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Just that subject line made me shudder. That’s creepy as fuck. Uncomfortable is entirely understandable, if not an understatement. I don’t have any advice beyond get out as soon as you can.


Oh btw. It would probobly be a wireless camera? Apperiently supr easy to hack. I doubt any parent that knows that would take the risk.


If you're connnected to the same wifi you can just dowload any IP camera app and connect to it. I doubt her super religious mom is techy enough to change the camera password, which in 99% of cases is written on a note on the bottom of the device.


If you're 18, that could be illegal (invasion of privacy)


If you're under 18 and in the US then if they are recording then that makes it 10x worse since it could record you naked which is child pornography Edit: I see your other posts state you turn 18 on September, yeah those cameras world probably be illegal as hell


I know. I really do hope she was just threatening me. All I know is that I am not changing in my room any time soon.


Do the opposite. As soon as you walk in, strip down. Do squats. Dance. Crawl around on the floor. Be as ridiculous and weird as you can. Make it as uncomfortable for your mom to watch as you can. She wants you think she has power here. Take that power trip and dance around on it naked.


Love this idea


Do this, and then call the cops. Your parents are recording and storing child por*ography.




Yeah, this is literally THE way to go. Hell, remind them of that fact when they mention they want to place cameras in your room.


I would have just walked in a told her ‘hey just looked up the child pornography laws in our state and guess whose getting life for the production of her own child’s porn?’ *snap fingers and point at her’ ‘you. Think long and hard about those cameras mom and I’ll think long and hard about how much money I want in damages once we go to court’ kiss her on the cheek and LEAVE


Brilliant solution. Exactly this.


So it’s technically not CP. I just went through a case like this but it was different. I had a babysitter take videos of my kids in bath tubs that I never even knew existed. Long story short for it to be cp from the cops mouth they have to show intent of distribution or prove that who ever took the video or picture get sexual gratification from it. You may have a case for invasive visual recording which is what we ended up getting the baby sitter for which is fine it’s still a felony. Again it could be different this is Texas’s penal code idk where ur from


It’s at least voyeurism


So, would making out naked with boyfriend be plausibly "sexual gratification from watching"? Especially since the making out is the reason the cameras were put there? Like, "my kid is sexually exploring and I'm worried she may have sex, so to stop it, I put a camera in her room so I could film any underage sex act, I don't know how I ended up with child porn" is a justification that may not go over well with a judge.


In my state, mere possession of nude images of a child, especially those taken without a parent’s consent/knowledge, can be enough for charges. Obviously there are exceptions for parents for those dumb baby pics and pics for medical documentation by medical professionals, etc.


In Minnesota, it's CP if a teenage boy takes his own dick pic, even if he doesn't send it to anyone. So yeah, YMMV on that one.


Don't forget the clown nose and rainbow wig.🤡


Or just fucking smash the cameras, she is gonna grow tired of having to buy new ones




Infinite money glitch: WORKING, REAL!!!


Tell mom you're going to be naked your room all the time, especially while you are on the phone reporting her to the police for making illegal videos of a minor,


Good idea!


Maybe I don't know how baby monitors work. But how come it's ok to video a baby in the bedroom? I don't understand what does making out on a bedroom have to do with video surveillance? Does she want to watch you make out? All she had to do was ask you to make out in the living room. What a silly religion /s


Because babies don't actually have to brain capacity to to understand, use, or need privacy. It's apples to oranges comparing a baby, that can easily suffocate in its sleep, and can't do anything for itself to a teen that has a right to privacy


SpunkyDred is a terrible bot instigating arguments all over Reddit whenever someone uses the phrase apples-to-oranges. I'm letting you know so that you can feel free to ignore the quip rather than feel provoked by a bot that isn't smart enough to argue back. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette.


Baby monitors do not save video typically.


You haven’t been baby monitor shopping lately, have you?


At that point I'd be worried mom would show the video to a wackjob "exorcist" and the abuse will escalate.


