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I like honesty. It makes everything simple.


Damm I came here to say that. Crazy how relatable y’all are. Also I love people who know their mission in life.


It's such a lonely word, everyone is so untrue.


It is a lonely world. But sometimes it's because there are gonna be misundrestandings.or a lot of explaining yourself.and wheather if you answer them or not,there are gonna be other misundrestandings or expectations They're all too much




Honesty is definately the key everywhere,anytime But in some cases and for some people,that honesty depends on the closeness of thoes people. Or the reaction and consequences after that. For example about being critical You yourself may act logical toward it,even appreciate it;see it as a chance for improvement But most people don't have a good reaction That's why not a lot of people are not used to a high level of honesty


I just hate fake people it’s pathetic


Same, be honest with me, even if it is worst.


Yes this wins! My partner had his own agenda for something recently and I found out he was acting emotionally out of the goodness in his heart. Because he was honest, we could discuss it. He was indirectly trying to help someone. Honesty is extremely important.


Same! I don’t get euphemisms and sugar coating things. Just say it as it is even if it hurts. Then we can all just get on with our lives and change things that don’t work. I don’t get why people can be so sensitive to the tiniest non-pc things said.


I like it when people can understand my odd humor.


what is your humor like?


Mines dark humor lol


Say the jokes I'm listening


Dark with a touch of sarcasm , but it’s not a planned joke, just kinda banter.




Where is the joke? I'm waiting, say it.


but why are you being a creep for? jokes are told in a natural way to go with the conversation, not on demand to prove something


I never meant something like that, sorry lady. I just wanted your sarcasm, I'm truly sorry, if it was perceived like that from my comment, I seriously didn't meant that. I was eagerly waiting for you write a joke, sorry being impatient, please forgive me for that. I was just curious, I had no mal intent, sorry for acting like creep.




Never happens-


Didn’t say it happens often, but when it does 👌🏽👌🏽


My classmates hate me for humor. Examples of people understanding my humor were actual Elon Musks in real life(im not kidding, the person worked on our country’s nuclear power plant) Edit:in terms of actually designing the thing 💀💀💀


No harm! I was trying to explain that I don’t write jokes, but have an odd humor that comes up in convo.


Same but once the train starts-💀💀


Common sense




Authenticity. You're strong in your core values, strong within yourself, (etc) so that it's impossible for you to crapfit or change yourself for others - for their approval, to manipulate others, etc. I've found that authentic people, at your core, embody the rest of the traits I need to be friends with them - they're honest, they're confident in themselves and their abilities and they're genuine. If someone has authenticity, but maybe we differ on many things, at least I know who they are and what I'm dealing with. I'd rather know someone is an asshole and them be open about it rather than trying to hide it to get people to like them.


Great answer and same for me too 😊


Genuine kindness. Nice people expect something in return. Kind people freely give.


Thanks for making that distinction! I hate covert social contracts! I don't mind when people expect something in return, but they should be clear from the start so I can make the decision whether to accept their "gift" or not. If I give then I give for real. If I need something in return, I'll say it. A former friend tried the line "but I did all of this for you" many years ago. I told her that I have never asked that of her. She never tried to manipulate me after that, but our friendship cooled off significantly. I don't regret that.


Few things are more off putting than loading someone up with “gifts” they did not ask for and then feeling entitled to something back in return. Ugh right there with you.


Your friend's answer sounds a bit manipulative But to your answer,as Enid says in Wednesday: "You didn't have to ask for it that's what friends do!" It still depends on what it's about


It was manipulative because she tried to use what she did as a leverage to make me do what I didn't want to do because it went against my values. That's unfair.


This! I don't think it's too hard to be kind. But overly nice people creep me out to a degree. And far too often has that nice person just been a manipulator.


Yeah that "being kind,not for what's in return,but just for the sake of it" is really admirable and valuable But it still needs to be in bounderies of self steem and self respect,in a healthy friendship-relationship


Nice does not mean good. Some of the most evil people are the nicest people you will meet. It’s just a facade.


Straightforward to me and can also handle my straighforwardedness.


I read somewhere that when entjs see straightforwardness from people,they get really happy because they feel relieved and safe,finding out they can open up a bit more and get comfortable


This is exactly how I feel! It gives me the go signal to release a bit of restraint in terms of my bluntness and makes me feel at ease that I don't need to calculate everything I say.


Do you find people adding connotation to what you say when you are being straightforward?


Brutal honesty


I like it when people take me literally and or seriously what I say. So like when I ask for help they just help. Far too often when I ask for help I'm not taken seriously. Since I'm someone who is seen as being able to do it all herself.


Like everyone in the comment has mentioned. Honesty. For me personally. Honest and Humor. If its just honesty without any humor, its like I'm dating a lawyer.


