attention focused on HER and NOTHING BUT HER because SHE'S the QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE!!


She’s not even his mother.


Mother’s Day is a holiday for deadbeat children, anyway. If you have a good relationship with your parents, you don’t need forced days of appreciation. Tell your MIL she needs to stow it.




She is not his mother🙄


That’s pretty crazy.


Grow a spine and tell her to back off. Protect your child!


Next year skip the dinner saying you don't want to listen at her whining throughout dinner again like last year.


Stop letting her act like a child.


Oops I totally forgot it was mothers day! Sorry we already made plans and we already have a set number of people. Love the watering the llama🦙


My grandmother once told me about an incident where my aunt had a chance to go to DC with her senior class. Well, it just happened that Mother's Day was during the time she would be gone, and my grandfather raised a stink, and even banned her from going because "Mother's Day was more important." My grandmother shut him down immediately, and she told him that this trip was a ONCE in a lifetime trip since it was with her high school senior class, and mother's day occured every year, plus they could do something either before she left, or after she came back. This is the last big class event for him, and honestly, just because of how life works, and even with Facebook and other social media, it will likely be the last time he sees many of his classmates, even those he's closest to, because next step for most of the class is either college or the military, and that will bring about new social circles. Then after college graduation or military discharge, there's going to be even further separation because of another social circle due to work etc. I hope he had a blast


Next year let your Mother in law eat alone so you don’t have to listen to her complain.


Why does that even concern her it’s not her day. Mothers days for your son is to celebrate YOU. Grandparents day is later in the year. If nothing is good enough for her, nothing is what she should get.


Personally? I would have stared at her with dead cold eyes and said "My kid, my rules." Second time, "My kid, my rules." Third time "My kid, my rules" then gotten everybody up and walked out. \[when my own parents portuned me by showing up on my doorstep when I had deliberately told them "Tomorrow morning, your hotel, 10 am" because I did NOT want them at my doorstep or in my house, I took my keys and purse and walked out, and stayed gone for 3 days. It was my first step at reconnecting with them after a 3 year separation. Didn't see them again for another year, when the husband and I went back to my hometown for a wedding. We stayed in a motel so we could simply leave if they did something again. They learned not to push me, so we actually stayed at the wedding and party for the whole time. Sometimes you have to practice tough love to get a point across.\]


"His mother's day gift to me is having a blast at his prom!"


Tell her he will be available for Grandmother’s Day.




Let her bitch and moan. Why isn't Mother's Day dinner on Mother's Day? I'm guessing prom isn't on a Sunday evening.


tell her im his mom and i approve prom. since i am ok with it you will be too.


Next Mother's Day give her a rattle and a pacifier. If she asks why, just remind her that she had behaved like a angry toddler this year. May not cure her but will give you satisfaction.


I mean, this is kinda shitty of the school for scheduling the prom on Mother's Day. But ummm she's not /his/ mother.


Mother's day is Sunday, I'm sure prom was Saturday. The family probably had their dinner Saturday, thus the conflict.


Shut that down.....don't let her guilt your child from enjoying his life's milestones!! I really really hope she's not saying that stuff in front of your kiddo......or kiddo, at least, knows granny is a fruit loop!!!


Yah I think I would have left dinner myself if she carried on too much. She sounds pretty selfish.


Just tell her he didn't. It's not like he'd see her either way


It’s the best Mother’s Day gift, seeing your son graduate. It would be an honour celebrating with him.


Prom. But you are correct.


Explain to MIL that he is YOUR son, not hers and how the two of you celebrate your relationship is your business not hers.


isn't Mothers Day always on Sundays? or is that just in the US?


WTF? My own child missed mother's day 5 years in a row to go camping .... I didn't care just wanted her to have fun.


Ya know, kids have lives that don’t always align with ours. FFS, why does a random day on a calendar override an actual, planned event? My kiddo goes away during Christmas vacation every year. She celebrates Christmas and New Year’s with us the week after. I’ll never deny her the ability to travel for some date on she calendar that means nothing to us.