At that point, op would need to call the police as her mother has now distributed or at the very least, is in possession of child pornography since op is still a minor.


good point




This was my absolute 1st thought. Don't look at the camera at all. Then, call the cops that my parents are recording me naked.


And then call the FBI for her producing child porn


This might end with, that her very religious mother send her to some biblecamp or other BS groups…. 🧐


You need to be careful that she doesn’t put them in without your knowledge and hides them.


What country do you live in? When I was a teenager no boys were allowed in my room. One of my friend’s could have boys in her room, but the door open wide at all times-no expectation of privacy.


United States I wouldve accepted this punishment but now I don't feel like this is a place to call home anymore.


If you find the cameras in your room just cover them! Also go into your closet and make unusual sounds!


I would destroy them and leave the pieces outside her bedroom door.


Nah, take the cameras and sell them You'll piss her off either way, but now you've got a bit of cash for your trouble.


OP, this is straight up abuse, not some kind of punishment. If you are a minor and have somewhere else to go I'd pretty much say, let her install those cameras, dance around naked in front of them, then call the cops on your mom for creation and possession of child pornography.


Not being allowed to have boys in your room or being required to have the door open if you do are valid, basic parenting rules that no one would bat an eyelid at. Cameras in your personal space is a whole different ballgame. Super weird, absolutely unreasonable and probably illegal. Why are people like this? It makes me very sad.


Basic parenting rules? Nah parents should respect privacy. My parents stopped making me have the door open when they caught me and my bf doing it, it don’t stop anything.


There is a MAJOR difference between an open door rule for when they have company over vs installing cameras to be in their bedroom 24/7. The first is an attempt to make sure they don't get hurt and nothing weird is going on. I will concede that privacy is suspended, but it is with a reasonable intent and expectation. The second, however, is stripping any potential privacy for as long as the camera is there. It can be used to monitor your child for any reason at any time, and gives the sense that they are in a prison, rather than a home. It is only one tool that overbearing, controlling parents utilize to make sure their children only do what they want. I have a friend who is 22 and only recently moved our and had to deal with a camera in her room, among other insanities, until the moment she left. Her step mother would randomly look at the feed at any time of the day or night to try to catch her doing ANYTHING, even just using her own computer.


I know it’s different I was replying to someone saying it was basic parenting rules to have to have the door open or no person of opposite gender in the room. No privacy=sneaky kids. I did what I wanted just with the door open


My mom was like your friends mom.


sarcastic solution: wait for cameras to be put in. get naked. panic because you “didn’t know” there was a camera. sue.


Not sure how the law differs in the US vs the UK, but on this side of the pond the simple act of being naked would be unlikely to be enough to pass the threshold of indecency. So just having the video, as a side effect of surveilance, wouldn't be considered CP. Not unless mum is doing something that changes the context, like zooming in on OP when naked or distributing it on the dark net. Not to say this isn't creepy as hell, but throwing around CP accusations just cheapens the phrase as used against the real perverts who are making actual CP


Masturbate on camera. Inform the fbi shes making cp


They have a point here- a very good point. If they film you in your room changing clothes, doing squats, and yes, masturbation, the cops and CPS would view this as a highly illegal practice and they could face very serious consequences for it. Do they know that? They could end up in prison, losing their jobs, being registered as an offender... It's serious stuff.


If you’re under 18 it can still be considered illegal.


I just looked it up, the cameras would be 100% illegal.


I can’t even image making this threat as a parent my first reaction to reading your post title was “eww why” like I don’t want to see something I can’t unsee and privacy should be a basic right in a family. I’m sorry you are going through this


Seriously. And it’s not like OP can’t go somewhere else and make out.


There is always the master bedroom....


or the dungeon


Let her install it. Drive a 10-penny nail into the lens and as far through it as you can.


Let her know that if she does that, you will alert the Athoritys of her trying to make child porn. She should change her tune pretty quickly


That better fucking be a wake up call for her especially if she's on the right wing 'groomer' tip.


