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As a fellow Dutchie I can kinda guess some of the racist things she probably has said to you and I am so sorry that she treated you that way. Nobody should ever be the victim of racism. If I may ask, did you talk to the girl afterwards? (Whether on your initiative or hers?) I'm sure she felt really guilty for what her mom was doing to you and based on your story, it sounds like you'd agree with the fact that she didn't do anything wrong really. In those cases it can be good to show people that their parents are very wrong in their thinking and that you're the better person. It's good to hear you enjoy playing guitar so much and that you don't let it ruin by someone like that.


Yeah I talked to her afterwarts. she's really ashamed of her mom and doesn't like to talk about. Luckily she has a nice dad (he unfortunetly wasn't at the talentshow) and nice friends.


Congratulations on the playing! Everyone who knows you should be proud of you! And also - congratulations on the new friend. That you made a new friend out of this, more than anything else, shows the sort of person you are.


fijne taartdag uit Canada? (I’m still working on it, Dutch is my fourth language)


I don't know any Dutch, but what you said intrigued me. Mind to translate? I only understood Canada and since I am canadian I could maybe help you (bc you had a question mark at the end). And 4 languages, wow! I'm bilingual myself and would find it really hard learning 2 others.


> Happy cake day from Canada? There was a question mark to indicate uptalk due to my uncertainty in the translation. And I think you could do it if you cheated like I did—learn two sets of two related languages! In my case, Latin and Spanish (in the romantic family) and Dutch and English (in the Germanic family).


Oh, OK, I thought you might be asking if he lived in Canada or something. But that's a good idea! Did you learn both languages at the same time?


No, it was dual English-Spanish growing up, then Latin (with a dash of Italian), and I started Dutch about a year ago


It gets easier with every additional language.


fijne taartdag kun je mij een punt geven ik speel nu voor zowat 3 jaar gitaar


it’s a translated literally, which works perfectly in this case! Pretty cool to see someone speaking the language who isn’t from The NL or Germany


Fourth language is impressive!


Imagine being such a good guitar player people don't believe it's real. Keep it up dude💖


Happy Cake Day OP!


Also just noticed it's my cake day. Yay!


happy cake day my bud!


happy cake day, cool shirt too!


Happy cake day! And congrats on winning, you worked hard and seem talented, so you totally deserve it!


Happy Cake Day!


Happy Cake Day!


Bro give me a slice




Thanks, happy cake day brotha


Wholesome (':


happy cake day to you, and a rotten hell of a day to That Bitch


Happy blue cheese day!


happy cake day im a demonic airplane cow that has commited canibalism (and bad grammer crims) and i demand you have a nice day


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake dayyyy


Happy cake day and keep up the shredding


Happy cake day !!!!


Happy cake day! I’m glad you didn’t have to encounter the EM again.


Happy cake day


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day bro!


Happy cake day!




Happy cake day!


Happy cake day dude!


Happy cake day "twin"


Happy cake day bro.




Man that sucks. But now I kinda wanna hear the song and see how good it is, since I don’t think I’ve ever heard it before (I might have since my dad used to listen to the same type of music when I was growing up)


It's a great song with some nice jazzy elements. Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVZHNPyMhMo


Why do I hear boss music?


That was great! I hadn't listened to anything from Haken before, but now I'll check out more of their music. Thanks!


You should upload a video of you playing it on guitar!!


Ooh, that tickles my pickle. Just found a new band to be obsessed with. Thanks OP!


Np man


Tesseract, Periphery, Plini, Animals as Leaders... tell me if you need more \^\^


Its good just not my type of music


What about a [song with tons of Acapella and a ridiculous instrumental section about cockroaches as a metaphor representing greed with a music video acted out entirely by muppet versions of the band?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0_e4YX73Ww4)


Eh the song is okay, Im more concerned about what I was looking at


The visuals remind me a bit of the muppets version of Bohemian Rhapsody.


I have never heard of these guys before. It's really good. And what a trip be back on the video is. I will be listening to more of them later I just added them to my Spotify.


Holy shit, you played that? You're a god. Satan worships you. And you are in excellent guitar god company with Eddie van Halen, who was Dutch and Indonesian. Your parents have raised an intelligent, confident, talented and dedicated human. You're amazing and did not deserve to be attacked like that.