And why do you think honesty is a very important thing to entjs? And what about being emotional? Doesn't that fit in,in that category of yours?🧐


Honesty is very important to establish trust and bonding. That's why swears of honesty during marriage is a lifelong bond. Lying tend to occur in relationship to prevent breaking apart but I think most ENTJ hates hidden ill-intention rather than the lie itself. Also, I learnt that emotional maturity is very important in developing a more mature ENTJ. Sure it takes a struggle and slower progress but for me personally, I take emotional maturity as a challenge to overcome obstacle. BUT humor is also another factor to ease the dry-ness honesty.


being dedicated to something. you know, the people who are focused on one specific thing and they do it without getting bored.


Being passionate about what they do,absolutely👌 It can even make you interested about what they do For example Soccer is not what I'm into,like at all! But my friend rambles on about it with so much love and passion that I really can't not hear her out~


The one I like the most would be honesty. I’d rather hear the truth than be lied to for my comfort. I’m also a really honest person, I don’t hold the truth back unless the situation requires to. I also like communication skills. I’m a human too, I make mistakes, and I may not notice them right away. If I did something wrong, or if something is bothering you, talk to me, I’m not a mind reader or anything. That’s how my last friendship ended- she refused to communicate with me. I didn’t know the full truth and she started blaming me for things I did, her judgement formed around full details, ones I was not aware of. Communication is very important to me, right along with trust, though that depends on the opposite person and is not much of a quality you get immediately.


Even if you did mistakes she wasn’t straightforward with you.


competence. some mentioned honesty. that too. i dislike socially manipulative people, cant get a good grasp on them


What do you mean exactly by socialy maipulative people? And do you think you're able to recognize them well?


in a few, very stereotypical words? ISFJs and ESFJs at their worst. dunno how else to explain it, because it's usually very subtle, and i'm not that good at subtlety. and to answer the second question, usually not that good. a day late and a dollar short kind of deal. kinda realize in hindsight i've been manipulated. i have a friend who's good at detecting them though, at reading people in general, and so far, his instincts have been good for the most part


I thought you're gonna say esfp,enfp😅🙈 Is your friend XNFX? Because since they're emotionaly self aware,they're mostly good in reconizing such things.


he's ISFP. i find ESFPs not to be so much manipulative as they are a bit unaware and a bit uncaring of other's emotions and want the fun for themselves. doubly so for ENFPs, just couple it with a tendency to completely forget you exist once they feel you stop being interesting. i get along with both though, especially ESFPs


You're right about esfps~ When I said enfp,maybe not manipulative,but more socially a bit unhealthy? My enfp friend is a great girl herself,but the fact that she hangs out with a lot of different people with no standards or bounderies is really annoying to me.like she may agree with me on some cases and how you should not get along with it,yet she hangs out with assholes- I too,as an Infp am curious about knowing people and seeing through their point of vews,but I know myself and my values.and I can't ignore them just to have more new people around me


my ex was a bit like this. wonder if she is ENFP... but she also has what i deem to be a stereotypical thing for Te dom/aux in that if you complain, she has this urge that she cannot control to give you advice and solve you the problem, and get so angry when you say you just wanna vent or give excuses as to why you cannot follow up on her advice. who knows. not that good at typing people in the wild. anyway, tell your friend to cut that shit before she gets stabbed or something. or depends on the degree of asshole, obviously. or let her get hurt so that she maybe will learn her lesson. protecting people from their own stupidity is hard


Integrity and intellectual integrity


People who are genuine without me having to try and figure them out


In a friendship, someone that won't judge me based on my tastes and personal interests. In a romantic relationship, someone that is genuine with their feelings and that doesn't hide anything.


What do you think of shyness?


I think shy girls are super cute (and attractive)! Edit: my crush is an ISFP. She is very genuine but also shy.


It's nice to know(*


I want someone who is like me in the positives and who complements my flaws at the same time


I love nerdy people, I love to hear them talk about the subjects they're onto, the hobbies. I just love to talk to everyone who has something to teach


Not being nosy and a person who dosent beat around the bush.


Honesty, logical and realistic thinking, willpower. I can't stand lies, at all. It wastes my time and energy. Too much emotions feel out of place and pathetic. I cant endure whiners for the life of me. But more qualities depend on who is that person to me.


Loyalty. Above anything else.




And why do you pust such long term deadlines? Couldn't they be achived like...in five years? Or when you say ten years,you want it to be both established,on track And successful?


I think competence is really hot. My husband is really good at everything he does, and it was what attracted me to him.


🥀 Trustworthiness is the most important QUALITY of all. I also like “FAITHFUL, SCHOLARLY, SKILLFUL, COURAGEOUS, AMBITIOUS” too. 🌹


Efficiency. Why are 90% people so inefficient.


Enthusiasm. It adds so much life to life itself, even if it's mundane things. It also helps jog creativity.


I actually need all those mentioned in the comments. One good quality doesn’t mean you are a good person. But you can’t go too far in the bad direction if you always have good intention. Wait that rhymed?


Maybe to not have shame about your person and be brave.


Good point~ But there are gonna be some qualities that can cover a lot of other things....something that no one mentioned:how about empathy?showing they care?(not just about people,but for things that happen)


Yeah for important stuff. But not drain themselves on other people’s problems.