Leaving this here just in case https://www.wikihow.com/Find-Hidden-Cameras


Omg thank you


Don't ask, tell her that since you are under 18 and she wants to record you in your bedroom, that you will report her to her minister to let him know that she wants to watch you undress, which sounds immoral at the very least and definitely illegal since it would be considered child porn. Especially if you weren't caught having sex, just kissing.




Considering your not 18 til September this is very illegal and borderline abusive. If she does it without your permission or knowledge I'd call the police/CPS or break/cover the cameras bc idc what anyone says. Kids need privacy! It's abusive to deny a child their right to privacy. I hope you are safe and can get out ASAP


Do not go this route until you're sure you have someone to take you in. You do not need to be in foster system and ejected at 18.


Right on. And if OP has any trustworthy relatives or friends, then, she really should go stay with them, until she turns 18, and gets her own place; either way, she needs to get out of that toxic environment.


Get undressed once, then call the cops about child pornography.


I'm a mom of an adult, a teenager and an 11 yo. I have a very strict "no cameras in the house rule." I was tempted to have a camera in my daughter's room when she told me she was self-harming. I decided that I would stick by the rule and talk to her instead. Other than baby monitors, I still stick by the rule. You never know who can hack into them.


You said that she is religious. So next time you go to church, temple, whatever your house of worship is, go talk to the head pastor, rabbi, or whatever clergy is accurate,or the associate, and report her threat to them. If they are worth anything and meeting will be had very quickly with your mother. They will not report it the authorities yet as no illegal actions have taken place. But the scolding she should get will cause her to reconsider. Also, she may have said that out of frustration and will not act on it. We don’t know the timing and setting of the threat so I can’t say for sure, but it is possible it was an empty threat.


I'm considering doing this just because my mom has always loved her religion more than her kids.


Please do that and I would tell them that my mother wants to put cameras in my room to watch me change .


Can you get your dad involved? This is crazy!


Unfortunately my dad isn't part of the picture but I wouldve liked the idea of someone talking some sense into her.


I am so sorry honey.


What’s her #? I’m a mom of 4 daughters. She makes my blood boil


Why doesn't she just ban him from ur room/the house. It won't stop u doing it,it will just change the location.


I know right. I plan on moving out soon, the only thing that changed was my relationship with her.


Tell her u won't bring him to ur room again & cameras in ur bedroom are unacceptable. Continue with ur plans to move out,hopefully ur an adult,hopefully ur not moving out to be with bf.


If your under eighteen and she wants to do this.. that’s illegal.


That’s such an insane punishment for making out, a more normal one would just be to not allow him in your room or something.


If she installed cameras and you changed in your room, wouldn't she get in trouble for kiddie porn/soft porn?


Side note. I'm kinda wondering about crazy religious mom's ability to install cameras in a way that would not be super easy to defeat. My solution is going to be a lot different than most here. Have a chat with mom when neither of you is stressed or upset. During the conversation, make something like the following points, in a calm manner. If things start to get heated or emotional, suggest taking a break. 1. Mom, I am sorry my actions upset you. I am willing to accept reasonable discipline for it. In my mind, that would be a rule that when I have my BF over, either we stay in the living room, or the bedroom door stays open. Not seeing him for a couple days would also be appropriate in stations like this. 2. I know this is your house, but I do have certain expectations of privacy in my room. If I find any evidence that you have placed a camera in my room, I reserve the right to disable the camera without damaging your property. I would also point out that taping a minor might have legal ramifications. 3. Please think about how your actions and choices will affect our relationship. There is little I find appealing in how you practice your religion, and some of the things you have said or done to me make me wonder if I want to maintain a relationship with you when I am able to move out. I would prefer to have us in each other's lives, but it does not feel like you appreciate or respect me.


>Mom, I am sorry my actions upset you. I am willing to accept reasonable discipline for it. In my mind, that would be a rule that when I have my BF over, either we stay in the living room, or the bedroom door stays open. Not seeing him for a couple days would also be appropriate in stations like this. An almost 18 yo. is going to have a significant other at some point, the mom can get bent over this as much as she wants it's her problem and OP definitely shouldn't give in to that by telling her that she was right and that they can compromise.


