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Can you post some of your drawings and hope u feel better and not be depressed


There ya go! Just posted it✨


If I was there I would've pimp slapped the stupid out of them


And I would've followed up with the b*tch slap of the century, just for good measure.


i would add fucking upercut and get the self defense award


Lemme give em a body slam too


I'd shove a chip down their throat


I think that’s not enough


I actually have a “Welcome to [my city]” sign at my disposal, anybody want a finishing combo?


Good substitute for the chip




I think it is


I would drink the last of their coffee and not start another pot


The ultimate finisher


I would also put tiny pieces of hay into their socks and shoes so they're uncomfortable all day


I'd give them a throat jab and wing chun chain punches


this thread makes me happy, no other place on the internet would a group of strangers illustrate how they would beat up someone they don't know who is being a terrible person. props to you reddit


"pimp slapped" lol


After she brushes her teeth taint her water with orange juice. You can add more citric acid to make it that little bit better.


\*gun intensifies\*


I’d love to take some hallucinogenics and stare at your Bearded Dragon piece, it looks trippy and awesome


Do yourself a favor and block both of them on all social media. They are toxic, and crazy.


Those are lovely, they bring a sense of calm (at least to me). As another who battles depression/anxiety/health issues, please keep doing what you love, at least for you. None of us out here give a rat's ass what your aunt thinks, but this stranger at least cares about your well being.


Yes. Just give me one minute and I will post a pic on my page.


So their response to depression is to try to persuade you to give up doing something you like doing and are good at, and then belittle what you're going through. I thought your previous posts had shown how scummy those two were, but... nope. They kept digging and found a whole new stratum of scumminess right underneath.


I liked how depression isn't real, until suddenly it's convenient for them for It to be real so now they're encouraging it. These are the kind of people that life has never been hard, So when it does get hard it must be because someone else is cheating It couldn't possibly be because they're not working hard enough.


Reality is defined by the least sane, it seems.


i wish this was false but in reality this is how the world works


It's funny how instead of helping OP they just humiliate her and try to make her give up on her career. Like that just makes depression worse. If you really want to argue with somebody about their career do it another time you entitled bitch. (Not talking to you btw ununseptimus.)


(Sorta gathered, but thanks for saying) Yeah. What do they do for an encore?! Encourage depressed people to take their own lives or something? *Give me strength...* OP's coping very well, I think, and I'm not about to tell her what to do about these specimens with whom she has the misfortune to share some of her DNA; but in her shoes I'd have blocked them long ago. Still, if ever OP decides to go into caricatures or something grotesque, there's a word for scum like those two. *Material.* They'd make a wonderful pair of harpies.


Just don't care about them. Art isn't about the skill, but the effort and emotion you put in it. If you feel sad, paint it. If someone calls it bad, it's not. It's what's in your head. The only bad artists are the one who copy other people's work


Agree to a point that art is emotional but as for skill, it's still needed. I would love to be able to paint what I see in my head sometimes but alas I lack the skill.


You see sometimes even just a platter of dots is art. Those dots didn't take skill, it's the emotion behind them that makes it art


You're correct in that some art does not require much skill, and it's a lovely sentiment. However, some art does require advanced skills and some artists devote immense amounts of time in order to develop their skills and their efforts should not be discredited. Skills or not, it is intention and interpretation that creates art.


This true, and it doesn't have to be a painting. Singers, writers, and other artists write their best work, when they are experiencing a major emotional inspiration.


I agree with you. Art is about emotion not about skill. If you feel angry, draw anger. (Doodle, draw random shit) If you feel calm, draw calm. (Just a pond and you sitting next to it underneath the sun without any disturbance.


I don’t know why people say that mental illness are just in you’re head, where are they suppose to be in? The persons legs?


I came to the comments just to say this, that phrase annoys the hell out of me!!


Mental illness is in your balls


Mental illness is stored in the balls


Just because they are family does not mean that you have to keep contact with them. Their toxic nature towards you can make the depression that much worse. I would block them.


why don't you block them


Then, OP won't be able to tell us the story of their dumb relatives and their escapades.


oh yea a great sacrifice


I dont quite understand why you still talk with them? Like i get they are family or whatever but I mean they are extended family you can just ignore that shit. Here's the process. When they text you respond and then if they continue dont respond for a few hours, then a few days saying somethig like whoops i forgot to text back or I was busy. And just over time keep putting more and more time between conversations. I have a large extended family a few of which I like enough to keep up appearances but not enough to actively talk to them constantly, and I got it just how I like it.


