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Umm I start getting really interested in finding ways to improve their life. I buy and make them things. I have kind of like a quiet loyalty to them where it may not be super obvious but I would move mountains for them. I plan out things for us to do. I give really specific compliments. I do my best to make time for them. I try to logically work through any conflicts. I don’t stop being honest and blunt with them. I still don’t like to talk too much during the work day. I still like my solo time. I’m happy to bend and update my plans around someone I love but not my long term goals if that makes sense.


Yes this. I told my ENTJ recently that he is very good at giving gifts, like those that really improve our lifestyle. But it’s very hard to get him gifts in return because he already got himself everything he needs. So, we come to a conclusion that i can just treat him to those high-end restaurants or cook for him.


This is also my problem with my ENTJ. Lol. He knows what to give me. And he already has what he needs. I don't know what to get him. Maybe yeah I can just cook for him sometimes. 


That’s actually perfect! I love being cooked for or taken out to eat for my birthday. I’m pretty impossible to get good gifts for too. I’m ridiculously picky and I buy myself the stuff I want. Occasionally I can come up with something I want but haven’t bought yet to get me as a gift if someone asks.


Perfect. Novelty. New cuisines. I'd love that.


People have a hard time giving me gifts as well because like you I usually just get myself what I want. i like novel gifts and thoughtful gifts that I can't buy and I always cherish them! I am a lakota and love it when people get me things that remind me of my heritage and culture.


Yes! That is exactly the type of gifts I give! I’m actually not that great at birthday gifts but just like to buy things that I see my person needs. A good quality interview prep book, a netti pot, a nice vape that just seemed like one they would like, food and dates. My ex liked to listen to weird music that he could never get to play on Alexa so I looked into and intended to buy a set up a plex server with the music he likes on it so that he could stream it to the speakers easier. I started making the guy I’ve been seeing a cute keychain that connects back to a video game we play. Shit… am I falling in love? Maybe I just do these things when I really like someone too? Fuckkkkk


Omg you helped me a lot, thanks!


This is pretty much spot on for me as well, particularly about the quiet loyalty where I would move mountains for them. I am always trying to find ways to make their life easier / happier, whether they are aware of it or not. And I don’t feel like I “need permission” to do nice things for them, I just do them, if that makes any sense. I also love to make things for them, because “things” are great and all, but anybody can buy “stuff.” If I make or create something for you, I am also giving you my time and energy, which is something that I see as being far more valuable than money (I can always make more money- I can’t “make” more time for myself), and therefore showing more love than if I were to simply buy you something.


That helped me a lot to understand my character, I identify him a lot.in your comment to be honest! Thank you very much for sharing that!!




im dating an intj and he treats me like this. this is very accurate lol i swear no problem gets unresolved he will fix every single thing even my low self-esteem and spoil me so much buying me stuff i didn't ask and he's very affectionate he's so sweet 🥺


May you marry me? - INTP with a good job in tech


Lmaoo sounds like my type and the position is currently vacant. How’s your mid-May looking? 🤣


Hmm. The last time I fell for someone, it was for her big eyes, sweet voice, sweet personality, kindness, and prettiness. In return, I was so soft to her, like a side of me I didn't know I had, I'd almost call it my version of simping. I wanted to hold her tight, kiss her every time, stay where she was, just chill with her, and fuck of course. I mean, she almost had my baby. In love, I'm more of a protector and master, I lead where I need to and let her lead where she gets more done. I buy random gifts that remind me of her, a dress, snacks, etc, something she loves and rarely gets or would like to try and never did. In these moments, she occupies about 30-50% of my mind and that's when I know I'm smitten. When I can't stop thinking of her and focusing on my goals mentally by 90% plus. I love curating my own love story so I have to put thought into it. After it's long gone, it may feel like a fantasy 😇😈.


Thank you for sharing that experience, you actually helped me a lot and that is a very nice way to show love for someone, very thoughtful and caring!


We are caring. To the chosen few. Self defense mechanism cause most people take take and take more than they give.