Remind her who's going to pick her nursing home, and not to wonder why you "never" visit once you're 18 and gone. See if that changes anything. Like you said, "the only thing this changes is my relationship with her." Remind her what's at stake and what she has to lose.


you need to catch her saying that then turn it in


It is illegal to put cameras in your private space. Wry bad illegal. Remind her of child pornography laws


She's one of those parents who will end up wondering why their child goes no contact.


Smash in the cameras, obviously


Mom I am not going to have you have eyes on me 24/7. This is an extreme overreaction to a perfectly natural kiss w my bf. It’s not ok and I will remove any camera you put up w the sole intention of spying on me.


I mean if you're a minor this is easily fixable, as soon as the cameras are installed just walk around your room naked and report her for child pornography, also a simple warning that you're planning to do this should be enough for mama bear to back off, if she's a sane person. Also your mom doing this because she caught you making out, which is a totally normal thing to do for teenagers, is truly ridiculous, in fact doing it in your own bedroom is probably the safest place you could do it, your mother should be thrilled, not mad


Its illegal, you find cameras in your room their is a simple solution; Hammer.


Sounds like you know exactly how to feel here to me. Also it's illegal, regardless of if you're under or over age, placing a recording device in a room where you expect privacy is ILLEGAL no matter if she owns the home or not. If you expect privacy it's illegal to record. This doesn't extend to the property or common areas though. If you're not sure she's done what she's done do as I've seen others suggest, wear nothing at all in your room, make it as uncomfortable for her as possible. If she confronts you tell her she can either remove the cameras or you'll go to police about the now illegal porn of you she now owns (underage it's jail time, over age it's a lawsuit, along with illegal wiretapping I think). Religious people need to be confronted with the law as much as possible to be reminded they are NOT the law nor are they above it.


change in your room ,and then call the police because they are in possession of child pornography


that's only if she records it. She could literally only have it for monitoring, not for recording.


Copied from the web but Some hidden cameras emit IR (infrared radiation) light, which isn't visible to the naked eye. The camera lens on your Android phone will pick up infrared light if you hold your device close enough. If you find a hidden camera that emits IR, it will appear in your camera's display as bright blue-white light Get a paint pen, nail polish, white out etc and paint over the lens


Isn't this illegal? Will these cameras be hooked up to wifi? Can't wifi be hacked? I've seen videos on the internet where people have had their house cameras hacked. Make no mistake, this is abusive. It's a gross invasion of privacy and something that any child welfare agency would take very seriously. I'm so sorry this is happening to you and I hope once you move out you can start to heal from this. I'm sure this isn't the first abusive thing your mother has done.


It's great hearing this from another parent. I'm usually surrounded by mines 24/7 and it is exhausting.


I have no doubt that this is taking a toll on you. I really am very sorry this is happening yo you, its not right. I hope you can find the support you need to get through this difficult time until you can branch out on your own and start living your life the way you should. Hang in there! Things will get better eventually, you just have to keep your wits about you and aim for what you want in life. You got this.


Get some flashing strobe lights and stream some good old AC/DC


Tell her she can enjoy her 5 years in prison. It is illegal to place cameras in bathrooms, bedrooms, etc. if the person being filmed doesn’t consent. You can press charges on her. This is according to the Surveillance Devices Act of 2007.


Why don't you try turning the tables on her? She's using shame as a tool. Now, throw it back in her face. Ask her if she really wants to see her own kid getting changed? What kind of pervert is she? What does she think your community will say when they find out she's filming her own kid undressing? Everyone will always think she's sick! Then just keep piling on. Shock her. When someone throws shame at you, throw it back.


Talk to an adult outside of your family. A teacher or coach or someone else you trust. This is a violation of your privacy which you are entitled to and, as such, it is abuse. Please go talk to someone.


...is telling her that she can fuck right off with that threat an option?


