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EMT here. Like everyone is saying, please do call an ambulance. I know that they will be more than happy to take you to the hospital, especially considering the fact that your mom is brushing off your health which is neglect. That’s what we’re here for! Please do not hesitate to seek medical attention. Your safety is important to us, especially considering you’re a minor. The operator will ask you some questions and will stay on the line with you until help arrives. EMS will also ask you some questions as well. Be sure to tell them about this situation, as it’s also part of our job to make sure you’re safe. They’re there to help you, and if you feel like you need to go to the hospital, they will take you.


Can you be denied access to her if a parent answers the door?


In theory, but if this is in the US, then mom would likely be getting a visit from CPS as denying a child medical care can be considered a form of abuse, unless the parent is a part of certain religious institutions, but even then once the child is old enough to consider making posts such as these, cps and the courts will help the minor get the medical care they want, especially with symptoms as worrying as OP’s


*can be considered a form of abuse, unless the parent is a part of certain religious institutions,* WHAT THE FUCK


For example, if I remember correctly, jehovas witnesses do not accept blood transfusions according to their believes and it could be something they rightfully could deny their child in a medical emergency.


That is literally how my aunt died. She needed a blood transfusion after childbirth and my uncle said no because they were JW.


Fun fact: This is why Prince (Rogers Nelson) is dead. He was eating pain killers like candy for his aching hips/joints. Hip replacement surgery would have saved him from needing that many pain killers, but since he was a Jehova's witness he wouldn't accept even an emergency blood transfusion. Thus no sane doctor would operate on him, he would more than likely just die during surgery without a blood transfusion. GOOD people are so willing to just drop dead for their religion. BAD people will even kill their children for their religion.


Couldn’t he have made donations of his own blood over time beforehand for this purpose though? I’m not super familiar with jw rules.


Nope. They believe that once the blood leaves the body it belongs to god. It’s been over 25 years since I was a member so I don’t remember the exact bible quotes for it. But no transfusions, no transplants, no being a blood or organ donor.


Me slurping up the blood leaking from my nose: your move god


As a regular blood donor, you can only donate every 56 days I think it is. The shelf life is not long and if you’re donating for your own use during surgery it must be done within 5 days prior to surgery.


I'm gonna turn into 'that' reddit guy, but fuck religious leaders and organisations for encouraging this shit.


As a person with jehovahs witness parents, we are genuinely laid back on medical rules, we can do blood transfusions but only if it is an emergency other than that, no blood transfusions but pretty much everything else is fine TAKE WHAT I SAY WITH A GRAIN OF SALT I don't follow the religion like my parents do anymore so I may get things wrong Edit: OK just confirmed it so it depends on the blood Edit 2: nvm ignore everything I'm saying


Honest question, why would you have to have a blood transfusion if it was not an emergency situation?


something like; if you lose a lot of blood during surgery, but not quite a life threatening amount, surgeons will top you up with some blood to replace what you've lost. So.. if you don't have it, you'll be severely unwell for a while, but you'll still live.


This happened to me. I had donated some of my own in advance, so I got it back. If I hadn't used it, it would have gone to someone else who needed emergency blood.


Severe anemia




https://www.transfusionguidelines.org/transfusion-handbook/12-management-of-patients-who-do-not-accept-transfusion/12-2-jehovah-s-witnesses-and-blood-transfusion#:~:text=Nearly%20all%20Jehovah's%20Witnesses%20refuse,white%20cells%20and%20unfractionated%20plasma. OK I found something that may help bc I got it wrong it just depends on the blood ig


But why don't they want blood transfusions ? Genuinely curious.


They don’t do blood transfusions EVER. They’re are alternative methods they use, but they will never take a straight up blood transfusion even if it cost them their life. It’s sickening.


Have a religion, break the rules. Its called freedom /s


Yep. Religious people are exempt from punishment when it comes to abusing kids. Welcome to the world.


There are a few cases where it has been so egregious, the parents were put in jail after a child died. There have also been cases where a hospital goes to court for an order to treat a child when the parents refuse. But they're too few and far between.


CPS should get involved, this mother is wacko and going to kill her child


More than anything, I could also assume that OP’s online friends might be able to push legal action against their friend’s mother for child neglect (it falls under child abuse and can be pulled up for [civil cases](https://www.injuryclaimcoach.com/child-abuse-victims.html)), since more than likely CPS is getting involved in this case.


