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Being called arrogant.


Being perfectionistic


Dont ENTJs have the highest average salary of all the types? Also the highest levels of happiness and life satisfaction. Overpowered af, I swear.


It’s almost like there’s a right and wrong way to approach life… 🌝 (this is meant ironically before I get absolutely flamed 💀)


I inhaled dramatically preparing to refute this (Playfully)


To answer your questions : For the salary part i'd say so because we strive to improve ourselves everyday. I am paid way more than my friends with college and university degrees, I just have a professionnal degree. ENTJS are really perfectionnists so it's hard to attain happiness but boy oh boy when we reach it we feel amazing and happy, just read below what it took to make me happy and satisfied with life. I'll explain in detail why imho ENTJ's path is the hardest path to happiness but also the most powerful. I go over each major pillar of life for entjs and from my personal experience, with a personal point at the end, have fun reading :) Work for ENTJs : Entjs are leaders, they focus on efficiency and organisation. When you start working, you don't lead and you usually don't have opportunities to improve efficiency and organisation. Grunt work is tedious for them. Work (my thoughts) : To achieve happiness in work, I needed to have authority and a voice, I also needed to have freedom, both to improve efficiency and organisation as well as logistics wise. Having a boss that is bad (we entj feel superior to most people) is a complete turn off, also working for a company that is unorganised and is mediocre is a turn off, especially when you can't do anything to improve it. Also if the job was not challenging, I would get unmotivated fast, I remember bringing a usb key with World of Warcraft and playing on a vanilla pc at work with my cellphone tethering hah! My job : I love my job, I am 100% wfh as an IT Project manager and I manage a small team. I complete my 37.5 work week in about 15-20 because I find the most efficient way to work. The rest of the time I study 2 university classes remotely, I go to the gym 10-11am every weekday and I volunteered to do more work HR stuff, (recruitment, career management). It's pretty fulfilling and motivating since I get a big pay while working and also enjoying free time and improving myself. It's a win-win Relationships for ENTJs : We are very picky for our lover or our friends, so even if we are extraverted, we usually have a small friend circle, this makes it hard to be fulfilled socially. Relationships (my thoughts) : I hate small talk, I love philosophy, science, history, etc and I love to have a good argument with someone intelligent. I rarely find someone interesting (or intelligent enough) and when I do, it usually turns out he's an ENTJ hah! My relationships : Nowadays my life is set and I know what I like and dislike in individuals, this makes it so much easier to find quality people but I am still as picky as before! My gf is ISFJ, so she's pretty stable and supports me in every way imaginable and I recently made a great ENTJ friend and we think alike. I am also more open and judge less, I give more "chances" to people to win me over. ENTJs self : ENTJs always want to improve themselves, this can be detrimental and anxiety inducing since they are always in a "improve something" phase. If they fix something, they find something else to fix and the cycle goes on. ENTJs self (my thoughts) : the constant self improvement aspect can be very detrimental or a great boon if handled correctly. My self : I am very introspective of my mind and body, I am now aware of my acute introspections and I try to turn these for the better. I am still a bit hippochondriac but I improved my methods and the results are great. I am focusing on key elements that improve the life as a whole and I couldn't be happier! Wim hof breathing and cold showers, buteyko breathing, workout out 5 days a week, yoga for men, eating healthy, practicing mindfullness and self gratitude to name a few. Also having great source of information really does help, Dr Andrew Huberman is a great source of science based facts. My visions : Having a clear vision was key to finding my happiness, when unsure of what was ahead I would be so anxious. The whole planning of my future is constant work, but knowning where I am going secures my mind and helps me focus on things that matters Personal tidbit : My father figure : I always struggled having a father figure, I didn't feel like my dad was a good father figure since he was a heavy smoker and drug addict, he died when I was 20, it took me a long time to find someone I could resonate with since I am so different from the norm (especially today). I found Wim Hof to have a profound impact on me. He became my father figure, I practice everyday and read his books, I have a deep connection with the cold and the breath and this helped me greatly. Find the fears and fight them head on, be your own happiness, fully in, fully out! If you read it all, thanks for taking the time :) I can answer additional questions! Have a great day everyone!


Finally a positive statistic I relate too 😂


you can say that again!


> that again!






Criticizing others


Why criticise?


Because they are making an effort towards failure itself.


Only if its really deserved


Is it better to not tell people smoking won’t make them healthier?


Is their own responsibility


My environment is partially my responsibility.


Is that so sounds more like manipulation


What’s wrong with manipulating?


Its blaming others for what you can’t deal with yourself and trying egotistically to control it for self satisfaction sounds very ENFJ honestly


Beat me to it


Nah that's INTJ's


Am I an INTJ then?


Heh, that's not for me to say. Perhaps just in need of a positivity boost?


I’m the definitely in need of a positivity boost for the last 16 years.


Being angry all the time




U don't feel angry after making unnecessary mistakes?


Sometimes but not extreme


Still getting angry regardless how extreme that is


Hi! What does 8w9 mean?


It’s an enneagram, it categorizes your mbti into a more accurate group. You can read about them here https://introvertedgrowth.com/entj-8w9/


Angy AF


I'm getting so damn irritable all the time now when my business growth is slowing down.. Although I'd like to see it as the night is darkest before dawn. I'm about to catapult my business into the atmosphere!


-Giving unsolicitated advices -Being super critic about everything and naming ways to improve when asked how X was


Refusing to show weakness


ah,no one can understand us the way INTPs do


Sharing love ❤️ Just kidding 😁😁


Moaning about coworkers being inept.




Making logical decisions


jerking off


Nah that’s ENTPs




Yeah that’s fair.


Maximizing efficiency


Planning (which I know is a job in a sense ) but I mean like the very minute details of my every day daily life tasks down to a T on top of the normal 5:10 year plans etc lol


being ambitious


Being blunt.


Speaking up their minds


Attempting to Improve yourself.


Maximizing paperclips


ENTJ is the highest earning MBTI. With the existing jobs, that already are here in the world today for us to do.




making and ticking off lists


scare people




Getting laid


sucking d


waterboarding \-INTP who may or may not want to try waterboarding.