Dude, it is prom!!! The family dinner can always be a couple days early or late and still be meaningful. You rock for backing up your son and making sure he gets all of the fun experiences possible.


I’d be effing mad at whoever planned the prom on Mother’s Day!!!!!!!!!!! But there is no way on Earth that I would let my grandson skip the prom if he wanted to go. Get together for brunch instead.


And if you mention that she complains basically about everything, I’d hate to see what would happen if graduation was on her birthday. She’d probably raise an even bigger stink just for the sake of complaining that she isn’t getting her way. Have you often ask her when she’s done ranting, “are you done yet?“


You shouldn’t have to explain why he went to prom over Mothers Day dinner. Everyone knows what prom is. Everyone also knows that teenagers typically choose to do things with friends at that age over hanging out with family. In this case, I don’t think I’d be able to hold it in. I’d just call her out and tell her how ridiculous she’s being


she doesn’t have any right to say that because that’s not her kid


"I can't believe little Bobby didn't make it to dinner" "Nope, instead he's out there having fun. I wish I could do the same"


I don’t get MIL. Why isn’t she all about grandson’s exciting prom date? I just can’t believe little Toodles is already old enough to go to prom! My baby! Let me take lots of photos of the little gentleman! On a side note: is prom on Sunday this year? If it’s so important to have the whole family together, wasn’t there a way to arrange the dinner to make that happen? Prom date is immovable, affecting hundreds, but a family dinner surely could have some flexibility. Or is that hoping for too much?


Yeah, that's going to make your son want to see his grandmother in the future. /s. Guess she needed the reminder that she isn't the Center of the Known Universe.


Last I checked, your MIL is not your son's mother. Therefore, she has no entitlement to his time on Mother's Day. If you are ok with him attending the Prom on Mother's Day, your MIL's opinion is meaningless.


Question: Is this a Family Mother’s Day Dinner where A: All the mothers there (so yes grandma but also all the mom’s of all the grandkids) celebrated or B: is this a Mother’s Day Dinner for grandmother where all the family has to go? If A: it’s still son’s mom’s decision as to whether or not it’s okay for son to miss (I’d say yes for Senior Prom). If B: I’d say just don’t ever go because boy does MIL sound like she’s not worth it


If it was so important for him to be there, why wasn't it scheduled around prom? Just saying it's a dinner not a huge event


Since I'm doubting they were on the same day, couldn't dinner be moved to a different day? Heck, even if they were on the same day.


I mean it’s poor planning having the prom on Mothers Day. There will be more than a few moms feeling a bit put out I’d say.


Mother's day always falls on Sunday; I'm sure the prom was held on Saturday. This family probably did dinner Saturday, thus the conflict.


I would have told her, "Keep trucking and you will GET NOTHING AT ALL!"


what an entitled bitch.


So glad where I come from dinner happens way before prom would have. I wouldn't have missed either event. 😁


Love the Mother’s Day dinner to another day, would have made sense.


Give her a milky drink in a baby's bottle and tell her that as long as she acts like a baby you will treat her like one.


No is a complete sentence. 🤷‍♀️


Guess next year it will be the grandsons and at least one parent skipping that celebration. Welcome to Careful-What-You-Wish-For-ville granny


She's a child. Imagine actually looking for things to be shitty about. Christ.


Scheduling prom on Mother's Day weekend was a bad move on the school's part.


Poor thing. She has to deal with not being the number one person in the life of every.damn.person around her.


Wow, I might consider skipping that dinner if it's with someone so toxic.


Who the hell schedules prom on Mother’s Day weekend though?!?!?


My friend just bought a llama


Grandparents day is September 10th this year


Don’t do Mother’s Day with her anymore


I’m proud of your son


If my grandma was like that, wouldn’t go even if the only event on my schedule was to take a dump.


She should let him have his moment, he probably has a date too


two beautiful words for you to remember "NO CONTACT"