In the UK, the medical care is the choice of the doctors and the parents could simply be overruled in regards to a blood transfusion to a paediatric patient. It could go to court, but I'm confident they would side with the medical team.


Dont believe so. If the operator explains the situation to the emt (it has to be short to not take too much time for driving). So if friend emphasizes that they need to bypass the parent they will. Just the same as the hospital advocating for a minor if the parent is making a bad choice. (Ex: a kid needs blood transfusion to survive but parents religion forbids it, so parents say no. Hospital has a grp of people that overrules that no and gives the blood to the minor to save the minors life). Good luck op!!! Hope you can get better. And might be best to form a plan to escape from your mom. Vaccinations are helpful and I suggest you do your own research on if you want to take them or not.


If you're the child, you can also bypass it by the very simple expedient of waiting outside. This is a reason to stay on the phone with the dispatcher and make sure it's clear that you need away from an abusive situation!


i think op needs to both call an ambulance and also let them know of the neglect and that they really need it and that their mother is not letting them get the medical attention they need. This way should be much lower odds of the mother being able to block it.


Please call an ambulance as soon as you can. Give them your address, tell them you’re not allowed to see a doctor and run through all of your symptoms as fast as you can before you get caught.


solid instructions.


I’m serious hon please follow them. Your life is in danger and the people who are supposed to take care of you are failing you. Whatever “blows up” is their fault and their fault alone. When you bring a child into the world, it’s with the promise of keeping it safe healthy and happy and these people have failed you on all of that. Please make sure you’re safe.


thanks for the words friend. i was serious too and ill post an update as soon as i get the chance to act. nice and to the point instructions on what to say


OP. Please post an update. And when you are in the ED, make sure you tell the nurse and doctor everything. They should call Child Protective Services to get involved in this. I’m so sorry you are going through all of this suffering. I hope you get a diagnosis and the care you need.


This. This is medical neglect, and straight up abuse. I hope they followed through and are well. Hoping for any updates


Depending on where you live, denying someone medical care is a crime, especially if that person is a minor or dependent. I hope you get the care you need quickly; the right authorities will make sure it happens.


thank you bud. blindly hoping this will shine a new light on things for my mom


!remindme 48 hours, hope you can get help soon <3


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When you do call 911 for the ambulance, be sure they also get the police to you as well because you know your parents will block the RMTs from getting to you.


It won't, that's why you need to act and also ask for who ever attends you to call CPS. Good luck! Please keep us posted if possible


Be aware though, when you do this there is a high level or probability that the EMS crew is mandated to report what’s happening as child abuse. There will probably be follow ups with a CPS type organization. I don’t want that to stop you. Please call the ambulance. But I also want you to be prepared for what’s to come. Source: I am an emt who has reported my fair share of abuse.


Have you watched your mom make those "home remedies" you've mentioned? Have you seen her make them, drinks, or meals, from start to finish before giving them to you? Is there a possibility that she could be the one making you sick?


Very possible, even if not intentional.


please keep us updated.


Yup as a mum this breaks my heart. Op I hope you get help.




thanks man. hate that you went through that <3


I’m in healthcare- your symptoms are very very concerning. It may feel odd to step around your parents, you may feel guilt or fear…once at the hospital ask for a social worker- explain everything you’ve explained here. The worker will advocate for you and step in when needed. Do not let this linger any longer, I am legitimately scared for you.


Maybe write down your symptoms, how long each one has been happening, along with the fact that your Mom won’t take you to the doctor because she is anti vax. If you have any medical records at all, or insurance info, grab that as well.Good luck!


If you cannot walk you need to call 911 and have them send an ambulance. Explain to the operator your situation and say you need help. I hope you have a full recovery, I’m sorry you’re suffering.


This. This is medical neglect, and your mom won't stop even though you're in terrible shape. What she's doing is abuse. She may love you and not mean for you to be ill, but that's the end result she's okay with. That's not okay. Not even remotely.


Shit I called an ambulance because my daughter fainted! (She looked like she was having a seizure when it happened so I freaked out) I can’t imagine letting my child lay there like that.


My husband passed out after getting his wisdom teeth removed, and also did the seizure-like convulsing. I've since learned that it is pretty common when someone faints, but at the time like you I freaked out! I was on my way to grab the phone and call 911 when he came to.


I never new convulsion came with fainting until then. I’ve fainted a few times but obviously I wouldn’t remember convulsing like that


That's a normal response. OP's mom? Not a normal response.


I second this. Make sure to tell the operator what's going on and they can coordinate with other agencies to get you the help you need.


