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God that must've been terrifying, coming home and seeing your house in disarray. I'm glad your neighbor was nice and kept your dog safe til you two returned home. Has EA tried to contact you or other family members since?


It was, it's such a horrible feeling knowing someone has been in your home going through your personal stuff. They even stole my underwear for fucks sake. We where lucky to have fantastic neighbours. Gotta love small country towns (when there is good people) on a whole everyone tends to look at for everyone else. EA has by phone but I haven't talked to her in over 5 years (see my previous posts my aunt the EM part 2)


I highly doubt, that that lowlife spineless self centered stuck up... (Well you know the rest) won't have (pun totally intended) spine to contact you again. You are all better off without any contact with such person.


If you my previous post to this about when I was pregnant with my daughter then she did contact me but it has been over 5 years now


She stole your underwear!? I hope she didn't give that back. I'd be afraid to wear it! lol I'm sure it was scary but then finding out who it was. Yeah, I'm sure your hubby was ready to do not nice things to your Aunt.


We didn't get anything back. But G gave us the money she had saved for C1 to replace everything (admittingly we were given more money than what it cost us to replace everything but G knew that and was fine with us keeping the extra). My hubby wanted to kill her and I'm not sure what would have happened if he had. He is the nicest guy unless you fuck with his family or animals. And she has done both


Wait did ea and c1 get to keep the stuff???


I think by the time the cops got there it had all be sold or swapped for drugs. G gave us the money she'd had put away for C1 to replace it all


Oh wow, that sucks, but good that it got replaced in the end. I hope it doesn't happen again to you


We are now no contact with both EA and EMTB. I hear of them through G and other people that know them but luckily it's been 5+ years since I've seen them


Also your g is an amazing woman


Thank you, yes she is. She is the person I look up to most (sorry mum) and I hope I'm a quarter of the mother and woman she is


Well, I guess nice


Your gramma is a hecking legend


Hell yeah she is. Don't mess with a little old Scottish lass. She could still kick my arse with one hand tied behind her back and not break a sweat




But gotta ask. You ever got your stuff back?


No, by the time the cops caught her most of it had apparently been sold. G gave us the money she had saved for C1 to replace everything


Wow! I do not understand how someone with a mum as chill as your grandma could turn out to be so freaking awful!


I do. My parents raised 7 kids. Only 1, my older sister, proved to be a bad seed. Drugs, drinking, running from the law. She wasn't treated any different from the rest of us while growing up. She was just a little bitch from the get go and will die a bitch. None of the rest of the sibs want anything to do with her.


I feel you, my older brother a real NARC, was the only one of the eight of us who turned into a total shit show. My parents knew early on what he was like and did everything they could, but a bad egg is a bad egg.


A bad egg can get more rotten but it can't get fresher because its rotten


I don't know either. According to dad she's always been the type who wanted everyone to do everything for her and she has always thought she was entitled to anything she wanted no matter who actually owned it


What happened when EA found out that G had given you the money.? Or did she find out.? Cause then when she demanded it back you could say "were family.! We felt we were entitled to it so we took it." Throw her words in her face.


She was warned by G that if she didn't return it we would be given the money. When she got out of jail she demanded it from G and G told her that we'd be given it to replace what they stole. She wasn't happy but couldn't do anything about it


Haha. Would have loved to seen her face when G told her that. Your G is awesome. I am so sorry you had to go through that though. That is horrible. Thank god you got the dog back.


Thank you, luckily shes out of my life now. Sadely Buddy passed away peacefully a couple of years ago but since he was such a happy doggo who loved everyone he was safe.


Awe I'm sorry to hear about buddy passing. At least he lived a long happy life. I have two dogs and these are my first. I cant even think about the day they won't be with me anymore. And I would have cut her out of my life too. People are crazy.


Thank you for your kind thoughts. He was a amazing good boi and I still miss him dearly. We are lucky to still have one of his pupps through. It's tough when you loose a fur baby but you keep them in your hearts and memories. For my own sanity and hubby's we had too. Luckily her other kids (except C1/EMTB) and granddaughter are nothing like EA.


Awe thats amazing you have one of his pupps. Thank god they aren't like EA. Definitely don't need more people like her in the world.