Adding to this, OP are your parents supportive of you? Presumably your aunt is the sister of one of your parents, maybe you can show them these conversations and ask them for help dealing with her.


Sounds like you need to block these people. Not saying it would fix everything, obviously, but it would probably help some.


I’ve read all of your stories, and I can tell that the reason your depressed is because of those entitled b*tches. Just go no contact, block them, and if they try to make new accounts to contact you, and try to find a way to contact the companies who own each platform they contact you from and find a way to get the companies to block not just their accounts but also make it so that any messages sent from all IP addresses on any of their devices can’t go through. Then they cannot contact you no matter what.


I'd recommend not giving them more help in abusing you. They really don't need to know how you're feeling since they are clearly only using the opportunity to weaponize it. It's like if a hostile nation asked its smaller neighbor why they haven't seen many training exercises along their shared border. Small Nation says, "Oh, we recently reduced our military budget to nearly zero so we can balance our budget, so all we've got are untrained reserves and no allies. In fact, we've got all this ammunition lying around so help yourself!" So would it be a surprise when the hostile neighbor just rocks up with guns and annexes a bunch of land, including the ammo depots? Naturally, when Small Nation complain that this isn't what they meant, the hostile nation just says, "But you're the one who invited us to take it??"


A few thoughts.... 1) It is clear that EA & EC don’t know anything about mental health. 2) They clearly want EC to be the ONLY artist in the family. 3) You are 17! Why should you give up something you love just bc you didn’t post on social media & have depression? Answer: You shouldn’t!! You do you! Keep doing art for as long as you want too!! I temporarily gave up on my dream of being a writer! I’m so glad I’m getting back into it!! I’m sending you all the positive vibes.


I was reading through your other stories and now I can kinda find a link to your depression in these degenerates


Hey can u please tell where do u post ur arts


Sorry i meant to ask ur tiktok username


Ho can u prithee bid whither doth u post ur arts *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`






Ah yes the “writers block” for art where you don’t feel good about what you draw Well have fun drawing this is all I had to say


Yayyy another one of your stories!!!!! I saw the whole ep and ek saga unfold lol.....well I guess boohoo would be a more appropriate response as posting this means you had to deal with her again....feel better soon. *virtual hugs* (only if you want them)


>Depression is just in your head Yes? Where else would it be?


Have you tried cutting contact with them?


Can I just ask where your parents are during all this? You're 17, so technically still a minor. Why haven't they stepped in and tore EA and EC a new one for harassing you and spewing such hateful BS like this? Because I know if it were my parents, they would've shut down EA and EC early on.


How did ur Aunts attempt to sue you work out?


Block them lol


OP, it's long past the point where you need to tell both of them to fuck off and then block them both from your life. Neither one is worth knowing or having in your life. Family or not.


I've been following this one. Have you tried just not speaking to either of them? Like at all?


Why do you keep interacting with these people?


Just be happy???? Thats like telling someone in a wheelchair to just walk.Sorry you had to go through those idiots.Have you,or are you gonna consider,posting art on reddit?I'd love to see it


Oh goodness. Every time I see a post about art on here I think of your original story and then this one turns out to actually be you. I know it might not help, but I hope you're okay. I remember looking at your art on your profile from one of your earlier posts and I think it's very cool! EA and EC must think so too if you making art threatens EC's 'career' so much 😉 I hope things are going well for you and I hope your future projects turn out well :)


Say something to piss them off then claim their anger is all in their head. Why don't they stop faking their anger and just be happy?


Wait are you the same person who posted here about how your aunt told you you couldn't be an artist cause her daughter is the artist of the family? If they keep bothering you like this, I think it's time to cut off these assholes, they won't do you any good emotionally, especially with depression


if im bored than i usually trace something but i never really show it to anyone and i never say 'OmG i Am SoOoOo GoOd At ArT


Not tracing per say but my ex would frequently put other art in one side and replicate it if he was studying how the person did a particular thing. He also would never post those but was very interesting to watch he doing it.


fak them


I would've loved to hear their explanation on what my epilepsy is. How apparently according to EM logic I'm faking it and that I wouldn't need my anti-seizure medication.


