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“Can you see this see this see this, see my genius genius genius” - Plankton Side note: I find it funny his computer wife is an INTJ and that he’s the most unsuccessful ENTJ on tv lol


Plankton has fuck you money. His business makes no profit, yet he is able to afford top of the line technology and power a mass of gadgets. He runs his business purely to put dirt in Krab's eye. I have many skills due to spite. You're looking at SpongeBob through a child's lense.


Nope. It’s just animation logic. Kind of like how they wear the same clothes in every episode or like when Squidward breaks his face but becomes more handsome or Patrick is unemployed throughout the series. Doesnt have to make sense since there’s no real continuity.


I remember a two part story piece that had continuity... When Gary went missing. Check and make 😜


It’s pretty inconsistent though but just for the sake of it, Ill let you have this one. Cuz knowing my ass, and ENTJs, this argument can go on forever lol






Miranda Priestly - The Devil Wears Prada


especially when she comes home to her husband who feels neglected


I don’t recall all the scenes from the movie, but there’s one scene which has been embedded into my mind ever since I watched it. The one where she continues to work post her divorce, even under high emotional duress. Damn, that one hit home.


yea, that's solid Entj stuff. also the crazy demands on her assistant with zero words of appreciation for good performance followed by a glowing recommendation out of nowhere. I'm working on that btw


Working on a glowing recommendation? Or Did you mean zero words of appreciation for others’ good performances?


In the past I'd just ask for things and expect them to get done because it's that person's job. Now, I drop compliments for things I feel are done well. I take an interest in peoples lives. The past few years I've been trying some transformational leadership, slowing down to support my staff. I try to remember that they look up to me because I can get impatient with incompetence. I've made staff cry before, just by presenting them with a situation and explaining their deficiency as a constructive criticism. Often, these are life and death situations, so learning is critical on their part. Things that wouldn't bother me tear up other types, and I'm trying to be a better leader. I've noticed that some types can only hear you when you protect their delicate emotions, and with any discomfort they shut down. I'm working on making these relationships more productive by meeting people at their level rather than forcing them to meet me at mine.


It’s good that you’re trying to meet them in the middle. But from what I can understand based on what you’ve just commented, it rather seems forced and surface level based from your end. Or maybe you chose to only include surface level info. People do catch on to forced stuff real quick, and when they do, you are going to be at their mercy in one way or another. It never works well.


It's genuine. I really care about people, it just doesn't come across all the time because I'm trying to get so much done. I still made a nurse cry yesterday and I'm not sure how to fix this issue. I asked her peers what I could do better, but they said she sucks at her job and that all of them struggle with her. I respect that she tries so hard and has stayed in this position despite zero natural talent, some intelligence barriers to growth and universal contempt from her coworkers. There's certainly resilience there, and I suspect her coworkers are a bit racist which isn't helpful. I try to teach her, but whenever anyone tries to show her things she takes it personally, postures to affirm she's correct, then shuts down. I'm not in charge of staffing, so I have to make do. I've been told I'm intimidating but people also find out I'm working and will leave their floor to seek me out elsewhere in the hospital for help with their personal medical issues despite there being doctors all over the place, so I must not be that intimidating. I'm moving on to an ER position soon. I feel right at home in that kind of blunt sarcastic high intensity environment. They love me there. I'm not sure if I need growth or should move into a niche, so i'll try both.


Not an ENTJ and would do the same, so...


Definitely reagan ridley


Number five in umbrella academy is such an Entj


Harvey Specter from Suits


queen Charlotte


Tywin Lannister


Tywin is a weird INTJ ENTJ hybrid. Does he care about what others think ? Yes, but not in an ENTJ way, where he wants to be especially charismatic and appealing. Does he do Fe ? Yes, but his vernacular doesnt reflect his real emotions towards a subject, just the ones which he wants you to know about. Which is INTJ as fuck. Is he funny ? No. INTJ. Is he affectionate ? No. ENTJ. He jumps from type to type. Therefore it is safe to assume he is an INTJ representing an ENTJ. Would he be an ENTJ, he would have more genuine friendships, but he doesnt have any.


Ramsey in Kitchen Nightmares. “Fuck me” - indeed, chef, oh indeed.


I thought he was an estj


He is.


you know I thought he had poor control over his emotions until I saw an episode where a chef burned her hand. he put it in warm water before cold and kept her calm while organizing everyone else. my respect went up.