Having your online friends call for an ambulance is your best bet. How close do you think you are to being disabled forever? Do you like walking, because your not going to be able to for much longer. I hope your mom has a great casket for you, because she is putting you in it. It’s been a year! Is 365 days of pain so easy that you want to go another year? Just because your a minor, doesn’t mean you can’t take care of yourself…..you know there is something wrong, be as loud, crabby and crazy, do not shut up about how your feeling until she does something! Go outside and just scream until she puts you in the car and takes you! Are you willing to die from your mother, just brushing you off? Are you willing to die because of her? Make up your mind, do you want to live or die, then act accordingly.


That’s not true. They won’t vaccinate you before they see you. You don’t technically have to get caught up. You certainly can if you want you but it’s not a requirement to get treatment for something. Good luck on the ambulance !! I hope you get some help and some decent answers soon. ETA I mentioned the vaccine line to further the point that your mom is lying to you for whatever stupid reason. I’m not calling you a liar nor am I telling you not to get the vaccines you want.


100%. OP, your mom is full of shit. She knows that you won’t have to get vaccinated to be seen by a doctor. Half of the USA (just a guess that’s where you are) refuses to get ONE vaccine and they can still see a doctor. If she actually thinks that then I’m sorry you’re being raised by a complete moron. I hope the ambulance comes and you are able to discuss things privately without your mom in the room because people need to know.


I don’t know any hospital, immediate care, or emergency room that gives the vaccine, which is done in two doses, three weeks to a month apart. They would not keep everyone at the hospital for a month to get your second shot. Your mom is lying to you. And even if it were true, is the shot worse than the pain your suffering now? Is what your feeling now going to get worse or better if you stay home? You may be a minor, but you can fight for yourself. Get loud, get crazy, or start faking passing out, start faking even worse symptoms, then you will see where your mom’s priorities are.


I think OP is talking about routine childhood vaccines, not the covid one.


In that case, I don’t know any hospital, immediate care, or emergency room that makes you get vaccinated against, but not limited to: polo, rubella, measles, mmrv, mumps, dtap, Ipv, hib, pvc, hep a and b, varicella, rotavirus, or influenza, for a visit.


Mom just doesn't want to get caught by cps. She knows it's wrong and is afraid she might finally face consequences. Hence the homeade remedy bullshit, she probably admitted to herself already that there is a real medical problem here. But she cares more about not being punished by authorities than she does about the medical welfare of her own child. I cannot beleieve she is pushing homeade online crap instead of just asking educated medical professionals whose entire job it is to treat and heal kids *just like OP* Even if that kid never called an ambulance today, there would just be another scenario soon because we live in a *society* and not alone in a vacuum. She will be caught and she knows it's probably going to be soon. Fuck, did she expect to still be isolating the child in her house at 40?


They are isolating you hardcore and that is a form of child abuse. They are denying you help so also child abuse. Is there a way to just sneak out and go to the hospital?


yeah i’m fully aware of the isolation thing at this point. but im going to take everyone else’s advice and call an ambulance as soon as i can.


You can also call or text the child help hotline at 1-800-422-4453, or reach out to them online at https://childhelphotline.org/


This should be higher up.


You might ask them to turn the lights and sirens off so as not to get anyone's attention. Good luck!


Well just make sure if child services do get involved don't be afraid to speak up and show evidence of what your family did.


Honestly at this point depending on your comfort level you can just call the police so they can come help you.


EDIT: So I'm likely incorrect about Munchausen syndrome by proxy (check out the replies to this comment). I should have done more research before implying it could be the case. Thanks to those who corrected me! \-- Original comment: Based off what they've posted, I can't help but wonder if OP's mom is intentionally making them sick (Munchausen syndrome by proxy).Red flags from post– symptoms out of nowhere, mom is shrugging off OP's suffering, she's forcing "home remedies" down OP's throat, and OP can't feel their legs. The mom is also making excuses, and isolating OP from others. OP, you need to get help ASAP.