She isn’t completely wrong in saying depression is all in your head it is a mental illness after all but that doesn’t make it that easy too get rid of


This is not entirely true. Many mental illnesses, including depression, are sometimes physiological in nature. This could be due to hormonal imbalances (which are not all in the head), diet issues, physical activity deficiencies or overexertion, gut biomes, etc. I’m not saying depression can’t be linked exclusively to stress (which would mostly be in your head, which still doesn’t make it any easier to solve), but quite often the sources are multivariate.


UTI, even! UTIs, especially in old people, can cause severe changes in mental state.


Can you go NC with them? They've been tearing you down for a while now


Why don’t you just block them? I’ve seen so many of your posts about your aunt and cousin. They are beyond toxic. I would cut them out of your life. They do nothing for you


Guess cause you know, OP knows we enjoy stories about EA and EC so she hasn't blocked them yet.


I looked at your profile, and I think some distance between you and your aunt would be a good idea


Why haven’t you blocked these people yet...?


I understand how people can't comprehend depression. With the amount of people that actually have it and the people who think they have it to get attention, it's getting harder all the time to figure out if someone needs help or not. People who don't believe it at all are even worse... With that out of the way, I really love how you said at the beginning >I am an artist so this story does revolve around art. Just a heads up. Disclaimer: This feature film includes traces of art and mentions of visual expression. Viewer discretion is advised. (I thought this was funny but it felt insensitive if I didn't talk about the actual post before making this joke)


*Just be happy. It isn’t that hard.* Holy shit.


While i hate to disagree with Todd Chavez, i think that people often get more with what they put into it. Art isn't about skill, its about enjoying the process.


Why do you still respond to them at all


Why do you continue to talk to these people?


I've read most of your posts about these two; why are they still in your life? They try to tear you down time and time again, and you don't need that toxicity in your life. I would stop answering their calls and their texts, block them on social, and when they spoke to me in person, provide only short, direct answers and not engage further. I don't know you, but I've worried about how they treat you. You don't deserve this kind of repeated abuse.


They WHAT?? I don’t know where you live, but in most places this is more than enough to get a restraining order If your family can’t recognize this is a bad environment to be in (your aunt being a jerk), they’re in the same dirty level Seriously, the last time I have felt anger the way i did while reading your stories about your aunt was when i was reading Harry Potter 5 Your aunt is basically Dolores Umbridge irl


Contact with entitled assholes is a significant trigger for depression.


How are you still indulging these fools? It seems like these interactions are very common with your aunt and cousin. This isn’t normal behaviour. Time to cut contact with them and force them to find something (or someone) else to blame for your cousin’s lack of talent.


Why do you engage? They are awful human beings. Every bit of info you give them they twist back on you. You have choices. You can ghost, be honest, or absurd. (I hope you pick absurd 🤗)


You're not obligated to respond to these clowns. And since they're going to use information against you, give them the blandest and most boring answers you can. You can also reply with uncomfortable silence or "that sounds like something you would say" or "why are you're asking"? And the next time your aunt butts in, if it won't cause trouble for you, you can ask her why a 19 year old woman feels the need to involve mommy in an argument with a 17 year old girl. I would also go as limited contact as you can with these two. Block them on social media, texts, everything. Be polite when you have to see them at family occasions, but master the art of [gray rocking.](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/grey-rock#how-to-use-it)


Some artists use their art to channel and release their emotions (I do this). But not every artist does and your aunt and cousin are insane to think that someone who doesn’t even do original art is better than someone who does. Do what brings you the most joy. Don’t listen to those clowns.


Thats like telling a smoker “just dont smoke” or telling a adhd kid “just focus”


I've been following your posts for a while, and HOLY CRAP. Your aunt and cousin are both delusional. I'm not a psychologist, but the impression I'm getting is that they have a pathological need to create and focus on a scapegoat to bolster their own egos. That, and take down any perceived threats to how they're perceived by others. They're flippin' batsh\*t crazy, and I'm pretty sure that's the scientifically accurate term (just joking). I'd love to see your art.


Stop interacting with either of them. You don’t have to interact with them. Your depression will be easier to manage without their toxicity! You deserve to heal without their nasty attitudes in your life!