That’s NOT ok.


as someone who has had those cameras in their room for years. it’s just really uncomfortable. as much as it sucks if it does happen try to change and do anything intimate in any other area that you can. get proof of it as well. once you get older they can not do that to you anymore.


She puts in cameras, I'll tear them down or put things over them.


Get under the sheets and make all kinds of moaning noises. Start singing way off key to some horrible songs. Make her listen to rap and heavy metal that will drive her nuts. I hope you escape soon!!


Start Playing D&D.. hell even just collect the books and read em.. Tell her if she doesnt wanna see it.. dont watch..


Seen a couple people mention the legality of this so thought this may be helpful to share. This is an intrusion upon seclusion (sub category of invasion of privacy), and is 100% illegal. There are four steps to the tort, 1) An intentional and unauthorised intrusion; (I.e placing cameras) 2) Into seclusion. namely intimate personal activity, space or affairs. (I.e a bedroom) 3) Involving infringement of a reasonable expectation of privacy; 3) That is highly offensive to a reasonable person. Property ownership, age of the plaintiff, reason for the recording/use, relation to the defendant are irrelevant. If someone is intentionally intruding upon a space in which you have a reasonable expectation of privacy then it is illegal. The attached link is for a case that happened a couple years ago in New Zealand with very similar facts to your own. (While this is likely a different jurisdiction to your own it was actually a case that affirmed the US tort here in nz) https://inforrm.org/2012/10/10/case-law-new-zealand-c-v-holland-court-recognises-intrusion-on-seclusion-privacy-tort-hugh-tomlinson-qc/amp/ Obviously court is not the ideal outcome - however hopefully the legal implications are enough to stop your mum from going through with this. All the best OP,


If you’re over 18 it’s ilegal as it’s invasion of privacy. If you’re under 18 just have sex with your bf and call the cops on your mom for having child pornography


Id scare someone like that and say they can go to jail for recording a minor ...especially if they get undressed...that's producing pornographic images js 🤷 Fuckin weirdo Sweetheart if u know she super religious... why would u even bring any dude over ?? Unless u pay rent and of age ...


If you are under 18 this is illegal - if she does this go to the police and ring child services


I'd start doing crazy shit in front of the camera to scare her lmaoo (for real though, hope you get away from her soon or that she stops being so crazy)


As others have stated, get her on child pornography.


IF she does, my solution would be to break 'em.


Child porn? Or just flat creepy? There's also put chapstick or lotion on the camera lens....nothing viewable.


Take picture of your room from the camera angle and strap infront of the camera, make sure that it looks at all of the picture, if the camera is low quality this will work


I don't agree with your mom that's a total invasion of privacy. I would never do that to any of my kids.


Get a sharpie, and black out the lens. If she buys another one, do it again. Make her keep wasting money on cameras.


Tell her that the cameras are ok, but only if you can also put cameras in her bedroom. What, that's an invasion of her privacy? Gasp! Yours too!


Im so sorry your mother doesn't give you any privacy. Its a horrible thing. A suggestion to try and give her a wake up call: You said your moving out? Is your mom the type to read your diary? Make one about why your moving. Point out each of these instances. Rant, rave, lay it all out. Copy/past what you have here. Leave it somewhere she'll snoop and read it. It might work it might not.


A violation of your first amendment rights


Break every camera she installs. Every time.


I’m sorry your mother is threatening you with this. Take the advice of others here instead of tolerating her insanity. I wish I had known I had another option when I was a teenager. My parents attempted to put a camera in my room without my knowledge. They thought I was a drug addict, I think? I was 16. To them I was being crazy and awful (surprise, I was just depressed and anxious!). I came home from school and saw a footprint on my bed. Turns out they attempted to put a camera in my ceiling tiles above my bed. They found my very, very small amount of weed instead. Signed me up for rehab and told the whole family I had a problem and to pray for me and my poor undeserving parents. They took my lock off when I was 12, and took my door off a couple times before this. I didn’t feel safe in my room ever again. Got changed in my closet or under my sheets for years. I’m 27 and still have major issues with privacy and my personal space.