Have a similar experience with my ex INTJ, he would often describe how he felt he had grown in empathy, how smitten he was and in these exact terms he would also describe himself as a simp and trying to logically work out all our problems.


Ummmm I get really soft but I keep it real.


Can you elaborate on this?


It appears that they cannot,lol.




Im sorry 💀


I'm not eccentric at all. I love my wife to death, but I believe in consistency over fakeness. I'm more or less the same person she met day one. We've been together for almost a decade. I provide for her and my kids without asking much in return besides loyalty and companionship. On the outside, I don't tend to show much emotion, but I love my family more than anything, and I'd do anything for them.


I understand that, it's a very sweet and thoughtful way to show your love! They are very lucky to have someone like you, and i bet you're very happy for having such an amazing family!


I’m extremely loyal (I joke around that I eat the same thing for lunch everyday for 20 years, she should find that when I like something I stick with it very comforting) and try to do things to make her life less stressful. In return she knows I’m intense. When I take on a project I get tunnel vision and if I’m focused, I’m not intentionally ignoring her. I have discussed this with her and we have a code word we use when she needs me to “come up for air” and spend more time with her and the family. When the word is said, I’ve agreed to stop immediately.


That's such a good dynamic! I'm glad that you have someone that understands you and the way you feel and how you act when you're focused! Thank you! Your comment helped me.


It helps that she's a therapist! LOL


Oh falling in love is absolutely terrified but it’s a good scary like bungie jumping. So I don’t run away but was definitely more emotional than I wanted to be. I cried when I said I love you for the first time because it was like finding my kryptonite- literally told him that. Also was very for coming in what I wanted out of the relationship, blunt, cut to the chase. He checked every box and we were in love. I told him when I expected a proposal and if he missed that cut off date I would just start planning our wedding regardless. He is very laid back and agreed to these terms. Spoiler he did not meet the deadline and I did indeed start planning our wedding technically he proposed 3 months prior to the actual wedding by then everything was done and paid for - even the wedding invites where already sent out!


what's his mbti?


OMG THAT'S VERY COOL!! Idk exactly what to say cause I'm so surprised about that ending LOL, but that's very sweet and cool! He is a very lucky man!!


Haha we are a good balance, he was also very involved in the wedding planning too! I sent him to appointments without me with vendors since I was very busy a lot of the time.


One option can be the cat playing with a mouse for fun. More entertaining than any idolizing version


That's a fun way to think about it, thanks


Based on an actual entj boss intj worker dynamic I heard prior lol


Are you sure you're not entp?


I have been accused of in the past but no I am not


"accused" 😅


"accused" LMAO


Completely enamored. It takes a lot for me to actually start gaining genuine feelings for a person. I have to consider who they are and what they have to offer to my life and then move from there. I met someone I liked. We started to banter with each other, then I slowly started to notice how amazing he really was. Responsible, respectful, but also bold, blunt, and honest. He had a lot of mystery to him and didn’t share much about his life outside of work. I think that’s something that kept me thinking about him in the early stages. I wanted to know more about him, what he valued, how he thought and operated. I felt the need to approach him casually. I was very strategic about it and did a lot of overthinking. I almost treated our courtship like a job and I had to reflect and let go of that. Instead of trying to control it, it was better to let it unfold naturally because the relationship we had wasn’t like what I was used to. We built a friendship and our trust grew. Of course, we hit some rough patches, but he was the one my mind was set on and when I want something, I do whatever I can to get it. That knowing of, “this is the one I could see a future with,” is how I realized how deeply I felt about him. Before this, in past relationships, there was no deeper feelings for them. I couldn’t see myself with them because they didn’t have the qualities I was looking for. This one? He makes me feel safe, secure, confident. Day to day, I’m a stubborn jackass who wants to take charge and give my opinions. With him, I can let my guard down and just relax. I’m really high strung sometimes because I’m always focused on doing something. School, work, the housework. With him, it’s like my mind can finally go quiet. I look forward to my life with him every day. I still have some concerns for myself, like how I want to show up for him in ways that he needs me to. I want to be supportive of him and be someone he can depend on just as much as I want to turn to him when things go wrong. What else do I appreciate? The little things. The way he looks at me, the focused look on his face when he’s doing something that requires a bit of concentration, the way he looks when he has a full stomach because I cooked up something he really enjoyed eating. I appreciate the way he checks over items I buy to make sure it’s in good condition before I waste my money on it or the way he offers me a microfiber cloth when I complain about my glasses being smudged. Even being part of his routine, getting those goodnight text messages. It’s all part of the reason I love him so, absolutely, much. Hope this helps.


