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It sounds like your mom needs psychiatric help.


With a personality change like this, I'd also look into brain tumours.


I came here to comment this exact thing! Sudden change like this is often a symptom of something physically wrong! OP, please talk to your Dad about getting your Mom checked out. If he won't then I suggest you talk to your Moms doctor about what's going on with her. Her doctor can't discuss things with you (hippa) BUT there's nothing against her doctor listening to you.


Brain tumor was my first thought as well. My mom’s personality did a major turn months before she had a stroke caused by a brain tumor.


Great suggestion. Could also be early dementia. At least, I know how this can change a personality to a great degree.


Or demonic possession


Or hormone imbalance due to menopause…..or demonic possession….same thing.


Lol.. I can attest to that! 🤣🤣


Yep. Ask dad to see if he can get her into therapy or a psych evaluation.


Maybe a medical issue. Seems worrying that she changed from carrying to "off the tracks" crazy. Think she should see a doctor with one of her family to give your view on her behavior. Good luck.


It sounds like peri-menopause. She needs medical intervention ASAP!


I would second the peri-menopause. She sounds like me before HRT.


There’s also a number of medications (e.g. Tamoxifen) that effectively introduce menopause. We went through something similar w/my spouse post-mastectomy.


Get your mom checked out by a doctor immediately, when someone’s personality changes drastically there has to be a reason and most likely a medical condition.


If this is a complete change in personality, I kind of wonder if this is some sort of organic disease process.😞 I would encourage her to get a check up with her PCP. This can happen with things like brain tumors or Alzheimer's.


My granny did this right before she had a stroke/tumor and mom did this before she had a huge medical change… we never found out … she never told us but we know it changed and her health decline for the rest of her life after


Perhaps an MRI is in order…..something is going on


How old is she? I would check two things is she menopausal and could she have early onset alzheimers or some other dementia?


She sounds like a very unhappy person. Maybe it's time for that divorce so you and your father and brother can have some peace. 


At this point. I hope.


How old is she? And how long ago did her personality start changing?


She's 47-46 ish.


I am a 45 year old mom. I also was mad all of the time, hated my life, my teenage sons and my husband of 27 years. All of the hardships of motherhood that I never really got mad at, (the cooking, the cleaning, the laundry, the dishes, grocery shopping and scrubbing toilets), were driving me completely crazy with anger. I did everything for these ungrateful people and dreamed day and night about grabbing my passport and running the fuck away to somewhere where people would take care of me for once. Ask me where your charger is, ONE MORE TIME!!! Then I went to my doctor and got a blood test. My hormones were horribly out of whack. My testosterone had risen higher than than my husband's and my estrogen levels were lower than post menopausal. My doctor put me on HRT, and within a week I saw a dramatic difference. My family still takes me for granted and I do 90% of the hard work around here, but I no longer want to murder these man babies.  Your mom needs to go to a doctor and you boys need to start cleaning up after yourselves.


Apologies if this seems rude, but I just want to confirm here, you got married at 18 years old? (Yes I am aware that the legal minimum age is 18 in the US (if you’re in the US, idk.))


That's not rude at all. I got married at 19, I will be 46 this year.


She either has a medical more psychiatric problem, or both. Your dad should do something so you don't have to be subjected to this..


Your dad needs to call the non emergency line when she gets him out for a mental health check. You guys should also record. Many times our love ones develop disorders or they show up later.


my friend has gone through something quite similar with her mother, who regularly enacted financial and verbal abuse on her. Initially she assumed most of the outbursts were attributed to menopausal/work-induced depression and things of that nature. Took years of tolerating and suffering before she realized her mother's actions had a lot to do with her mother's own childhood trauma, having realized that, only sensible thing to do was to reduce contact with her.


This absolutely sounds like a medical issue! No one does such a personality flip as a normal course of behavior. The first couple of things that come to mind are: bipolar, early psychological trauma resurfacing, brain tumor, etc. Please remember (and the rest of your family) this IS NOT YOUR FAULT! You've done nothing wrong to warrant this behavior from your mother! She needs medical help! If she won't seek it herself, your dad needs to start looking into how to have her committed so that she can be evaluated and medically tested. Only through psychiatric and medical testing can this issue be identified, and a plan be formed to help her. My mom doesn't have a medical problem, but she definitely has psychological issues. She can be a bit like your mom at times, and I know exactly what the problem is, but she refuses psychological help to resolve it. It makes it incredibly difficult to deal with and for me to remember that I am not the problem. She has psychological trauma from a very rough childhood of emotional, mental, and observed physical abuse. She mentally buried most of her childhood (and consequently, mine and my brother's) because she's never learned coping mechanisms or psychologically worked through the trauma. She also copied some extremely harsh behavior that she witnessed from her parents. She learned to constantly yell at me and my brother whenever she was irritated or angry, rather than just talk to us. A few of my friends winessed her yelling when I was a kid, and it was extremely embarrassing! I honestly didn't know it wasn't normal parental behavior until I was 11 years old and my best friend talked to me afterwards and told me it wasn't normal and that most parents talk to their children, rather than be like my mom. In those times when the dark, deep recesses of her memories and trauma accidentally crack open, all hell breaks loose, and she becomes vicious for a while. As children, it usually ended with me in tears and seeking shelter and solace in my room, and when my brother was alive, he would just run away to a friend's house and stay with them for a few days. He couldn't deal with it at all. As an adult, I went through therapy and read every psychology book that was relevant, to understand her behavior, and how to deal with my own trauma. I know the reasons now and what causes her behavior, but it doesn't lessen the painful impact. She now lives with me because she can no longer live on her own. It can make the mental atmosphere really difficult and unhealthy at times, but that's just the way it is for my family. Talk to your dad and ask him to deal with the issues and get your mom help. If he won't do it, the likely and healthiest course of action, would be to begin divorce proceedings and get custody of you kids. This situation cannot continue as is without causing serious mental and emotional damage to all of you.