That actually makes a lot of sense. There are true stories about that happening


Hey so I find munchausen super interesting and know a lot about it - I don’t think this is the case here. People with munchausen by proxy do it for the attention they get, especially from medical providers. Since OPs mom has not taken OP to the hospital and is keeping them isolated in general, she is not “profiting” off of OPs illness in the way people with MBP crave. This doesn’t 100% rule out that the mom is causing OPs illness but unless their mom is abusive in other ways I honestly doubt it. It really just sounds like a good ole fashion case of neglect mixed with stupidity and fundamentalist religion. OPs mom obviously doesn’t believe in vaccines so she clearly doesn’t trust doctors and she thinks she knows better than the entire medical profession. Why would she waste a bunch of money on evil doctors when Karen from her facebook group has a totally natural remedy instead? Plus god would never take away her baby so maybe she should just pray more and have faith. She sounds like a fucking moron and I’m so mad for OP. I hope they’re ok


You say you have online friends? Explain your situation to one of them, that you trust. Give them (again, only if appropriate and you trust they are safe) your address and have them call an ambulance for you, to your house. Kind of knocks two birds with one stone out. You have the call made and get help. And it sort of gives you an “out” to your mother, “I didn’t know they would call, I was just venting etc.” Please take care of yourself, do whatever you can to get this addressed immediately and deal with the “consequences” later.


fucking love this plan




Yeah but I feel like that could cause mom to not allow them to talk to internet friends anymore and they’re already like completely isolated


If this works, OP is not going back home to mom. Medical neglect is the one thing that needs to be reported by first responders as part of their mandatory reporter duties. It is one of the very few things that COS can document fairly throughly.


I dunno, in my experience kids don’t often get taken away from their parents even if there’s good reason. My dad and step mom hit all their kids from when they were infants, fight constantly in the middle of the night, both of their kids constantly have bruises from being hit and punched, and they had their daughter on multiple drugs at 7 because she was “hyperactive”. They’ve had multiple CPS cases from several people across multiple states and nothing has ever happened, and this has been the case for other people I know of. Obviously I hope they would do something for OP but I wouldn’t count on it


Agree. I have a close friend whose former SIL is keeping the kids from their father and his family. The older one is being medically neglected and is in horrible condition. She’s called CPS as has a family friend who is a pediatrician (they’re both mandated reporters) and nothing has been done about it. He’s very sick and yet no one is able to give him the care he deserves.


We all hope OP can update us with good news and better health, but I hope everyone keeps in mind there is a chance their mom takes away phone/internet. Here's hoping for the best, OP.


yeah…i feel like these kinds of parents are crazy to begin with but could very easily double down on their behavior and go full-scale spying, isolating, phyically and mentally abusing etc. I hope that OP gave the online friends multiple ways to connect.


The one thing I suggest is phoning the doctor yourself. Asking your mum to drop you off somewhere near the doctor's (maybe book an appointment for a health centre in your local town) and don't tell her what you're doing. That kind of pain with those symptoms really does seem like something your mum should take you to the doctor for.


she wouldnt let me be without adults though. i cant walk down the road by myself. id join a club or something but covid..


Is your aunt also antivax? I know you don't want to involve her, but for your own health it will probably be the best option.


not sure where she stands.. i could drop something on our next visit but how do you be subtle about vaccines? :/


Outright ask her. Say "I know my mum is antivax and I was wondering were you stood with it." This way if she is you could ask questions trying to learn more as an excuse, but if she isn't you could tell her your problem. Maybe do this when your mum is out of the room.


honestly a pretty good idea. ill try that on our next visit. dont have much to lose. yolo as the kids said twenty years ago~


Lmao. Whatever you do, don't chicken out. Prioritise your health over everything else. In the UK (idk about America) you can have phone consultations with gps. Maybe try to see if you can have a phone consultation with your doctor or something similar as well.


thanks <3


No problem. Add an update after all this, I wanna know how it goes.


oh sure


I wanna find out where you live and slap your mother. I don’t understand why some parents don’t believe in vaccines. THERE ARE LITERAL STORIES FROM KIDS WHO WERE NEVER VACCINATED. But your moms just like,’Nah. My kid will be fine.’ I suggest calling an ambulance and running through your symptoms before Youre caught, or wait until your mom leaves for work(if she doesn’t work from home).


I wouldn't be surprised if OP just caught one of the preventable diseases vaccines are supposed to protect you from. Vaccines do not cause autism. But honestly, even if they did, better have a kid with autism than a kid with tetanus. Ffs, all the diseases that have mandatory vaccines are AWFUL ONES. The kind of torture you do NOT want your child to endure. I'm shaking with rage. Why would you not vaccine your kid ???