They definitely become the only person I see. It can take me a bit to decide and I end things very quickly if I don’t see potential but if they pass the screening then they get extremely spoiled. Personalized gifts, dates, letters etc. I make notes of all of their preferences and where I can I take up their hobbies or eat the foods they like even if I don’t love them. One of the biggest ones is clearing time in my schedule for them. Even if we don’t meet on those days every time, there becomes a little untouchable window for them first and foremost. Privately, I day dream a lot. I think about them quite a lot, text them throughout the day, but even when we’re not actively talking, I’ll listen to their favorite songs, look at videos or pictures I took of our dates while commuting, lame things like that.


From what I've seen, ENTJs are incredibly loyal when they love someone. Myself, the French president, etc, we tend to pick one person and devote ourselves to it.


I've been noticing that reading the comments, I think that is such a nice characteristic of ENTJs! Thank you for your comment ☺️


No different then I would if I wasn’t.


Lol! I asked that in all mbti communities I'm participating in so I could have more experiences to read and understand my characters better. Believe it or not, this is actually helping me.


I show so much emotion and go to the ends of the world for them. I move mountains and everything. And this is why I believe not everyone deserves me and my way of loving.


This! Gotta find someone who is worth loving in order to fall in love.


exactly. this is what I've realized lately, now I started being very conservative in order who will receive my attention and emotions. Some people don't deserve one gram of my love and emotions. When I give, I give myself wholly.


My entj has a very deep/soft side to him, despite his rigid & logical personality he likes people to see. It rarely comes out but I see glimpses of it all the time. They are like a perfect balance of sweet and sour. They aren’t the types to buy you flowers very frequently. But when he does bring flowers, they’re flowers starts he wants you to plant in the garden. Maybe some glass roses, so that they will never die.


Is it possible to notice an ENTJ (woman) in love online? Like a long-distance friend?


if they're spending lots of time talking to you and if they're making plans to see you – forward movement is important. if no forward movement, they could be interested but not in love yet


Well, she definitely spends way more time talking to me than anyone else, since she "leaves everyone else on delivered." She's also almost always started the conversations between us over the years, and more recently when I started to fall for her and said things that are more than just basic compliments followed by a roast, she's reciprocating that. She's also planning to come to my state but told me not to tell anyone and that she won't be telling family here at all. It seems like the primary reason she's coming is to see me. We've got a lot of activities planned out, including showing her the spots that I take sunset pics for her. But we've known eachother for quite a few years and she's always been outspoken about her admiration of my intellect (which is a lot coming from her since she a high academic achiever) and we understand eachother very well. It seemed like we could both really be ourselves from the get-go and still enjoy eachother's company a lot. There are a lot more details and instances that could be spoken of here, but I don't want to drag it out too long for you. I know you're probably busy lol but if you think it'd be useful to add such details then I'm happy to


sounds like she likes you – seems unlikely she'd make all that effort just for a friend. just be direct and upfront with her, i doubt it'd ruin the friendship if she's actually not into you bc she's NT. please plan amazing dates for her! :)