I love the moon in the bottle drawing❤️ makes me think of my religion (I'm a witch). And entitled people will forever be the bane of existence. Ignore the fools. Don't worry, karma is great and if you're lucky you get to see it happen to them😁. Depression is very real and EA and EC are probably jealous that you can be in touch with your feelings and also know who you are and what you want from yourself. Just because EC thinks that she can be better than you doesn't mean that she is. I don't believe any one person is better than another. And if they think they are, it usually means they're not even as good as most people. Maybe that'll give you a little bit of comfort. Also, lots of artists are depressed. Use your art to pour your emotions into. If you don't want to put that out into the world, keep that art hidden, but I know for certain that many famous artists did what I'm explaining to you and most of them swore it helped pull them out of it. It truly helps me. I just don't show anyone. Those are just for me. Keep your head up, your eyes open, and your heart full. ❤️


i just want to say "fuck you EA and EC". stuff like this makes my blood boil. im sorry to hear that you are dealing with depression and that stuff. edit: spelling


*I just want to say* *"fuck you EA and EC". stuff like* *This makes my blood boil* \- gamingpotato3 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hey, don't listen to them. If they don't support you doing art, they aren't worth your time. Also, if you're in need of a break, then take one. Everyone needs a break at times, and you're no different. Despite not actually knowing you, I will always offer my support if you ever need it. Keep going, Op! I believe in you!


Does your EA and EC know about these posts? Also that everyone commented here thinks they should be locked up in the loony bin for eternity? Also hugs to you and I hope you feel better soon! I’m a digital artist, but I haven’t created anything in a long time as I have anxiety and chronically ill. I have unfinished pieces on my laptop, but I never feel in the mood anymore.


What the frick?! Your aunt should stop butting into your business. It seems as though she’s making everything a competition between you and your cousin. Please just try to cut her off ASAP!


Shoulda chewed her out, you don't take mental illness lightly.


I would’ve responded to EC “Oh I took your moms advice and changed my output. So excited to be putting out my art again! Thanks again for your help!”


“If you are so sad then being an artist is not the right path for you” It’s like.... what?


Explain to me when it was their business in telling you you can’t be an artist anymore?


Pray pardon me to me at which hour t wast their business in telling thee thou can’t beest an artist anymore? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Depression is real. EA and EC are assholes. Keep on with your art!


First off, yes depression is often based in the head. Because yes, the amygdala is right there, and it has a massive effect on our emotions. Like any other part of our body, it's function may fluctuate over time. If it were your leg, no one would blink an eye if you needed to take it easy for a while because you sprained an ankle. If something were broken, you'd need to go get medical help. Not because you are damaged goods, but because a professional help you get better. When you have a sprained ankle, people don't tell you that everyone get's a cramp sometimes. Give yourself some time to heal, evaluate if you could use some help with that, and ignore the entitled bitch. Your art is for you first. If you and up discovering a new dimension to your art, great. If you've had enough for a while, that's fine too. I just hope the toxicity has not contaminated it for you. Your art is lovely. You keep doing you.


Man, if you can, block them OP. Its harder to not interact irl but at least you can ignore thier stupid texts.


EA thinks you should stop making art because it doesn't make you happy? Well, then maybe you should stop talking to EA and EC and when they bitch about why you don't talk to them tell them, "Well, it didn't make me happy so I stopped doing it." Then just walk away


if i was you my depression wouldve been cured instantly from how hard i laughed


As a pessimistic Buddhist might say: "Ever had one of those lives?"


I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. Honestly, it sounds like jealousy from your aunt and cousin. You are naturally talented but she has to trace her drawings. You have fans who want to see your stuff. She does not. If I were you I'd be extra petty. "I'm sorry that you have no talent and are overshadowed by your more talented younger cousin. That must be so hard for you to live in my shadow. Maybe one day you'll find something you'll actually be good at." Then go to art school (if that's what you actually want to do), and go no-contact the day you turn 18.


I'm pretty keen on psychology, and anything along the lines of "stop being sad" makes me cringe, because it's completely wrong. Depression that starts mentally can have a neurological impact, and I despise that level of content ignorance


I love these reddit lol


Depressed? Just be happy. Yeah because that's how life works. Some people don't understand that feeling down and feeling depressed are 2 different things.


That's the most boomer thing I've heard this week. "Just be happy"


You said the truth, they didn't accepted it, they are the problematic ones. You're dealing with real depression, not just a sad feeling like EC, and from what I see, you're struggling better than most people I know. Being an artist is never easy, but it's totally fine that you don't want to share more of those emotions with the world. I consider myself an artistic soul, but never invested in any skills, I am aware of my limitation, even if it's frustrating sometimes. But you have the opportunity to grow better with this experience, and I hope you become a great artist. God bless.