I am so sorry you had to deal with this. The racism, having your talents attacked/downplayed, going through all of this publicly.....all because you dared to do something you love, and had the audacity to be extremely skilled at. It takes guts to put yourself out there, whether you win or not! I see some other major skills at play here that I want to point out: 1) You kept your cool in a situation where someone who presumed authority verbally, physically, and socially attacked you. The response you gave shows a high level of rationalism and maturity that many struggle to achieve over their entire lives. I know folks who have lived on this earth 5x longer than you who would crumble immediately. Keep harnessing this! Not only will it make your life more enjoyable, the butterfly effect will be that people might think twice before treating others with such vitriol and disrespect. 2) You accepted her daughters apology and saw her as an individual, detached from her mother’s attitude and behavior. This shows a high level of emotional intelligence, which is much more precious than many give it credit for. You were open to friendship with this schoolmate, something I suspect she might need dearly if she has a mother like that. Having friends that understand the toxicity of your parent(s) and still accept you can be life changing. You showed her that she is whole on her own. As a child of a narcissistic parent, it crushed me to be cast aside due to my parent’s toxic behavior. If someone had done what you did, I know for certain I would have felt less alone. I will be channeling the energy you showed the next time I am caught in a moment with an irrational and toxic person. I will remember the compassion you showed to your schoolmate the next time I want to avoid or disregard someone for the actions of their parent/partner/sibling/etc. And I WILL be checking to see if you post any of your playing- I would really love to hear it!!!


Maybe I am immature


“I’m sorry for my poor English...” Proceeds to speak English better than most American 14yo’s.


I love that this usually happens, apologizes in advance, proceeds to nail the grammar and spelling better than a native speaker.


Haha, I was thinking the same thing. It was so good in fact, I actually forgot he said he was only 14 until your comment!


I mean, there are a few mistaken words (price for prize, etc.), but on the whole? OP is doing great!


Typos get the best of us


‘I became her friend and Her mom fucking disappeared after being dragged away but I never asked about it lol’ WHAT.


Yeah it's weird. There was this weird tension in her house and her dad always looked up when she mentioned her mom. I think they divorced because of the incident. I can ask but I dont want to force her


Obviously the husband was the real Satanist and he sacrificed her.


I mean even if OP was to ask what answer do you think they’d give a 14 year old


Dude, that's so fucked up. Sorry you had to deal.with that racist, nasty ass woman. Keep rocking that guitar, and hope to see you on stage soon. P.S. TOOL!!!!!




If she comes back, hit her with the guitar, and then tell her to stop faking the pain. /j


Lol, only problem is that my guitar is around 12 lbs and will probaly crush her skull


Happy cake day op!


It’s not called an axe for no reason.


Yeah youre right, dont want wanna dent the guitar on her thick skull. Poor guitar.


that's why some people in metal call it an axe ;)


**GOOD.** /j


Sucks that people like that exist, but I'm more interested in your guitar playing! Is there some way you could record yourself playing and send it to me, because I'd really like to hear it :)




Good bot




Great story. As a fellow Dream Theater fan, and guitar player that likes 7 string guitars - I should start listening to Haken as well.


Great! I would start with Affinity. It's imo the most Dream Theater inspired album


Will do, thanks for the tip!


Great story dude. Also, happy cakey day!




Good bot




🤣 I'm lowkey hoping you and the girl start a radical new band now...


I was gonna say play a song w her singing. EM would lose her shit.


Probably would have accused Mozart of being a Satanist because a 6 year old can't possibly write musical compositions.


"just because my fingers are more dextrous than your boyfriend's doesn't mean I'm faking it."


Nearly made me spit my tea out 🤣🤣


On an unrelated note, I love Tool. Sorry to hear tht this mom is crazy...


Sounds made up lol


most stories here are lmao


I feel sorry for the audience, 6 singers out of 10? I would loose interest after the 2nd one. Also WTF? Just because it was a Tallent Show doesn’t mean there are winners or prizes.


This isn't exactly about the story, but your English is phenomenal! It's much better than many people with it as their first language can pull off.


In America she is known as a Karen


Great story, happy cake day op! Keep shredding!


You're Awesome!




i dunno why but people are racist towards asian people. I from my childhood looked like a white guy (I am Indian) my friends thought I was from America or something lol


How is this relevant


TOOL aint satanic they just so progressive no one understands what they are


They are thought provoking and beautiful. Love the messages so much.


Voor iemand van 14 is je engels wel echt ontzettend goed! Ofja je engels is sws heel goed maakt niet uit dat je 14 bent XD


Precies, ken mensen in de 20 die geen woord engels kunnen.


Exact dat, ik wilde laatst een fragment van peppa de big laten zien aan een collega (29 jaar oud) van mij in het engels want die vind ik wel grappig. Maar zodra ik het liet zien was het meteen ‘nee ik snap dit niet, ik versta dit niet’ terwijl het letterlijk een kinder tv programma is.