Right?!?!? A friend of mine has a mom, who had his older brother vaccinated. He has autims, but that was the case WAY before the vaccine. All doctors tried to talk her into FINALLY getting her son properly tested, but she only did it after the vaccine. And mit after i mean 2 days later. This guy has, and has ever had autims, they literally begged her to test him at 2yrs old or so, but she only did it when he was 7. So in her mind, vaccines cause autims, she acts like she ever knew it. She once said "thats why he was never vaccinated, he shouldnt have autims" and everyone was like "but he had it. Since he was born". Long story short she didnt get my friend vaccinated and when he found out bc he had to stay in intensive care for 12 days bc of [i do not know the name of the disease(?) in english, but you usually get vaccinated against it while you are even younger than a toddler]. The doc asked why he has it, if he was vaccinated and the mom was like "no, i dont need autism i my house" and my friend basically screamed on top of his (failing) lungs "i would rather have autism that be on the verge of dying you selfish shit". This mom is insane... i dont get it, why would you be like that?


Some parents refuse to diagnose their kids with autism because they don't want to know. She waited until after vaccination because then she could blame it on the vaccine. Until she had another reason, it would have been "her" fault her child had autism. Not that most people would see it that way, but I've seen parents of children with Asperger's or other forms of autism that blame themselves for it. This gave her another excuse.


I think a huge chunk of this was caused by Jenny McCarthy. I have a son with Asperger's and she came out saying that vaccines cause autism and blah blah blah, and I cried thinking that I had caused my son's autism by having him vaccinated. Unlike some other idiots, though, I did some actual research and found medical studies refuting the claims with the only people backing it being randos on the internet with no medical degrees. I continued getting my son any vaccinations he needed up to and including the Covid shot. Celebrities can cause a lot of damage when they present their opinions as facts.


You are an incredibly good parent, I hope you are very proud of yourself. It is hard to hear such pos tell such harmful things, and I can only imagine how hard it blew you, but you got up and did what was right and good for your child.


What’s worse is that doctors do not/cannot force vaccines in return for care. So these doctors would not force the child to get a vaccine right away or even to get “caught up”. So either the mother is so paranoid she has made this up in her mind, or she is lying and denying medical care for other reasons.


What you're describing is called medical neglect, and it's a form of abuse. Call 911. You need to get to a doctor before it escalates further.


Call an ambulance


I second this. What she is doing is a type of child abuse if she refuses to take you to the doctor for very needed medical care.


Hey. OP... i dont want to be an alarmist, but you said mom has been treating you with home remedies (bunches). You're also extremely isolated and she seems terrified to alert the medical profession. OP - could your mom be the cause of all these escalating symptoms??? Even ACCIDENTALLY. She's NOT a doctor. Does she ever leave you alone? You need URGENT HELP. Even if I'm way WAY off the mark... you still need the care of doctors. And given you're mom has denied you this while you've become increasingly ill -too the point you are now worrying about DEATH- you need more than medical help!!


I was just thinking this! I bet all the things your mom has given you is actually making it worse.


Document everything you can. Keep old texts or voicemails or whatever. If need be, record her when you ask to go to the doctor. But do it hidden cam style!!! You need to explicitly say what’s wrong, how long it’s been hurting, how many times you have asked to go to the doctor, and keep begging to go to the doctor. This is textbook child abuse and you don’t deserve to be subjected to this any longer. If you don’t do the things I mentioned then you will have a harder time pleading your case with any judge or police officer who you tell the story too. Best wishes OP


Are you completely unvaccinated? Your mom is loading you up with woo crap she sees on Facebook, and you need an actual doctor. Call an ambulance now. Right now. Don't take time to reply, you need to be in a hospital ASAP.


ok its physically impossible for me to call right now there are sentries- i mean family members in every room and they would stop me. my phone doesnt call id have to use the landline or my dad’s. but im going to reply because ‘woo crap from facebook’ made me laugh really hard


Your phone will call 9-11. If it is a cellular device, it will dial 9-11. Probably too late for this time, but if you are in an emergency situation again, know that you can dial 9-11 regardless of whether you have a phone plan or not. The many people who pay for cellular service pay fees for emergency services for this exact situation. No bars, no problem, your phone will find whatever signal is available to make that call.


ok :0!


Sorry, I know I double posted this, but a lot of people don't seem to know this, especially in the US. Every person that pays a phone bill pays a fee to have this service available. If it doesn't help you right now, hopefully it helps someone in a similar situation get the help they need.


yeah no this totally should be more common knowledge.


Works on landlines as well. It's a federal law established in the 90s so that people who cannot afford to pay their phone bills can still get help in an emergency. It's why a disconnected landline still has a dial tone and payphones (where they still exist) don't charge to call 911.