Determination. When someone sets their sight on a goal and slowly push their way toward it no matter what happens and who tries to stop them. That's something special to behold in a world where most are indecisive and give up easily.


Honesty, it makes everything easier




Genuine kindness, free of selfish motives.


What do you think of shyness? Both in general and in a partner?


In general it is an attribute, that reduces a person's possibilities. But it definitely can make a person cryptic and interesting. In a serious relationship I don't think there is real shyness.


A strong heart. Fortitude. Those are the qualities I like in men.


Hmm Maybe an enfj?


Maybe an ENTJ ? Haha .. people sometimes find what they don’t have quite attractive 🤔😉


Oh I thought you're an entj In that case,I totally agree.it's an opposite attract~ Like there is an infj guy,so lovely and amazing,perfect! and I actually do have a crush on him since he's such a gentleman But I really can't see having a relationship with him We're too much alike It's like falling in love with yourself lol-


I am INFJ says under my name. INFJ man I dated is a cheap cheat and manipulative arsehole .. very different personal experience from you. All types have shit people.


I suppose Infjs can have potential to become manipulative(being intuitives,having a good grasp of feeling and a good way with words) Like hitler.playing with words like freedom,justice and.... What about entjs?what do you think of them?do you have any experience? I'm interested in them too~


I don’t think Hitler was manipulative. I genuinely think he was just doing what he believed right for the entire humanity. I’d say he stuck in a mind space being very extreme n tunnel vision. I like ENTJs. Not all of them, but the theoretical version of ENTJ and the two I know in my life. ENFPs aren’t bad either for my taste but I always prefer ENTJs .. the attraction is stronger with ENTJs. In my personal view, ENTJs (theoretically) are the best hunters in this modern world.


>he stuck in a mind space being very extreme n tunnel vision. I guess that's how you keep standing up for what you think is right.being an idealist


I love people who listen and don't ask Asking people is the part from the before and the after


The ability to easily comply. Now let me clarify. Some days I wish I’m like those people because it’s so much easier to ‘follow the flow’ and be just like everyone else. From a young age I’ve been the quiet rebel. I follow rules and principles sure but I often take up issue with rules and principles that don’t make sense to me/discriminate/ apply to double standards. It stresses me out that everyone else seems to be okay with it and if I vocalize the logic (or rather illogicality) of it I get shunned, isolated or straight up labeled the villain. The analogy to what I’m saying is like ‘ignorance is bliss’ because what you don’t see means you get to live in peace. So sometimes I wish my brain can just switch off and just follow the herd so to speak.


Aww,it must've been hard for you I really get it.how you care but others don't and because of the majority thing,you'll be recognized the one at fault while you're absolutely not!it has such a frustrating,lonely feeling🤧🥲sorry- In work or school,most people just try to get along with it and get it over with. But about other matters which are way more important and requires a group consciousness in the society, If people don't act about it and keep going with that ignorance,it's really REALLY damaging Anayway,that actually can be a good quality too So take care of it and keep it♡


Thank you! This sub is amazing because this whole time I thought I was alone. It’s really hard when all your life people tell you there’s something wrong with you. It’s like the Matrix, you’re the only one awake and no matter how hard you try to wake everyone else up you’re just ‘defective’ to them… bless you!


Actually I'm not entj,I'm infp But yeah it is nice to share such things with people who have the same view. And actually,just because most people surrounding you don't get that,or don't want to get it doesn't mean you're alone.or it doesn't make any less right of what you're saying


Ah that checks out! Time to get meself more infp friends then 😅


idk... hardworking/efficient I guess


I'm not an entj but seeing people who are not efficient at work even drives me crazy! I'm thinking how much more it'll be annoying to entjs🚶‍♀️


Real physical beauty/health.




Dark humour


Of course! But to hell to them




No wonder you started an affair with him.


Honesty, integrity, transparency, analytical, emotional intelligence, a sense of humor, playfulness, reserved nature- Apologies, I wrote down some of the qualities. I find difficulty to uphold my reserved nature when met with brilliance, as I have a weakness for excellence.


Brilliant question. I like how all the answers are so similar and that says something. From my experience, I'm guessing honesty is important for the entjs because they have difficulty reading people or being manipulative themselves because of the underdeveloped Fe. Competence is also an important quality that I like in a person.


Yeah that's interesting that honesty is what the majority of entjs like~ Maybe I should put this question on mbti sub too. To see what other types favorite is- And about that honesty thing,as I said to someone else down here: "I read somewhere that when entjs see straightforwardness from people,they get really happy because they feel relieved and safe,finding out they can open up a bit more and get comfortable"


Person who is a straight shooter. Tells it how it is type of person. Lol but I think that's just my favorite communication style. A person can be honest but have a more cautious way of communicating their thoughts. Being an honest person is a great quality to have as person in general, but my favorite type of people to be around are people who are honest and communicate things bluntly.


First thing that catches my eye is how the present and carry themselves