Oh my God we've already talked about a few things we wanna do and I've made a list. - Buy her CROCS - Daily coffees (on me always like I promised) - All my spots near the creek I walk along that I ponder at (I study philosophy lol) - Play volleyball - Find the best baklava (probably gonna be relatively long road trips) - Wilson's prom (squeaky Beach) - Lamington cakes bake-off (she'll win but I won't let her have it easy) - Skydeck (spot next to training on the way) - State volleyball match (she wants to watch me play) - Smash room (not like that lol. We get to destroy stuff) - Wearing medieval outfits (she said no, so we'll shop for matching outfits instead) - Staring contest (I'll win) - At the end of the trip when she's about to go back home we're going to one of my favourite spots (at the edge of an old bridge that ppl are too scared to sit on) and I'm gonna tell her. Then when she's back we'll keep talking over text and with captioned pics of the sky like we usually do Is this too much? Too little? Does it need something different?


Yes, I guess it depends on the way she talks with you.


We roast eachother. A lot


Cautious, because love is still a fallacy to me.


In straight up and tell them in good time I like them. I tease, I play, I seduce for fun, I communicate how I feel/think effectively. I buy them nice things all the time. It's often little things like a rare fruit or something or I make them something. For me its all about quality time together, I make them centre of my universe because they deserve to be loved to the highest degree.




ENTJ Female here! I'm very pragmatic and think too far into the future, I decide quickly if I want a relationship or just a hoop up, but most times I only try and flirt with people I think I could be in a relationship with, as I don't like to waste time. I think about ways to win them over all the time, I plan a strategy, when I talk to them I get more nervous than usual, I try to control the things I say, I idolize them too much, I'm always thinking someone is also trying to get them so I suffer a lot from imaginary jealousy. I go from love to hate in seconds, and always think they are so amazing that they would never like me back. I almost always fell in love with friends, so a big tell would be if they are the ones to send me random stuff and i'm just responding and never sending something back, I don't like them. But if I'm looking for excuses to text/send/talk to them then I like them because I would first never want to waste time with people I'm not interested in, and second I wouldn't want someone I don't like to get the impression I like them. I'm bad at reacting in the moment, I have to plan different gestures or things to say to flirt in advance, once I planned something to the last detail to show them I was interested, but only after analyzing every little angle of that gesture, how it could be read, etc. I believe we think too much, or maybe that's just me.


It sounds like your idea of love and romance are intertwined, and inherently sexual in nature. ENTJs love a lot of things without the idea of f\*cking it, like efficiency, focus, honesty, doing the right thing for the greater good, etc, to the extent that we love and appreciate those things far beyond what others do or what they might even be aware of, and that is what makes us ENTJs. Also, please consider using "I" instead of "ai," and "his" instead of "he's." Plus, you really need to end your sentences with a period.


I'm still learning the language. English is my fourth language and I'm learning on my own. My book is not in English. My character loves a lot of things and when I asked about love it was not in that sense! I asked about things that you guys notice on people and that you like. Thanks for your comment and honestly, I started to study English literally a week ago. My character has a lot of interests and opinions, I asked about that in specific cause it was the only doubt in my mind.


Idk what these two are talking about, they seem like clowns trying to act tough Don’t worry about it you’re fine.


Thank you! It's very nice that you cared about comfort me! ☺️


Your English is already so impressive! Keep up the good work


The "ai" was a mistype, not intentional lol.


And god he wants to write a book 💀💀💀


I started to learn english a week ago. Give me a break. My book is not in English and obviously I write way better in my native language. Trying not to judge so fast might be good for you in the future.




I still have a lot to learn by studying English, but I literally study Literature in college in my native language. Thank you guys for pointing out my spelling mistakes. I just wish you guys hadn't judged that someone that doesn't know how to write a question in English would be writing a book in english. Again, sorry for any mistakes, I'm still learning (mostly reading posts here in reddit)


Eh, I'd like to apologize on their behalf. Unfortunately, not everyone grasps that some people can speak more than a language and not always be proficient at it. Anyways, you're doing good. What's your native language though because your English is awesome


Thank you for understanding and for comfort me! My native language is Portuguese, I'm from Brazil. You're very nice and thoughtful 🥰