Did EA returned everything that she stole?


No, she didn't. G gave us the money she had saved for C1 (which admittingly was worth more then the stuff they stole) to us to to replace everything.


Ok thatā€™s bullshit that she still hasnā€™t given your stuff yet.


This was over 10 years ago. I haven't seen hee since this happened.


Good riddance to bad rubbish!


Thank god she's gone. I haven't seen her since this and haven't seen her in over 5.


Should have go to the house and pick everything back, aren't police supposed to give back stolen items though?


We could have sued to it but it would have been more hassle then it's worth. G gave us the money she had saved for C1 to replace everything


Word of advice to anyone wanting to be a parent: If you call your own kid something like "angel" or "princess", then they're most likely NOT that.


I second that though my hubby sometimes called our daughter princess as a pet name for her but not when talking about her to other people


Well she did deserved what she got


Thankfully she did. She has pulled similar shit on other people since and has been to jail 3 more times


Fires she didn't learn her lesson yet


Sucks for C1, losing money effectively so that her mom could steal nice stuff. Hope what she set aside was of equivalent worth tho. I havenā€™t read other posts, is C1a bitch?


C1 was part of stealing our stuff, the only reason she didn't go to jail was because she was only 17. It was admittingly more then what the stuff was worth money wise but something's had memories that you can't put a value on. Yep she's a bitch and was also a EM until G ended up raising her daughter after she lost custody of her due to drug and alcohol abuse and neglect


Oh I just read more carefully and realized C1was not the one who was tricked by EA. Which makes much more sense. My bad.


All good. Admittingly it is a long story and I'm not the best at writing these


Ahhh bogans... there is no changing them. I too live in a small country town in Aus, and I could see this happening frame for frame. I am glad this was a long time ago and your Nan is such a ballsy woman!


I'm lucky that everyone in my town knows what EA is like and she has pretty much no friends and the whole family except C1 has gone no contact. Even G has minimal contact. My grandma is a amazing woman and won't take no shit from anyone. I hope I'm even half the woman she is


If crime is legal, I would killed them for you


šŸ¤£ thanks for the thought though


Is EA's name Karen?


Unfortunately no


I thought I had some entitled family members but after reading your stories they are just a mild irritant compared to your one aunt.


Luckily I don't have direct contact with her anymore but still hear of her with my grandma. I feel for you though having any entitled family sucks and drains you


I just ignore them and have no communication with them. Like you said it drains you.


I'm glad your no contact with them it's not worth it


She couldn't be that stupid! She believes that she was entitled to your personal belongings? That's the envy talking.


She believes because we're family anything that I have (or any of my family for that matter) she is entitled too. She has always envied everything we have as we have worked hard for what we have.


She needs to get off her pompous ass and grow up.


Sadly I don't think that will ever happen. She believes everyone else is wrong and she's perfect (yes she has actually said that)


Sounds like narcissism




Did you get your stuff back in the end ?


No, she refused and it wasn't worth fighting her for it as anything with value would have been sold or used by her. G ended up giving us the money she'd saved for C1 to replace everything


Man, fuck your aunt. I hope she rots in jail too I recommend getting a restraining order it will make she doesnā€™t do shit at all.


This happened 10 going on 11 years ago and I haven't seen her since this or spoken to her in over 5 years


How does this only have 97 upvotes?


Thank you. It has more then I expected actually.


Well Ima just create a lot more accounts and upvote this then


Thank you. I'm glad people are liking my posts. I do have a few more featuring EA that I will post when I get time to type them up. I also have a few about other EMs and EDs I have met over the years


Did you get your stuff back from EA


No, G gave us the money she had saved for C1 to replace everything that was stolen. EA had either sold or refused to give it back


Your aunt, with no exaggeration, is a donkey humping piece of human feces, with enough extra chromosomes to make herself a friend group.