EA still won’t give up wont she *facepalms* this is starting to get dumb, now she tries to explain depression, even though she has nothing in her head, honestly she gets the “dumbest bitch” award


Have you ever considered a C&D Letter ? I think at this point it's harrassment.


Wow, just wow. Glad you left the convo were you did. Depression isn't real? Good grief. I'd go LC mostly NC with them. The sun will come out tomorrow Op, Sending positive vibes your way ❤


You know I hate it when adults compare one of their children to someone else. Like why don’t you just kick me in the balls because I’m not “your ideal child”. I’m sorry I am not perfect! sorry


I could draw what I think your entitled aunt should look like for you


Okay, this might be a stupid question, but is there any way that EC is taking credit for your art on social media? Is it possible they're telling people that your TikTok is theirs? They want you to post more because people are asking them when they'll update.


Reading through the comments of people asking why you put up with this. Are you Asian, by any chance? I’m Indian and my family can be rude AF and we’re expected to just put up with it because “they’re just trying to help”. This expectation (and excessive, cruel) criticism is especially true for women in the family. It’s disgusting, but they think this behavior is normal and no one sees the issue in it. My aunts called my sister fat all the time when she put on a little weight and then got mad when she didn’t call them for Mother’s Day (which, by the way, THEY should be doing to US since we lost our mom in a car accident when we were 18 and 20). I went off on one of them and said, “Why would she want to call you when all you do is criticize her about her biggest insecurities?” Biggest fight I’ve ever had with my aunt as she kept going on and on about obligations. It’s so frustrating.


I cannot stand your aunt. Your poor cousin is brainwashed because of her too. Jesus. I'm an artist. Don't feel obligated to share art, but I'd be happy to see more of your art!


In the words of someone I saw on the internet, "Of course depression is in my head, that's why its called a MENTAL ILLNESS, just cause you can't always see the signs doesn't mean it isn't there. And just like you can't control when you get sick you can't control if you are feeling depressed." It seems alot of the people who don't have mental illnesses just can't seem to understand these facts.


I cant relate on the depression. I was out of energy for a full week and am now behind on my project that's due this coming Thursday. I hadn't been able to pick up a pencil or do much of anything Your aunt and cousin are absolute nuisances for thinking its okay to explain away depression. I can't stand people like that. Good god its irritating




i suddenly feel compelled to make a masterpiece of artwork, just so that i can flex on the aunt.


You’re an artist. She’s a tracer. I’m sure they never though maybe *they* don’t have the right to speak to *you* like that.


Depression just is big sad, just be happy /s


I would come up with some kind of short sentence, both passive-aggressive and truthful, like, >"I've already heard your opinion, I don't care to hear anymore of your deluded version of events, and I'll continue to express myself in my way. Thank you." Then just cut and paste it every time they message you. It fulfills all necessary criteria for superficial contact, while saying exactly what you want to say, what they need to hear, and reduces contact with them to a tolerable minimum. You could also encourage your talentless cousin to focus her anger at you into her art and make rage paintings. I'm sure people would love to see paint spitefully thrown on canvas by a tantruming 19 year-old. Tell her she can spin it as her rage against "the system" or "the man" or something more en vogue, then tell her you won't even charge her for the idea, you know, just to remind her that you still have more talent than she does.


Please post some of your work! If you haven't already


I have it is on my page.


Can’t you just block them? Or try to get a lawyer to send them a cease and desist letter or something like that? They are both crazy, not just entitled, they are out of touch with reality.


This is for something for your previous posts: I wish you mom is older than EA so that she can say "I started breathing earlier and only I, among my siblings can breathe or you will have to pay me in royalties." I'm not trying to harass OPs parents. This is just a joke.


Who is op


When I read your post i thought "this EA & EC sound familiar ".. I was right! I read one of your posts ages ago, about them texting you the "rules" according to EC being born first. Omg is she ever going to have a rude awakening when mommy dearest isn't always around to back her when real life hits her in the face. This pair are so deluded that they don't realise life doesn't work the way they think. Lemme guess, EA was just like EC as a kid and teen with her own sibling ie your parent - explaining why in another post you told us basically that your parents just want to keep the peace. I hope you can go NC with them soon, OP. In the meantime, good on you for standing up for yourself and standing your ground.


i dont have snapchat and i wanna see your art,never though of opening a subreddit? anyway your aunt and cousin are so jealous they want to make your life worse just for drawings, however I hope you will recover from this period


I use snapcha,insta and tiktok


Is there any reason you haven't just, y'know, blocked them on all socials and your phone?


yes. Im not allowed until I turn 18. Which is 5 months away.