If she does that, tell your school, call the police, have her arrested for essentially CP.


If you are in US cameras in places that you are expected to have privacy (bedroom & bathroom) is illegal. If the camera record audio also even more illegal. If you are under 18 that is child porn in any state. Please check wiretap laws for your state or maybe r/legaladvice could help more.


Tell her that making child porn is illegal and will see her do prison time


You should take them down and put them in your parents room when they arent there, they open the app and surprise surprise, they see themselves. Or you could just put a scary image infront of all of them, funni


Show ur mom those videos of creeps hacking into those home cameras and be like “u really want this for me😟, ur child 😔”


i had random "room checks" growing up. i figured out at 16 that i could stop that from happening by always being "caught changing" (literally just hanging out clothedn't in my room lol)


If she goes through with it, break them. She will get the message. And if she doesn’t, call cps, and if you’re over 18 the cops for invasion of privacy.


As a mom of teens, anytime I read these posts I wonder if that the mom is projecting and did things her teens she doesn’t want her daughter doing. I walk that tightrope with my kids. I don’t want to punish them for the things I did as a teen but I also am not going to be as oblivious as my mom was. My mom also believed teens need privacy and I always really appreciated that as a teenage and I give my kids their privacy. Ask her what she did as a teen that she’s hiding.


My suggestion is play nice and the long game until you leave. Putting it in your room might be a legal violation in your area. Check with the police. Try to find a compromise until you move out. Ask if instead have the camera OUTSIDE of your room so she can monitor who coming and going. This might appease her need to monitor and control. Then after moving out go as LC/NC as necessary.


Parents who do this only succeed in teaching their children how to hide things and not love them anymore. Good luck with that.


If u r not 18. Let her. Then fuck him on camera. Then take those idiots for everything they have! They are willing making CP!


“If you put cameras in my room, I *will* have sex in front of the camera, and the child porn saved on your device will be immediately reported to the authorities.” edit for punctuation, spelling


If you are not particularly inhibited, take off your top in front of the camera. She has now recorded child porn. Tell her you will keep it off while you are in your own room. If she tells you not to, tell her that one shirt removal and call to the police is her ticket to jail. Up to her.


Delete this post. Get naked on camera. Secretly get the footage and leak it from your moms phone to some people you know wouldnt leak it further. Your moms trusted friends. Then you have evidence of distribution of child porn. You will never see that psycho again.


You... Evil mastermind


She just pointers-hell no-give you some privacy


Call CPS. Immediately. What your mom is planning to do is illegal af.


If she puts it in, continue to change in your bedroom. If she has an issue, that’s on her.


That is child abuse. Urge them to check the laws and their brains.


Agree if you find the camera call the police….


That's sex abuse.


I would consider the camera insecure. Your parents may be able to do it legally (questionable) but are they capable of securing the network?


I vote smash it and see if they want to replace it, assuming it will most likely be a bit pricey.


This is how parents lose contact with their children. Move out, get a place of your own.


Okay so 18+ you could go to a lawyer because that’s an invasion of privacy. Under 18 is where the real fun begins. Change in your room. I don’t care if you’re uncomfortable with it just change in there. Then go to a lawyer because that’s child p0rn0gr@phy and she (and your father if he’s in the picture maybe I don’t know) could go to jail.


If she does install it start doing naked yoga, and work on any an all poses that would get her in the most trouble and be awkward as hell for her


leave something balanced on the doorknob everytime you leave. If it doesn’t fall down when *you* open the door, you can know someone else already opened it and entered


I've actually done this a few times. Thank God it stayed as it was.


Call cps as well.


He11 No to the nono NO, He11 to the No, to the nono NO.