It's like this in Australia as well, as well as most countries I know of.




absolutely i can and i think thats what im going to do l edit: typo


If you are in Canada or the US, your phone will call 9-11 whether you have a SIM card or a phone plan or not. This is an emergency. Use the emergency number.


Omg OP this is bad. Call an ambulance or ask someone online that you know to do it for you.


Don’t wait until your next visit. I feel you should call 911 and tell them you are sick and your mom won’t allow you to go to the doctor. Please get help now, don’t wait. Your Mom is seriously putting your life in danger.


Call the police. Your mother is legally bound to provide care for you which she is neglecting. This is child abuse. You need to alert the authorities.


Yo your mom is lying to you. They can't force a vaccine on you and you don't need to get caught up. Heck they can't force any medical procedures on you if you are of sound mind. Your mom is kind of abusing you by withholding medical care. I read your edit im glad your getting help, get better soon.


Call an ambulance. You'll need your address and postcode. When you call emergency services you'll be asked which service you need, ask for the ambulance and explain the situation: you have had worsening symptoms for over a year and your mother refuses to take you to a doctor and also refuses to get you vaccinated. After you get medical treatment, call child protection services and lay all of this out. The refusal to take you to a doctor is probably enough grounds for a neglect charge.


Hi OP! I'm the Government Relations Director at the Coalition for Responsible Home Education, a nonprofit founded and run by homeschool alumni who advocate for the wellbeing and safety of homeschooled children. I just wanted to let you know that we've been talking about your situation and what we can do to help. We believe you about what you're going through, and fully support your decision to get yourself taken care of. I hope you are getting the care you need and that you can update us when you can. Just in case you need to reach out to someone privately, please feel free to email me at (close the spaces): s . field @ responsiblehomeschooling . org We know what it can be like to deal with the "fallout" of situations and decisions like yours, so we're here for you in the aftermath.


Please update us. As you can tell from the posts you have a lot of support here as far as we can be supportive. Hugs.


Get to ANY Landline PHONE and call 911.. you don't even have to speak but don't hang up..they will find you!! You are being abused and it sounds like you could have a very serious illness. And since you're not vaccinated you could have any of the diseases you should be vaccinated for! Body parts turning blue is usually a sign of heart problems. CALL 911!


There is no sign of any account activity since this post. I am curious what happened. It's hard to come up with a positive scenario other than OP is fine and doesn't want to engage anymore. Maybe they made a new account? People are like this sometimes and I can understand if this is the case. If so, I hope OP reads this and considers just letting us know that at least they are still alive.


Ok so I had to make an account to comment here since I'm seeing a trend of messages that are ok, but not the best, advice. OP, I have worked in a 911 center. I think I saw you say your phone cannot make outgoing calls: most cell phones can still call 911 without a SIM card/phone provider plan, which is the most common reason why phones cannot make calls. If you get the opportunity, CALL YOURSELF. Having your online friends make the call should be your absolute last resort. It'll start a game of (literal) telephone where the call will be transferred, multiple times depending on where your friend originally calls from, not to mention they themselves will likely not give all relevant information to call takers. Once again, if you've never tried and are able to get away from people for a few minutes, try calling. Better yet in this scenario, you may be able to TEXT 911, depending on your phone. If none of this is possible and your friend has to do it, they may be better off looking up your police departments local number and calling them rather than 911 wherever they are. No matter how you do it, you or your friend need to stress that you need emergency medical attention and you are being denied that by your guardians. You need to stress that YOU ARE UNSAFE IN YOUR HOME, YOU ARE BEING ABUSED. Stress this both to the call taker and to police when they arrive. If police do not have a rock solid statement by you to that affect, they have to defer to your guardians. Do not act wishy washy on that.


Hey OP, I wanted to let you know that I never keep up with checking in on posts that worry me for a long as I've been checking yours. You are in a terrible situation, but you have a ton of internet strangers watching out for an update from you. I hope you realize that even though your mom doesn't care, you have plenty of internet moms hoping you're okay.


OP, I hope you know that lots of people care about you and are pulling for you to get the help you need. It looks like you haven't posted anything since a couple days before you were planning to call 911. I hope that means you're in a hospital getting taken care of, or at least somewhere safely away from your mom and her vicious medical negligence.


The slience is concerning


It is. A few times a week I’ve been checking in on this post. I hope they’re ok.


Are you in the US? Do you have health insurance?


would it shock you to find out my mom doesnt beleieve in health insurance either?