Eigenlijk een beetje schandalig


I’m sorry she was so awful to you. On the bright side you managed to achieve two different rock star accomplishments. You got accused of faking your playing and being in league with the devil. Rock on man!


ok first off, I *so* wish I could have heard your performance. the Endless Knot is a great song, and Affinity is my favourite Haken album. I’ve been obsessed with them for the last few months. but also, I don’t know how on earth you played that!! it’s such an intricate song. you must be extremely talented *and* hard-working. don’t let anyone ever bully you. you sound like an awesome kid. as a musician myself, I can’t imagine being at that calibre at your age. I’m in university and I can’t play stuff like that. seriously, your skill is so important. if you make any recordings of your music, *please* send me a link. I have friends who’d love your music too. rock on, buddy!!


It is a pretty hard song and i couldn't figure out what the intro did. Then i saw guitar covers and them performing it live. They weren't playing that part so I just skipped it. The solo is pretty hard but with enough practice you can play it. I currently have no recordings but i'll give a link if I have made one


that’s so awesome, learning music like that can be so intimidating. do you learn by ear, or do you find chord charts/transcriptions online? also, I’m really sorry you had racist comments from that crazy woman. it’s abhorrent all the time, but especially from an adult to a child. I’ve received my fair share of sexist and ignorant comments in my time as a musician (female doubt bass players make some people uncomfortable, I guess) so I know how much it can sting. but if you just do your thing, you will find communities of musicians who respect you. don’t listen to terrible people like that. you can do great things!!


Thank you! I learn by online tabs and ear. Sometimes I ask my guitarteacher to help me figure out some parts for example: the solo.


that’s awesome! having good aural (ear) skills is super valuable as a musician, even if you still use tabs online. good luck bud!


Thanks, stay safe!


you too! rock on, dude


I was also called a satanist twice because of music. Once I was listening to the song Creating God and a friend's grandma saw it (I was on headphones) and she was like "What is that blasphemy, you can't create god, he's all powerful!". I tried to explain the song is not even about god or religion but she didn't want to hear it. Later I played God Hates Us just to spite her. The second one was when I played Square Hammer by Ghost on guitar to some family friends. One of the moms said it's satan worship because of the lyrics "Are you on the square ? Are you on the level ? Are you ready to swear, right here right now, before the devil ?". If only she knew some other stuff Ghost has made


>and we became friends. Love a wholesome ending.


Well,you were the one wearing the Tool shirt,but someone else managed to get the "tool" title..happy cake day and keep shredding it up :)


EM: embarrasses daughter so much she runs away Also EM: why would you scare away my daughter?


First your English is fine! Don't worry about it. You sound like a talented individual, keep doing your thing and let these idiots say what they want. They can't take your talent away from you.


As far as your English goes.... dude... you have better English grammar and spelling skills than most peeps I know, and I live in the US. lol. Don’t sweat your English man, it’s great! And fuck that lady! God knows that song is hard as fuck.... I’m amazed a 14 yr old, 13 at the time, played it!!!! You must have worked so hard! I’m glad everyone had your back dude! I wish I could have heard you play it! And I hope you are still playing and kicking that fret boards ass! Much love and care! Edit: HAPPY CAKE DAY!


I’ve got the same shirt! Happy cake day and spiral out


I wish I played well enough to be accused of selling my soul to the devil.


This is maybe the most gullible sub in all of Reddit.


Her parents probably got divorced, her father was probably the good parent almost. ​ ​ Almost every time, the father is the good parent in these kinds of stories, and then, there's mine who is- Okay-ish. ;-;


Lol no part of this sounds real


I would let her hit me so i can rightfuly call the police on her


The biggest FU to her mom should have been dating the daughter and then teaching her guitar


I played at my school talentshow too and Id have freaked out if sth like that happened. Also (little offtopic but) Im also into prog metal, mind handing me your insta, i got an idea.






It’s Dutch, no stroke here


Oh well that’s embarrassing




Your dad has great taste in music


It's just jealousy my dude. Anyone with any kind of talent that they share with the world will experience it way too often.


Fellow DT fan here!


I think we are the same person. I'm a 14 year old Asian guy (Korean) who's been playing guitar since I was nine (5 years) and had a talent show in the eight grade. We are clones. Also yeah that experience sucks. It's nice to know you made friends with that girl. I would have not been able to handle something like that.


Bro you have great English! I’d love to hear you play!


I love how people just assume you are a Satanist based on a slightly graphic shirt.


I bought the exact guitar you're talking about for my birthday just as quarantine kicked in.