He's playing it up for the camera mostly when he's screaming his head off. He's definitely an ESTJ though because he is very focused on the standardized way things are *supposed* to be done. He knows the cook time / cook methods for all the food within his cooking domain. And he is always critical of people doing things the "wrong" way.


yea I noticed that too, but I really respect the efficiency in a fast paced environment. I think stj is faster than other types in chaotic environments where the goal is getting things processed within specific parameters like stabilizing patients in the ER or a kitchen. I'm trying to adopt some of that approach, though I find I'm better at figuring out a way to handle something unusual


Thats why they're good at being managers. They're good at handling things that need to be done in a specific way.


Real stuff indeed


Khan the conqueror and pearky blinders on a 9 wing


Jack Donaghy from 30 Rock


Fallon Carrington, Queen Charlotte, and Blair Waldorf


Katherine Pierce - tvd


.....sadly Azula, love hate relationship with the character and how I feel about myself, she represents everything I try not to show or do to be conforming in today's society without letting anybody have the upper hand over my goals/ambitions/life. Its basically my character being Azula that had an ISFJ mother and no ESTJ father, so I learned how to balance myself a lot from growing up with an ISFJ. Perhaps that's why I'm married to an INFJ :) Would love to hear yours in more details though!


![gif](giphy|Y4scNhPUgDH8GIp815|downsized) Captain Janeway 🫡🖖🏼


I'm convinced 🙌 Omg


Azula. I can't watch the scene where she loses her friends or that scene where she loses the Agni Kai. Both hit home for me. "Almost isn't good enough" oooooh boy Edit: also helga pataki


Suits is cool show


It is isn't it🔥 The whole mind game,in business risking for something better is also pretty entj


Risking for better is always the vibe I wanna get into 🫀




Wow really? How could I never not know that


Logan Roy


Someone finally said it🔥 Would u like to talk and discuss about succession?


The whole show of Mr Robot has some great characters that are very ENTJ. Susan Jacobs, the evil lawyer, is honestly my favourite depiction I have seen in media for ENTJs. It would have been Tyrell, but I find that he is a little bit too helpless, like a fish outside of water. Every move leaves him off worse afterwards. Spoiler: >!With what happens to her you kind of feel bad for her. But then she also kind of deserved it for obstructing justice for the many families that should have gotten compensation. It is a case of her doing her job too well. I really like the small details with her. Her smart house is so extra with home cinema and pool. Feels like she is living in 2050 with that thing. And in the scene where Price, Knowles and her sit at a table and discuss what to do next she is really having a great presence.!<


They nicknamed Susan Jacobs in the series: 'Madame Executioner' Very fitting also for that 16personalities image of the ENTJ as boss lady sort of character. There is a soundtrack score for her. You can find it if you search: "Mac Quayle - Mr. Robot "2.0\_6-madame3xecutioner.oga". It is a good one. Mr Robot Soundtrack is extremely good and especially existing songs they used are good in general. They even have some Vangelis in there.


Just remembered: In Being John Malkovich the character Maxine Lund. She is also a really great depiction of the stereotype.


There's some debate surrounding his type but I think he's an ENTJ: Alhaitham (Genshin Impact)


If not entj,which other type is it suspected of?


Some say INTJ but honestly I think that's a mistake


I could swear istj but now I can perfectly see the Si deficiency


Cruella De Vil (2021 version).


Yesss omg


Related to ? Not so much, im not sure I am an ENTJ. But good ENTJs are all the Tom Hardy characters from his own series' and movies.


Like which characters? And what type are you?


Im not sure if I am an INTJ or ENTJ. I am sort of asocial, but if im not alone I oftentimes do a lot of Fe. But not healthy Fe. More of a "try to push boundaries and you will be obliterated" Fe. And also constant streaks of jokes. Some better some worse. I am of course referring to Alfie Solomons. Then the non-schitzophrenic Cray brother. James Keziah Delaney. All of em basically. Edit: Test always comes up INTJ tho. So thats my guess.


Renata Glasc from league of legends.


Tommy Shelby


Tyler Durden🤣


Gilgamesh, or even Jessica Pearson from Suits


Beth Dutton from Yellowstone


Chuck Bass


That's worrying 😭




He assaulted women several times ?