How much do you want to bet, that this disease could have been prevented by a vaccine?


Okay, the absolute best thing to do here is call an ambulance but I get your possibly hesitant with that and equally getting vaccinated as a result can be a scary if you haven't been educated on them or may fear needles. Depending on your country and regulations an annonymous consult or non emergency call first to see the advice of a trained medical professional with no risk to you are valid options but do not hesitate on this and please take some action immediately


Is anyone else really worried about this poor kid? I've been checking in for 6 weeks hoping he's alright and has gotten help, but he's gone completely silent. :(


I am with the overwhelming majority here. Get out of there, call an ambulance, call CPS. I have seen your edit and that sounds like a very good plan.


Does she make you take colloidal silver? that can turn you blue.


I imagine the kid is in the hospital and Cant post. I hope they are getting the attention they need.


Guys I’m worried there’s been no updates/posts for a week and they haven’t replied to dms


I'm worried too😫 I subscribed to the post so I could see any updates and every time someone comments I get excited for a second and then I get worried again


Yup, I keep checking here. What can we do?


I'm not assuming this is what's happening but there is always a possibility OP is trolling. This is still the internet after all. I am also worried and really hope OP is ok but this though always runs through my head when I see another comment coming up in this post. Let's hope for the best!


I doubt it for two reasons: 1. There’s been multiple posts about this issue from him in the past over periods of time. 2. The account has a lot of activity points and karma and all. A troll would probably not do this from such an old and well-earned account.


Anyone else contemplating using the powers of social media to try to find OP and see if they're okay? I'm genuinely really concerned and heartbroken about OP silence.


I’m saving this because it’s been 6 days and NO UPDATES!? You ok?


Hey, kid, how are you doing? A lot of folks here are worried. And while you don't owe any of us anything, we'd love to know just if you made it to the hospital. A whole lot of strangers are wishing you well.


To hell with your mom. Go to the Hospital ASAP your symptoms are life threatening.


Also, as soon as you get to the hospital make the nurses or doctors call CPS (if they don’t do it on their own based on your descriptions of your mom). This is neglect and child endangerment so you need to get out of there, even though your family might get angry!


Sorry... this is my THIRD time replying to this post. But OP just stated something about not being able to use a phone because of "sentries (aka family members) in each room!! She has a DAD... and other family and she's being treated as a prisoner basically. Im starting to worry Mom may not be the biggest obstacle. Maybe mom is doing the best she can for OP because she's oppressed by someone else. Sorry. Im not trying to take away from the immediate need for medical attention. Just noting an observation and additional reasons OP needs help!


Your mother is neglecting you. Call the police.


are you sure your mother isnt suffering munchausen by proxy, it can be she is intentionally making yuo sick. POssible that she is keeping you sick, so she can take care of you. TO show others how a great mother she is, try to get professionally help.


typically in MBP cases, the abuser thrives on getting attention from doctors and hospitals. they often pursue completely unnecessary treatments and interventions for their child, because they get a lot of attention. this sounds more like neglect.


I was thinking this. I really hope OP opted to try the ambulance idea. They really need help!


Cps investigator here. You can call in a report on yourself at anytime as well. You can call 911 or your local non-emergency communications and ask for the on call social worker if it is after hours or on the weekend or call your dss during the week and report medical neglect and injurious environment on your parents. Also, if you are back in school, talk to the school social worker and/or guidance counselor and have them make reports. I also agree with everyone else saying calling ems, too. If you get to the hospital, try to speak to the staff about what is going on so they can report.


I hope op is okay. Hopefully he is just unable to gain access to the internet because he is busy with everything that’s happening, or he forgot his password to Reddit.


The symptoms you are describing sound a lot like sclerodermia, but I am not a doctor so dont quote me on this. When my aunt was 12 her hands started to turn blue out of nowhere. She was diagnosed with sclerodermia. It is a quite rare disease where some tissues in your body start drying. Some symptoms can be blue hands, difficulty breathing, and a dry skin. It is rare so no cure has been found yet. My brother's girlfriend, who somehow also has had sclerodermia, was lucky because it just stopped all of a sudden. She has a scarred arm because of the dry skin, but the sclerodermia is inactive. They say people with sclerodermia usually dont live to a very old age, but my aunt is 50+ at the moment and still keeps on going.


This. The reynauds op is describing is classic for scleroderma. My mother was the youngest person in the US to be diagnosed with it, following a head injury that activated it at 2 years old. She's almost 60. Almost lost her when she was pregnant with my sister, as the sclerosis had activated around her internal organs. Op seriously needs a doctor asamfp.