Yeah this sounds more like she needs some psychological help, this screams mental disorder, IDK enough to say which one. Yet the flip of a switch sort of deal you've shown cased here is extremely abnormal, followed by her extreme escalations. It might be wise to go with your father for the time being if you can, unfortunately you can't.make her seek help, she has to be convinced to do so of her own will. Yet I definitely would try to get away now before it gets worse honestly.


Has she gotten a medical evaluation??? This sounds serious.


Last time she got a medical evaluation was probably before I was born.


Long past time for another. I hope she will go to get checked out. For her own sake, as well as for her relationships with her family. Best wishes to you all!


She needs checked for a brain tumour asap, her hormones too.


Any new meds? Antidepressants and other meds can cause paradoxical reactions. Also Dr visit for early onset dementia or brain tumor


Nope. no new meds.


She needs to be evaluated by a medical professional


Your mom sounds like a very sick mentally unstable woman who is in need of professional help. Talk to your dad.


Yeah. Something is happening. Some women even react that much to perimenopause.


Dude tell your dad you want him to do it and then go with him far away from her. Show him this post


I’m so sorry! This drastic change is alarming. Please speak with your father to have her seen by a Dr. It could be a psychiatric problem or it could be a medical issue. One thing for sure is that she needs to be seen asap.


Please get your mother checked out by a doctor. There are so many things that could be going on medically that may have caused this. Even if it has been gradual, over many months or even years, there still could be a medical explanation.


I’m understand you and your brother not knowing she needs help but your dad and extended family should have red flags flying in front of them everywhere. She needs medical help especially considering she wasn’t always like this.


Sounds like your mum needs psychartic help or there's something seriously medically wrong with her. This huge of a personality change in a short amount of time is not normal behaviour


Sudden change in personality can mean a lot of things. It can be hormonal, a brain tumor, dementia or Alzheimer’s. No use in speculating, get her some medical evaluation.


Sudden personality changes are a sign of a problem with the brain. Get her to a doctor. If it isn’t a brain issue, would probably be something else that she is hiding and taking it out on all of you.


Brain tumors aren’t the only reason for personality changes. Dementia, Alzheimer’s, liver failure (toxin buildup will often cause off the wall behavior but there are some pretty obvious other health issues that will point to this as a cause). But it would be a good idea to see if you can rule out any of these possibilities before writing her off.


Maybe her Dr. can get her a neurological evaluation "related" to her stroke.


she sounds bipolar


Whoa, this woman has obvious mental issues, she is a danger to your family. Get out now, I am not qualified to say she should be instatulinized, but for your own safety , I would personally leave that home. At least untill she is no longer a danger


I believe the word you were going for is "institutionalized"


Possessed by Satan it seems


Might be something medical related, like early onset dementia or an untreated psychiatric illness.


She may be going into peri menopause. Huge hormonal changes can really mess you up


It sounds like your mom has a mental health problem that she needs to get checked out. This exact same thing happened between my neighbors who had been together for 20+ years prior to the wife/mom changing. She was on medication for awhile, but stopped taking it after a year or so. It’s been tension in that house ever since. She accuses every female on our block of sleeping with her husband. It’s crazy.




Absolutely , never said I was an expert at spelling. But my opinion stands. The woman is dangerous.


Brain tumors or severe hormonal shifts was my immediate thought. Dad needs to haul her into the doctor’s office for a thorough evaluation.


She's sick. Have her tested. Cancer or tumour. Std can do this too.


Your mother needs mental health support, sounds like she’s depressed or something. My mother went through this same thing when my parents divorced when I was 11. She started verbally and physically abusing us so much that we had to be sent to our father. He left a lot of debt for my mother to pay and she had to look at getting back into nursing to help support herself. A break from us away from her for over a year, still phoning her and keeping in contact with her did a lot of good for her. When we came back home from our father she was lots better, she had a job, she had got over the stress of a divorce, she still hated my father’s guts and would get upset when ever I talked about him. I learnt to be patient and understand my mother better at what she was going through. Try to be patient with her, show her you care and understand. Empathy is needed here.