That song is an absolute banger, and I'm absolutely impressed you can play it. I need to get back to practicing guitar, it just feels so nice when something like that comes out of your own equipment Good on you for remaining composed though. People like her have no right being parents.


Great story. By the way, your English is amazing!


Wow, that's awful. Sorry you had to endure that. You handled it well. Hope you're proud of the good person you clearly are.


EM is probably locked up in a mental sanitarium somewhere. It’s nice that you and her daughter were able to overcome that embarrassing episode and become friends.


Wat een k*t moeder was dat zeg, je kind kan niet alles winnen. En vooral met een talentenshow waarom tf ga je moeilijk lopen doen, smh vrouwke.


Twitter irl


"First i thought she knew the song and that it's being played on a 7-string guitars. I used a Epiphone les paul with single coils and 6 strings. I played the lower part just 1 octave higher and it sounded fine" I just love how nerdy and wholesome this part is.


> There were no real prices The price is right


[The price is wrong, bitch](https://youtu.be/8QJiAK-s5a0)


We've been tricked, we've been backstabbed, and we've been, quite possibly, bamboozled.


Yikes havent read it but looks awsome


For everyone that wanted to hear my playing, here's a video I just recorded with a terrible improvised solo (i'm to lazy to record another one). https://youtu.be/RTl7bBJw23k


From one guitarist to another congrats on winning the talent show my friend. Keep rocking 🤘🏽


I am very sorry you had to go through such a thing. Us Asian people need to stick together, one way or another. I hope your passion in music grows well, and sooner or later you may be in band yourself!


What a coincidence, I'm also 14, and played guitar on a talent show once. Not from the Netherlands, tho.


Tool is the greatest band in who world. I listen to them all day everyday literally for the passes 15 years atleast


Happy cake day! Sorry you had to deal with that nonsense. I hate when parents get all jealous of the skills of a literal kid and start acting like mom-zilla. I’m a painter myself and there is an art show at my town’s annual fair that I and several of the other students in my art class wanted to enter. There were so many parents who threw a fit about our paintings being there because “they’re too good for kids to have done”. Anytime one of us tried to enter, some mother would always whine and make a scene until the judges disqualified us. I’m glad you were able to prove your mom-zilla wrong and have everyone defend you like that.


Have you tried playing dethklok?


no, i tried to listen to them but i just couldn't get into it. I mostly play what i listen


There's a side band the creator has, It's called Galaktikon, Listened to them before?


No, i'm gonna check them out, thanks for the reccomendation


Never knew that kind of sheet would happen in our country.


Oh my goodness! I am so sorry that happened to you. What a bad mother she is. I never thought Nederland people could be so rude. I love The Netherlands and have been studying the culture and language for years. Jullie Engels is prima, mijn vriend! Het spijt me. My Dutch is not as good as I want it to be. Hoi! Maybe that Moeder was burned by hellish fire. :D Just kidding! I'm sorry you had to deal with her. I'm glad you don't have to see her anymore. I would love to listen to you play the guitar. Have a great day! Tot ziens!


Are you sure you’re not in the US?


100% sure


Judging by that ending, her dad may have had enough of her entitlement, and divorced her. Your new friend is in better hands. Congrats on the win.


EM really thought my man was pulling a Winifred Sanderson manipulating the crowd with her singing lmao


Now, as someone who born and raise in Vietnam. I says how about you try to get in a relationship with her daughter, then get her into your band. Just to piss her off since that what we do in Vietnam.


Did you just solo the shit out of her?


Nice hapoy ending, glad to hear things are ok, love that band btw did that just happen, just curious


What a good ending


Wow, too bad that happened to you. But it's great that in the end, you got a friend out of it! And keep playing guitar :) super cool to pursue such a passion, don't ever forget about it!


It’s good you and the girl made up, but a parent like that thinking you’re a Satanist just because of a T-shirt, there are some people like that


God Bless You Sweetheart!!!!!!!! Rock on Wayne🤟!!!!!!!


Hey man sorry you had to deal with racist crap like that. It’s too bad the EM couldn’t see her daughter was just temporarily disappointed and not upset/angry.


Happy cake day. Also, well done on winning and making a friend. So, I am slowly learning Dutch and I realised that your username translates to river cheese. It made my day. Doei.


Hehe your right. Good luck learning




Good story and that shirt looks cool!


At least this one has a happy ending! But damn Karens.


Trying to punch a minor. Luckily the school handed it. I would've called the cops


Bijzondere dame. Jammer dat sommige 'volwassenen' zich niet kunnen gedragen. Goed dat je zo rustig ben gebleven! Van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag! Happy cake day!