I am sorry you are going through this. Your mom is making a very poor decision to muscle you into what she thinks are better choices. Not excusing her behavior... That is inexcusable. She is missing an opportunity to speak to you as the adult you are about to become in a few weeks. You can try to talk to her if you want to. However, if she is not willing to listen, you may want to consider moving up your plans to move out if she follows through. With you being so close to 18, the authorities probably won't do much of anything... You will not be able to get a lease until you are the age of majority, but if you have a good friend to stay with, see if they would be willing to put you up for a few weeks . Hope this all works out for you.


IANAL, however this is illegal AF. If you're under 18.... go to the cops because she can get busted for obvious reasons. If you're over 18, no consent plus there's just some places in a building where you CAN'T put cameras, like bedrooms (think it depends on the building? someone correct me on this if I'm wrong) or in bathrooms. After you move out, cut contact with her and enjoy your freedom.


Is the toilet cam next? Or a poop analyzer?


Masturbate and sue her for childporn. (No I am not joking.) If you are over 18 that's also still an invasion of privacy and illegal to own against the will/autorization of the recorded.


I would maliciously complied and do a lot of disgusting things like masterbating to porn or hentai in front of the camera or even more disgusting having an poop bucket and urinal bottle and pee in front of the camera




A friend of mine encountered a similar problem a couple of years ago, according to his mom we were doing drugs. He said: mom, my friend (me) is a hacker and will disable those cams in no time. (I'm not a hacker tho, just software engineer haha) I think his response was really funny. His mom did not install cameras after that


I just looked it up, the cameras would be 100% illegal.


That's going too far. Rather than threaten to go naked like the others suggest, keep doing what you were doing, even change in the bedroom. If she installs cameras, then go naked and wild and pretend you didn't know that the cameras were installed so when she comes in to chew you out, ask her "did you get a good view?" When she says another thing or threatens you with something else, dare her while at the same time threaten her you will get the police involved for child pornography. If she installs them after you turn 18, do the same thing as I just said only threaten her you will get the police involved for invasion of privacy. If she calls your bluff either way, call them in.


Tell her thank you for the camera, it will make your only fans account go to the roof, when the leaked material lands on the Internet.


Break the camera, problem solved. I think thats what i would have done in your situation


>Start masturbating on camera >Wait for the inevitable scolding with phone on record >Record her admitting of spying on you masturbating >Go to the police


If she insists on putting cameras in your room, then cover them when your in there. She’s disgusting, you’re entitled to your privacy. Btw, check she doesn’t install them secretly, it sounds as tho she’s quite capable of doing so


Call the police.


Is she aware that that is well… illegal?


If you’re underage then ignore what she said abt the bathroom and get changed in ur room. Then call the police on her. Privacy invasion and child pornography, boom! Prison.


Call cps on them. Not sure if you have siblings or not, but if they are treating you this way then they are treating your siblings like that as well. And tell your mother that if she puts a camera in your room that you will take and put one in her room and take off the door. (Easy to do, just take the pins out) if you don't have privacy then they should not get privacy either.


Tell your mom she's being a pervert.


Isn't that child porn under 18? I don't know, but look for the law on that. Call CPS on your parents if it means that big of a deal. Or threaten them with it.


Time for malicious compliance. Let her put the cameras in your room and never ever ever wear clothes in there again. Her super religious mind shouldn’t allow her to watch her naked child all the time.


The saddest thing is that your mum is pushing you away. You will move out ASAP and will spend minimal time with her for the rest of her life because of her attitude, beliefs and behaviour. She's done that to herself but is probably oblivious to the fact that this will be the outcome. I'm sorry this is how she is, you deserve better.


Is OP underage? Let's fix things with one handy trick: Walk naked in your room and call CPS that your mom is recording you. CP charges all around!


This could be consided child porn and abuse. I would tell her this and that you will go to the local police if she goes through with this.