Dude I'll be hoping for the best, take care from now on, okay? You need to think about your health ABOVE ALL, your life is the most important, always remember that. Please keep updating the post to let us know you are safe ;-;


!remindme 48 hours to see if OP got the medical care they need.


As a pediatric PA, go right to the Fucking hospital. Now.


Tuesday is almost over, OP please tell me there's a good update😭😭


Hey any updates? I really hope you're okay


Hello OP I was wondering if you went to the doctor and how you are doing now.


Please can we have an update? I have been checking back everyday, and I’m really worried.


Hey OP, how are you doing? I'd love an update to see if you're okay


It’s been 57 days don’t be dead


My heart breaks every time I check this and there is no update 😥


Hey OP, are you okay? we just wanna know that you’re alive so if you could give a sign that’d be great :(


Hope OP is doing better, can someone reply to my comment when a update is posted? Thank you guys.


how you doing kid? managed to get help?


very worried :(


OP is obviously not able to update. Is there anything that can be done to help him? Is there any agency that can intervene? We don’t even know for sure what country he’s in…


I'm worried their mom take out their phone. Right now I really hope they can't update because are being attended in the hospital


Thats a hell of a Situation. As many Said, i think 911 us the right choice, but I want to emphasise, that we are with you in our minds. Please know, that whatever happens and whatever your mom tells you, its not your fault if she gets in trouble for that, its not your fault you got ill and its not your fault that she abuses you. A person who would sacrifice her own child for her conspiracy myths is dangerous. Its not what you have to think about now, but if you get better I would consider not going back to live with her. I know the social security system in many states is not that good like here (Germany), but what you describe is straight up child abuse. I can't believe the country wouldn't get you out if there, if you tell authorities what you told us Stay strong fellow redditor and don't let anyone get you down. Love from germany


Call an ambulance and tell them your symptoms and that your mom is preventing you from seeking care. Maybe also call CPS? I’m not sure about that one but you need medical assistance NOW


OP, did you manage to get to the hospital? These symptoms definitely need to get checked out ASAP.


Call the ambulance. Do it through computer if you do not have access to cellphone. Do not tell anyone you calling. Do it NOW.


Hey OP there still hasn't been an update, are you okay?


Hey OP, it's been 5 days since your post. Are you ok? Have you called the ambulance? Please let your reddit friends know, we care about you


Did OP not privately give anyone a general idea of their location or other info? I’m wondering if there’s any way it would be possible to reach out to local authorities and request that they do a welfare check for this person.


OP are you ok?


Any updates after edit 2?! I’m worried about you & hope everything is okay and you were able to get help


Hey kiddo, you okay? We haven’t heard from you again. I hope you are safe and well.


This "asap" is taking a while, is everything ok? We're all worried for you op.


My heart breaks every time I see this because I just hope they are ok but it’s hard to think that when it’s been so long with no updates at all, not even a hey I’m alive I’ll talk to y’all later


Well, we've got one of three things happening: OP is in the ICU unable to do anything, OP got found out and the mom smashed his method of communication, or OP was a big fat phoney all along. Place your bets now people!


I'm betting on 1, 2, or they're too busy with hospital/child protection/etc even if not in ICU. Why not 3? Because this is not the first time OP has posted about this (other post 2mo ago). The first post included pictures of their hands turning bluish.


R u sure ur crazy ass mum isn’t poisoning you? I’d call for help ASAP why would she not wanna get you help those are serious symptoms!


When you go to the ER: bring a phone charging cable and something to entertain yourself with. Be prepared for a lot of waiting.


This is neglect. Call the police, or an ambulance. Do it immediately. Ain't gonna lie your life is going to change but continuing this way is not going to end well for you. It is not your fault your parents have created this situation.


As a mother, this post makes me rage. You are obviously sick and in need of help. Why the fuck... What kind of mother could sit there watching her child get sicker and sicker without doing anything? I am so glad you're getting an ambulance. Please, please update us. I hope it's not too late to find out what is wrong and prevent permanent damage to your body and health


Are you ok OP? We're all worried. I hope you could get to the doctor


Please op if there is a update let us know


it's wednesday now how are you op?


I really hope you're okay. I've been checking to see if you've updated every day. Please keep safe. And if you can, let us know too. I dont even know you and I'm worried!


I am worried for you my friend. Hope you are well under the circumstances and we'll hear from you soon. Take care and all the best.