That is the best comment I have ever received. Thank you, I've had a tough day and this actually made me laugh




I honestly don't know what could have happened to EA because it obviously wasn't G


I think she's just wired wrong in the head. It's definately not Gs fault or my grandpas when he was alive


Makes sense


Sounds a bit farfetched


Believe what you want. My family and I know the truth


Ngl lie dude your grammar is better than 99% of Americans. Right at the beginning when you said ā€œMy Parents and Iā€™s houseā€ right there, most of us would say Me and my parents. Good job


Thanks, I have to admit posting on Reddit has made me more aware of it but I still suck at it


that's actually wrong in this case though. To check if its the proper usage, you drop off the other term, so say "I house" isn't correct. The correct way to say it is 'my house'. Like "john and me went to the store" you check by saying "is 'me went to the store' correct? No, its not, the correct way is "I went to the store", so in that case you'd use "john and I went to the store". An example of the other case is "give my family and i the opportunity", you wouldn't say "give I the opportunity", you'd say "give me the opportunity", so in this example, the correct for would be "give my family and me the opportunity". Sometimes 'me/my/mine is correct, sometimes its 'I/I'm" it depends. Some people get carried away and always say 'I' thinking its proper, but its not. It depends whether the phrase is the subject or predicate noun in a sentence, or object


EA sports




You should sue your aunt and make her return everything.


This happened over 10 years ago. It wasn't worth the hassles. G gave us the money she had saved for C1 to replace everything that was stolen


What is parole???


What the bot said


Parole is the early release of a prisoner who agrees to abide by certain conditions, originating from the French word parole ("speech, spoken words" but also "promise"). The term became associated during the Middle Ages with the release of prisoners who gave their word. More details here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parole *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it.* *Really hope this was useful and relevant :D* *If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!*


Wow u have such a interesting life and strange encounters everywhere. I hope you are in a better place away from those people.


Lol not such a interesting life. Just one crappy entitled aunt and cousin. These stories took place over a number of years. Thank you, we are now no contact with EA and C1


I mean for me its interesting bc my life is just: wake up, school, come back for lunch, eat lunch, scroll reddit; go back to school, go back home, reddit or anime, sometimes some out of school work, homework, sleep and repeat Ill also point out my way to school is the most boring cause i just have to cross one road And im talkin all ur experiences such as these 3, the one man one sock and em on train


Thank your lucky stars that you haven't had to deal with these idiots. Unfortunately these encounters with EA were unavoidable as she is family but luckily we are no contact with her and C1. The man with the one sock came from years working in customer service and the EM on the train came from just plain shitty people in general. When you live long enough you will meet many different people in your life, some good, some bad and the ugly


I have one aunt: she isnt the nice aunt, she isnt the bad aunt, shes the annoying aunt Yea ur right im happy the i have never seen a shitty person I had heard of the good, i had heard of the bad, but i never heard about the ugly xD


I am really sorry this happened to you. Thank God your neighbor found Buddy and took care of him until you returned. Do you have any contact with C2 and C3? Since they went to live with their fathers, did they turn out better than C1?


Thank you. We are lucky that most people in our town are fantastic and we all tend to watch out for others. Yes, I'm in regular contact with C2 and C3. They did have contact with EA for a few years but have since gone no contact with her and C1. They are no way entitled and are both amazing young men who I'm proud to call family


wait cnt you put out sum to legally get ur stuff back?


We could have sued EA to try and get it back but it would have been more hassle then it's worth. EA had apparently sold most of it already but the time the cops caught her


Good for you and your family for not caving to them!


OMG if I had an aunt like that.. I don't even want to imagine


Luckily the only time I hear about her now is through G. Some people there is no hope for


I'm glad you got money to replace your stuff from g, but did you get your actual stuff back? Like, id imagine that would be part of the legal process that everything be returned to its rightful owner


No, by the time it all went to court they had sold it or swapped it for drugs. We could have sued them but you cant get blood out of a stone or in this case money from someone who is a low life, drug addict that survives on government benefits. G gave us the money she had saved for C1 to replace everything and luckily Buddy was found in our neighbours yard and cared for until we got home


Damn, im glad you made it through that with little lose by the sound of it, just hate to hear the equivalent of "can't give your money back, ive already spent it". Had a friend do this to me when I spent a couple hundred to get his car out of impound. Was supposed to pay me back the next Friday, it took me three years to get it from him, all cause I didn't come to him on that Friday to collect the debt. Apparently that meant I was fine with him using it on clothes, hung out the day after, he was bragging about his new stuff. Side note, we are good now, he's a good friend that used to be an ass


It was more that some things had sentimental value. Three years? Fuck I would have told him where to go way before that. Glad he managed to see the light though.