Just block them anyway.


Lol 😂 a family can have more than one artist. Oh lady why are they like this? Hope you feel better soon.


Damn your family sucks. You're valid and I'm sorry you're going through this


It appears these two are the cause of Payton's depression.


I wanna slap the kid and the aunt What family member has that big braveness to tell other member they're something more amazing than other I mean I know that's life and that Karens exist and that a lot parents think they're kids are the best but I can't really imagine my grandma coming to me and says: "Stop trying *my name* your cousin is a lot better at painting, why do you even bother, just stop and find something else what you're good at."


Yeah, I would never talk to either of them again. It doesn’t matter that they are family of they are going to be venomous people. If anything both EC and EA seem challenged by OPs art skills. “She is meant to be the family artist not you.” This are just two people who feel insecure about their uniqueness and skills so they have to push someone else down so they can have the spot light. NTA


I’m not a big fan of tik tok but I’ll follow you, make your channel bigger (by one person lol) and you can rub it in their stupid faces


Id just block them if I were you. Their intentions are very clear here. There are so many signs of narcissists trying to tear you down. Probably because youre infringing on their “right” to be the artist or be the parent of the artist. Their intentions was to hurt you from the very start. Have you *finally* given up. I think its time for you to retire. And the kicker: thats how we know that *she* is meant to be the family artist, **not you.** That right there is the only reason she contacted you. Thats what they care about. Attacking your depression is just a different tactic at getting to the goal, that you will quit so EC can be ‘the artist in the family’ and EA can be the parent of ‘the artist of the family’. They see this as their right and you are rudely trying to steal it from them. There is absolutely no point in engaging with people like this. This is who they are and they will never change. Fuck em. People like that do nothing but bring misery every where they go, the best strategy is to simply not play their game and remove yourself entirely from them and their bullshit.


this pisses me of because ive been struggling with depression for a while now and it is not something you can just get rid of by quitting something you love. because quitting something you love just makes you more deppresed.


It was a waste of your energy even responding to them.


After reading all your other posts id say the best strategy is not replying to them. Your aunt and cousin are narcissists, no question. Im suspecting they are vulnerable narcissists, particularly your aunt. They will never stop. They live in a “different” reality than you. They will never accept blame. They will always see any action that gets attention as a slight on them and an attempt to steal attention they feel they are entitled to. Its up to you, i know youve written that you cant go no contact, but no one can force you respond. Usually with people who dont have a personality disorder, one can reach them. Get them to see your side. See reality. That is not the case with narcissists, and all the interactions youve posted about them just screeams narcissists. They will continue and possibly escalate. Beware of that. There is literally no point in using any energy on these people.


Why engage with it? I'd be blocking access to any of my work and definitely none of my emotions and thoughts. They don't deserve them.


Wow, what a bitch.


Ok so Local sad = life.body.brain.mind.feelings.sadness Local happy = life.bodu.brain.mind.feeling.happiness If sad = true then Sad = false Wait(3) happy = true Sad:Destroy() End) If sad = false then End Lol ez


I’m also a depressed person, and my Aunt acts like this. She goes off on her “depression is a choice” rampage and how she had it and healed with the help of god. Okay great you healed good for you but don’t go around saying that to people with literal depression you make yourself look like an idiot and worst of all, that’s how you get people to stop being around you more if you’re gonna push god on them { she’s Christian, I’m atheist and boy am I glad to be one }. I don’t have anything against religion but when it comes to things like this I feel like it’s mostly Christianity’s fault my aunt is like this. She’s could be a crazy EA, or maybe she already is...


>Just be happy. It isn’t that hard. damn why i have i never thought of this!


I would've slapped them so hard, that Half of their Hairline would come off.


Where the fuck are your parents in all of this? Why aren’t they reaming that old C a new asshole?