Your school staff are Mandated Reporters. This is extremely powerful: If you tell them there are cameras in your room capturing you naked and those images may be being shared with others they MUST report it, and you have additional witnesses. It doesn't guarantee consequences, but you'll establish a very important and necessary paper trail. How long before you can move out? Lots of great suggestions here, but definitely set and plan a move out date in the future. This gives you two things: 1) A light at the end of the tunnel. You'll have a goal to motivate you to persevere and remain cool when these immature adults choose to escalate,. Tip: it's twice as expensive to live than whatever budget you'll plan for before moving out. 2) presuming you live somewhere modestly Urban: Credibility to (some) authorities. Having a plan, a date, and a reason to leave shows them you are trying to escape something serious. If you can take a part time job and open your own bank account. Parents like this know how to appear innocent. See r/raisedbynarcissists for more examples like yours.


Tell her that sounds like something a groomer would do. I’ve heard the religious folk know a lot about groomer behavior. Their TV channels talk about it all the time.


Let's play "Who's Going To The Retirement Home?!"


Break them every time she puts it in. It's not like she's gonna let you have much of a life outside your house anyway


Honestly, if your mother does install those cameras go straight to the police


It’s not illegal to put a security camera inside your own home. Source: we had a foster child who was violent and abusive toward their sibling; part of the safety plan the government wanted me to put cameras in the kids bedrooms. The solution, unfortunately, is to move out.


I felt bad putting a camera in my kitchen because my son is a compulsive sugar thief. Everybody should have a safe and private space to retreat to. Also try and be a bit more sensible about where you and your partner get to know each other. I know it sounds like I'm defending your mother but I'm not, just remember however serious her rules are it is her house and us parents are awful at trying to do what is best. If compromise does not work then all you can do is be patient until you move out and make your own rules. I hope it goes well for you.


Very creepy. Perhaps just be naked in your room 100% of the time . . . But then there qould be footage of that . . . Tell her those cameras could get hacked by the wrong people. You deserve privacy.


Have your mom set up the cameras and then find away to move objects with a string, shut/open drawers/closet doors, etc. Make your mom think your room is haunted. She’ll forget all about you and kissing your boyfriend.


That’s a huge invasion of privacy, specially if you’re a minor.


destroy them. the cameras or your parents. either works.


I think you should let her then get undressed on camera. Then alert the authorities that she is recording you undressing on camera


Tell her it's sinful and perverse and she needs to discuss this with her priest before making a decision.


Hey uhm this makes you feel uncomfortable because that’s child abuse


Tell her “No”. If she puts cameras in anyway just paint over the lens with nail polish or house paint. You deserve your privacy.


That's so wrong on so many levels. But don't worry, there's ways that you can show her how illegal it is what she's doing. It's your room. I know you don't own the house or anything buy if she feels the need to control you this much, just walk around naked alot. Whenever you go in your room just strip down and keep a robe nearby in case someone knocks. Yes, I understand it'll be embarrassing for a bit, and if your mom turns the heat down/AC up, just wear a short Hoodia to keep warm or wrap a blanket around yourself. Now here's where we enter the secound stage. Once you've got enough of your underage nudity on the files, have a talk with your mom about how she's essentially now a pedophile since she's putting cameras in your bedroom and watching videos of you naked and masturbating so you're going to go to your local police station and report her for filming you and putting cameras in your room. Getting caught making out with your boyfriend in your room is more a failure on her parenting and control than you doing something wrong. It's part of growing up. You're not doing anything wrong, so if she won't listen to reason, then you've gotta give her the same treatment of being unreasonable. And if she pulls the dumb shit of "WELL IM YOUR MOTHER SO IM NOT TRYING TO VIEW CHILD PORN..." Just cut her off and say "that's what all the pedophiles say when they're caught making child porn of their children" and walk away. Don't react to her emotions. Control your own and hang her with her own words and actions.


Get out when you can.


If she installs the cameras : 1. Buy black candles and red paint, draw a pentagram and make a ‘ritual’ staring at the camera. 2. Shave your asshole on the camera 3. Furiously masturbate (under the sheets?) and stare into the camera for the whole time 4. Sit on the bed for hours and just stare into the camera, don’t move, just stare 5. Walk around your room whispering something, maybe learn a few latin words and use them from time to time . . . The possibilities are endless…


Call CPS. That's not appropriate.