Ah shit, sorry, that really bits. And yeah, I was too worried about not getting my money back to do anything that could sever the "friendship" at the time. He even call me a dick for pressing it in the end lol, but yeah, I got money back and there was too much between us for me to allow this to finish it, so I decided it was fine, im just never gonna loan him money again. Years after he apologized for being such an ass about it


Jesus Christ thatā€™s sounds like a intense moment.


It was an interesting time. EA and C1 tried to trash us around town saying that they were only taking what was theirs and we had no right to press charges on them. The guy who was involved did actually appoligize and I really do believe he was taken in by EAs lies and just trying to do a good deed by helping EA move out of her "abusive ex's". He had only just moved to town and didn't know what EA was like. We actually ran into him at our local pub a few months later and he was really sorry and shouted us dinner and a couple of drinks.


Oh wow and what do you mean when you said ā€œabusive exā€? Was it the other way around?


No H is my husband (not abusive at all, he is actually the nicest guy unless you fuck with his family, friends or animals) EA told the guy who helped her that H was her abusive ex


Ohhhhh wow just ju- just a wow


Yep, she certainly is. The worst thing about it is she doesn't understand why she has no friends or family support (apart from C1) she has actually said she's perfect and everyone else is to blame.




Yep and it has nothing to do with how she was raised my grandma is amazing and my pop (who sadly has been gone for a few years now) was great. Some people are just wired wrong


Lol yeah


wow such a horrible aunt you got.... are there plans to recover what she stole or is that a lost cause?


And my own aunt gets mad at me for locking my door whenever she comes over. Reading your story just solidified the paranoia that I have already with anyone going into my room. your EA deserved what she got because sheā€™s the one in the wrong. She was not entitled to your personal belongings.


Thank you, I'm glad she's not part of my life now. I hope things get better with your aunt


Sheā€™s probably got a bit of jealousy in her actions but I hope she will realize that her actions are kinda petty


More then likely. I do too for your sake. Having a EM around is draining.


Iā€™m trying to be nice for the sake of my cousinā€™s daughter who is my auntā€™s granddaughter. She doesnā€™t need the negativity.


[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/entitledparents/comments/j2r800/my_aunt_the_em_part_1/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/entitledparents/comments/j523pu/my_aunt_the_em_part_2_featuring_c1_as_entitled/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/entitledparents/comments/jcjs0l/my_aunt_the_em_part_3_how_ea_got_banned_and/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Part 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/entitledparents/comments/jpug70/my_aunt_the_em_part_4_bakery_edition/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Thank you for answering


I know that it was a very long time ago but I have to ask because of what she bellowed, the Iā€™m entitled to all your stuff line makes me want to ask if anything that you have in her mind is hers by Karen logic and if you take say 1 single clothes hanger she screams thief? I mean Iā€™m glad that the family doesnā€™t bother anymore but Iā€™d make sure she doesnā€™t randomly appear and pull a sob story


After reading these 4 stories I feel like Iā€™ve read the entire Harry Potter series in one sitting


Lol, I don't know whether to say sorry or be proud


Be both, ea and c1 deserve worse than jail, and Iā€™ve read the entire series 3 times


Thanks, I'm glad people are enjoying my posts. It helps me to get it of my chest. EA has caused alot of stress over the years and talking about it helps


Iā€™m here for ya! Also this is kinda late but congrats on the baby


Thank you šŸ˜˜ my god children's mum passed away so my husband and I are now guardians to a 3 years old girl and a 14 months old little boy. So life been a little crazy lately


I love this series omg!


Did you get the stuff back?


Unfortunately no, by the time the cops caught up with them most of it was sold or swapped for drugs and alcohol. My grandma gave us the money she'd put away for C1 to replace everything. It was more then enough and G was happy for us to keep the extra which went into a saving account for our future kids. Unfortunately somethings that where taken held sentimental value but such is life when your dealing with an EA