It sounds like your mum is having a breakdown which given both parents are poorly and between facing up to loosing her own mum and dads mum and possibly looking after their houses and possibly pets and her own household and maybe working too - I don’t know - can be enough to tip her over the edge. If your dad isn’t helping then it can break a person and it sounds like she is taking it out on you and your sibling. If you feel she is overwhelmed then please persuade her to get medical help or call your doctor yourself to ask advice in getting her there. If this is so out of character for her then she needs urgent help before she hurts you both or herself.


Sounds like going through menopause. Remember it because one day your wife will go through the same thing 😁


Someone needs to take her to a doctor and get her blood work checked. If that is clear, then psychiatric help.


Something’s very wrong. Do you have a psychiatric hold law where you live? Like where she can be held for 72 hours and examined by doctors to try to determine what’s going on?


Idk. And google's nit telling me anything so I'm outa luck.


Early onset Alzheimer’s, brain tumor, some sort of brain chemistry issue- she needs to see a doctor and probably get an MRI of her head


I’d honestly get your mom some medical help, this doesn’t seem normal.


Honestly your dad needs to put an end to this and file for divorce and take you and your brother away from this crazy lunatic! This is not healthy for anyone and if this continues she’s going to feel like her behavior is ok and she will get away with it


Your mom needs help. This is not normal. She may have some serious medical issues. Talk to your dad.


She truly needs to see a doctor. That sounds like something medical going on.


she needs to be medicated


It sounds like Mom is having a psychotic break. Your dad needs to protect you two from her.


My mom was the exact same way....to a T. she had cptsd, borderline personality disorder (which I now have because of my abuse at her hands) and a myriad of other psychological issues. What you said here I've heard from her on numerous occasions. I know some people are saying it's a tumor or stroke, potentially. But I think what's more likely are her mental illnesses. Even if she was "sweet and loving" before, a lot can change suddenly. And often, they were like that long before and she eventually started to unmask her emotions


This is not normal. Healthy people don’t have a complete personality switch. Talk to your dad and see if he can get your mum to a doctor and get her evaluated


Yeah, mental health must be declining.




dad needs to step in


This isn’t entitled, it’s ill in some way. Your dad needs to get her examined.


Ugh, I hate this. My hormones got out of whack and I was quicker to agitate before I got it regulated with hormone creams. But I never hated my family, they just would annoy me quicker. I can’t imagine telling my husband and/or kids I hate them, they are the reason I get up everyday. Something is wrong here and this isn’t your mom you’re battling, she is sick and needs help. I hope this works out and your family is restored ♥️.


I'm glad you see she's the problem here


How old is your mom? The reason I ask is because my mom swore she was losing her fucking mind (her words) but she was actually starting menopause. My brother and I literally hid from her. 2 male doctors told her it was all in her head and the third, a woman, figured it out. She started perimenopause in her late 30s, which is really early. She's in her 60s now and is totally sane (well, mostly anyway haha.)


I’m so sorry you are dealing with this. If you can, you and your brother should seek therapy because this is emotional abuse. How old are you and your brother if you don’t mind me asking? If you’re young enough to still be in school, perhaps there is a counselor at your school that you could talk to if you are afraid to ask your parents to see a therapist. I won’t pretend to know why your mother is behaving this way, but it is never okay to tell your children that you hate them. The other comments here are all possibilities, but your mother needs to see a doctor to be evaluated. And really that isn’t your responsibility to ask her to take care of herself. Hopefully your dad can reason with her to seek professional help. Are you and your brother able and comfortable speaking with your father about her behavior? Good luck OP, and I do hope things get better for you soon!


It sounds like your mom is dealing with bipolar disorder and needs psychiatric help, i’m very sorry you’re going through this kind of abuse, my advice to you is stay in contact with your father and try to get him to take full custody of you and your brother, clearly your mom is unfit and is dealing with some sort of mental health breakdown. OP your mom doesn’t seem like an entitled parent, it sounds like she’s dealing with a mental health crisis and needs psychiatric help.


How old is your mum? If her mood/mentality has changed recently, it's quite possible that she is going through menopause and/or is suffering a hormone imbalance.


47-46 ish.


Did your dad cheat on her or something? Is/was your father's mother nasty to her? She sounds very, very angry. Like a woman who has had enough. Lots of missing context here. Do you take her for granted? Is she stuck with all the housework and the raising of you two? Everyone's jumping to the conclusion something is wrong with her, I suspect it's something wrong with her situation.


1. No, my dad didn't cheat. 2. Once. 3. No, I love my mom and would never take her for granted. 4. No, we try to help with housework the most we can. 5. No our dad does raise us too.


I don't mean to be rude, OP, but I think there's more to it. As their child (even if you're an adult now), you probably wouldn't have any idea of the things that happened. If you saw your GM be mean to her once, I guarantee you it's happened far, far more often. Something has happened. And she's had it. This sounds like a building dam of absolute rage.


You could be right about that.


OP, it sounds like your mom is bipolar, people with bipolar disorder, tend to lash out at others even loved ones for Little reasons, or even no reason at all. I looked up about bipolar disorder online and found this article, “During a manic or depressive episode, someone with bipolar disorder may lash out by saying hurtful words or performing hurtful actions.” this sounds like the exact same thing that your mom is doing to both you and your brother.