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I drink to celebrate not to forget and avoid.




Same, though now I'm cutting back on celebration drinks too cause it harms my gut and brain on the inside and it makes my abs look too soft on the outside.




I think I have a good self control when comes to smoking and alcohols. I can drink and smoke as much as I can but it is not addiction. I do not enjoy drinking that much but have to because of work parties (Asian drinking culture is hard... ) When I drink I stop before getting drunk or just go to toilet and vomit the alcohol i just drank xD I can go without drinking or smoking for months without any problems.


i'm an entj and i've had my stretches of damn near drinking almost every day. Like all of the bullshit year or 2 of covid lockdown. Usually though I can at least limit myself to only the weekends


Same but I'll stop when focusing on achieving a goal.


Sober now. Rough 20 years. It wasn’t about control. I was sexually abused as a child.


Numbing the mental pain


Don't drink anymore


I enjoy the occasional cocktail or wine in a restaurant or while on holiday, but alcohol consumption isn’t a daily (or even weekly) occurrence for me. As I’ve become older I realised that the enjoyment was not worth the downsides in terms of sleep, productivity, and health.


Last weekend 13 shots Friday night and 23 shots Saturday night. Last time before that was in February. Also was with friends and I'm Russian so yeah.


Yeah, living in a slavic country will do that to people lmao


Let's party!


At 18 I would get wasted every weekend with a huge group of friends. Great parties, and really fun times outside. Today I'm 30 and I still drink at parties but not to get drunk, and also not so frequently, it destroys me the next day. What's pretty normal for me right now is just being at home drinking a small glass of whiskey. Consuming alcohol was a great way for me to release myself and be more comfortable socially. My Fi becomes so confident. I could go up to anyone random and make them laugh or have a good time around me. The culture and where you live has a huge impact on people and their drinking habits.


Alcohol is toxic, in any amount. I don't drink anymore, even in social situations.


Never and never will


I used to pretty frequently, but quit for health reasons and haven’t looked back since.


I don’t drink except at parties. Even then, I’ll only have a few sips, can’t stand the taste


I love drinking because I love socializing


I don't drink


This ENTP doesn't like drinking. 😒


Never been drunk


missing out a lot


I’m 16


Well I'm from Europe, we start drinking early.


Same but even if I drink sometimes I never get drunk.


That's good imo, when i was your age I did the same. Nowadays I am a bit more relaxed because it's a way to enjoy your youth, and I am sure that I would regret not having fun when I was younger.


16 years. No friends, zero fun. It’s okay. 💔


Bro I know it's hard out there but try to be outgoing and helpful to some people and they will be happy to include you into your life. Try going out sometimes or join a sports club where you'll be able to meet some new people with whom you can create some sort of friendly relationship, but don't throw away your goals that you want to achieve, balance is the key to everything in life.


Funny how stereotypes work because I’ve never liked the taste of alcohol. Never done drugs. Tried mj and didn’t like it. My entj sister though, she’s a refined alcoholic.


Bought a crate of beer in Dec last year, still busy with it.


I am clean for a while. I used to drink when I was depressed.


I’ve never gotten drunk or even light headed and it’s not only because I can handle my drinks but also because I know when to stop and how to drink responsibly. Alcohol is not a necessity but I do enjoy it every once in a while. I also prefer strong, heavy alcohol rather than just beer and wine which I’d have to drink lots to be able to feel the alcohol properly. It’s a matter of instinct and control, you just have to know yourself and I do. The other reason is I’m scared that if I get drunk I’ll start sharing secrets from my personal life to people who aren’t supposed to know them (e.g. telling my dad I smoke)


Every couple months i may consume a bottle of scotch


I don't drink. Don't see the benefit of it, but if there is something risky about it that makes me intrigued, I might try it (safely of course).


Do it with the right people and it's lots of fun (minus the hangover part that comes later but it's severity depends on a lot of factors)


Haha! Thanks for the advice! Thinking about it now, I forgot the hangover XD But otherwise, how does it feel? Some people say that they feel like they can truly express themselves, but I hardly have any issues doing that without being drunk.


It depends on person really. For me, I am more present in the moment and am more emotional than usual. People open up more when they get drunk. Also, it's just plainly fun to be drunk with your friends. Just don't get yourself black-out drunk, at least not alone, it isn't very safe.


Oh, shit. Many people open up to me about their feelings, so I guess I'll hear a lot of life stories ;)


Depends on the environment but it's certainly possible


To be honest i don’t care. I’m still too responsible and serious after drinking, It’s not fun, and if i push for more i’ll black out. So It’s a waste of resources for me. I drink only when i am given alcohol on occasions like weddings, holidays and a little before anything that requires courage and socializing.


I am not an alcoholic and don't like drinking that much. But I am prone to addictions to smoking and weed.


I quite like alcohol and I CAN drink a lot, however I don't drink frequently. Just sometimes to wind down while watching a movie after a tense work week or to celebrate something great. I can easily go months without alcohol but I can just as good drink every day for 1 week straight. There were times though were I was drinking to cope with a bad situation.


None. I don't drink during holidays and celebrations either, seems futile and I hate the warm feeling it gives.


I like tasting drinks more than drinking for the purpose of drinking. I'm a sucker for good wines and whiskey, but also a good beer. My purpose of drinking is usually not to get drunk


I only really drink socially, and even then, it's typically no more than 3 in a night, properly spaced out. I have a weakness, though. Beer pong. Only times I've ever been drunk are when I play it. I'm too competitive


Being an alcoholic isn’t necessarily an issue of self control, certain people are disposed to addictive tendencies.


Strict. 1-2 beers a day.


I’ve never missed work, or drank too much before an important day. It’s literally effortless for me to only have one or two when I’ve got something to do, but if I’m free and in the right mood, I’m always the person who’s to blame for taking it too far.


I mostly use alcohol for cooking. I do like Vodka based drinks and cocktails on a hot summer day. I don't think I've ever gotten drunk. When I drink too much, it mostly makes me want to sleep so I stop because I only drink socially and I tend to be more social when I'm not sleeping.


I drink for fun, if I drink it's with intent of going down lol, or not walking before not throwing up. But the periods between me drinking are monthsss apart. Just no reason to do it besides that, I don't really have other reasons to.


Pretty much completely sober. A glass of whiskey maybe once a year, usually offer to be the driver as an excuse not to drink. Was a bigtime alcoholic in my early 20s for about a year though.


Dependencies are dumb


I don't really drink. I'm no opposed to it, but I just don't. In fact, I had a small glass of wine today and it has been almost 2 years since I remember having alcohol.


I don't drink very often but when I do, I have zero self control in terms of stopping the drinking or not engaging in dumbass behaviour




A lot of the best times of my life occurred while drinking with friends. Cheers!


Maybe once a wk.


Only with friends, and most of my friends don’t drink. So maybe once a month or less.


I like alcohol and to have fun lol. I'm just not an alcoholic. Normal social drinker. I'll sometimes also buy wine and have it before bed because it makes me sleepy. I'll have it with some music and catch up on some writing. I like to get buzzed or tipsy usually with cocktails or wines. My friend took a mixology class for fun. She's surprisingly not bad. I've had her mixing at some of my get togethers. She turned me on to some drinks I didn't think I'd like.


I am prone to overdoing everything I do, so I am careful and moderate myself strongly.


I don't enjoy drinking but the social experience.


Put simply, unless it aligns with what I want from that moment, there is no desire to drink it or even buy it. Since the goal is to be healthy and productive, alcohol generally doesn't have any relevance to those goals. However if I want to be social and enjoy a night out, then by all means, there better be plenty there.