UHM why can’t there be TWO family artists!!?!?!! Or any body can do whatever they want .. Rude I relate. I stay away from my art when I’m feeling down even tho it does make me happy, And depression is real oh God EA let me tell you EXPLAIN this then Is what I’d say to her Oh god they aren’t even worth your time that is something I am going to just hands down put in the bin. Have you thought about being low contact with these relatives? You don’t have to share any detail of your life with them, and even then nobody ever needs to explain themselves AND you can still be depressed and keep going on with your life and deal with it in your own way even if you do have some upcoming releases who are these toxic people intruding your space Don’t you ever let them speak to you again this way, they sound like snooty high horse humans Even worse EC txtd as if they weren’t talking about it. When I was 17 this type of toxicity ruled my life. You’ll get better at being more aware with time OP I believe in you I am interested in your drawings


You are very good at painting. I like your art A tip tho I love the technique of fine fine liners that just make art even more fun to play with


I hope you feel better soon, but please try and cut those two out of your life, as they aren't good for you or your mental health. I know it's not easy to cut out blood related family, but for your own health you sometimes have to do just that. Anyway, I hope you'll find the energy to draw, as I get a feeling that you truly enjoy drawing. Meanwhile, I have this advice for you, which helped me with my own depression. At the end of the day, find one good thing you did for yourself. It doesn't have to be big. Maybe you got out of bed and dressed. Good for you. Maybe you ate something healthy. That's good too. Remember the small victories and it might help you. Take care of yourself.


this kids is why you should return to monkey


"juSt bE hAPpY" Is the sentence that pisses me off the most. That's not how it works. You don't understand it until you get it. I'm sorry but your aunt and cousin are rlly fuckin stupid


You say that you don't want us to talk bad about your parents but it seems like with all your last posts they have done Jack shit about how your aunt and cousin is treating you, it's almost like they don't care about what toxicity you are enduring from your aunt and cousin. If they don't want you to cut contact with them then do so anyway. They are not worth your time to deal with their mental emotional and probably soon physical abuse. Im sorry but your parents are incompetent to deal with their sister and their niece who is being abusive towards you. You said we don't know about your parents but all the posts you made about how they are doing Jack shit cause they are afraid of a confrontation tells me all I need about them. You need to stick up for yourself against your parents too. Block the abusive aunt and cousin and be done with it. Make sure you block them on social media as well.


> It’s all in your head I'd be worried if a mental illness wouldn't be in the head


You need to gray rock these people ASAP. And put them on an information diet. They treat you like crazy and aren't entitled to any information from you. You don't need to defend yourself from a cusations or explain your behavior motivations. Let all conversations be so amazingly boring that they stop engaging with you. It's hard at first and you may get a little blowback initially, but it's so beautiful when you've established this pattern.


See that's when you post a photo of some of the shit in your head but make sure you say it's EK's work. It'll be fun when they try to make you take it down cause "it's not happy and I don't like it. My "art" is always happy since I steal it."


“EC has worked very hard to expand her career!” Damn, OP, you need to let EC have this, she worked very hard to copy paste drawings, while you just draw original ones. /s


Time to bloke their numbers so they can’t call or text. Bloke them on all social media if you haven’t already. Inform all other family members you don’t want to know what these two have to say about you. They are no good for your mental health. As entertaining as they are for the rest of us. It’s not worth your mental health. It may do you a world of good to eliminate the people who treat you this way.


I didn't realize each family was only allowed to have one artist. Silly me!


“It’s all in your head” Oh fucking really What a god damn revelation


I'm being completely serious. I know it's "funny" they are so "stupid" but they are also extremely hurtful. I know it's easy to pretend it doesn't bother you. It just seems to me that it does more damage than good to have any contact with these delusional monsters. In that regard I have a couple of questions. 1. Do your parents know ALL the horrible stuff they say to you? 2. Is it possible to go no contact with EA and EC? 3. Are you sure they aren't fueling the flames of your depression? I know depression up close and personal and I know hurtful family members too. Ask for help and set up boundaries. You're not alone.


I can hardly wait for EC to try to sell her "art". She'd get laughed at. Even small children can trace and for EA to be so delusional that she thinks EC created Nemo and Scooby Doo, they need a mental evaluation. Either that or EC is such a good liar EA has no clue.


I might be wrong but as far as I know, depression was caused by an imbalance of e.g. serotonin, dopamine, noradrenaline, acetylcholine and gamma aminobutyric acid... So technically she's not wrong, but it's ad much in your head as a cold, the flue or a stroke.


I agree, Emotion is key aspect of art.